
Similar Messages

  • Cenário de envio de XML (B2B)

    Olá Henrique.
    Estou implementando a solução SAP GRC/NFe e configurando o envio de XML aos clientes através do cenário NTB2B_WebAS_Outbound_B2B_NFe.
    Observei que a documentação indica a criação de um communication channel para cada cliente, porém gostaria de configurar um único mail receiver onde o endereço de e-mail seja flexível.
    Para isso, necessito enviar do ECC para o GRC o campo e-mail do cliente e que o GRC transmita este campo na mensagem  NTB2B_procNFe_OB.
    Existe esta possibilidade prevista no GRC?
    Se não, como ficam os desenvolvimentos no PI? Como a criação de novo Interface Mapping, ou, até mesmo de um novo BPM?
    Dorval Neto.

    Olá Dorval,
    nao é preciso desenvolver um BPM.
    É possível sim fazer isso dinamicamente (através de alguns simples desenvolvimentos), até mesmo utilizando a interface standard NTB2B_WebAS_Outbound_B2B_NFe (que é chamada por default pelo proxy após a autorizacao da NFE). Para isso, existem 2 métodos:
    1. alimentacao do dynamic configuration de Mail (procure sobre "dynamic configuration" ou "adapter specific message attributes" no forum de XI q vc vai ter varios retornos);
    2. mapping do XML de NFE p/ a estrutura de Mail Package (procure tb por "mail package" no forum do XI).
    Em ambos os casos, vc precisa definir um novo message mapping que irá ser utilizado nesse cenario:
    No caso 1, vc precisa de um message mapping "fake" (onde ambas estruturas fonte e destino sao o mesmo message type, no caso o message type da interface NTB2B_WebAS_Outbound_B2B_NFe). No campo que contém o CNPJ nessa estrutura, vc pode fazer por exemplo um Lookup no mapping para chamar uma RFC que retorna o email a ser utilizado a partir do CNPJ (vc pode desenvolver essa RFC no proprio R/3 e chama-la a partir do lookup, passando um communication channel que aponte o R/3). Procure por "lookup api" ou "rfc lookup" no forum do XI. Uma vez retornado o email, vc pode entao alimentar o dynamic configuration do campo To do Mail adapter com esse valor.
    No caso 2, o mapping vai de fato preencher o Mail Package.
    Vc precisa, da mesma maneira anterior, fazer o RFC Lookup para pegar o valor do email, mas em vez de preencher um dynamic configuration, vc preenche direto na estrutura destino do mapping (q tem os campos subject, to, cc etc.). O campo content vc alimenta a partir do campo xmlString da estrura de origem.
    Depois de criados os mappings, vc precisa tb criar um interface mapping para coloca-lo dentro.
    No caso 1, alem do mapping dummy q vc criou, o interface mapping precisa ter o java mapping standard q vem no interface mapping standard dessa interface.
    No caso 2, o interface mapping soh precisa do mapping q alimenta o mail package.
    Para o configuration, vc pode configurar todo o cenario standard. Daí depois de configurado, vc vai no Interface Determination e troca o interface mapping standard pelo interface mapping q vc criou acima.
    Ainda, para evitar duplicar/recriar objetos, vc pode incluir uma dependencia do seu Software Component Version ao SWCV SLL-NFE 1.0. Daí, vc pode incluir os objetos standard nos seus proprios objetos. Ainda, alguns objetos vc nao precisa nem criar (como o interface mapping), bastando modificar os objetos "standard" q aparecem dentro do nó "Basis" do seu SWCV (é como se ele automaticamente criasse versoes Z dos objetos standard, q vc pode modificar a vontade; esses objetos tem o mesmo nome e namespace dos standard, mas o SWCV é o seu, nao o SLL-NFE 1.0).
    Eu até comecei a escrever um blog a respeito disso tudo, mas nao cheguei a terminar.
    Se conseguir, eu publico.
    PS: em anexo segue um exemplo de codigo que pode ser utilizado na UDF para recuperar o email. No caso, ele nao preenche dynamic configuration, soh retorna o email (o codigo para preencher o dynamic config está na 3a referencia abaixo).
    - Mail Adapter help:
    - Javadoc da Lookup API: (package
    - Dynamic Configuration:
    - Modifying XI Objects:

  • Transferir aplicativos e contatos para um novo iphone

    Como faço para transferir tudo que tenho para meu novo iphone sem usar o Icloud??

    if you have a back up in itunes, just restore the new phone from this backup

  • Como tirar ou fechar o Mail aplicativo nativo, e acessar direto o Gmail que uso freqüentemente?Pois quando ligo o iPad o Mail avisa com um sinal que chegaram emails?

