Notification center - Click to post tabs do nothing

After upgrading to 10.8.2, backing it up and performing a clean install today straight to 10.8.2 and restoring my stuff the click to post buttons are not doing anything.
Am I the only one with this?

I'm experiencing the same issue as well...

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    see this vid n u'll know my problem
    have already tried repairing permissions

    Are you sure your name isn't Tolstoy? <grin> I often ask people for more information but yours is one of the first posts that has way too much information.
    You obviously didn't read the material that came with your iPod. The battery of the iPod will slowly discharge over time because even when it appears off it is really in 'deep hibernation' mode. Since the iPod has a clock, the cpu continues to operate just a little bit to keep the clock running.
    For now, keep the iPod connected to power (your charger or connected to the computer) and let it fully recharge. (If you are charging it at the computer make sure you don't let the computer go to sleep. A sleeping computer doesn't charge an iPod.)
    Once the iPod is fully charged see if it now works. If not, reset it. If that doesn't do it, come back and tell us what you see on the iPods screen.

  • Click to Tweet and Facebook Posts from Notification Center Stopped Working????!

    Ok right now I am REALLY confused. About a week ago, I went to post something on twitter. Naturally, instead of having to go to and signing in, I used the Notification center "Click to Tweet" button to make my post. It worked just as you would expect. The little screen popped up, I typed my post and tweeted it.
    Just a few days ago, both the Tweet and Facebook Post buttons stopped working. I can click on them all I want, but the little index card-like screen never shows up. I don't know what the issue is, since I had both buttons working a few days ago. To try solving the issue I:
    1. Went into the settings for notifications and "Hid" the buttons from Notification center (that didn't work)
    2. Removed both my accounts from my laptop and re-added them (that didn't work)
    3. Checked to see that the password was correctly typed in... it was (and that still didn't work)
    The only thing I have left to do is try shutting down my laptop and restarting it. However I recently had some iPhoto software updates that required the laptop to be restarted. Even though this was after the problem started, it still didn't fix it.
    One more thing to note is that in Safari where the "Share" button is... that still works fine. I shared a website I was on to Facebook and it posted successfully. The only problem is the functions in Notification Center.
    If anybody has a solution to this issue where the Tweet and Facebook Post buttons stop functioning for Notification center, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
    - Dan (ThunderBow98)
    NOTE- One other thing. Notifications from Facebook and Twitter still work, however. For instance, I just got a friend request approved on Facebook and that appeared as it should with the little banner notification as well as it appearing in my list of notifications. Somebody re-tweated my tweet and that appeared there too. The only thing that isn't working is the posting features.
    Message was edited by: ThunderBow

    Same thing with me but the Safari thing also doesn't work. I recently changed my twitter username so I thought that might be the problem, but no it isn't. Unfortunately, I can only complain with you, not help you, I apologize, Dan!
    What computer+ Mac os are you using? I am MacBook Pro with 10.8.4?
    -Anonymous Sir

  • Facebook and Twitter Posts not Working in Notification Center??!

    Ok right now I am REALLY confused. About a week ago, I went to post something on twitter. Naturally, instead of having to go to and signing in, I used the Notification center "Click to Tweet" button to make my post. It worked just as you would expect. The little screen popped up, I typed my post and tweeted it.
    Just a few days ago, both the Tweet and Facebook Post buttons stopped working. I can click on them all I want, but the little index card-like screen never shows up. I don't know what the issue is, since I had both buttons working a few days ago. To try solving the issue I:
    1. Went into the settings for notifications and "Hid" the buttons from Notification center (that didn't work)
    2. Removed both my accounts from my laptop and re-added them (that didn't work)
    3. Checked to see that the password was correctly typed in... it was (and that still didn't work)
    The only thing I have left to do is try shutting down my laptop and restarting it. However I recently had some iPhoto software updates that required the laptop to be restarted. Even though this was after the problem started, it still didn't fix it.
    One more thing to note is that in Safari where the "Share" button is... that still works fine. I shared a website I was on to Facebook and it posted successfully. The only problem is the functions in Notification Center.
    If anybody has a solution to this issue where the Tweet and Facebook Post buttons stop functioning for Notification center, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
    - Dan (ThunderBow98)
    NOTE- One other thing. Notifications from Facebook and Twitter still work, however. For instance, I just got a friend request approved on Facebook and that appeared as it should with the little banner notification as well as it appearing in my list of notifications. Somebody re-tweated my tweet and that appeared there too. The only thing that isn't working is the posting features.

