Newline in textfield

Hi everyone!
If I press ENTER while editing textfield a newline is inserted. How can I change ENTER on something else, for example CONTROL+ENTER or SHIFT+ENTER(i.e. SHIFT+ENTER inserts new line into textfield)

I'm sorry, but I just created an air app to see if that's really like you say.
if you use a textarea you can press enter and you get a new line without pressing any other keys.
At the end this doesn't matter. This should at least prevent the default behaviour of pressing the ENTER key:
textfield.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler); 
private function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
       if( event.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP && event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER )
        = "\r", "" );

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  • Issue with setting float point in Textfield

    i have an issue with float input in a textfield.
    what i want to do is.
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    to achive this i have written the code as below
    public class Test{
         public static void main(String[] a){
         try {
    } catch (Exception evt) {}
    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
    final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
    // tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
    JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
    f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
    f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
    tf.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke){
              char ch = ke.getKeyChar();
              char key;
              int finalres =0;
              String str,str1 = null,str2 =null,str3 = null,str4= null;
              if(ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 ||
                        ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_1 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_2 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_3 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_4 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_5 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_6 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_7 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_8 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_9 ){
                   double value1 = Double.parseDouble(tf.getText());
                   int position = tf.getCaretPosition();
                   if(tf.getText().length() == 1){
                        if(tf.getText() != null || tf.getText() != ""){
                        value1 = value1 / 100;
                   /*else if(tf.getText().length() == 3){
                        str = tf.getText();
                        for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
                             if(str.charAt(i) == '.'){
                                  str1 = str.substring(0,i);
                                  str2 = str.substring(i+1,str.length()-1);
                        key = ke.getKeyChar();
                        finalres = calculate.calculate1(str2,key);
                        str3 = merge.merge1(str1,finalres);
                        value1 = Float.parseFloat(tf.getText());
                        value1 = value1*10;
    tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    try {
    Long l = tf.getLongValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
    } catch (ParseException e1) {
    try {
    Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
    } catch (ParseException e2) {
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    * Created on May 25, 2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author jagjeevanreddyg
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.ParsePosition;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content;
    public class DecimalFormateGen extends JTextField implements
    NumericPlainDocument.InsertErrorListener {
         public DecimalFormateGen() {
         this(null, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         super(null, text, columns);
         NumericPlainDocument numericDoc = (NumericPlainDocument) getDocument();
         if (format != null) {
         public DecimalFormateGen(int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         this(null, columns, format);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text) {
         this(text, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns) {
         this(text, columns, null);
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat format) {
         ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).setFormat(format);
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getFormat();
         public void formatChanged() {
         // Notify change of format attributes.
         // Methods to get the field value
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getLongValue();
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getDoubleValue();
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getNumberValue();
         // Methods to install numeric values
         public void setValue(Number number) {
         public void setValue(long l) {
         public void setValue(double d) {
         public void normalize() throws ParseException {
         // format the value according to the format string
         // Override to handle insertion error
         public void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset, String str,
         AttributeSet a) {
         // By default, just beep
         // Method to create default model
         protected Document createDefaultModel() {
         return new NumericPlainDocument();
         // Test code
         public static void main(String[] args) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception evt) {}
         DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#,###.###");
         JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
         final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
         tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
         JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
         f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
         f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
         tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         try {
         Long l = tf.getLongValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
         } catch (ParseException e1) {
         try {
         Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
         } catch (ParseException e2) {
         class NumericPlainDocument extends PlainDocument {
         public NumericPlainDocument() {
         public NumericPlainDocument(DecimalFormat format) {
         public NumericPlainDocument(AbstractDocument.Content content,
         DecimalFormat format) {
         try {
         .parseObject(content.getString(0, content.length()), parsePos);
         } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != content.length() - 1) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat fmt) {
         this.format = fmt != null ? fmt : (DecimalFormat) defaultFormat.clone();
         decimalSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         groupingSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         positivePrefix = format.getPositivePrefix();
         positivePrefixLen = positivePrefix.length();
         negativePrefix = format.getNegativePrefix();
