New OS X Trojan.

Hi all,
Just to cheer you all up, over on the MacRumors site there is talk of a new (the first?) OS X virus.

All goes to prove, if you don't know who is sending you an attachment, or how you got an attachment, don't open it up. Check the sender first that they meant to send you something before opening the attachment, if it is anyone you don't know, and you are sure it isn't spam. If you are sure that it is spam, you shouldn't even open the e-mail.

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  • New Cridex Banking Trojan variant Combines Data Stealer and Email Worm

    Hi Team,
    In an effort to infect large number of people, cybercriminals have developed a new malicious software program that contains functionality to spread itself quickly.
    Geodo, a new version of the infamous
    Cridex (also known as Feodo or Bugat) banking information stealing Trojan works in conjunction with a worm that sends out emails automatically to continue its self-spreading infection method, effectively turning each infected
    Windows system in the botnet for infecting new targets, Seculert warned.
    Here again, Our Securiry team wanted to know whether FEP able to detect this Malware or not.
    Please let us know your update on this.
    Sudam Bisi

    There are many ways which FEP protects you against different kind of malwares, for example using heuristic detection and behavior monitoring , it is possible to detect even unknown malwares. The issue with new malware and cybercriminals is an on-going issue
    and for this reason you have regular updates.
    If you have sample of this threat, you may submit it to Microsoft Malware Protection Center:


    Just a question about JAVA.
    Can the JAVA language be used to create trojan, keylogger, virus etc..?

    Trojan: (i.e. something you trick an end user into running)
    Java would not be the best choice for a trojan, as it requires the JVM installed, which many machines don't have. You could target MacOS X machines.
    Keylogger: Not without JNI. At which point why bother writing a GUI in Java?
    Virus: (i.e. something that spreads on its own) No, a Virus would rely on a OS native feature for self propergation. (such as a error in Outlook, or sending junk to a certain port).
    You might think that Java Applets are a good target envorement for Viruses/trojans. Java Applets run in a very tightly controlled sandbox.

  • A new Linux-oriented Trojan: The BillGates Linux Botnet

    Link:  Versatile DDoS Trojan for Linux
    I don't know how many real viruses and Trojans affect Linux (if any at all?).  I do know, however, that this particular bit of malware is extremely sophisticated and was definitely not the work of an amateur or skript kiddie.  The article contains many links to other virus info and shows some of the actual code that went into the virus.  I suspect some of the programmers on this forum might be curious about the code itself.  I read most of the code published in the article but I confess that much of it was over my head.
    Edit:  Forgot to mention that the original article where this link appeared is here:  Hackers seed Amazon cloud with potent denial-of-service bots
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-08-04 17:22:17)

    @drcouzelis, I wondered about that too.  No, I didn't see any mention of how it is spread on either article.
    [edit] And, as an addendum, here is a very current piece of malware that also infects Linux and other OSes:  meet-mask-possibly-the-most-sophisticated-malware-campaign-ever-seen
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-08-04 20:33:28)

  • New iTunes update gave me 2 viruses?

    Not sure whats going on but while i was installing the new update for iTunes, Quicktime, and mobileme my anti-virus freaked out and says i new have 2 Trojan horse droppers on my computer. Anyone know anything about this? Help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

    Nothing has been said because it is extremely unlikely that you picked up a virus from the iTunes update. It is common for some anti-virus software to issue false alerts. This has happened in the past with some iTunes updates (and updates for other programs as well). The anti-virus software will sometimes mistake perfectly valid update files for viruses and issue the false alarms.
    I saw in another post of yours that you are using AVG. That is likely the problem. AVG has a really bad habit of issuing false alerts like this. To be honest, you might want to upgrade to anti-virus software from a more reliable company.

