No Sync Progress indication

Is it just me or has iTunes 7 stopped indicating syncronisation progress. It used to display copying track X of Y in the status window at top / middle of the window. Also if you had your ipod selected in the left pane, it would scroll through the tracks in the library indicating when each track had been copied.

I'm on the PC version of iTunes 7, with the latest update.
Exact same situation here. Very annoying now. iPod used to update in a minute or two tops, now it's taking a loooooong time...haven't timed for sure, but it seems like 10 or more minutes, even for just one or two songs added.
A lot of the version 7 seems to be steps backward....also very annoyint the disappearance of the equalizer button.
I don't sync with my Mac laptop, so wonder if this an issue for both platforms.

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    Hold the Sleep/Wake and Home button down together until you see the Apple Logo.
    Note: Data will not be affected.

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    I can recommend you Photo Transfer WiFi app! I am using it regularly on my devices and it does exactly what it claims:

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    Go to this page: Apple Print Products - Apple Store (U.S.)   and in the section "Shipping and Delivery" follow the link to " Order Status " 
    Log into online Order Status with your Apple ID and password.

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    There are still these about: page (see the about:about) page.

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    Any help that you can provide in helping my iPhone accurately sync with iPhoto and iTunes will be greatly appreciated.
    1)   Sync:  It’s not completing the sync.  Below, I’ve provided all of my settings from the iTunes Summary tab so that you might tell me if I’ve selected any incorrect options.  I prefer to sync the “old school” way – by connecting to the computer – as opposed to syncing over the cloud. Perhaps this is what’s causing the problem? Here is a list of the steps displayed in the iTunes window as the sync progresses:
    waiting for sync to start (step 1 of 7)
    backing up (step 2 of 7)
    preparing to sync (step 3 of 7)
    determining apps to sync (step 4 of 7)
    preparing apps to sync (step 5 of 7)
    importing photos (step 6 of 7)
    waiting for changes to be applied (step 7 of 7)
    syncing apps / copying 1 of 4 (App name) (step 7 of 7)
    canceling sync
    apple icon
    2)   Photos: I've selected only certain of my iPhoto albums to sync to my iPhone.  All of the albums are correct/complete in iPhoto.  All of the albums are listed on my iPhone, both before and after the sync, but the albums are empty (no actual photos) before and after the sync. Perhaps this is tied to the fact that the sync isn’t completing, but because “importing photos” is one of the steps that the incomplete sync displays, I don’t know.
    3)   Apps: When I launch iTunes and click on the Apps folder under the Library listing, then click on the Updates tab, iTunes searches for any Apps needing to be updated and provides a list.  If I click on Update All, the Apps are successfully updated in iTunes.  But, when I plug in my iPhone so that the updates will transfer to the apps on my iPhone, the updates don’t transfer to the apps on my iPhone and those apps still reflect that they need updating on the iPhone.
    Other Potential Pertinent Info:
    The flash memory hard drive on my MacBook Air recently died (perhaps a month or two ago).  Apple had emailed me about a known issue and literally the next day, my MacBook Air crashed.  I installed a new flash memory drive and re-installed everything from a backup off of an external hard drive.  Everything seems to be working fine; it recreated accurately all of my software and data, including iPhoto and iTunes, the pictures and songs (respectively) for which are stored on that hard drive, as opposed to being on the flash memory in the MacBook Air itself.  However, I don’t recall if the start of the sync problem described herein started happening at the same time that I replaced the flash memory drive.  All I know is that the computer is working perfectly in all respects and that even as the sync is failing, it at least says that it’s doing the right things and looking in the right places (e.g., the list of albums on my iPhone matches the list of albums in iTunes, etc.).
    MacBook Air
    OSX v. 10.9
    iPhoto ’11 v. 9.5 (902.7)
    iPhone iOS 7.0.4
    iTunes v. 11.1.3 (8)
    Summary Tab
    Backups (This Computer)
    Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected
    Sync only checked songs and videos
    Photos Tab
    Sync Photos from iPhoto (429 Photos)
    Selected albums, Events, and Faces, and automatically include (no Events)
    Albums – 9 are selected

    You need to download iTunes on your computer. iOS 6 requires the latest version of iTunes which is 10.7.

