New PC build w/Powerup edition

I'm a newbie here. I have been lurking and reading for about two weeks about this board, etc. I am going to build a new PC this weekend and I have a few questions for you guys. I have always used ASUS boards, but this time I will go with MSI powerup edition, for several reasons.
The PC I am about to build is in my sig below. Hopefully, I am in the right forum and can make everything clear for you. I am going to install Vista Ultimate on it. Most of what iI have seen on here so far about bios issues etc. have dealt with WinXP, so I'm not sure about a few things.
I would like to minimize any boot/hardware problems from the jump if I can.
The WD Raptor is SATA1 w/NCQ. Should I load the Intel ACHI/Raid drivers at install to enable NCQ or just go with IDE enhanced/SATA instead? I don't know if NCQ is really needed or not. I had a pc with all scsi drives with ncq in the past, but don't really know if ncq helped or not in a home use pc. Not to mention that I just simply want this board and bios to recognize the two drives I will be installing.
I d/l'ed the latest bios from MSI (7.3) and put it on a floppy. Should I flash it before installing Vista, or just install Vista and load LiveUpdate and do it from there? Or, load Vista and then use the floppy? ASUS Update used to work fine, I don't know how MSI LiveUpdate works. Just asking.
My gut tells me to just build it, install the OS and see what happens, but if I am heading into an abyss, I'd like to know ahead of time, if I can. If anyone has any advice, I would sure appreciate it. Eventually, I would like to set up using Raid 5,  do some moderate to heavy OC'ing, and upgrading the video card and go to something else which includes Cross Fire. But for now I just want what I have to work.

Hi Mike,
Excuse this length post - I was immediately caught up as your situation was similar to me at the outset.  Normally a few lines is better I know.  Apologies to the moderators for being so full of hot air on this issue.
What version of the MB do u have???  2. or 2.1 or 2.2 (It is on the board next to the GRAKA slot)
I started my build 7 about weeks ago - on a Friday evening with as I learned, rather large naivete. 
I got relatively lucky as I have apparently just had two issues - non compliant memory (possibly just the same as your twins (you need to tell us what version of the Corsair 800 memory this is - CL5 or CL4?? ) and Raid issues with Bios 7.2. 
At the outset, I had Corsair's PC6400C4D (Dominator CL4 version of the twins) .  Fortunately, aside from this board's pandemic 'no warm reboot', these two issues seem to have gotten resolved for my situation.  I RMA'd my corsair Dominator twins too early I suspect.  They likely required higher voltages (despite what Corsair told me) than I used at the outset not having done my homework on this MB and this forum.  I am using Crucial 800 CL4 (4-4-4-12) twin 1GB stix now - and they work fine at the Cell ratio setting of 1:5 with BIOS VDIMM set at 2.2.
At the outset, mine did not post with two stix.  I got lucky and one of the two twins worked as a single stik solution but the 2nd one did not.  Today, however, I would tell u that this was likely a too low VDIMM issue in the BIOS setup for this MB and it is unlikely that the Corsair memory was bad.
1) PSU Connectors:  
1a) Main power and CPU power connectors: I noticed u mentioned the 24 pin.  Does that mean u connected the 20 to the 24 slot and in addition the 4 (square connector (not the rectangular 4 MOLEX like a HD or floppy power)) - as two separate connections or did your PSU only come with a 24.  I ask because my understanding was that the 4 square PSU connector needs to go to the 8slot power connector (the one with a plastic cap covering 4 of the 8 on my v2.1 MB) on the MB.
1b) Video PCI power connector: I put a molex (4pin rectangular like for the HD or floppy) into the power slot right next to the Video Card (GRAKA) slot.  I understood that that was needed whether or not your GRAKA needs it or not.   But I might not be right on that as I have alwways had a pretty low key GRAKA.
2) FAN - does the CPU fan start and stay on or does everything shut down ?  I ask becasue when I get a failed warm reboot, the CPU fan stays on although nothing else happens and it does not reboot or try to - just sits there with the PSU and CPU fans humming along.
3) Video connector - I agree with Vaniireq that u should first try with a VGA source.  But I suspect that is not the real problem area.
4) Memory - use just one stik in the green 1 or 2 slot until this kid start to get cryin' - then u can worry about installing the OS and finally come back and add the 2nd 800 stik.  Try both of them though as the one you had in the 2nd slot could have been 'freaked out' in the other slot.
I checked with Corsair before I RMAd their twin kit and they told me that additional voltage for the 800 stix was not needed.  Crucial, however, said theirs needed the VDIMM at 2.2 from the get go.  My machine will not post with the ratio at 1:1.5 and the stock voltage of 1.8 so i have to reset the CMOS and then go in and redo all the BIOS settings every time there is a major glitch in starting up (like yesterday) although it is as we speak - right now running fine.
5) Cooling:  Once u get you kid screamin a bit - we can revisit that issue.  I agree with all that say the CPU stock cooling is inadequate - as just standing still I am at 40 to 42 C - and that seems rather high I think.
FINAL NOTES:  I started this build 6 weeks ago as a decadonal birthday present for a nice upgrade to SOA stuff.  Top components and the Tom's Hardware recommendation.  HorsePucky!!!!  This MB does NOT deserve a PLATINUM label froim MSI IMHO(at least not yet).  Unlike some, if I had to do it again - I seriously doubt if it would. However, aside from the non reboot issues, once I get it to run, it is like a rock.  I have not invested any more than the inordinate amount of time on this Forum to look to the ASUS or ABIT forums to see if there are similar issues with their Intel 975 implementations. 
From all I have read on this board on this MSI forum - this MB was not ready for 800 memory - and the evidence of this is the frequent bios upgrades (about 1x every 2nd week for the unofficial updates even though we are now up to official release 7.3 - I am sticking with 7.1) that have still not resolved the 800 memory issues related to it not rebooting without a cold start.  With security upgrades, we can scarcely go more than a few days without the need for a reboot - so while not a deal breaker, this ruddy no restart issue is worrisome.  If it is not fixed in the next month - I will RMA the board no question - and get an updated version or switch back to ABIT or ASUS which I have used for years - never with this amount of hassle or tweakiness required.
THIS FORUM - if it were not for the help here - I would not still have this board in the house!!!  The feedback here is indeed extraordinary and it is a great credit to the persons moderating and contributing.  MSI should be aware that without this support - their 975X board could likely have been a "TotalRecall" issue for many.
BEST OF LUCK and keep letting us know how we can help. 
Once u get it posted - I know you will have some BIOS setup issues.
(I am in Europe so the timezones may not fit for direct feedback - but private message me if u have any questions u might prefer to ask if they seem to go beyond the fringes of reality.  You can also SKYPE several of us which is truly much more effective for troubleshooting when you have a 2nd screen attached to that 2nd computer) 
For the moment though, we are all awaiting your next trials - aint this just a fun thing to do on weekends???