  • Trojan.Yontoo.1  is out there

    for information purposes there is a new trojan out there ers-on-os-x/
    be smart folks

    Yontoo itself is deceptive adware/spyware, but not malware in the true sense, because the the privacy policy and terms of service on the developer's website disclose what it does. Few of those who install it will read those policies.
    If Yontoo is packaged with something else in an installer that doesn't notify the user of what's being installed, then that installer is a trojan.

  • Strange gaps in Header and Footer

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    here is the markup page;  (followed by the CSS)
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        <h2>Don't feel alone when your computer breaks.  Computer problems can leave you in the dark about what is wrong.  Help is a call away.</h2>
        <h4>Our tune-up and repair service consists of the following;</h4>
    <li>Operating system updates</li>
        <h5>Operating system updates help the security of the computer and can add features that the manufacturer has been working on to make the life of the end user easier.  Updates come out as frequently as every couple weeks on some operating systems.</h5>
        <li>Programs audit</li>
        <h5>Many <a href="software.aspx" title="Go to our software page" target="_self">applications</a> get added over time and can slow down the performance of any PC by taking up processor and memory resources, not to mention hard drive space.</h5>
        <li>Security overlook</li>
        <h5><a href="virus.aspx" target="_self">Anti-virus</a> definitions need to be kept up-to-date.  New viruses, spyware, trojans, and malware are always being introduced into the wild (the internet is a jungle).  Anti-virus applications need to be kept updated as well.  Subscriptions to paid providers can lapse and updates can be left behind for months if not years (I've seen it happen).</h5>
        <li>Anti-virus fine tuning</li>
        <h5>Many anti-virus programs are bloated applications and won't stop annoying the user with pop-ups and information.  Many users also never know when and how often their anti-virus is scanning.</h5>
        <li>Browser configuration</li>
        <h5>There are literally hundreds of options in your browsers settings for security and optimization.  Fine stunning these can in some cases increase surfing speed.</h5>  
        <li>Start-up & shut down optimizing</li>
        <h5>If your like most people, your PC never starts up fast enough.  Get a thorough audit of what programs and services are starting with your computer and optimize them to increase speed.</h5>
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    3. If font sizing is changed in differing amounts on each div instead of on the overall design (ie: #sidebar1 is given a 70% font size and #mainContent is given an 85% font size), this will proportionately change each of the divs overall size. You may want to adjust based on your final font sizing.
    4. The #container div is not necessary for this layout at the 100% width. You may want to use it to create faux columns or limit the width of the layout.
    5. It is not neccessary to have the 100% width on the #container div since, by nature, a div takes up 100% of the available space. It is here so that if you want to decrease the size of the overall container - perhaps leaving a bit of margin on each side - this will already be available for adjustment.
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    1. Be aware that if you set a font-size value on this div, the overall width of the div will be adjusted accordingly.
    2. Since we are working in ems, it's best not to use padding on the sidebar itself. It will be added to the width for standards compliant browsers creating an unknown actual width.
    3. Space between the side of the div and the elements within it can be created by placing a left and right margin on those elements as seen in the ".thrColHybHdr #sidebar1 p" rule.
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    1. If you give this #mainContent div a font-size value different than the #sidebar1 div, the margins of the #mainContent div will be based on its font-size and the width of the #sidebar1 div will be based on its font-size. You may wish to adjust the values of these divs.
    2. The space between the mainContent and sidebar1 is created with the left margin on the mainContent div.  No matter how much content the sidebar1 div contains, the column space will remain. You can remove this left margin if you want the #mainContent div's text to fill the #sidebar1 space when the content in #sidebar1 ends.
    3. To avoid float drop, you may need to test to determine the approximate maximum image/element size since this layout is based on the user's font sizing combined with the values you set. However, if the user has their browser font size set lower than normal, less space will be available in the #mainContent div than you may see on testing.
    4. In the Internet Explorer Conditional Comment below, the zoom property is used to give the mainContent "hasLayout." This avoids several IE-specific bugs that may occur.
    .thrColHybHdr #mainContent {
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    Your HTML code contains conditional comments for IE.  Try reducing or removing the extra padding and see if that helps.
    /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
    .thrColHybHdr  #sidebar1, .thrColHybHdr #sidebar2 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .thrColHybHdr  #mainContent { zoom: 1; padding-top: 15px; }
    /* the above  proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid  several bugs */
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Der Server unter xn--3gaoo7i}k}-qra1vq0a0a0fxgnb0jq3kiz40a konnte nicht gefunden werden. How to kill?

