Novell.Directory.Ldap C#

Hi, is it possible to get LDIF formatted Entry using this library?
Best regards

I am not aware of ANY LDIF library for c#.
If you find one, let us know.
On 2/12/2010 8:40 AM, Piotr Czabanski wrote:
> Hi, is it possible to get LDIF formatted Entry using this library?
> Best regards
> Piotr

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    |Filename: ListGroups.txt |
    |Download: |
    eamonnjennings75's Profile:
    View this thread:

    Maybe I am not following.
    In Softerra, when you authenticate as an Admin and look at the group, do
    you see the group member DNs?
    On 5/6/2010 7:36 AM, eamonnjennings75 wrote:
    > Thanks for the info Jim, I use Softerra LDAP browser and I can't see the
    > users from there either so it could be permissions based I think.
    > Thanks
    > Eamonn
    > Jim Willeke;1970076 Wrote:
    >> Sounds like a permissions issue.
    >> Try using a "known" LDAP browser and see what you can with the user.
    >> I use: 'Apache Directory Studio - The Eclipse based LDAP browser and
    >> directory client' (
    >> -jim
    >> On 4/30/2010 6:06 AM, eamonnjennings75 wrote:
    >>> Hi, I've downloaded and made the list groups sample from the
    >> CSharpLDAP
    >>> into a console app as is. When I run this against my test eDirectory
    >> on
    >>> a group that I know definitely has members I get no members returned.
    >> It
    >>> seems to bring back just the objectClass as the only attribute and
    >> not
    >>> members, but you can get the members from objectClass. Is it
    >> something I
    >>> have done on eDirectory, I have an OES server running eDirectory and
    >> I'm
    >>> connecting to it from a windows XP machine. I know the connection is
    >>> fine because it's bringing back the objectClass but not the members.
    >>> I've attached the code in a txt file. Anyone have any idea why the
    >>> members are not being returned.
    >>> Thanks
    >>> Eamonn
    >> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    >>> |Filename: ListGroups.txt
    >> |
    >>> |Download:
    >> |
    >> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

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    If you're using 11.5 or 12 actually they should all map into the system as session properties.  You can use the following URL to verify your session properties:
    If you are not seeing the attributes you expect then your Attribute Query for User or Role is incorrect for your LDAP system and you need to change the LDAP configuration queries.

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    Please Reply ASAP.
    Thanks and Regards
    Kiran Kumar

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    The problem has been solved, it was self inflicted, typo in the config file:
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    Tony Hawes

    Although I haven't tried it, I would guess that this is possible. We are using the LDAP realm with Sun's directory server and a few years ago I used the standard LDAP provider in the JDK to connect to Active Directory. The only problem I had was that I had to connect with a user that had the form "domain/user" instead of a common name. The online help in the admin console describes the properties you can use.

  • MS Active Directory LDAP Authentication/Locking Issue.

    Dear All,
    We are a software company; we have implemented feature of LDAP Authentication in our product using Java API and its working fine from our network environment.
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    1. User Authentication.
    2. Locking account after exceed the maximum attempts that has configured in window server.
    Main our issue is: The LDAP feature is not working properly from our client side. They are able to authenticate their LDAP user but do not able to lock user account however they have exceeded the maximum attempts from login dialog of our products but it still working in our side.
    If anybody has any experienced about it then please reply with positvie solution or any other information like require do the specific configuration for different version of Windows and Active Directory Server etc.
    Can any body know what are the possibilities for identifying and resolving this issue?
    Please help us if anybody has any experienced about it.
    Please do the needful.

    Thanks for your reply.
    We have used java package of javax.naming.* and* for LDAP Authentication.
    Following code for checking whether ADS User is valid or not.
    * Function checks whether ADSUser is valid user or not
    * @returns int value indicating result.
    public int isValidADSUser() {
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable(5);
    Vector adsInfoVec = getADSInfo();
    env.put("java.naming.referral", "ignore");
    // env.put("", "simple");
    String provider = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
    env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", provider);
    //For handling Uncontinued reference found message of partial result exception
    env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow");
    env.put("java.naming.ldap.derefAliases", "always");
    env.put("java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "false");
    env.put("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", "");
    "ldap://" + (String) adsInfoVec.elementAt(0) + ":" +
    (String) adsInfoVec.elementAt(1));
    // env.put("",
    // userNameStr + "@" + (String) adsInfoVec.elementAt(0));
    userNameStr + "@" + (String) adsInfoVec.elementAt(0));
    if (userPassStr == null) {
    userPassStr = "";
    // env.put("", userPassStr);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, userPasswordStr);
    try {
    DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
    catch (javax.naming.AuthenticationException ex) {
    catch (javax.naming.PartialResultException pex) {
    catch (javax.naming.CommunicationException pex) {
    catch (NamingException e) {
    System.out.println("Failed to connect to ");
    return SUCCESS;
    Result of this code from our company: We are able to Authenticate LDAP user and also Lock User Account after exceed the Max Failure Attempt that configured from Windows Server.
    Result of this code from our client side: They are able to Authenticate LDAP user but they can't User Accout Lock however exceed the Max Failure Attemp that configured from their Windows Server.
    Can u please help us if any experience about it and suggest if any other configuration require from Windows Server / Active Directory Server OR also if some other implementation require for resolving this issue.
    Your optimistic reply is much appreciated.
    Mehul Garnara.
    Edited by: [email protected] on Mar 6, 2008 10:24 PM
    Edited by: [email protected] on Mar 6, 2008 10:25 PM
    Edited by: [email protected] on Mar 6, 2008 10:25 PM

  • MS Active Directory (LDAP) and SAP Integration

    Hi all!
    don't know if I'm right here in this forum, but:
    I'm using MS Windows Server 2003 and installed Active Directory as LDAP-System on the one hand side, on the other I'm using a 6.20 ABAP Web AS.
    I'd like to synchronize the User Storage on these two systems.
    Does anyone have experience in doing this? I'm facing a tricky exception in depth of my customizing too complex to explain right now. The problem concerns the mapping of LDAP-Fields and SAP-Fields.

