Newbie Help!!!! Eventing in MSS

Using MSS (erp2005) on EP7.0
Have created my new Visual Composer iView and wish to link it for use within MSS (Manager Self Service) so that when an Employee is selected via Employee Search (via Eventing) how do I create that link?

In your VC Iview add a Signal in Item , Provide the name and the EPCM event name for the signal in item( the name and EPCM event name should be same as the one that you use when you call raiseevent in the MSS). Add the fields to your signal in ( The field names should be same as the one that you use when you raise event in the mss).
Now you can map the signal in to a datasource or an input form according to your requirement.
In the MSS you need to call wdPortalEventing.raiseEvent and pass the required parameters.Add the MSS Iview and the VC Iview to the same page.

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    I've written others that do successfully subscribe to events but never to this SAP raised event.
    Can anyone help?

    I've also tried using the example in SAP Note 1112733 in VC without success.
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    Has anyone managed to get this working ?
    Many Thanks

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    I would like to have an applescript which runs my Mail rules against the content of my sent mailbox. It needs to use Apple's logic system as I am a MailTags user.
    I am happy to do it through the GUI or some clever programming.
    All I have managed to (not) achieve through cut-and-paste of other people's scripts in this forum is as follows:
    tell application "Mail"
    set theMessages to (messages of sent mailbox)
    perform mail action with messages theMessages
    repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
    --set theAddress to address of to recipients of thisMessage
    --repeat with i in theAddress
    --if (i contains "[email protected]") then delete thisMessage
    end try
    --end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    I know that at best this has the right basic structure but I have been staring at the Mail dictionary for too long and still can't figure it out.
    Any/all help gratefully received.
    Thanks a bunch in advance
    PowerBook G4 100Gb; iPod Photo 60Gb; iMac @ home   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    For anyone who is interested:
    I solved the problem by using a variant of the script I showed above:
    <pre class=command>tell application "Mail"
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Mail" to keystroke "4" using command down
    tell process "Mail" to keystroke "A" using command down
    tell process "Mail" to keystroke "L" using command down & option down
    end tell
    end tell</pre>
    Then I downloaded a system preference pane called Do Something When which is set to launch my script every time Mail opens - if you set it to launch when Mail closes the script re-opens Mail and you get caught in a Mail-quit loop.
    Another way of doing it would have been to get the script to run every time a message comes in. The problem is that with my rather pathetic script, I am using UI calls so at the end of the script Mail is left showing the Sent mailboxes, not where you started with.
    If anyone can help me to improve this situation, I will be very grateful.
    PowerBook G4 100Gb; iPod Photo 60Gb; iMac @ home   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Newbie help me obi wans: ...coded locked by template or translator

