No Action Until Image Loads, Please

For some reason the squares of color that are supposed to load behind the image that acts as a mask load first, momentarily showing while the image loads, which looks bad. Hre is the code:
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import Images;
    import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
    public class BillsBBQPreloader extends MovieClip
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader3:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader4:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader5:Loader = new Loader();
        private var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
        var imgFlag1:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag2:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag3:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag4:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag5:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var thermometer:Images = new Images();
        var thermometerMask:Images = new Images();
        var mask_container:Sprite = new Sprite();
        var square:Sprite = new Sprite();
        public function BillsBBQPreloader()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init, false, 0, true);
        private function init(e:Event)
//            addChild(mask_container);
//            mask_container.addChild(thermometerMask);
        private function AddText():void
            var clientName:TextField = new TextField();
            var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            format.font = 'Arial';
            format.size = 35;
            clientName.textColor = 0x023048;
            clientName.text = "Bill's Texas Pit BBQ";
            clientName.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            var nameSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
            nameSprite.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - 150;
            nameSprite.y = 10;
            nameSprite.alpha = 0;
  , 2, {alpha:1});
        private function AddThermometerMask():void
            thermometerMask.ImagesArray = ["images/thermometer-mask.png", "", 144, 1152, (stage.stageWidth-144)/2, 23];
        private function AddWhite():void
            square.x = (stage.stageWidth-100)/2;
            square.y = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83;
        private function AddRed():void
//            square.mask = mask_container;
            square.x = (stage.stageWidth-74)/2;
            square.y = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83;
        private function AddThermometer():void
            thermometer.ImagesArray = ["images/thermometer-mask.png", "", 144, 1152, (stage.stageWidth-144)/2, (stage.stageHeight-458)/2];
//            AddThermometerMask();
        private function AddLoaders():void
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
            loader.load(new URLRequest("images/logo_w_fire.png"));
            loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
            loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded2);
            loader2.load(new URLRequest("images/tpwebbaseline.jpg"));
            loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded3);
            loader3.load(new URLRequest("images/tpdplatebgwflame.jpg"));
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            myTextField.width = 250;
            myTextField.x = (stage.stageWidth-50)/2;
            myTextField.y = 470;
            myTextField.selectable = false;
            myTextField.border = false;
            myTextField.borderColor = 0xAA0000;
            myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            myFormat.color = 0x023048;
            myFormat.size = 24;
            myFormat.italic = true;
            myTextField.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
        private function imageLoaded(event:Event):void
            imgFlag1 = true;
            if (imgFlag2 == true && imgFlag3 == true)
        private function imageLoaded2(event:Event):void
            imgFlag2 = true;
            if (imgFlag1 == true && imgFlag3 == true)
        private function imageLoaded3(event:Event):void
            imgFlag3 = true;
            if (imgFlag1 == true && imgFlag2 == true)
        function completePreloader()
            var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
            navigateToURL(req, '_self');
        function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void
            var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded/e.bytesTotal;
            myTextField.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString() + "%";
            var myY:Number = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83-(3.75*perc*100)
            square.y = myY;
Here's the code for Images()
package  {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.filters.*;
    import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    public class Images extends MovieClip
        private var parent_container:Sprite = new Sprite();
        private var _path:String = new String("path");
        private var _myWidth:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myHeight:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myX:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myY:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myURL:String = new String("url");
        public function Images():void
        public function set ImagesArray(_imagesArray:Array):void
            _path = _imagesArray[0];
            _myURL = _imagesArray[1];
            _myWidth = _imagesArray[2];
            _myHeight = _imagesArray[3];
            _myX = _imagesArray[4];
            _myY = _imagesArray[5];
        function LoadImage():void
            parent_container = new Sprite();
            var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_path);
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);         
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadedImage);
        function LoadedImage(e:Event):void
            var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
            var displayObject:DisplayObject = loaderInfo.content;
            displayObject.width = _myWidth;
            displayObject.height = _myHeight;
            parent_container.x = _myX;
            parent_container.y = _myY;
        function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
            trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
I have experimented with adding the square child elsewhere (such as in the code where it is created twice), but that proves even more disastrous. Please advise.