  • How to sync iPhone contacts back to Address Book.

    I came across this problem and found a work-around on the forums, but some guys there–including myself–felt that iTunes should sync our contacts bi-directionally from iPhone to Address Book on our Macs, and vice versa.
    As it turns out, that's really the default behavior in iTunes when syncing between iPhone/Address Book on the Mac. However, if you've been using iCloud to sync everything lateley, this will not be the default behavior, because your iTunes won't sync anything back to your Address Book on the Mac unless you completly disconnect from iCloud services.
    So..... if you want to sync your contacts from your iPhone back to your Address Book on your Mac, I'm providing this simple, yet tedious, solution:
    Step 1: Open Address Book on your Mac, select all of your contacts, and press delete. You'll be asked if you really want to delete the contacts. Hit ok and     continue.
    Step 2: Navigate to: Macintosh HD/Users/(YourUserName)/Library/Application Support/Address Book.
    Note* On OS X Lion, your Library folder will not be shown. You'll have to navigate there a different way. The way I did it was:
    Click the "Go" option up in the Finder menu bar.
    Toward the bottom of the pull-down menu, click on the "Go to Folder..." option.
    Type "~(YourUserName)/Library/Application Support/Address Book.
    Once there, I searched through all the folders included and deleted anything that ended in ".plist" or ".log". This way, Address Book is completely reset when next open it.
    Step 3: Open Address Book, add at least one contact if none are automatically created for you, and make sure iCloud is Disabled (if an account is there) in your Address Book Preferences pane, which you find by clicking "Address Book" in the top menu bar. Then, quit Address Book.
    Step 4: On your iPhone, open your Settings app, go to the iCloud option, and turn all services off. After turning each one off, it will ask you if you want to keep the data on you phone. Always select "Yes", otherwise you may lose your data.
    Step 5: Connect your iPhone to your computer, open iTunes, select your iPhone in the left column, select the "Info" tab, and check the box to "Sync Contacts"–further down on the page, in the Advanced section, make sure the Contacts checkbox is unchecked. If it's checked when you sync, iTunes will overwrite the contacts on your phone with the contacts from Address Book on your Mac.
    Step 6: Sync your iPhone–This will sync the contacts from your phone to the Address Book app on your Mac.
    Step 7: Open up Address Book, and add an iCloud account, or re-enable the one you disabled in step 3–This will sync all of those contacts to your iCloud account again. Then, you can also go back to the iCloud settings on your phone and turn all the services back on.
    After all this, you should have been able to first sync your contacts from you iPhone back to your Address Book app on your Mac, then have them both synced up through iCloud with the same contacts being pushed everywhere.
    Hope this helps!

    Hi, thanks for all this, unfortunately it's still not helping me. Last week I turned on iCloud for contacts and not only did the iCloud sync fail, but now with iCloud off I haven't been able to sync iphone-to-mac thru iTunes.
    I've checked that iCloud contact sync'ing is off, on both my Mac and iPhone. I've even turned off all other iCloud services on both devices. I followed your instructions precisely and even deleted more than you suggested from the App Support | Address Book folder. Step 6 just doesn't work. iTunes whips thru the Address Book sync progress when it should pause a bit to do the transfer—my Address Book archive is 44 Mb.
    I have no desire to waste more time with iCloud, just want it to work the old fashioned way.  I'd gladly do a clean system re-install but not sure even that would do it…hard to tell where the problem lies.
    Appreciate any light you could shed!

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    iPhone error message:
    "The iPhone cannot be synced. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    Apple TV error message:
    "iTunes cannot sync photos to the Apple TV because of a problem on your computer. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    I'm not sure if this matters - but in the iPhone error message - it does not state if the "disk" is the iPhone or the computer - but in the Apple TV error message it does make this distinction, saying that the problem is on my computer and specifically mentions photos.
    Now, once I dismiss either of the error messages, the sync progresses normally and completes successfully. Also, I have checked my computer (MacPro) and all diagnostics (including the internal hard drives) pass with flying colors. And the computer is working fine otherwise - so I have no reason to believe that there is a hardware problem with the computer. And I would find it very strange that I would have a hardware problem with both my iPhone and Apple TV appearing at the exact same time. And finally, both the iPhone and Apple TV are performing normally when in use.
    Since this problem did not start until after running the 10.6.6 update - logic tells me that is where the problem probably lies.... the question is how to resolve it - anyone have any ideas?

