Newsstand - Am I the only person not to get it?

I'm iOS5 on all my devices (iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch (4th Gen) and iPad (1st Gen).
It's probably me but I just don't get how Newsstand is supposed to work. 
I thought that if I added subscribed to a magazine then this would the populate all of my devices.  To be honest, I've not subscribed to a paid magazine yet as I want to get a feel for how this works.  I have downloaded a couple of freebie samplers following the launch of Newsstand which I got on my iPhone but all other devices remain blank.  Am I doing something wrong here?
I also have back issues in PDF format of Mac Format.  Can these be imported to Newstand?
As I say, I'm probably doing something wrong - I just don't know what it is...

Fookes wrote:
I guess that in my mind I thought Newsstand would work like iBooks - You bought a magazine on one device - it downloaded on all devices.  You started reading a magazine and bookmarked it - it did the same on all devices.
Yes, this is how it works. You're not confused.
Fookes wrote:
I'm confused with the downloading of apps mentioned by Michael above.  I thought Newsstand was the App?
The Newstand icon on your iDevice home screen is really just a folder (just like the ones you can create by dragging and dropping one app on top of another). Apps that support Newstand, such as the aforementioned NY Times app, will show up in that folder. When you download the NY Times app it shows up in the Newstand folder on all your devices.
Fookes wrote:
Are you saying that I would, on for example the NYT, have to download this on all of my devices and then subscribe to the Magazine to get daily updates to all of my devices?
Yes, this is exactly right.
Fookes wrote:
Having downloaded the free issue of Mac Format it now shows the issue as new and a badge has appeared over the Newsstand App.  Trouble is, it won't go.  It doesn't matter that I open te Mac Format magazine and read some of it.  When I exit it still shows as 'new' and the badge remains on.  Why????
I can't speak to the Mac Format app, since I've not downloaded it, but perhaps you should contact the vendor abotu this particular problem you are having.

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    Kindly take note that the boards here are for user-to-user support only.
    If you want to provide any feedback directly to Nokia, you should use the 'Contact us' link at the top of the page to contact your local Nokia team. 

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