    Como tirar ou fechar o Mail (aplicativo nativo) e acessar somente o Gmail que uso freqüentemente?
    Porque quando ligo o iPad o Mail logo avisa com sinal que chegaram novos emails.
    Aguardo rês
    Osta se for possível.

  • Aplicativo

    Olá pessoal, um instalei um aplicativo, e depois comprei a versão completa dele, porém sem querer desintalei. Agora quando o instalei de novo eu perdi a versão completa, terei que pagar de novo ou tem como recuperar?
    Obrigada desde já,

    Se você reinstalá-lo, será de nenhuma carga. No entanto,quando você vai para reinstalá-lo, ele deve dizer "Instalar" em vez de "download". Se isso não acontecer, então isso podecustar-lhe dinheiro. Good Luck!

  • Remote System and Remote Key Mapping at a glance

    I want to discuss the concept of Remote System and Remote Key Mapping.
    Remote System is a logical system which is defined in MDM Console for a MDM Repository.
    We can define key mapping enabled at each table level.
    The key mapping is used to distinguish records at Data Manager after running the Data Import.
    Now 1 record can have 1 remote system with two different keys but two different records cannot have same remote system with same remote key. So, Remote key is an unique identifier for record for any remote system for each individual records.
    Now whenever we import data from a Remote System, the remote system and remote key are mapped for each individual records. Usually all records have different remote keys.
    Now, when syndicating back the record with default remote key is updated in the remote system that is sent by xml file format.
    If same record is updated two times from a same remote system, the remote key will be different and the record which is latest contains highest remote key.
    Now, I have to look at Data Syndication and Remote key.
    I have not done Data Syndication but my concept tell if there is duplicate record with same remote system but different remote keys both will be syndicated back. But if same record have two remote keys for same remote system then only the default remote key is syndicated back.
    Kaushik Banerjee

    You are right Kaushik,
    I have not done Data Syndication but my concept tell if there is duplicate record with same remote system but different remote keys both will be syndicated back.
    Yes, but if they are duplicate, they needs to be merged.
    But if same record have two remote keys for same remote system then only the default remote key is syndicated back.
    This is after merging. So whichever remote key has tick mark in key mapping option(default) , it will be syndicated back.
    Pls refer to these links for better understanding.
    Hope this helps,
    + An

  • Error while deleting a mapping

    Hi all,
    I am getting the following error while deleting a mapping. My client version is
    API5072: Internal Error: Null message for exception. Please contact Oracle Support with the stack trace and details on how to reproduce it.
    oracle.wh.util.Assert: API5072: Internal Error: Null message for exception. Please contact Oracle Support with the stack trace and details on how to reproduce it.
         at oracle.wh.util.Assert.owbAssert(
         at oracle.wh.ui.jcommon.OutputConfigure.showMsg(
         at oracle.wh.ui.common.CommonUtils.error(
         at oracle.wh.ui.common.WhDeletion.doActualDel(
         at oracle.wh.ui.common.WhDeletion.deleteObject(
         at oracle.wh.ui.common.WhDeletion.deleteObject(
         at oracle.wh.ui.jcommon.tree.WhTree.deleteItem(
         at oracle.wh.ui.console.commands.DeleteCmd.performAction(
         at oracle.wh.ui.console.commands.TreeMenuHandler$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Thanks in advance!

