Non English Charaters in Flat file(Note pad)

Dear Friends,
I have a flat file from presentation server which needs to be uploaded and do some validations on that file based on the data existing.
I have some Russian language words in that file. E.g: "ОЩИ В ПОДГ". If this word exists in the file i need to get some other data from a database table. But when trying to check for the word, these characters are appearing as junk characters like ####&^^.
I tried logging into RU language also, but still not working. And also tried changing the file as type Unicode, ASCII and also not worked.
Please let me know how to get identify these words to see the exact russian words.
Thanks for your help.

Is your file .txt file.If yes,while saving it gives a pop up for file name.There you have option for encoding, there select encoding as
Unicode and try to upload.
It worked for me.I tried with the data provided by you.
data:begin of it_tab occurs 0,
      val type string,
     end of it_tab.
    filename                      = 'C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Desktop\SDN1.txt'
  FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
  HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ' '
  HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
  READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
  DAT_MODE                      = ' '
  CODEPAGE                      = ' '
  IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
  REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
  CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
  NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
  FILELENGTH                    = FILELENGTH
  HEADER                        = HEADER
    data_tab                      = it_tab
   FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
   FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
   NO_BATCH                      = 3
   INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
   NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
   UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
   BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
   HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
   HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
   UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
   ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
   DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
   DISK_FULL                     = 15
   DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
   OTHERS                        = 17
IF sy-subrc <> 0.

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  • Flat file not created

    when i run the procedure i created, the flat file is not created in the specified directory....can someone tell me why?
    the procedure is below. thanks
    PROCEDURE po_creation IS
    sc_shipcode varchar2(3); -- XX
    sc_po_no varchar2(14);-- orderform.FORMNO VARCHAR2(20)
    sc_po_status varchar2(1);-- orderform.orderformstatus number(1)
    sc_ol_status varchar2(1); -- XX
    sc_vender_no varchar2(10);-- sparetype.makerid number(9)
    sc_credate date; -- orderform.CREATEDDATE DATE
    sc_lastdelivery_date date; --orderform.LATESTDELIVERYDATE date
    sc_gl_acccode varchar2(30); -- XX
    sc_curr_code varchar2(3); -- orderline.CURRENCYCODE CHAR(3)
    sc_freigtt_vendor varchar2(15); -- XX
    sc_orderline_no number(4,0);-- orderline.orderlineno NUMBER(4)
    sc_contact_no varchar2(40); -- XX
    sc_description varchar2(40);-- orderline.NAME VARCHAR2(60)
    sc_price number(12,2);-- orderline.PRICE NUMBER(12,2)
    sc_quantity number(12,2); -- [sparepartlog.quantity NUMBER(9,2)](coded item) OR [orderline.received NUMBER(9,2) - orderline.sapqtyreceived NUMBER(9)](non coded items)
    sc_unit varchar2(15); VARCHAR2(15)
    sc_discount_val number(12,2);-- orderform.SHIPPING NUMBER(12,2)
    sc_discount_per number(5,2); -- orderline.DISCOUNT NUMBER(5,2)
    sc_partno varchar2(40); -- sparetype.parttypeno varchar2(30)???
    sc_makerref varchar2(40); -- orderline.MAKERREF VARCHAR2(50)
    sc_po_user varchar2(40); -- orderform.CREATEDBY NUMBER(9)
    sc_order_date date; -- orderform.ORDEREDDATE DATE
    sc_asset_no varchar2(16); --orderline.COMMENT2 VARCHAR2(40)
    sc_receive_date date; --orderform.receiveddate date(coded item) sparepartlog.transdate date (non coded item)
    Cursor my_cursor is
    select substr(a.formno,1,3), substr(a.formno,1,14), a.formstatus, a.formstatus, d.makerid, to_date(a.createddate,'YYYYMMDD'),
    to_date(a.latestdeliverydate,'YYYYMMDD'),b.budgeted ,b.currencycode,substr(,1,15),b.orderlineno ,b.comment1, substr(,1,40),b.price,
    substr(c.quantity,1,12),/*substr( b.received,1,12), substr(b.starcruises_sap_qty_received,1,12),*/ , a.shipping ,,
    substr(d.parttypeno,1,40), substr(b.makerref,1,40), to_date(a.createdby,'YYYYMMDD'),to_date(a.ordereddate,'YYYYMMDD'),
    b.comment2,to_date(a.receiveddate,'YYYYMMDD')--, to_date(c.transdate,'YYYYMMDD')
    from orderform a, orderline b, sparepartlog c, sparetype d, unit e
    where a.orderid=b.orderid
    and b.unitid=e.unitid
    and a.orderid=c.orderid
    and e.unitid=d.stockunitid
    and rownum < 10 ;-----------testing purpose
    fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('c:\pete','po.txt','w');
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (fHANDLE,to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD'));
    open my_cursor;
    FETCH my_cursor into sc_shipcode, sc_po_no,sc_po_status ,sc_ol_status ,sc_vender_no,sc_credate, sc_lastdelivery_date,
    sc_gl_acccode,sc_curr_code ,sc_freigtt_vendor,sc_orderline_no ,sc_contact_no,sc_description,
    sc_order_date ,sc_asset_no ,sc_receive_date;
    /*check the lenght of each colum to be written to text file*/
    /*write to file */
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE( fHandle,sc_shipcode||sc_po_no||sc_po_status||sc_ol_status||sc_vender_no||sc_credate||sc_lastdelivery_date
    close my_cursor;
         when no_data_found then
    when others then
    -- message('Invalid Path');pause;

