No Applicatio​n Linked [Factory OS] Please Help!!! (lots of Pics)

Hi Everybody,
I bought a Blackberry Torch 9800 from kijiji today. He discounted it because it had the error listed in the subject. I figured, hey, I can wipe the phone with JLcmd and reload the OS bada bing bada boom, Profit.
Nope. Not that easy in this case Please help!!!
Device info
 Carrier: seems unbranded, maybe developers model. (see pics)
Model info and OS version:None
What I have tried: (with battery in, and without,with internet connected/without)
-Wiping with JlCmd (wont recognize BB)
-Updating with BB desktop software (issuet connecting)
-Bypassing BB desktop soft. and using apploader (will show USBin, but when contacting ARM, BB keeps restarting)
-Using BBSAK (wont even recognize device at all)
-Radio Lab wont recog. either
last pic shows pin engraved on the BB. May be developers model or something? 

Try this
 On your computer, Click Start>Run and copy/paste the following exactly (with the quotation marks)
"c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader\loader.exe" /nojvm
The Application Loader will pop up so click Next.
Your Pin should display as Unknown, thats normal.
 You should see all the apps thats are going to get installed,  So click "Next" and "Finish"
Whatever you do, dont unplug it!!! It pay take a while, but let it do its thing
Oh and if you dont have a list of apps, chances are there is no device OS on the computer, and you would then need to download and install it.
Also you may want to delete 'vendor.xml' from 'C:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader' prior to starting.
But lemme know!
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    Thanks for replying and the advice you offer.
    The connection still won't work.
    What I did is first connect a cable from my MBP to the router, then using a PC to web configure the router settings. (BTW, my firmware is the latest one 2.70)
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    Enable: SSID Broadcast
    Then turn on the MBP, go to System Preferences – Network:
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    Show: Built-in Ethernet
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    Subnet Mask: 255.255.255.x
    Router: 192.168.0.x
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    Cipher Type [(TKIP, by default, and my choice), or (AES)]
    PSK/EAP [ (PSK, by default and my choice), or (EAP)]
    Then enter and reconfirming “passphrase”.
    Please indicate if this is something you have. Thanks for the help again.

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    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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    _root.cacheKiller = "true";
    _root.road = _root.xmlUrl;
    _root.r_p = _root.imagesFolder;
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    function onFinish(success_boolean, results_obj, xml) {
        //This fhunction gets called as soon as the XML loads and gets parsed.
        if (success_boolean) {
    var parsed_obj = {};
    //We'll use this to hold the parsed xml object (once the XML loads and gets parsed successfully).
    var unCash = new Date().getTime();
    if (_root.cacheKiller == "true") {
        fileToLoad = _root.road+url+"_main.xml?cacheKiller="+unCash;
        fileToLoad = _root.road+url+"_main.xml";
    } else {
        fileToLoad = _root.road+url+"_main.xml";
    XMLParser.load(fileToLoad, onFinish, parsed_obj);
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    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Can be done either way ( and others as well)
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    Same could be done with multiple titles created in PPPRO.
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    (PRESENTATION = http://HRService)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = ExtProc))
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
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    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = aq1)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (PRESENTATION = http://HRService)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = ExtProc))
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
    And this is what I have in my local machine(client) file
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = iasdb)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = aq1)
    I really appreciate anyone taking the time to read throught this and help me out. Thanks again!

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