Noise gating an analog signal

Here is the idea (the concept is available in commercial software) - to remove back ground noise from an audio event, acquire a small sample pre-event, and do an FFT of this to discover signal strength in multiple bands; this is hte noise characterization. Then set a threshold for each band a bit higher than the noise signal strength. This then gets applied to the "event" at each frequency band - if the signal during the event does not excede the threshold for that band, that is not part of the event but just the back ground noise. This I follow, my question is how to best implement the filter in LabVIEW - I am thinking of two approaches, (a) filter in the frequency domain (should be easy) but can that be turned back into audio in the time domain? or (b) run the audio sample through a series of band pass filter starting by stripping out the weakest frequencies and working to the strongest and whatever is left is the event audio with everything else stripped out. Has anyone done this in LabVIEW?
Lawrence M. David Jr.
Certified LabVIEW Architect
cell: 516.819.9711
[email protected]
Go to Solution.

Either of your approaches can be used in principle. In practice you may not get performance as good as you wish.
With either method some time delay between the input audio and output audio will exist.  How much delay can you tolerate?
For (a) you do two FFTs. One of the pre-event segment. The other is of the event segment. If the sgements are different lengths, df will be different and this will make the rest of the processing complicated. Padding the shorter segment with zeros is the easiest way to match the dfs but will introduce amplitude errors. After zeroing the below-threshold bins in the event segment FFT, do the inverse FFT. Make sure to use complex numbers on all the frequency domain calculations to avoid losing essential phase information.
For (b) you need to deal with the transient responses and delays of the filters. Each filter with different center frequency and bandwidth will have a different transient response and delay. Compensating for those effects can get very messy.  With continuous data the transients die out but for your event-based process this may not be a viable solution.

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    Attachments: ‏32 KB

    A correct filter type to get rid of noise is a low pass filter. Very basicly it takes the previous value(s) and calculates new value(s). So if the previous value is 0 and the next one is 100 it will probaly come out with something like 50, 50.
    In your vi you take a single sample of several parallel channels into one array and present it as input to the filter vi. But this vi takes it as a sequence (in time) of one single reading and tries to compare them to each other.
    You might rather want something like a sliding average.
    Initialize an array (of e.g. ten) with zeros and in a loop replace one element after the other with a new reading. At the end restart from the beginning. Take an average of the readings and the result will reflect
    the last (ten) samples.
    7.1 -- 2013

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    Hi Anders,
    Quite unlikely that card is inducing some internal noise.
    By selecting the range btw 0 to 1 V, you are only changing the ADC gain settings.
    What i suggest is that, you give a standard input of fixed voltage ,say like a dry cell or a function generator to the Analog input and check if you are still getting the kind of noise you are getting with your sensor attatched.
    Check this for both the ranges you talk about with suitable inputs.
    Now, if you do not get noise, then connect sensor in a suitable single ended mode and see if this gives you a better reading.
    If you are still getting noise, then i would suspect for improper chassis grounding
    do tell if this solves your problem

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    Another method is the store a number of results and calculate the
    average of these points.
    Do sample fast to get more data and you will get a better result.
    The method with the best results depends on the noise expected, on its
    spectrum and amplitude distribution.
    Median is fine if you have a lot of good data and a few wrong ones far
    away from the 'real' result..
    AVG and Lowpass is fine for symetrical noise.
    DC / AC is fine in the same case, but the parameters cannot be chosen by
    Good Luck
    Urs Bögli
    preston johnson schrieb:
    >One method is to use a "median filter" this is a statistical median
    >of the data you have collected over a brief period of time.
    >Presumably, you will have a good number of cycles from the vibratory
    >motion. Use th
    e statistical function for median. This will sort the
    >data from most to least and produce a number in the middle of the
    >A second method is to use a low-pass filter to filter all data above
    >say 1hz.
    >A thid method is to use the DC and RMS function and take the DC output
    >of the function.
    >Try all three to see which produces the best result.
    >Preston Johnson