Oops. I realize now you guys showed me how to do this; namely dispatchEvent(). (This was a problem I set aside while we solved the one that addressed this issue.) Here is the revised code which accomplishes what I wanted:
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import Images;
    import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
    public class BillsBBQPreloader extends MovieClip
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader3:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader4:Loader = new Loader();
        var loader5:Loader = new Loader();
        private var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
        var imgFlag1:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag2:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag3:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag4:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var imgFlag5:Boolean = new Boolean(false);
        var thermometer:Images = new Images();
        var thermometerMask:Images = new Images();
        var mask_container:Sprite = new Sprite();
        var square:Sprite = new Sprite();
        public function BillsBBQPreloader()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init, false, 0, true);
        private function init(e:Event)
//            addChild(mask_container);
//            mask_container.addChild(thermometerMask);
        private function AddText():void
            var clientName:TextField = new TextField();
            var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            format.font = 'Arial';
            format.size = 35;
            clientName.textColor = 0x023048;
            clientName.text = "Bill's Texas Pit BBQ";
            clientName.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            var nameSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
            nameSprite.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - 150;
            nameSprite.y = 10;
            nameSprite.alpha = 0;
  , 2, {alpha:1});
        private function AddThermometerMask():void
            thermometerMask.ImagesArray = ["images/thermometer-mask.png", "", 144, 1152, (stage.stageWidth-144)/2, 23];
        private function AddWhite():void
            square.x = (stage.stageWidth-100)/2;
            square.y = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83;
        private function AddRed():void
//            square.mask = mask_container;
            square.x = (stage.stageWidth-74)/2;
            square.y = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83;
        private function AddThermometer():void
            thermometer.ImagesArray = ["images/thermometer-mask.png", "", 144, 1152, (stage.stageWidth-144)/2, (stage.stageHeight-458)/2];
            thermometer.addEventListener("loadcomplete", AddToStage);
        private function AddToStage(e:Event):void
        private function AddLoaders():void
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
            loader.load(new URLRequest("images/logo_w_fire.png"));
            loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
            loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded2);
            loader2.load(new URLRequest("images/tpwebbaseline.jpg"));
            loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded3);
            loader3.load(new URLRequest("images/tpdplatebgwflame.jpg"));
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            myTextField.width = 250;
            myTextField.x = (stage.stageWidth-50)/2;
            myTextField.y = 470;
            myTextField.selectable = false;
            myTextField.border = false;
            myTextField.borderColor = 0xAA0000;
            myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            myFormat.color = 0x023048;
            myFormat.size = 24;
            myFormat.italic = true;
            myTextField.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
        private function imageLoaded(event:Event):void
            imgFlag1 = true;
            if (imgFlag2 == true && imgFlag3 == true)
        private function imageLoaded2(event:Event):void
            imgFlag2 = true;
            if (imgFlag1 == true && imgFlag3 == true)
        private function imageLoaded3(event:Event):void
            imgFlag3 = true;
            if (imgFlag1 == true && imgFlag2 == true)
        function completePreloader()
            var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
            navigateToURL(req, '_self');
        function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void
            var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded/e.bytesTotal;
            myTextField.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString() + "%";
            var myY:Number = ((stage.stageHeight+458)/2)-83-(3.75*perc*100)
            square.y = myY;
package  {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.filters.*;
    import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    public class Images extends MovieClip
        private var parent_container:Sprite = new Sprite();
        private var _path:String = new String("path");
        private var _myWidth:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myHeight:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myX:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myY:Number = new Number(20);
        private var _myURL:String = new String("url");
        public function Images():void
        public function set ImagesArray(_imagesArray:Array):void
            _path = _imagesArray[0];
            _myURL = _imagesArray[1];
            _myWidth = _imagesArray[2];
            _myHeight = _imagesArray[3];
            _myX = _imagesArray[4];
            _myY = _imagesArray[5];
        function LoadImage():void
            parent_container = new Sprite();
            var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_path);
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);         
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadedImage);
        function LoadedImage(e:Event):void
            var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
            var displayObject:DisplayObject = loaderInfo.content;
            displayObject.width = _myWidth;
            displayObject.height = _myHeight;
            parent_container.x = _myX;
            parent_container.y = _myY;
            dispatchEvent(new Event("loadcomplete"));
        function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
            trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);

