No fl.* class tool-tips in FB3 b3?

Ever since I upgraded Flex Builder 3 from Beta 2 to Beta 3, I
am not receiving any tool-tips for the fl.transitions.Tween class
or any of the other classes in the fl.* package. This is irritating
because most of them have fairly complex constructor arguments
which are difficult to remember.
The classes are linked to my ActionScript Project via a
source path pointed to the "Classes" directory in the Flash
application directory. This worked well in the past, so I'm not
sure what's different now.

I have myself written a search component as follows ..
private Component searchComponentAt(Container base ,Point p) {
          Component[] children = base.getComponents();
          for(int i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
                if(children.contains(p.x - children[i].getX() ,p.y - children[i].getY())) {
                    if( children[i] instanceof Container ) {
                         Point newPoint = new Point(p.x - children[i].getX() ,p.y - children[i].getY());
                         return searchComponentAt((Container)children[i],newPoint);
                    return children[i];
          return base;
which basically ignores the visibility status of the components. It is working as of now. Not sure whether it will fail for some cases.
Any other suggestions ?

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    Finally Got it working. Below I am attaching the code for reference
    Thanks for your code. It came very handy
    The only problem is that toolTextTip is appearing on one side rather than below the cursor.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class EventTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    System.out.println("starting application");
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    class setSlider extends JSlider implements ChangeListener, MouseMotionListener{
    public setSlider(){
    setToolTipText("hello " + new Integer(getValue()).toString());
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
    setToolTipText(new Integer(getValue()).toString());
    KeyStroke controlF1 = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control F1");
    ActionListener toolTipAction = getActionForKeyStroke( controlF1 );     
    if (toolTipAction != null)     {          
    ActionEvent postTip = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "");
    toolTipAction.actionPerformed( postTip );
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){
    setToolTipText(new Integer(getValue()).toString());
    KeyStroke controlF1 = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control F1");
    ActionListener toolTipAction = getActionForKeyStroke( controlF1 );     
    if (toolTipAction != null)     {          
    ActionEvent postTip = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "");
    toolTipAction.actionPerformed( postTip );
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){

  • Cannot locate Java class oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBWriteInteractionSpec

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    [09:36:10 PM] HTTP error code returned [500]
    [09:36:10 PM] Error message from server:
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    [09:36:10 PM] Error deploying archive sca_TicketBooking_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server soa_server1 [http://utl-7c8735e613f:8001]
    [09:36:10 PM] #### Deployment incomplete. ####
    [09:36:10 PM] Error deploying archive file:/D:/Personal/OracleWork/RnDProjects/TicketBooking/TicketBooking/deploy/sca_TicketBooking_rev1.0.jar
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    Deployment Plan: C:\ Oracle\ Middleware\ Oracle_SOA1\ soa\ connectors\ was\ Plan. xml
    initially the path was as follows:
    Source Path:     C:\ Oracle\ Middleware\ Oracle_SOA1\ soa\ connectors\ DbAdapter. rar
    Deployment Plan: C:\ Oracle\ Middleware\ Oracle_SOA1\ soa\ connectors\ Plan. xml
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    Thanks in advance

    Mate ,
    Just check the health status and state of DB Adapter in the deployments of WLAdminConsole.
    If its inactive , redeploy and update it ,also make sure its targeted to the right server.

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    I have tried thank you. is still not working.
    The error message is "Making this change would require code that is locked by a template translator"
        Re: Spry tool tip does not work in template or child pages within an editable region. Why not?
        created by altruistic gramps in Spry Framework for Ajax - View the full discussion
    If you have a look at the following simple document with a tooltipTooltip trigger goes here.
    Tooltip content goes here.
    you will notice that a couple of lines have been placed in the HEAD section of the document. When using DW templates, the HEAD section is usually not editable, hence the error mesaage. By default, your template should have an editable region in it just before the closing tag. It looks like this: <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" > <! TemplateEndEditable --> Dreamweaver should be able to find that editable region and insert the
    <script> tag there automatically. Because you don't have an editable region like that in the <head>, open the master template, and paste the code above just before the closing </head>
    tag. Gramps
    Edited to remove personal data

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    import javax.swing.*;
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      public Testing()
        JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane();
        tp.setUI(new MyUI());
        for(int x = 0; x < 12; x++)
          JPanel p = new JPanel();
          p.add(new JLabel(""+x));
      class MyUI extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI
        protected JButton createScrollButton(int direction)
          if (direction != SOUTH && direction != NORTH && direction != EAST && direction != WEST)
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must be one of: SOUTH, NORTH, EAST or WEST");
          return new ScrollableTabButton(direction);
        private class ScrollableTabButton extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton implements javax.swing.plaf.UIResource,SwingConstants
          public ScrollableTabButton(int direction)
            super(direction, UIManager.getColor("TabbedPane.selected"),
            if(direction == WEST) setToolTipText("<<<<<");
            else if(direction == EAST) setToolTipText(">>>>>");
      public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);}