    First, I would eject whatever it is that you downloaded. Go to Finder and eject it that way or depending how you have your system set up, do the two finger tap and Eject it. Download the link above. Once it downloads, double click it to install it. It should work. If it doesn't you need to use your Disk Utility to check for errors. Click your Finder again and then Applications. Scroll down to Utilities and then Disk Utility. Click on your hard drive and you will get a menu of items on the right side. Towards the bottom, you will see a button to Verify Disk Permissions. Click that and let it run. It may take a few minutes to finish. Once it's finished there may be a list of things wrong with your system. Click the Repair Permissions and let the computer do it's thing. Use Disk Utility at least once a month to make sure everything is in order on your system. If this doesn't fix it, I don't have any other suggestions. I'd hate to say do a fresh install but that might be the next step if this doesn't work.
    Something else to consider is that is if you use Time Machine and the system did work at one point, you could go back to the last known good point and reinstall that back-up. You would lose anything you have saved since that point (obviously). If you take steps to back up your information, that should not be an issue. (For me), Time Machine works as advertised. If you are not backing system up regularly, shame on you. You need to start ASAP backing up. It's an easy process and it's times like you are having now, that make the small preventive maintenance, worth extra time and effort.
    Good luck.

  • Cannot click on anything in Notification Center, Today view. Running Yosemite, MacBook Air 13" '13.

    After the Yosemite Beta 4 I was unable to use the Today view in Notification Center. Even after the update, nothing changed. And do not see anyway to add widgets, looks like nothing changed since that update Beta 4. Before upgrade to the official version I had the Beta 6. Everything else still looks the same. Keyboard is not responding at times like it used to be. Don't get what is wrong, and not sure if it even properly installed the original version of Yosemite.

    Step 1: uninstall Avast  See how it is as that is a known culprit
    Step 2: Chrome does not play well with OS X and is also sighted as a leading cause
    Step 3: DropBox has been a processor or network hog though less so than the above two.
    The Community you want(ed): MacBook Pro

  • How to refresh notification center?

    Hello guys! First time posting here but I could not find help or the answer anywhere.
    I'm currently running a late 2008 Unibody Macbook Pro with 10.8.2. All software is updated and all my data is backed up. My issue is in Notification Center on the Mac (swipe over with the trackpad) I have old birthdays that came from Facebook that will not go away.
    I am currently using iCloud to sync contacts and calendars and have facebook sycing turned on for contacts. I also have "show birthdays" checked in iCal. I have removed ALL accounts before and set up again and they still show up. They will disappear when I turn it off then reappear when I turn it back on. I even reomved those friends from facebook so they are not even in my contacts or iCal. Just in Notification center, and every day is show 1 day longer (ie: John Smith's Birthday 38 days ago). I feel like my notification center needs to refresh somehow.
    I really don't want to do an erase and install..
    Any help would be great! Thanks for your time guys.

    Welcome to the community! Go ahead and try the following:
    sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ KeepAlive -bool false
    To undo this, simply repeat the command and replace the word "false" with "true" in the command.
    Change this key value from its default of "true" to "false" and save the file to disable automatic launching of the Notification Center (click for larger view).
    When this edit is done, restart the system to reload the modified launch agent file, and Notification Center will now be disabled.
    Just remember to restart the computer once its disabled, enable the application, then do a second restart. Let us know if it worked. ication-center-quit-it/

  • Why are Facebook notifications not showing up in Notification Center?