    Hi Folks,
    I'm such a newbie to DW   I've been using it for a few years actually, but in a very basic sense.
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    I've only figure out how to add spaces  lol
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    So here are 2 issues:
    1. I don't know if this related to #2, but I can't erase the 3rd column...or even use it. it's locked - I see a circle with a line through it.  The template I bought did say it was 3 columns, but I don't understand why I can't touch it.  I've attached a tiff of what it looks like right now.
    2. as the subject says "changing code is locked by the template is locked a template or translator" is giving me grief.
    I've reviewed the previous posts on the subject, but I'm afraid my newbie-ness has left me not knowing what to do.  ie. I can't find a time/date to change...I see the <head> and <script>, but they're greyed out on the one page I'm trying to edit.  They're not greyed out on the template page however.
    I also tried saving my .dwt as a new template, but that didn't work either.
    Here is code for my Samples page.  I'll post the code for the template page under that.
    <html><!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/Main2.dwt" --><!-- DW6 -->
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                    <td width="267" height="145" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg t samples.jpg" width="119" height="34"></p>
                        <p>It's one thing to read about my services, but once you
                          actually see the results, you will realize that personalization
                          is the key to your DVD project. Aside from your photos,
                          video and favourite music, I completely personalize every
                        aspect of your DVD right from the packaging to the DVD menus.</p>
                        <p>Click <a href="testimonials.htm"><strong>here</strong></a> to read client testimonials.</p>
                        <p>Click on the thumbnails below to view various samples from
                          recent projects.</p>
                        <p><em>All samples have been reduced in quality to be internet
                          friendly. Original versions are of superior quality and
                          full-TV size. </em></p>
                        <p>You will need Apple's Quicktime player to view the movie
                          files. The free download is available by clicking <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
                      <p> </p>                    </td>
                    <td width="290" align="center" valign="top"><p> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="center">Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><strong><a href="homedvds.htm"><font size="+1">Video
                            and Reel Transfers</font></a></strong></li>
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="slideshows2dvd.htm">Photo
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="../photorestorations.htm">Photo
                              Transfers and Restorations</a></strong></font></li>
                            <li> <font size="+1"><strong><a href="audiotransfers.htm">Audio
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="right"> </p>
                      <p> </p></td>
                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td height="232" colspan="2" valign="top"> <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTOSLIDESHOW
                      <p align="left"> </p>
                      <p align="left">The following slideshow was recently done for a surprise birthday party.</p>
                      <p align="center"><a href="Sshowsample.mp4"><img src="Sshowsample2.jpg" width="163" height="89"></a></p>
                      <p align="left">Photographs with voice over narration and
                          text titles were combined to create a presentation that
                          will provide generations with a history on their forefather
                          in this biography.</p>
                        <p align="center"><a href="../biography.wmv"><img src="../bio111.jpg" width="111" height="73" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p align="left">This couple were married by a lake in a beautiful
                          wedding. I compiled camcorder footage along with photographs
                          into a memorable DVD, complete with a bonus music video.
                        <p align="center"><a href="../ceremusicvidsam.mp4"><img src="../arbour.jpg" width="111" height="72" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">8mm REEL COLOUR CORRECTION
                        <p align="left">Are you videos dark, too bright or discoloured?
                          I can edit your tapes and film to repair colour issues,
                        bringing your movies back to life.                   
                        Click <a href=""><strong>HERE</strong></a> to view samples.
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTO RESTORATION
                        <p align="left">These samples illustrate the various types
                          of blemishes which can be dealt with to restore your photographs.</p>
                        <p align="left"> <strong><u><font size="3">Simply move your
                          mouse cursor over each photo to see the difference.</font></u></strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>General Dust/Blemish Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <div align="center">
                          <p align="left"> </p>
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                        <p align="left"><strong>Red Eye Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image55','','../redeyegone.jpg',1)"><img src="../redeye.jpg" name="Image55" width="231" height="416" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Colour &amp; Stain Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('yellow','','../yellowfinal.jpg',1)"><img src="../yelloworig.jpg" name="yellow" width="270" height="395" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Contrast &amp; Exposure Adjustments
                          and Crack Removals </strong>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('breton','','../breton_done_web.jpg',1)"><img src="../breton base_web.jpg" name="breton" width="539" height="1000" border="0"></a>                   
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          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href=",,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
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                      <td width="329" height="189" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg%20t%20instrucnl.jpg" width="300" height="27"></p>
                        <p align="left">From teachers to health care professionals
                          to corporate trainers, I can help you create a compelling
                          instructional video. Using techniques such as Picture in
                          Picture will deliver your educational knowledge with extra
                          value. The ease of navigation of DVD makes instruction more
                          efficient and effective.</p></td>
                      <td width="4" valign="top"><img src="images/hr.gif" width="1" height="125"> </td>
                      <td colspan="2" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg%20t%20blank.jpg" width="204" height="27
                        <p>Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><a href="../homedvds.htm">classic home videos</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../weddings2dvd.htm">weddings2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../sports2dvd.htm">sports2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../slideshows2dvd.htm">DVD photo slideshows</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../reunions2dvd.htm">reunions2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="instructionaldvds.htm">instructional DVD</a></li>
                      <td height="3
    50" colspan="3" valign="top"><p align="center"><img src="../images/hr.gif" width="361" height="1"></p>
                        <p align="left">  </p>
                        <p align="left">Please click <a href="../sample.htm"><strong>here</strong></a>
                          to view real samples from recent projects.<br>
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                        <p class="menu" >Copyright Memories2dvd<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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    Any help is hugely appreciated.