    Hi Christoph,
    This is the mySAP ERP forum. Perhaps you can post your question in the Web AS forum (SAP NetWeaver Application Server).
    For now: here is a link to a video regarding SAP Active Directory integration: active directory integration,%20SSO%20and%20User%20Management%20Webinar.wrf
    I found it by searching on Active Directory here on sdn:!3aportal_content!2fSDN!2fiViews!2fFramework!

  • OID and MS Active Directory  LDAP information Synchronization

    Do you know have to do the integration between OID and MS active Directory? How to synchronize the LDAP information between two?

    Hi, I have the same question.

  • What is the Point of Active Directory/LDAP Specification?

    My college threw an interesting curve ball today and I couldn't give him a good enough answer. The question was simple 'What is the point of active directory'. Now I don't have a lot of exposure to active directory, but I thought I could easily answer. My argument was; If you have a group of objects its easy to look up attributes for those objects using active directory. For example, if you have a group in AD and you want to verify the users of that group you simply look up the member attribute of that group. However he argued, rightly so, that you can do that with a table in a database, why do that in AD. I couldn't give him a good enough answer and now I'm curious. Given the above example, why use AD over a database?
    To me AD is a way to manage a set of resources, whatever they are, by mapping them to objects that have however many attributes. But we could do that in a database, whats the point of AD? Why do you use AD?

    I come from a primarily database centric background. Just like life experience, it casts a certain perspective on problems. Database people solve things with databases. Directory people solve things with directories. Everyone has their perspective. It's not really about who's right and who's wrong. It's about perspective because people are most likely to go with what's familiar when given a problem. It's easy to have this conversation in a educational environment but when you're on the job it's about turf, schedules and careers. My latest job (in which this debate comes up a lot) has been about directories which has been a very enlightening experience because I've been given a gift of perspective. I can put on the directory hat and look at it from another angle.
    To get back to your professor's question. The answer is easy. LDAP (AD or other) is an application above a database. It has a data store behind it, in most cases we can just assume this is a database. So, in short, it's apples to oranges. But if we insist on comparing which makes the better juice, let's look at how we'd make a database like a directory. We could create a data model with an attributes table, an entries table and so on. We can deconstruct what LDAP data structures really are and implement each type as a table with FK/PK relationships and so on. It's sure to work because there are already so many products on the market doing this very thing. But think about the effort now. How are you going to add new users? A front-end? Stored procedures? Scripts? How are you going to keep someone from seeing things they shouldn't? You have to insert an object into all the right tables to ensure that your data is consistent and valid. In a pure database, you're trying to create ACLs on database rows. Now you're writing a full featured application with a lot of complexity. Given enough directory features, the database isn't going to be able to do everything without an external application.
    What is the point of LDAP? It's got hierarchy, ACLs, group of unique names functionality and things that are a layer of abstraction above the data store. I love databases but if you start designing out a directory server from scratch you'll realize it's far beyond comparing a user.ldif to a row in a user table. They are similar in appearance but different types of software.
    Edited by: milkfilk on Dec 16, 2008 11:48 AM
    Edited by: milkfilk on Dec 16, 2008 11:54 AM

  • Really need help: authenticating via iPlanet Directory LDAP

    ok. I've created my security realm provider with the iplanetAuthenticator. Now,
    how do I protect a directory in my ear file and how do I password protect a /servlet/
    that I have with a login and password? Do I need to modify my web.xml? If so,
    does anyone have any samples I can take a look at?
    The docs aren't also clear on the user I must setup in the ldap directory and
    how that works...Can someone help?

    the samples has a sample on how to setup security
    or you can use console to setup security on specific resources in your case
    "Franko" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f79f5e1$[email protected]..
    ok. I've created my security realm provider with the iplanetAuthenticator.Now,
    how do I protect a directory in my ear file and how do I password protecta /servlet/
    that I have with a login and password? Do I need to modify my web.xml? Ifso,
    does anyone have any samples I can take a look at?
    The docs aren't also clear on the user I must setup in the ldap directoryand
    how that works...Can someone help?

  • ISE - Active Directory - LDAPS

    I think I understood the customer concern. This is quoted from Microsoft
    "The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used to read from and write to Active Directory. By default, LDAP traffic is transmitted unsecured. You can make LDAP traffic confidential and secure by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology."
    So the question now is how can we be sure the ISE communication is secure? ... I understand port 636 is used to transport LDAP-Secure ...
    The ISE User Gude indicates that one of the ports required to be open in the case a firewall exists between ISE and ADE is 636 (LDAPS). -(ISE User Guide Page 5-6)
    In my case there is no FW between ISE and AD, so how can I be sure LDAPS is being used?
    ISE User Guide explais a little about security if the external identity source is an LDAP, but nothing about security is indicated in Active Directory configuration.

    The AD join operations allows you to run PEAP protocol and is much more resilient than using ldap because of the way it joins itself to the domain. It uses kerberos and rpc when performing user authentication.
    When using ldaps that is configuration based on when you add the ldap instance.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

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