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    Screenshot of Site/Timeline:
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    Issue #1
    As of now when the swf file is saved out you get exactly what you see above:
    a: A scrolling thumbnail
    b: ...which loads a large image when clicked on it - PEFECT...
    1a: I need for the buttons to load in this action, not for it to just load on its own.
    [i.e., the silk_paintings gallery is what is open, so I need the "silk_paintings" button to call up this action]
    note: Initially I had attacked this problem by taking out the actions layer you see above and applying it directly to the individual buttons with some crude MouseEvent Listener/Handerls... that did not work - at all.
    Im sure it may be "easier" to make an array out of it, but with my coding level it may be "easier" to apply it to the buttons.
    1b: How I currently see it, I would take the xml-list and duplicate it for the number of galleries I have.
    [I would then re-name the xml-list to reflect the name of the galleries they are to represent, i.e. "silk_paintings"]
    [also, I would have to rename the folders to "thumbnails1,2,3, etc., & "images 1,2,3, etc"
    From there I would duplicate the actions and paste it into the buttons, changing the xml-list name to that of "silk_paintings", etc., as well as write in the MouseEvent listener Handler to make it work. [ah, ha, but what is that magic phrase, I have tried to implement various code from other tutorials, and all in vein.]
    Issue #2
    At this point I would be tickled pink just to get this to basic function to work.
    However, once the buttons are working and calling up the xml, etc., then I need the buttons to stay on the semi-transparent blue color it is whenever in the 'hit' state. [note: NOT pictured above.]
    With the way the buttons are currently set up, and with wanting to use scripting to get them to interact with the thumbnail gallery, it will have to be some miraculous code to tell that button what color to stay as whenever its clicked, and of course it going back to white when another button is clicked.
    Since this is an Adobe Forum I would like to make a few additional statements in hopes that the developers, etc. may take heed.
    Adobes products are not cheap, and when I went to purchase the websuite I went in as a designer needing a program as not to need to program.
    I understand the flexibility that coding gives, but something as simple as linking buttons should not be in the realms of rocket science. [yes, for many its not...but my brain just does not operate that route despite all the tutorials thrown at me.]
    Again, it would seem that there would be a button panel where you could drag options like scrolling thumbnail slider, loader, and then parameters would come up. [much like Apples iWeb. - but before the argument of one being pro and the other for non-pros, I see it differently. Software should not be the limiting factor in how flexible you can design, or rather ones lack of programming shouldnt be. With all the talented, and I say this in all humility and honesty, programmers working for Adobe, Im sure something could be programmed like what Im asking for.]
    note: Director is a good example, back in 1997 I knew nothing of multimedia and in one week I had assembled a portfolio, clicking buttons, speech, movies, and all. - and no, I dont have the money to buy more software!
    At this moment I am at the mercy of someone who reads code like its a nighttime tale they are telling their kids, and who can see the exact issue I have and can share the appropriate, correct code. [as I have noticed, it has to be on target - naturally - but this target changes with just a slight change in the design.]
    Thank you,
    The actionscript: [note: This is only the current working/good code that Im trying to get the buttons to call up.]
    fscommand("allowscale", false);//keep SWF display at 100%
    var x:XML = new XML ();//Define XML Object
    x.ignoreWhite = true;
    var fullURL:Array = new Array;//Array of full size image urls
    var thumbURL:Array = new Array;//Array of thumbnail urls
    var thumbX:Number = 25;//Initial offset of _x for first thumbnail
    x.onLoad = function(){ //Function runs after XML is loaded
        var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;//Defines variable for length of XML file
         for (i=0;i<photos.length;i++) {//For loop to step through all entry lines of XML file
              fullURL.push(photos[i].attributes.urls);//Each loop, adds URL for full sized image to Array fullURL
              thumbURL.push(photos[i].attributes.thumbs);//Each loop, adds URL for thumbnails to Array thumbURL
              trace(i+". Full Image = "+fullURL[i]+"  Thumb Image = "+thumbURL[i]);         
              var t = panel.attachMovie("b","b"+i,i);//Each loop, Define local variable 't' as a new instance of 'b' movie clip, given unique instance name of 'b' plus the index number of the For loop
              t.img.loadMovie(thumbURL[i]);// Each loop, load thumbnail image from XML data into variable movie clip
              t._y = 0;//Set Y coordinate of variable movie clip
              t._x = thumbX;//Set X coordinate of variable movie clip based on variable thumbX
              t.numb = i;//Set sub-variable 'numb' inside variable t to hold index number
              t._alpha = 75;//Set the Alpha value of the variable movie clip to 75% - for onRollOver highlight action
              thumbX += 55;//Increment thumbX value so next thumbnail is placed 125 pixels to the right of the one before
              t.onRollOver = function () {//define onRollOver event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 100;//Set thumbnail alpha to 100% for highlight
              t.onRollOut = function () {//define onRollOut event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onPress = function () {//define onPress event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation += 3;//rotates thumbnail 3 degrees to indicate it's been pressed
                   this._x += 3;//Offset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y -= 3;//Offset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
              t.onReleaseOutside = function () {//define onRelease event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onRelease  = function () {//define onRelease function to load full sized image
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
                   holder.loadMovie(fullURL[this.numb]);//Load full sized image into holder clip based on sub-variable t.numb, referenced by 'this'
         holder.loadMovie(fullURL[0]);//Initially load first full size image into holder clip
    x.load ("silk_paintings.xml");// path to XML file
    panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
    function panelOver() {
         this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
         delete this.onRollOver;
    var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);
    function scrollPanel() {
         if (_xmouse<b.xMin||_xmouse>b.xMax||_ymouse<b.yMin||_ymouse>b.yMax) {
         this.onRollOver = panelOver;
         delete this.onEnterFrame;
         if (panel._x >= 740) {
         panel._x = 740;
    if(panel._x <= (thumbX-10))  {
              panel._x = (thumbX-10)
         var xdist = _xmouse - 830;
         panel._x += -xdist / 7;
    The xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_brown_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/brown_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_blonde_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/blonde_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_flower_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/flower_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_red_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/red-fairy.jpg"  />
    Attached is a link to the file I made named "index".
    I would have liked to have included the following files but was limited due to "you-send-it" not uploading folders.  Files not included: [but functioning] : xml list - images [folder] - thumbnails [folder]
    Again, Thank you