    thanks for the quick reply!
    I found the 2 things to change, but when I go back to my page...everything is gone!  eek
    (fear no panic - I did back up my website prior to making any changes
    (file attached).
    it looks like there is only 1 column instead of 3 sections. I was hoping to lose just the one on the right.
    here is the new code from my Samples page (not the template)  I"ll post that below.
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              <td align="center"><strong>Celebrate a milestone birthday or anniverary
                with a <u>DVD Photo Slideshow</u>. <a href="public_html/slideshows2dvd.htm">Click
                here for more details.</a></strong></td>
              <td align="center"> <table width="96%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
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                      <a href="public_html/audiotransfers.htm"><img src="public_html/LPcassettes.jpg" width="180" height="152" border="0"></a>
          <p align="center"><font size="+2">Donations!</font></p>
          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href=",,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
            Cancer Society</strong></a> and the <a href=""><strong>Juno
            Beach Memorial</strong></a></p>
          <p> </p></td>
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                    <td width="267" height="145" valign="top"><p><img src="pg%20t%20samples.jpg" width="119" height="34"></p>
                        <p>It's one thing to read about our services, but once you
                          actually see the results, you will realize that personalization
                          is the key to your DVD project. Aside from your photos,
                          video and favourite music, I completely personalize every
                          aspect of your DVD right from the packaging to the DVD menus.</p>
                        <p>Click on the thumbnails below to view various samples from
                          recent projects.</p>
                        <p><em>All samples have been reduced in quality to be internet
                          friendly. Original versions are of superior quality and
                          full-TV size. I can supply demo DVDs upon request.</em></p>
                        <p>You will need Apple's Quicktime player to view the movie
                          files. The free download is available by clicking <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
                        <p> </p>                    </td>
                    <td width="290" align="center" valign="top"><p> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="center">Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><strong><a href="homedvds.htm"><font size="+1">Video
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="public_html/slideshows2dvd.htm">Photo
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="photorestorations.htm">Photo
                            <li> <font size="+1"><strong><a href="public_html/audiotransfers.htm">Audio
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="right"> </p>
                      <p> </p></td>
                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td height="232" colspan="2" valign="top"> <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTOSLIDESHOW
                        <p align="left">Photographs with voice over narration and
                          text titles were combined to create a presentation that
                          will provide generations with a history on their forefather
                          in this biography.</p>
                        <p align="center"><a href="biography.wmv"><img src="bio111.jpg" width="111" height="73" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left">The following sample was part of a 50th birthday
                          celebration. Three hundred photographs were scanned and
                          mixed with video clips to make the ultimate surprise movie.                    </p>
                        <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="sample1.jpg" width="111" height="82" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"> This sample was taken from a couple's vacation.
                          The couple travelled throughout SouthEast Asia and South
                          America and amassed approximately 750 digital photos. I
                          organized the DVD by country and added their favourite music
                          so they could instantly re-visit their adventures.
                        <p align="center"><a href=""><img src="boats.jpg" width="111" height="81" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left">This couple were married by a lake in a beautiful
                          wedding. I compiled camcorder footage along with photographs
                          into a memorable DVD, complete with a bonus music video.
                        <p align="center"><a href="ceremusicvidsam.mp4"><img src="arbour.jpg" width="111" height="72" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">8mm REEL COLOUR CORRECTION
                        <p align="left">Are you videos dark, too bright or discoloured?
                          I can edit your tapes and film to repair colour issues,
                          bringing your movies back to life. Click <a href=""><strong><font size="+1">HERE</font></strong></a>
                          to view samples.
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTO RESTORATION
                        <p align="left">These samples illustrate the various types
                          of blemishes which can be dealt with to restore your photographs.</p>
                        <p align="left"> <strong><u><font size="3">Simply move your
                          mouse cursor over each photo to see the difference.</font></u></strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>General Dust/Blemish Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <div align="center">
                          <p align="left"> </p>
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                        <p align="left"><strong>Red Eye Removal</strong></p>
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                        <p align="left"><strong>Contrast &amp; Exposure Adjustments
                          and Crack Removals </strong>
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  • Help required for MSS configurations on Portal

    Hi Experts,
          Can someone please send me Portal Configuration guide or some kind of document on how to configure MSS --> Overview and Organisation services. Do I need to pass any parameters or any other configurations required?
    Please help me.
    Earlier responses would be much appreciated.