    On OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 Facebook account is setup in Internet Accounts preference pane in System Preferences.
    Facebook is configured in Notifications preference pane in System Preferences.
    The Share Buttons widget is configured in Notifications preference pane in System Preferences.
    When I view my Facebook account via my web browser I usually have notifications available, but these notifications are not showing up in Notification Center.
    I do receive Calendar, Mail, etc. notifications in Notification Center so I know it works.
    I can send posts to Facebook via the Share Buttons widget in Notification Center, but presently I can receive nothing from Facebook..
    Anyone know of a solution to this problem?
    P.S. I read in another thread how Facebook can be setup in iMessage, but I don't want to use iMessage if I can get Notification Center to function properly.

    I got it to work yesterday. I tried none of the advice from discussions dealing with changing settings, enabling/disabling accounts, terminal commands, etc. All I did was ask a Facebook friend to respond to a post, and I was able to see the notifications in Notification Center.
    I know most have their settings configured correctly in System Preferences, but this is how my preferences are configured on OS X Mavericks 10.9.3:
    (1) Internet Accounts preference pane:
    There isn't much to configure here. I signed into my Facebook account. I checked or unchecked the Calendar and Contacts selections. It doesn't matter. I left the Description, found in the Details button window, as Facebook, but it doesn't matter, either.
    (2) Notifications preference pane:
    Facebook alert style is set to Banners, but Alerts will also work just fine. This setting is crucial because if it's set to None, no alerts will be received. I left Show notifications on lock screen unchecked, but it doesn't matter if I check it or not. And I put a check mark in Show in Notification Center, and the number of Recent Items can be set to whatever available setting desired, mine is set to 20 Recent Items.
    (3) Notifications preference pane:
    I placed a check mark on Show share button notifications in Notification Center, which is found when Share Button is selected in the list of notifications like Facebook, Calendar, Mail etc.
    Again, I did nothing else, and it just works. As a side note: before I got it to work I called AppleCare and a senior advisor spent considerable time with me trying to find out why it wasn't working. And his last bit of advice was that I should reinstall the OS. He needs retraining because that bit of advice was ill-advised, to say the least.
    I simply had no experience with receiving Facebook notifications in Notification Center 'on OS X', and the AppleCare employees had no training in this area, but if Notification Center is part of OS X, and Facebook notifications are part of Notification Center training in this area should be standard, but the AppleCare employees were guessing, not advising, which certainly is not technical support. Hence, my AppleCare dollars were not at work as expected.
    So without prior knowledge as to how the specifics of 'Facebook' notifications worked in Notification Center on OS X, my assumption was I would be notified each time someone tagged me, someone liked a comment, post or photo of mine, someone commented on one of my posts, or someone sent me a direct message.
    When I asked one of my Facebook friends to help me test it out, the following occurred (I don't remember if I had Safari up and running at this time - Note: I was signed into Facebook via Safari. I say this because AppleCare employees did explain on OS X some applications must be launched in order to received notifications, which in my mind is wasted time and code for Apple developers. Why offer notifications if the application is already launched? Ridiculous, if you ask me. That's what configuring each applications preference to set badge app icons, if it's not already coded by default.):
    (1) I sent a Facebook post via Notification Center using the Facebook Share Button.
    (2) I communicated with one of my Facebook friends by private message via iOS device and asked for a response to the post I sent.
    (3) My Facebook friend responded to my private message, but I don't remember if I received a notification in Notification Center.
    (4) My Facebook friend liked my post, shared my post, and commented on my post. I received two separate notifications in Notification Center on OS X, yet I received notifications on Facebook for all three actions, seen via iOS device. By the way, I wish Notification Center notifications would stay in Notification Center until we manually remove them. If they did stay until we manually remove them I would have time to find out which action of my friend I was received the notification for in Notification Center.
    That's it!

  • Yosemite "Notification center" "not running"

    Since installing Yosemite, the notification center icon remains in the upper right hand corner of the menu bar, but when clicked it never opens, and it is not running in the Activity monitor.
    Is ther a way I can turn it on?

    This solved my same problem: center-in-yosemite-post-upgrade

  • Notification center "grayed out" and will not open. Any ideas on how to fix?