    The issues with the buttons calling up the scrolling thumbnail panel have been resolved, as well as keeping the buttons in their hit state once clicked, thanks to Rob.
    Those that have been following this thread, or stumble upon it in their searches later, may appreciate to see the final solution to this particular issue.
    [Hopefully I will be able to update this thread with a url in the future to show the site in operation, which may help somebody with their project in the future if its set up similarly.]
    Alas, it would be nice if future versions of flash had a more direct, flexible, user friendly method for creating navigation.
    [We may see development beyond the flash ads which everyone seems to loathe... and more creativity with flash in terms of games, web interactivity, &  animation.
    Below are 2 sets of code:
    a] the first is located within the first frame of the first button, and has some extra variables in it that the additional buttons call upon...
    b] the second is the code applied to every other button.
    fscommand("allowscale", false);//keep SWF display at 100%
    var x:XML = new XML();//Define XML Object
    x.ignoreWhite = true;
    var fullURL:Array = new Array();//Array of full size image urls
    var thumbURL:Array = new Array();//Array of thumbnail urls
    //  .......  CHANGE
    var thumbX:Number;// = 25;//Initial offset of _x for first thumbnail
    // make an array of all of the instance names of each button object...
    // only do this once
    var buttonsList:Array = new Array(shadesOfGrey, silkPaintings);
    shadesOfGrey.isLatched = false;
    // the rollover function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onRollOver = shadesOfGrey.onDragOver=function ():Void {
         if (!this.isLatched) {
    // the rolloff function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onRollOut = shadesOfGrey.onDragOut=shadesOfGrey.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
         if (!this.isLatched) {
    // the mouse press function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onPress = function():Void  {
         this.isLatched = true;
    shadesOfGrey.onRelease = function():Void  {
         x.load("shadesOfGrey.xml");// path to XML file
         thumbX = 25;
    function resetAllButtons():Void {
         for (b in buttonsList) {
              buttonsList[b].isLatched = false;
    x.onLoad = function() {//Function runs after XML is loaded
         //  resets the position of the panel on each new load
         panel._x = 740;
         //  .......  CHANGE  removes the existing movieclips from the panel before any new load...
         for (c in panel) {
              if (typeof (panel[c]) == "movieclip") {
         var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;//Defines variable for length of XML file
         for (i=0; i<photos.length; i++) {//For loop to step through all entry lines of XML file
              fullURL.push(photos[i].attributes.urls);//Each loop, adds URL for full sized image to Array fullURL
              thumbURL.push(photos[i].attributes.thumbs);//Each loop, adds URL for thumbnails to Array thumbURL
              //trace(i+". Full Image = "+fullURL[i]+"  Thumb Image = "+thumbURL[i]);
              var t = panel.attachMovie("b", "b"+i, i);//Each loop, Define local variable 't' as a new instance of 'b' movie clip, given unique instance name of 'b' plus the index number of the For loop
              t.img.loadMovie(thumbURL[i]);// Each loop, load thumbnail image from XML data into variable movie clip
              t._y = 0;//Set Y coordinate of variable movie clip
              t._x = thumbX;//Set X coordinate of variable movie clip based on variable thumbX
              t.numb = i;//Set sub-variable 'numb' inside variable t to hold index number
              t._alpha = 75;//Set the Alpha value of the variable movie clip to 75% - for onRollOver highlight action
              thumbX += 55;//Increment thumbX value so next thumbnail is placed 125 pixels to the right of the one before
              t.onRollOver = function() {//define onRollOver event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 100;//Set thumbnail alpha to 100% for highlight
              t.onRollOut = function() {//define onRollOut event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onPress = function() {//define onPress event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation += 3;//rotates thumbnail 3 degrees to indicate it's been pressed
                   this._x += 3;//Offset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y -= 3;//Offset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
              t.onReleaseOutside = function() {//define onRelease event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onRelease = function() {//define onRelease function to load full sized image
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
                   holder.loadMovie(fullURL[this.numb]);//Load full sized image into holder clip based on sub-variable t.numb, referenced by 'this'
         holder.loadMovie(fullURL[0]);//Initially load first full size image into holder clip
    // this one function scrolls the panel for all of the buttons, it gets the
    // size of the panel when the images are loaded by any given button...
    stroke.onEnterFrame = function() {
         if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
              if (panel._x>=740) {
                   panel._x = 740;
              if (panel._x<=740-panel._width+mask._width) {
                   panel._x = 740-panel._width+mask._width;
              if ((panel._x<=740) && (panel._x>=740-panel._width+mask._width)) {
                   var xdist = _xmouse-830;
                   panel._x += -xdist/7;
    Of note is the change to how the movie clips are measured... this change in and of itself has really helped to make the thumbnail panels operation more efficient.
    Below is the script for each additional button: [Having issues with the forums not letting me post additional code, so I will put the remaining code in a reply below.]

