News articles grouped by month and year

PHP and MySQL...
Don't know if I am going to get an answer here, but I am looking for a bit of advice on how to handle grouping of news articles into months and each then into the respective year to make it easier for the user to navigate content. I am trying to acheive this effect:
- July
- June
- March
- January
- December
- October
- April
- November
- You get the idea I hope
I have set up MySQL to use a 'date' field called fld_articledate (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD). I need to structure my recordset query to select by year and group it, but then I also need to group by month relative to that year, but I have no idea of where to begin. So I guess my question is two-part:
How do I group by year?
How do I then group by month of that year?
Once I have my queries sorted, I assume I'd print to page with  repeat and nested repeat regions!

PHP and MySQL both have a lot of built in functions for working with dates.
Here is a little code example from one of my projects that is similar to what you want to do. this example uses PDO, but the query is the same if you are using the older mysql extension. the last line builds an array of the result. You may not need this.Also note that the month and year are returned from the query using aliases (month, year); They could just as well be called "mymonth' and myyear, etc. The second to the last like formats the result for display.
$sql=$dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM(startdate)) AS year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM (startdate)) as month FROM courses WHERE startdate > $currentdate order by startdate");
while ($monthorder = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$month = $monthorder['month'];
$year = $monthorder['year'];
$monthtext = date('F Y', mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year));
$monthlist[]=array('month'=>$month, 'year'=>$year);
Since you want to link to articles, you then need a second query that will retrieve those details based on whatever month is selected. something like this:
("SELECT courses.course_id, title, startdate, enddate, highlight_photo FROM courses WHERE startdate > '$currentdate' AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM (startdate)) = '$year' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM (startdate)) = '$month' ORDER BY startdate")

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    - ID
    - USER_ID
    - DATUM
    - RETURN
    On a page I have 3 links, one for showing the information from the database by day, month or year.
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    I have a linechart with the following sql statement which pulls the correct data according to the value of :P25_DATE_FORMAT:
    select null link, to_char("SOLAR_RETURN"."DATUM", :P25_DATE_FILTER) as label, max("SOLAR_RETURN"."RETURN") as value from "SOLAR_RETURN"
    AND to_char(DATUM, :P25_DATE_FILTER) = decode(:P25_DATE_FILTER,'YYYY',to_char(DATUM, 'YYYY'),'MM-YYYY',to_char(DATUM, 'MM-YYYY'),'DD-MM-YYYY',to_char(DATUM, 'DD-MM-YYYY'))
    Everything is working great, only the sorting is messed up. I need to sort it so that when :P25_DATE_FORMAT is set to DD-MM-YYYY it will be sorted by year desc, month desc, day desc. If the value would be MM-YYYY it would need to sort by year desc, month desc.
    I have tried the following without succes:
    --> This doesnt cut it since it sorts like this: (for example)
    Vice versa for DESC
    Is there any way that I can sort the grouped values by day, month and year seperately?
    Thanks in advance!

    What is data type for column DATUM ?
    If it is date did you try ORDER BY DATUM DESC ?

  • Selecting records based on month and year parameters

    Hi. I have a sql 2008 r2 stored procedure which needs modifying to return the data based on a start / end month and year.
    It's a large SP so I'll summarise - It accepts four parameters:
    @StartMonth NVARCHAR(10)
    @StartYear NVARCHAR(4)
    @EndMonth NVARCHAR(10)
    @EndYear NVARCHAR(4)
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    WHERE ta.TimeByDay BETWEEN '01' + '-' + ltrim(LEFT(@StartMonth, 3)) + '-' + @StartYear
    AND convert(nvarchar,datediff(day, ta.TimeByDay, dateadd(month, 1, ta.TimeByDay))) + '-' + ltrim(LEFT(@EndMonth, 3)) + '-' + @EndYear
    Example of input parameters:
    @StartMonth = N'January',
    @StartYear = N'2014',
    @EndMonth = N'February',
    @EndYear = N'2014',
    The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
    (1 row(s) affected)
    However it executes correctly if we do either of the following:
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    convert(nvarchar,datediff(day, ta.TimeByDay, dateadd(month, 1, ta.TimeByDay)))
    How do I update the WHERE clause to return records between a start/end month and year?
    I'm a day on this so any help appreciated.

