Non unicode encoding

How can I import files in "Windows Cyrillic" encoding into itunes library? In itunes all these files have absolutely undescriptable names and all other information, so manually renaming requires.

I think you need to convert them to Unicode somehow. See if this note helps:

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    Using HTTPService I am loading a page which is encoded in charset.
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    Is there a way to convert or tell air to expected a certain codepage for a HTTPService's result?
    Thanks in advance

    Ow, already found the answer
                // convert s : String in  windows-1251 format to unicode (sUnicode)
                var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                for(var i : int = 0;i<s.length;++i)
                ba.position = 0;
                var sUnicode : String = ba.readMultiByte(ba.length, "windows-1251");

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    If somebody with an older ICQ client sends me cyrillic I get garbage (latin accented letters).
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    In other ICQ clients (e.g. Adium) I've used there was a setting specifying the encoding to use when there's no explicit encoding. Setting this to windows-1251 was solving the problem for me.
    But I see no similar setting for iChat.
    Can this be handled somehow ? Is there some preference somewhere ?

    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    Can this be handled somehow ?
    PS There is one thing you could try, namely setting the font used by iChat to one encoded as Win-1251. You can get some here, for example:
    Whether having these on your system will mess up anything else I don't know.
    This didn't worked unfortunately. I'm still getting the text as accented latin letters. Apparently the network layer of iChat is translating them to unicode somehow.
    And no : having these fonts installed haven't affected anything else on my system from what I can tell.

  • UTF-8  to non-unicode RFC - encoding

    I get data via SOAP UTF-8 and send them with some simple mappings to a RFC receiver non-unicode. How can I post special characters?
    In sender payload i see  and i expected to get A & B in SAP but i get A & B in SAP. In the RFC receiver adapter i don't see any setting for codepage.
    Anyone an idea?

    The first thing is that XI is unicode so if you are sending special char which are UTF-8 encoded then you should be seeing them in XI in the payload monitor. Can you check that first?
    Now if the target is Not Unicode then what is the encoding on the target side? You can encode these special chars in XI and then pass it on in the encoding format the target system expects. One more thing in the SM59 transaction in XI for the Receiving R/3 system you can specify the Char Set encoding. Make sure you check and based on that your encoding should work. try this out.


    Hi There,
    I also have the similar issue. I am able to write the data into appliaction server in Chinese Characters using :OPEN DATASET datei FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT or OPEN DATASET datei FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING UTF-8. But when i save that file into my presentation server manually, all the chinese characters are showing as Junk.
    When i use OPEN DATASET datei FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING NON-UNICODE, giving runtime error and when i use OPEN DATASET datei FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING NON-UNICODE IGNORING CONVERSION ERRORS, No error but application server output itself showing as Junk characters.
    Could you please suggest me what you have done?
    Chaitanya A

       Use this
    it will definitely work.
    Manesh. R


    I have to read a Unicode created file into a non-unicode SAP System, version 4.7.
    When I make the OPEN DATASET using ENCODING UTF-8 y get a CONVT_CODEPAGE dump. That´s odd cause my system is non-unicode. I don´t wanna use IGNORING CONVERSION ERRORS attribute, the output will be corrupt.
    But when I use ENCODING NON-UNICODE or ENCODING DEFAULT the READ DATASET mysteriously truncate the record which try to read from real 401 characters to 361 characters. Variable is string.
    I can see full records through AL11.
    Any ideas?

    Try using:
      open dataset filename in text mode encoding default for input
                                  ignoring conversion errors.
    As said in AL11 its coming so the above code is used for that.
    Hope this will surely help you !!!


    We're upgrading to ECC5 and the 'open dataset' command needs amending if the program is flagged for Unicode (which usually occurrs in user/fm exits). Therefore is ECC5 this command is no longer valid:
    "open dataset DSN in text mode"
    We currently interface with systems that may not have unicode enabled. Yet we have not enabled unicode in our own system just yet.
    So we think these two commands are the most approriate for replacing the 'old' open dataset command:
    "open dataset DSN for input in TEXT MODE encoding NON-UNICODE"
    "open dataset DSN in LEGACY TEXT MODE for input"
    However we're not really sure what the difference between these two commands is?
    Has anyone worked with these commands?
    Could you offer some help as to their differences and when each should be used?
    Many thanks!

