Newer msata card compatability with tv tuner socket

 i have loveingly owned my dv7 for 3 years now, when first bought remanufactured, i promptly installed a g. skill 64 gb ssd as primary drive and installed windows 7, used the original drive 320 gb as secondary. recently, i keep up with the latest and greatest, i've noticed that an amazing similarity exsists TV TUNER socket, in the bottom of my dv7, and the new MSATA CARD ssd.....could i be so lucky??? .  PLEASE TELL ME IT IS SO...
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Sorry no. Physically the port is the same and the mSATA card would plug in but it will not be seen by the BIOS or by Windows. 

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    It will work,as I have one on Win 7 x64. Without problems is another story.
    There are plenty of posts about this card.Have a look around.

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    There are two type of readers you can use with JavaCards:
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    As specified in ISO7816, for the contact readers working with T=0 and T=1 protocols. On win machines they are normally supported with the PC/SC interface, most of the readers are able to talk to that interface. In other words - if you can use any card on ur comp and if it is win platform JC will work fine.
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    As specified in ISO14443, this babies are talking T=CL protocol. For now I know only JCOP30 products that are operating also in contactless mode. For this you will have to acquire some contactless reader and they are commong with drivers for standalone apps or for the PC/SC IF.
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    I find mixed results here...
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    NVIDIA GeForce 9400M:
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      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCI
      VRAM (Total):          256 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0863
      Revision ID:          0x00b1
      ROM Revision:          3448
      gMux Version:          1.8.8
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      Resolution:          1440 x 900
      Pixel Depth:          32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Main Display:          Yes
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Built-In:          Yes
    NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT:
      Chipset Model:          NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT
      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          512 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0647
      Revision ID:          0x00a1
      ROM Revision:          3448
      gMux Version:          1.8.8
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    Processor  2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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    Hi again,
    Your Gigabit's system Firmware (Boot ROM) should be updated to version 4.2.8f1. You can verify your systems' Firmware in System Profiler. Click on the Apple icon in the upper left of your screen, then click on +About This Mac;+ and finally click on +More Info....+ If your Boot ROM is not 4.2.8f1 it needs to be updated. If it is 4.2.8f1 your good to go.
    Updating your Boot ROM is a little tricky because you can only do it in OS 9.1. If you need to update your firmware, and you don't have OS 9.1, you can buy a copy [here|]. Occasionally OS 9 is up for bid on ebay. You can get the Firmware Update Download [here|].
    Updating your System's Firmware is essential because this allows your System to accept new hardware upgrades likes Processors, and Video Cards.
    Lastly, if you choose to stay with the geforce2 mx, and your running Leopard you don't need any driver updates as these are supported in Leopard.

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    Yes, Cisco ACU is for Cisco cards only.

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    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards.
    Go to Solution.

    It is highly unlikely that S60v3FP1 and FP2 phones will get the new OS.
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    It more likely that the only models that will get the new OS are those that have yet to be announced.
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    1) 26PF5320
    2) 26PF9320
    TV 1) had no problem accepting the DVI signal from the mini at all the native resolutions I tried (no extra software). TV 2) -- originally my favoured one -- had a barely noticeable overscan on the menubar.
    So I bought the 26PF5320: a bit cheaper but also higher native resolution.
    So it pays to compare even similar models. Retailers will understand the situation. However, it's important to go on a slow day -- not on Saturday -- and maybe hurry up before Christmas. Understandably they don't want to spend too much time on demonstrations when the store is full of potential customers.
    The young man from the store was very impressed with the mini. Less impressed with Quicktime and that you have to pay to get a full-screen video. But that's another story.
    I was able to carry the TV and the mini (the latter in a backpack) from the store to the tram and then from the tram stop to home. Just two year ago this would have been science-fiction.
    I will try to collect more data on HDTV/mini matches and mismatches and maybe put it in an ASCII table for a start.
    iMac G4, Dual G4, mini, Xserves G5    

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    The box says 10.4.6 or later. The instruction manual says "to use your mouse and take full advantage of its features, you need: [...] 10.4.6 or later."
    The instruction manual also says: "If your Mac is running an earlier version of Mac OS X, you won't be able to install the software from the disc and you may not be able to use all of the features…"
    The manual states that users of OSX 10.3.9–10.4.2 can "assign primary and secondary buttons, and activate Exposé. Display Dashboard only in [Tiger]"
    So, there you go, from the horse's mouth. It'll work fine, but not as full-featured as if you were running the latest OS.

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    if one has PA-MC-STM-1SMI on Side A and a POS card on side B would they work?

    Your duplicate post

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    Last edited by graysky (2009-05-17 09:54:42)

    I've been looking to build a low power home server / media centre and these look perfect...
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    Pity about what Intel's doing to the price: … OK20090518
    You'd of thought they'd of learned
    EDIT: looks like it has 3 SATA ports
    Last edited by Tillotson (2009-05-21 17:56:42)

  • New Graphics Card Compatibility

    I'm thinking of buying a MSi GeForce GTX 650 for my computer. I foolishly bought a graphics card before that wasn't compatible and just wanted to make sure this one would be.
    Here is the exact product:
    I just installed a Corsair CX600 so my power supply should be fine.

    Here is the link again, and the url. I hope this one works better than the last.
    HP Pavilion Elite h8-1070t Product Specifications and Configurable Options
    I work on behalf of HP, but my opinions are my own.
    Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved. If both both.

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    my add on tabs are not showing up

    To downgrade to Firefox 4 first uninstall Firefox 5 beta, but do not select the option to "Remove my Firefox personal data". If you select that option it will delete your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
    You can then install the latest version of Firefox 4 available from - it will automatically use your current bookmarks, passwords etc.

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