  • Problem with Image loading when using ajax request

    I am uisng "" for ajax in my JSF
    and my JSP is:
    <a:outputPanel id="newsPanel">
    <div id="newsImage" class="myclass">
    <h:graphicImage id="img" url="#{mgr.path}" rendered ="#{(mgr.path != null)}"/>
    <div class="myclass">
    <a:commandLink id ="update" action="#{mgr.image}" reRender="newsPanel">
    <h:graphicImage id="prevbtn" value="../assets/arrow_small_left.gif" />
    more stories
    <img src="../assets/arrow_small_right.gif" align="absmiddle" />
    <div class="myclass">
    <div class="newsContent">abc.</div>
    mgr is alias name of my backing bean
    **my backing bean is:**
    public class LoginManager {
    private String path="D:/images/xyz.jpg";
    private String imgPath;
    public String getPath() {
              return path;
    public void setPath(String path) {
              this.path = path;
         public String getImgPath() {
              return imgPath;
         public void setImgPath(String imgPath) {
         public void image(){
    First time image is loading properly.When i click on Previous button previous image is not loading and in console it is showing warning as
    Jun 5, 2008 9:29:55 AM com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ViewTag doStartTag
    WARNING: "JSF1062: WARNING! The response object returned by ExternalContext.getResponse() doesn't provide a method with signature 'public void flushContentToWrappedResponse()'. This method is necessary in order to provide content interweaving in a JSP environment. Because of this, content will not be displayed correctly.
    What might be the problem.
    Please help me out ASAP...
    Thanks in Advance,

    Have a look throughout the forum (and google), JWS retrieved url syntax changed in 5u16 (or 14 I can never remember).
    Otherwise keep waiting for some good samaritan, good luck with it, most people are sick tired of this topic.

  • Jquery or code for Image loading on Sp Gridview Pager(Next ,Prev) click functionality on sharepoint 2010

    Jquery or dynamic code for Image loading on Sp Gridview Pager(Next ,Prev) click functionality on sharepoint 2010.
    i have a dynamic SP gridview contains Previous and next
    buttons for paging.
    page doesn't contain Update panel.
    grdXRPSUsers.PagerSettings.Mode = PagerButtons.NextPrevious;
    grdXRPSUsers.PagerSettings.PreviousPageText = "< Previous Page";
    grdXRPSUsers.PagerSettings.NextPageText = "Next Page >";
    grdXRPSUsers.PagerSettings.FirstPageText = "First Page";
    grdXRPSUsers.PagerSettings.LastPageText = "Last Page";
    When i click on Next or Previous page in the gridview it will take more time and showing progress bar in th below.
    As per my client request, i need to change the
    progress bar to Loading image (Wheel at middle of the grid at fething time).
    How its possible either through jquery or Programming(code behind).
    Please help

    According to your description, my understanding is that  you want to add loading image when click the paging button to load the data.
    I suggest you can use Jquery BlockUI Plugin to show a block image when loding data in paging click event.
    Here is a similiar thread for your reference:
    How to display a loading image until a gridview is fully loaded
    More information:
    Jquery BlockUI Plugin
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Stage flashes white just before images load

