Nforce2 and IDE driver bluescreen

I have a K7n2g Nforce2-ISLR board and when I run the latest system driver update it blue screens on the IDE driver update.  To confirm this I installed each driver one by one until I found the one causing the blue screen.
System config is a follows
Radeon 800 pro 256MB
Onboard Audio w/realtek drivers
SATA Drives
TDK DVD writer
Maxtor USB external 250GB Drive

i dont recommend the ide drivers.
they fail for alot of people including me so its better to stick to microsoft drivers.
get the unified driver package from instead.
dont flash bios in windows with live update.
seen alot of badflash when doing that.

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    First, remove both of your DVD Drives and try connecting the new HD to the Secondary IDE Interface as master.  Use 'cable-select'.  If the drive then works, leave everything set to cable-select, and try installing the HD as master, and one DVD drive as slave, on the primary channel.   Next, set the other DVD drive to cable select, and install it on the secondary interface as a slave.
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    change pci latency to 96.
    change "system performance setting" within DRAM settings to "FAST"
    you could also;
    try changing "System Bios Cachable" to "Enabled"
    and change "C000 Shadow" to "Cacheable"
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    brbmac, You may get a lot better response if you post your question at
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    Ok thankyou, ive gotten the number of a local apple specialist repair centre and im going to ring them to get a quote, if it costs lots i wll do it myself, and i have an 80 pin cable lying around a really high quality one so i may end up using that
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    Quote from: Fredrik Åsenius on 24-November-05, 05:57:01
    DMI pool data? When changing mobo but keeping hard disk one should do a repair install of Windows and install the mobo drivers for the new mobo.
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    Quote from: Richard on 28-September-05, 01:07:15
    ATA and IDE are the same thing.
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    What type of beeping noise?
    What machine specs? What type of RAM and HDD?
    Power On Self-Test Beep Definition - Part 2 - Support - Apple

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    If both are in their own Firewire case then yes. The FW interface converts whatever internal interface it is so the computer only sees it as a FW device.

  • Filesystem and SATA drive performance

    Hi you all,
    I'm in the process of installing ArchLinux for the third time on my system and I'm in need for some suggestions. The previous installations went without problems but I have realized that the system was not really tuned for some video stuff I'm working with i.e that I need support for large files on my system. Did a google and found references on xfs system that should do the trick. All went ok and I could work without problems on dv files 10-13 GB in size but suddenly I've realized the abismal low performance of my harddrive when copying files e.g: 20 min for a folder of 512 MB (indeed with multiple folders and small files)!!!. The hardware I'm using is:
    AMD Athlon 2500
    Gigabyte GA-7VM400AMF (VIA 8237 -sata controller)
    Seagate 160 GB SATA harddrive
    512 MB ram
    -the "hdparm -tT /dev/sda" command gives me:
    Timing cached reads:   1260 MB in  2.00 seconds = 629.77 MB/sec
    Timing buffered disk reads:  152 MB in  3.01 seconds =  50.43 MB/sec
    -the "sdparm /dev/sda" output is:
    /dev/sda: ATA       ST3160827AS       3.42
    Read write error recovery mode page:
      AWRE        1
      ARRE        1
      PER         0
    Caching (SBC) mode page:
      WCE         1
      RCD         0
    Control mode page:
      SWP         0
    -the "sdparm -i --verbose /dev/sda" command output is:
      /dev/sda: ATA       ST3160827AS       3.42
      PQual=0  Device_type=0x0  RMB=0  version=0x05  [SPC-3]
      [AERC=0]  [TrmTsk=0]  NormACA=0  HiSUP=0  Resp_data_format=2
      SCCS=0  ACC=0  TGPS=0  3PC=0  Protect=0  BQue=0
      EncServ=0  MultiP=0  MChngr=0  [ACKREQQ=0]  Addr16=0
      [RelAdr=0]  WBus16=0  Sync=0  Linked=0  [TranDis=0]  CmdQue=0
    Device identification VPD page:
      Addressed logical unit:
        desig_type: vendor specific [0x0],  code_set: ASCII
    00     20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 34 4d 54 30                4MT0
    10     30 47 4b 48                                         0GKH
        desig_type: T10 vendor identification,  code_set: ASCII
          vendor id: ATA
          vendor specific: ST3160827AS                                         4MT00 GKH
    -I have the following partitons:
    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *           1        3918    31471303+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    /dev/sda2            3919        3930       96390   83  Linux
    /dev/sda3            3931        4055     1004062+  83  Linux
    /dev/sda4            4056       19457   123716565   83  Linux
    sda1 partition is with winXP (still using win bootloader)
    sda2 is /boot formatted as ReiserFs
    sda3 is swap
    sda4 is XFS formatted mounted as /
    Now I'm preparing to reformat the whole drive, partitioning in the same manner but using JFS on the "/" partiton ....and this is what I would ask you guys:
    1. Are the hdparm readings "normal" for my system? Please reply with some of yours if you have sata drives.
    2. Please comment the sdparm readings (have no idea what could these be used for..)
    3. The reallife test of copying files tells me that there should be a problem on my system -I mean that my vaio laptop with a PATA drive @4200rpm does better. If this is the case what could it be - hardware? sata_via drive (I would be willing to test a proprietary drive if it exists)? filesystem?
    Thank you.

    Your new drive may just be 'slower' than the old one.  If they are both 7200RPM disks, it is likely that the older/smaller drive has a faster access time and/or transfer rate.  This is not alwayst the case but it is possible. 
    Also, ensure that you have the latest nVidia nForce2 drivers installed.  If you know the new drive should be 'as fast as' or 'faster than' the old drive, then check the settings that JeanGuy suggested, and if they are all set correctly, look into reverting your nVidia IDE driver to an earlier version.

  • IDE Driver Question

    I got an MSI MS-6367 V.1.0 MB.My primary channel(HDD)my current transfer mode is"UDMA Mode 5" and my Secondary channel,current transfer mode is"UDMA Mode 2 for both my CDRW & DVDROM"The MS-6367 got an Nforce1(Crush11/12)Chipset.I just installed the new Nvidia Nforce 3.13 UDP,all installed without any problems at all,but I got no message to install the IDE Drivers.Well I'd like to know if those IDE Drivers are only for Nforce2 or if they're only for ATA 133.My Mobo doesn't support ATA133,just only ATA33,66,100.
    MS-6367 MATX
    AMD Athlon XP 2000+ ~1.67 Ghz
    512 MB DDR
    IGP Geforce 2 MX
    X-SuperAlien Turbo Case(Yellow Case)
    Aspire 500W PSU
    Windows XP Pro SP1
    Maxtor Diamond Plus 9 160GB
    Sony CDRW CRX195E1(40x16x48)
    Toshiba DVDROM SD-M1612(16x48)

    My CD-RW and DVD-ROM are on the second IDE,CD-RW as Master and the DVD-ROM as Slave.On the Primary IDE I got the Maxtor Diamond Plus 9-160GB,and on Device Manager my CD-RW and DVD-Rom both are set as UDMA Mode2 and the HDD set as UDMA Mode5.
    But my concern relies on after I installed the new Nforce 3.13,never saw any IDE Driver installation.What I was thinking is that those drivers(SW Nvidia & MS)are for ATA133.I saw this on the setup information:Installs the generic IDE driver with the ATA-133 keys.
    And maybe that's the reason they aren't installing,because although my HDD is ATA133,my mobo is just ATA33,66,100.

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