         negativePrefixLen = negativePrefix.length();
         positiveSuffix = format.getPositiveSuffix();
         positiveSuffixLen = positiveSuffix.length();
         negativeSuffix = format.getNegativeSuffix();
         negativeSuffixLen = negativeSuffix.length();
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return format;
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         try {
         String content = getText(0, getLength());
         Number result = format.parse(content, parsePos);
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != getLength()) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number: " + content, 0);
         return result;
         } catch (BadLocationException e) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number", 0);
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid long", 0);
         return (Long) result;
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false
         && (result instanceof Double) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid double", 0);
         if (result instanceof Long) {
         result = new Double(result.doubleValue());
         return (Double) result;
         public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a)
         throws BadLocationException {
         if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
         Content content = getContent();
         int length = content.length();
         int originalLength = length;
         // Create the result of inserting the new data,
         // but ignore the trailing newline
         String targetString = content.getString(0, offset) + str
         + content.getString(offset, length - offset - 1);
         // Parse the input string and check for errors
         do {
         boolean gotPositive = targetString.startsWith(positivePrefix);
         boolean gotNegative = targetString.startsWith(negativePrefix);
         length = targetString.length();
         // If we have a valid prefix, the parse fails if the
         // suffix is not present and the error is reported
         // at index 0. So, we need to add the appropriate
         // suffix if it is not present at this point.
         if (gotPositive == true || gotNegative == true) {
         String suffix;
         int suffixLength;
         int prefixLength;
         if (gotPositive == true && gotNegative == true) {
         // This happens if one is the leading part of
         // the other - e.g. if one is "(" and the other "(("
         if (positivePrefixLen > negativePrefixLen) {
         gotNegative = false;
         } else {
         gotPositive = false;
         if (gotPositive == true) {
         suffix = positiveSuffix;
         suffixLength = positiveSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = positivePrefixLen;
         } else {
         // Must have the negative prefix
         suffix = negativeSuffix;
         suffixLength = negativeSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = negativePrefixLen;
         // If the string consists of the prefix alone,
         // do nothing, or the result won't parse.
         if (length == prefixLength) {
         // We can't just add the suffix, because part of it
         // may already be there. For example, suppose the
         // negative prefix is "(" and the negative suffix is
         // "$)". If the user has typed "(345$", then it is not
         // correct to add "$)". Instead, only the missing part
         // should be added, in this case ")".
         if (targetString.endsWith(suffix) == false) {
         int i;
         for (i = suffixLength - 1; i > 0; i--) {
         if (targetString
         .regionMatches(length - i, suffix, 0, i)) {
         targetString += suffix.substring(i);
         if (i == 0) {
         // None of the suffix was present
         targetString += suffix;
         length = targetString.length();
         format.parse(targetString, parsePos);
         int endIndex = parsePos.getIndex();
         if (endIndex == length) {
         break; // Number is acceptable
         // Parse ended early
         // Since incomplete numbers don't always parse, try
         // to work out what went wrong.
         // First check for an incomplete positive prefix
         if (positivePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < positivePrefixLen
         && length <= positivePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, positivePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Next check for an incomplete negative prefix
         if (negativePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < negativePrefixLen
         && length <= negativePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, negativePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Allow a number that ends with the group
         // or decimal separator, if these are in use
         char lastChar = targetString.charAt(originalLength - 1);
         int decimalIndex = targetString.indexOf(decimalSeparator);
         if (format.isGroupingUsed() && lastChar == groupingSeparator
         && decimalIndex == -1) {
         // Allow a "," but only in integer part
         if (format.isParseIntegerOnly() == false
         && lastChar == decimalSeparator
         && decimalIndex == originalLength - 1) {
         // Allow a ".", but only one
         // No more corrections to make: must be an error
         if (errorListener != null) {
         errorListener.insertFailed(this, offset, str, a);
         } while (true == false);
         // Finally, add to the model
         super.insertString(offset, str, a);
         public void addInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == null) {
         errorListener = l;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "InsertErrorListener already registered");
         public void removeInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == l) {
         errorListener = null;
         public interface InsertErrorListener {
         public abstract void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset,
         String str, AttributeSet a);
         protected InsertErrorListener errorListener;
         protected DecimalFormat format;
         protected char decimalSeparator;
         protected char groupingSeparator;
         protected String positivePrefix;
         protected String negativePrefix;
         protected int positivePrefixLen;
         protected int negativePrefixLen;
         protected String positiveSuffix;
         protected String negativeSuffix;
         protected int positiveSuffixLen;
         protected int negativeSuffixLen;
         protected ParsePosition parsePos = new ParsePosition(0);
         protected static DecimalFormat defaultFormat = new DecimalFormat();
    this is not working as desired pls help me.
    can we use this code and get the desired result or is there any other way to do this.
    it is very urgent for me pls help immediately
    thanks in advance

    Hi camickr
    i learned how to format the code now, and u also responded for my testarea problem , iam very much thankful to u, and now i repeat the same problem what i have with a text field.
    actually i have window with a textfield on it and while end user starts entering data in it , it should be have as follows
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    first the default value should be as 0.00 and as the user starts entering
    then it is as follows
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    i hope u will give me quick reply because this is very hard time for me.

