New verizon iphone (finally!)

I presently have my ipad and ipod touch synced with itunes on my PC. when ready, can I just sync my new iphone with the itunes on my PC and be done with it?
also, buying new imac for home. after authorizing it with my itunes account will all my purchases (everything i own is from the itunes or app store... I know, I know, drank all the Koolaid) show on the itunes on the new imac?

capitola mike wrote:
I presently have my ipad and ipod touch synced with itunes on my PC. when ready, can I just sync my new iphone with the itunes on my PC and be done with it?
also, buying new imac for home. after authorizing it with my itunes account will all my purchases (everything i own is from the itunes or app store... I know, I know, drank all the Koolaid) show on the itunes on the new imac?
No. You need to move your iTunes media from the PC to the Mac. This explains how: Move iTunes from PC to MAC,

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    You're welcome.
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    Hey Alan Seglin & welcome to the forums.
    Whether it will work or not depends on a few things.
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    You have to goto the tab in itunes and select which video you want to sync.


    So like me, many verizon users in the US are excited to get their hands on a new iphone, i purchased a black and pink defender case from otterbox so ill have it when i get my iphone...well i started to do some research and found out that APPLE wanted to fix the pre-existing problem they experienced at AT&T of the antenna band on the bottom left hand corner and its ablity, when covered up by your hand, to lose service and drop calls. so Apple redesigned just the side as for the verizon iphone, the antenna is now at the top...pushing the volume buttons down more.....THIS CREATED THE PROBLEM OF THE OTTERBOX CASES NOT FITTING. I SPOKE WITH OTTERBOX CUSTOMER SERVICE ABOUT THE RELEASE OF THE NEW VERIZON CASE FOR THE IPHONE AND THEY SAID THEY WERE WORKING ON THE DESIGN AND THAT IT SHOULD BE FOR SALE IN THE UPCOMING MONTHS......DISSAPPOINTING...I KNOW! you would think, with their cases so high in demand, that they would have already released the cases before the iphone release...they would have made more money that way but hey...what do i
    but i wanted to share this information so that people wouldnt spend their money on a case that wont fit and can wait til the RIGHT cases are up for grabs!!
    **no i DO NOT work for otterbox nor verizon.

    Suupa wrote:
    jordiegirl wrote:
    So like me, many verizon users in the US are excited to get their hands on a new iphone, i purchased a black and pink defender case from otterbox so ill have it when i get my iphone...well i started to do some research and found out that APPLE wanted to fix the pre-existing problem they experienced at AT&T of the antenna band on the bottom left hand corner and its ablity, when covered up by your hand, to lose service and drop calls. so Apple redesigned just the side as for the verizon iphone, the antenna is now at the top...pushing the volume buttons down more.....THIS CREATED THE PROBLEM OF THE OTTERBOX CASES NOT FITTING. I SPOKE WITH OTTERBOX CUSTOMER SERVICE ABOUT THE RELEASE OF THE NEW VERIZON CASE FOR THE IPHONE AND THEY SAID THEY WERE WORKING ON THE 
    DESIGN AND THAT IT SHOULD BE FOR SALE IN THE UPCOMING MONTHS......DISSAPPOINTING...I KNOW! you would think, with their cases so high in demand, that they would have already released the cases before the iphone release...they would have made more money that way but hey...what do i
    but i wanted to share this information so that people wouldnt spend their money on a case that wont fit and can wait til the RIGHT cases are up for grabs!!
    **no i DO NOT work for otterbox nor verizon.
    Check out OtterBox's Twitter page:
    Info on the Verizon's Iphone 4 cases!/OtterBox
    Twitter comment:

  • BRICK your new Verizon iPhone... with this LEGO case.

    HAHA!  This is fun stuff.  I read about it on Gizmodo, Wired & Daring Fireball.   It's LEGO!!!
    John Gruber (Daring Fireball) has one for his new Verizon phone so I thought I would check it out.  I bought one for my new phone and it fits perfectly.  My kid loves it too.  
    Check out the pic of Darth Vader:

    Yep, go pop the cork from the champagne, pat yourself on the back and enjoy your iPhone.

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    Read here:

  • Will the new Verizon  iPhone 5s  let us talk and surf ?

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    It's actually a combination of the two. Verizon's network currently carries voice on CDMA and data on LTE (when available). CDMA cannot do voice and data simultaneously. That's the Verizon (and Sprint) part of the limitation. The chip used in most of the 4G LTE Android phones Verizon sells can use CDMA and LTE simultaneously, thus giving you voice and data at the same time as long as you're in an LTE coverage area. If there is no LTE, you can't do both at the same time. iPhones use a chip that, as I understand it, can do either CDMA or LTE but not both at once. That's the Apple (well, Qualcomm) limitation. I haven't delved deeply enough into today's news to determine if Apple has changed chipsets for the new phones.
    Eventually, Verizon plans to do voice over LTE but I haven't heard much about it lately.
    Best of luck.

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