    I purchased Mountain Lion this morning and updated from Lion. Everything worked smoothly. As I was looking through various new features, I see that Notification Center is "grayed out" and won't let me open it.
    When I go to System Settings, Notifications is there, and will let me go in and make changes. There's no indications that it shouldn't work.
    Mid-2007 iMac, 4GB RAM, 2.8ghz Extreme.
    Any ideas?

    Little late to the party on this, but I was having the same issue. My notification center icon was greyed out and nothing happened when I clicked on it.
    Here is the fix that worked for me.
    Found the following folder:
    ~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter
    Inside it were two files. Presumably there should only be one.
    The first was
    Where "X" was a series of numbers.
    The second was
    I deleted the file with the corrupt extension and emptied the trash. Then went to activity monitor and force quite the Notification Center process. This caused it to restart and everything was back to normal.
    Hope that helps.

  • Notification Center keyboard shortcut broken

    The keyboard shortcut "Show Notification Center" you can set under System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Mission Control stopped working for me after a restart.
    I tried resetting to defaults, changing the short cut and finally exiting all running apps and processes - nothing seems to bring back the short cut.
    Does anybody know how to debug this or a plist where I can manually edit this?

    Resetting PRAM did not fix the problem for me, either.
    I worked around it locally by using the MacOS Automator to create a new Workflow. The workflow had a single "Run Applescript" action in it where the applescript is as follows:
    on run {input, parameters}
        tell application "System Events"
            tell process "Notification Center"
                click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1
            end tell
        end tell   
    end run
    Then I saved the workflow and used BetterTouchTool ( to bind a "Start Automator Workflow" trigger to a a keyboard shortcut.

  • OSX Mountain Lion: Notification Center

    I have a problem but unfortunately no solution found.
    I get no more emails in Notification Center displays.
    I unfortunately had to close on the x in the Notification Center clicked on the right side and since I get the mails still appear as banner or alert but not even in the notification center.
    I've tried changing the settings in the system settings but it unfortunately without visible success.
    Maybe one of you has an idea or a solution!
    As a solution, I see that I can fix it without deleting anything

    Hy thanks
    I had found the site already, unfortunately, could not be solved my problem.
    I get the emails just not back in the notification bar.
    I tried to get out and re-insert the mail in the system settings under notifications, but the mails are not back in the notification bar. 

  • My Facebook "click to post" in the notification center is not working. (Mac OSX 10.8.3). what should i do? :(

    When i click the "click to tweet" button, it works, but when i click the "click to post", nothing happens---plus my twitter button wont work afterwards. so i have to restart my mac again. tried removing my fb account then adding it again, but still doesn't work. Any solutions?

    It is most likely because Notification Center alters the menu bar and the dock itself. My facebook and my twitter button won't work properly either, but when i double-click the buttons it works. but i can't understand why your twitter button works once but won't work again.

  • Can't get "Click to Post" for Facebook in Notification Center or share sheet Facebook icon to work on 10.8.4

    Hi all. I can't get "Click to Post" for Facebook or the share sheet icon for Facebook to work in 10.8.4. I've tried deleting and adding the Facebook account, and that doesn't seem to fix it. I also tried going to Activity Monitor and killing Notificaton Center. That didn't seem to solve the issue, either. Any other suggestions for how this might could be fixed?

    I am facing the similar issues on my OSX 10.8.4, I have tried to delete and add the FB and twitter account back, but no luck. I also went to activity monitor and quit the notification, still no go. Looks like a bug issue. Any one aware of the fix, pls help. I really do not want to reinstall the OS.

  • Unable to Click to Post For Twitter & Facebook on Notification Center

    Just received my MacBook Pro with Retina Display.
    Everything works fine except I am unable to post or share on Twitter and Facebook from Notification Center.  I have enabled it from System Preference.  No luck at all.
    Could this be an issue from software update?  Or something else?
    Appreciate your advice, assistance, thanks in advance.

    Try (re)installing the 10.8.2 Suplimental update. I don't know why, but it worked for me:

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