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    Date: 04/26/07
    Make and ensure PC is stable before proceed. flash BIOS from USB key, by using our Tool(easy & safe way to flash):
    MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool 
    Use Beta or Modded BIOSes at own risk!

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    Hi Infeter,
    For 1;
    After the number of hours I have lost debugging issues where someone has inadvertently named a variable the same as a package that is on the root, so making it impossible for FB to discern whether I am talking about "aname.veryImportant" as the sub-package "veryImportant" of the package "aname" or the property "veryImportant" of the variable "aname", I welcome any and all new warnings of how a coder may inadvertently break Flash! So, if they are saying it is a reserved word, it is probably because there is a core class, variable or other such that will, at some point, bite you if you name something after it. This has always been the case with, for example "default" - default is a keyword that has real meaning for the compiler and you will not be allowed to define things as "default" because of the potential for confusion (are you issuing the "default" directive in a switch statement or are you referring to the "default" value in your class?). Given that FB has the frankly excellent "Refactor" function to allow you to easily rename packages, members and classes, I'd just be happy to rename the offending items and be glad to have saved myself several hours of painful debug later on.
    For 2;
    I'm surprised you're seeing this warning for classes that are not used. I've found loads that were added in automatically over the years that simply are not used. I'm loving the way I can clean out about half my import statements now. The thing to do is to comment out the imports and check that everything still works. If it does, then you're laughing, you don't need them. If it triggers errors of not being able to locate the class, then I would put together a code snippet and add it as a comment to your bug report.

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    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80246007: FBL_AWESOME1501 9926 Professional.
    The errors are returned for the Event ID 20 by WindowsUpdateClient
    in task category Windows Update Agent..
    I reviewed the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability
    registry key as suggested in Windows
    Insider stuck on build 9841 - "No new preview build was found", and here is what it shows:
    Note, when attempting to install the downloaded update from a native boot, installation starts with no errors.
    However, since setup is not supported for a natively booted VHD files, it does not proceed further showing a message that installation on virtual drives is not supported.  
    Looks like Setup is having problems installing in a Hyper-V virtual machine.
    Possibly, some ESD files got corrupted during downloading? Is it possible to remove them and re-download missing files? (I, however, noticed that Windows seems to re-download upgrade files after you restart 9879 and attempt to check for a new build.
    Any clue why installing under VM causes 9926 to fail?
    Thank you in advance.
    Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given...