  • Tool tip to not move

    Hi I'm a big fan. long time lurker first time poster
    Currently the position of the tool tip depends on where the cursor first hovers over the image.  Is there a way for the tool tip to appear in the same place no mater where the image is hovered?
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    // SpryTooltip.js - version 0.9 - Spry 1.6.1
    (function() { // BeginSpryComponent
    if (typeof Spry == "undefined") window.Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
    Spry.Widget.BrowserSniff = function()
    var b = navigator.appName.toString();
    var up = navigator.platform.toString();
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toString();
    this.mozilla = = this.opera = this.safari = false;
    var re_opera = /Opera.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_msie = /MSIE.([0-9\.]*)/i;
    var re_gecko = /gecko/i;
    var re_safari = /(applewebkit|safari)\/([\d\.]*)/i;
    var r = false;
    if ( (r = ua.match(re_opera))) {
    this.opera = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_msie))) { = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
    } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_safari))) {
    this.safari = true;
    if(parseFloat(r[2]) < 420)
    this.version = 2;
    this.version = 3;
    } else if (ua.match(re_gecko)) {
    var re_gecko_version = /rv:\s*([0-9\.]+)/i;
    r = ua.match(re_gecko_version);
    this.mozilla = true;
    this.version = parseFloat(r[1]); = this.mac = this.linux = false;
    this.Platform = ua.match(/windows/i) ? "windows" :
    (ua.match(/linux/i) ? "linux" :
    (ua.match(/mac/i) ? "mac" :
    ua.match(/unix/i)? "unix" : "unknown"));
    this[this.Platform] = true;
    this.v = this.version;
    if (this.safari && this.mac && this.mozilla) {
    this.mozilla = false; = new Spry.Widget.BrowserSniff();
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip = function(tooltip_element, trigger_selector, options)
    options = Spry.Widget.Utils.firstValid(options, {});
    this.init(trigger_selector, tooltip_element, options);
    if (Spry.Widget.Tooltip.onloadDidFire)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.init = function(trigger_element, tooltip_element, options)
    var Utils = Spry.Widget.Utils;
    this.triggerElements = Utils.getElementsByClassName(trigger_element);
    this.tooltipElement = Utils.getElement(tooltip_element);
    options.showDelay = parseInt(Utils.firstValid(options.showDelay, 0), 10);
    options.hideDelay = parseInt(Utils.firstValid(options.hideDelay, 0), 10);
    if (typeof this.triggerElements == 'undefined' || !(this.triggerElements.length > 0))
    this.showError('The element(s) "' + trigger_element + '" do not exist in the page');
    return false;
    if (typeof this.tooltipElement == 'undefined' || !this.tooltipElement)
    this.showError('The element "' + tooltip_element + '" do not exists in the page');
    return false;
    this.listenersAttached = false;
    this.hoverClass = "";
    this.followMouse = false;
    this.offsetX = 15;
    this.offsetY = 15;
    this.closeOnTooltipLeave = false;
    this.useEffect = false;
    Utils.setOptions(this, options);
    this.animator = null;
    for (var i =0; i < this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    if (!this.triggerElements[i].className)
    this.triggerElements[i].className = '';
    if (this.useEffect){
    switch (this.useEffect.toString().toLowerCase()){
    case 'blind': this.useEffect = 'Blind'; break;
    case 'fade': this.useEffect = 'Fade'; break;
    this.useEffect = false;
    this.visibleTooltip = false;
    // Hack for FF 3 - Safari 3: force painting of the element, in order to have the correct display
    // Optimisation: save browser work if display is already 'none'
    if (Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(this.tooltipElement, 'display') != 'none') = 'none';
    if (typeof this.offsetX != 'numeric')
    this.offsetX = parseInt(this.offsetX, 10);
    if (isNaN(this.offsetX))
    this.offsetX = 0;
    if (typeof this.offsetY != 'numeric')
    this.offsetY = parseInt(this.offsetY, 10);
    if (isNaN(this.offsetY))
    this.offsetY = 0; = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px';
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.onloadDidFire = false;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.loadQueue = [];
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.addLoadListener = function(handler)
    if (typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
    window.addEventListener('load', handler, false);
    else if (typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
    document.addEventListener('load', handler, false);
    else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined')
    window.attachEvent('onload', handler);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.processLoadQueue = function(handler)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.onloadDidFire = true;
    var q = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.loadQueue;
    var qlen = q.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < qlen; i++)
    if (!q[i].listenersAttached)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className)
    if (ele.className.indexOf(className) == -1)
    ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className )
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.showTooltip = function()
    if (!this.visibleTooltip) = 'hidden'; = '9999'; = 'block';
    Spry.Widget.Utils.putElementAt(this.tooltipElement, this.pos, {x:this.offsetX, y:this.offsetY}, true);
    if( && == '6')
    if (!this.visibleTooltip)
    if (this.useEffect)
    if (typeof this.showEffect == 'undefined')
    this.showEffect = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip[this.useEffect](this.tooltipElement, {from: 0, to: 1});
    else = 'visible';
    this.visibleTooltip = true;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.hideTooltip = function(quick)
    if (this.useEffect && !quick)
    if (typeof this.hideEffect == 'undefined')
    this.hideEffect = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip[this.useEffect](this.tooltipElement, {from: 1, to: 0});
    if (typeof this.showEffect != 'undefined')
    this.showEffect.stop(); = 'none';
    if( && == '6')
    if (this.hoverClass && !this.hideTimer)
    for (var i = 0; i < this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.triggerElements[i], this.hoverClass);
    this.visibleTooltip = false;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.displayTooltip = function(show) {
    if (this.tooltipElement)