    Hi Robert,
       Here is an excerpt from sap documentation.
    The addition IN TEXT MODE opens the file as a text file. The addition ENCODING defines how the characters are represented in the text file. When writing in a text file, the content of a data object is converted to the representation entered after ENCODING, and transferred to the file. If the data type is character-type and flat, trailing blanks are cut off. In the data type string, trailing blanks are not cut off. The end-of-line marking of the relevant platform is applied to the transferred data by default. When reading from a text file, the content of the file is read until the next end-of-line marking, converted from the format specified after ENCODING into the current character format, and transferred to a data object.
    The end-of-line marking depends on the operating system of the application server. In the MS Windows operating systems, the markings "CRLF" and " LF" are possible, while under Unix, only "LF" is used. If, when using Windows, an existing file is opened without the TYPE addition (see os_addition), the first end-of-line marking is found and used for the whole file. If a new file is created without the TYPE addition, the content of the profile parameter abap/NTfmode is used. If the profile parameter is not set, "CRLF" is used. If a file with the TYPE addition is opened and a valid value is contained in attr, this value is used.
    In Unicode programs, only the content of character-type data objects can be transferred to text files and read from text files. The addition ENCODING must be specified in Unicode programs, and can only be omitted in non-Unicode programs.
    The additions after ENCODING determine in which character representation the content of the file is handled.
    In a Unicode system, the designation DEFAULT corresponds to the designation UTF-8, and the designation NON-UNICODE in a non-Unicode system.
    The characters in the file are handled according to the Unicode character representation UTF-8.
    In a non-Unicode system, the data is read or written without being converted. In a Unicode system,the characters in the file are handled according to the non-Unicode-codepage that would be assigned to the current text environment according to the database table TCP0C, at the time of reading or writing in a non-Unicode system.
    If the addition ENCODING is not specified in non-Unicode programs, the addition NON-UNICODE is used implicitly.
    Opening a Legacyfile. The addition IN LEGACY TEXT MODE opens the file as a legacy text file. As with legacy binary files, the byte order and the codepage with which the content of the file should be handled can also be specified. The syntax and meaning of {BIG|LITTLE} ENDIAN and CODE PAGE cp are the same as for legacy binary files.
    In contrast to legacy binary files, the trailing blanks in a legacy file are cut off when writing character-type flat data objects in a legacy text file. As for a text file, an end-of-line marking is also applied to the transferred data. In contrast to text files opened with the addition INTEXT MODE, Unicode programs do not check whether the data objects used for reading or writing are character-type. Furthermore, the LENGTH additions of the statements READ DATASET and TRANSFER are used for counting in bytes in legacy text files and in the units of a character represented in the memory for text files.
    As with legacy binary files, text files that have been written in a non-Unicode system can be accessed in Unicode systems as legacy text files, and the content is converted accordingly.
    A file test.dat is created as a text file, filled with data, changed, and exported. As every TRANSFER statement applies end-of-line marking to written content, after the change, the content of the file has two lines. The first line contains "12ABCD". The second line contains "890". The character "7" has been overwritten by the end-of-line marking of the first line.
    DATA: file   TYPE string VALUE `test.dat`,
          result TYPE string.
    TRANSFER `1234567890` TO file.
                                 AT POSITION 2.
    TRANSFER `ABCD` TO file.
    WHILE sy-subrc = 0.
      READ DATASET file INTO result.
      WRITE / result.

  • Encoding Problem: non-Unicode Data to Unicode format of XI

    Hi SDN,
    I have a JDBC sender to SAP BW scenario. The database is MS SQL server. 
    The code page of db CP1CIAS
    Description:SQL Server Sort Order 52 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode Data
    Some fields with values like <b>ZAK&#x0;ADY TWORZYW SZTUCZNYCH</b> are failing in XI Mapping with error
    <b>Fatal Error:
    XMLParser : #0 not allowed in Character data sections
    in the trace.</b>
    Please help how should i get over this code page errors. By installing this code page on XI server help?

    There is no such global setting, this is b/c your source has Unicode I trust, and the only one other thing to try would be this:
    Arthur My Blog

  • Unable to Open unix file in UNICODE system which created NON-UNICODE system

    Unable to Open unix file in UNICODE system which created in NON-UNICODE system
    We have two SAP systems both are ECC6.0 but System 1 is NON-Unicode and System2 is Unicode system.
    There is a common unix directory/folder for both system.
    Our requirement is to create one file on unix common folder and write the data to file from system1 .
    In system2 open the same file for appending mode to write the data .
    The file in system 1 created with below sentence.
    Now I have to append the data from system 2 to same file.
    I have tried to used below statement in system 2 to open the file but sy-subrc value comes as '8'.
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  • RFC destination definition with non-unicode external program

