Non-string TABLE?

Is there any way to change the data type of a table to an integer, or double - or can tables only be string arrays?

> Is there any way to change the data type of a table to an integer, or
> double - or can tables only be string arrays?
Currently, tables can only contain strings. If you have an array of
numbers, look at the string formatting nodes to produce a datatype
that you can wire to/from the table.
Greg McKaskle

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    Hi All,
    This is the overview of the query used in the package.
    select ename,empno,sal,deptno from
    (select deptno from dept) a,
    (select ename,empno,sal from emp1) b
    where empno in (select * from table (pkg1.fun1('empno')))
    and a.deptno=b.deptno
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    could anyone guide me to the solution.
    Thanks All

    I have used
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    This throws an error during compilation itself
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  • Order by on a non-base table field

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    I am not sure of ver 4.5. But in v6i, I did something similar.
    What I did was :-
    1. Based the Block's datasource on a stored procedure and
    not TABLE
    I'm not sure if it can be achieved in 4.5. First check if the block data source can be based on a stored procedure.
    Here's a sample code of what i did :-
    /* Description : Using a stored procedure as a block datasource.
    Author : Shailender Mehta
    Create Or Replace PACKAGE my_datasource Is
    /* Shailender Mehta */
    TYPE outrec is RECORD (comp_id tbgp_gl_detail.comp_id%Type
    ,cc_id tbgp_gl_detail.cc_id%Type
    ,journal_no tbgp_gl_detail.journal_no%Type
    ,account_code tbgp_gl_detail.account_code%Type
    ,debit_amt tbgp_gl_detail.debit_amt%Type
    ,credit_amt tbgp_gl_detail.credit_amt%Type
    ,sort_order Number(1)
    TYPE outcur is REF CURSOR RETURN outrec;
    PROCEDURE outquery (resultset In Out outcur
    ,p_journalno In Number);
    Create Or Replace PACKAGE BODY my_datasource IS
    PROCEDURE outquery(resultset In Out outcur
    ,p_journalno In Number)
    OPEN resultset FOR
    SELECT comp_id
    , cc_id
    , journal_no
    , account_code
    , debit_amt
    , credit_amt
    , Decode(substr(account_code,6,1), 'g', 1,
    'd', 2,
    'b', 3,
    'h', 4,
    'f', 5,
    'a', 6,
    'c', 7, 8) sort_order
    FROM tbgp_gl_detail
    WHERE journal_no = p_journalno
    ORDER BY 7;
    Use the Block Data Wizard, which will guide you step by step what next to be done.
    In my example, I'm sorting the resultset by the 6th character of the string Account Code.
    In your case, you could join the main table by the one used in your POST-Query in the stored procedure and sort the resultset.
    - Shailender -

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    set linesize 132
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    col segment_name format a60
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    I am using Oracle Oracle Database.
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    what is the advantage of using DBMS_REDEFINITION over normal method (create partition table,grant access,insert records)You can't just add a partition in a non-partitioned table. You need to recreate existing table to have it partitioned (you can't just start adding new partitions to existing non-partitioned table). Advantage of dbms_redefinition is that it is online operation to re-create an existing table and and your data always remains available during table recreation
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    If so can i use DBMS_REDEFINITION.COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS alone for copying the table dependents alone after i create partition table (or) it should be used along with >DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE only?See above document which i mentioned.

  • Tabular form with non base table field

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    2. Insert/update another table based on the input value
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    Thanks for your reply.
    Varad, I like the link you sent me. It has a lot of good information.
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    Hope that my question is clear enough.

    This cannot be generated out-of-the-box.
    It is easiest to add the shuttle post-generation to your page, and then create a custom template to generate your custom shuttle into the page. I suggest you take a look at an example of a generated shuttle in a page, and the JHeadstart IntersectionShuttleBean class. You will see that the value property of <af:selectManyShuttle> points to the selectedKeys method in the JHeadstart Shuttle bean. In your case, you can create your own managed bean and bind the value property to your own method which will provide you access to the selected rows. The value property of the selectItem within the af:selectManyShuttle determines the property that is used to identify the selected row (which is the row key in case of Jhs-generated shuttles).
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • Insert records into non base table

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    hist_id := 1;
    cust_name := :CUSTOMER.cust_name;
    loan_date := :LOAN.loan_date;
    return_date := LOAN.return_date;
    FORMS_DDL('INSERT INTO LOAN_HISTORY VALUES'||hist_id||','||cust_name||','||loan_date||','||return_date);

    Why do you need forms_ddl built in for a DML statement to be used in form?
    U can directly use insert.
    hist_id := 1;
    cust_name := :CUSTOMER.cust_name;
    loan_date := :LOAN.loan_date;
    return_date := LOAN.return_date;
    INSERT INTO LOAN_HISTORY VALUES (hist_id,cust_name,loan_date,return_date);
    It should work perfectly.

  • ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item in Table func

    I am using a table function in Oracle I did declare an object type and a collection type like this:
    CREATE TYPE t_tab AS TABLE OF t_obj;
    My table function returns t_tab and is called like this:
    SELECT ... FROM TABLE (CAST (my_pkg.table_fnc AS t_tab)) ...
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    SELECT ... FROM TABLE (CAST (my_pkg.table_fnc AS owner.t_tab)) ...
    I don't like to have a schema hard coded in a query, therefore I'd like to do this without the schema. Any ideas of how to get around this error?

    your 3 statements are correct. I'll go ahead and log a TAR.
    Both DESCs return the same output when run as the other user. And, running the table function directly in SQL*Plus (SELECT my_pkg.table_fnc FROM dual;) also returns a result and no errors. The problem has to be in the CAST function.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Using DBCO with a non 'Z' table

    Hi all,
    I need to access a table in an Oracle DB. the connection in transactioncode DBCO is created. But when I try to select from table 'FTTH' i get the message ' "FTTH" is not defined in the ABAP Dictionary.........'.
    I have been told that the table also needs to be created in SAP. But how due I solve this when the table name dos not start with a 'Z'.
    I have been sugested that the way to solve this is to create an Alias on the Oracle server. Is this the correct way. Or is there a way to solve it in SAP without creating a non 'Z' table.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards

    Hello Dennis,
    you could use native sql to access this table ( commands EXEC SQL.  ... ENDEXEC ).
    Have a look on OSS - note 323151 .
    Regards Wolfgang

  • Calculated non-base table field in a tabular form

    I am struggling with creating a non-base table calculated field in a tabular form in ApEx 3.1
    Can you point me in the right direction
    I thought this would be fairly easy to do, but I cant work out how to do it
    1) Tabular Form based on a table with QTY and PRICE columns
    2) TOTAL is a non-base table field, based on QTY * PRICE
    3) If the Qty or Price changes, the TOTAL should be re-calculated
    ===    =====  =====
    3       5          15
    10      50         500
    20      3           60
    ApEx 3.1, Oracle 10 and Oracle 11 databases
    I recommended to upgrade to a newer version of ApEx but the request was rejected so Im stuck with 3.1

    Thanks, but its not the solution that I am after
    I am looking for a solution that will ...
           1) not require the calculated value TOTAL to be stored in the table
    and 2) re-calculate the TOTAL when I modify the dependent values (QTY and PRICE) before I save the changes to the database
    I am still looking for a solution if anyone can help

  • Parallel delete on non-partitioned table

    Friends and mentors...
    I want to know more about parallel deleted and it's requirements...I have gone through Oracle manuals and articles but not able to understand exactly about parallel delete (dml) feature...
    Task: Trying to delete large data (20 mil rows out of 60 mil) from non-partitioned table
    Job frequency: Once every month
    OS: Linux
    1. Any idea on best approach?
    2. Do I need to have table partitioned to use /*+parallel */ hint?
    3. If I use /*+parallel*/ hint in delete statement then do I need to use "alter session enable parallel dm1" ?
    4. How to decided degree of parallelism (DOP)? is it good to use auto for DOP?
    Currently I am planning to use parallel hint in delete statement, is this enough or need better plan?

    khallas301 wrote:
    Friends and mentors...
    I want to know more about parallel deleted and it's requirements...I have gone through Oracle manuals and articles but not able to understand exactly about parallel delete (dml) feature...
    Task: Trying to delete large data (20 mil rows out of 60 mil) from non-partitioned table
    Job frequency: Once every month
    OS: Linux
    1. Any idea on best approach?
    2. Do I need to have table partitioned to use /*+parallel */ hint?
    3. If I use /*+parallel*/ hint in delete statement then do I need to use "alter session enable parallel dm1" ?
    4. How to decided degree of parallelism (DOP)? is it good to use auto for DOP?
    Currently I am planning to use parallel hint in delete statement, is this enough or need better plan?
    It appears that you believe that parallel is always faster than non-parallel; which is not true in every case.
    The slowest part of any DELETE is the physical I/O.
    How many parallel processes accessing the same table before the disk gets saturated?

  • Non-string objects as parameters to an applet

    how can i pass non-string objects as parameters to an applet?
    thanks in advance...

    those are some objects that i wroteThen, you could use Class.forName() method for your string parameters.
    If you get the classes, then you can call newInstance() method on them to get objects.
    Alternative way could be using your string parameter as index or keys for some
    data structures that contains ready-made objects.


    I have a non standard table.I want to upload data in that table using SCAT.So,how Test case can be created for uploading the data in that table?
    Edited by: Debasish Behera on Mar 17, 2008 1:02 PM

    As it is a Z table yiu can directly uploda data by an ABAP program. Read the data from a flat file and simply insert into that table.

  • Convert non-partition table to partition table

    Hello Everybody
    I am just want to ask about how to Convert non-partition table to partition table ?
    Ramez S. Sawires

    Dear ARF
    First of all thank you for replying me , second do u have any links talking about dbms_redefinition package
    I am using Database Oracle 10g
    Ramez S. Sawires
    Message was edited by:
    Ramez S. Sawires

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