NOT WORKING: Putting a jar file requiring native library in bootclasspath

I put my own jar file into the bootclasspath like this:
java -Xbootclasspath/p:myboot.jar TestClass
Some classes in the jar require a native library. For JVM 1.3 on Solaris, I put the native library in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/sparc and everything works just fine.
However, when I try the same thing on JVM1.4, I got the following error when my class containing the native methods is called:
Failed to load the native library: myboot_native
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no myboot_native in java.library.path
I tried to put that native library in several different directories in jre/lib but still had no luck.
Is there anybody know the solution? Does JVM1.4 allow me to put a custom jar file that requires a native library in the bootclasspath?

Well is your file in a directory included in the java.library.path environement variable. I use java on windows but I have to add the directory where my native library is to the path variable (not classpath) in order to avoid the error you get.

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    Java doesn't handle jars within jars. Your library jars need to be outside of the executable jar as in
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          - lib  -  lib1.jar
                 -  lib2.jar

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    * objects required for the GUI: JFrame,JLabel, JButton, ImageIcon, JPanel,
    * Dimension
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    JButton jbEnter;
    ImageIcon iChing, logo;
    JPanel buttonPanel, ImagePanel;
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    Dimension dim;
    URL imageURL;
    File fileName;
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    jbEnter.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 50));
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    // method to render the current frame invisible and trigger the
    // Welcome Menu
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    // this line does not work...............
    new Title();
    } // close the actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) Method
    }); // close the addActionListener(new ActionListener() method
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    ImagePanel.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 50));
    buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonPanel.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 50));
    // setting up of the panels position
    container.add(ImagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    container.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    dim.width = dim.width / 2 - 300;
    dim.height = dim.height / 2 - 250;
    setBounds(dim.width, dim.height, 400, 400);
    setSize(600, 500);
    //To set the icon for the application. Top left hand corner.
    setIconImage(new ImageIcon("src/myFiles/ichingRose.gif").getImage());
    } // close the Constructor
    * the main method for the program.
    * @param args
    * The command-line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args)
    new Main();
    } // close the main method
    } // close the Main class

    Thank you very much for your quick reply and really hope you can help me a little more
    it's so frustrating
    I do not really know about the relative path but here is my xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <project default="jar">
    <!-- Compile and zip the source code into a jar -->
    <target name="jar">
    <!-- Make the folders we'll need -->
    <mkdir dir="ant"/>
    <mkdir dir="work"/>
         <mkdir dir="ant/myFiles"/
    Compile all the .java files into .class files
    debug = yes Include debug information in the .class files
    destdir Where to put the .class files
    source and target Use Java version 1.6.0_06
    <!-- Folders that have trees of .java files to compile -->
    <src path="src"/>
         <copy todir="ant/myFiles"><fileset dir="src/myFiles"></fileset></copy>
    Zip files together to make a jar
    jarfile Where to make the .jar file, overwrite something there
    basedir Find the files to zip in the jar here
    <!-- Write a manifest inside the jar -->
    <!-- The class Java will run when the user double-clicks the jar -->
    <attribute name="Main-Class" value="iChing.Main"/>

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    georgemc wrote:
    Why is everyone so obsessed with doing this? The gains are minimal and the problems numerousBecause we are new and don't understand how the java VM actually runs code and the error messages sent by the java machine are cryptic.
    My first attempt at using an external jar in a java program lead me to believe that all of the code for a java program would be in a jar file including external jar files, after all the JDK standard library has tons of jars in it so I assumed the external jar file would be linked (as most other programming compiler/linkers I have worked with in my top down programming life).
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    Edited by: metron9 on Sep 25, 2007 11:00 AM

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    u2022 aii_af_mp.jar
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    u2022 aii_af_ms_spi.jar
    u2022 aii_af_trace.jar
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    Hi ,
    Below Jar files Required to develop Adapter Module in PI7.1

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    /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/mds/jdk/jre/lib/jce.jar is not a class or jar file
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    oracle@cikic-desktop:/tmp/fo$ ls -l
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 3 oracle oinstall 4096 2010-05-03 19:40 javax
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2010-05-03 19:40 META-INF
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    The set is not closed
    96 classes are missing
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    Christian Maier

    Coole thanks, this works pretty well!
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    oracle@cikic-desktop:~$ ojvmtc /tmp/jce.jar
    The set is not closed
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    =1&message=2115941Ooops, didn't see it, ehmmmz
    I re-draw my answer, first learn some posting etiquette, then people might help.

