Nic team reporting constant warnings to NdisImPlatform log

The warning below is being logged over and over for 3 of the 4 adapters in the NIC team.  I have updated the Intel drivers to the latest version and I am still getting the error.  I have not been able to track down anything to fix the warning,
or even what the warning really means.   I could use any help or suggestions.
No matching TeamNic found for packets received from member NDISIMPLATFORM\Parameters\Adapters\{9837AD35-3DEF-4FA1-8A15-F76B1855835C}.
James Right Size Solutions

It seems that one of your Nics received wrong packet. Could you post the original warning in event viewer? Would you mind telling us the network topology?
Steven Lee
TechNet Community Support

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  • Hyper-V cluster validation report "Found duplicate physical address" on nic team interfaces.

    I recently built a Windows 2012 Hyper-V cluster with 5 nodes. The validation report shows “duplicate physical address” error (error text pasted below).
    The hardware: HP BladeSystem – servers are BL460c blades, in a c7000 enclosure, connected to HP Virtual Connect switches.
    Each server has 2 physcal nics, teamed in Windows. In the NIC Teaming console, I created the following Team Interfaces and assigned each a VLAN ID:
    “Team1” (the default team)
    “Team1 - VLAN 204 – Management”
    “Team1 - VLAN 212 - 2012HB”
    “Team1 - VLAN 211 -Exchange DAG Replication”
    I also created 2 HV Virtual Switches. Neither one allows management interface to share. They are assigned to “Team1” and “Team1 - VLAN 211 -Exchange DAG Replication” respectively.
    Therefore, in Network Connection, I see the 2 physical Ethernet nics, and 4 “virtual” nics. Only 2 of them have IP addresses assigned: Management and HB. These are the two that the validation wizard complains
    The MAC address is not configurable in the NIC Teaming console, so I don’t see a way to resolve this error, except to use separate physical nics. I don’t want to do that because a) I would lose the benefits of
    the bandwidth aggregation that Virtual Connect provides, and b) When creating an Interface on a Team in Windows, it looks like it ALWAYS gives it the same MAC address, so that should be a supported configuration.
    Everything works just fine, and there are no other errors or IP conflicts or anything else. But I really want to fix it because I don’t know what unknown problems this may be causing.
    From the Cluster Validation report:
    Found duplicate physical address 10-60-4B-A9-4A-30 on node Cluster201.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 212 - 2012HB and node Cluster201.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 204 - Management.
    Found duplicate physical address F0-92-1C-13-3C-2C on node Cluster202.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 212 - 2012HB and node Cluster202.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 204 - Management.
    Found duplicate physical address 68-B5-99-C1-7E-9C on node Cluster210.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 212 - 2012HB and node Cluster210.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 204 - Management.
    Found duplicate physical address 3C-4A-92-DE-1E-74 on node Cluster211.OurDomain.local adapter VC-Team - VLAN 212 - 2012HB and node Cluster211.OurDomain.local adapter
    VC-Team - VLAN 204 - Management.
    Found duplicate physical address 68-B5-99-C0-3D-50 on node Cluster212.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 212 - 2012HB and node Cluster212.OurDomain.local adapter
    Team1 - VLAN 204 - Management.

    Hi Dan,
    "It turns out that both hosts had the same default MAC address ranges for their virtual switches. Since the host vNICs were attached to the virtual switch on each host they received the first couple of MAC addresses from the switches.
    For details please refer to following link:
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • VMQ issues with NIC Teaming

