Nieuwe laptop en kan niet lion updaten

Beste mensen,
Vandaag 12-12-12 een nieuwe macbook pro gekocht
direct al wat probleempjes, o.a. dat zodra je te veel bestanden probeert up te loaden naar je documenten dan blijft de laptop constant zeggen dat hij aan het stoppen is met kopieren, ook kun je de bestanden die teveel zijn maar waarvoor wel al een mapje is gemaakt niet meer verwijderen omdat deze bestanden volgens de laptop nog in gebruik zijn.
Ik kan nu ook niet herstarten omdat de laptop dus continue in gebruik is door de bestanden die niet gekopieerd kunnen worden.
Alvast bedankt voor het kijken naar dit probleem!
groeten, thomas

I am using Google translate.  Keep your sentences short.
What is the source of the files you are transferring?
Are the files from another Mac or a PC or a hard disc drive?
How is the hardware connected?
What type of files are these?
How large are these files?
Add any additional details that you fell may helpful.

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    Regards, Jan

    Hi Mac Attack,
    My computer will not disconnect from the internet.  It seems to find a clone router and continues even when I shut down and unplug my my own home iy
    Your main question was 'chopped' in the title. Please reply in the body of a reply box with the full question and anything you have tried. And no, the long report was not helpful .
    If the same website is opening each time you launch a browser (Safari?) hold down the shift key as you launch to prevent previous pages from opening.
    Have a look at your settings in Safari > Preferences. Especially General and Privacy.
    Reset Safari to remove cookies and other stored data.
    System Preferences > General
    Have a look at your settings in System Preferences >  Security & Privacy.
    Call back with more questions.

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    Heeft iemand een soortgelijk iets gehad en een eventuele oplossing?

    I am using Google translate.  Keep your sentences short.
    What is the source of the files you are transferring?
    Are the files from another Mac or a PC or a hard disc drive?
    How is the hardware connected?
    What type of files are these?
    How large are these files?
    Add any additional details that you fell may helpful.

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    You can use the Time Machine backup files of the iMac onto your MacBook without any problem because your MacBook has got a newer version than the one the iMac has got. However, you shouldn't do it in your iMac, and if you do that, you might damage OS X because your Time Machine apps will replace Lion apps.
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    All 11 laptops connects easily to the server and everything works like a charm - as long as the computers are on the local network - meaning as long as people are at the office. Windowes sharing IS enabled and the user have no problems as long as he is at the office.
    From home (or other places) all the Macs can connect to the server through cmd-K and afp:// (fictional IP-address) and then typing username and password.
    But I can't conenct the Windows 7 laptop from remote. Probably because I don't know how. Where's the cmd-k command (or something similar) in Windows 7 Professional?
    I have tried to map a network drive typing all kinds of paths:
    None of them even takes us to the place, where we can type the username and password.
    After a while, we get a message that says: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another" or "Windows requires a share to publish to, please try another location".
    I have no idea what the difference is between / and \ and when to use what.
    I also also don't understand the meaning of Domain - a word that occurs all the time when I try to google this.
    Does it have anything to do with what I am trying to accomplish?
    All tips and suggestions welcome. I'm a novice with Windows and need clear instructions/directions.

    Hello Scotte525
    No, I am not using VPN. I have enabled it on the server, but we don'øt need it to connect from outside. On the Macs we just type cmd-K and afp://IP-address and then we are prompte for username and password.
    I had hope something similar was available on the Windows 7 computer, but i can't make it work.
    And I don't know how to use VPN from the Windows laptop.
    If I do what you suggest = Window-key plus R and type like you wrote \\IP-address\ I am told I cannot make a connection.
    However!!!!! When I clicked "diagnose this issue" after a while the Windows computer told me that "the print and file sharing ressource (IP-address) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts.
    So now I have to start looking at the server, where close to everything is enabled (and the Mac's connect without problems, so what is it that isn't responding? This is very confusing). If you have any hints (or have experince in setting up a Mac OS X server to give access to Windows 7 PC(s) I would be most grateful for your help.
    Kind regards,

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