
I am using  Labview 2010 (10.0 32 bits) and TestsTand 4.2.1 with a PXI 1033 chssis. In the chassis, there are a PXI-6733, a PXI-7852R, a PXI-2564 and a PXI-2569.
The PC sometimes freezes with a "blue error screen" (look at the attached file).
The file niswdk.dll is in the NI SWITCH files, it is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers. The version of the dll file is NI Switch version is 4 .0 .2
I had uninstall the NI Switch software and then I install again the NI Switch sofware but the problems still occurs.
IMG_2013.jpg ‏132 KB

Hi Romain,
When you said "the PC sometimes freezes with a blue screen error", could you give more details about it?
I mean, are you executing specific LabVIEW code or are you doing others tasks before the blue screen occured?
This blue screen is quite strange, so it's important to know what make it happened.
National Instruments France
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Journées Techniques LabVIEW
Du 15 octobre au 7 novembre : Strasbourg - Lyon - Lille - Toulouse - Mar...

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    Having trouble connecting column to column using niSwitch vi on a PXI 2530 matrix module.  I have configured my switch using Switch Executive, have identified aliases, and verified routes and route groups.  When I use LabVIEW to connect column to column I get an error reading "cannot find connection between c0 and c1".  c0 and c1 are example columns I want to connect.  Any help is appreciated.

    You can find NISE VIs in the function pallete in LV if you have installed LabVIEW support when you installed NISE (this is selected by default in the installer if you had LV installed before installing NISE).
    Also, choose between niSwitch and NISE based on your need - if all you ever do is connect two channels in your application, then configuring a NISE virtual device is probably an overkill (and so is using a switch in this case:-) . However, if you are going to manage multiple routes, then using NISE configuration will let you create named routes and route groups, which you can then invoke (connect/disconnect) in your application and have the configuration part managed outside your application. The code would then concentrate solely on establishing a necessary connection(s) via connecting a route or a route group, while if you were to use niSwitch for this purpose, you would have to keep the logic of connecting inside your application, together with the list of channels that need to be connected.
    Start with using NISE, and see if you like it.
    Srdan Zirojevic

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    Good morning brent2004,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments with your issue, we'll try our best to resolve it for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    I have searched in our Corrective Action Database, and have verified that NI-Switch 2.0 did have an issue with the niSwitch Initialize With and the logical resource name.  This is an extremely old driver that you're working with, and since the upgrade is free, I highly recommend it for your project.
    Minh Tran
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • SCXI-1127 and Reset NISwitch VI

    I have a question with regard to resetting the SCXI-1127 Card.
    I wrote a test VI that performs the following in sequence to
    verify the -1127 operation:
    1) Initialize the SCXI-1127 Card
    (using a Instrument Descriptor of SCXI1::5::INDEP)
    2) Control a single Switch (Close ch0)
    3) Close the NI Switch Reference
    The switch closes correctly, because I can hear it, but here is
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    the switches. this is because I am leaving the LabVIEW environment
    between switch setup calls, therefore I need to close the open
    Instrument reference)
    Any Help would be appreciated
    Rick M
    Sent via
    Before you buy.

    you are right: the reset option in this moment is not yet performing any
    action inside the NI Switch driver. We apologize for the inconvenience: it
    will be activated in future release of the products. Unfortunately, in this
    moment it is not possible to avoid the RESET of the switch card when you
    open a new session.
    [email protected] wrote:
    >I have a question with regard to resetting the SCXI-1127 Card.>I wrote a
    test VI that performs the following in sequence to>verify the -1127 operation>1)
    Initialize the SCXI-1127 Card>(using a Instrument Descriptor of SCXI1::5::INDEP)>>2)
    Control a single Switch (Close ch0)>>3) Close the NI Switch Reference>>The
    switch closes correctly, because I can hear it, but here is>the kicker, if
    I put the entire 3
    steps in a While loop controlled>by a Boolean stop switch
    and run the VI, the Switch chatters (its>being opened and closed continuously).
    Now I realize that this is>normal operation *IF* the Initialize NISwitch
    VI is performing a reset>of all of the switches (i.e. OPENING all switches).
    However, I am>setting the ResetDevice Input Boolean to False when I call
    the>Initialize NI switch VI, but it appears that the board is resetting>anyway.
    Has anyone seem this before? or is the Reset Device input>on the Initialize
    NISwitch VI not what it appears to be to me?>>(The reason I am attempting
    this is to assertain that I *can* call>initialize (to get a reference) without
    changing the current state of>the switches. this is because I am leaving
    the LabVIEW environment>between switch setup calls, therefore I need to close
    the open>Instrument reference)>>Any Help would be appreciated>Rick M>>>Sent
    via>Before you buy.