    create function NthDayOfMonth (@year int, @month smallint, @weekday varchar(15), @nth smallint)
    returns datetime
    declare @the_date datetime, @c_date datetime, @cth smallint
    set @cth = 0
    set @c_date = convert(varchar,@year)+'-'+convert(varchar,@month)+'-01'
    while month(@c_date) = @month
    if datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @cth = @cth + 1
    if @cth = @nth and datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @the_date = @c_date
    set @c_date = dateadd(day,1,@c_date)
    return @the_date
    create function Dates(@date datetime)
    returns @table table
    now datetime,
    today datetime,
    Month_start datetime,
    Month_end datetime,
    Prev_Month_Start datetime,
    Prev_Month_End datetime,
    Week_Start datetime,
    Week_End datetime,
    Prev_Week_Start datetime,
    Prev_Week_End datetime,
    Quarter_Start datetime,
    Quarter_End datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_Start datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End datetime,
    Year_Start datetime,
    Year_End datetime,
    Prev_Year_Start datetime,
    Prev_Year_End datetime,
    Month_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Month_End_TS datetime,
    Week_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Week_End_TS datetime,
    Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Year_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Year_End_TS datetime,
    Year smallint,
    Month smallint,
    Day smallint,
    Month_Name varchar(15),
    Day_Name varchar(15),
    WD smallint
    if @date IS NULL set @date = getdate()
    insert into @table
    @date as now,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)) as today,
    dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Month_Start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Month_end,
    dateadd(month,-1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_start,
    dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Month_End,
    dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,7-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_End,
    dateadd(day,-6-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,0-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_End,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as quarter_end,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as prev_quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as prev_quarter_end,
    dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Year_End,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Prev_Year_End,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))))) as Month_End_Ts,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+2,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,8-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as prev_quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Year_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_End_TS,
    Year(@date) as Year,
    Month(@date) as Month,
    Day(@Date) as Day,
    datename(month,@Date) as Month_Name,
    datename(WEEKDAY,@date) as Day_Name,
    datepart(weekday,@date) as WD
    create function Holidays(@year smallint)
    returns @table table
    date datetime,
    type varchar(10),
    name varchar(25)
    insert into @table
    select convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@year)+'-01-01') as date,'Holiday' as type ,'New Years Day' as name UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,2, 'Monday',3),'Holiday','Family Day' UNION ALL
    select dateadd(d,0-case when datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') in (1,2) then 5+datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') else datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25')-1 end, convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') ,'Holiday','Victoria Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-01-07' ,'Holiday','Canada Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,8, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Civic Holiday' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,9, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Labour Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayofMonth(@year,10,'Monday',2),'Holiday','Thanksgiving' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-11-11' ,'Holiday','Rememberance Day'UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-25' ,'Holiday','Christmas Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-26' ,'Holiday','Boxing Day'
    update @table
    set date =
    case when name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    when name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 2 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    else date
    Using these functions (in place of a calendar table) you could do something like this:
    DECLARE @forumTable TABLE (sales MONEY, saleDate DATE)
    INSERT INTO @forumTable (sales, saleDate)
    (123.45, '2014-01-05'),(678.90, '2014-01-06'),(111.21, '2014-01-07'),(314.15, '2014-01-08'),(161.71, '2014-01-09'),
    (819.20, '2014-02-05'),(212.22, '2014-02-06'),(324.25, '2014-02-07'),(262.72, '2014-02-08'),(829.30, '2014-02-09')
    SELECT SUM(f.sales), d.month_end
    FROM @forumTable f
    CROSS APPLY sandbox.dbo.dates(f.saleDate) d
    GROUP BY d.month_end

  • Needing a multi-month and year-in-view option for ical!

    Hello all!
    I could really use a multi-month and year-in-view format in ical... I've seen some dated posts - is anyone aware of any new developments/options for this?
    thanks and peace-

    I turn off all calendars but the birthdays. Select [Print]. Choose all the months you want to see. Deselect all calendars but birthdays. Click [Continue]. On the next menu, go to "Layout", select how many pages to print on the paper. I usually print a border around each calendar then you're good to go!
    By only printing the birthdays calenar, you won't get too many appointments to get in the way of brain storming and future planning, yet the computer still thinks its printing a useful calendar.