    Hi All
    Apologies if this is a long one but I thought the more information I can provide the better.
    We have recently designed and built a new Hyper-V environment for a client, utilising Windows Server R2 / System Centre 2012 R2 however since putting it into production, we are now seeing problems with Virtual Machine Queues. These manifest themselves as
    either very high latency inside virtual machines (we’re talking 200 – 400 mSec round trip times), packet loss or complete connectivity loss for VMs. Not all VMs are affected however the problem does manifest itself on all hosts. I am aware of these issues
    having cropped up in the past with Broadcom NICs.
    I'll give you a little bit of background into the problem...
    Frist, the environment is based entirely on Dell hardware (Equallogic Storage, PowerConnect Switching and PE R720 VM Hosts). this environment was based on Server 2012 and a decision was taken to bring this up to speed to R2. This was due to a number
    of quite compelling reasons, mainly surrounding reliability. The core virtualisation infrastructure consists of four VM hosts in a Hyper-V Cluster.
    Prior to the redesign, each VM host had 12 NICs installed:
    Quad port on-board Broadcom 5720 daughter card: Two NICs assigned to a host management team whilst the other two NICs in the same adapter formed a Live Migration / Cluster heartbeat team, to which a VM switch was connected with two vNICs exposed to the
    management OS. Latest drivers and firmware installed. The Converged Fabric team here was configured in LACP Address Hash (Min Queues mode), each NIC having the same two processor cores assigned. The management team is identically configured.
    Two additional Intel i350 quad port NICs: 4 NICs teamed for the production VM Switch uplink and 4 for iSCSI MPIO. Latest drivers and firmware. The VM Switch team spans both physical NICs to provide some level of NIC level fault tolerance, whilst the remaining
    4 NICs for ISCSI MPIO are also balanced across the two NICs for the same reasons.
    The initial driver for upgrading was that we were once again seeing issues with VMQ in the old design with the converged fabric design. The two vNics in the management OS for each of these networks were tagged to specific VLANs (that were obviously accessible
    to the same designated NICs in each of the VM hosts).
    In this setup, a similar issue was being experienced to our present issue. Once again, the Converged Fabric vNICs in the Host OS would on occasion, either lose connectivity or exhibit very high round trip times and packet loss. This seemed to correlate with
    a significant increase in bandwidth through the converged fabric, such as when initiating a Live Migration and would then affect both vNICS connectivity. This would cause packet loss / connectivity loss for both the Live Migration and Cluster Heartbeat vNICs
    which in turn would trigger all sorts of horrid goings on in the cluster. If we disabled VMQ on the physical adapters and the team multiplex adapter, the problem went away. Obviously disabling VMQ is something that we really don’t want to resort to.
    So…. The decision to refresh the environment with 2012 R2 across the board (which was also driven by other factors and not just this issue alone) was accelerated.
    In the new environment, we replaced the Quad Port Broadcom 5720 Daughter Cards in the hosts with new Intel i350 QP Daughter cards to keep the NICs identical across the board. The Cluster heartbeat / Live Migration networks now use an SMB Multichannel configuration,
    utilising the same two NICs as in the old design in two isolated untagged port VLANs. This part of the re-design is now working very well (Live Migrations now complete much faster I hasten to add!!)
    However…. The same VMQ issues that we witnessed previously have now arisen on the production VM Switch which is used to uplink the virtual machines on each host to the outside world.
    The Production VM Switch is configured as follows:
    Same configuration as the original infrastructure: 4 Intel 1GbE i350 NICs, two of which are in one physical quad port NIC, whilst the other two are in an identical NIC, directly below it. The remaining 2 ports from each card function as iSCSI MPIO
    interfaces to the SAN. We did this to try and achieve NIC level fault tolerance. The latest Firmware and Drivers have been installed for all hardware (including the NICs) fresh from the latest Dell Server Updates DVD (V14.10).
    In each host, the above 4 VM Switch NICs are formed into a Switch independent, Dynamic team (Sum of Queues mode), each physical NIC has
    RSS disabled and VMQ enabled and the Team Multiplex adapter also has RSS disabled an VMQ enabled. Secondly, each NIC is configured to use a single processor core for VMQ. As this is a Sum of Queues team, cores do not overlap
    and as the host processors have Hyper Threading enabled, only cores (not logical execution units) are assigned to RSS or VMQ. The configuration of the VM Switch NICs looks as follows when running Get-NetAdapterVMQ on the hosts:
    Name                           InterfaceDescription             
    Enabled BaseVmqProcessor MaxProcessors NumberOfReceive
    VM_SWITCH_ETH01                Intel(R) Gigabit 4P I350-t A...#8 True    0:10             1            
    VM_SWITCH_ETH03                Intel(R) Gigabit 4P I350-t A...#7 True    0:14             1            
    VM_SWITCH_ETH02                Intel(R) Gigabit 4P I350-t Ada... True    0:12             1            
    VM_SWITCH_ETH04                Intel(R) Gigabit 4P I350-t A...#2 True    0:16             1            
    Production VM Switch           Microsoft Network Adapter Mult... True    0:0                           
    Load is hardly an issue on these NICs and a single core seems to have sufficed in the old design, so this was carried forward into the new.
    The loss of connectivity / high latency (200 – 400 mSec as before) only seems to arise when a VM is moved via Live Migration from host to host. If I setup a constant ping to a test candidate VM and move it to another host, I get about 5 dropped pings
    at the point where the remaining memory pages / CPU state are transferred, followed by an dramatic increase in latency once the VM is up and running on the destination host. It seems as though the destination host is struggling to allocate the VM NIC to a
    queue. I can then move the VM back and forth between hosts and the problem may or may not occur again. It is very intermittent. There is always a lengthy pause in VM network connectivity during the live migration process however, longer than I have seen in
    the past (usually only a ping or two are lost, however we are now seeing 5 or more before VM Nework connectivity is restored on the destination host, this being enough to cause a disruption to the workload).
    If we disable VMQ entirely on the VM NICs and VM Switch Team Multiplex adapter on one of the hosts as a test, things behave as expected. A migration completes within the time of a standard TCP timeout.
    VMQ looks to be working, as if I run Get-NetAdapterVMQQueue on one of the hosts, I can see that Queues are being allocated to VM NICs accordingly. I can also see that VM NICs are appearing in Hyper-V manager with “VMQ Active”.
    It goes without saying that we really don’t want to disable VMQ, however given the nature of our clients business, we really cannot afford for these issues to crop up. If I can’t find a resolution here, I will be left with no choice as ironically, we see
    less issues with VMQ disabled compared to it being enabled.
    I hope this is enough information to go on and if you need any more, please do let me know. Any help here would be most appreciated.
    I have gone over the configuration again and again and everything appears to have been configured correctly, however I am struggling with this one.
    Many thanks