  • NIDMM.vb and NISWITCH.vb wrapper warning

    I am writing an application in (VS2005 & MeasStudio 8.2.1) where I want to control a PXI-4065 DMM and a pair of PXI-2575 196 channel multiplexers to take various voltage and resistance measurements on a demand basis (table driven).  I've created my application with measurement studio and added to the project the NIDMM.vb and NISWITCH.vb wrappers as specified in the KB article "Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET Wrappers for National Instruments Modular Instruments Drivers".
    After I added the two wrappers, I get many warning messages as follows...
    Warning 1 XML comment parameter 'Instrument_Handle' does not match a parameter on the corresponding 'sub' statement. XML comment will be ignored. C:\Documents and Settings\georgep9164\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\QCT01\QCT01\niDMM.vb 80 8 QCT01
    Am I missing something that should be added to the project?
    Also, I've not used the "XML documentation" feature used in the two wrappers.  How can I "process" the two files to get the documentation?  Will this work properly with VS2005?
    Lastly, assuming that I am going about this application in the correct method, are there some examples that would show me how to set a specific switch channel(s) and then take a voltage or resistance measurement with the DMM?  I've been looking around but Ihaven't found any examples.

    OK, going back to the NIDMM.vb class that NI provides, the first instance of the warning comes from the line "<param name="Instrument_Handle">"  in the XML comments listed below.
        '''Creates a new IVI instrument driver session.
        '''Opens a session to the device you specify for the Resource_Name parameter.
        '''If the ID Query parameter is set to TRUE, this function queries the instrument ID and checks that it is valid for this instrument driver.
        '''If the Reset parameter is set to TRUE, this function resets the instrument to a known state.
        '''Sends initialization commands to set the instrument to the state necessary for the operation of the instrument driver.
        '''Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls.
        '''Note:  This function creates a new session the first time you invoke it for a device. If you call niDMM_Initialize on the same resource, the original session is returned. You can use the same session in multiple program threads. You can use the niDMM_LockSession and niDMM_UnlockSession functions to protect sections of code that require exclusive access to the resource.
        '''<param name="Resource_Name">
        '''Contains the resource name of the device to initialize.
        '''Valid Syntax:
        '''-NI-DAQmx name
        '''-DAQ::NI-DAQmx name[::INSTR]
        '''-DAQ::Traditional NI-DAQ device number[::INSTR]
        '''-IVI logical name 
        '''Caution  All IVI names for the Resource Name, such as logical names or virtual names, are case-sensitive. If you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in your program, you must make sure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters in the name.
        '''<param name="ID__Query">
        '''Specifies whether the driver performs an ID query. When this parameter is set to VI_TRUE, the driver verifies that the instrument is of a type that this driver supports.
        '''Defined Values:
        '''VI_TRUE (1) - Perform ID Query (default)
        '''VI_FALSE (0) - Skip ID Query
        '''<param name="Reset_Device">
        '''Specifies whether to reset the instrument during the initialization procedure.
        '''Defined Values:
        '''VI_TRUE (1) - Reset Device (default)
        '''VI_FALSE (0) - Don't Reset
        '''<param name="Instrument_Handle">
        '''Returns a ViSession handle that you use to identify the instrument in all subsequent instrument driver function calls.
        Public Sub New(ByVal Resource_Name As String, ByVal ID__Query As Boolean, ByVal Reset_Device As Boolean)
            Dim pInvokeResult As Integer = PInvoke.init(Resource_Name, System.Convert.ToUInt16(ID__Query), System.Convert.ToUInt16(Reset_Device), Me._handle)
            PInvoke.TestForError(Me._handle, pInvokeResult)
            Me._disposed = false
        End Sub
    I noticed that the XML comments specify four parameters, but the SUB only has three parameters defined.  Hence, the warning!  A question for NI... Why the mismatch?  Has NIDMM.vb changed?
    I would still like to know how to print the XML comments for the class documentation.