    if (this.hoverClass){
    for (var i = 0; i < this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.triggerElements[i], this.hoverClass);
    if (show)
    if (this.hideTimer)
    if (this.hoverClass)
    if (typeof this.triggerHighlight != 'undefined')
    this.addClassName(this.triggerHighlight, this.hoverClass);
    var self = this;
    this.showTimer = setTimeout(function(){self.showTooltip()}, this.showDelay);
    if (this.showTimer)
    var self = this;
    this.hideTimer = setTimeout(function(){self.hideTooltip();}, this.hideDelay);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.onMouseOverTrigger = function(e)
    var target = '';
    if (
    target = e.srcElement;
    target =;
    var contains = Spry.Widget.Utils.contains;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    if (contains(this.triggerElements[i], target))
    target = this.triggerElements[i];
    if (i == this.triggerElements.length) return;
    if (this.visibleTooltip && this.triggerHighlight && this.triggerHighlight == target)
    if (this.hideTimer)
    if (this.hoverClass)
    if (typeof this.triggerHighlight != 'undefined')
    this.addClassName(this.triggerHighlight, this.hoverClass);
    var pos = Spry.Widget.Utils.getAbsoluteMousePosition(e);
    this.pos = {x: pos.x + this.offsetX, y: pos.y + this.offsetY};
    this.triggerHighlight = target;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.onMouseMoveTrigger = function(e)
    var pos = Spry.Widget.Utils.getAbsoluteMousePosition(e);
    this.pos = {x: pos.x + this.offsetX, y: pos.y + this.offsetY};
    if (this.visibleTooltip)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.onMouseOutTrigger = function(e)
    var target = '';
    if (
    target = e.toElement;
    target = e.relatedTarget;
    var contains = Spry.Widget.Utils.contains;
    for (var i=0; i < this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    if (contains(this.triggerElements[i], target))
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.onMouseOutTooltip = function(e)
    var target = '';
    if (
    target = e.toElement;
    target = e.relatedTarget;
    var contains = Spry.Widget.Utils.contains;
    if (contains(this.tooltipElement, target))
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.onMouseOverTooltip = function(e)
    if (this.hideTimer)
    if (this.hoverClass)
    if (typeof this.triggerHighlight != 'undefined')
    this.addClassName(this.triggerHighlight, this.hoverClass);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.refreshTimeout = function()
    if (Spry.Widget.Tooltip.refreshTimeout != null)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.refreshTimeout = null;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(Spry.Widget.Tooltip.refreshAll, 100);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function()
    for (var k in this)
    if (typeof this.k == 'object' && typeof this.k.destroy == 'function') this.k.destroy();
    delete this.k;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.checkDestroyed = function()
    // checks the parent node. If it exists, then the element is still in the DOM
    if (!this.tooltipElement || this.tooltipElement.parentNode == null)
    return true;
    return false;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.attachBehaviors = function()
    var self = this;
    var ev = Spry.Widget.Utils.addEventListener;
    for (var i=0; i< this.triggerElements.length; i++)
    ev(this.triggerElements[i], 'mouseover', function(e) {self.onMouseOverTrigger(e || event); return true;}, false);
    ev(this.triggerElements[i], 'mouseout', function(e) {self.onMouseOutTrigger(e || event); return true;}, false);
    if (this.followMouse)
    ev(this.triggerElements[i], 'mousemove', function(e) {self.onMouseMoveTrigger(e || event); return true;}, false);
    if (this.closeOnTooltipLeave)
    ev(this.tooltipElement, 'mouseover', function(e){self.onMouseOverTooltip(e || event); return true;}, false);
    ev(this.tooltipElement, 'mouseout', function(e){self.onMouseOutTooltip(e || event); return true;}, false);
    this.listenersAttached = true;
    // createIframeLayer for Tooltip
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a tooltip element so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(tooltip)
    if (typeof this.iframeLayer == 'undefined')
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:"";';
    layer.scrolling = 'no';
    layer.frameBorder = '0';
    layer.className = 'iframeTooltip';
    this.iframeLayer = layer; = tooltip.offsetLeft + 'px'; = tooltip.offsetTop + 'px'; = tooltip.offsetWidth + 'px'; = tooltip.offsetHeight + 'px'; = 'block';
    // removeIframeLayer for Tooltip Element
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a tooltip to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(tooltip)
    if (this.iframeLayer) = 'none';
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.prototype.showError = function(msg)
    alert('Spry.Widget.Tooltip ERR: ' + msg);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.refreshAll = function()
    var q = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.loadQueue;
    var qlen = q.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < qlen ; i++)
    if (q[i].checkDestroyed())
    // the trigger element is no longer in the dom, we should remove the current widget.
    q.splice(i, 1);
    qlen = q.length;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.closeAll = function()
    var q = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.loadQueue;
    var qlen = q.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < qlen ; i++)
    if (q[i].visibleTooltip)
    if (q[i].showTimer)
    if (q[i].hideTimer)
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator = function(element, opts)
    this.timer = null;
    this.fps = 60;
    this.duration = 500;
    this.startTime = 0;
    this.transition = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.defaultTransition;
    this.onComplete = null;
    if (typeof element == 'undefined') return;
    this.element = Spry.Widget.Utils.getElement(element);
    Spry.Widget.Utils.setOptions(this, opts, true);
    this.interval = this.duration / this.fps;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.defaultTransition = function(time, begin, finish, duration) { time /= duration; return begin + ((2 - time) * time * finish); };
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.prototype.start = function()
    var self = this;
    this.startTime = (new Date).getTime();
    this.timer = setInterval(function() { self.stepAnimation(); }, this.interval);