    If you are using 9i then you can Create a Directory instead of setting the ult_file_dir parameter in the init file. The user creating the directory need CREATE DIRECTORY privilege
    Example: Create directory MY_DATA as 'c:\pete' ;
    And here is the list of exceptions (using 9i)
    INVALID_PATH          File location is invalid.
    INVALID_MODE          The open_mode parameter in FOPEN is invalid.
    INVALID_FILEHANDLE          File handle is invalid.
    INVALID_OPERATION          File could not be opened or operated on as requested.
    READ_ERROR          Operating system error occurred during the read operation.
    WRITE_ERROR          Operating system error occurred during the write operation.
    INTERNAL_ERROR          Unspecified PL/SQL error
    CHARSETMISMATCH           A file is opened using FOPEN_NCHAR, but later I/O operations
                   use nonchar functions such as PUTF or GET_LINE.
    FILE_OPEN           The requested operation failed because the file is open.
    INVALID_MAXLINESIZE     The MAX_LINESIZE value for FOPEN() is invalid; it should be
                   within the range 1 to 32767.
    INVALID_FILENAME          The filename parameter is invalid.
    ACCESS_DENIED          Permission to access to the file location is denied.
    INVALID_OFFSET          The ABSOLUTE_OFFSET parameter for FSEEK() is invalid; it
                   should be greater than 0 and less than the total number of bytes
                   in the file.
    DELETE_FAILED          The requested file delete operation failed.
    RENAME_FAILED          The requested file rename operation failed.
    You can also have NO_DATA_FOUND, VALUE_ERROR

  • Csv upload -- suggestion needed with non-English character in csv file

    <p>Hi All,</p>
    I have a process which uploads a csv file into a table. It works with the normal english characters. In case of non-English characters in the csv file it doesn't populate the actual columns.
    My csv file content is
    <p></p>First Name | Middle Name | Last Name
    <p><span style="background-color: #FF0000">José</span> | # | Reema</p>
    <p>Sam | # | Peter</p>
    <p>Out put is coming like : (the last name is coming as blank )</p>
    First Name | Middle Name | Last Name
    <p><span style="background-color: #FF0000">Jos鬣</span> | Reema | <span style="background-color: #FF0000"> blank </span></p>
    <p>Sam | # | Peter</p>
    workspace- gil_dev
    user- apex
    password- apex12
    Thanks for your help.