    Fehler: Server nicht gefunden. Der Server unter xn--3gaoo7i}k}-qra1vq0a0a0fxgnb0jq3kiz40a konnte nicht gefunden werden.
    This information ist always coming after EVERY action in firefox. In a new session. I didn´t find a way to kill the process. I have no virus (NEW search and destroy and AVG said). Perhaps a new form of trojan? I reinstall firefox, kill all the personnal info. A way to stop this?

    Do a malware check with some malware scanning programs on the Windows computer.<br />
    You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.
    * - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * - SuperAntispyware
    * - Microsoft Safety Scanner
    * - Windows Defender: Home Page
    * - Spybot Search & Destroy
    You can also do a check for a rootkit infection with TDSSKiller.
    See also:
    *"Spyware on Windows":

  • I have received an email from a friend with a link which I clicked. It directed me to the google home page and I am now suspicious that it is a virus  or a Trojan horse. I would know what to do on my PC but am new to Ipad. How can I check?

    I have received an email from a friend with a link which I clicked. It took me to the google home page. I am now suspicious that my friend's email account has been hijacked and the link contained a virus or a Trojan horse. I would know what to do on my PC but am new to the IPad. Can any form of Trojan horse be planted on IOS 6 or am I worrying unnecessarily? Reassurance would be most welcome as I do use the IPad for checking bank details and web purchases. Thanks for any help.

    PC virus won't run on iPad.

  • New Trojan Horses

    Last night, I made the mistake of downloading an app called "Wine" and "Winebottler". These are apps that allow Windows programs to be played on Macintosh without installing Windows. I ended up with 13 new OSX Trojan Horses on my Macintosh. These apps kept on installing add ons to the iTunes Store. I knew I was in trouble immediately, I guess, by instinct.I had also installed Wineskin for the same purpose, but I don't think that was the problem as I found no Trojan Horses associated with this app. I had my security set to download from App Store and Trusted Developers only. I am now going to upgrade my security to download from App Store only now, but I don't know for sure if that will help.
    Luckily, I had Kaspersky on my Mac, and it kept on finding Trojan Horses on a full scan. I had firevault on and iCloud on. I am wondering now if my iCloud account is infected. I am currently erasing my whole hard drive and reinstalling. I will not turn on iCloud until I get some advice. For those that are unaware, I know we are in a cyberwar. I don't know where these apps originated, but I wanted the community to know this. I've used Macintosh since the first day it was available in 1984. I've never had troubles with viruses and Trojan Horses like this, except for two that were found by Kaspersky a couple of months ago and were easily found, isolated and disinfected. Not these. Most were easily disinfected: all but two. I had to restart the computer and Kaspersky got rid of them. Kaspersky is a great program, but I wasn't sure if it got rid of everything, which led me to erase and reinstall.
    Please inform my about how secure iCloud is against attached viruses or should I delete my account.