    Hello All,
    we have one issue with our RFID system connecting to WM system (SWD). 
    For most functions, external RFID server/middleware makes RFC call to SAP system.  Means, from outside system to inside SAP.  This seems to be working fine.
    But in one case, SAP needs to print label to RFID printer.  In this case, SAP is calling external RFID server/middleware using RFC destination.  Means, from inside SAP to outside system.  This is failing.
    We think this has something to do with ECC60 being unicode system, and the RFC destination setup.  We define rfc destination "ZRFID_SSI" in SM59.  We define it same way as in as-is SSI 4.6B production system.  But in SWD ECC60 system, SM59 has more options.  We define as 'non-unicode' because target RFID server/middleware is non-unicode Windows server.  RFC destination is actually working ok.
    To send label to printer, SWD calls function ZFSSIRF202 with remote destination ZRFID_SSI.   Listener on RFID server/middleware will respond to function call.  This also seems to be working.  But then, RFID server/middleware cannot process the data from ZFSSIRF202, log says that data is "0".  (Actually, the first time SWD calls, log says 0 data, the 2nd time there is connection failure, the 3rd time it is 0 data, 4th time connection failure, etc, etc.)
    Compared with production environment, everything is the same, except that SAP is unicode system.  So, our suspicion is, that when ECC60 system sends data, it is encoded somewhat a little different than when SAP 46B system sends data.  I have similar experience with our other interface (XSI), also involving RFC desintion, but XML file exchange.  Here, ECC60 is encoding XML file with UTF-16, but SAP46B was encoding with UTF-8.
    Anyone know how to help ?

    Hi Jeongbae,
    as of NW 7.0 EhP2, it is possible to directly set the code page in SM59.
    In earlier releases, this is not possible.
    In general, SAP systems use the logon language (SY-LANGU)  to determine the code page, if this is available.
    Please check SAP note 788239.
    Please also have a look at SAP note 991572 for possible alternative settings, if SY-LANGU is not available.
    In addition I would recommend to have a look at SAP note 1021459.
    However in order to analyze the problem properly, you need to know the exact short dump text (via rfc trace).
    For XML processing, please read SAP note 1017101. UTF-16 should NOT be used in an XML file !
    Best regards,
    Nils Buerckel
    SAP AG

  • How to use non-Unicode mode in VB6 with ADO.

    I'm using ADO on top of OraOLEDB to connect to Oracle 9.2. The database characterset is AL32UTF8. Since my client can't handle Unicode characters, I need a character conversion. However, arcording to the OraOLEDB document( which can be obtained here
    "How Oracle Unicode Support Works
    OraOLEDB works in two modes, Unicode mode and non-Unicode mode. When the client character set is not a superset of
    the server character set, OraOLEDB automatically enables the Unicode mode. In this mode, OraOLEDB stores the data in its cache in the UCS2 encoding scheme. The user should ensure that the database's character set is UTF8 in order to prevent any data loss.
    If the client character set is a superset of the server's, the provider operates in the non-Unicode mode. This mode provides slightly better performance as it does not have to deal with larger character buffers required by the UCS2 encoding."
    My client can only use NLS_LANG VN8VN3, which is NOT a superset of AL32UTF8, so "OraOLEDB automatically enables the Unicode mode". So if I code like this:
    Text1.Font="Some Vietnamese Font"
    Text1.Text= rs1.Fields("Name").Value
    the display is bad ('?' all over the place). This is because rs1.Fields("Name").Type is adVarWChar, so rs1.Fields("Name").Value is encoded in UCS2. What I need is to make rs1.Fields("Name").Type is adVarChar, but it seems to be impossible since Field.Type is readonly.
    When I use MS provider for Oracle, I found out that rs1.Fields("Name").Type is adVarChar, so Oracle do the conversion from/to AL32UTF8 (database character set) and VN8VN3(NLS_LANG) for me.
    Since I use LOB and things that MS does not support, I want to use OraOLEDB, so anyone can help me out? It's ugent.
    I can see that some 3rd program like SQLNavigator4.3 work well with NLS_LANG = VN3VN8 and DATABASE_CHARACTERSET=AL32UTF8 (i.e the program convert between the 2 characterset).
    Please correct me if I misunderstood anything.
    I need this ugently. Any help would be appreciated. If I don't make myself clear enough, please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you for your reply. I started to think that everybody is out on holidays...
    The Oracle9i Client version is
    Oracle Provider for OLEDB version is
    Oracle Net version is, in case you need it.
    The Oracle9i Database version is
    But I don't think it is a version problem, is it?

  • Scanning files for non-unicode characters.