    PROCEDURE csv_to_array (
          -- Utility to take a CSV string, parse it into a PL/SQL table
          -- Note that it takes care of some elements optionally enclosed
          -- by double-quotes.
          p_csv_string   IN       VARCHAR2,
          p_array        OUT      wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2,
          p_separator    IN       VARCHAR2 := ';'
          l_start_separator   PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
          l_stop_separator    PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
          l_length            PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
          l_idx               BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
          l_quote_enclosed    BOOLEAN        := FALSE;
          l_offset            PLS_INTEGER    := 1;
          l_length := NVL (LENGTH (p_csv_string), 0);
          IF (l_length <= 0)
          END IF;
             l_idx := l_idx + 1;
             l_quote_enclosed := FALSE;
             IF SUBSTR (p_csv_string, l_start_separator + 1, 1) = '"'
                l_quote_enclosed := TRUE;
                l_offset := 2;
                l_stop_separator :=
                       INSTR (p_csv_string, '"', l_start_separator + l_offset, 1);
                l_offset := 1;
                l_stop_separator :=
                   INSTR (p_csv_string,
                          l_start_separator + l_offset,
             END IF;
             IF l_stop_separator = 0
                l_stop_separator := l_length + 1;
             END IF;
             p_array (l_idx) :=
                (SUBSTR (p_csv_string,
                         l_start_separator + l_offset,
                         (l_stop_separator - l_start_separator - l_offset
             EXIT WHEN l_stop_separator >= l_length;
             IF l_quote_enclosed
                l_stop_separator := l_stop_separator + 1;
             END IF;
             l_start_separator := l_stop_separator;
          END LOOP;
       END csv_to_array;and
    PROCEDURE get_records (p_clob IN CLOB, p_records OUT varchar2_t)
          l_record_separator   VARCHAR2 (2) := CHR (13) || CHR (10);
          l_last               INTEGER;
          l_current            INTEGER;
          -- SIf HTMLDB has generated the file,
          -- it will be a Unix text file. If user has manually created the file, it
          -- will have DOS newlines.
          -- If the file has a DOS newline (cr+lf), use that
          -- If the file does not have a DOS newline, use a Unix newline (lf)
          IF (NVL (DBMS_LOB.INSTR (p_clob, l_record_separator, 1, 1), 0) = 0)
             l_record_separator := CHR (10);
          END IF;
          l_last := 1;
             l_current := DBMS_LOB.INSTR (p_clob, l_record_separator, l_last, 1);
             EXIT WHEN (NVL (l_current, 0) = 0);
             p_records (p_records.COUNT + 1) :=
                REPLACE (DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (p_clob, l_current - l_last, l_last),
             l_last := l_current + LENGTH (l_record_separator);
          END LOOP;
       END get_records;Denes Kubicek

  • Background job finished but flat file not created in the Background

    Dear all,
    ZHR_CSD program is scheduled to run daily at 00:01:00. This program is generating the flat file in the folder CSD/HR.
    when i  schedule this program to run immediately it is generating the flat file.
    But when i schedule this program in Background it is not generating flat file .

    As suggested by Eric, your Z Program is probably using GUI_DOWNLOAD Function Module.
    GUI_DOWNLOAD or any other GUI function modules (FM) will only run in foreground, not in Background.
    Ask your developer to code that Z Program with OPEN DATASET logic, if its possible.
    The Reverse situation is well described in [this thread|Background Job assigment with variant in SM37 , for Textfile uploading], please refer it to get some relative information for the same.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Users in flat file not shown in Ressources Tab

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    When I acces the active directory or a WINNT or Solaris passwd file I see a "+" in front of the ressource with clicking on it I see all users within this ressource.
    But there's no "+" in front of my XML ressource also I have some users saved within my XML file!?

    I think you must be looking at the reconciliation account index. Only resources that you have reconcile against will have entries in the account index.

  • Read a non english word from text file

    While Reading thai charater from text file which was sent by QAD(a different application),
    We are reading 60 char using substr() function.
    If the data is English word it reads correctly with 60 char.
    But if it is in thai characters it returns more than 60 char.
    In oracle all NLS Char set has been already set.
    Can anyone help in this issue
    thanks in advance

    Maybe you should use SUBSTRC, SUBSTR2 or SUBSTR4 depending on the character set of your database. See
    Message was edited by:
    Pierre Forstmann

  • BDC ---Data maintainance at flat file

    Hi All,
    Iam a BI resource learning ABAP.
    I have started learning abap in that currently working with BDC.
    Here iam trying to extract data from flat file(note pad) for practice purpose and extraxting data by session method fore ground process.
    Here in flat file i want to maintain two table of data and want to insert this data in related tables.
    i have created note pad file
    for vendor data and customer data have maintained data horizontally like
    lifnr    name1     land1     kunnr    name1   land1
    1      xx               US      2        yyyy            UK
    Finally the data is geting inserted in the lfa1 and kna1 table are like
    lifnr 1 record s at vendor table and kunnr2 record is at customer table.
    but now i want to maintain data at note pad as in vertical like
    lifnr    name1     land1 (not maintaining these fileds in note pad only values giving in note pad)
    1      xx               US
    kunnr    name1   land1
    2        yyyy            UK
    So is there any way to maintain my data in note pad like this.
    please advice.

