Non-existent applications in non-existent workspaces reserving app id's

Our developers are convinced that the application id's between our dev + staging + production environments need to be synchronized. I am attempting to export applications and import them while assigning the appropriate id's. On several applications I am receiving errors when assigning the id "Application ID reserved".
When I take a look at APEX_APPPLICATIONS, the applications with the problem ID do not actually exist. Further, the workspaces that they supposedly reside in do not exist.
Is there a way to clean the repository up so that I don't have this problem?

possibly this should be a new thread but:
i had 4 applications to switch application id's for.
the 1st succeeded without a hitch.
the last the imported successfully under the new application id but when i attempt to run the application, they generate errors of the form:
ORA-20102: Invalid application (113); access to RLIMS_CONTEXT denied.
Error ERR-1181 Unable to set VPD security context on page show.
This is happening to 3 applications (113 is only one of them). RLIMS_CONTEXT is a package in the database executed by the vpd setting (Home>Application Builder>Application 113>Shared Components>Edit Security Attributes).
Any idea what is happening?

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    If you upload your file to Shared Components >> Cascading Style Sheetst then:
    edit your page template in the header section and just before +*</head>*+ tag  add :
    <link rel="stylesheet" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#MY_FILE.css" type="text/css" />And that will be applied for all pages that have the same Page Template.
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    <style>If the file is on your web server then replace #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# with #IMAGE_PREFIX#
    This should be helpful to you:
    Best Regards,
    If you believe that my answer is correct or helpful to you, then please mark it as helpful or correct...

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    Viele Grüße,

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    One of the log files for BIPLUS on the HSS box grows to 4GB, cuts off then starts creating another one of itself and does this AT LEAST once a day!
    here is a sampling of the error we are getting on the 'server_messages_usageservice' log file:
    <event logger="" timestamp="1210988764908" level="ALWAYS" thread="Foundation Server" sequence_no="390">
    <time>16 May 2008 20:46:04,908</time>
    <context originator_type="UsageService" originator_name="" host="SRVHOUHFM09"/>
    <message><![CDATA[Starting Usage Service
    <event logger="" timestamp="1210988770426" level="WARN" thread="GCThread0" sequence_no="427">
    <time>16 May 2008 20:46:10,426</time>
    <context originator_type="UsageService" host="SRVHOUHFM09"/>
    <event logger="" timestamp="1210988770426" level="WARN" thread="GCThread0" sequence_no="428">
    <time>16 May 2008 20:46:10,426</time>
    <context originator_type="UsageService" host="SRVHOUHFM09"/>
    <throwable><![CDATA[May 16 20:46:10.426
    Database Server error: DBConnectionPool::get: [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver]An error occurred while attempting to log onto the database.
    com.sqribe.transformer.DBConnectionException: Database Server error: DBConnectionPool::get: [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver]An error occurred while attempting to log onto the database.
         at com.sqribe.transformer.DBConnectionPool.get(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    DBConnectionPool::get: [Hyperion][SQLServer JDBC Driver]An error occurred while attempting to log onto the database.
    So in one of the log errors, it lists the user that is trying to connect. It is the SS admin I created during the installation, 'hypadmin'. This user of course does not have access to the BIPLUS db, which would cause these errors.
    So I tried something, created a SQL user of the same name with the same password. Restarted services, and everything seemed to work fine, except this time when I tried to launch SS, it said a severe error had occurred, and to restart SS.
    I restarted, same error. the horror consumes me...
    so i went back into SQL, looked at the processes and lo and behold hypadmin was using one measely connection. I killed the process, killed the user ID in SQL, restarted all of my services and everything was golden again except, of course, the monstrosity that is the usageservice log file and the constant hangs while in the user management console.
    does any of this ring a bell? how would a native directory user be configured to access the db???

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    Please refer to the following link :

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