    Hi Gleb
    I can't seem to attach any images / links until my account has been verified.
    There are a couple of entries in the ndisplatform/Operational log.
    Event ID 7- Querying for OID 4194369794 on TeamNic {C67CA7BE-0B53-4C93-86C4-1716808B2C96} failed. OidBuffer is  failed.  Status = -1073676266
    Event ID 6 - Forwarding of OID 66083 from TeamNic {C67CA7BE-0B53-4C93-86C4-1716808B2C96} due to Member NDISIMPLATFORM\Parameters\Adapters\{A5FDE445-483E-45BB-A3F9-D46DDB0D1749} failed.  Status = -1073741670
    Forwarding of OID 66083 from TeamNic {C67CA7BE-0B53-4C93-86C4-1716808B2C96} due to Member NDISIMPLATFORM\Parameters\Adapters\{207AA8D0-77B3-4129-9301-08D7DBF8540E} failed.  Status = -1073741670
    It would appear as though the two GUIDS in the second and third events correlate with two of the NICs in the VM Switch team (the affected team).
    Under MSLBFO Provider/Operational, there are also quite a few of the following errors:
    Event ID 8 - Failing NBL send on TeamNic 0xffffe00129b79010
    How can I find out what tNIC correlates with "0xffffe00129b79010"
    Without the use of the nice little table that I put together (that I can't upload), the NICs and Teams are configured as follows:
    Production VM Switch Team (x4 Interfaces) - Intel i350 Quad Port NICs. As above, the team itself is balanced across physical cards (two ports from each card). External SCVMM Logical Switch is uplinked to this team. Serves
    as the main VM Switch for all Production Virtual machines. Team Mode is Switch Independent / Dynamic (Sum of Queues). RSS is disabled on all of the physical NICs in this team as well as the Multiplex adapter itself. VMQ configuration is as follows:
    Interface Name          -      BaseVMQProc          -        MaxProcs         
    -      VMQ / RSS
    VM_SWITCH_ETH01                  10                             
         1                           VMQ
    VM_SWITCH_ETH02                  12                              
        1                           VMQ
    VM_SWITCH_ETH03                  14                               
       1                           VMQ
    VM_SWITCH_ETH04                  16                              
        1                           VMQ
    SMB Fabric (x2 Interfaces) - Intel i350 Quad Port on-board daughter card. As above, these two NICs are in separate, VLAN isolated subnets that provide SMB Multichannel transport for Live Migration traffic and CSV Redirect / Cluster
    Heartbeat data. These NICs are not teamed. VMQ is disabled on both of these NICs. Here is the RSS configuration for these interfaces that we have implemented:
    Interface Name          -      BaseVMQProc          -        MaxProcs       
      -      VMQ / RSS
    SMB_FABRIC_ETH01                18                                   2                           
    SMB_FABRIC_ETH02                18                                   2                           
    ISCSI SAN (x4 Interfaces) - Intel i350 Quad Port NICs. Once again, no teaming is required here as these serve as our ISCSI SAN interfaces (MPIO enabled) to the hosts. These four interfaces are balanced across two physical cards as per
    the VM Switch team above. No VMQ on these NICS, however RSS is enabled as follows:
    Interface Name          -      BaseVMQProc         -         MaxProcs      
       -        VMQ / RSS
    ISCSI_SAN_ETH01                    2                                    2                           
    ISCSI_SAN_ETH02                    6                                    2                           
    ISCSI_SAN_ETH03                    2                                   
    2                            RSS
    ISCSI_SAN_ETH04                    6                                   
    2                            RSS
    Management Team (x2 Interfaces) - The second two interfaces of the Intel i350 Quad Port on-board daughter card. Serves as the Management uplink to the host. As there are some management workloads hosted in this
    cluster, a VM Switch is connected to this team, hence a vNIC is exposed to the Host OS in order to manage the Parent Partition. Teaming mode is Switch Independent / Address Hash (Min Queues). As there is a VM Switch connected to this team, the NICs
    are configured for VMQ, thus RSS has been disabled:
    Interface Name        -         BaseVMQProc        -          MaxProcs       
    -         VMQ / RSS
    MAN_SWITCH_ETH01                 22                                  1                          
    MAN_SWITCH_ETH02                 22                                  1                           VMQ
    We are limited as to the number of physical cores that we can allocate to VMQ and RSS so where possible, we have tried balance NICs over all available cores where practical.
    Hope this helps.
    Any more info required, please ask.
    Kind Regards