    Question: I have a web application that allows users to take data, enter it into a webapp, and generate an xml file on the servers filesystem containing the entered data. The code to this application cannot be altered (outside vendor). I have a second webapp, written by yours truly, that has to parse through these xml files to build a dataset used elsewhere.
    Unfortunately I'm having a serious problem. Many of the web applications users are apparently cutting and pasting their information from other sources (frequently MS Word) and in the process are embedding non-unicode characters in the XML files. When my application attempts to open these files (using DocumentBuilder), I get a SAXParseException "Document root element is missing".
    I'm sure others have run into this sort of thing, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to tackle this problem. Obviously I'm going to have to start pre-scanning the files for invalid characters, but finding an efficient method for doing so has proven to be a challenge. I can load the file into a String array and search it character per character, but that is both extremely slow (we're talking thousands of LONG XML files), and would require that I predefine the invalid characters (so anything new would slip through).
    I'm hoping there's a faster, easier way to do this that I'm just not familiar with or have found elsewhere.

    require that I predefine the invalid charactersThis isn't hard to do and it isn't subject to change. The XML recommendation tells you here exactly what characters are valid in XML documents.
    However if your problems extend to the sort of case where users paste code including the "&" character into a text node without escaping it properly, or they drop in MS Word "smart quotes" in the incorrect encoding, then I think you'll just have to face up to the fact that allowing naive users to generate uncontrolled wannabe-XML documents is not really a viable idea.

  • Open dataset in UTF8. Problems between Unicode and non Unicode

    I am currently testing the file transfer between unicode an non unicode systems.
    I transfered some japanese KNA1 data from non unicode system (Mandt,Name1, Name2,City) to a file with this option:
    set local language pi_langu.
      open dataset pe_file in text mode encoding utf-8 for output with byte-order mark.
    Now I want to read the file from a unicode system. The code looks like this:
    open dataset file in text mode encoding utf-8 for input skipping byte-order mark.
    The characters look fine but they are shifted. name1 is correct but now parts of the city characters are in name2....
    If I open the file in a non unicode system with the same coding the data is ok again!
    Is there a problem with spaces between unicode an non-unicode?!

    Hello again,
    after implementing and testing this method, we saw that the conversion is always taken place in the unicode system.
    For examble: we have a char(35) field in mdmp with several japanese soon as we transfer the data into the file and have a look at it the binary data the field is only 28 chars long. several spaces are if we open the file in our unicode system using the mentioned class the size is gaining to 35 characters
    on the other hand if we export data from unicode system using this method the size is shrinking from 35 chars to 28 so the mdmp system can interprete the data.
    as soon as all systems are on unicode this method is obselete/wrong because we don't want to cut off/add the's not needed anymore..
    the better way would be to create a "real" UTF-8 file in our MDMP system. The question is, is there a method to add somehow the missing spaces in the mdmp system?
    so it works something like thtat:
    "MDMP (with ECC 6.0 by the way)
    if charsize = 1.
    *add missing spaces to the structure
    *transfer strucutre to file
    *just transfer struc to file -> no conversion needed anymore
    I thought mybe somehow this could work with the class CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE. But until now I had no luck...
    Normally I would think that if I'am creating a UTF-8 file this work is done automatically on the transfer command

  • Converting String to unicode encoded string

    I would like to convert non-ascii characters in a String or the whole string to unicode encoded character.
    For example:
    If i have some japanese character, I would like it to be converted to /uxxxx
    How can i do this? I don't want the exact character, as I am able to get that using getBytes("encoding format"). All i want is code point representation of the non ascii unicode characters.
    Any help to do this will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried to do what that but I am not sure whether that is right or not.
    String inputStr = "some non ascii string";
    char[] charArray = inputStr.toCharArray();
    int code;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for(int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++)
    code = (int) charArray;
    String hexString = Integer.toHexString( code );
    System.out.println("Code point is "+sb.toString());
    My above code does not work as expected. Could you please tell me where i am goofing?

  • FOI Servlet non-unicode characters cannot be processed

    I'm using Oracle MapViewer quickstart kit to test some map features
    my database is in CL8MSWIN1251 charset
    I made a simple map application to display some data using JavaScript API
    when I define a theme based FOI layer in the map and the predefined theme has some non-Unicode characters in the labeling or in hidden info fields I get the folowing error:
    Cannot process the following response from FOI server:
    As you can see "\u422\u414" shoud be "\u0422\u0414" otherwise JavaScript cannot display characters in the right way. I think FOIServlet is the problem here.
    Anyone has the same problems or has a solution for this problem pls

    require that I predefine the invalid charactersThis isn't hard to do and it isn't subject to change. The XML recommendation tells you here exactly what characters are valid in XML documents.
    However if your problems extend to the sort of case where users paste code including the "&" character into a text node without escaping it properly, or they drop in MS Word "smart quotes" in the incorrect encoding, then I think you'll just have to face up to the fact that allowing naive users to generate uncontrolled wannabe-XML documents is not really a viable idea.

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