  • Sales report for current month and year a go month

    i could you please guide me builting report for current monthwise for current month and year a ago month
    report parameter month_year='06-2010'
    tables = sales and below are the table fields

    Okay, Still you did not mention how you will pass value in report while generating.
    Anyway the query with UNION ALL will work. For Example.
    I am assuming that the parameter for date/month you will pass in range like 01-JUN-2010 to 30-JUN-2010
    SELECT customer_id, SUM(curr_value) curr_value, SUM(past_value) past_value
    SELECT customer_id, NVL(SUM(invoice_amount),0) curr_value, 0 past_value
    FROM sales
    WHERE invoice_dt BETWEEN :P_FROM_DATE AND :P_TO_DATE  -- here P_FROM_DATE and P_TO_DATE will be the date range for current year as i showed above.
    AND  -- Any Condition goes here...
    GROUP BY customer_id
    SELECT customer_id, 0, NVL(SUM(invoice_amount),0)
    FROM sales
    WHERE invoice_dt BETWEEN ADD_MONTHS(:P_FROM_DATE,-12) AND ADD_MONTHS(:P_TO_DATE,-12) -- This add_months function for the previous year same month.
    AND -- Any condition goes here...
    GROUP BY customer_id
    GROUP BY customer_idNow using the above query you can design the tabular report as you showed the format.
    Edited by: Ammad Ahmed on Jul 3, 2010 7:55 PM
    added GROUP BY

  • Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Report

    Hi I am new to the BAM. I have a BPM process. I want to generate the daily, monthly and yearly report for it. Please advise how can I achieve it. I have a one dimension variable on the process.
    Thanks in advance!

    Try this query to get default ware house and its quantity and modify above query.
    SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[WhsCode], T0.[OnHand] FROM OITW T0  INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode WHERE T0.[WhsCode] =  T1.[DfltWH] and  T1.[ItemCode]  = [%0]
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Need working days for a particular month and year

    I need the number of working days for a particular month and year.Saturdays and Sundays are holidays.

    Try this:
    SQL> var yr NUMBER;
    SQL> exec :yr := 2010;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> with t as (select :yr yr from dual)
      3  (select TO_DATE('01-JAN-'||yr) + lv dat FROM
      4  (select level - 1 lv,yr from t
      5  connect by level <= TO_DATE('31-DEC-'||yr) - TO_DATE('01-JAN-'||yr) + 1))
      6  WHERE TO_CHAR(Dat,'DY') NOT IN ('SAT','SUN')
      7  GROUP BY TO_CHAR(dat,'MON-RR');
    APR-10               22
    AUG-10               22
    DEC-10               23
    FEB-10               20
    JAN-10               21
    JUL-10               22
    JUN-10               22
    MAR-10               23
    MAY-10               21
    NOV-10               22
    OCT-10               21
    SEP-10               22
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> Edited by: AP on Jul 27, 2010 7:54 AM

  • To get first date and end date after entering any month and year

    I need to to get first date and end date of a month and year in yyyyMMdd format. I am reading month and year from a properties file. But I don't know how to get the first date and End date in given format. The properties file gives me just text. But I don't know how to get the date format using this. I need this urgently. Can anyone help me to get code for this?
    I am reading the fields as,
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.load(new FileInputStream(""));
    String date_month = props.getProperty("date_month");
    String date_year = props.getProperty("date_year");

    I know this has been posted a while ago but incase someone looking for it, here is the code to get the end of current month date.
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
         cal.setTime(new java.util.Date());
         cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); //set the date to start of month

  • Can we modify the pnp selection screen and get only month and year?