  • Switch-independent load-balancing NIC teaming on server-side and MAC/ARP flapping on L2/L3 switches

    Since active deployment of Windows Server 2012, our servers support team began to utilize new feature - switch-independent load-balancing NIC teaming. At first look it seems great - no additional network configuration is required and load balancing is performed by server itself by sending frames in round-robin or some hash algorithm out from different NICs (say two for simplicity) but with same MAC address. Theoretical bandwith is now grown up to 2Gbps (if we have two 1G NICs per server) against failover NIC teaming configuration, when one of two adapters is always down.
    But how does this affect (if does) switching and routing performance of network equipment? From point of view of L2 switch - it has to rewrite its CAM table each time a server sends frame from different NIC. Isn't it expensive operation? Won't it affect switching in a bad way? We see in our logs that same server make switches to change mac-to-port associations several times per second.
    Well, and how does it affect routing, if the switch to which server is connected is L3 switch an performs routing for the subnet server connected to? Will CEF operate well if ARP entry chages several times per second?
    Thank you.

    Since nobody answered here, we created service request and got the following answer (in short):
    L2 MAC flapping between ports is very bad and you must avoid such configurations as much as possible. There is one possible variant that can be considered in your situation - use port-channel (either L2 or L3), in this configuration port-channel will be treted as single port and there won't be flapping.
    Conversation example is here:

  • Memory warnings in alert log

    We are using Oracle Enterprise and the dba is reporting memory warnings in the alert log on continual nightly basis over last week.
    No difference in volume of data being processed or programs so not sure why this is the case - aplogioes don't have details of error to hand.
    We run many processees in parallel - database set for auto-parallelism (PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY=AUTO) and 3rd party reporting tool relies on this for spped of reports aganist partitoned tables.
    Our data loads complete fine despite these messages.
    Dba has asked if we can reduce what being done during these times or reduce the number of proceses
    Are there any database parameters which can be set to manage memory such that database doesn't exhaust available memory in this way.
    We want the database to manage the workload automatically ( would hope via parameter tuning in partciluar of the parameters related to parallel query this would be possible).

    user5716448 wrote:
    Aplogies for delya.
    Here is the message from alert log
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 512024 bytes of shared memory ("large pool","unknown object","large pool","PX msg pool")
    And this is repeated many times in the log.
    On IBM Power Series 7 hardware AIX operating system.
    Oracle version
    Any ideas to allow database to manage memory more effectively when many paralllel queries runing - tuning of parallel-related parameters - which ones?
    Thanksresults when reasoning is as follows
    Parallel must be faster than no parallel
    higher degree of parallel must be faster than lower value.
    if/when you reduce parallel activities, then this error no longer occurs.