    Hello Forum members,
    I have a strange problem. I have developed a Flash slideshow that loads 6 images from the web server using an xml loader (the image names are in an
    xml file), then loads these images into an array.  I have an xmlloader to read the xml file, and a Loader that loads the images from the array,
    and then changes the images every 4 secs or so.
    My problem is that when the web page is opened from a client, the space where the flash object is located (in a table)
    flashes white until the images are loaded.  I thought I could fix the problem by making the stage the same color as
    the background on the web page. No dice, I still see a white box (800x320 px) that is the size of the stage, and the size of
    the images.
    When I compile it on my computer, if I look fast I can see a quick flash of white just before the images load!
    The web site is:  I did not develop the page, but put the Flash code in the index.html page.
    There is quite a lot of javascript on this page, maybe developed in Dreamweaver.
    Any ideas on this?  I can attach the action script code if desired, for more clarification.  Let me know on this.
    Basically, the images reside in a folder on the web server, the xml file has the image names, the xml loader reads the xml file,
    and when it is complete, goes to a routine that takes the name of the image from an xml list I create, and then loads an array.
    I load the image into the loader, etc.  This is clearer with the code.  I am using CS4 and a document class,

    Hello dmennenoh
    I replaced the old code with the swf object, and added a background color to the embedded definitions,
    This solved the problem!
    Thanks, I will keep this in my memory

  • How can i control what images load on my project to save preload time and avoid loading all images, elements, divs not yet visible?

    Sup buddies,
    How can I control what images load on my project to save preload time and avoid loading all images, elements, divs not yet visible?
    As the project grows in size the load time increases. How does one control not loading all images ,divs,elements etc. until they're
    needed on the timeline? For example some sections are off and only become visible when recalled. My projects slowly grow in size so loading
    all images , is counter productive . My other option would be to create separate htmls but that breaks the seamless user experience .
    TY...Over N Out... 

    hello, kiwi
    quote: "Is there an easy way to burn a completed project to DVD, but keep only the (lo res, lo size) previews on my hard drive?"
    1. you might think of making DVD backups first prior to importing the photos into Aperture. "Store Files: In their current location" once in Aperture make low rez Previews, and export finished Project.
    2. bring in the photographs to hard drive first prior to importing the photos into Aperture. "Store Files: In their current location" once in Aperture make low rez Previews, and export finished Project.
    the low rez Previews will stay in Aperture but the high quality Versions will be exported onto DVDs and gone from the hard drive (if you delete the originals).
    another way would be to export small about 50-70 pixel wide high quality jpegs to a folder on your Desktop and import & keep these in Aperture Library as a reference. make metadata to show where the original Project DVDs are stored and DVD filing system used.

  • "Type mismatch" error in IE7/8 when using custom Actions Menu Image

    Hi all,
    in APEX 4.2: when using a custom image in the "Actions Menu Image" attribute in an interactive report, I get a "Type mismatch" error in IE7/8 when refreshing the report through PPR (filtering, sorting, paginating etc.). When I leave the "Actions Menu Image" field empty, everything works fine. The error doesn't seem to happen in IE9 (unless using compatibility mode), or in any non-IE browser.
    I've been able to reproduce the issue in an application on
    Some debugging seems to indicate that the following line in widget.interactiveReport.js is the culprit:
    lTemp.parentNode.replaceChild($x('apexir_WORKSHEET'), lTemp);Does anybody know if this is a known issue, or if there is some workaround?

    Great solution Paul! It cost me a while before I found out the Action Menu Image was causing my interactive reports to stop refreshing in IE10 and not other browsers. Your solution works great, I've implemented it with a few minor adjustments:
    - Put the css in report template (for some reason it didn't work in our own application stylesheet)
    - replace  'url("/c/action_dropdown.gif")' with 'url("&APP_IMAGE_PREFIX./<path_to_image>")'
    - place one dynamic action on page 0: after refresh of '#apexir_DATA_PANEL' , set event scope to "Dynamic".
    - Let the Dynamic action also fire on page load.
    - To make sure the dynamic action only works for pages with an interactive report add condition of type 'Exists' with expression:
    select 1
    from   dual
    where  :APP_PAGE_ID in (select page_id
                                            from   apex_application_page_ir
                                            where  application_id = :APP_ID
    Best regards,
    Vincent Deelen

  • Images load really slow after using Reduce File Size...

    After using the "Reduce File Size..." feature in Acrobat 9 on Windows Vista, some of the images load really slow as I page through the document. Is there some kind of compression setting that I should look for to prevent the images from be affected by this?
    For some of my documents it will take 30 to 60 seconds to load an image. Sometimes I can't do anything with the document until the graphic loads entirely.

    Can you post an example of a file that has this issue? Personally, I recommend using the PDF optimizer, it gives better control of the final pdf file.