    Dear Freinds,
                  I have requirement where i have to modify the PNP selection screen. So with the help of report category and coding in AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT  , i have modified all the fields relating to dates . i.e i have removed all the radio buttons (i.e Today, Current month,current year etc) and finally
    i have landed with only Period ( PNPBEGDA & PNPENDDA range) . But i dont want the PNPBEGDA & PNPENDDA range , but i want only is the month and year ( i.e just like the PNPPABRP & PNPPABRJ)
    on my selection screen along with the pernr .
    i have used the below code to close all the fields except pnpbegda and pnpendda.
    AT Selection-Screen output.
    loop at screen.
      IF screen-group4 = '098' .
          screen-input = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
        IF screen-group4 = '092' .
          screen-input = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
        IF screen-group4 = '094' .
          screen-input = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
        IF screen-group4 = '100' .
          screen-input = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
        IF screen-group4 = '104' .
          screen-input = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
    i.e on my selection screen i want only  month & year combination and pernr -
    when iam using the logical database PNP . Could any one please let me know how can i get only mon & year only on my selection screen .
    If it is possible please let me know .
    Thanks & regards

    Hi ,
       The requirement is that the user doesnt want to enter the date range i.e for ex:  01012008 to 31012008.
    As per the requirement the user will enter only the month and year only . so i on the selection screen
    i want only the month and year only . Is there any means i can modify the date period which is there by
    default (PNPbegda and PNPendda) on PNP selection screen. Instead of we givign to the user the
    PNPBEGDA and PNPPENDA i want is only month and year .
    AS already the code has already been written and now they have asked that they want only the month and year on the selection screen.
    Please suggest me in this regard.If iam hiding all the buttons relating the dates fields, and now if iam adding the parameters for the month and year  it is coming below below the fields pernr , personnel ara and subara , company code , payroll area, employee group of the standard fields of PNP selection screen , there by any body could please suggest me how to change.

  • Anyone help me ...I am writing to get Date, Month and Year...I got errors

    Could some body help me:
    I am try to get Date, Month and Year
    I got stuck, Anyone help me this:
    public class DateMonth
    public static void main(String[] args)
    toDay = new toDay("February 21, 2002");
    dayofWeek = today.getDay();
    System.out.println("Current month is " + toDay.getMonth());
    System.out.println("Current day is " + getDate());
    System.out.println("Current year is " + toDay.getYear());
    System.out.println("Sixty days from now is ");

    Try something like this:
    import java.util.*;
    public class DateMonth {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // Note: 0 = January
              Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
              System.out.println("YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
              System.out.println("MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
              System.out.println("WEEK_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR));
              System.out.println("WEEK_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH));
              System.out.println("DATE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DATE));
              System.out.println("DAY_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
              System.out.println("DAY_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));
              System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
              // 60 days from now
              calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 60);
              System.out.println("\nSixty days from now");
              System.out.println("MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
              System.out.println("DATE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DATE));
              System.out.println("YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    }Remember that January is 0!
    Take a look at the GregorianCalendar class:
    Hope this helps!

  • Pivot with Month and Year

    Hi all Thanks in Advance
    I need help in Pivoting Data
    ID     MONTH          COUNT
    10     10/01/2009     60
    10     11/01/2009     80
    10     12/01/2009     78
    10     01/01/2010     81
    10     02/01/2010     73
    10     03/01/2010     84
    10     04/01/2010     100
    10     05/01/2010     107
    10     06/01/2010     90
    10     07/01/2010     0
    10     08/01/2010     0
    10     09/01/2010     73
    20     10/01/2010     71
    20     11/01/2010     76
    20     12/01/2010     79
    20     01/01/2011     79
    20     02/01/2011     81
    20     03/01/2011     88
    20     04/01/2011     97
    20     05/01/2011     87
    20     06/01/2011     97I tried to pivot with below query
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'01',count,0)) " Jan",
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MMYY'),'02',count,0)) Feb,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'03',count,0)) Mar,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'04',count,0)) Apr,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'05',count,0)) May,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'06',count,0)) June,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'07',count,0)) July,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'08',count,0)) August,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'09',count,0)) September,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'10',count,0)) October,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(month,'MM'),'11',count,0)) November,
    SUM(DECODE(to_char(MONTH,'MM'),'12',count,0)) December
    FROM Table_PIVOT
    ID      Jan     FEB     MAR     APR     MAY     JUNE     JULY     AUGUST     SEPTEMBER     OCTOBER     NOVEMBER     DECEMBER
    10      81     0     84     100     107     90     0     0          73          60          80          78
    20      79     0     88     97     87     97     0     0          0          71          76          79I want output to display the column names with Month and Year like below
    ID     Oct-2009     Nov-2009     Dec-2009   Jan-2010  Feb-2010 ................... OCT-2010  NOV-2010 DEC-2010 JAN-2011 FEB-2011 ......
    10     60          80          78          81          73     ...................
    20                                                                    71           76          79     79          81
       (     "ID" NUMBER,
         "MONTH" DATE,
         "COUNT" NUMBER
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('10/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),60);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('11/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),80);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('12/01/2009','MM/DD/YYYY'),78);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('01/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),81);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('02/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),73);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('03/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),84);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('04/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),100);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('05/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),107);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('06/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),90);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('07/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),0);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('08/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),0);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (10,to_timestamp('09/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),73);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('10/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),71);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('11/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),76);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('12/01/2010','MM/DD/YYYY'),79);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('01/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),79);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('02/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),81);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('03/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),88);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('04/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),97);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('05/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),87);
    Insert into TABLE_PIVOT (ID,MONTH,COUNT) values (20,to_timestamp('06/01/2011','MM/DD/YYYY'),97);