  • Setting textfield focus in ActionScript 3.0

    I am using an event handler to listen for MOUSE_UP on stage_mc to let the user create text and images on the screen. I have buttons above the stage that set a variable, then the variable determines which action occurs with the mouse event.
    I would like the user to be able to enter text, and can create an input text field on the stage, but the user then has to click inside the text field to begin typing. Because of the event handler, this 2nd MOUSE_UP repositions the text field, although it IS successful in setting the focus.
    Ideally, I would like for the user to be able to create the input text field by clicking on the stage and then begin typing without having to click a 2nd time. It seems simple enough, but I still don't understand OOP enough to decipher the help pages available within the program.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Here is my code (some of the included variable are set in previous lines):
    //Setting up the Text Field parameters
        var outputText:TextField = new TextField();
        var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    // Enabling the input tools
    function startDraw(event:MouseEvent):void {
        if ( == "lineTool_mc") {
      , event.localY);
                stage_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawLine);  
        } else if ( == "textTool_mc") {          
            textFormat.color = 0x336699;
            textFormat.size = 48;
            textFormat.font = "Times";
            outputText.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
            outputText.selectable = true;
            outputText.x = event.localX;
            outputText.y = event.localY;
            outputText.background = false;
            outputText.border = true;
            outputText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            outputText.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
        } else if ( == "brushTool_mc") { ...

    on mouseup or click, if the mouse is down, you can use:
    if the mouse isn't down, you can don't need a listener to trigger the above.

  • How to store JcomboBox n textfield into textfile? Urgent!!!

    How to store JcomboBox n textfield into textfile?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class RecordMenu extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
        private JComboBox monthSelection;
        private JButton buttonOk;
        double amtToTrack;
        private JTextField amtField;
        private static final String[] Months =
         new String[] {
        public RecordMenu() {      
            JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
            mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
            mainPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Record Expenses"));
            JLabel monthLabel = new JLabel("Select month");      
            monthSelection = new JComboBox(Months);      
            JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Amount to track:");       
            JTextField amtField = new JTextField(5);
            JLabel nothing1 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing2 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing3 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing4 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing5 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing6 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing7 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing8 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JButton buttonOk = new JButton("OK");     
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                
             if (e.getSource() == buttonOk) {
             double amtToTrack = 0.0;
             try {
             if (!amtField.getText().equals(""))
                   amtToTrack = Double.parseDouble(amtField.getText());
             catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) {
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You must enter numbers","Invalid Number Format", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("mySaved.txt",true));
                             out.write("For Month "+Months);
                             if (!amtField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             amtToTrack = Double.parseDouble(amtField.getText());
                             out.write("Amount to track = "+amtToTrack);   
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Saved!");                         
                            catch(IOException ex) {   
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JPanel p = new RecordMenu();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            Container c = f.getContentPane();

