No more basic threads, please!

It is just a suggestion, however ...
Is it only my impression, or we have done the job search field? I have seen many similar threads and replies with links to other threads!
Is it so complicated to use the forum search?
Please, before opening a new thread (basic) search for similar.

Hi Gilad,
thnaks a lot for the hint. Unfortunately; i already use the driver

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    Hi George,
    What do you mean by, when you claim that the page still runs without your VO (i.e. Just the PG & AM)? Does it means that your webBeans in the page that references the VO Attributes, still comesup with no issues like (VO not found)?
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    Log into the iCloud on your MacBook Pro and enable Photo Stream:
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    NOTE: not all photos in an iPhone will be in the Photo Stream. PS only keeps photos in it for 30 days.
    If you have the missing photos in your library put them in an album.  Connect your iPhone to the Mac and open iTunes.  In iTunes you can select that album in the library and sync the photos to your iPhone to get them back on the iPhone.

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    public void paint(Graphics g){
    ... (all painting is done in here) ...
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    Final Questions
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    -Thanks for any suggestions as they are much appreciated
    Edited by: watwatacrazy on Feb 6, 2010 10:17 AM

    To break the paint method up you can always do the following:
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            g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        public void paintCrossHair(Graphics2D g2d) {
         public void paintAxis(Graphics2D g2d) {{
         }Edited by: calypso on Feb 6, 2010 1:39 PM

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    Thank you all for any help you can give me!!!

    See past threads about how to learn about Flex.
    Try asking on Flash community forums.  I think there is a FlashCoders yahoo

  • Basic Question, Please regarding

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
    I have been using JRE for some time and no problems. When I upgraded to it took a staggering amount of additional memory; then I realized foolish me had not deleted the Installer, located in a multi numbered folder in Local Settings.
    The bottom line is there's a 34MB difference in hard disk space between the two -- would you say that's worth the IMPROVEMENT of over ? I am only using Java RunTime to access webclips using Java, and to use Limewrire which requires some kind of Java "environment." Right now I have uninstalled and reloaded 1.4.1; the java test webpage shows all is fine but that I'm obviously running an "older version."
    Any opinions or thoughts would be appreciated. If you all think 1.4.2 is better (apparently runs 30x faster?) - then I'll go with the larger footprint and newer version. Thank you!

    Thank you for that. I won't be too involved in this forum; just wanted an answer on if 1.4.1 works well, why switch. I am not a developer - I am a free space/memory/startup delay "freak," however.
    I was told repeatedly after dumping Internet Explorer that "I couldn't uninstall it." There are utilities to wipe out NetMeeting, Outlook Express, Outlook, IE, accessories, games and a lot of other unnecessary garbage. Why bother with security updates (23 totalling 100MB for Win2k/Explorer) when you can GET RID of the leaks at the source . . . the apps themselves.
    For that reason perhaps I should invest some of the saved 294MB in 1.4.2 or 1.5 or whatever the latest whiz-bang is. Please realize it's not as much a size thing as much as less startup time and "clutter," both registry and startup menu and overly fragmented directories have improved since the "slaughter." No Windows messages, no problems, no crashes. I'd rather "invest" 100MB in JRE, if in fact it's worth the size. Version 1.4.2 builds a huge "tree" of folders that 1.4.1 didn't - HOWEVER, it doesn't appear to contain the Jar 1.0 folders that needed cleaning out on browser exit as 1.4.1 did.
    I was just curious what the benefits were, but all is going swimmingly and I think I'll leave it as is until I can find out what the perks are of upgrading. I can tell you and eveyone reading this that Firefox runs TERRIFIC useing the incorporated JRE and that Java Virtual Machine for I.E. is no longer necessary - fantastic. Limewire requires the JRE to run and 1.4.1 solves that, s did along the previous JRE versions I was using. I have upgraded at each opportunity until 1.4.1 - just can't see what 1.4.2 offers in addition. I'll try and find the "30x" reference and post it here if I can edit this post.
    In the meantime thank you for the kind words -- accepted -- and all the best to you. We all have different priorities and one of mine is a "lean and mean" system (both PC and Palm) that does what I need and nothing more without a lot of bloating. I find that 30-60MB here and there quickly becomes 3GB of garbage that slows EVERY startup EVERY day and contributes to fragmentation as well as loss of speed. Developers might well NEED every nuance of improvement . . . . I'm happy I saw the dancing animation on the java test page, and as far as I'm concerned have "fulfilled" the basic needs JRE provides.
    Happy New Year, Sir.

  • Only 1 tab will open at a time. I can't open more tabs. Please help.

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/874982]]</blockquote>
    I can't open more than 1 tab while using Firefox. When I try to use the Tab button nothing happens. I need to use more than 1 tab at a time. Please help.
    Thanks, Connie

    The Ask Toolbar is causing that in the Firefox 3.6+ versions. Uninstall that extension.
    There are a couple of places to check for the Ask toolbar:
    * Check the Windows Control panel for the Ask Toolbar -
    * Also check your list of extensions, you may be able to uninstall it from there -

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    Please help me through? Thanks David Breaux

    Hi, I understand. I think they were an older person not so familiar with computers and I was doing my best trying to get them to start their own thread. They have done that, so you shouldn't have any more posts to yours.