    user1849 wrote:
    Any Sample code is appreciated
    I didn't see any solution for following one in your linklI think Centinul was specifically referring to:
    Help for a query to add columns
    but other links from
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    may help you more.
    Re: How to pipeline a function with a dynamic number of columns?
    Posted: May 9, 2006 2:58 PM in response to: Billy Verreynne Reply
    Interesting stuff! It's going to take me awhile to digest it.
    For what it's worth, I was trying to build a pivoting function that would take a MYTABLE table like this:
    2000 BAL 95 96
    2000 BOS 101 101
    2001 BAL 92 94
    2001 BOS 101 101
    2002 BAL 98 98
    2002 BOS 98 99
    2003 BAL 95 96
    2003 BOS 105 104
    and allow me to do something like:
    SELECT *
    FROM TABLE (PIVOT(MYTABLE, [with other params]))
    and get the following view MYPIVOT on the table:
    2000 101 101 95 96
    2001 101 101 92 94
    2002 98 99 98 98
    2003 105 104 95 96
    Where the number of distinct CITY values will vary over time. I am able to build the query I need dynamically, but since the CITY data values in the original table change, the columns are not necessarily static from invocation to invocation. Therefore I didn't want to just create a view using the dynamic SQL once, because it may need to be created next time I need to access the view. I wanted to be able to access the pivoted data on demand.A pipelined function is your best bet for that.
    I couldn't do was be able to execute the query and treat it as a pipelined function, hence my original question.Sorry, I don't understand.
    I'll dig into the code above to see if it does what I wanted, but if someone has a better suggestion on how to approach this, I'd be interested in hearing it.A completely different approach is String Aggregation , where you would get output like this:
            BOS_X    BOS_Y    BAL_X    BAL_Y
    2000      101      101       95       96
    2001      101      101       92       94
    2002       98       99       98       98
    2003      105      104       95       96Note that this output contains 6 rows and 2 columns. On the first row, year is NULL and txt='  BOS_X    BOS_Y    BAL_X    BAL_Y'. You can do this is pure, static SQL, without knowing the number of cities in advance.

  • Getting Day, month and year from Date object

    hello everybody,
    Date mydate = Resultset.getDate(indexField);
    Now i would like to get day, month and year from mydate.
    In another words, i'm looking for something equivalent to
    mydate.getDay() as this method is deprecated.
    Can somebody help me out please?
    Thank you in advance,