  • NiSwitch vs DAQmx

    I am interested in a general discussion of the differences between DAQmx and niSwitch. DAQmx seems to be a superset (newer implementation?) of niSwitch.
    When controlling a simple device such as a relay driver (PXI-2567), is there a reason to choose one of these over the other? Both have the ability to open and close switches.
    Can I mix and match them in the same vi? I seem to remember hearing that I should stick to one switch control pallet in a given vi.
    Are there programming situations where there is a compelling reason to choose one over the other?
    Thanks in advance for the advice,

    Hi Bob,
    Hopefully this Knowledge Base will answer your questions about the differences between NI-Switch and DAQmx for switch programming.
    Jennifer O.

  • Error -1074126826 occurred at niSwitch

    I'm getting an intermittant error with my switch card:
    Error -1074126826 occurred at niSwitch
    Possible reason(s):
    Max time exceeded.
    Device: SWT1-DUTSwitching
    Status Code: -200221
    It happens about 25% of the start-ups (fixed with a restart).  I can't find the error codes in any documentation - has anyone got any ideas please?
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

    G'Day Chad - thanks for your answer: after several weeks of testing I haven't had the error message since I upgraded to 3.3.1!  Well done
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

  • How can I get information of the switched channel in an example program from NI?

    When I use the example program "niSwitch DMM Switch Synchronous", I'am not able to get any information, wich channel is active. Wich block has to be used and how must I connect it to see this.
    The other one is, that te sytax for the scan list, described in the help does not switch through the channel, how has this to be modified?
    Im using a SCXI 1128 in Slot 8 of a 1052 combo chassis and the DMM is a PXI 4070 in the Slot 2.
    niSwitch DMM Switch Synchronous ‏145 KB

    finally, i got a working solution which should suite you!
    Ok, here is what you have to do/what is missing in your setup:
    First, you can leave the modules as they are already inserted in your chassis.
    Second, you will need a special AUX-cable to synchronize the DMM and the switch. You can find infos on that here
    in the section "Single Module Scanning". Connect the cable between the
    DMM and the front connector of the switch (1331, scanadv. and
    Third, i advise you to use the HV8-BAN4-cable to connected the signals
    to your DMM. This is because the cable is specified for the appropriate
    voltage the DMM and the switch are capable of (300 V). The connection
    of the HV8 can be done in the 1052 above the PXI-slots.
    And at last, open the example "niSwitch DMM Switch", set
    the devices to the appropriate identifiers. Select for both triggers
    for the DMM "External" and for both triggers of the switch "Front
    Connector". Change the Scanlist to "ch0:5->com0;". If you are using
    the HV8-BAN4 instead of direct front connector-connection, you have to
    change the code a bit, too: insert a "niSwitch Connect Channels" VI in
    front of the "niSwitch Configure Scan Trigger" which connects "ab0" and
    Ok, now the example should work correctly and you should be able to use all other SCXI modules together with your 6281.
    Hope this helps,
    [Edit]: My setup was 4072, 6052E, 1127 and 1011 (instead of 4070, 6281,
    1128 and 1052 as you do). But that should work just the same way.
    Message Edited by Norbert B on 08-04-2006 10:36 AM
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Trying to measure voltage through SCXI-1127/1331 2-wire connection [ Edited ]