  • Filtering an analog signal

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    Hey Guys!
    AC-class signals, such as vibration, often require antialiasing filters. Like standard noise filters, the antialiasing filter is lowpass; however, it requires a very steep cutoff rate, so it almost completely removes all signal frequencies that are higher than the input bandwidth of the device. If the signals were not removed, they would erroneously appear as signals within the input bandwidth of the device.
    But not all NI DAQ devices will have antialiasing filters built in. Devices designed specifically for AC-class signal measurement – the NI 455x, NI 445x, and NI 447x dynamic signal acquisition (DSA) devices, the NI 61xx simultaneous-sampling multifunction I/O devices, and the SCXI-1141 module have built-in antialiasing filters.
    Ultimately, anti-aliasing must be carried out in hardware. But the time you have digitised your signal, it is too late to remove aliased signals. However, general noise removal filters can be implimented post-acquisition (i.e. in software).
    Have you looked at the Filter Expres VI? Or, if that is not flexible enough, have a look at the low level filter vis, which can been found under the signal processing pallette. They are available in either array manipulation or point-by-point flavours.
    You may not require them, but for advanced filtering, you might want to have a look at the "sound and vibration" toolkit.
    Best wishes,
    Rich R
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK & Ireland

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    force ‏330 KB

    Would have been best if you had saved the vi with data in the graph , but I think I know what problems you have.
    Take a look at the Savitzky-Golay filter, that filter actually does a fit and can do a differentiantion more robust to noise. (Use the advanced FIR SG coeff vi and the help .... more theorie here)
    Some of your problems might also come from filterartifacs, so capture some more data and cut the ends to avoid that.
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

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    Go to Solution.

    Sorry about the lack of inforomation.
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    so, I searched the manual book1 (user guide) for that, it showed me :
    To internally equalize measurement time and system time in the analog input, digital input and counter
    hardware modules, use the following settings:
       Synchronization: PC Clock
       Sampling rate: <= 5Hz
       Block size: =1
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    Have things changed over the years?
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    method export ‏21 KB
    method connect ‏36 KB
    Send a TTL pulse.JPG ‏288 KB

    Have things changed over the years?
    I need to syncronise a digital output (Modul NI9474) and an analoge input (AI-Modul NI9203) module. I need to measure time intervals from a flank in signal A to a flank in signal B. I would like accuracies of the order of 1 ms. Currently, the signals are not synchronised, with errors of the order of 2 times the block length (block size x sample rate), sometimes much higher. The best I got so far was a block size of around 20 with a sample rate of 1 kHz.
    If I use the master and slave settings on the RTSL settings, my program doesn't run properly.
    If I use digital signals for input and output, I can syncronise them with RTSL settings and everything is good, but I can't always do that.
    Also, if I do anything in the GUI (such as scrollowing something or going to another window), my output gets screwed up properly.
    1. What can be done to synchronise AI with DO?
    2. Is there something that can be done to avoid messing up the output when something happens in the user interface? (I know that I am messing up the outputs as they make some valves switch and that is loud).
    Thanks in advance!