    etresoft wrote:
    straycat23 wrote:
    I downloaded from
    I doubt that because WineHQ doesn't have any Mac versions of Wine available. They distribute Linux binaries and source. If you downloaded a Mac version, it must have come from somewhere else.
    As soon as I downloaded it and the Winebottler, I knew I had problems.
    I took your earlier advice: left OS10.9.1 in place and turned iCloud back on. I hope I made the right decision. I did not delete Kaspersky because OSX did not delete the Trojan or prevent it from being downloaded. Kaspersky did.
    But you are in a catch-22 situation here. These forums are full of people reporting problems with computers and antivirus is a very common cause. By comparison, there are far fewer people reporting problems with trojans. Are these programs really trojans? And even if they are, would they cause as much trouble and be as difficult to remove as antivirus? I doubt it
    As far as I can tell WineHQ must be a trusted developer, because that is how my computer is set as I previously stated.
    I would definitely consider WineHQ to be trustworthy (more so than antivirus vendors) but they definitely do not have an Apple Developer ID that would enable them to distribute software past Gatekeeper. Someone malicious may have repackaged Wine, added trojans, and signed it with a Developer ID. The only way to address that problem is to identify where you got the software so that the illicit Developer ID can be revoked.
    I did not download these programs to play games. That's for Millenials. I downloaded these because Windows is a disaster, and I didn't want to load Windows on my computer. There are Windows programs that there is no equivalent in Mac.
    It doesn't matter why you downloaded them. If they are Windows programs, you are going to have to run Windows. Wine is a cool project, but very little software actually works on it.
    I also deleted Adobe Flash Player as was advised in another thread. Now I can't see instructions in YouTube. Does the App Store have a recommended flash player to see You Tube?
    Download Adobe Flash directly from Adobe and installer. Then download the Click2Flash Safari extension: so you can avoid Flash, if possible. If you ever get any Flash popup asking for an update, always close it - always. Then go to the Adobe Flash site yourself and see if there is an update and download it.
    I downloaded the program from WineHQ. It's in my history. I went back and looked today. I don't think Linux has an iTunes version. I downloaded a program I didn't request that attached itself to iTunes. This is how I knew I had problems.
    I appreciate all the advice: dismissive or not. It did give me confidence there's nothing wrong with my computer. I just don't have faith in Mac like I used to. I'm guessing that the trojans were not real, but I'm glad I had a device to delete the false positives, if for no other reason than it made me feel better. Any website can be attacked by hackers. Maybe that's what happened to WineHQ.

  • Trojan on my old computer - Itunes on a new one?

    Hello my fellow Itunes-lovers.
    My old computer has recieved a trojan horse, which has it going completly down. So I am using a laptop instead. I have all my music on my Ipod Nano, and would like to upgrade it with new music from Itunes.
    My question is, can I download Itunes on the laptop - registre with my old user and password, and use my Ipod together with Itunes as I did with the old computer?
    Kindly regards

    I have now downloadet Itunes to my laptop, but when I tried to synkronize the Ipod and Itunes (the new on my laptop) it says that it is not possible to transfer the music, which I have bought on the old computer. No less my other music which I have in Itunes through my cd's hasn't either transfer to the new Itunes on my laptop.
    What to do?

  • Trojan In new PC Suite Release?

    I was just prompted to dowload new version of PC Suite to my N95 8Gb, "Swedish" v. when finished, The install started and my virus program jumped on a possible trojan threat. It warned about a "Trojan.Bancos"
    Anyone that has any ideas about this....?

    I'm having the same problem with Nokia MM.
    Fresh install of XP SP2 and PC Suite 6.8.21.
    Tried converting MP3s to 48kbps M4A. The sound is tinny and distorted. This is true on the playing on the PC and on the phone.

  • New Genius.......Trojan Highjack!!!!!!

    Why is there a Trojan horse in beaded in the new add on which is the Genius after i click on a song my versus software indicates a Trojan hijack. The program works however but i just wanted to know why itunes would need to add in such a pain! Could an apple rep. please email me at [email protected] Thanks!!!

    I doubt iTunes is really is doing that but it is doing something similar to that trojan.
    Post over here ->

  • New Mac Trojan 01519/
    How to protect yourself.
    1) Launch the Terminal app
    2) Enter in the command line
    sudo ipfw add 1000 deny all from any to
    3)Enter Password
    Your firewall is now updated to protect against this trojan.