    Hai ,
         this is madhava from LSU,I am working on ERT with  NI hardwares like 1)chasis 1000 2) DMM PCI-4060  3)  SCXI -1331(2 in number)
          I have a system with two large glass plates standing vertically and placed parallel to the user.I am trying to flow different liquids of density through the channel in between.Please  see a attached picture of it.
        There are total of 48 electrodes 24 on each side to which wires are connected. On each side there are 3 rows with 8 electrodes/row, say 1-24 on side A and 24-48 on side B. The medium between the two sides is salt water.
         I want to measure the potential in such a manner that  I can calculate the voltage difference between all possible electrode combinations between side A and side B.I have connected a  two end power source to side A and side B, i.e. +ve to side A and  -Ve to side B , so   the  electrode on the A side acts as the "source" and the electrode on the B side acts as "sink".
        I want to use 2 SCXI- 1331 's for this experiment.
        I tried it with 1  SCXI - 1331, but did not get proper values.So what do you suggest shall I continue this with the 1  wire or could you please help me with the two wire experiment, so that I can get more combinations.
               I hope you respond soon and in the affirmative.
    With regards
    Attachments: ‏144 KB

    Welcome to the discussion forums, Madhava!
    The optimal solution is to have a 2x48 (or more) matrix so
    that you could easily choose one point on either plate (column) connected to
    one lead of the DMM (row0) and another point on the other DMM lead (row1).
    Since the SCXI-1127 doesn’t support this configuration, you’ll have to try
    something else with your existing hardware.
    Because you can only use a multiplexer setup instead of a
    matrix for your number of signals, the closest you can get to the above
    suggestion is to measure one electrode to ground and then read the next
    electrode to ground and include logic to find the difference between the two voltages.
    I suggest you start with a LabVIEW shipping example (Help » Find Examples) such as niSwitch
    DMM Switch Synchronous or niSwitch
    DMM Switch (found under Hardware
    Input and Output » Modular Instruments » NI-SWITCH). You will have to modify
    it to include another SCXI-1127 and set them both up in a 1-wire 64x1 multiplexer
    topology. Take measurements as quickly to each other as possible on both
    switches. Again, this is a workaround to what you really should be doing for
    optimal performance (and the easiest setup).
    The last option is to limit your measurements to electrodes
    directly across from each other (or any other fixed mapping setup) and use a
    2-wire 32x1 multiplexer topology. By nature, this is taking a differential
    signal measurement between two constant points. This would allow you to easily
    use LabVIEW’s shipping examples without modification.
    I hope this helps you get a feel for your options and the
    consequences of each.
    Mark E.
    Precision DC Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and LCR Meters
    Programmable Power Supplies and Source Measure Units

  • Keep switch channel selected for multiple steps in a scan list

    I have 3 switches (PXI-2575), one to apply a source to a given line, one to apply a sink, a one to apply a DMM.  I have all three switches triggering off each other as well as a DMM (PXI-4070). I apply a source to any given line with the source switch and then cycle through other lines using the DMM switch. Problem is i want to keep the wear on the relays of the source switch to a minimum (for each cycle through the DMM lines I'm selecting same source pin multiple times!). Is there a command for scan lists or some way of setting up the switches so that this can be done?
    I thought it might be possible to use the debounce command ';' on its own to signify that i don't want to change the channel selection but this does not appear to work, the DMM times out whilst waiting for a trigger on the second reading. Simplified example scan list that i currently have:
    Break Mode: No Action
    Source Switch: ch0->com;;;;~ch0->com & ch1->com...
    DMM Switch: ch100->com;~ch100->com & ch101->com;~ch101->com & ch102->com;~ch102->com & ch103->com;~ch103->com & ch100->com...
    I've also tried selecting the same channel in subsquent scan list entries which flags up error saying explicit connection already exists between the channels.
    So is the only possibility just to needlessly wear out the relays?!