    i had save e month at mySavedTotal
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class RecordMenu extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
        private JComboBox monthSelection;
        private JButton buttonOk;
        double amtToTrack;
        private JTextField amtField;
        private static final String[] Months =
         new String[] {
        public RecordMenu() {      
            JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
            mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
            mainPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Record Expenses"));
            JLabel monthLabel = new JLabel("Select month");      
            monthSelection = new JComboBox(Months);      
            JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Amount to track:");       
            amtField = new JTextField(5);
            JLabel nothing1 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing2 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing3 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing4 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing5 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing6 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing7 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing8 = new JLabel("nothing");
            buttonOk = new JButton("OK");     
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                
             if (e.getSource() == buttonOk) {
             double amtToTrack = 0.0;
             try {
             if (!amtField.getText().equals(""))
                   amtToTrack = Double.parseDouble(amtField.getText());
             catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) {
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You must enter numbers","Invalid Number Format", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("mySavedTotal.txt",true));
                             out.write("For Month "+monthSelection.getSelectedItem());
                             if (!amtField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             amtToTrack = Double.parseDouble(amtField.getText());
                             out.write("Amount to track = "+amtToTrack);   
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Saved!");
                             JPanel p = new CheckBox();         
                             JFrame f = new JFrame();         
                             Container c = f.getContentPane();         
                            catch(IOException ex) {   
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JPanel p = new RecordMenu();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            Container c = f.getContentPane();
    }then i save data from other file in mySavedTotal again
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class CheckBox extends JPanel implements ItemListener, ActionListener {
         private JPanel checkPanel, buttonPanel;
         private JCheckBox transport, bills, food, gifts, leisure, others;
         private JTextField transportField, billsField, foodField, giftsField,leisureField,
                        othersField, totalField;
         double transportAmt, billsAmt, foodAmt, giftsAmt, leisureAmt, othersAmt, totalAmt;
         private JButton buttonTotal, saveButton, dontSaveButton;
         private JLabel showTotal;
         public CheckBox() {          
              //create a panel for diaplaying the checkboxs and buttons
              checkPanel = new JPanel();
              checkPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,3));
              //Create the check boxes.
              transport = new JCheckBox("Transport");
              transportField = new JTextField();
              bills = new JCheckBox("Bills");
              billsField = new JTextField(5);
              food = new JCheckBox("Food");
              foodField = new JTextField(5);
              gifts = new JCheckBox("Gifts");
              giftsField = new JTextField(5);
              leisure = new JCheckBox("Leisure");
              leisureField = new JTextField(5);
              others = new JCheckBox("Others");
              othersField = new JTextField(5);
              JLabel nothing1 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing2 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing3 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing4 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing5 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing6 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing7 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing8 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing9 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing10 = new JLabel("nothing");
            JLabel nothing11 = new JLabel("nothing");
              //Register a listener for the check boxes.
              checkPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Check the amount you want to track"));
              buttonTotal = new JButton("Calculate Total");
              showTotal = new JLabel(" = __");
              saveButton = new JButton("Save");
              dontSaveButton = new JButton("Don't Save");
              /** Listens to the check boxes. */
              public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
              if (e.getSource() == transport)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)          
              if (e.getSource() == bills)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              if (e.getSource() == food)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              if (e.getSource() == gifts)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              if (e.getSource() == leisure)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              if (e.getSource() == others)
              if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
              try {     
             if (event.getSource() == buttonTotal) {
                  double transportAmt=0.0, billsAmt=0.0, foodAmt=0.0, giftsAmt=0.0,leisureAmt=0.0, othersAmt=0.0, totalAmt=0.0;
                   if (!transportField.getText().equals(""))
                   transportAmt = Double.parseDouble(transportField.getText());
                   billsAmt = Double.parseDouble(billsField.getText());
                   foodAmt = Double.parseDouble(foodField.getText());
                   giftsAmt = Double.parseDouble(giftsField.getText());
                   leisureAmt = Double.parseDouble(leisureField.getText());
                   othersAmt = Double.parseDouble(othersField.getText());
                   totalAmt = transportAmt + billsAmt + foodAmt + giftsAmt + leisureAmt + othersAmt;
                   showTotal.setText("= $" + totalAmt);
              catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException ) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You must enter numbers!","Invalid Number Format", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                   if (event.getSource() == dontSaveButton) {
                        if(event.getSource() ==saveButton){     
                        double transportAmt=0.0, billsAmt=0.0, foodAmt=0.0, giftsAmt=0.0,leisureAmt=0.0, othersAmt=0.0, totalAmt=0.0;      
                             BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("mySavedTotal.txt",true));
                             if (!transportField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             transportAmt = Double.parseDouble(transportField.getText());
                             out.write("Transport = "+transportAmt);   
                             if(!billsField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             billsAmt = Double.parseDouble(billsField.getText());     
                             out.write("Bills = "+billsAmt);     
                             if(!foodField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             foodAmt = Double.parseDouble(foodField.getText());     
                             out.write("Food = "+foodAmt);     
                             giftsAmt = Double.parseDouble(giftsField.getText());     
                             out.write("Gifts = "+giftsAmt);     
                             leisureAmt = Double.parseDouble(leisureField.getText());     
                             out.write("Leisure = "+leisureAmt);     
                             if(!othersField.getText().equals("")) {     
                             othersAmt = Double.parseDouble(othersField.getText());     
                             out.write("Others = "+othersAmt);     
                             out.write("Total amount "+showTotal.getText());
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Everything is saved!");
                             catch(IOException e){
                                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You must enter integers!","Invalid Number Format",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                        public static void main(String[] args) {                         
                             JPanel p = new CheckBox();
                        JFrame f = new JFrame();
                        Container c = f.getContentPane();
                        }urgent... how to rerieve saved data? i got try b4 but didnt work out