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.prototype.stop = function()
    if (this.timer)
    this.timer = null;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.prototype.stepAnimation = function(){};
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.prototype.beforeStart = function(){};
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator.prototype.destroy = function()
    for (var k in this)
    delete this.k;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade = function(element, opts), element, opts);
    if (
    this.origOpacity =;
    this.origOpacity =;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade.prototype = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator();
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade.prototype.constructor = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade.prototype.stepAnimation = function()
    var curTime = (new Date).getTime();
    var elapsedTime = curTime - this.startTime;
    var i, obj;
    if (elapsedTime >= this.duration)
    var ht = this.transition(elapsedTime, this.from, - this.from, this.duration);
    if (
    var filter =\s*\(\s*opacity\s*=\s*[0-9\.]{1,3}\)/, ''); = filter + 'alpha(opacity=' + parseInt(ht * 100, 10) + ')';
    else = ht; = 'visible'; = 'block';
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Fade.prototype.beforeStop = function()
    if (this.from > = 'none';
    if ( = this.origOpacity;
    else = this.origOpacity;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind = function(element, opts)
    this.from = 0; = 100;, element, opts); = 'hidden'; = 'block';
    this.origHeight = parseInt(Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(this.element, 'height'),10);
    if (isNaN(this.origHeight))
    this.origHeight = this.element.offsetHeight;
    if ( == 0)
    this.from = this.origHeight;
    else = this.origHeight;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind.prototype = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Animator();
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind.prototype.constructor = Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind;
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind.prototype.beforeStart = function()
    this.origOverflow = Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(this.element, 'overflow'); = 'hidden';
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind.prototype.stepAnimation = function()
    var curTime = (new Date).getTime();
    var elapsedTime = curTime - this.startTime;
    var i, obj;
    if (elapsedTime >= this.duration)
    var ht = this.transition(elapsedTime, this.from, - this.from, this.duration); = Math.floor(ht) + 'px'; = 'visible'; = 'block';
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip.Blind.prototype.beforeStop = function() = this.origOverflow;
    if (this.from > = 'none'; = this.origHeight + 'px';
    // Spry.Widget.Utils
    if (!Spry.Widget.Utils) Spry.Widget.Utils = {};
    Spry.Widget.Utils.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
    if (!optionsObj)
    for (var optionName in optionsObj)
    if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
    obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
    return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getElementsByClassName = function(sel)
    if (!sel.length > 0)
    return null;
    var selectors = sel.split(',');
    var el = [];
    for (var i =0; i < selectors.length; i++)
    var cs = selectors[i];
    var chunk = cs.split(' ');
    var parents = [];
    parents[0] = [];
    parents[0][0] = document.body;
    for (var j = 0; j < chunk.length; j++)
    var tokens = Spry.Widget.Utils.getSelectorTokens(chunk[j]);
    for (var k =0; k < parents[j].length; k++)
    var childs = parents[j][k].getElementsByTagName('*');
    parents[j+1] = [];
    for (var l=0; l < childs.length; l++)
    if (Spry.Widget.Utils.hasSelector(childs[l], tokens))
    if (parents[j])
    for (var k = 0; k < parents[j].length; k++)
    return el;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.firstValid = function()
    var ret = null;
    var a = Spry.Widget.Utils.firstValid;
    for(var i=0; i< a.arguments.length; i++)
    if (typeof(a.arguments[i]) != 'undefined')
    ret = a.arguments[i];
    return ret;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getSelectorTokens = function(str)
    str = str.replace(/\./g, ' .');
    str = str.replace(/\#/g, ' #');
    str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
    return str.split(' ');
    Spry.Widget.Utils.hasSelector = function(el, tokens)
    for (var i =0; i< tokens.length; i++)
    switch (tokens[i].charAt(0))
    case '.': if (!el.className || el.className.indexOf(tokens[i].substr(1)) == -1) return false; break;
    case '#': if (! || != tokens[i].substr(1)) return false; break;
    default: if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase != tokens[i]) return false; break;
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty = function(element, prop)
    var value;
    var camelized = Spry.Widget.Utils.camelize(prop);
    if (
    value =[camelized];
    if (!value)
    if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
    var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
    value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(prop) : null;
    else if (element.currentStyle)
    value = element.currentStyle[camelized];
    catch (e) {}
    return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.camelize = function(str)
    if (str.indexOf('-') == -1)
    return str;
    var oStringList = str.split('-');
    var isFirstEntry = true;
    var camelizedString = '';
    for(var i=0; i < oStringList.length; i++)
    camelizedString = oStringList[i];
    isFirstEntry = false;
    var s = oStringList[i];
    camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
    return camelizedString;
    * Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels
    * returns the value of a CSS property as Int, converting medium to 2
    * @param {DOMElement} m - elements
    * @param {String} s -
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels = function (m, s)
    var v = Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(m, s);
    if (v == "medium") {
    v = 2;
    } else {
    v = parseInt(v, 10);
    v = isNaN(v)?0:v;
    return v;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getAbsoluteMousePosition = function(ev)
    var pos = {x:0, y:0};
    if (ev.pageX)
    pos.x = ev.pageX;
    else if (ev.clientX)
    pos.x = ev.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft);
    if (isNaN(pos.x)) pos.x = 0;
    if (ev.pageY)