    As Terence says, a trojan is NOT a virus.
    It may seem like a minor distinction, but a virus can come onto a computer via an e-mail attachment, embedded into an email, or something loaded from the internet, CD/DVD, USB drive, etc., then replicate itself to, say, everyone in your address book, +all without any action by you+. There are hundreds of thousands of them for PCs. At the moment, for Macs there are exactly zero known viruses. None. Zip. Zilch. So don't panic.
    It is possible, though, for you to get one of these. It won't do any harm on your Mac, but if you send it to a PC user, it may spread. If you want, you can get anti-virus software for this purpose. The one I see recommended most is ClamXav, and is free. Like many Mac users, I don't run any.
    There is malware, including trojans, for Macs, though far fewer than for PCs. As reported, all these require some action by you -- and in those cases where they come with pirated software, you obviously would have to be a thief, too (poetic justice?).
    Here's a similar thread, with some recommendations:


    A newly identified Mac OS X Trojan bundles a component that leverages the processing power of video cards (GPUs) to generate Bitcoins, a popular type of virtual currency.
    The new Trojan was dubbed DevilRobber by antivirus vendors and is being distributed together with several software applications via BitTorrent sites.
    “This malware is complex, and performs many operations,” security researchers from Mac antivirus vendor Intego warned. “It is a combination of several types of malware: It is a Trojan horse, since it is hidden inside other applications; it is a backdoor, as it opens ports and can accept commands from command and control servers; it is a stealer, as it steals data and Bitcoin virtual money; and it is a spyware, as it sends personal data to remote servers,” they explained.
    The Bitcoin mining program that DevilRobber installs on infected computers is called DiabloMiner and is a legitimate Java-based application used in the virtual currency’s production.
    Bitcoin is a form of virtual cash that can be exchanged by users without the need for an intermediary bank or payment service. Bitcoins are actually cryptographic hashes that get generated piece by piece using specialized programs like DiabloMiner, according to a public algorithm.
    One Bitcoin is currently valued at around $3.20, and it is a good source of profit for both Bitcoin miners, who legitimately use their computer resources to generate them, and cybercriminals who steal them.
    The DevilRobber trojan steals processing power, which can lead to slow computer performance, as well as actual Bitcoins, which are kept in virtual wallets on the victim’s machine.

    Credit ProtectMac with this description:
    New Mac OS X Trojan distributed via BitTorrent file-sharing sites
    01/11/11 12:13
    A new Mac OS X Trojan has been discovered on BitTorrent sites. The threat, dubbed OSX.DevilRobber or OSX.Miner, has appeared within legitimate copies of GraphicConverter v7.4, Flux v3.2.5 and CorelPainter v12, which the virus writer has modified and posted on the file-sharing websites. The Trojan is installed on your computer when the parent application’s installer is run.
    The threat appears to be quite sophisticated, adopting a multi-pronged approach to harvesting personal details from your computer, including stored information from encryption software and Safari, and sends this to a remote server. In addition, the Trojan utilizes your Graphics processor (GPU) to perform calculations required to undertake bitcoin mining, hence the name. If it discovers a bitcoin wallet it will save that, too.
    If your Mac becomes infected by this Trojan then the first thing you may notice is a sluggishness as it performs the bitcoin permutations required for ‘mining’. Check for the presence of a folder in your login user area called ~/Library/mdsa1331/ and a launch agent file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ that looks unfamiliar. The current version of the trojan creates a startup file, which at first glance appears to have come from Apple,
    Interestingly, the Trojan script exits if it detects that LittleSnitch, a network analyzing tool, is installed on your Mac. Presumably this is because it will highlight network traffic and raise awareness of the Trojan’s presence in the wild.
    As always, we advise extreme caution when downloading software from file-sharing websites as you don’t always get what you expect. Unfortunately in this case you get a lot more than you bargained for!
    ProtectMac AntiVirus detects this new Trojan as OSX.DevilRobber.
    Participants in this forum discussion appear to have been infected by a different version.

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