    FYI: I received the following answer to this same question which I had posted in a different area of the forum and it solved my problem:
    +Both those symptoms are consistent with a damaged photo cache. If you remove your existing photo cache as per the instructions in the following document, does that get you past the error?+
    +iTunes: Photo sync creates iPod Photo Cache folder+
    Message was edited by: Axis-5
    Message was edited by: Axis-5

  • ITunes error messages while syncing after 0SX 10.6.6 update

    After installing the recent OSX 10.6.6 update, I am receiving the following error messages in iTunes when trying to sync both my iPhone 4 and my 1st generation Apple TV:
    iPhone error message:
    "The iPhone cannot be synced. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    Apple TV error message:
    "iTunes cannot sync photos to the Apple TV because of a problem on your computer. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    I'm not sure if this matters - but in the iPhone error message - it does not state if the "disk" is the iPhone or the computer - but in the Apple TV error message it does make this distinction, saying that the problem is on my computer and specifically mentions photos.
    Now, once I dismiss either of the error messages, the sync progresses normally and completes successfully. Also, I have checked my computer (MacPro) and all diagnostics (including the internal hard drives) pass with flying colors. And the computer is working fine otherwise - so I have no reason to believe that there is a hardware problem with the computer. And I would find it very strange that I would have a hardware problem with both my iPhone and Apple TV appearing at the exact same time. And finally, both the iPhone and Apple TV are performing normally when in use.
    Since this problem did not start until after running the 10.6.6 update - logic tells me that is where the problem probably lies.... the question is how to resolve it - anyone have any ideas?

    Both those symptoms are consistent with a damaged photo cache. If you remove your existing photo cache as per the instructions in the following document, does that get you past the error?
    [iTunes: Photo sync creates iPod Photo Cache folder|]

  • Ipod nano 4th generation takes forever to sync

    I have Windows Vista, Latest iTunes, and thhe 4th Gen. iPod Nano.
    In addition to this problem i have only one USB port in the back of  my computer that works with my iPod. If i plug it in in any other port, Windows gives me a message that it has malfunctioned, etc..I don't know if that has any relevance to the problem im about to tell you. The following constantly recurs: I plug my ipod in to my computer and open iTunes. iTunes sees my iPod, so far everything is fine. I then proceed to automatically sync music, movies, and TV Shows to my iPod. It takes approximately 5 minutes to sync all my music(445 songs - 1.65 GB) and then by the movies it just continously sncs without end. The progress bar starts and remains at 1/4 done. In the most recent attempt to fix this, I have Restored and Reset my iPod Nano, but I was still waiting about 30 minutes for one movie to sync. And after i realized that it wasn't going to happen, i tried to stop the syncing by clicking the 'X' by the Sync progress bar, but it did nothing. So i instead clicked on the eject next to the picture of my ipod, and the result: Complete crash- iTunes stopped responding and in order to close it i had to unplug my iPod and close iTunes with Task Manager. The only thing i can do that works to sync is to enable Manually manage music and videos and add all music, movies and TV shows manually. But i really need to be able to automatically sync because manually managing everything is a pain. Please help!

    I think there is someting wrong with your USB.  It's USB 2.0, correct, not a really old computer with USB 1.1?
    It takes approximately 5 minutes to sync all my music(445 songs - 1.65 GB)
    It's not syncing all of your songs every time, only changes since the last sync, so 5 minutes is probably too long of a time too.  The movies take a much longer time, because each one is quite large, compared to a song.
    Here's a test you can do.  You can use a USB external drive, a USB flash drive, or even the iPod with disk mode enabled.  Find one of those movie files, something that is at least 100mb.  Use Windows to manually copy that one file from your computer's internal drive to something on the same USB port that the iPod uses to connect.  If you have a USB flash drive, that would be ideal.  Time how long it takes.
    If it takes a really long time time to complete, that's the same problem iTunes is encountering.  It would be a more general problem that goes beyond iTunes and iPods.

Maybe you are looking for