  • Report Conversion Tool - problem with logging in table OBJ_G_MIGRATION

    Hello Community-Members,
    since several days I am searching different BO-Communities for a solution, but I didn't find any threats about my problem.
    I am new to BO XI R3.1 and I want to convert deski-reports with the report conversion tool.
    I tried it directly on the server-machine and all is ok (report is converted inclusive the logging in the audit-table OBJ_G_MIGRATION).
    When I try it on my client-machine, the conversion is made successfully, but there is no result in the audit-table.
    On the client-machine, I use the same connection like on the server machine and on both machines, I am logged on (in the report conversion tool) with the "Administrator"-user.
    Has anyone an idea? Could it be a problem of user-rights in the Oracle-DB?
    kind regards

    Hello Denis,
    thank you for your reply.
    From my client machine I can successfully test the connection to the Audit-DB. With non BO-Tools like "SQL Tools1.4.1" I can also connect to that DB.
    After your reply I have tested once again and I have found something else strange.
    If I convert a deski-report, and the conversion-status is "not converted", the Audit-DB is written (for example: error-text = "document cannot be read" / workaround = "remove protection password if set").
    But when I convert the same report together with an other report, which will result in "partially converted", nothing is written to the Audit-DB (same effect as when I convert only reports with status "partially convertet").

  • Server 2012 R2 Crashes with NIC Team

    Server 2012 R2 Core configured for Hyper-V. Using 2-port 10Gbe Brocades, we want to use NIC teaming for guest traffic. Create the team... seems fine. Create the virtual switch in Hyper-V, and assign it to the NIC team... seems fine. Create
    a VM, assign the network card to the Virtual switch... still doing okay. Power on the VM... POOF! The host BSOD's. If I remove the switch from the VM, I can run the VM from the console, install the OS, etc... but as soon as I reassign the virtual
    NIC to the switch, POOF! Bye-bye again. Any ideas here?
    Thank you in advance!
    EDIT: A little more info... Two 2-port Brocades and two Nexus 5k's. Running one port on NIC1 to one 5k, and one port on NIC2 to the other 5k. NIC team is using Switch Independent Mode, Address Hash load balancing, and all adapters active.

    Have you updated the NIC driver to latest?
    If issue persists after updating the driver, we can use WinDbg to analyze a crash dump.
    If the NIC driver cause the BSOD, please consult the NIC manufacture about this issue.
    For detailed information about how to analyze a crash dump, please refer to the link below,
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 7/8.0/8.1 NIC teaming issue

    I'm having an issue with Teaming network adapters in all recent Windows client OSs.
    I'm using Intel Pro Dual Port or Broadcom NetExtreme II GigaBit adapters with the appropriate drivers/applications from the vendors.
    I am able to set up teaming and fail-over works flawlessly, but the connection will not use the entire advertised bandwidth of 2Gbps. Basically it will use either one port or the other.
    I'm doing the testing with the iperf tool and am communicating with a unix based server.
    I have the following setup:
    Dell R210 II server with 2 Broadcom NetEtreme II adapters and a DualPort Intel Pro adapter - Centos 6.5 installed bonding configured and working wile communicating with other unix based systems.
    Zyxel GS2200-48 switch - Link Aggregation configured and working
    Dell R210 II with Windows 8.1 with Broadcom NetExtreme II cards or Intel Pro dualport cards.
    For the Windows machine I have also tried Windows 7 and Windows 8, also non server type hardware with identical results.
    so.. Why am I not getting > 1 Gbps throughput on the created team? although load balancing is activated, team adapter says the connection type is 2 Gbps, a the same setup with 2 unix machines works flawlessly.
    Am I to understand that Link Aggregation (802.3ad) under Microsoft OS does not support load balancing if connection is only towards one IP?
    To make it clear, I need client version of Windows OS to communicate unix based OS over a higher then 1Gbps bandwidth (as close to 2 Gbps as possible). Without the use of 10 Gbps network adapters.
    Thanks in advance,

    As v-yamliu has mentioned, NIC teaming through the operating system is
    only available in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. For Windows Client or for previous versions of Windows Server you will need to create the team via the network driver. For Broadcom this is accomplished
    using the Broadcom Advanced Server Program (BASP) as documented here and
    for Intel via Advanced Network Services as documented here.
    If you have configured the team via the drivers, you may need to ensure the driver is properly installed and updated. You may also want to ensure that the adapters are configured for aggregation (802.3ad/802.1ax/LACP), rather than fault tolerance or load
    balancing and that the teaming configuration on the switch matches and is compatible with the server configuration. Also ensure that all of the links are connecting at full duplex as this is a requirement.
    Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
    The Springboard Series on TechNet

  • Nic Teaming in guest OS

    We have 4 ESX Servers each containing 4 gig nics for production traffic. These are teamed to form a 4Gb pipe to the Cisco Switch. Our guest VM's are windows 2008 rc2 and my issue is that i need to find out if its possible to team nics within the windows 2008 vm's.
    We have physical windows 2008 servers with same network config as in 4 physical nics teamed to form 4gb pipe to cisco switch
    If i copy a 5GB file from one physical server to another physical server it takes about 70 seconds (which is great). If i copy the same file from one of the physical servers to one of my VM servers it takes over 3 minutes (not good).
    If i copy the same file between 2 servers on the same ESX host it also takes over 3 minutes (not good)
    If my theory is sound then i think the bottleneck is the fact that my VM servers only have a 1Gb nic so ideally i'd like to be able to team a pair of nics in a VM and redo the test.
    Any information on how to team nics within guest vm's would be appreciated.

