No quant exist when using LU04

I am having problem whem i am in LU04, then try to create a TO an error is prompting "No quant exist " where as if i am in the LT01 i can create a TO.
Any configuration i need to check?
Please help

I am having problem whem i am in LU04, then try to create a TO an error is prompting "No quant exist " where as if i am in the LT01 i can create a TO.
Any configuration i need to check?
Do you mean that if you are in LT01 you can create the same TO what systen would create automatically in LU04? Are you sure?
I mean "in the LT01 I can create a TO" has no strict logical connection with the error message you get in LU04. When you try to process the PCN in LU04 the system tries to use a specific quant of which attributes / charatceristics are in harmony with the attributes of stock used in Inventory Management's goods movement posting.
Please check the PCN in LU04, which quant the system tries to use, Try to find this quant in your system (LX02). Maybe someone already moved this quant manually via LT01 / LT10 - I mean maybe someone already "processed the PCN" via LT01 /LT10 (did the same manually as the PCN would have done).

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    Please could you specify which webpage you mean ?
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    - 2. click on "To" to reach the Contacts which opens a new window
    - 3. click on "Distribution lists"
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    Thanks for your help !

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    /*CURSOR c_user_creator IS
    select distinct name,userid from portal.WWLOG_ACTIVITY_LOGS
    where sub_domain = 'user' and action = 'create'
    and name = p_userid;*/
    v_creator varchar2(500);
    v_ret_val VARCHAR2(500) := 'NOT_FOUND';
    select userid into v_ret_val from portal.WWLOG_ACTIVITY_LOGS
    where sub_domain = 'user' and action = 'create'
    and name = p_userid;
    --v_ret_val := x.userid;
    --end loop;
    -- Is the user in the group or not?
    /*OPEN c_user_creator;
    FETCH c_user_creator INTO v_creator;
    IF c_user_creator%FOUND THEN
    v_ret_val := v_creator;
    v_ret_val := 'NOT FOUND';
    END IF;
    CLOSE c_user_creator;*/
    Return v_ret_val;
    The table or view does not exist...
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    Are there different grant you should use so you can
    select it into a function or just do a normal select? Yes. Grants on objects used in functions/procedures must be given directly to the user, and not through a role.

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    IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
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    Ther is a set of instruction to be followed after installing the patch set after running it thru OUI.They are as follows. Please complete these steps and u should not have problems any more.
    When applying this patchset on Windows NT and Windows 2000, you must log onto the system as a user with Administrative privileges (e.g., as a user which is a member of the local Administrators group).
    1.Disabling system triggers.
    Before performing the next step, you must first set SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED = FALSE in the initialization parameter file. To do this add the following line to your init<sid>.ora file and restart the database (see Note 149948.1 in Metalink for more information on this issue).
    2.Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following:
    select * from duc$ where PACK='JIS$INTERCEPTOR$' ;
    If no rows were returned go to the next step. If a row was returned delete it using the following:
    delete from duc$ where PACK='JIS$INTERCEPTOR$' ;
    3.Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL scripts with event 10520 set. NOTE: This event is not intended for regular database operation and when turned on below by the 'ALTER SESSION' command will automatically be turned off by the subsequent 'CONNECT' command.
    ?/rdbms/admin/catrep.sql (This only needs to be run if you are using symmetric/advanced replication. This is not necessary for sites using dblinks and read-only snapshots if symmetric/advanced replication is not installed)
    update obj$ set status=5 where type#=29 and owner#!=0;
    4.You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install.
    If Java has previously been loaded into the database, invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL DDL command(* Note:If Java has not previously been loaded into the database, skip this step).:
    SQL> create or replace java system
    2 /
    (Note that the / (slash) is important to ensure the execution of the command).
    To ensure the correct installation of the XDK in the database run the following 2 scripts (Bug 2115227):
    * To determine whether Java has previously been loaded into the database:
    invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following:
    SQL> select count(*) from all_objects where object_type like 'JAVA%';
    Java is installed if you get a non zero result returned from the query.
    5.You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    If Java has previously been loaded into the database, invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following scripts which are located in $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install ( Note: If Java has not previously been loaded into the database, you can skip this step):
    When running the $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/jisja.sql script the following error may be reported and can be ignored:
    call jis_exit_java_session(0)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29515: exit called from Java code with status 0
    Bug 1459233 was filed against this problem which is fixed in 9i.
    6.If you deleted a row from duc$ in step 8 then reinsert it again. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL:
    insert into duc$ (OWNER, PACK, PROC, FIELD1, OPERATION#, SEQ) values ('SYS', 'JIS$INTERCEPTOR$', 'USER_DROPPED', 0, 1, 1);
    7.Enabling system triggers.
    You must either remove SYSTEMTRIG_ENABLED from the initialization parameter file or explicitly set it to TRUE before attempting any other patch set post-install steps. Restart the database.
    8.This step is optional - it will recompile all invalid PL/SQL packages now rather than when accessed for the first time - you can also use utlrcmp.sql to parallelize this. Invoke SQL*Plus (sqlplus), connect as internal and run the following SQL script:
    9.Execute the following steps only if you have installed Oracle interMedia Text in the database you are attempting to modify:
    If you have not previously unlocked the ctxsys account and supplied a password for that account, you need to do so. (If you have needed to use Oracle Text in any way prior to applying the patchset, you will have already performed this step, and you can skip this.) Do so by issuing the following statement:
    If you have already installed or, go directly to step 7 below.
    If you have already installed, go directly to step 5 below.
    CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>;
    CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>;
    CONNECT ctxsys/<passwd>
    9.You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    The installation of this patch set fixes a potential security hole in the XSQL Servlet - see here for more detail. The patchset installation does not, however, modify any of the Oracle HTTP Server configuration files to reflect changes to the XSQL Servlet installation. If you have previously installed the Oracle HTTP Server, you will need to update one of the configuration files manually after the patchset installation is complete. If you do not do so, the XSQL Servlet may not work in the context of the Oracle HTTP Server after the patchset is installed. To update your Oracle HTTP Server configuration, perform the following steps:
    1) Edit the file: $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/conf/
    2) Search for the string: "XSQLConfig.xml File location"
    3) Modify the parameter wrapper.classpath on the line immediately following the above string to read: $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/admin
    4) Save the file.
    10.You can ignore this step if you have already executed it as part of a previous 8.1.7 patch set install:
    The installation of this patch set fixes a potential security hole in the PL/SQL XML parser - see here for more detail. To load the new XML parser in to the database, run the following script as user SYS:
    ? /xdk/plsql/parser/bin/load.sql
    11.If you are using the RMAN catalog then upgrade it as follows:
    rman catalog <user/passwd@alias>
    upgrade catalog;
    upgrade catalog;
    The post install actions are now complete and the database is now ready for use.

