No device list appears

no device list appears when i plug in my ipod.  so i am unable to sync

Start by working through all the suggestions in this Apple support document. iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows

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    go to the settings menu on the appletv
    unpair chain with the computer
    let it do it's unparing stuff
    repair with the computer
    type in the code on the computer
    let it sync as it see fit

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    iPad not appearing in iTunes
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    IOS: Syncing with iTunes
    Apple - Support - iPad - Syncing
     Cheers, Tom

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    Thanks for your tip. It didn't work in quite the way you outlined but it did help me to get my IPad recognised by ITunes. When I did what you suggested ITunes came back with something like ' can't connect to your IPad because the driver is missing, delete and reinstall ITunes to resolve this problem' . When I did that the IPad appeared in the Devices list.
    I assume from this that the device driver was defective. Many thanks.

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    Thanks in advance.

    No dice. See my comment above; I already turned that on before posting.
    To get your device to appear in iTunes and to automatically sync with iTunes, simply disable backup to iCloud on your iOS device. Voila! Your iOS device will appear in iTunes and auto-sync the selected content. For example, I'm now subscribing to a ton of podcasts that I used to manually download one-by-one b/c the tethered syncing process was just too painful. Now that my iPhone 4S appears as an always-connected device in iTunes, the latest versions of my podcasts shall auotmatically appear on the iPhone when I awake in the morning before my long commute to work.

  • One solution for AppleTV not appearing in iTunes Devices list

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    Anyone an idea?

    Since my last update, I've gathered more information.  I'm almost certain this is not entirely a 10.7.1 issue, if an issue in 10.7.1 at all.  10.7.1 may have changed something that caused this issue to appear,but where I was having this problem weekly if not daily, I no longer have the problem. I changed routers.  I was using a new D-Link Xtreme N Gigabit RouterDIR-655.  This router was causing me pain with lock ups.  I replaced it with a Cisco Linksys E4200. I have not had a lockup in over 2 months now and not one sync issue with Apple TV nor my new iPhones, which sync wireless to iTunes on my Mac Pro.
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    As I started out saying, since I replaced my router, my sync issues have also gone away. If your having Apple TV sync issues, you might want to look at the router as well.  Also, while I can’t remember the exact settings, I had opened up or enabled UPnP and other router settings in the DIR-655 to see if that would resolve the sync issues and it did not.  In the end, I just spent the money and bought a new router and life is good now.

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    I think it's edit - view - show left sidebar.

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    Hey Al,
    I read that your iPod nano is compatible with the following Bluetooth items: headsets, speakers, and hands-free systems in some automobiles. These are the profiles it supports:
    Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
    With the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile, you can stream high-quality audio (stereo or mono) from one device to another over a Bluetooth connection. Use it to play music wirelessly from iPod nano to a wireless headset or a compatible car audio system.
    Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP)
    With this profile, you can remotely control playback functions on the iPod nano from compatible devices (commonly Bluetooth devices that use the A2DP profile). iPod nano works with the pause, play, stop, next track, and previous track commands.
    Bluetooth Low Energy (BT LE)
    Use low-powered Bluetooth accessories with the Bluetooth Low Energy profile. iPod nano works with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Monitors.
    via: iPod nano (7th generation): Supported Bluetooth profiles
    That sounds like it might be why you're having difficulty connecting. If you want to sync your iPod nano with iTunes, I'd read through this document:
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iPod
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Take care,

  • Brand New Iphone 4 won't appear on device listing

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    Here's an interesting bit: iTunes will let me restore my iPod touch from backup: it's still running iOS 4.3.3. I figured as much... there's backups showing in the Preferences -> Devices list for both devices (and even my old, long gone iPod touch 2G), but my iPhone (on iOS5) isn't giving me any such option. I remember I had to downgrade before to get the backup restored (something went haywire in the setup assistant, and I couldn't restore a backup from iTunes there)... If it was possible to go to iOS 5.0 rather than 5.0.1 I would just do the same thing again, but iOS 5.0.1 isn't an option. I attached a screenshot. Hopefully Apple can get this nonsense sorted out; I think iOS 5 might be the root of this, somehow.

  • Apple TV no longer appears in devices list

    Hey all:
    I'm having a very frustrating problem with ATV and iTunes. I can no longer see the Apple TV in the devices list. Now, I know that there are two Apple Support KB documents that cover this issue. I've already gone through everything in those. I've reset the Apple TV back to factory defaults. I told iTunes to 'forget' the Apple TV. I have attempted to reconnect the Apple TV all to no avail. I even uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled it thinking that all of the plist files would be deleted because I use the Hazel app's App Cleaner function to get rid of the plist. The plists were all deleted as I expected them to be.
    As a control, I attempted to have my partner's Macbook sync with the Apple TV. That worked just fine. iTunes on her machine shows the ATV and synching worked perfectly. I quit the sync told her machine to 'forget' about the ATV and then restarted iTunes on my machine. Still no joy. What's even more bizarre is that I can stream from iTunes to the ATV so it's not a network problem. (Plus I can see everything else on the network. My partner's Macbook can see my iTunes library and I can see hers so it's not a sharing issue.)
    This leads me to believe that somewhere there is some plist or xml file that controls what iTunes 'knows' about the Apple TV. Does anyone have an idea what file that might be and if it is a plist, what needs to be edited or what file needs to be deleted so iTunes will think that the ATV is brand new?
    I want to reiterate that I've already reset the ATV to factory defaults (three times) and told iTunes to stop synching to the ATV as well so it's not something I haven't done. I searched through ~/Library and the system Library locations and didn't see anything that was obviously to do with ATV and iTunes. Any assistance would be appreciated. I've troubleshot this as far as I can go.

    No, I don't have Netbarrier X. Ironically, I uninstalled Intego Virus Barrier X6 thinking that might be the problem but it isn't. There's currently no software firewall running on the system at all. The one thing I've been able to discern, so far, is that my partner's Macbook can connect and sync to the ATV and the only difference is that she didn't download the latest security patch (2010-001) that came out on Tuesday and I did. I've let Apple Support know but their response was "we haven't heard anything about this". However, since that is the only significant difference between our two machines and hers can connect at this point I'm presuming that's the issue.

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    Hi, im very new here so hi to everyone. Ive recently noticed that my imac 27 doesnt read dvds anymore, it spind away making the right noises put then spits it out, along with that i notice the actual drive isnt in my device list anymore?? this has my head in bits.
    hopefully someone can help me
    many thanks.

    First see if Finder Preferences has the box checked for... show CD, DVD, iPods checked.
    Sometimes dirty DVDs won't read, mine is ery particular about smudges and scratches.
    Try a SMC Reset:
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    It is the 5 second timing that initiates the reset.

  • TS4006 what controls devices appearing on Device list?

    I have only three devices associated with Find My iPhone, far less than 100. All three were showing up shortly after two of them were stolen. Now, only two are showing up; one is in my possession, the other is missing. Will the missing device show up on the device list next time it connects to the Internet? Why would it drop from the list in the first place?

    Go to your iTunes menu > Preferences.  In the Devices pane, click "Forget All Remotes".
    This support article explains how to use the remote app:

  • New iPad is not on the authorised devices list

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    Is there something I need to do to get it recognised?

    Same for me, Diamond White. Everything seems to work, but my new iPad Air isn't showing up in the list.
    Thanks for suggestions, King_Penguin. Alas, I tried all of those except iTunes Match (don't want or need) and still no joy getting the device to appear in the list. My main PC is there along with my iPad 3.

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