    These type of Internal Errors are all too common in OWB and it's difficult to diagnose the exact problem.
    I'd suggest closing the Design Centre, going back in and trying to delete it again, this will often resolve Internal errors.
    There's also an article on Metalink Doc ID: 460411.1 about errors when deleting mappings but it's specific to an ACLContainer error, so may or may not be of use.
    One of the suggestions is to connect as the Repository Owner rather than a User and try to delete the mapping.
    Edited by: ScoobySi on Sep 10, 2009 11:44 AM

  • FileName in ABAP XSLT Mapping

    Dear SDN,
    In an integration scenario we are using sender File Adapter and a  ABAP XSLT Mapping.
    Is there any way to get the source FileName from such mapping.  Im trying to use the adapter-specific message attributes, but it doesn't work, and I didn´t find an example, probably I and doing somthing wrong.

    Thank you for your help,
    I just try to access the adapter-specific attibutes using:
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:variable name="filename"  select="key:create('', 'Directory')" />
    but the following error raised:
    <SAP:Stack>Error while calling mapping program YXSLT_TEST (type Abap-XSLT, kernel error ID CX_XSLT_RUNTIME_ERROR) Call of unknown function</SAP:Stack>
    have you had this situation?

  • Sample source code for fields mapping in expert routine

    Hi All
    Iam writing the expert routine from dso to cube for example I have two fields in dso FLD1,FLD2
    same fields in infocube also ,can any body provide me sample abap code to map source fields to target fields in expert routine,your help will be heighly appreciatble,it's an argent.

    Basic would be ;
    you have the source fields as source, and result fields for as the target. In between you can check some conditions as in other routines of transformation.
    BEGIN OF tys_SC_1, shows your source fields ( in your case DSO chars and key figures)
    BEGIN OF tys_TG_1, , shows your result fields ( in your case Cube characteristics)
    Hope this helps

  • How can I distinguish different action mapping in one ActionClass file?

    I would like to create a ActionClass which will handle 3 mapping which comes from /add, /show or /del.
    My question is how can I change the code so that the ActionClass servlet can distinguish the request from different url mapping ? Can anyone give me some short hints? Thx.
    <action name="MemberInfoForm" path="/add" scope="request" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">
    <action name="MemberInfoForm" path="/show" scope="request" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">
    <action name="MemberInfoForm" path="/del" scope="request" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">
    public class MemberAction extends org.apache.struts.action.Action {
        private final static String SUCCESS = "success";
        public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm  form,
                HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                throws Exception {
            return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
    Thank you so much for all of your suggestion.
    I read the document of MappingDispatchAction and its note say:
    NOTE - Unlike DispatchAction, mapping characteristics may differ between the various handlers, so you can combine actions in the same class that, for example, differ in their use of forms or validation.........
    I wonder in DispatchAction, we can also have various forms or validation as MappingDispatchAction does, just by using different name in the action tag, for example:
    <action input="/p1.jsp" name="MForm1" path="/member" scope="session" parameter="action" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">
    <action input="/p2.jsp" name="MForm2" path="/member" scope="session" parameter="action" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">
    <action input="/p3.jsp" name="MForm3" path="/member" scope="session" parameter="action" type="com.myapp.real.MemberAction">Hence, it is not the difference as stated from the NOTE, right?
    Edited by: roamer on Jan 22, 2008 10:32 AM

  • How can I save to the same map every time when printing pdfs?

    How can I save to the same map every time when printing pdfs?
    Finder points to the document map even when I chose a different map recently.
    I often print series of pdfs from the print dialog box, I'd like to choose the map to save to and then have all subsequent pdf prints automatically directed to the same map until I decide otherwise.

    that link seems to be broken right now:
    403 Error - Forbidden  - No cred, dude.