  • Analog Signal to Digital a Primer

    Many users have analog material sitting around, and they would like to get it into digital form, so that it can be edited. As this material is below SD (Standard Definition) quality, I will address the methods for digitizing it, so that it can be best edited in a DV Project. The output can be a DVD-Video, or other format, depending on what one wishes.
    The process of getting this analog material into a digital form, is referred to as Capturing, and it is digitizing the analog material and writing it to a file, that can be edited.
    One will need some method of getting the analog signals into digital form, and for connecting the analog output from their analog playback device to the computer. Though the analog signal could come from all sorts of devices, I’ll use a VHS tape deck in this example.
    Since a VHS tape deck does not have an A-D (Analog to Digital) processor, and also does not have a a digital signal Out, one needs something in between it, and the computer. That “something” serves two needs: mechanical connection of cables and the ability to convert the analog to digital for use in an NLE (Non Linear Editor). That “something” can be a digital video camera with pass-through capabilities, a device, called a “bridge,” or a capture card inserted into a bus slot in the computer. All three have pluses and minuses.
    The first two methods rely on one having a FireWire connection on the computer and will use the Capture module in the NLE software.
    The digital video camera route is good, as one already owns it. Having one with pass-through capabilities is getting more difficult. The camera also has to have FireWire (FW, IEEE-1394a, or iLink) output, and the computer must have a matching connection.
    An A-D bridge will do the same thing: allow one to connect the analog cables to one end/side, process the analog signals to digital and then output via FW to the computer. There are various such bridges available and two of the most often recommended makes/models are: the ADS-Pryo, and theCanopus/Grass Valley ADVC-110. Products, like the Dazzle lineup, just do not seem to work, or work well. I would avoid such.
    A dedicated capture card performs the same task, with one exception. The card will mount into an empty PCI slot on the MoBo, and have inputs for the analog cables. The card will have chips on it, to digitize the analog signals and feed these to the computer via the PCI slot. These do not connect via FW, but have one drawback: they must, in virtually every instance, use additional software to do the actual Capture, as most NLE’s cannot directly see and work with them. Some of the included software Capture programs are better, than others. One common issue with many of these cards is a loss of sync, between the Audio and the Video. This is usually static OOS (Out Of Sync), in that it is usually off by a fixed number of frames, and does not drift over time. This can be fixed in the NLE, but is extra work. This ARTICLE will give you tips on correcting OOS.
    Now, we are ready to begin the Capture, as our equipment and cables are all ready to go. We have a big decision in front of us - what format/CODEC do we use to Capture our digital files? Since we are doing an SD Project with non-HD (High Def) material, there is one fine choice: DV-AVI Type II w/ 48KHz 16-bit PCM/WAV Audio, using the DV/DVC CODEC. These files will be approximately 13GB / hour of Duration. Storage will need to be considered. These files are also I-frame, meaning that each “Frame” is rendered and available, so that frame-accurate editing is possible. The NLE will not need to do any processing, or conversion of these files, as even the Audio is ready for DVD-Video. Note: there will still be Conforming and the generation of PEK (Waveform Display) files, but the NLE will be able to do this quickly and efficiently.
    Using AVI Uncompressed will get you nothing that you can see, other than larger files. Do NOT use any compressed format/CODEC, like MPEG-2, WMV, MOV, etc., as these will loose data from an already inferior source, and will then need conversion to be used, either with a stand-alone conversion program, or internally by the NLE. You loose quality and then have more work to be done. Do not let the temptation of smaller files lure you into using anything but DV-AVI Type II, and just accommodate the larger file sizes.
    With the file format/CODEC decision made, the cables and devices hooked up, we’re ready to start the Capture. The exact operation will depend on what our equipment choice has been. See above for talk about additional Capture software, if one uses a capture card. Otherwise, we should be able to use the Capture module of our NLE. The first issue is that we will NOT have Device Control, as we would with a Capture from a miniDV tape-based digital camera, where we can control the mechanical aspects of the camera, during this process. As our VHS deck is hooked up to the A-D bridge, or digital camera w/ pass-through, via analog cables, our control signals cannot be sent to it. One would cue up the tape in the VHS deck, and then choose Record/Capture in the NLE’s Capture module, starting the Capture. Instantly, they would hit Play on the VHS deck, or via that deck’s remote control. This is easier the second time that one does it. I sit with the mouse in my right hand, poised over the Record/Capture button, and the VHS deck’s remote in my left hand, finger hovering over Play. It’s then a 1 - 2 push, and all starts. One can stop the Capture, if an unwanted section of tape comes up. The Capture module of the NLE will direct us on how to proceed from there, should more Captures be wanted. Some will just start up at a later point, and write an additional file for that portion of the tape, but some might require that one basically sets up a new Capture session One should investigate just what their NLE will require for doing multiple Capture sessions from one VHS tape.
    When done, one closes the Capture module, and then navigates to the location that these DV-AVI Type II files have been stored in, and Imports them into the Project. This differs slightly from doing the Capture from a miniDV tape camera, as those Captured files are already in the Project.
    Edit away, and Export/Share to the necessary output settings, file type and CODEC.
    What about those VHS - DVD decks, the ones that will burn a DVD directly from the VHS tape? They seem so simple to use, and for the most part are. However, those DVD-Video discs, contain pretty heavily-compressed MPEG-2 AV streams. These MPEG-2's, besides being compressed, are in aGOP structure and are muxed (Multiplexed into one file with both a Video & Audio stream), plus there is often some Menus and navigation in the first VOB, the main container components of a DVD-Video. Many NLE’s can Import the VOB’s, and basically rip the MPEG-2 out of them, but that first VOB can be highly problematic, due to the way that most of those decks do the Menus and navigation. It is seldom 100% DVD-compliant by the DVD-specs. This can be a major problem. This ARTICLE will give you some background and tips on DVD VOB's.
    Those dual-decks are good for doing one thing, regarding the DVD’s that they produce - provide one with an archival DVD-Video of the VHS tape, and not to be edited. However, the VHS side of these works well with an A-D bridge, just like a pure VHS deck does. I would strongly recommend that one does NOT use the DVD-Video portion of these, if editing will be desired. They cause many more problems, than they solve - just use them for an “archive” copy of the tape to a DVD-Video, for playback on a computer via DVD software or a set-top player, hooked to a TV.
    What about film? Well, film is obviously analog, and one needs to digitize this to edit on the computer. The process of this digitizing is referred to as telecineing the film. While one can buy equipment to do this, it is expensive, and involves a lot of setup and testing to get the job done. There are many service bureaus, that offer telecining. Some are better than others. The main considerations are: care in handling of fragile film, how the telecining is done, i.e. frame by frame w/ a liquid gate, or just by straight projection, and then output format for the digitized files. Some of these services will offer a DVD-Video disc. Do not be tempted to do this. See above. Others will offer to write these digitized files to a miniDV tape, and this is just fine. One does then need a miniDV camera, or miniDV tape deck, to then do the Capture from, but the quality and editability will be preserved. The final delivery format would be to put these DV-AVI Type II files onto an external HDD. This saves one from having to do the Capture from miniDV tape, having to have a miniDV camera, or miniDV deck, and only Importing of those files would be required to get them into the Project. Many of these service bureaus will either sell you the external, or use one provided to them. Check out specifications for things like format of the external. FAT-32 will limit the file sizes to ~ 4GB max, and NTSF will have no such limitations. However, if the service bureau is on Mac, and you’re on the PC, their Mac’s can ONLY see FAT-32 HDD’s. Talk this over with the service bureau first, so that there are no surprises later on.
    Hope that this helps,
    PS - also see this FAQ Entry for more detail.

