No DVD Drive installed, but want 10.4.6 installed on 800 MHz Power Mac G4

Most likely this has been addressed in the Forum, but I can not find it.
Is 10.4.6 available on CD. I do not have a DVD in this Mac.

Thank you.
This is very cool.
I think this will work between my PowerBook or eMac.
Was vague as to the reference but a search revealed:
Thanks again.
I let you know of my success.

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    You need to put the Tiger Install Disc in the 2011 iMac, boot the 2011 uMac into Target mode...
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    Four thoughts
    • Brand and type of DVD/CD Media
    • Burn Speed ?
    • Ever used a Cleaning DVD ?
    • Free space on Main Start-Up Hard Disk ?
    Brand and type of DVD/CD Media: MATTERS
    - Memorex, NoName and other Cheap brands - most probably works for other things BUT NOT FOR VIDEO.
    I only use Verbatim
    - DVD-RW - usually do not work OK but with various kinds of problems. DVD+R is a more modern sort and use to give problems on older DVD-players
    I only use DVD-R
    Burn Speed (in iDVD or alike): Matters
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    Ever used a Cleaning DVD ?
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    Free space on Main Start-Up Hard Disk ?
    - Due to that Mac OS X - is UNIX - it behaves likewise. It needs lot's of space on Boot / Start-Up Hard Disk for it's and the applications temp files.
    I never go less than 25GB free space - If HD-Video material is used then 4-5 times more is a good thing.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Kind regards
    Go to Solution.

    Try using the steps in this article from Microsoft:
    I would start with Resolution 2 since it will check most of common problems.

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    First things first, a PMU reset should never be used on an Intel Mac mini - the Intel system doesn't have a PMU, and the reset procedure actually causes problems rather than resolves them. The correct procedure is an SMC reset - it's basically the same except that importantly, you do not hold the power button in while reconnecting power.
    To reset the SMC on an Intel mini:
    -From the Apple menu, choose Shut Down (or if the computer is not responding, hold the power button until it turns off).
    -Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord and any display cables.
    -Wait at least 15 seconds.
    -Plug the power cord back in, making sure the power button is not being pressed at the time.
    -Then reconnect your keyboard and mouse to the computer.
    -Press the power button on the back to start up your computer.
    Thusly, perform an SMC reset on the system.
    Assuming that doesn't resolve the issue, the most probable cause is that during the install of the new drive, the fan control cable was not reconnected correctly when reassembling. If that cable is not connected, the fan defaults to run at full speed since the SMC can no longer control it. You would need to open up the system again (or have your service provider do it if the drive upgrade was done by them) and check the tiny black control wire is connected properly.

  • Why leopard DVD not installing to powerbook G4 with Mac OS X 10.3.9? Help.

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    Once an OS has been installed, the point upgrades, such as 10.1.x to 10.1.5 (Final) 10.2.x to 10.2.8 (Final), 10.3.x to 10.3.9 (Final), 10.4.x to 10.4.11 (Final), and 10.5.x to 10.5.6 (Pending), can be downloaded for free.
    If your Mac meets the Leopard System Requirements, the Full Retail Version, of the Leopard Install DVD, can be purchased at The Apple Store (U.S.), Apple retail stores, Apple resellers, and some Online vendors.
    If you know what to look for a Full Retail Version, of the Leopard Install DVD, can be purchased, sometimes less expensively, at some online Apple retailers, Amazon, eBay, FastMac, HardCore Mac, etc.
    As you have discovered be sure not to purchase grey, upgrade or machine specific CDs or DVDs.
    Tiger and Leopard are on DVD.
    The disc should look exactly like the images in the above links, and not say Upgrade, CPU Drop-in DVD, or "This software is part of a hardware bundle purchase - not to be sold seperately." on it.
    Caveat Emptor!
    If any are presently available, examine these items very carefully, and if in doubt, ask questions of the seller before purchase!
    Leopard On eBay
    Once Leopard 10.5.x.x is installed, you can use the Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update to upgrade to the current version.
    You may also find this Leopard Installation and Setup Guide PDF useful.
    The posted RAM System Requirement is the bare minimum.
    For optimum performance, more is recommended.
    As a precaution, before upgrading the OS, you should create a backup of the entire system, or at least, any data you do not wish to lose or corrupt.
    In addition to the Archive & Install procedure, there is also a Simple Upgrade, or an Erase & Install option.
    Review the info here About Installation Options.
    Specifically; "About Upgrade to Mac OS X
    Upgrading to Mac OS X takes a little longer than installing it on a volume without Mac OS X, but it is the least intrusive way to install--most of your existing settings and applications are left untouched during an upgrade. In other words, you won't have to configure a lot of settings afterwards."
    ali b