    pos.y = ev.pageY;
    else if (ev.clientY)
    pos.y = ev.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop);
    if (isNaN(pos.y)) pos.y = 0;
    return pos;
    * Spry.Widget.Utils.getBorderBox
    * returns a border box object (x,y,width,height) which perfectly covers the el element and its borders
    * the x, y are absolute coordinates measured from from the window viewport
    * use the box as the second parameter in Spry.Widget.Utils.setBorderBox
    * @param {DOMElement or String} el -
    * @param {DOMDocument,optional} doc -
    Spry.Widget.Utils.getBorderBox = function (el, doc)
    doc = doc || document;
    if (typeof el == 'string')
    el = doc.getElementById(el);
    if (!el)
    return false;
    if (el.parentNode === null || Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(el, 'display') == 'none')
    //element must be visible to have a box
    return false;
    var ret = {x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0};
    var parent = null;
    var box;
    if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
    box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    var scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop;
    var scrollLeft = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
    ret.x = box.left + scrollLeft;
    ret.y = + scrollTop;
    ret.width = box.right - box.left;
    ret.height = box.bottom -;
    } else if (doc.getBoxObjectFor) { // gecko
    box = doc.getBoxObjectFor(el);
    ret.x = box.x;
    ret.y = box.y;
    ret.width = box.width;
    ret.height = box.height;
    var btw = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, "border-top-width");
    var blw = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, "border-left-width");
    ret.x -= blw;
    ret.y -= btw;
    } else { // safari/opera
    ret.x = el.offsetLeft;
    ret.y = el.offsetTop;
    ret.width = el.offsetWidth;
    ret.height = el.offsetHeight;
    parent = el.offsetParent;
    if (parent != el)
    while (parent)
    ret.x += parent.offsetLeft;
    ret.y += parent.offsetTop;
    parent = parent.offsetParent;
    var blw = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, "border-left-width");
    var btw = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, "border-top-width");
    ret.x -= blw;
    ret.y -= btw;
    // opera & (safari absolute) incorrectly account for body offsetTop
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    if ( || && Spry.Widget.Utils.getStyleProperty(el, 'position') == 'absolute')
    ret.y -= doc.body.offsetTop;
    if (el.parentNode)
    parent = el.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    while (parent && parent.tagName != 'BODY' && parent.tagName != 'HTML')
    ret.x -= (isNaN(parent.scrollLeft) ? 0 : parent.scrollLeft);
    ret.y -= (isNaN(parent.scrollTop)  ? 0 : parent.scrollTop);
    if (parent.parentNode)
    parent = parent.parentNode;
    parent = null;
    return ret;
    * Spry.Widget.Utils.setBorderBox
    * puts the element el to the location specified by box
    * @param {DOMElement} el - the element to be placed
    * @param {Object} box - hash containing the x and y coordinates where to put el
    Spry.Widget.Utils.setBorderBox = function (el, box) {
    var pos = Spry.Widget.Utils.getBorderBox(el, el.ownerDocument);
    if (pos === false)
    return false;
    var delta = {
    x:Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, 'left'),
    y:Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(el, 'top')
    var new_pos = {x:0, y:0, w:0, h:0};
    if (typeof box.x == 'number') {
    new_pos.x = box.x - pos.x + delta.x;
    if (typeof box.y == 'number') {
    new_pos.y = box.y - pos.y + delta.y;
    if (typeof box.x == 'number') { = new_pos.x + 'px';
    if (typeof box.y == 'number') { = new_pos.y + 'px';
    return true;
    Spry.Widget.Utils.putElementAt = function (source, target, offset, biv)
    biv = Spry.Widget.Utils.firstValid(biv, true);
    var source_box = Spry.Widget.Utils.getBorderBox(source, source.ownerDocument);
    Spry.Widget.Utils.setBorderBox(source, target);
    if (biv)
    return true;
    * Spry.Widget.Utils.bringIntoView
    * set the position of the source element so it is completely visible in the window
    * @param {DOMElemenet} source - the element to be
    Spry.Widget.Utils.bringIntoView = function (source) {
    var box = Spry.Widget.Utils.getBorderBox(source, source.ownerDocument);
    if (box === false) {
    return false;
    var current = {
    x:Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(source, 'left'),
    y:Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(source, 'top')
    var delta = {x:0, y:0};
    var offset_fix = {x:0, y:0};
    var strictm = source.ownerDocument.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";
    var doc = ( && strictm ||;
    offset_fix.x = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(doc, 'border-left-width');
    offset_fix.y = Spry.Widget.Utils.getPixels(doc, 'border-top-width');
    var st = doc.scrollTop;
    var ch = self.innerHeight ? self.innerHeight : doc.clientHeight;
    var t = box.y + (;
    var b = box.y + box.height + (;
    if ( b - st > ch) {
    delta.y = ch - (b - st);
    if (t + delta.y < st) {
    delta.y = st-t;
    } else if (t < st) {
    delta.y = st - t;
    if (delta.y != 0) { = (current.y + delta.y) + 'px';
    var sl = doc.scrollLeft;
    var cw = doc.clientWidth;
    var l = box.x + (;
    var r = box.x + box.width + (;
    if ( r - sl > cw) {
    delta.x = cw - (r - sl);
    if (l + delta.x < sl) {
    delta.x = sl-l;
    } else if (l < sl) {
    delta.x = sl - l;
    if (delta.x != 0) { = (current.x + delta.x) + 'px';
    Spry.Widget.Utils.contains = function (who, what) {
    if (typeof who.contains == 'object') {
    return what && who && (who == what || who.contains(what));
    } else {
    var el = what;
    while(el) {
    if (el == who) {
    return true;
    el = el.parentNode;
    }catch(a){return false;}
    return false;
    })(); // EndSpryComponent
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryTooltip.css - version 0.2 - Spry 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the tooltips show above form controls, we underlay each tooltip with an iframe */
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-style: italic;
    color: #332c40;
    width: 96px;
    height: 51px;
    background: url(../_images/recipe/bubble2.png) no-repeat;
    font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;
    margin: 0px;
    left: -200px;
    top: -200px;
    padding-top: 5px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    position: fixed;