    the_wine_snob wrote:
     Products, like the Dazzle lineup, just do not seem to work, or work well. I would avoid such.
    Although I now have a Canopus ADVC300 I previously used a Magix 'Movies on DVD' USB device. I found the results from this to be particularly good and, to my ageing eyes, I see very little quality difference.
    I think this is because Magix use their proprietary high quality codec (from their Pro products) to capture the footage. Like DV-AVI it runs around 10GB+ per hour. This can then, very simply, be exported to DV-AVI Type 2 for use in PRE. Note that there are some sound synchronisation issues with the 'out of the box' settings - but the fix is quick and I posted details to the Magix forum.
    Would I revert if I could return my ADVC300 bridge? Probably not - the firewire connection and the PC seeing the box as a camcorder adds to ease of use. In fact I am pleased to have both. There are some things Magix does better than PRE7 (batch exporting each scene as an individual DV-AVI file being just one) and it has smart-rendering which is handy for quick clip splitting/exporting.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

  • How do I set a threshold from an analog signal (4-20ma) coming in on a cfp AI 110, to trigger an alarm on my UI?

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    Hi Bob,
    The way you have your Case structure setup now is that the “7” case will only get executed if the value from the wire is exactly 7. This same applies to the “8”. Also, there is no default case, so if value does not match any of the cases then your indicator will not change.
    You indicated earlier that you need the indicator to be ON when the value is below 7mA and OFF when above 7mA. You will want some like this:
    Alternatively could just use the Not function inside the Boolean palette to achieve the same functionality without the case structure.
    You will want to check out the LabVIEW Training Page.
    Message Edited by DiscoBall on 03-27-2009 12:12 PM
    Message Edited by DiscoBall on 03-27-2009 12:13 PM
    Joshua B.
    National Instruments
    NI Services
    NI Support Resources
    NI Training Resources
    compare.jpg ‏27 KB

  • Problem when combinning PWM signal and Analog signal TOGETHER!