  • Delaying folder action until file creation is complete

    I'm trying to create a folder action that takes the output of a bounce from ProTools and then imports it into iTunes. The problem I'm having is that it takes real time (about 20 min) to create the complete ProTools file in the folder, however the script begins to execute immediately, before the bounce is complete. This gives me 1 second of audio garbage.
    Is there any way to delay the folder action until the file creation (bounce, upload, transfer, whatever) is done?

    V.K. Thanks again for your help. When I look in my folder directory/library/scripts/folder action scripts, I see many scripts for images as well as scripts for closing subfolders, converting to pdf, open - show comments in dialog, and add - new item alert, however I don't see anything that was created recently (i.e. something that was created when I built my Automator workflow (folder action). The closest (to what I am looking for) Folder Action Script could find was "add - new item alert.scpt", which is an existing Apple written script, but this will not really help me. When I created my initial automator script, it created a folder and file and workflow in my homefolder/library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions/xxx.workflow, however I cannot open this workflow in applescript. I even tried changing the extension to .scpt. I'm not sure I can accomplish the desired result with Automator alone, but I don't think I am well versed enough in AppleScript. Thanks for your help.

  • Preloader does not show up until 90% loaded

    I'm creating a tutorial with voice over and the voice over is an mp3 file and I've checked the 'Export in First Frame' option... and every thing works perfect... on my local machine...
    Where as when I access the files on the web.. my preloader does not show up until 90% loaded... and thats because of 'Export in First Frame'
    Can any one help / guide me ... any simple alternate method for this.. .. so that .. Preloader shows up and also the voice over works...

    Can you please tell me, how to do that.. ?
    I mean... create a seperate fla file for preloader... and then.. ? do I have to call the preloader.swf in the main.swf ..(or) .. call the main.swf in preloader.swf.. ?
    Can you tell me how to proceed in detail...

  • Rotating image loaded with CameraRoll

    I'm having trouble working out how to rotate an image loaded using CameraRoll on an AIR for iOS app.
    This code below works fine (displayImage() is called when CameraRolls media event returns completed, and imageArea is the scrollPane where the image is shown.
         function displayImage():void
         var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);
         imageArea.source = image;
    The image loads just fine untill I try to rotate it:
         function readMediaData():void
         var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);
         var imX:int = image.width;
         var imY:int = image.height;
              if (imX>imY)
                  image.rotation = 90;
         imageArea.source = image;
    With the second version the image seems to load because the scroll bars expand to the size of the image I choose, but I don't see anything on the stage.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

    I added the new width back to images x position but no joy; no matter what x & y I set the image to, it cannot be seen. The scroll bars expand exactly the right amount for the 'invisible' image, regardless of it's x & y positions as well (you'd think if the image was out of the scrollPane the bars wouldn't adjust like that. I'm not doing something right.
    I'm stumped on this but I'll keep trying things. Thanks for your help and the lead, I appreciate it and it may be part of the problem, but there seems to be a different problem as well.

  • ImageIcon & Lazy image loading

    The whole day I'm fuzzing around with loading an ImageIcon lazily. I suppose you know what lazy means. I want to load my icons when they have to be painted on the screen, because I use thousands of them. I read the "How to Use Icons" tutorial ( With its ArrowIcon implementation of Icon ( and its IconDemoApplet ( However, I'm still confused. I also took a look at the ImageIconProxy example of the proxy pattern ( Finally I got the following code (the IconProperties part can be ignored). I'm afraid that this does not what I want. I have now only a few images, so I can't measure it directly. Does my class exactly the same as the ImageIcon class itself? Is there no postponing of instantiation because I subclass ImageIcon? Do I have to implement the interface Icon instead? Do I have to copy all the stuff in ImageIcon to my implementation in that case? Or is it better to extend the Image class to provide functions like described beneath (check upon existence).
    And for completeness. I extend this LazyIcon object subsequently with a class named LayeredIcon to create combined icons.
    * The class <code>LazyIcon</code> implements <code>ImageIcon</code>
    * because their will be at least some calls like:
    * <pre>
    *   Icon icon = new ImageIcon(imageURL);
    *     Image image = icon.getImage();
    *     image = image.getScaledInstance(...);
    *   Icon icon2 = new ImageIcon(image);
    * </pre>
    * Besides that I want to add a function <code>IconExists</code> and
    * to add lazy image loading, and maybe also background loading.
    * This doesn't work, so it seems like in the constructor of
    * ImageIcon there is done more than only setImage(image).
    * @author A.C. van Rossum
    public class LazyIcon  extends ImageIcon {
      boolean isIconCreated = false;
      protected Image image;
      protected IconProperties properties;
       * The <code>LazyIcon</code> stores the <code>Image</code> until
       * the moment it has to be created. It has default icon properties.
      public LazyIcon(Image image) {
        this(image, IconProperties.DEFAULTICON);
      public LazyIcon(Image image, IconProperties properties) {
        this.image = image;
      //other constructors have to follow
       * The method <code>setIconProperties</code> enables the user
       * to change the properties of an icon, before calling the
       * method <code>paintIcon</code>.
       * @param properties A set of properties: dimension, etc.
      public void setIconProperties(IconProperties properties) { = properties;
      public int getIconHeight() {
        return isIconCreated ? super.getIconHeight() : properties.getHeight();
      public int getIconWidth() {
         return isIconCreated ? super.getIconWidth() : properties.getWidth();
       * The method <code>paintIcon</code> does only set the image of
       * the ImageIcon class lazily (when this function is called.)
      public void paintIcon(final Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
        if(!isIconCreated) {
          isIconCreated = true;
        super.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
      public Image getImage() {
        if (isIconCreated)
          return super.getImage();
        else return image;
    }Is my problem formulation clear enough? Many thanks in advance if you want to give it a look.