  • Cannot install classic on my Power Mac G4

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    Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio) 733   Mac OS X (10.2.x)   1 Gig Ram, 80 Gig HD

    Hi, Steve.
    If, when your hard drive was last formatted using OS X's Disk Utility, the option to install Mac OS 9 drivers was selected, then you will be able to install OS 9.2.1 on it by starting up from the 9.2.1 CD and running the installer normally. There is no need to erase the hard drive, and if you don't do so, the already-installed OS X will not be disturbed.
    If OS 9 drivers were not installed when the drive was last formatted, the OS 9.2.1 installer CD won't be able to detect the hard drive at all, and you won't be able to install on it. In that event, you'll need to start up from your OS X 10.4 installer disc and reformat the hard drive, which will completely erase it. Be sure this time to select the option to install OS 9 drivers on it. Then install OS 9.2.1, and finally, reinstall OS X 10.4 and apply the combo updater to 10.4.8.

  • How can I install Tiger upgrade on Power Mac G5?

    I have PowerMac G5 with OSX 3.9. I bought retail disk of Tiger but it will not install as upgrade. It goes past the restart process but stops shortly after installation begins with message telling me that installation failed. I originally bought Leopard and encountered same problem and then bought Tiger thinking that I might need to upgrade to that first. Here are the specs for my computer:
    Machine Model: Power Mac G5
    CPU Type: PowerPC 970 (2.2)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 1.6 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 2.25 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.1.5f2
    Serial Number: XXXX
    GeForce FX 5200:
    Type: display
    Bus: AGP
    Slot: SLOT-1
    VRAM (Total): 64 MB
    Vendor: nVIDIA (0x10de)
    Device ID: 0x0321
    Revision ID: 0x00a2
    ROM Revision: 2060
    Thanks much!

    Hi Mobe!
    Is the disc the Full Retail Version, of the Tiger Install DVD, that does not say Upgrade, CPU Drop-in DVD, or "This software is part of a hardware bundle purchase - not to be sold seperately." on it?
    If not, you can order the correct Tiger 10.4.x installer from Apple Phone Sales 1-800-692-7753, for $129.00.
    That model of PowerMac G5 should also support the Leopard System Requirements, if you use a Full Retail Version of the Leopard DVD.
    The Full Retail Version, of the Leopard Install DVD, can be purchased at The Apple Store (U.S.).
    ali b

  • 'Keys' problem when trying to re install 10.2 on Power Mac G4

    Have had my Power Mac G4 wiped clean prior to selling and am now trying to reinstall 10.2.
    Install disc one reached the end of its loading process and then froze.
    Install disc two did not respond when loaded.
    Put install disc one back in while holding down 'C' key. Started to install but soon stopped.
    Went to Disc First Aid > verify disc > 'keys out of order HD need repairing'.
    Clicked 'repair disc' and indicated 'repair complete'.
    Returned to 'verify disc' > HD needs repairing, key length too short.
    Repaired once more, keys still out of order.
    Removed Install disc one and loaded Disc Warrior.
    Speed inhibited by malfunction stage 5 when rebuilding directory.
    So with no full operating system loaded, how do we progress?

    "Keys problems" are directory issues which, if not repairable by Disk Utility need a third party package like Tech Tool Pro, DriveGenius, or Disk Warrior. However, in some cases the disk hardware may be damaged or the HDD may have failed and unable to hold the format. When in DU check the SMART status. Even if the SMART Status is Verified and the HDD is more than 3 years old you should consider replacement.

  • DVD Drive works, but cannot eject, because DVD crashes into case.

    Is there a chance to adjust the drive manually in the case? I don´t want to buy a new externel one..
    Thanks guys!!!

    Yes you can, but you have to open the box first. How to is shown here, about 1:30 from the start of the clip:
    By all means post back if you have questions not addressed in the video. I've done this a few times to add ram or to change the hard drive in a few minis. 

  • USB/Firewire/DVD drives working but not showing up on my desktop after firmware update

    I just updated my 15inch Macbook Pro (early 2011) to the latest firmware patch and now none of my external hard drives, flash drives, or DVDs are showing up on my desktop. I can still access all of the files from the side bar in a finder window (and play movies in DVD player, etc). This was not a problem before I updated my computer about an hour ago.  I already tried restarting it and that did nothing.  I went into disk utility and tried repairing the drives but it claims there is nothing wrong with them.  In sum, everything is functioning properly, but nothing is showing up on my desktop.
    Does anyone have any insight as to why this may be and/or any solutions to the problem?

    In Finder "Go" menu hold the option key and choose Library. Then go to Preferences trash these two files:
    Then, restart.(You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)

Maybe you are looking for