  • Trouble with Dynamic TextField and Virtual Keyboard

    I'm working on a flashlite 3.1 touchscreen device running a flash app that I've written. At certain times, I need to be able to enter text, so I created an onscreen keyboard that updates a dynamic textfield.
    If I use a dynamic textfield, a caret doesn't appear, and you can tell where you are entering text. Using some of the text metric info, I've been able to *draw* a caret at the proper position for single line textfields. However, when I try and handle multiline textfields (with wordwrap on), I can seem to figure out what line the *caret* would be or how to breakdown what text is on each line. Has anybody had any success with this? Obviously, hard newlines could be parsed, but the wordwrap is giving me grief.
    In addition, for the Selection class to work, the textfield must have focus. In flashlite, this results in a yellow box around the input, which looks horrible. Is there a way to disable the yellow box?

    It is simple, and should be, but I can't say whether you are implementing something incorrectly or if CS5 has some added complexity (or bug) at play.  If we go back to your initial posting, and my initial response, then that should be the end of the story.
    I don't own CS5, but I'd hate to think they made something else difficult to deal with like they seemingly did with timeline tweening in CS4 (which I also did not buy into).  I believe they invented some new form of textfield in CS5, but it'd be sad if they invented some new property to deal with for assigning text to it.
    The only thing I can imagine at this point where it might be something you did involves a couple of factors being at play... 1)  you are using the library name of the movieclip, not the instance name, and 2) your Publish Settings are set for AS2 (so that no error is generated... AS2 is not generous with them like AS3).

  • ADobe TextField Justification on a string containt CR_LF

      I have an Adobe Print form where I want to fully Justify a textField which is bind on a string. I have set the properties Allow Multiple Lines and Allow Page breaks within Content. The Problem is that it also expand lines tha contain CR_LF (Carriage Return, Line feed : NEWLINE). Is there a way in full justification to preserve the CR and therefore not expand it to the end of the line? If I set for Left Justification CR are OK and display correctly. Only IF I set full Justification that CR are expanded to the end of the line.

    I have the same problem. But looking at this link i tried. The method parameters is what causes the problem.
    I have is org.w3c.dom.Document. How to go about this ? I believe BMWM3LUV when saying 'required re-writing' he/she meant writing the entire code with jdom objects.
    Please help.

  • Cant get Focus on textfield

    I have a class extending JFrame say "MainFrame" which consist of JSplitPane say "splitPaneA"
    splitPaneA has top and bottom component.
    TopComponent is another JsplitPane say "splitPaneA-B"
    splitPaneA-B consist of a Jpanel say "B-rightPanel "as RightComponent and another JPanel as left.
    splitPaneA has bottomcoponent which is Jpanel class say "BottomPanel " extendingJPanel
    splitPaneA .setABottomComponent(new BottomPAnel());
    BottomPanel has JtoolBar say toolBar
    ToolBar has a JtextFiled say textField1 which needs to be focused as soon as bottomPanel loads.
    I tried using following in BottomPanel class
    But textFiled never gets focused.I also tried requestFocus method.
    In class MainFrame
    FocusManager.getCurrentManager().getFocusOwner()); always returns null
    (FocusManager.getCurrentManager().getFocusedWindow()); returns null
    this.hasFocus()); returns false
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for your responses.
    This is my compilable,executable dummy code.I have taken out lines which are not relevant to focus issue as well as the import.Please llet me know what can be done to get the focus in textfield as soon as window loads.
    public class DummyObjectSearchPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    JTextField textField1;
    JButton searchButton;
    ImageIcon searchIconIcon;
    JToolBar jToolBar1;
    private static Icon closeIcon = new ImageIcon(ObjectSearchMainPanel.class.getResource("/resources/images/close_small.gif"));
    private JButton closeButton;
    JFrame frame;
    private String newline = "\n";
    public DummyObjectSearchPanel()
    this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    this.setBorder(new ShadowBorder());
    textField1 = new JTextField();
    System.out.println("has focus " + textField1.hasFocus());
    jToolBar1 = new JToolBar();
    frame = new JFrame();
    void jbInit()
    searchButton = new JButton();
    closeButton = new JButton(closeIcon);
    ActionListener al = new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    textField1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    closeButton.setMargin(new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4));
    Dimension closeBtnDimension = new Dimension(20, 20);
    closeButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    //closeButton action taken out to make code short
    searchButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    void searchButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    //searchbutton logic removed to simplify the code
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("New Search");
    Dimension d=new Dimension(600,100);
    //Create and set up the content pane.
    JComponent newContentPane = new DummyObjectSearchPanel();
    newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
    frame.getContentPane().add(new DummyObjectSearchPanel(),
    //Display the window.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE);
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Thanks you so much