    I spent some more time looking at the programs today, and it seems that all of the students involved were using a graphics library called objectdraw ( As far as I can tell, the objectdraw source code isn't public, so I can't say which (if any) of the standard methods they were using.
    After some work, I managed to produce a method with the same parameters as the objectdraw getImage method that used the AWT Toolkit. When I overrode the objectdraw version in the students' code, the bug (at least for the moment) seems to have gone away. So the problem may be in that other library.
    Does anyone else have experience with objectdraw? Is this a known bug, or could this be something else...?

  • Safari image loading two times ?

    I have a website that loads the contents for an ul tag throug an jquery ajax call every 10 seconds. In this chunk, I have an img tag.
    I see the image loading, then at the next load the image blinks one time, after that the image is ok, until I select another image. After selecting another image, it shows correctly, and upon next load it blinks one time.
    When I look in the Web Inspector - Resources, I see the ajax call being made followed by loading the image. The next time I see the ajax call again followed by loading the image again. From here on, I only see the ajax call every 10 seconds, and no image reloading.
    Can someone explain to me why the image is loaded twice ? Why is it not loaded and cached in one time ?
    I see this on iPod Touch, iPad, Safari Desktop.
    If this is a bug, does anyone know a work around to prevent the image to blink one time ?

    I have created a testcase
    Best is to open safari, open the webinspector in the resrouces, and then browse to this page.
    I should load with a red square, after 3 seconds it should load a green square, and 3 seconds after that you will see the blink. In webinspector you can see that the green image is reloaded.

  • Problem using parameters in dynamic image loading

    Hello experts!!!
    I am using Crystal Reports 2008.  I am trying to make use of a class servlet application that returns an image based on a number of parameters.  I have put a formula behind a default image that should access the servlet and change the image at runtime.
    This works fine in the CR2008 designer.  However when it is published to my webapp, it doesn't work. 
    The problem is that for some reason, something somewhere is removing the '?' before the parameters in the URL.
    My formula
    "http://localhost:8080/demoMYSQL/servlet/em.cabbench.CabBenchSrv?requestType=getStaticDrawing&imageType=2D&scale=1.6&layerscale3d=0.03&extrusionlength3d=0.4&corelabellevel=1&solid=1&topLevel=1&userid=admin&password=admin&design=" + {designHeader/header/}
    Image loading in designer
    Web application log showing correct path name /em.cabbench.CabBenchSrv to servlet and a succesful request
    10:41:51:218  binding session 872DB3467263966DC9D5CEBB645C8A5D
    Image loading in viewer - NOT WORKED, default image displayed
    Web application showing incorrect path name to servlet because '?' is missing - result = null request!
    1231498144859|10:49:4:859|End of
    Has anybody got any ideas of what to do with the question mark and how to get the image to change properly?????? Like it is doing in the report designer!
    Best Regards
    Nick Hirst

    Hi Nick,
    Since, the issue you have is with the web app only, I would request you to post this thread on the Dev Forum.
    Please click on the appropriate link below: -
    For .Net - SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio
    For Java - SAP Crystal Reports, version for Eclipse
    The people there would be the perfect people to help you with this.
    Hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • "Open With" on any graphic file crashes, relaunches Finder

    Hello, When I right click on any graphic file format (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.) and choose "Open With" from the pop-up menu, the menu doesn't populate, and the Finder relaunches. Consistent, reproducible behavior. Open With works for every other type o