    I couldn't get this script to work with my code:
    <a id="greensource" href="a"><img src="images/greensource.png" alt="Greensource Initiative" width="193" height="71" border="0" usemap="#Map7" id="sprytrigger6" title="Greensource Initiative" />
    <map name="Map7" id="Map7">
    <area shape="rect" coords="-22,-15,197,79" href="#" />
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="green">
    <div class="secondback">
    <div style="padding: 15px;">
    <p>Manufactred within Greensource Initiative&#8482; guildelines for use of recycled materials, renewable energy and non-hazardous packaging materials. RoHS Compliant.</p>
    <p class="morebutton"><a href="#">LEARN MORE</a></p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sprytooltip7 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("green", "#greensource");
    Maybe someone can point out my problem?
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        background: #FFF url(../images/bottom-gradient.png) repeat-x bottom left;
        font-family: "Myriad Pro", Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
        text-align: left;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #b6b5b6;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #b6b5b6;
        -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #b6b5b6;
        position: fixed;
    #green {
        position: absolute;
        border: none;
        top: 200px;
        left: 200px;

  • Tool Tip with column Height in CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE

    Dear All,
    I am generating Columns chart using the class CL_GUI_CHART_ENGINE. I would like to display the column height of every column as tooltip for that column. How can i achieve it ??
    The following is the transformation that i am using -
    <?sap.transform simple?>
    <tt:transform xmlns:tt="">
    <tt:root name="CATEGORIES"/>
    <tt:root name="SERIES"/>
      <tt:loop ref="CATEGORIES">
      <tt:loop ref="SERIES">
           <tt:attribute name="label"><tt:value ref ="LABEL"/></tt:attribute>
           <tt:attribute name="customizing"><tt:value ref ="ID"/></tt:attribute>
           <tt:loop ref="VALUES">
         <Point extension="alt='Capacity'"><Value type="y">
    Now for all the Columns, the tool tip is same (Capacity). I want to display the column height also along with it. Thank you.

    Have you consider using SVG ?
    From here:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    .chart rect {
      fill: steelblue;
    .chart text {
      fill: white;
      font: 10px sans-serif;
      text-anchor: end;
    <svg class="chart" width="420" height="120">
      <g transform="translate(0,0)">
        <rect width="40" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="37" y="9.5" dy=".35em">4</text>
      <g transform="translate(0,20)">
        <rect width="80" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="77" y="9.5" dy=".35em">8</text>
      <g transform="translate(0,40)">
        <rect width="150" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="147" y="9.5" dy=".35em">15</text>
      <g transform="translate(0,60)">
        <rect width="160" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="157" y="9.5" dy=".35em">16</text>
      <g transform="translate(0,80)">
        <rect width="230" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="227" y="9.5" dy=".35em">23</text>
      <g transform="translate(0,100)">
        <rect width="420" height="19"></rect>
        <text x="417" y="9.5" dy=".35em">42</text>

  • Howto set tool tip for a row in JTable

    I want to set a seperate tool tip for each of the rows in JTable. I tried getting cell renderer of all columns in a row and then setting tool tip for them. I expected that setting tool tip for a cell renderer will set tool tip for that cell. Thus setting tool tip for all the cells in a row will indirectly set tool tip for that row. But it does not happen that way. By setting a tool tip for a renderer it will use that tool tip for all those cells which use that renderer.
    Is there any problem in my approach or we cannot do this in Java.