    Here is a sample class that demonstrates two ways in which to do this.import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class DateSplitter {
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          /* even though your date is from a result set,
             pretend the following date is your date that
             you are using. The try catch block is used
             because I hand-crafted my date using
             SimpleDateFormat.  Substitute your date.*/
          Date yourDate = null;
          try {
             SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
             yourDate = formatter.parse("05/06/2000");
          } catch (ParseException e) { }
          //the following gets the current date
          Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
          //use the calendar object to set it to your date
          //note months start at zero
          int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
          int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
          int dayOfMonth = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
          System.out.println("Calendar Month: "+month);
          System.out.println("Calendar Day: "+dayOfMonth);
          System.out.println("Calendar Year: "+year);
          /* Simple date format can also be used to strip them
             out of your date object.  When you use it, notice that
             months start at 1.  Also, it returns string values.  If
             you need integer values, you will have to use
             Integer.parseInt() as I did below.  If you are
             only concerned about the string values, just remove
             the Integer.parseInt part. */
          DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("M");
          month = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Month: "+ month);
          formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d");
          dayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Day: "+ dayOfMonth);
          formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
          year = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Year: "+ year);
       }//end main
    }//end DateSplitter classtajenkins

  • Loop through month and year till date while using a merge statement

    Hello Guys,
    I have 2 tables with the following datas in them:-
    CompanyId CompanyName
    1                 Company1
    2                 Company2
    3                 Company3
    EmployeeId EmployeeName CompanyId StartDate
    1                  Employee1        1                 12/21/2011
    2                  Employee2        1                 01/20/2012
    3                  Employee3        2                 03/23/2012
    4                  Employee4        2                 07/15/2012
    5                  Employee5        2                 01/20/2013
    6                  Employee6        3                 12/17/2013
    Now i want to check, How many people were recruited in the team in the specified month and year? I have the storage table as follows:-
    CompanyId Year Month EmployeeRecruited
    1                 2011 12      1
    1                 2012 1        1
    2                 2012 3        1
    2                 2012 7        1
    2                 2013 1        1
    3                 2013 12      1
    This should be a merge stored procedure that should update the data if it is present for the same month year and company and insert if that is not present?
    Please help me with this

    It's not really clear where the merge to come into play. To get the RecruiterIndicator table from Employess, this query should do:
    SELECT CompanyId, Year(StartDate), Month(StartDate), COUNT(*)
    FROM   Employees
    GROUP  BY CompanyId, Year(StartDate), Month(StartDate)
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Returning  'Day' value based on month and year parameters

    Is there a code that would return an end of the month  Day value based on month and year parameters?
    For example if my parameters yield 9 or September for a month value and 08 or 2008 for the year value, can a formula generate a value of 30 (the last day of the given month in the specific year)?
    This way the formula would pick up the different last day of the month in February for the leap years.
    Thank you.

    1. Open the formula workshop.
    2. From the Repository Custom Functions, under Crystal and then Date, RIGHT click on cdlastdayofmonth, click on ADD TO REPORT.
    3. Create a new formula, in the formula workshop, under FUNCTIONS, go down the list till you see "CUSTOM FUNCTIONS", expand that till you see cdlastdayofmonth.
    4. In your formula, type cdlastdayofmonth(currentdate)
    5. Save and close and display the formula in your report, you should see 11/30/2008.
    If you want just the day then modify the formula to:
    since you have parameters for month and year, do this:
    to give you the last day of the month.

  • How to get Week,Month and Year details from a date column

    Hi frenz,
    I've a column like tran_date which is a date column..... I need the next week details based on this column and so on...
    I need month and year details as well based on this tran_date column.... can any one tell me how...
    Thanks in advance

    My example for objects:
    create or replace type date_object as object
      centure number,
      year    number,
      month   number,
      day     number,
      hour    number,
      minute  number,
      second  number,
      daypart number,
      week    number,
      constructor function date_object(p_dt date)
        return SELF as result
    create or replace type body date_object is
      constructor function date_object(p_dt date)
        return SELF as result
        SELF.centure:= trunc(to_char(p_dt,'YYYY')/100);
        SELF.year:=    to_char(p_dt,'YYYY');
        SELF.month:=   to_char(p_dt,'MM');     to_char(p_dt,'DD');
        SELF.hour:=    to_char(p_dt,'HH24');
        SELF.minute:=  to_char(p_dt,'MI');
        SELF.second:=  to_char(p_dt,'SS');
        SELF.daypart:= p_dt-trunc(p_dt,'DD');
        SELF.week:=    to_char(p_dt,'IW');
    select date_object(sysdate),
    from dual;Regards,
    Sayan M.

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