    Hi leon007,
    I can understand your desire to keep the wear on the relays of the Source switch to a minimum.  I have a few questions, but we should be able to get the application working without needlessly wearing out the relays.
    1.  Can I assume you are using NI-SWITCH to program this application?  If you are using the NI-DAQmx Switch API, please let me know.
    2.  When you state "I have all three switches triggering off each other as well as a DMM", can I assume (leaving out the Sink switch for now) the scan advanced output of the Source switch (TTL0) is sent to the trigger input of the DMM switch (TTL0), the scan advanced output of the DMM switch (TTL1) is sent to the trigger source of the DMM (TTL1), and the measurement complete destination of the DMM (TTL2) is sent to the trigger input of the Source switch (TTL2)?
    3.  If you are still having troubles after this post, I would like to know the following so I can assist in testing the issue:  What versions of NI-DAQmx and NI-SWITCH do you have installed?
    OK, that's it for my questions.  Now for yours.  Unfortunately, the debounce command ';' didn't work because it is simply a dummy entry - without creating a connection no scan advanced signal will be sent.  I've noticed this is not documented well in our help file, and I apologize for that.  However, attempting to create a connection where one already exists should be an error.  Either the user is attempting to redundantly connect channels (which shouldn't happen if niSwitch Get Relay Position is used), or there is a driver issue.
    To keep the relay wear to a minimum, I want to suggest a couple of ideas. 
    1.  Use only one trigger line for the DMM's measurement complete and one trigger line for all the switches scan advanced outputs.  To use this option, it cannot matter in your application which switch operates first, and which operates last.  The switch that always makes a connection (the DMM switch) will send a scan advanced output trigger with a set scan delay (configured in niSwitch Configure Scan Trigger) that should accommodate for all the switches.  This option may add delay in your application, but you will save relay life.
    2.  Use the DAQmx Switch API and the '&&' command between seperate switch connections.  In the DAQmx Switch API, you use just one scan list for all switch modules.  For example, we would perform the example scan list entries you provided with the following scan list:
    /Source/ch0->com && /DMM Switch/ch100->com; ~/DMM Switch/ch100->com & /DMM Switch/ch101->com; ~/DMM Switch/ch101->com & /DMM Switch/ch102->com; ~/DMM Switch/ch102->com & /DMM Switch/ch103->com; ~/Source/ch0->com & /Source/ch1->com && ~/DMM Switch/ch103->com & /DMM Switch/ch100->com...
    The above connects the Source switch CH0 to COM, waits for the relays to settle, connects the DMM switch CH100 to COM, sends the scan advanced output signal, and waits for the trigger input before executing the next scan list entry.  This method will keep an order to the madness, as you will have the power to decide which switch operates first, and which operates last.
    Let me know if I assumed anything incorrectly or if neither option works for you!
    Chad Erickson
    Switch Product Support Engineer
    NI - USA

  • Problem in build application

    I build application (exe ) for my main VI  but there is main problem if run my main VI in another PC without labview there is problem see figure for explain may problem
    Mohammad 1.doc ‏552 KB
    moh.doc ‏212 KB

    Creation of an installer will only help you when the "hpe363xa,
    nidmm ,niswitch" drivers are also included.
    Beside an installer you could also install the drivers manually in the PC containing only the LV run-time.
    Using whatever version of LV the customer requires. (LV5.1-LV2012) (

  • Accessing a SWTICH and DMM cards in a PXI System remotely

    Hi everybody,
    I use a PXI system with a NISwitch PXI-2503 and NiDMM PXI-4070. The embedded controller PXI-8176 is running WinXP.
    From a client machine I want to access remotely this cards. Via VISA Server it is possible to interact with the Switches using NI's driver NiSwitch. On the ther hand, I did not succeed so far to access remotely the DMM using the driver software NiDMM. I receive always the following error:
    "Error -1074135030 occurred at niDMM
    Possible reason(s):
    Error: (Hex 0xBFFA000A) Failure loading driver module."
    My Software Versions are:
    Labview 7.1, VISA 3.1, NI-DAQ 2.10, NiSwitch 2.20, NI-DMM 2.2.1
    I have read that there are some incompatibilities between VISA and RDA conc
    erning the TCP-IP port, but this problem should be solved in the versions I currently use.
    Anybody out there who knows a workaround?
    Thanx for any help in advance
    Hannes Schmidt, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

    Unfortunately I don't think anybody here knows of a workaround because the application is not one that anybody has recently tested using NI-DMM. The easiest work around to me would be to use LabVIEWs remote front panels to do the acquisition. The only reason why using this might cause a problem is if you need to save data to file on a remote PC. So the only consideration to work with is to save the file on the host PC and then grab the file saved using FTP or something along those lines. That may be a much easier work around than trying to figure out what is going on with the low level DMM driver call. Hope this helps. Good luck with your application.
    Best Regards,
    Jeremy Ross
    NI - Applications Engineer

  • Where do I find niSwitch_3​2.dll?