    Thanks.You're wellcome.
    I just saw this method in JComponent and realized this
    But then thought that for doing this i'll have to
    create my JTable class for just overiding one method
    thereby increasing one more level of abstraction.Well, you could override the method in an inner class if I understand you correctly in assuming that you don't want to create a JTable as new separate class. You could do this:
    JTable yourtable = new JTable() {
      public String getToolTipText( MouseEvent e ) {
        return getToolTipForRow( rowAtPoint( e.getPoint() ));
    // some where else in your class
    getToolTipForRow( int row ) {
      // determine your tooltip here
    }I think this would be a bit nicer and slightly faster approach because as far as I understand the getToolTipText() method is called after a similar MouseEvent for every JComponent i.e. a small pause of cursor movement over the component in question. I admit that I haven't tested either approach myself but noticed that JTable actually overrides the getToolTipText( MouseEvent e) method already. In your code you determine and set the tooltip every time the mouse moves. If you override getToolTipText( MouseEvent e) you have to determine the tooltip text only when the tooltip is actually about to be shown.
    Regards, JMorko

  • Tool tips in second level navegation

    Hi Experts,
        I'm working with SAP Portal 6.0 and I need to implemet the next functionality:  It is possible to include a tool tip in the second level of top navegation menu?
    Any help would be appreciate.
    Sergio Sepúlveda M.

    ok, no problem.
    I modified the file toplevelnavigationJS.jsp in D:\<PORTAL INSTALATIONS>\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\\pagelet
    The functions to replace is
    return "<TD nowrap id=\"navNode_" + level + "_" + id + "\" " +
                "onkeydown=\"navNodeKeyDownHandler(" + level + ", " + id + ")\" " +
                "class=\"" + tdClassName + "\" " + onMouseClickEvent + onMouseEnterEvent + ">" +
                "<A id=\"navNodeAnchor_" + level + "_" + id + "\" " + title508 + " href=\"#\" " + nodeName + " class=\"" + aClassName + "\" tabIndex=\"" + tabIndex + "\" " + ">" + visibleTitle + "</A>" +
                "</TD>" + sepTD + lastTD;
    return "<TD nowrap id=\"navNode_" + level + "_" + id + "\" " +
                "onkeydown=\"navNodeKeyDownHandler(" + level + ", " + id + ")\" " +
                "class=\"" + tdClassName + "\" " + onMouseClickEvent + onMouseEnterEvent + ">" +
                "<A id=\"navNodeAnchor_" + level + "_" + id + "\" " + title508 + " href=\"#\" " + nodeName + " class=\"" + aClassName + "\" tabIndex=\"" + tabIndex + "\" " + accessKey + " title=\""+ <b>FUNC_VISUALIZAR(visibleTitle)</b> +"\">" + visibleTitle + "</A>" +
                "</TD>" + sepTD + lastTD;
    // Funcion creada por Sergio Sepulveda
    // 06 Sep 2005
    // 08 Sep 2005 - Modificado
    function <b>FUNC_VISUALIZAR(Nombre)</b>{
       if (Nombre == "Datos Maestros")
         return "Datos Maestros";
       else if (Nombre == "Inicio")
            return "Inicio";
    this is working ok now, but if anybody knows how to do it in a simple way, it will be very usefull for us
    Thanks in advance

  • Tool Tip Font Size

    Is it possible to change the font size of a tool tip?
    On Macintosh I have been using terminal to do this from the system, but it does not work. It does do some very odd things with labels in the open dialog.
    defaults write com.adobe.InDesign NSToolTipsFontSize -int 18
    I did the same on a system wide basis and the only application it worked on was Skype.
    It would be nice to 'patch' the tool tips in InDesign.

    Hi Vishal,
    The following example might help you. I tested/created it for:
    Application Theme: Platinum
    Chart Type: Column
    but it might/should work for other themes and charts too.
    Tooltip before:
    Tooltip after:
    The generated html source code of the tooltip by sap design studio looks like this:
    I used the following css in my custom css file:
    .myChart1 .v-m-tooltip .v-background {background: black !important;}
    .myChart1 .v-m-tooltip table.v-tooltip-dimension-measure tr td:nth-child(1) {color: red !important;}
    .myChart1 .v-m-tooltip table.v-tooltip-dimension-measure tr td:nth-child(2) {color: green !important;}
    .myChart1 .v-m-tooltip table.v-tooltip-dimension-measure:before {content: "Current data is:"; color: orange;}
    As you can see I created a custom css class "myChart1" and then applied it to my chart under "Display > CSS Class".

  • Spry Tool tip on Tabbed panels

    I am having a problem with the new spry tool tip widget. I
    have a Tabbed panels table with 4 tabs. For some reason the spry
    widget only works when I have 4 seperate div's with the tool tip
    content and 4 separate js variables placed after the divs. One must
    be on each tab. Is there any way to make it work so there is one
    div and one variable creation on the page rather than 1 for each
    panel?. heres how my code works:
    <div class="TabbedPanels" id="tp1">
    <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">TAB
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="1">TAB
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="2">TAB
    <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="3">TAB
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
    <div id="Funds_DIV1" spry:region="ds1"
    class="SpryHiddenRegion" >
    <div id="blindMe" class="toolTip"> <%=accesstxt
    %> </div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var blindTooltip = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip('blindMe',
    var blindToolTipClosed = new
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip('blindMeClosed', '.blindClosedTrigger');
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
    <div id="Funds_DIV2" class="SpryHiddenRegion"
    <div id="blindMe" class="toolTip"> <%=accesstxt
    %> </div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var blindTooltip = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip('blindMe',
    var blindToolTipClosed = new
    Spry.Widget.Tooltip('blindMeClosed', '.blindClosedTrigger');
    Repeat two more times . You get the idea