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    My order has 3 notifications on the tab "Objects" and I want to remove one. But when i called the BAPI, i get the error message "Notification 100047495 does not exist".
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    Data of the order.
    IT_OBJECTLIST: The fields that have data are...
    NOTIF_NO -
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance.

    Can you try the following?
    instead of this
    Ref # should be the item number in the object list
    and key should be just the order number 000010009721
    sample: 000002 -

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    What gives? Did a recent iWeb update (intended for iWeb 09 users or intel-based macs) corrupt my iWeb '08 on my PowerBook G4?

    Please note that Java and Javascript are not related. iWeb uses a lot
    of Javascript, not Java. There may be some issues with the Javascript
    generated by iWeb -- I don't know. If it seems to work for someone
    and not for someone else then it is an issue at the browser end, not
    the website end. Each browser may not be handling the Javascript in
    exactly the same way. (You gotta love standards.)

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    That's what mine said too when I went direct to their checker.
    But I use the Speed Test app and that shows a different IP address, one which links to Orange in the UK.
    At the moment it's giving me, but that Ip2location site gives me Google tells me I am on 
    I am confused and frustrated.
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    Very odd.
    Gosh I thought I solved it then, one of the sites told me my app Onavo was creating a proxy. Deleting the app didn't help - may have to delete the profile which may be buried elsewhere on the phone. Oh, it's in the General tab under profiles - if you have a profile at all.
    Cannot confirm if this works yet as I only have 2G at home but if you have Onavo, I think it's creating a proxy server connection (directing you to the USA). Delete the app, delete the profile and please let me know if it works for you!
    Can't be more than 99% certain, but removing my Onavo profile has now given me a UK IP. Should work!

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    So my question is:
    Has anyone else experienced some camcorder damage that might be related to frequent video conferencing use? If it does indeed damage the camcorder, what specifically does it do to it (what does it damage, how exactly does it cause the damage, etc...)? I'd like to know so I can be more specific when I bring it to the service shop for repairs.

    Hello Albert,
    I do NOT think that using your Sony with iChat AV poses any greater risk than using it for other things.
    I used my Sonys (DCR-TRV17 and DCR-TRV70) for a while, but I switched to iSight before I damaged them. (I am clumsy.)
    The kinds of damage I contemplated in the iSight vs Camcorder or other web-cam FAQ were:
     - dropping or tipping the camera or the tripod upon which it was mounted,
     - contamination from dirt, body oils, or dust, etc.,
     - wear on the heads and internal moving components, and
     - wear on the camera's electrical connections.
    Moreover, regular professional clean and adjust is required for my Sonys based on usage hours. Such is NOT required for iSight.
    Some of those risks can be mitigated by careful placement and use and by keeping the tape out when using the camera, but some risk always exists when using the equipment. My thought was that, if I wore out or damaged a camera by using it for hundreds of hours of video chat, I would rather wear out or damage iSight, which is cheaper than my Sonys were.
    Please post back what your Sony Service Tech finds. I will be eager to read whether your camera needed more than a professional clean and adjust.
    EZ Jim

  • No quants exist for posting changes. Creating TOu00B4s in LU04.