    Hi uday,
    Please find the below links
    MSS Configuration within SAP Portal: Organization Structure
    ESS/MSS configuration in Portal as a part of HCM
    Hope it helps...

  • Help with ESS MSS documentation

    Dear All,
    please help me with the documentation on ESS MSS.
    Thanks in advance

    Check this links:

  • Missing iView for Business Events in MSS 1.31

    We made an upgrade from ERP 4.7 to ECC 6.0, and we can't find the iView "Business Events". Do you know if this service still valid in the version 1.31 of MSS?. In the previous version the tecnical name of the service was
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Carlos
    I think this is now part of the SAP Learning Solution - at least delivered iviews in MSS require
    Learning Solution infotypes to be populated
    The equivalent in ERP2005 would be
    Best wishes

  • Complete newbie help

    Hi guys , just joined!!!
    I am a PHP developer and have 'forced' into some work with java.
    Now I am a complete noob here and I have what I hope is a fairly straight forward request. I have a jar file that I have extracted so I can view all teh classess witihin and have found a class decompiler so I can actually see the code.
    I need to edit one of the classes and then re-generate the .jar file.
    What software do I need (just got the java studio creator and java studio enterprise...) and how exactly do I go about this process.
    I have read a few pages abut this but still not confident so would really appreciate a hand holding exercise if anyone wuld be so kind.

    Hello! There seems to be alot wrong, so I don't know if I'll
    get you up and running, but I'll try.
    First of all you are stating "override function" for the
    first 2 functions. This is only ok when you use it inside a class
    (I assume you are coding on the timeline right?), so get rid of the
    Secondly I am not really sure what you are trying to do with
    this part of your code:
    addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
    keyDownHandler {function event
    addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler2);
    keyDownHandler2(event )(keyCode==Keyboard.RIGHT);{
    Are you trying to specify another 2 functions (you'll have a
    naming conflict then as keyDownHandler and keyDownHandler2 are
    already in use) or are you trying to call the above functions?
    Third there are little flaws like gotoAndStop:(30); which
    should be gotoAndStop(30); and some semicolons too much.
    Hope that helps a little.

  • JSF Newbie: help with forms & drop-downs

    I've managed to get a few simple things working with JSF using Netbeans & Visual Web pack. This is pretty sexy stuff for a grizzled old perl programmer. However, there are still a few things I'm having trouble getting through my thick head -- maybe some kind soul could point me in the right direction.
    I would like to have a couple of cascading data-bound drop-downs: dd1 provides a selection list for dd2, and the combination of dd1 and dd2, when selected, provides enough data to populate a webuijsf:table.
    The desired behaviour is that a change in dd1 repopulates the selection list for dd2 and furthermore, repopulates the table based on the selected value in dd1 plus the first value in the selection list of dd2. A change of selection in dd2 repopulates the table accordingly.
    My prerender() for the page checks if dd1.getSelected == null, and if so, sets the cursor to the first row in the bound data provider. Furthermore, it primes the rowset for dd2 with some rows from dd2's data provider based on the values in the first row for dd1.
    The first time through, everything is peachy: dd1 has the appropriate selection list, as does dd2. my webuijsf:table also has the appropriate rows (selected in the prerender()).
    My problem seems to be that when a new value is selected in dd2, dd1.getSelected == null at the next prerender(). This, of course, re-primes dd2, wiping out its selection.
    So, obviously, I don't really understand what I'm doing well enough to see how to do this. The visual web pack tutorials, where I started, really don't provide adequate explanation of what's going on, and the chapter on JSF in the J2EE tutorial is still a little abstract for me.
    I would be forever indebted if somebody could please provide a pointer to a resource (preferably something a perl programmer can afford ;-) that could help me understand, in concrete terms, how a form, and the elements on the form (and their events), are processed.
    Also, and as an aside, am I alone in thinking the whole Java thing is tremendously complex? I'm not talking about the Java language, which I find pretty intuitive, but the zillions of J* stuff around it, which seems somewhat dense. I really do want to learn this stuff, but it's pretty bewildering!

    Normally I would tell you to inject the PersonController bean into the PersonSelectionListener bean as a managed property. Then drill into the bean to get the data you need.
    However, in this case you are dealing with a value change listener. Value change events are fired at the end of the Process Validations phase, before the Update Model Values phase. So in this case, the PersonController bean will not contain the selected person from the request. This is not a problem however, since the new value is passed via the ValueChangeEvent object.