  • Xsl:if creates unwanted newline [SOLVED]

    Hi there.
    I'm making a report, with some images. This works fine (it's just an image of a checkbox, base64 data..). However, when printing many lines, I only want to print the checkbox if it's actually text there.
    Short explanation:
    Q1 Q2
    Q3 Q4
    I don't want the last line (which WOULD have been Q6) to print the image aswell. (That is; I only want it to print once for the Q5)
    Here's my code:
    <xsl:if test="Q_NR!='' "><fo:instream-foreign-object content-type="image/jpg"><xsl:value-of select=".//IMG"/></fo:instream-foreign-object></xsl:if>
    And this mess up my entire report with newline with the image.
    If I use only
    <fo:instream-foreign-object content-type="image/jpg"><xsl:value-of select=".//IMG"/></fo:instream-foreign-object>
    then the images print exactly as I want them.
    How can I get around this issue?
    P.S: The if quoting is like this:
    if test=(double quotes)Q_NR != (two single quotes) (double quote)

    if@inlines should do the trick.

  • Problem of defining value to a textfield in MovieClip

    hello,dear everyone
    there is problem that realy confused me.that is the
    textfield(or other display objects) in MovieClip can't be defined
    when i jumpto that frame.check these simple code:
    function goNext(evt:Event){
    function dosth()
    the mc is a simple MC that have 2 frames,and the textfield
    object is in the second frame.
    and what i try to do is when i clicked the button,the mc
    jumpto the second frame.and i define a value to that textfield.but
    it's failed when i try to do like that.
    as i debug the program.i found that when i define the value
    to the textfield,that textfield is a Null Object(should be the
    TextField object).not only the textfield not work,but also other
    elements such as Button objects.
    so,i am thinking that must because the objects are too late
    to initialized before they be used.maybe there are some event can
    tell me that all elements has been initialized,as i can use them
    then.what do you think,my friend?

    If all of the code you have is in the first frame, then it
    has processed long before anything ever moved to the second frame.
    What you could try is to have a variables layer that extends
    both frames, and assign the value of the textfield text to that
    variable. Make the textfield associate with that variable (in the
    properties section for it), So when the movieclip moves to the
    second frame the text field should automatically acquire the
    variable value.
    I may not have interpretted your problem correctly, so you
    might have to clarify things if I missed the target.

  • Is there a simple way to detect a textfield value has been changed on exit?

    The filler may enter the textfield then type something and revert it back,
    any command that can simply detect a field's value has been changed on it's exit event?

    I was thinking if there is any simple command like xfa.event.prevText in dropdown box that I can use,
    anyway, thanks for your help.

  • Displaying the path of the file selected by a FileChooser in a TextField

    I'm just getting started with Swing. I developed a simple dialog box that has two text fields and two buttons. The objective is to open two files using those two buttons. I used FileChooser to select the files. Now, I want to display the path of the selected files in their corresponding TextFields. I use the following code to do that.
    final FileChooser fc1 = new FileChooser();
    final FileChooser fc2 = new FileChooser();
    final TextField tf1 = new TextField();
    final TextField tf2 = new TextField();
    private void button1ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                int returnVal1 = fc1.showOpenDialog(labelPhpFile);
                if (returnVal1 == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    File file1 = fc1.getSelectedFile();
                    String fileName1 = file1.getName();               
                    String filePath1 = file1.getPath();
    private void button2ActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                int returnVal2 = fc2.showOpenDialog(labelPhpFile);
                if (returnVal2 == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                    File file2 = fc2.getSelectedFile();
                    String fileName2 = file2.getName();               
                    String filePath2 = file2.getPath();
    }The above code works fine only for the first file. Mean the path of the file selected using fc1 is getting displayed in the tf1 TextField. But, the file selected using fc2 is not getting displayed tf2 TextField. Please help me.
    Thank you :)

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  • ProLoader and TLF TextFields do not work together!