  • Sensor Mapping Express VI's performanc​e degrades over time

    I was attempting to do a 3d visualization of some sensor data. I made a model and managed to use it with the 3d Picture Tool Sensor Mapping Express VI. Initially, it appeared to work flawlessly and I began to augment the scene with further objects to enhance the user experience. Unfortunately, I believe I am doing something wrong at this stage. When I add the sensor map object to the other objects, something like a memory leak occurs. I begin to encounter performance degradation almost immediately.
    I am not sure how I should add to best add in the Sensor Map Object reference to the scene as an object. Normally, I establish these child relationships first, before doing anything to the objects, beyond creating, moving, and anchoring them. Since the Sensor Map output reference is only available AFTER the express vi run. My compromise solution, presently, is to have a case statement of controlled by the"First Call" constant. So far, performace seems to be much better.
    Does anyone have a better solution? Am I even handling these objects the way the community does it?
    EDIT: Included the vi and the stl files.
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:12 PM
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:12 PM
    Message Edited by Sean-user on 10-28-2009 04:16 PM
    Go to Solution.
    test for ‏105 KB ‏97 KB

    I agree with Hunter, your current solution is simple and effective, and I can't really visualize a much better way to accomplish the same task.
    Just as a side-note, the easiest and simplest way to force execution order is to use the error terminals on the functions and VIs in your block diagram. Here'a VI snippet with an example of that based on the VI you posted. (If you paste the image into your block diagram, you can make edits to the code)
    Since you expressed some interest in documentation related to 3D picture controls, I did some searching and found a few articles you might be interested in. There's nothing terribly complex, but these should be a good starting point. The first link is a URL to the search thread, so you can get an idea of where/what I'm searching.You'll get more hits if you search from rather than​cture/
    Creating a 3D Scene with the 3D Picture Control
    Configuring a 3D Scene Window
    Using the 3D Picture Control 'Create Height Field VI' to convert a 2D image into a 3D textured heigh...
    Using Lighting and Fog Effects in 3d Picture Control
    3D Picture Control - Create a Moving Texture Using a Series of Images
    Changing Set Rotation and Background of 3D Picture Control
    Caleb Harris
    National Instruments | Mechanical Engineer |

  • Numbers/Address Book and Google Maps

    I would love to integrate my spreadsheet of addresses or my Address Book with Google Maps.
    Is this possible? Somehow?
    I take a lot of trips across the country and don't always know when I will be driving by my friends. But if I had a map I could glance at to see where they all are, I would know that I could schedule a lunch with a friend halfway or something like that.
    I have heard about MapPoint, but don't know if there is anything like this that is free/affordable/non-MS.

    Integrating in Numbers would not be automatic. You'd have to format links to assign to each address.
    I've seen plug-ins to use Google maps with Address Book. Try a search on MacUpdate or VersionTracker for Address Book.
    I think one of the features for Address Book in Leopard is integration with Google maps.

  • Mapping/invoking key codes in a GameCanvas's main game loop.