  • Need Very Basic Instructions, Please!!

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    You can also view the help files which are the manuals for the program.
    It is not Reader for Dummies, since Adobe thinks more of the people who
    use their software. You can really find the information quite helpful.

  • Help with some code concerning threads, please.

    I get a crazy error when i run this program and press forward ('w') more then once. can anyone help?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class NBoard extends JFrame implements KeyListener{
         int selection = 0;
         boolean selectionmade = false;
         final int WIDTH = 600;
         final int HEIGHT = 600;
         Image Viz =Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What character do you want?")+".gif");
         int XC = 50;
         int YC = 50;
         Thread moving = new Move();
         Unit Host = new Unit();
         public NBoard(){
              selection = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What level design do you want?"));
              if(selection > 0){
                   selectionmade = true;
         public static void main(String args[]){
              new NBoard();
         public void paint(Graphics g){
              if(selectionmade == true){
                   selectionmade = false;
                   if(selection == 1){
                   if(selection == 2){
                        for(int ctr = 1; ctr < 6; ++ctr){
                             g.drawRect(WIDTH/4 ,ctr * 100, 20, 20);
                             g.drawRect((WIDTH / 3) * 2 ,ctr * 100, 20, 20);
                   if(selection == 3){
                        g.drawLine((WIDTH/2) - 90,0,(WIDTH/2) + 90,HEIGHT);
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){                              //The Problem Areas
                   if(e.getKeyChar() == 'w'){
                        moving.start();                                             //Starting the thread to move up
                   else if(e.getKeyChar() == 's'){
                        YC = YC + 2;
                   else if(e.getKeyChar() == 'a'){
                        XC = XC - 2;
                   else if(e.getKeyChar() == 'd'){
                        XC = XC + 2;
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){                              //The Problem Areas
              if(e.getKeyChar() == 'w'){
              System.out.println("YO ZAPPA");
                   moving.interrupt();                                             //Trying to interrupt the thread once the key is released
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
    class Move extends Thread{                                                  //The Problem Areas
         Unit Host = new Unit();
         public void run(){                                                       //The Thread
              System.out.println("YO TESTING");
              Unit.XC = Unit.XC - 2;
              catch (Exception e){}
    class Unit{                                                                      //The Object which will hold all of the information about each unit
         static int XC = 30;
         static int YC = 30;
    }     Thank you!

    The problem is that each movement in each direction
    should be in its own thread, because later on i am
    going to try to network it so that more people can
    play. That's why it has to be in a thread. The game
    is basically gonna be a very simple rendition of
    dodgeball, although i want to get the movement right
    before I get to the ball.
    Thanks for the pseudo code, but the problem is
    implementing those commansd into a thread.
    All i want to do for now is to be able to press the
    'w' button, and make the guy move forward, while the
    program is capable of doing anything else. Any help
    in getting it to this stage would be appreciated.I have managed to rewrite you code to be compilable and runnable, however, I don't
    understand the roles of the 'w' key, Move class and Unit class in your game. So I have
    left out those parts.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class NBoard2 extends JFrame implements KeyListener{
      int selection = 0;
      boolean selectionmade = false;
      final int WIDTH = 600;
      final int HEIGHT = 600;
      Image Viz
       = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
          ("What character do you want?")+".gif");
      int XC = 50;
      int YC = 50;
      Move moving;
      GamePanel gp;
      boolean notStarted;
      public NBoard2(){
        notStarted = true;
        setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
         = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
            ("What level design do you want?"));
        if(selection > 0){
          selectionmade = true;
        gp = new GamePanel();
        add(gp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        moving = new Move(this);
      public static void main(String args[]){
        new NBoard2();
      class GamePanel extends JPanel{
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
          if(selectionmade == true){
            selectionmade = false;
            if(selection == 1){
              g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
              g.drawLine(WIDTH/2, 0, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT);
            else if(selection == 2){
              g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
              g.drawLine(WIDTH / 2, 0, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT);
              for(int ctr = 1; ctr < 6; ++ctr){
                g.drawRect(WIDTH/4, ctr * 100,  20, 20);
                g.drawRect((WIDTH / 3) * 2 , ctr * 100, 20, 20);
            else if(selection == 3){
              g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
              g.drawLine((WIDTH / 2) - 90, 0, (WIDTH / 2) + 90, HEIGHT);
          g.drawImage(Viz, XC, YC, this);
      } // class GamePanel
      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
        if(e.getKeyChar() == 'w' && notStarted == true){
          moving.stop = false;
          notStarted = false;
        else if(e.getKeyChar() == 's'){
          YC = YC + 2;
        else if(e.getKeyChar() == 'a'){
          XC = XC - 2;
        else if(e.getKeyChar() == 'd'){
          XC = XC + 2;
        // System.out.println(e.getKeyChar());
      public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){
        if(e.getKeyChar() == 'w'){
          //System.out.println("YO ZAPPA");
          moving.stop = true;
          notStarted = true;
          /* reinstantiate the thread, if you need it */
          moving = new Move(this); // Java Thread can't be reused
        }                          // Once finished its run()method,
      }                            // thread is no more in valid state
      // if you do not want to reinstantiate the Move thread at the second
      // 'w' press, write a proper conditional for that
      public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
    } // class NBoard2
    class Move extends Thread{
      Unit Host = new Unit();
      public boolean stop = false;
      JPanel gpanel;
      public Move(NBoard2 bd){
        gpanel =;
      public void run(){
        while (! stop){
          System.out.println("YO TESTING");
          Unit.XC = Unit.XC - 2;
          //// What Unit.XC does for NBoard2.XC or other drawing parameters???
          //// There's no logic written yet.
          //// In other words, Move and Unit class do not particpate in the game
          //// at all.
          gpanel.repaint(); // may be you need it here ??? or ??
          catch (Exception e){
    class Unit{
      static int XC = 30;
      static int YC = 30;
    }You must learn basic of major aspects of Java programming. Tuorials at site are
    good for that.

