No layers available when editing pictures which are developed with LR?

When I edit a copy of a picture out of LR using Photoshop Elements 6.0, I'd like to apply the development settings I've made in LR and use layers in PSE. Why do I get only the option to edit the developed image without layers or edit an undeveloped copy with layers?

I made the following post in another thread and while the specific issue in the OP is not the same the reasons for Lightroom inability to work with layers is related. I suppose a similar question could be asked why can't PS send the layered image back to ACR for further editing there.
Quote "Once again the name Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is confusing the users. This name change came in Beta 3, I believe.
Lightroom is not Photoshop or a plugin for Photoshop, which is a pixel editing program.
Lightroom does not do pixel editing it retains details of image corrections internally in the catalog and in xmp files(optional). Photoshop per say cannot read these corrections.
ACR v 4.x can with respect to raw/dng files provided LR corrections have been saved to xmp, since they share the same processing engine.
If you wish your Lightroom edits to be viewed or usable in image editing programs, you need to export the file from Lightroom as a type of your choice tiff, jpg, psd etc and save in a designated folder. Then the file is usable with any image editing program.
If however your are working with raw/dng files in the develop module of Lightroom you can send these to an external editor, Photoshop or whatever, in this instance Lightroom will save a copy next to the raw original in the format you choose in the preferences. You still end up with a second file same as if you had done an export, just saved in a different location.
Adobe please take the Photoshop out of the Lightroom name." end quote.

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