    Depending on the switch load balancing policy you can force each virtual NIC to use a separate physical NIC. If you have a piece of software which implements the the LB in the guest (as the VMware drivers don't implement this) you'll be able to achieve Transmit Load Balancing (TLB). Failover is implemented on the vSwitch layer.
    IMHO this benefit is a theoretical one as other guest are using these physical NIC's also load distributed, as well.
    For real load balancing you should have physical switches which support one of the LB protocols available.
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  • Report Execution time in NQQuery.log should be display in Milliseconds

    Report Execution time in NQQuery.log should be display in Milliseconds.
    For Example :
    --- Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 0, Response time 0, Compilation time 0 (seconds)
    Can we see the logical Query Summary Stats in milliseconds?
    If so Where should i cofigure to populate this.

    No. If you query comes in less that 1 second then you got nothing to worry about. I haven't seen a single DWH where users would worry about queries returning in milliseconds.

  • NIC teaming in OVM

    Hi folks,
    Does Oracle VM support NIC Teaming(Bonding of more than 1 NICs in to 1 Logical NIC)? Does it require any driver or patch for the same.
    I have SUN server x4710 which has 2 NIC cards.
    Moreover If I ve VMs(guests) with IPs of different VLANs(Eg. 10.22.70.x and 202.49.214.x) residing on same VM server what would be the best practice?
    Hope fully I have made the points clear..
    Thanks in advance...

    user10310678 wrote:
    Does Oracle VM support NIC Teaming(Bonding of more than 1 NICs in to 1 Logical NIC)? Does it require any driver or patch for the same.Yes it does support bonding and no, it doesn't require any additional drivers or patches. Bonding is built into the kernel.
    Moreover If I ve VMs(guests) with IPs of different VLANs(Eg. 10.22.70.x and 202.49.214.x) residing on same VM server what would be the best practice?I usually create a bridge per VLAN. That way, I can create a virtual interface to a guest that is already on a particular VLAN and the guest doesn't have to worry about VLANs. Also, it means you can control VLAN assignments outside the guest OS. See this wiki page for more info:

  • Hyper-V, NIC Teaming and 2 hosts getting in the way of each other

    Hey TechNet,
    After my initial build of 2 Hyper-V Core server which took me a bit of time without a domain, I started building 2 more for another site. After the initial two, setting up the new ones went very fast until I ran into a very funny issue. And I am willing
    to bet it is just my luck but I am wondering if any other out there ended up with it.
    So, I build these 2 new servers, create a NIC teaming on each host, add the management OS adapter, give it an IP and I can ping the world. So I went back to my station and tried to start working on these hosts but I kept getting DCed especially from one
    of them. Reinstalled it and remade the NIC teaming config, just in case. Same issue
    So I started pinging both of the servers and I remarked that when one was pinging, the other one tended to not answer ping anymore and vice versa. After testing the firewall and the switch and even trying to put the 2 machines on different switches, did
    not help. So I thought, what the heck, let's just remove all the network config from both machine, reboot, and redo the network config. Since then no issue.
    I only forgot to do one thing before removing the network configuration, I forgot to check if the MAC address on the Management OS adapters were the same. Even if it is a small chance, it can still happen (1 in 256^4 i'd say).
    So to get to my question, am I that unlucky or might it have been something else ?
    Enjoy your weekends

    I raised this bug long ago (one year ago in fact) and it still happens today.
    If you create a virtual switch, then add a management vNIC to it - there are times when you will get two hosts with the same MAC on the vNIC that was added for management.
    I have seen this in my lab (and I can reproduce it at will).
    Modify the entire Hyper-V MAC address pool.  Or else you will have the same issue with VMs.  This is the only workaround.
    But yes, it is a very confusing issue.
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.