  • Java newbie help (type casting, 64bit unsigned Long)

    Hi I am java newbie and need help on my project. I have a few questions. Can you put strings in a hashtable and test for their being their with the appropriate hashtable method? I want to test for equal strings, not the same object. Second question can you use all 64 bits of an unsigned long? java doesn't seem to allow this. Any packages that do?

    Try casting it to Long instead of long. Long (capital L) is an Object, while long (lower case l) is not. You may also check to make sure the value isn't null. I would have thought that autoboxing would have worked here unless the value was null. But I am no expert on autoboxing.
    Edit >> Checking for null ain't a bad idea but has nothing to do with the problem - this is a compile time problem. Sorry.
    Also>> This code should work:
    long cTime=(Long)session.getAttribute("creationtime");Edited by: stevejluke on Jul 1, 2008 11:00 AM

  • Flash cs3 newbie help - setting up a clicktag

    I am just about to pull my hair out - please help as I don't have that much hair to pull out.
    I created a flash file in Flash CS3 and was told I need to add a click tag for an agency who want to keep track of the click throughs for the ad.
    I have created the invisible button layer and set up the 'hit' and tried and tried and tried to select the button and add some action script to it.
    (which I have seen three different codes to use)
    Each time I export it or publish it I get the error message: mouse events are permitted only for button insances on release. I have read and understand I need to assign the code to the button and not the frame but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do that.
    I select the button (which I have converted to a 'button') and F9 or left click to get the Actions panel and once I am there and try to use the '+' to add code, it automatically shows 'Current Select/Frame 1 in the left side of the Actions panel. I get that it is adding the code to the frame but how do I get it to add the code to the button???
    So my question is 1) how do I add the code to the button and not the frame and 2) what code should I use?
    Any and all help is GREATLY appreaciated!
    oops...forgot to add I am using AS2. Thanks!

    Kglad - thanks so much for all your help.
    I spoke to a friend who corrected what I was doing.
    Here's an explanation for those who may find the thread...
    Click on the invisible button you created and press F9 (opens Actions)
    (Ensure it says 'Actions: button' at top)
    Put this code in:
    var clickTAG="";
    if (clickTAG.substr(0,5)=="http:")
    getURL(clickTAG, "_blank");
    Seems it's always a simple answer for a baffling question.
    Thanks again.

  • Newbie help on Queries

    I just set up my first query page using two tables (categories and properties) and I set up a simplistic page here just to see if the data loads:
    It does, but it loads all the entries of the properties table. I just want it to display one of the three categories (One Bedroom, Two Bedroom, Three Bedroom) and I thought just adding ?id=1 would do something like that but it didn't change anything. I set up a query with a join using ADDT connecting the category row from the properties table to the id row of the categories table. So why am I getting all the data instead of just one of the rows from the categories table? Can anyone help an ADDT/PHP newbie?

    Oops, sorry,
    I forgot to enclose my addition in single apostrophes -- that should be:
    SELECT * FROM properties WHERE category=123456789 AND category = '".$_GET['category']."' ORDER BY property
    Should I have done something differently?
    yes, the "detail2properties" query should have rather become somewhat enhanced to filter against a certain URL variable, but this requirement probably wasn´t clear at the time you implemented the Nested Repeat Region wizard.
    The demo you were using apparently didn´t cover this particular scenario -- but when trying to create a "real world" application, the specific requirements are usually different from any tutorial.
    However, ADDT actually provides two Nested Repeat Region "flavors" -- a) the Wizard that´s doing everything for you without having to provide the recordsets, and b) the Nested Repeat Region *server behavior* which can be applied to existing recordsets. I´m not sure which one you actually used, but I guess it´s the Wizard, which can be a little inflexible when it comes to the generated recordsets.
    You think in future versions of Dreamweaver that text should be selectable?
    no clue, I´m not involved in developing DW ;-) However, please feel free to file a feature request.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • Newbie help-clips & scenes

    I am having a hard time learning action script. I want to
    have a movie clip that was pulled from the library with
    "attach_movie", but once it is done I need it to go to another
    scene. Is this something simple, or am I asking for a lot? I have
    been through a ton of tutorials just to figure out the attach movie
    action, but the second part of the problem is very perplexing to a
    newbie like myself. Any help or a site that has a tutorial would be
    greatly appreciated.

