New Shuffle skips/aborts VBR MP3s

My entire mp3 collection is encoded as variable bit rate (VBR). I bought my wife the new Shuffle and whenever it plays one of these songs, it skips and cuts out for a bit and then aborts completely and moves on to the next song. If I encode the same song as constant bit rate, it plays fine. Has anyone else had this issue??

Thanks both for your responses. Resetting the ID3 tags solved the problem for a couple of the files, but not all. Delving into exactly why some files play differently than others, I eventually stumbled across a Windows program called the GSpot Codec Information Appliance that informed me that some of my mp3s are actually coded MPEG 1 Layer 1! This is especially interesting because the offending files came from ripping some of my CD collection, meaning that RealPlayer is likely the culprit. I'm going to do some more experimenting to see if I can determine the culprit (and the extent of the problem in my 3400-song collection). Resaving with CoolEdit 2000 corrects the problem, but I'll have to set up a batch process if it turns out to be a lot of songs.

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    It may be an unsupported format try converting them in Itunes by right clicking the VBR songs and than selecting convert to ACC.

  • 3rd new shuffle in 1 week - still unacceptable performance- Apple?

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    At this point, I have to think it's me...Am I missing soemthing simple? This can't be happening accross the masses of shuffle owners without some intervention from Apple? Any help would be appreciated.

    Do you know if you have service pack 2? right click on my computer and go to properties, its required on XP. Also USB drivers up to date? And try unplugging everything from the USB ports and plug the ipod in.
    Good Luck

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    I very much appreciate your help so I thenk you in advance.

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    I am currently an owner of an Ipod Touch 4th generation. I see you are having problems with your Ipod Touch, so I will try to find a solution to your problem.
    Restart the Computer. This sometimes happens to me when I keep my Windows 7 on Sleep, and I try to sync my Ipod
    Make sure you have the latest version of Itunes
    Hope that helps!
    If none of the above solutions work, can you please respond back ASAP as I will try to find another solution to your problem (This might even help others with the same problem!)

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    You'll need to copy the content on your old iPod to your iTunes library first before you can sync it to your new Shuffle. See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different ways to copy music from your iPod back to your PC.

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    Dell C600 Latitude   Windows 2000  

    I've already tried every USB port on my computer. (I have a single USB 1.1 port built in to the computer, and a PC card that provides four USB 2.0 ports. None of them work. All five show up as having 500 mA available to them, which I think counts as "high-powered," right?)
    What do you mean when you say that I can't send it back? The return policy on the invoice says: "If you are not satisfied with your Apple purchase of a pre-built product, please call 1-800-676-2775 for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) request within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the product.…A 10% open box fee will be assessed on any opened hardware or accessory." So I thought I could return it provided that I am willing to get hit with a rather lame 10% restocking fee (which should come to about ten bucks on a shuffle purchase). Am I misunderstanding?

  • New shuffle works with Windows but not with Mac

    Just got a new 2nd gen shuffle. Initially it was formatted as Fat32 per Disk Utility on Mac. I reformatted to Mac OS (journaled). iTunes was recognizing the new shuffle on the mac and I created a playlist that showed it took up disk space in the "summary" tab. However nothing played on the shuffle when I disconnected it. I was trying to update the software but that function is greyed out. I tried to click "enable disc use" and when I applied it, it says it can't find the ipod. It wont let me update anything. The only thing I can do is create a playlist that the summary says is on the ipod but it doesnt play.
    I then connected it to my Windows XP machine and it asked me to reformat the drive, which I did, then everything worked flawlessly. I would really prefer to download things to the shuffle from my Mac than Windows XP but it just won't let me. I tried using "iPod Updater" and the most recent one from the list was 03/2006 and that didn't help anyhting. "iPod Reset Utility" would not recognize the ipod to reset it even after I sucessfully set it to Mac OS journaled in Disk Utility.
    I am very frustrated. This also happened to my Nano I purchased a few months ago and I have to organize it on the PC as well.
    I am running iTunes 7.2

    I have exactly the same problem with my two
    computers, both of which are Macs. The shuffle is
    recognised on one, but not the other.
    Here's a screenshot of iTunes ->
    BTW, I also have an older white iPod in use on the
    Mac that doesn't work.
    I've tried a few things (including running iTunes
    under a different user account, reinstalling iTunes)
    but nothing seems to help. The only thing left to do
    is reinstall the OS, but that sounds a little extreme!
    That's way too extreme... Use the shuffle Reset Utility.

  • New shuffle is not being detected, using 10.4.11 and  9.02 of itunes, new shuffle is not being detected, using 10.4.11 and  9.02 of itunes

    Bought a new shuffle, and it won't show up and show the next steps as stated in the directions included.

    As you can see from this article, your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements for an iPod Shuffle purchased in 2011:
    If your computer has a USB 2.0 port, you can upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard or higher and iTunes 10 or higher.

  • I had songs loaded on my PC and Shuffle. My PC crashed and they were unable to restore my iPod library (that is still on my shuffle). Now, my shuffle has been used so much, I must replace it! Q: How do I get my music from old shuffle onto new shuffle?

    I had songs on my PC and my shuffle and my PC crashed. They were unable to restore my iTunes library when my computer was fixed. The songs still remain on my Shuffle, but now it is being replaced with another Shuffle. Q: How do I get my music from my old Shuffle onto my new Shuffle? Thanks!

    You will need the help of some sort of 3rd party software to help you copy the content from your Shuffle back to your PC.  Once you have done that, you can reimport this music into iTunes and configure it to sync to your new Shuffle.

  • Ive just got a new computer and trying to put songs on my new shuffle, but i keeps asking me to authorize the computer, i have no idea how to do this

    Hi can someone please help,
    i ve got a new computer (windows7)  and a new shuffle, and its asking to aurthrized the computer before i down load anything for i tunes that ihave already bought. but there is no explaination on how to do this
    any ideas

    There's a couple of ways to get through to the authorisation controls in the 11.0.x versions.
    The control is still in the Store menu, but first (if you're using iTunes versions 11.0.x) you might need to bring up the menu bar to see the Store menu.
    If you're using 11.0.x, click on the wee boxy icon up in the top-left corner of your iTunes to see the "Show Menu Bar" control, as per the following screenshot:
    Then you'll find the control in the Store menu:
    Alternatively, if you don't want to bring up the menu bar, it's still possible to get into the authorise controls via nested menus accessible from the wee boxy icon. Here's a screenshot of where to find them:

  • New shuffle - cant get it to work on my pc

    i got a brand new shuffle for xmas and i have since been trying to get it to work on my laptop.
    my laptop spec is:
    32 bit
    itunes is running latest 7.5 i believe, tried updating but it says it is the latest.
    i have charged the shuffle up using the usb port.
    the problem is that everytime i connect it up to the laptop it says "FOUND NEW HARDWARE"
    so I did the usual "LOCATE AND INSTALL DEVICE DRIVER SOFTWARE" then nothing is found. says to go to the Apple website.
    I have looked on the website, and trawled through this forum. I am at wits end!
    can anyone help me?
    or should i just take it to an Apple shop and request to swop it for a Nano and pay a bit of extra money on top?
    please help!

    I finally found the answer on another thread. Since the Shuffle didn't come with a CD, I installed iTunes like it wanted but my computer still wasn't finding the drivers for it. So, when the box popped up to look for it myself, I clicked on the choice to find it on my harddrive and searched the c: drive for it. It finally found it and installed, altho it installed it 4 or 5 times before it was done.'s there now, and iTunes is recognizing it, so I guess we're good to go!
    The thread is here:
    Thanks for your tip!

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