    When I try to open NiSwitch.LLB, it tries to find niSwitch_32.dll.  I have performed a "repair" on NI Switch Executive, but the dll is still missing.  How do I install niSwitch_32.dll?

    Hi Mark,
    If NI-Switch is installed, niSwitch_32.dll will be found in the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\IVI\Bin
    If NI-Switch is not installed, you can find the driver here:
    NI-Switch Version 3.3.1 for Real-Time OS/Windows 2000/XP​9EE88940C5862571D800602E55?opendocument&node=13206​...
    Let me know if you have further questions or if this does not resolve your issue!
    Chad Erickson
    Switch Product Support Engineer
    NI - USA

  • How to format/sen​d VISA messages in 'C' for PXI

    How do I format/send VISA commands to a PXI Switch device such as
    - niSwitch_InitWithTopology(instr, topology, VI_FALSE, VI_TRUE, &switchSession); using ANSI C ?  How do I query the result ? 
    I am able to use VISA commands to Open, Find Resources etc., but I would like to use VISA (message based) commands to perform various functions such as Self-Test, MakeConnection etc.  I am using ANSI C under VC++.  I am new to PXI and VISA and I tried to make this work using the following snippet, but get nonsensical results.
    viPrintf (instr, "niSwitch_InitWithTopology(instr, topology, VI_FALSE, VI_TRUE, &switchSession)\n");
    viPrintf (instr,"niSwitch_self_test (instr, &SelfTestResult, testMessage)\n");
    viScanf (instr, "%s", testMessage);
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi pxi_user,
    A function with a C Function Prototype such as:
    ViStatus niSwitch_InitWithTopology (ViRsrc resourceName, ViConstString topology, ViBoolean simulate, ViBoolean resetDevice, ViSession* vi);
    returns whether or not the function was successful.  This is stored in a ViStatus variable.  This, I am guessing, is what you are interested in.
    Please check out some C Examples to see how we perform error handling.  Normally, in our example VIs, we will use the method outlined in niSwitchErrorHandler.  Please view this program and then another that shows its use.  I would recommend the C programs located in the following folders:
    C:\Program Files\IVI\Drivers\niSwitch\Examples\CVI\niSwitchEr​rorHandler
    C:\Program Files\IVI\Drivers\niSwitch\Examples\CVI\niSwitchCo​ntrollingAnIndividualRelay
    In the end, the function will look something like below:
    niSwitchCheckErr(niSwitch_InitWithTopology(resourc​eName, topology, VI_FALSE, VI_TRUE, &switchSession));
    If this does not assist you, please let me know what the results you are currently getting look like.  Thanks!
    Chad AE
    Applications Engineer

  • How to use Programmable resistance 2720

    I am using and programming with PXI-2720. Could I set the resistance value in CVI program?
    I put the niswitch.fp in my project.  
    Do I need to control all relays for making 30ohm( example value) at my program?
    Could you help me if you have any sample codes or references?
    I have used "272x Reference VIs" for LabView.
    I am looking for similar instrument driver for CVI.
    Thank you,
    Go to Solution.

    just see my commends here.
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    We have a windows 2008 R2 cluster. A few days ago, we had issues with this cluster. I openend the cluster log, hoping to find the cause of the problem. But the last entry in the cluster log was dated 14 december 2013. Also the modified date of the fa

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    Hi Guys, I've got to design a Family Tree for a client and they want a very particular style. An arc sits at the bottom centre of the page, and inside the arc there are two names/birthdays/deaths/marriages etc. At right angles outside the arc, more n

  • Help on the "latest" content for APEX presentation

    Tyler Muth here. It's been way too long since I've been on this forum. Unfortunately my current role doesn't allow much time for APEX projects (all Exadata, all the time). I have to give an apex talk in two days and would love some pointers to the la