  • More direct thread question

    ok, i am having some major problems writing this threading code.
    I am new to threads except for the stuff I did in college and some basic stuff
    at work since then.
    Can anyone supply me with some code to read where threads are managed by
    a class so that only a max of MAXTHREADS are running at any given time and
    the rest are sleeping? The sleeping threads need to check back every second or
    so to see if they are able to be launched yet.
    I have code, but it is launching my threads like 5 times each and doing all kinds
    of weird stuff. I promise i won't copy your code, i just want to see the logical
    approach to it then write my own. Thanks

    my program is supposed to copy files over a network.
    I only want a max of 5 copies at a time so i don't max out the resources.
    However, i want to be able to add to my queue of copy jobs at any time.
    if there are less than 5 copies going, i want the next copy to start immediately.
    If there are 5 or more copies going on, i want the current copy request to sleep for awhile and check back later.
    the order in which these files is copied is not important, as long as they are all copied.

  • Basic relationship please

    Can you please let me know the basic relationship of below in WebLogic server?
    Managed server
    Please let me know if any thing else I missed out in relating to above.
    Also is there any URL to download WebLogic Server 10.3 for free?
    S.Vamsi Krishna

    Hi Vamsi,
    In the Below Link choose (for WINDOWS) Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3 - Package Installer 742MB (x86 Windows XP)
    In the below mentioned Link :
    Once you click on the Accept Radio button at the top of the Page will be able to Download the Installer after sigin to the Site.
    Domain --> Domain is a Logical gropuing of One or more than one Servers... Every Domain has at least one AdminServer to control the complete Domain.
    AdminServer --> AdminServer has Access to all the resources available in the Domain...and Can Create/Delete/Update/Monitor/Manage different Resources on the DataSource/JTA Services/Library Managment/Server & machine Creation...etc The Most Important AdminiStration Application "console" is deployed on AdminServer by default.
    Managed server --> managed Servers are specially used to Deploy Applications. As the Name suggest these servers are Managed by AdminServer. In some special Scenarios we can run ManagedServers with/Without AdminServer Running. We can deploy applications in AdmiNServer as well but that is not recommended.
    Node --> bacisally represents a Phisical Box...where we Run WLS Servers. Every Node should have a NodeManager Configured on it. Sothat we can remotely start & Stop Servers with the help of node Manager.
    Cluster --> Cluster is a Group of one of more than one Managed Servers. Generally we create Clusters for the following two reasone:
    *1).* LocaBanancing...Between Multiple Managed Servers which are part of that Cluster.
    *2).* Failover...Just incase if any of the ManagedServer goesdown or crashes ...then the Clisnts request will be redirected to the Next Available Server on the Cluster sothat clients will see UnInterrupted service.
    For more informations you need to read EDocs...
    Jay SenSharma (WebLogic Wonders Are Here)

  • My ipod touch 4g is stuck in recovery mode after attempting to update to iOS 5. My computer is registering the ipod however itunes is not. Nothing ive tried has made it come up in itunes to let me restore. I've done the basics. Please help

    My computer is registering the ipod however itunes is not. Nothing ive tried has made it come up in itunes to let me restore. I've done the basics (i.e multiple computer restarts, switching USB ports, fresh install of itunes. I've checked the forums and everything I've found has involved things that I have been unable to do involving the itunes restore. Please save my ipod from a hammer.

    You can try 2 things:
    Restart your iPod by - Holding the Power and Home buttons until you see the Apple logo.
    Put your iPod in DFU and restore - Hold the Power and Home until the screen goes black, wait about 2 seconds, release the power button but keep holding the home for 15 seconds, then on iTunes, Restore and Update.

Maybe you are looking for