    When you say movie clip, are you reffering to the last frame
    of the clip that is being pulled from the library, or the scene
    that the button resides in. I tried adding it to the last frame of
    the library clip, but it doesnt do anything. Any ideas?

  • Newbie help needed with Applet

    I am having a problem with the following Applet. I have highlighted it in bold.
    How can I ensure that all of the conditions are met regardless of the order they are inserted on the graph,within the program?
    At the moment I have to do them in the exact order they are in the code in order to get the "Winner" message.
    Also if I insert an image at any time at the point if(x >= 290 && x <= 350 && y >= 290 && y <= 350) I also receive the "Winner" message. I realise this happens because it is the last line of code in this statement.
    However I am very new to this and dont know how to fix it. Indeed I dont even know if this is the correct way to do this.
    Hope this makes sense.
    Any help would be very much appreciated
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MyDraughts extends Applet implements MouseListener,ActionListener,
                        public MyDraughts(){
                             points = new ArrayList();
                             pawncount = 0;
                             pawncount1 = 14;
                             message = "";
                             message1 = "";
                             title = new Font ("Arial", Font.BOLD, 18);
         private Point square1, square2, square3, square4, square5, square6, square7,square8,square9,
         private int select;
         private Image pawn;
         private Point icon;
         private ArrayList points;
         private int x;
         private int y;
         private int pawncount;
         private int pawncount1,pawncount2;
         private Button undoButton;
         private String message,message1;
         private Font title;
         public void init(){
              setBackground(new Color(210,255,210));
              select = 0;
              square1=new Point(50,10);
              square2=new Point(130,10);
              square3=new Point(210,10);
              square4=new Point(290,10);
              square5=new Point(10,50);
              square6=new Point(90,50);
              square7=new Point(170,50);
              square8=new Point(250,50);
              square9=new Point(50,90);
              square10=new Point(130,90);
              square11=new Point(210,90);
              square12=new Point(290,90);
              square13=new Point(10,130);
              square14=new Point(90,130);
              square15=new Point(170,130);
              square16=new Point(250,130);
              square17=new Point(50,170);
              square18=new Point(130,170);
              square19=new Point(210,170);
              square20=new Point(290,170);
              square21=new Point(10,210);
              square22=new Point(90,210);
              square23=new Point(170,210);
              square24=new Point(250,210);
              square25=new Point(50,250);
              square26=new Point(130,250);
              square27=new Point(210,250);
              square28=new Point(290,250);
              square29=new Point(10,290);
              square30=new Point(90,290);
              square31=new Point(170,290);
              square32=new Point(250,290);
              undoButton = new Button("Undo");
              mouse= new Point();
              icon = new Point();
              pawn = getImage(getCodeBase(), "pawn.gif");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent){
    if(actionevent.getSource() == undoButton){
    int a = points.size();
    int b = a - 1;
    a = points.size();
    public void paint (Graphics g){
         g.fillRect(square1.x, square1.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square2.x, square2.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square3.x, square3.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square4.x, square4.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square5.x, square5.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square6.x, square6.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square7.x, square7.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square8.x, square8.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square9.x, square9.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square10.x, square10.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square11.x, square11.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square12.x, square12.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square13.x, square13.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square14.x, square14.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square15.x, square15.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square16.x, square16.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square17.x, square17.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square18.x, square18.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square19.x, square19.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square20.x, square20.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square21.x, square21.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square22.x, square22.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square23.x, square23.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square24.x, square24.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square25.x, square25.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square26.x, square26.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square27.x, square27.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square28.x, square28.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square29.x, square29.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square30.x, square30.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square31.x, square31.y,40,40);
         g.fillRect(square32.x, square32.y,40,40);
         g.drawString(message, 350, 300);
         g.drawString(message1, 350, 320);
         for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){
    icon = (Point)points.get(i);
    g.drawImage(pawn, icon.x, icon.y, 25, 25, this);
         g.drawString("Click A Square To Place A Pawn", 350, 50);
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){}
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){}
    //require for the interface
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent mouseevent){
    setBackground(new Color(210,255,210));
    x = mouseevent.getX();
    y = mouseevent.getY();
    if(x > 19 && x < 312 && y > 19 && y < 312){
    pawncount = pawncount + 1;
    if(pawncount > pawncount1){
    message = "Too Many Pawns!You can only place 14";
    message1 = "Hit restart to play again";
    pawncount1 = 14;
    if(x >= 10 && x <= 50 && y >= 290 && y <= 330){
    message = "A Pawn Can't be placed here";
    pawncount = 15;
    if(x >= 50 && x <= 90 && y >= 250 && y <= 290){
    message = "A Pawn Can't be placed here";
    pawncount = 15;
    if(x >= 90 && x <= 130 && y >= 210 && y <= 250){
    message = "A Pawn Can't be placed here";
    pawncount = 15;
    //This is the solution for the puzzle
    if(x >= 90 && x <= 130 && y >= 10 && y <= 50);
    if(x >= 250 && x <= 290 && y >= 10 && y <= 50);
    if(x >= 90 && x <= 130 && y >= 50 && y <= 90);
    if(x >= 170 && x <= 210 && y >= 50 && y <= 90);
    if(x >= 10 && x <= 50 && y >= 90 && y <= 130);
    if(x >= 50 && x <= 90 && y >= 90 && y <= 130);
    if(x >= 250 && x <= 290 && y >= 130 && y <= 170);
    if(x >= 50 && x <= 90 && y >= 170 && y <= 210);
    if(x >= 210 && x <= 250 && y >= 210 && y <= 250);
    if(x >= 290 && x <= 350 && y >= 210 && y <= 250);
    if(x >= 10 && x <= 50 && y >= 250 && y <= 290);
    if(x >= 130 && x <= 170 && y >= 250 && y <= 290);
    if(x >= 210 && x <= 250 && y >= 290 && y <= 350);
    if(x >= 290 && x <= 350 && y >= 290 && y <= 350){
    message = "Winner";
    pawncount = 14;
    //required for the interface
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event){}
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event){}
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event){}
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event){}
    public void drawBox(Graphics g){
         for(int i=10;i<=350;i+=40){