    According to the error message, this problem seems like update package installation failed during system upgrade.
    You can try to remove ESD file which locate at boot of C drive and upgrade the system again for test.
    On the other hand, make sure the system 9879 installed all Windows pushed updates before system upgrade.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    What memory speed should I purchase to achieve the fastest bus speed without overclocking???
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    Thank you

    Quote from: /dot on 07-February-07, 15:46:41
    Great info again guys!
    I'll stay away from OCZ (I read it's more for overclockers).
    I watched your sig, great setup! I'm planning for about the same setup (MSI 975x PUE, P180, C2D, ...). But will try a Scythe Ninja for CPU cooler and use an MSI graphic card (maybe 2 cards for 4 monitors in total).
    Is your setup silent or just quiet? Makes a big difference for me.
    What would you change now? And what is the most noisy component?
    Sorry for all the questions but I'm not an expert and by budget does not permit me from making any mistakes.
    The case fans create the most noise.  When they are all on "low" I an hardly hear them and have to shake the mouse to see if it's on, but on medium it sounds like a "standard" computer.  Not terrible, but not quite.  On high they are down-right loud.

  • "cs5.5 has stopped working" in new sytem build

    (I mistakenly posted this in the general forum section- can I delete that post?)
    When scrolling through a 50 minute long nested sequence containing 2 layers( one turned off ) of 1920x1080 AVC-Intra 100 P2, cs5.5 crashes.  The source footage is on an external eSata Lacie Raid 0 drive.
    I had many an issue like this back in cs4 days with continual crashing with large files but dont remember the solution. I have tried a few searches on this forum but cant seem to navigate the search engine to find anything... This is a brand new system build so I may not have win7 tweaked properly? Thank you for any suggestions.
    Operating System
        MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1
        Intel Core i7  @ 3.50GHz    45 °C
        Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
        32.0 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz (9-9-9-24)
        Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z68XP-UD4 (Socket 1155)    34 °C
        DELL 2405FPW (1920x1200@59Hz)
        Panasonic-TV (1920x1080@60Hz)
        2560MB GeForce GTX 570 (EVGA)    49 °C
    Hard Drives
        147GB Western Digital WDC WD1500HLHX-01JJPV0 ATA Device (SATA)    28 °C
        625GB Western Digital WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 ATA Device (SATA)    33 °C
        625GB Western Digital WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 ATA Device (SATA)    36 °C
        313GB Western Digital WDC WD3200KS-00PFB0 ATA Device (SATA)    35 °C
        1954GB eSATA-2 LaCie 2BigQuadr SCSI Disk Device (SATA)
    Optical Drives
        ATAPI iHAS124   B SCSI CdRom Device
        Realtek High Definition Audio

    I deleted your other post.
    I also made a change so that your problem.jpg shows on this page.

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    This is the Adobe Reader forum; the ADE forum is
    But without any details I doubt they will be able to help there either.

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    I have a PC desktop and an iPad.  I have a large library of PDF documents on my desktop that I would like to sync with my iPad.  I would like to be able to download new PDF's and make edits on existing PDF's on either device and have those edits and new PDFs synced to the other device.  I would also like to have my library available on the iPad even if there isn't a wifi connection (i.e., not on the cloud).  Is that possible.  I don't mind if I have to purchase a separate product or a product upgrade ect.

    You can't use an external hard drive like you would with a computer.
    You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
    When you first connect the USB flash drive, you will only see thumbnails of the pics on the iPad; you have to import the pic file to see the full size. With your large library of pics, you will have to do this repeateably and then delete pics so you don't exceed your memory capacity.
     Cheers, Tom

  • New folio builder panel

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    You can update the viewer builder panel independent from producer tools.
    So you can stay on version 17 of the tools but you need the current folio
    builder panel.
    (mobil gesendet)
    Am 31.01.2012 12:47 schrieb "BHPforum" <[email protected]>:
       Update new Folio Builder Panel but not the Folio Producer Tools? created by
    BHPforum <> in *Digital Publishing
    Suite* - View the full discussion<>

Maybe you are looking for