    Sorry i just kinda threw that together as a mock up
    id="blindMe" becomes id="blindMe2" and so on for each subsequent
    use. I had already checked for that. The same thing goes for the
    associated script variable. It works as is, i just dont want to
    have to duplicate it.
    The problem is, if i remove all the duplicated divs and
    scripts, then place that script and div on the bottom of the page
    after the </div> for the tabbed panels div, the hover state
    no longer works. Same is true if i keep it within the </div>
    the only way it does work is if i duplicate it within each tabbed
    panels content divs. (With different id values of course)

  • J Tool Tips - Strange and Awkward Bug

    Hello Everyone,
    I am having a very strange J Tool Tip bug. Okay first of all, the tool tip that I have created works when it is inside of a single panel for a single label. Basically, what I have is a number of J Labels - each having a unique tool tip. Here is the most basic of my code (notice that I have customized my own Tool Tip to have a yellow background and black foreground):
    currentLabel = new JLabel("LABEL TEST")
                // Extends the JLabel and overrides createToolTip() to return a custom tool tip:
                public JToolTip createToolTip()
                    JToolTip toolTip = super.createToolTip();
                    return toolTip;
            currentLabel.setToolTipText("Testing Tool Tip Message");Okay, so here's the deal. Here's the tricky part. When I have this label nested inside of a Grid Bag Layout Panel, it works perfectly fine. It shows up when the user's mouse hovers over the label.
    Here's my problem. The project that I am working on is actually nested in many complicated panels. This project has about 100 java files, so I am just going to cut it short and let you know which kind of panels it is nested in.
    Starting from the lowest panel:
    1. J Panel (Grid Bag Layout)
    2. J Panel (Box Layout)
    3. J Panel (Border Layout)
    4. J Split Pane (Right Side)
    5. J Panel (Border Layout) (Largest Panel)
    One of the things I noticed is that now when I hover over the labels, a very small microscopic blue dot appears right to the left of the mouse cursor. I seriously think this is the Tool Tip, but for some reason it isn't showing any text. The strange thing is that the tool tip works when panels 2, 3, 4, and 5 are non-existent. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know! I'd really appreciate it!

    What I might do is : see if listening for mouseEntered and mouseExited events work on the labels when in their complex arrangement. And make a little tooltip class based on JWindow (perhaps with a JLabel on its contentpane so you can display HTML). I found this approach more reliable. Though one would expect this is what is already implemented, the inbilt behaviour may overcomplicate things resulting in some no-shows. I seem to remember having this problem with tootips on table cell renderers.
    Edited by: kina_tji on Jul 23, 2008 6:33 PM

  • Tool Tip for VO attribute using Groovy

    Hi All,
    I was wondering how to use groovy for Tool Tip of a view object attribute.
    What I am basically looking for is return the String from a RowImpl class method and set it as a Tool Tip text.
    my method:
    public String applyToolTip(){
    return "This is my Tool Tip";
    Groovy used for Tool Tip Attribute
    also tried with,
    None of them work. Also I tried writing the same method in VOImpl class. No luck.. Please help with explanation.

    Groovy is not used throughout ADF BC. It can be used in validation and to define default values to an attribute but not for UI hints. For tool tips you would use message bundles (assuming your question is towards internationalization). Tool tips are defined on the AttributeDef of a View Object attribute and thus not defined per VO instance.

  • Tool Tip Text and JcomboBox/JList

    Is it possible to attach and display a different Tool Tip message for each item in a combobox or jlist.

    Hi try this code it will work
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
    public class ToolTipComboBoxExample extends JFrame {
    String[] items = {"Swing", "Applet", "RMI", "JDBC"};
    String[] tooltips = {"Swing ", "Applet", "RMI", "JDBC"};
    public ToolTipComboBoxExample() {
    super("ToolTip ComboBox Example");
    JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(items);
    combo.setRenderer(new MyComboBoxRenderer());
    getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    class MyComboBoxRenderer extends BasicComboBoxRenderer {
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list,
    Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
    if (isSelected) {
    if (-1 < index) {
    } else {
    setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
    return this;
    public static void main (String args[]) {
    ToolTipComboBoxExample frame = new ToolTipComboBoxExample();
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    frame.setSize(300, 200);

  • Update tool-tip for customized portal Help URL

    I have customized the Help Link in Portal Masthead with our own URL. It works fine. However, when the user moves their mouse over the "Help" link, the tool-tip still shows the original text, i.e. "Display the online help ...". How can I also customize the tool-tip of the customized Help URL?

    you'll have to customize the masthead application. This text is saved in the file:
    PORTAL-INF\private\classes\ -> pick the one that matches your language.
    The String you'll have to modify is:
    HELP_TOOLTIP=Display the online help for more information about the portal
    Change it, save the file and create the PAR again (it's only to zip, nothing to compile) and deploy it.

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