    Since your code is heavilly dependant on which square is clicked on I'd define a class extending JComponent to represent a square. You can make this an inner class, which would simplify access to other squares etc. Then lay these out in your JPanel, and each will have it's own paint method which will paint it with or without a pawn.
    At the same time you add all these as a two dimensional array for logical access. Each square has (or is) it's own mouseListener so that you can let awt figure out which you clicked on.
    private static final int CELL_SIZE=50;
    private static final int BOARD_SIZE= 8;
    private class Square extends JComponent implements MouseListener {
        public boolean hasPawn;
        private Square(int row, int col) {
             Rectangle where = new Rectangle(col * CELL_SIZE, row * CELL_SIZE,
       public void addPawn() {
         if(!hasPawn) {
           hasPawn = true;
      public void paint(Graphics g) {
    } // end of inner class
    Square[][]board = new Square[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE];}

  • Help on Configuring MSS

    Hello ESS/MSS Experts,
    I am trying to configure MSS in Portal.  The backend configuration for Compensation Management has been performed under the node Personnel Management -> Enterprise Compensation Management by the functional consultant.  Even after this is done, I am getting an error in the Portal iViews MSS->Planning Page.  Can any of you provide me a config document which will guide me to configure MSS from the scratch in the Portal side?  I am not aware of any of the settings which needs to be configured for MSS.  I am new to MSS config as well.
    Any documentation or any help ASAP in this regard is greatly appreciated.

    Hello Siddharth,
    Thanks for your quick reply.  I am not able to open this doc as its giving Page cannot be found error.
    This is the error message I am getting in the Planning -> Service Request iView. ComponentUsage(FPMConfigurationUsage): Active component must exist when getting interface controller. (Hint: Have you forgotten to create it with createComponent()? Should the lifecycle control of the component usage be "createOnDemand"?
    For almost all of the other iViews am getting Portal Runtime Error. 
    I haven't done any configuration w.r.t MSS side from Portal and it will be of great help if you can provide a documentation which explains the step by step approach in configuring MSS from Portal.
    Kindly let me know if you have any queries.

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