    When creating transfer orders in LU04, we get an error message "No quants exist for posting changes'. We are using batch managed and serialized materials. Using QM interface, so, inspection lots are created at Goods Receipt. When QM team "accepts" batch materials during inspection lot, there is no problem, but when "accepts" serialized materials, the system creates posting changes notices but can not create transfer orders sending the message before described. This is because after receiving the serialized materials, we receive one piece at a time in order to create one inspection lot for every serial number. But when we put away the materials, we put them away in the same bin. so, system assigns one quant and one inspection lot to the bin, updating the last one every time we put away one serial number. When system tries to look for the inspection lot number selected in QA32, is not finding it in the bin at WM level because the bin only contains the last inspection lot that was put it away.
    With batch managed numbers there is no problem since SAP divides the bin in different quants with the correspondent batches assigning an inspection lot to each quant.
    Is there any alternative to solve the issue with the serialized materials? We are using SAP ECC 6.0.
    Thanks for any help.

    The reason why we put away serialized materials into the same bin is because materials are physically small and they fit more than one in each bin. The warehouse is structured in this way and we plan to use it like that because it wouldn´t be feasible to create one bin for each serialized material. Is there any other way to manage this situation?
    Thanks in advance.

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    2.  when importing, does the hard disk store 2 versions of the photo, hence occupying additional space in the harddisk?

    1 - no  --  iPhoto only manages fiel within the iPhoto library - it does not ever do anything with files outside the library
    2 - No idea what you are asking - by default (and strongly recommended) iPhoto copies the original to the iPhoto library and you delete the source file outside the iPhoto library - iPhoto alwasy has at least two versions of every photo and some times three - it always have the original, a thumbnail and once a photo is modified a preview - this is not optional - if it is not what you want then iPhoto is not the correct progrtam to be using for phopto management

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    the "file" button does not exist on the latest airport utility app v6.3 to save the configuration file.
    Sounds like you are a bit confused with version numbers.
    Latest AirPort Utility version for the iPhone / iPad is 1.3.3.  There is no option or capability to export/import settings on the iOS version(s) of AirPort Utility.....although you could take a series of screen shots and save them for future reference.
    AirPort Utility 6.3.x is found on a Mac.....not on iPhone / iPad. Export and Import options are found under the File menu in 6.3.x.

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    Right-click on the image and use 'Find in Library' or use CTRL-ALT-F if it works on your keyboard (doesn't on my AZERTY one)
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    Hello all.  We've recently had a performance spike when using the 'if exists' construct, which is a construct that we use through much of our code.  The problem is, it appears illogical since if can be removed via a tiny modification that does
    not change the core code.
    I can demonstrate  
    This is the (simplified) format of the base original code.  It's purpose is to identify when a column value has changed comparing to a main table and a complex view
    select 1 from MainTable m
    inner join ComplexView v on m.col2 = v.col2
    where m.col3 <> v.col3
    This is doing a table scan, however the table only has 17000 rows while the view only has 7000 rows.  The sql executes in approximately 3 seconds.
    However if we add the 'If Exists' construct around the original query, like such:
    if exists (
    select 1 from MainTable m
    inner join ComplexView v on m.col2 = v.col2
    where m.col3 <> v.col3
    print 1
    The sql now takes over 2 minutes to run.  Note that the core sql is unchanged.  All I have done is wrap it with 'If Exists'
    I can't fathom why the if exists construct is taking so much longer, especially since the code code is unchanged, however more importantly I would like to understand why since we commonly use this type of syntax.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    OK, that's interesting.  Adding the top 1 clause greatly affects the performance (in a bad way).
    The original query (as below) still runs in a few seconds.
    select 1 from MainTable m
    inner join ComplexView v on m.col2 = v.col2
    where m.col3 <> v.col3
    The 'Top 1' query (as below) takes almost 2 minutes however.  It's exactly the same query, but with 'top 1' added to it.
    select top 1 1 from MainTable m
    inner join ComplexView v on m.col2 = v.col2
    where m.col3 <> v.col3
    I suspect that the top 1 is performing a very similar operation to the exists, in that it is 'supposed' to exit as soon as it finds a single row that satisfies it's results.
    It's still not really any closer to making me understand what is causing the issue however.

Maybe you are looking for

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