    I'm trying to bind some diagonal sprite movement methods to the keypad. I already know that I have to map out the diagonals to key codes since key states only look out for key presses in the upper half of the phone (d-pad, soft buttons, etc...). Problem is, how do I invoke them in the main game loop since a key state can be encapsulated in a method and piped through the loop? What makes this even worst is a bug that my phone maker's game API (Siemens Game API for MIDP 1.0, which is their own implementation of the MIDP 2.0 Game API) has, in which if I override the keyPressed, keyReleased, or keyRepeated methods, it will always set my key states to zero, thus I can't move the sprite at all. Also, it seems that my phone's emulator automatically maps key states to 2, 4, 6, and 8, so my only concern is how do I map the diagonal methods into 1, 3, 7, and 9, as well as invoking them in the main game loop? Enclosed is the example code that I've been working on as well as the link to a thread in the Siemens (now Benq Mobile) developer's forum about the bug's discovery:
    the code:
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    public class ExampleGameCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {
    private boolean isPlay; // Game Loop runs when isPlay is true
    private long delay; // To give thread consistency
    private int currentX, currentY; // To hold current position of the 'X'
    private int width; // To hold screen width
    private int height; // To hold screen height
    // Sprites to be used
    private GreenThing playerSprite;
    private Sprite backgroundSprite;
    // Layer Manager
    private LayerManager layerManager;
    // Constructor and initialization
    public ExampleGameCanvas() throws Exception {
    width = getWidth();
    height = getHeight();
    currentX = width / 2;
    currentY = height / 2;
    delay = 20;
    // Load Images to Sprites
    Image playerImage = Image.createImage("/transparent.PNG");
    playerSprite = new GreenThing (playerImage,32,32,width,height);
    Image backgroundImage = Image.createImage("/background2.PNG");
    backgroundSprite = new Sprite(backgroundImage);
    layerManager = new LayerManager();
    // Automatically start thread for game loop
    public void start() {
    isPlay = true;
    Thread t = new Thread(this);
    public void stop() { isPlay = false; }
    // Main Game Loop
    public void run() {
    Graphics g = getGraphics();
    while (isPlay == true) {
    try { Thread.sleep(delay); }
    catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
    // Method to Handle User Inputs
    private void input() {
    int keyStates = getKeyStates();
    // Left
    if ((keyStates & LEFT_PRESSED) != 0) {
    // Right
    if ((keyStates & RIGHT_PRESSED) !=0 ) {
    // Up
    if ((keyStates & UP_PRESSED) != 0) {
    // Down
    if ((keyStates & DOWN_PRESSED) !=0) {
    /*private void diagonalInput(int gameAction){
    if (gameAction==KEY_NUM1){
    if (gameAction==KEY_NUM3){
    if (gameAction==KEY_NUM7){
    if (gameAction==KEY_NUM9){
    /*protected void keyPressed(int keyCode){
    int diagonalGameAction = getGameAction(keyCode);
    switch (diagonalGameAction)
    case GameCanvas.KEY_NUM1:
    if ((diagonalGameAction & KEY_NUM1) !=0)
    case GameCanvas.KEY_NUM3:
    if ((diagonalGameAction & KEY_NUM3) !=0)
    case GameCanvas.KEY_NUM7:
    if ((diagonalGameAction & KEY_NUM7) !=0)
    case GameCanvas.KEY_NUM9:
    if ((diagonalGameAction & KEY_NUM9) !=0)
    // Method to Display Graphics
    private void drawScreen(Graphics g) {
    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
    // updating player sprite position
    // display all layers
    }EDIT: Also enclosed is a thread over in in which another user reports of the same flaw.;action=display;threadid=5068 lost me...I thought that's what I was doing?
    If you mean try hitTestPoint ala this:
    wally2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, letsSee);
    function letsSee(event:Event)
              // create a for loop to test each array item hitting wally...
              for (var i:Number=0; i<iceiceArray.length; i++)
                   // if you don't hit platform...
              if (wally2.hitTestPoint(iceiceArray[i].x, iceiceArray[i].y, false)) {
              wally2.y -= 5;}
    That's not working either.

  • Key mapping Generator Tool

    One customer has two systems: System A and System B in his landscape. System A serves as the central server for item master data management. He maintains the same set of item master data in System B as that of System B manually. Now, the customer wants to use B1i to keep the item master data in System B automatically up to date as that in System A.
    Use this tools to create the keys in the Bizstore.
    Please read carefully the documentation before proceeding.
    Lot of success,

    Hi all,
    When running the tool I get an exception.
    I have created a csv with all the cardcodes in it that need to be pushed. I have uploaded the tool to B1i. I've supplied the parameters and when I click execute the thing throws an exception.
    Input path:
    D:\B1i\Tools\Mapping Tool\Extracted\B1i2005PL05 or PL06\Reference\Common_BP.csv
    Bizflow to execute:
    Parameters: SenderSysId=0010000100,SenderObjectTypeId=B1.2005_BP,SenderKeyName=CardCode,SenderKeySelectionPath=BOM/BO/BusinessPartners/row/CardCode,ReceiverSysId=0010000102
    HTTP Status 500 - XCE001 Nested exception: XCE001 Nested exception: BPE001 Nested exception: UTE001 Nested exception: Invalid char #0x0(:main:, row:1, col:414) caused by: XCE001 Nested exception: BPE001 Nested exception: UTE001 Nested exception: Invalid char #0x0(:main:, row:1, col:414) caused by: BPE001 Nested exception: UTE001 Nested exception: Invalid char #0x0(:main:, row:1, col:414) caused by: UTE001 Nested exception: Invalid char #0x0(:main:, row:1, col:414) caused by: Invalid char #0x0(:main:, row:1, col:414)
    What is wrong?
    Kind regards,

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