  • PS Script to Automate NIC Teaming and Configure Static IP Address based off an Existing Physical NIC

    # Retrieve IP Address and Default Gateway from static IP Assigned NIC and assign to variables.
    $wmi = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = True" |
    Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -match '192\.' }
    $IPAddress = $wmi.IpAddress[0]
    $DefaultGateway = $wmi.DefaultIPGateway[0]
    # Create Lbfo TEAM1, by binding “Ethernet” and “Ethernet 2” NICs.
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM1 -TeamMembers "Ethernet","Ethernet 2" -TeamingMode Lacp -LoadBalancingAlgorithm TransportPorts -Confirm:$false
    # 20 second pause to allow TEAM1 to form and come online.
    Start-Sleep -s 20
    # Configure static IP Address, Subnet, Default Gateway, DNS Server IPs to newly formed TEAM1 interface.
    New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceAlias “TEAM1” –IPAddress $IPAddress –PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias “TEAM1” -ServerAddresses xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx
    Howdy All!
    I was recently presented with the challenge of automating the creation and configuration of a NIC Team on Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2.
    New Team will use static IP Address of an existing NIC (one of two physical NICs to be used in the Team).  Each server has more than one NIC.
    Our environment is pretty static, in the sense that all our servers use the same subnet mask and DNS server IP Addresses, so I really only had
    to worry about the Static IP Address and the Default Gateway.
    1. Retrieve NIC IP Address and Default Gateway:
    I needed a way to query only the NIC with the correct IP Address settings and create required variables based on that query.  For that, I
    leveraged WMI.  For example purposes, let's say the servers in your environment start with 192. and you know the source physical NIC with desired network configurations follows this scheme.  This will retrieve only the network configuration information
    for the NIC that has the IP Address that starts with "192."  Feel free to replace 192 with whatever octet you use.  you can expand the criteria by filling out additional octects... example:
    -match'192\.168.' } This would search for NICs with IP Addresses 192.168.xx.xx.
    = Get-WmiObject
    -Filter "IPEnabled = True"
    Where-Object {
    -match '192\.' }
    = $wmi.IpAddress[0]
    = $wmi.DefaultIPGateway[0]
    2. Create Lbfo TEAM1
    This is a straight forward command based off of New-NetLbfoTeam.  I used  "-Confirm:$false" to suppress prompts. 
    Our NICs are named “Ethernet” and “Ethernet 2” by default, so I was able to keep –TeamMembers as a static entry. 
    Also added start-sleep command to give the new Team time to build and come online before moving on to network configurations. 
    -Name TEAM1
    -TeamMembers "Ethernet","Ethernet 2"
    -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent
    Dynamic -Confirm:$false
    # 20 second pause to allow TEAM1 to form and come online.
    -s 20
    3. Configure network settings for interface "TEAM1".
    Now it's time to pipe the previous physical NICs configurations to the newly built team.  Here is where I will leverage
    the variables I created earlier.
    There are two separate commands used to fully configure network settings,
    New-NetIPAddress : Here is where you assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress: Here is where you assign any DNS Servers.  In my case, I have 2, just replace x's with your
    desired DNS IP Addresses.
    –InterfaceAlias “TEAM1”
    –IPAddress $IPAddress
    –PrefixLength 24
    -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway
    -InterfaceAlias “TEAM1”
    -ServerAddresses xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx
    Hope this helps and cheers!

    I've done this before, and because of that I've run into something you may find valuable. 
    Namely two challenges:
    There are "n" number of adapters in the server.
    Adapters with multiple ports should be labeled in order.
    MS only supports making a LBFO Team out of "like speed" adapters.
    To solve both of these challenges I standardized the name based on link speed for each adapter before creating hte team.  Pretty simple really!  FIrst I created to variables to store the 10g and 1g adapters.  I went ahead and told it to skip
    any "hyper-V" ports for obvious reasons, and sorted by MAC address as servers tend to put all thier onboard NICs in sequentially by MAC:
    $All10GAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter |where{$_.LinkSpeed -eq "10 Gbps" -and $_.InterfaceDesription -notmatch 'Hyper-V*'}|sort-object MacAddress)
    $All1GAdapters = (Get-NetAdapter |where{$_.LinkSpeed -eq "1 Gbps" -and $_.InterfaceDesription -notmatch 'Hyper-V*'}|sort-object MacAddress)
    Sweet ... now that I have my adapters I can rename them into something standardized:
    $All10GAdapters | ForEach-Object {
    Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.Name -NewName "Ethernet_10g_$i"
    $i = 0
    $All1GAdapters | ForEach-Object {
    Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.Name -NewName "Ethernet_1g_$i"
    Once that's done Now i can return to your team command but use a wildcard sense I know the standardized name!
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM1G -TeamMembers Ethernet_1g_* -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic -Confirm:$false
    New-NetLbfoTeam -Name TEAM10G -TeamMembers Ethernet_10g_* -TeamingMode SwitchIndependent -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic -Confirm:$false