    I'm using ProLoader to load a .swf that uses TLF.  The master .swf loads the target .swf and all code executes as expected with one minor glitch: the content of the loader is white/blank.  Has anyone else seen this!?
    Here is the full bug report that I tried to send Adobe, but they cap reports at 2000 characters and provide no option for uploading a source .zip. (Seriously, Adobe?)  If you have time, and follow my instructions you will see how ProLoader won't even load a .swf with TLF on its stage.  (Yes, I realize this different from my problem, but I'd like to demonostrate how buggy and inconsistent ProLoader is.  The simple solution would be not to use TLF, and mostly likely, I will end up doing that.)
    ProLoader loads .swf with TLF, but ProLoader is blank.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1.  Download sample files ( from the Tech Note, Load external SWF into another SWF (
    2.  Open ExternalSWF.fla and assign it a document class.
    Here is mine:
    package  {
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class ExternalSWF extends MovieClip {
                        public static var DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE:String = "ExternalSWF_DataLoadComplete";
                        private var data_:String;
                        public function ExternalSWF() {}
                        //This function will be called from the .swf that loaded me.
                        public function loadData(data:String):void
                                  data_ = data;
                                  dispatchEvent(new Event(DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE));
                        public function get data():String { return data_; }
    3.  On ExternalSWF.fla's stage, change a classic TextFields into a TLF TextField.
    4.  In Loader_Movie.fla, change all flash.display.Loader instances to fl.display.ProLoader in order to load TLF TextFields.  Also, add an event listener to myLoader for Event.COMPLETE.  Here are my Loader_Movie.fla's Actions:
    import fl.display.ProLoader;
    var myLoader:ProLoader = new ProLoader();                     // create a new instance of the ProLoader class
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ExternalSWF.swf"); // in this case both SWFs are in the same folder
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, myLoaderIsLoaded);
    myLoader.load(url);                                     // load the SWF file
    addChild(myLoader);                                     // add that instance to the display list, adding it to the Stage at 0,0
    myLoader.x = 10;                                        // move the loaded SWF 10 pixels to the right (from the left edge)  
    myLoader.y = 175;                                       // move the loaded SWF 175 pixels down from the top
    // (optional) load a second external SWF file
    var my2ndLoader:ProLoader = new ProLoader();
    var url2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ExternalSWF2.swf");
    addChild(my2ndLoader);                                  // optionally, you could put the 2nd SWF beneath
                                                            // the 1st by using addChildAt(my2ndLoader, 1);
    // (optional) scaling of the 2nd SWF file
    my2ndLoader.scaleX = 2;                                 // scale the SWF horizontally by 200%
    my2ndLoader.scaleY = 2;                                 // scale the SWF vertically by 200%
    function myLoaderIsLoaded(event:Event):void
              trace("The first .swf has loaded so add event listeners");
              var swf:ExternalSWF = ExternalSWF(myLoader.content);
              swf.addEventListener(ExternalSWF.DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE, allFinished);
    function allFinished(event:Event):void
              trace("Here is the data we loaded: " + ExternalSWF(myLoader.content).data);
    [Trace] Output
    ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property __id0_ on ExternalSWF.
              at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
              at flash.display::Sprite()
              at flash.display::MovieClip()
              at ExternalSWF()
    ExternalSWF is invisible; 4 loading dots appear instead.
    Expected results:
    Both .swfs load without incident.
    Trace output:
    The first .swf has loaded so add event listeners
    Here is the data we loaded: foobar
    Additional notes:
    I discovered this bug when my main/master .swf used ProLoader to load another .swf (with TLF on a symbol in the libary).  In this case, the ProLoader appeared blank/white, not even the 4 loading dots.  However, all the code in both .swfs still ran as expected (shown via the Output panel dumping all expected trace statements until execution finished).
    Adobe FLash Professional CS5.5, Version
    (bug discovered while running "Test Movie" in IDE)
    Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU  E4600 @ 2.40GHz  2.39 GHz
    RAM: 6.00 GB
    64-bit Operating System

