No size setting for 7" x 10" cards

attempting to set paper size in the dropdown --no setting for this size and no custom option for me to enter size I want.  where do I find solution to this problem? and where to find the sizes that are named but not defined?

How are you trying to print your document?  Which printer model are you trying to print with?
I was an HP employee.
Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

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    Sorry to say but as your Intel Graphics Chip is integrated into the Motherboard it is not an upgradeable component.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. What I've done is use the File->Export for Web->Desktop option in Quicktime. Then one way to get it online and have a page load without waiting for the movie to completely load is to place the movie in your iDisk's Movie folder and add a button/link to a poster frame image of the movie via an HTML Snippet that will open the movie in a new window, one that is sized to the movie's size. This demo page is an example of such a button and has the code used in the snippet.
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    Guy67 wrote:
    Thanks, but then when do you use 1920 X 1080 HD?
    I told you already:
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    For a 1" x 1" photo first crop the photo square.  Then export  with Kind = Current with JPEF Quality = Maximum and Size = Full size.
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    Hello bwz,
    When you are performing synchronization across the RTSI bus you need to specify that the slave device should get its clock signals from there.  You would use the digital clock config VI to do this.  If you look in the example finder, you will find synchronization example VIs that do the same kind of thing for analog input.  To find the examples, open the example finder by going to Help >> Find Examples >> Hardware Input and Output >> Traditional DAQ >> Multiple Device. 
    If you are just getting started developing your application, you may want to consider using DAQmx.  There are many more examples available to look at for this type of synchronization.  To find these examples in the example finder go to Hardware Input and Output >> DAQmx >> Synchronization >> Multi-Device.  To use your PCI-6534 with NI-DAQmx, you must have version 7.4 or later.  The newest version is DAQmx 7.5.  You may also want to look at this tutorial about synchronization with DAQmx. 
    I hope this helps!

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    #searchbar .textbox-input-box {font-size:13pt !important;}
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        int totalHandVal = 0;
        for(int i=0; i < deck.length; i++)
             int cardVal = Integer.parseInt(deck.getface());
              if((cardVal > 10) && (cardVal < 14)) {
                   System.out.println("Face Card, +10, Actual Value = " + cardVal);
                   totalHandVal += 10;     
              //Ace Condition
              else if(cardVal == 14) {
                   System.out.println("Ace, +11/1");
                   check = true;
              else {
                   System.out.println("Norm Card, +" + cardVal);
                   totalHandVal += cardVal;
              if(((totalHandVal+11) > 21) && check) {
                   totalHandVal += 1;
                   check = false;
              else if(check) {
                   totalHandVal += 11;
                   check = false;     
         return check;

    Well basically what I'm trying to figure out is weather to use an array to represent the cards or an ArraySet. The difference being that with ArraySet I will have to write another class, but it will make things a bit easier when implementing the other methods. The code I included in my previous post was the code for my Hand class. I will need this to implement my Deck class and card class and also for the buttons I will create for the game. I wish I could show all my classes cause there are 3 or 4 of them. But really my Hand class is the class that is most dependent on weather I choose to go with ArraySet or just an array.
    So I will include my hand class again showing what it would look like if I used an ArraySet which means I would need to make a class called ArraySet and complete it. So I guess my question is, if I use and ArraySet what do I need to write in it so that the methods implemented in the Hand class work?
    Here is my Hand class:
    //  Hand.Java            
    import java.util.*;
    public class Hand
         protected ArraySet inHand;
         // use a set to represent cards in hand, you need to supply your own implementation of set.
         //protected  Card deck[];
         //private final int NUMBER_OF_CARDS = 52;
         protected int handvalue,count; 
         Constructs a hand of Cards.
      public Hand()
           inHand = new ArraySet(12);
           //deck = new Card[NUMBER_OF_CARDS];
        handvalue = 0;
        count = 0;
         To reduce hand when newcard makes player go over 21
          and there is an ace in the hand.
         @param newCard random card from the set
      private void reduceHand(Card newCard)
           if(handvalue > 21 && aceInHand())
            handvalue -= 10;
      }//end reduceHand
         To check if there is an ace in the hand.
      private boolean aceInHand()
        boolean check = false;
        Object obj = null;
        Iterator it1 = inHand.iterator();
            if(!it1.hasNext() || check)
            Card card = (Card);
            if(card.getvalue() == 11)
                check = true;
        } while(true);
        return check;
         Adds a new card to the hand.
         @param currentdeck the Deck the game is playing with
      public Card newCard(Deck currentdeck)
           Card card = inHand.getCard();
        handvalue += card.getvalue();
        return card;
         Returns the value of this hand.
      public int getHandValue()
           return handvalue;
         Returns an iterator over this hand.
      public Iterator iterator()
           return inHand.iterator();
         Removes a card from this hand.
      public Card remove(Card card)
           return (Card)inHand.remove(card);
         Returns a string representation of this hand.
      public String toString()
            String s = "";
         Object o = null;
         int i = 0;
         for(Iterator it1 = inHand.iterator(); it1.hasNext();)
             Card card = (Card);
             s = (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append("card").append(i).append(": ").append(card.getvalue()).append("\n").toString();
         return s;
    }//end Hand

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    i want change as
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    FrequencyStatus-Idoc = 5
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    Hi Patel,
    This will impact all the loads in the system as this wil change the parameters for all the loads.. And hence its always recommended to reduce the data packet size at the Infopackage level...
    Also u can do the settings for the ODS Activation process as well using this RSCUSTV6 t-code.
    Better chane it for the specific job.

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