  • ESXi 4.1 NIC Teaming's Load-Balancing Algorithm,Nexus 7000 and UCS

    Hi, Cisco Gurus:
    Please help me in answering the following questions (UCSM 1.4(xx), 2 UCS 6140XP, 2 Nexus 7000, M81KR in B200-M2, No Nexus 1000V, using VMware Distributed Switch:
    Q1. For me to configure vPC on a pair of Nexus 7000, do I have to connect Ethernet Uplink from each Cisco Fabric Interconnect to the 2 Nexus 7000 in a bow-tie fashion? If I connect, say 2 10G ports from Fabric Interconnect 1 to 1 Nexus 7000 and similar connection from FInterconnect 2 to the other Nexus 7000, in this case can I still configure vPC or is it a validated design? If it is, what is the pro and con versus having 2 connections from each FInterconnect to 2 separate Nexus 7000?
    Q2. If vPC is to be configured in Nexus 7000, is it COMPULSORY to configure Port Channel for the 2 Fabric Interconnects using UCSM? I believe it is not. But what is the pro and con of HAVING NO Port Channel within UCS versus HAVING Port Channel when vPC is concerned?
    Q3. if vPC is to be configured in Nexus 7000, I understand there is a limitation on confining to ONLY 1 vSphere NIC Teaming's Load-Balancing Algorithm i.e. Route Based on IP Hash. Is it correct?
    Again, what is the pro and con here with regard to application behaviours when Layer 2 or 3 is concerned? Or what is the BEST PRACTICES?
    I would really appreciate if someone can help me clear these lingering doubts of mine.
    God Bless.

    Here are my thoughts without a 1000v in place,
    Q1. For me to configure vPC on a pair of Nexus 7000, do I have to connect Ethernet Uplink from each Cisco Fabric Interconnect to the 2 Nexus 7000 in a bow-tie fashion? If I connect, say 2 10G ports from Fabric Interconnect 1 to 1 Nexus 7000 and similar connection from FInterconnect 2 to the other Nexus 7000, in this case can I still configure vPC or is it a validated design? If it is, what is the pro and con versus having 2 connections from each FInterconnect to 2 separate Nexus 7000?   //Yes, for vPC to UCS the best practice is to bowtie uplink to (2) 7K or 5Ks.
    Q2. If vPC is to be configured in Nexus 7000, is it COMPULSORY to configure Port Channel for the 2 Fabric Interconnects using UCSM? I believe it is not. But what is the pro and con of HAVING NO Port Channel within UCS versus HAVING Port Channel when vPC is concerned? //The port channel will be configured on both the UCSM and the 7K. The pro of a port channel would be both bandwidth and redundancy. vPC would be prefered.
    Q3. if vPC is to be configured in Nexus 7000, I understand there is a limitation on confining to ONLY 1 vSphere NIC Teaming's Load-Balancing Algorithm i.e. Route Based on IP Hash. Is it correct? //Without the 1000v, I always tend to leave to dvSwitch load balence behavior at the default of "route by portID". 
    Again, what is the pro and con here with regard to application behaviours when Layer 2 or 3 is concerned? Or what is the BEST PRACTICES? UCS can perform L2 but Northbound should be performing L3.
    David Jarzynka

  • Load Balancing and NIC Teaming

    Hi! i have been looking through lots of links and none of them actually can fully answer my queries.
    I am to do a writeup on load balancing and NIC Teaming, is there any1 that knows what are the commonly used load balancing and NIC Teaming methods, when to use each method, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the configuration for each
    Sorry its lots of questions but i have to do a detailed writeup!
    Many thanks in advance :D

    NIC Teaming - On a single server, you will have mutiple NIC. You can Team the NIC so that both NIC will act togather to provide better bandwidth and High avaliblity.
    Example : NIC 1 - 1 GB and NIC -2 1 GB so in Team it can act a 2 GB single NIC, If one fails speed will be reduced but it will have HA
    Loadbalancing : Two servers hosting same content:
    Example : can be hosted in two or even more servers and a loadbalancer will be used to split load to each server based of the current load and traffic.
    No disadvantages

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