    Do you have anything that uses TLF in your preloader? It's possible that the TLF framework has made your preloader so heavy that it merely appears to not be doing anything, but the actual case is that all that stuff has to load before it can show you anything.
    You may find this helpful
    However, I don't really understand why you feel you have to use TLF to bring in the text from Photoshop. I think you must mean PhotoShop PSD's, because PhotoShop PNG's will not contain editable text (though Fireworks ones can). I get Photoshop comps all the time and bring the text in as Classic Text. While it's not an exact match 100% of the time, it's as close a match as you're going to get based on the limitations of Classic text. I think there's no reason for your designers to be redoing the designs--you just need to play around with the import settings and figure out what gets you close and then what tweaks you need to do to get closer.
    And, to answer your question, nearly everyone creates graphics for Flash files in Photoshop, despite Fireworks being the better tool. For whatever reason, designers often aren't very adventurous when it comes to learning new tools, and nearly all art schools teach PhotoShop.
    I also don't have any trouble loading CS5.5 AS3 swfs (no TLF--I just don't need the hassle) with Document Classes using an ordinary Loader. So I think there's something not right about what you're doing if you've come to the conclusion that you can't load a swf with a Document Class. Try scaling back to the bare minimum, then working up.
    Finally, I just don't "get" why people do two things that you're doing (or, I do, but I think it's unnecessary and a colossal failure on Adobe's part)
    Instantiating everything through code. Not only are you wasting an inordinate amount of time/code in specifying layout, you also completely lose the natural capability of Flash to compile assets throughout the whole of the swf. This means you have to have a preloader, because literally everything you ever use is embedded before the first visual frame. Contrast to using the timeline, where all you need to load the visuals for the first frame is the Document Class (which you can keep light by coding to Interfaces) and the visuals for the first frame. Anything else you need to load, you can defer to the frame that you've selected for embedding your AS Classes on.
    Using a preloader at all.
    My preloading strategy is very simple. I put a spinner graphic in the first frame, with the word "Loading." The playhead will stop at the frame that I've specified to use for exporting my ActionScript Classes (10--this provides enough space for the label "Loading" to be readable). When the embedded Classes and whatever is needed to display frame 11 is loaded, the playhead will continue to frame 11 by itself, with no code. On Frame 11, I have a MC that is a named instance, and I have a getter/setter pair to catch it. When the setter triggers, I know I'm ready to start the logic.
    However, you could do all sorts of things, like just putting a MC there that "is" the entirety of your other logic (has what is now the Document Class of the swf you're preloading as its BaseClass).
    Anyway, maybe something in my ramble will help you.

  • Dynamic action with function works, doesnt refresh textfield

    Hi all,
    experimenting with dynamic actions so I got the following setup:
    I've built a screen with 2 text boxes
    The goal is to put some tet in P7 input and have it returned with additional text in P7_OUTPUT
    ) AS
      p_output := 'Ingevoerd: ' || p_input;
    END PRC_ECHO;I've created a dynamic action on the LOSE FOCUS event of item P7_INPUT.
    The true action executes PL/SQL (sequence number 10)
    eigen_apps.uga_prc_echo (:p7_input, :P7_OUTPUT);
    end;"Page items to submit" are set to P7_INPUT, P7_OUTPUT
    (and I tried with just P7_INPUT).
    The second true action (sequence number 20) does a REFRESH on ITEM P7_OUTPUT (and I tried refresh region and other things I thought would make it work.)
    When I enter something in P7_INPUT and tab, click or enter away from the P7_INPUT field, nothing changes in my P7_OUTPUT textfield.
    Only when I hit the refresh button in my browser P7_OUTPUT is filled with 'Ingevoerd: <P7_INPUT value>.
    So. The procedure does return the value into P7_OUTPUT, but I cant get an instant refresh of the P7_OUTPUT to work.
    Can any of you help me?

    Getting some other errors now, will look into this tomorrow.
    1 error has occurred
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 18: PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type ORA-06550: line 4, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignoredNeed to check my procedure...

  • Flex 3 json newlines error

    using flex 3 and XP and firefox
    I'm reading simple json from a local file to test my app
    before building the backend. If I have a newline in my json file I
    get an error, but it works without the newline. My json file is:
    [{"id":"xyz", "description":"now is the time for"},
    {"id":"xyz", "description":"now is the time for"}]
    while my code is attached. What am I doing wrong?

    Well, no, I don't think this is the solution. But I did
    resolve the issue by going into
    (I think I actually had to create that folder) and I added a
    file (I arbitrarily named it "Local.cfg" but the filename is
    inconsequential). In the file name I added the full path to my
    Flex\samples folder and things are working hunky-dory.
    I guess I'm wondering, if I had to do this, it's quite likely
    that every other Windows user in the world has to do this, so why
    is there no mention of it in the samples documentation?
    Or, is there something bizarre going on with my settings that
    I should look at?

  • How to get textfield values from a tableRowGroup

    I have textfield in a table.
    my problem is
    How to get textfield values from a tablerowgroup1.

    I have created getQuantity and setQuantity properties in my session bean and mapped text property of tabletextbox to session bean quantity.
    also used map to set and reatrieve quantity values.
    I am getting error for bean type quantity.

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