    I hope i understood you well, you want to maintain many records in your flat file you are still able to pick them all.  Please elaborate what you mean by maintaining your records in vertical format???
    Vendor file
    Customer file
    The two sets of data seem to be different ie Customer and Vendor thus i think you should maintain the two as separate files and pick both at the same time.
    Isaac Prince

  • Upload text files with non-english characters

    I use an Apex page to upload text files. Then i retrieve the contents of files from wwv_flow_files.blob_content and convert them to varchar2 with utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2, but characters like ò, à, ù become garbage.
    What could be the problem? Are characters lost when files are stored in wwv_flow_files or when i do the conversion?
    Some other info:
    * I see wwv_flow_files.DAD_CHARSET is set to "ascii", wwv_flow_files.FILE_CHARSET is null.
    * Trying utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_raw.cast_to_raw('àòèù') ) returns 'àòèù' correctly;
    * NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter is AL32UTF8 (not just english ASCII)

    Have a look at csv upload -- suggestion needed with non-English character in csv file it might help you.

  • Naming files with non English characters.

    I'm using filemaker to creat PDF's through Acrobat 10.1.12. I need to use Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Slovakian characters in the file name but the characters are not recognised and so the file name will not create. This is for Windows, the problem does not occur on a mac.

    Have a look at csv upload -- suggestion needed with non-English character in csv file it might help you.

  • Screen locked with non-English keyboard layout selected

    I use two keyboard character sets for keyboard. The switch between them is Command-Space.
    I also have password requirement for waking up or going from screen saver.
    Now if screensaver starts with non-English layout selected, I'm not able to login:
    password is not accepted because keyboard layout is not English and switching
    to English layout does not work in unlocking window.
    Is there any way to change layout while in the unlock window?

    Yes you are right, this is not a bug, it's just bad user interface. Just imagine the following scenario...
    Writing a paper, switching to Greek to enter a couple of characters and leaving the mac idle for 5 mins.
    The lock screen comes up asking for a password, unfortunately the user didn't change the language
    before the mac was left idle and there is no option to change the language in the lock screen.
    User has to hard reset to access the mac and let's hope that the user was saving his paper frequenlty.
    So from a coding point of view this is not a bug, but from a user interface design it is a huge flaw

  • Download report into a flat file format

    Hi Friends,
    I would like to know your thoughts on what is the best practice most of you using to download a report into a flat file(NOT csv).
    In my application business users want a report to be downloaded into their local desktop (just like a .csv) but into a flat file and they have their byte specific format.
    My concerns :
    1) Is there any straight method to download a report into a flatfile (like it is now for CSV) from Apex 3.1.2 ?
    2) If I write my own code using UTL_FILE, can I let the user to save them to their desired directory on their desktop ?
    Your thoughts would definitely help me in delivering a right solution to the users in this regard.
    Thanks a lot.

    You could create a 'Before Header' page process to create this 'flat file'. The code for the page process will be something similar to declare
    v_file_name   VARCHAR2 (2000) := 'fixedFieldsFile.txt';
    --- Client Record Format
    f1 char(20);
    f2 char(20);
    f3 char(20);
    ---- End format
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('application/txt', FALSE);
    htp.p('Content-Disposition:attachment;filename="'|| v_file_name|| '"');
    for c1 in (select * from emp) loop                           ----- The report query
    f1:= c1.empno;f2:=c1.ename;f3:=c1.sal;
    end loop;
    exception when others then
    end; Varad

  • Convert flat file to Idoc format

    Due to some security reasons , the ALE scenario for material master is not allowed directly between 2 SAP systems
    So the SAP system A is sending a flat file (not in Idoc format)
    From SAP system B , we need to do an Inbound process to post the Idocs with following rough steps
    1) Flat file upload
    2) Flat file -> Idoc format conversion  (EDI subsystem is not existing in this scenario and so this step has to be done within SAP)
    3) Idoc processing
    Even though this scenario can be accomplished without using Idocs ,
    for better monitoring and reprocessing options it is required that Idocs need to be used.
    Please explain the detailed steps for the above scenario

    This sounds very much lie complicating things unnecessary...Are this 2 SAP systems of the same company ?
    Why would using IDOCS be more insecure then using flat files ?
    If the purpose is to have a manual check before upload, you can achieve the same with IDOCS.
    Please add some background to the process,