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    Please let us know how to proceed..
    Sathish BC

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    var objCP = document.Captivate;
    function valText()
    var a  = objCP.cpEIGetValue('A');
    var b  = objCP.cpEIGetValue('B');
    if (b>=5)
    objCP.cpEISetValue('rdcmndGotoFrameAndResume', objCP.cpEIGetValue('currSlide'));
    function GetAryVal(e)
    var a1  = objCP.cpEIGetValue('Txt');
    var b1 = a1.split("#");
    var c1 = b1[e-1].split("$");
    objCP.cpEISetValue('C', c1[0]);
    objCP.cpEISetValue('D', c1[1]);

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    Hi Abhy,
    aii_msg_runtime.jar C:usrsapJ2EJC00j2eeclusterserver0
    aii_utilxi_misc.jar C:usrsapJ2EJC00j2eeclusterserver0
    guidgenerator.jar C:usrsapJ2EJC00j2eeclusterserver0
    check this link
    just copy the total path and paste in IE..
    u will find the jar files required .... with path..
    Message was edited by: sridhar reddy kondam

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    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentContext;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentProfile;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentRequest;
    Getting cannot resolved message error is coming.
    more than this what r the external jars files required to run this.
    can any body tell .

    Hi Kumar,
    I would advise you to use the class locator tool in your NWDS, it will do the search and the classpath adding for you. You can download it from <a href="">here</a>
    Hope it helps,

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    It might be the way you are downloading them. I believe that Nikon Transfer has been updated to overcome a corruption bug which affects Adobe products.
    If you are using Nikon Transfer, it might be worth updating to the latest version, and downloading your photos again. Or use Adobe Photodownloader instead (I would).
    Also, accepted wisdom is to download photos off the memory card using a card reader, rather than via the camera USB, as it is less prone to problems. YMMV.

  • How Do I get icons image directory to work in a JAR file?

    Yes, I must admit after going through the tutorial and other stuff I am stiil stumped
    I have an application that uses the jlfgr icons for the toolbar, and it works fine as long as i actually run it from the directory that it is in.
    I would like to put in into a jAr file, and be able to execute it from other places.
    I have a Directory named PhoneBook
    in that are the classes I use
    AddressBook - the main class
    PersonEntry - The 'data class'
    and various other things like FileFilters.....
    inside that directory there are two more:
    images - contains all the icon images
    Data - where the default 'database' entries are stored.
    I use code like this:
         private void fillToolBar( JToolBar bar )
              Dummy = new JButton(new ImageIcon("images/New16.gif"));
              bar.add( Dummy );
              // etc etc
    to get all the icons into the toolbar
    I have made a Jar file that has all the classes and all the directorys with the icons in it
    and so the program runs, but does not get the icons for the toolbar, I just get a whole load of 'dud' buttons.....
    AS this is the first time i've ever got the GUI to look right rather than just the code functioning properly
    I'd like to get the whole thing in a working Jar file
    So Could someone show me Step By Step, How I get my classes and images into a Jar file
    so that i can from a different directory go
    java - jar Phone.jar
    and have the GUI come up with all the images, assuming I'm totally thickheaded when it comes to Jar files.?
    I also can't get the images to show up if I merely run the 'program' from another directory than the one it is compiled in
    I can get the program to run, just not access the images with something like
    java -cp blah/blah/blah AddressBook
    {the main class is AddressBook }
    the data directory can be anywhere as I use a JFileChooser to allow the user to open and save desired files.
    I really would appreciate some clear workable help. {though I'm running out of Duke Dollars...}

    What you need is a correct path to the directory
    inside of the jar. This can be accomplished by adding
    a line to your main program like this:
    Dummy = new JButton(new ImageIcon(URL));
    where myProgram.class is the name of the class
    file that contain the main method.
    Hope this helps....
    PS: I don't want your dukes...I got them coming out of
    my ears!
    O.K, that works thank you.
    I put something like:
    for all the 'buttons' in the toolbar
    URL url = null;
    Class ThisClass = this.getClass();
    Dummy = new JButton(new ImageIcon(url));
    Dummy.setToolTipText("New Database");
    bar.add( Dummy );
    etc for all the rest of the 'buttons'
    After Reading the API docs on URL's etc I'm still not sure as to why it works, but it does....
    I am able now to place the class files in a jar along with the images and it all works fine
    although now I don't quite follow all my code....................
    I assume that
    returns some sort of 'relative url ' ???
    Thanks for the help though.

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