    Hello everybody,
    first of all i have DAQmx 6212, and i need to run a small water pump (9V-16V) which needs to be driven by a PWM signal; also i have a motor (5V-13V) for a water valve that needs to be driven by a analog signal and it has a built in a force feedback potentiometer, i connected on the extremeties of this potentiometer +5V from the DAQmx and used the output voltage from the third extremety as a diagnose value for knowing the position of the motor.
    my VI shows:
    1. is a normal Counter output to create my PWMout signal.
    2. is an analog input i use it as a PWMin to the LabVIEW to diagnose what is happenning in my water pump through the duty cycle and the frequency.
    3. is an analog input from the third extremety of the potentiometer.
    4. is an analog output which i have used as a power supply for the motor valve and i have used an AC/DC amplifier to aplify the signal from the DAQmx and drive the motor, between (3. and 4.) i have made a feedback with some calculations i had a P-controller to know the actual position of the motor valve.
    My Problem:
    when putting 1. and 2. in the same VI alone, i am getting a clean PWM in/out with no problems mentioned;
    also when putting 3. and 4. in the same VI alone i can control the motor valve without any problems;
    but when i put all these 4 together as found in the attached VI, i have a problem that the motor valve is running continously without stopping even if i change the valve position between 0 and 100 %, i should mention that i am seeing a normal PWM out/in signal on my oscilloscope, one other thing that if i delete one of (1. or 2.)  and run the VI the motor valve is working fine without any problems.
    so this my problem, if you can think of any solution please let me know.
    thanks in advance for your help.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏45 KB

    Dear nathand thanks for your reply,
    i have ran the vi again and i am have error no 50103 from the (AI, number 3. )  but it is not displaying the error message, the VI keeps running without any error notification.
    adding to that,  i have tested the VI again today by placing (1. and 2.for the PWM inout) together in one VI and (3. and 4.for the motor valve) in another VI and ran them one after the other, i had another problem. if i turn the motor valve vi, the motor will run smoothly but in the pwm vi i will have a problem in which the AI did not read any value. also doing this vice versa by running the pwm vi first it will work perfect but the motor vi will have problem in reading the measured voltage in AI during this the motor will keep on running without stopping.
    so i think now the problem is in AI (2. and 3.) readings they are interfering on each other but i am not discovering where is my problem...
    Q: does the AI's seems well build or i can do it in an another way so to get over the interfering?

  • Why use FIFO to read analog signal?

    Why must we use FIFO to obtain analog signal from FPGA? I can use a normal method of calling the FPGA using Read/Write Control and the results in a waveform chart is much more smoother. 

    I've uploaded 2 real-time VIs with and without FIFO. MQ convert is the subVI in my computer. Do have a look at it...
    My waveform chart is done that way so that I can easily export to excel ( i think) but this is a different problem in a different topic
    Real-Time With ‏397 KB
    Real-Time without ‏391 KB
    MQ ‏19 KB

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    And how to display both wavefroms or signals in graph indicators.
    Go to Solution.

    If you have 1000 samples, and you want to convert to digital, you are going to get 1000 digital values.  Attached is what I mean.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.
    Analog_to_Digital Hooovahh ‏52 KB

  • How can I delay analog signal?

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    Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!

    Hello Stephen,
    It is possible to institute a delay an analog output. This is best done by specifying a trigger and then beginning the output when that trigger occurs.
    Below is a link to an example program developed for LabVIEW that waits a specified number of seconds and then triggers analog output to begin. This code performs analog input as well, but for your program you could remove that portion. The trigger that is used is RTSI pin 0. After a specified period of time, the RTSI pin 0 is set to 1 and then the analog output begins.
    Analog Input with Delayed Analog Output
    Take a look at this example and
    try to build from it for your code. If you have any further questions on this issue, let me know.
    Scott R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hello everyone, I just need an advice on how to solve a particular client's document management requirement. Need help on a good (if not best) architecture for their case. In a nutshell, they have satellite/offsite branches that can receive documents

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    updated my macbook to the new OS and it said shutting down for a restart. never restarted and now i can't even turn on. no power up. no boot up.