  • Sql to remove brackets non ascii charaters

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    Hi there,
    I have a requirement to remove the any non alphabets like brackets, , quotes and non ascii, languages other than english and everything in lower case. The select is simple
    where  CONVERT ( customer_name, 'US7ASCII')     = customer_nameHowever, I also want to add maybe the replace function on the customer name, such that the brackets, ", ', / - or any other such character can be removed. I tried unsuccessfully something like
    select replace('cvp, llc','''-/,,".') from dual
    I wanted to do something on those lines on my first query so that I only get english alphabets customer names, stripping off all the non english charaters and any non-english characters.
    Could you please advise?
    Edited by: ryansun on Nov 15, 2012 6:09 AM
    Edited by: ryansun on Nov 15, 2012 6:10 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Hi Chris,
    if you want to use TRANSLATE then you have to modify it a bit:
    WITH customer_data AS
       SELECT 'cvp, llc' AS customer_name FROM DUAL
    SELECT translate(customer_name,'abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ1234567890'
                    ,'abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ1234567890') txt
      FROM customer_data;
    cvp, llc
    WITH customer_data AS
       SELECT 'cvp, llc' AS customer_name FROM DUAL
    WITH customer_data AS
       SELECT 'cvp, llc' AS customer_name FROM DUAL
    SELECT translate(customer_name,' '
                     ||'[''-/,".]' -- chars to remove here
                    ,' ') txt
      FROM customer_data;
    cvp llc
    Edited by: Alberto Faenza on Nov 15, 2012 3:52 PM
    Modified query                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • "Program files" directory problem during Microsoft Office Customization Installer in non-English versions of Windows

    We have a document-level customization solution for Word and are experiencing problems during deployment in an environment running on terminal services. The OS (Windows 2012) is English and Word (2013) is non-English (German). 
    Installation is done into the "Program Files" folder correctly. But when trying to start a word document linked to the specific template. The "Microsoft Office Customization Installer" pops up with the error.
    "There was an error during installation"
    From: file:///C:/Programme/[CompanyName]/[Productname]/[Productname].vsto
    Downloading file:///c:/Programme/[CompanyName]/[Productname]/[Productname].vsto did not succeed.
    Exception: ....
    System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDonwloadException: Download file:///C:/Programme/[Companyname]/Productname]/[Productname].vsto did not suceed. ---> System.Net.WebException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Programme\[Companyname]\[Productname]\[Productname].vsto'.
    ---> System.Net.WebException: ...... ---> System.IO.DirectoyNotFoundException......
    The problem seems to be that the installer is looking for C:\PROGRAMME instead of C:\PROGRAM FILES. C:\PROGAMME is the German localized name of PROGRAM FILES (
    The installer installs the solution correctly deployed into c:\program files, but when the later a user tries to start it and the Microsoft Office Customization Installer is called, it tries to access the non-existing "c:\programme" folder. This
    doesn't exist, because Windows is English.
    Is there any thing related to deploying solutions on a platform which has different languages (mixing/matching of OS language and Office language?)
    Thank you for your help

    1. First, I would confirm with you whether you dealt with the localization for your document-level add-in?
    2. Did you use this way to define the Create a class that defines the post-deployment action part of Put the document of a solution
    onto the end user's computer (document-level customizations only) and did you get the path with Environment.SpecialFolder enum?
    To handle this, I would recommend you consider using Environment.SpecialFolder to set that property.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Import filter for Pagemaker does not support non-english charcters in references

    Hi all,
    we found that when importing from Pagemaker, all referenced images that contain non-english charcters (such as German umlauts) in their file names are lost. Apart from this, the direct import works quite well for us, therefore we would like to use this workflow if we can find a solution for the lost images. In some chapters, 95% of the images are imported correctly, in others almost all are lost.
    Is there anything we can do about this? If we rename the images (exchange problematic characters by fixed string), is it possible to correct the references in PM with some sort of search&replace function? These are really a lot of images, so doing it manually would be a bad option.

    I found out how to do it.
    For the benefit of others who might encounter this or similar filename issues, it would be nice to know the root cause.
    On what operating system (and when) were the filename originally created?
    (and what version of PM was used)
    On what OS, and with what version of FM are you trying to import the PM file?
    I presume that there is no issue with the filenames per se under the OS, but just during FM import?
    My guess would be that PM is using some legacy encoding for references to file names that include extended latin characters, and that encoding does not translate at FM import.

Maybe you are looking for

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