NS6 browser call to applet function

Using javascript to call an applet public function does not work under NS6; This used to work in Navigator 4.7. I have a modal dialog that asks whenever the user closes the browser page to save or cancel current configuration settings. The dialog is an applet function call during "onunload". NS6 freezes and does not respond after the dialog pops.

If you're a developer, it's better to use the latest version of Mozilla http://www.mozilla.org/ instead of Netscape 6. That way, if you find a bug or experience any kind of problem, you can go to Bugzilla http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ and see if the bug has been reported. What you're describing sounds like bug 14711 http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14711

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  • I have a javascript function that calls an applet function, 3.67 breaks this, no problem before, on Mac 10.5, FF 3.66 worked fine, Safari works fine, so does IE on PC, will test FF on PC next

    I'm getting two javascript errors that I've never had before until 3.67. One of these is a MooTools error that I have to track down, the other is a failure to read a Java function on an applet
    == URL of affected sites ==
    need a login

    Hi gikku,
    Good idea! I forgot about the web server port forwarding, that will allow the wiki to be seen over the internet.
    One question: what does adding the dyndns address to "Server Admin > web > settings > sites" actually do? I'm not too knowledgeable about Server Admin.

  • How jsp can call applet functions

    good morning to all java experts
    i have one problem that is
    in my application i have one applet in the server side which contains functions like encryption, decryption, hash functions.
    whenever any client wants to store some information on server side then he download the applet from the server and he gives his own key and encrypt all the contents and these encrypted message only transmitted through media and store on server side
    whenever clients wants to retrieve some information from server then he fetch the only encrypted message to client side then he down load the applet from server and decrypts the message as he pass the previous key.
    the problem is that whenever jsp calls the applet functions through javascript it displaying error message like: error in the jsp page
    but this concept working through html page properly
    plss reply as soon as possible
    thanking uuu

    the problem is that whenever jsp calls the applet functions through javascript Show the relevant code how you thought to accomplish this (this is namely impossible without firing a new request to the server).
    it displaying error message like: error in the jsp pageAnd further on, you -as developer- should know that it is not-done and unclear to talk about errors if they are irrelevant. Always post and the full, complete, original and unchanged error message and -if in Java- also the stacktrace. They are helpful in debugging.

  • Linux: JS cannot call Applet functions

    I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem:
    Our platform is RedHat Linux 7.2 with Mozilla 0.9.7 and 0.9.8 as well as NS 6.2.1 (I have tried JRE 1.3.1_01 and 1.4 rc1)
    Whenever I load our applet in a frame and try to call the applet functions I get a JS error stating "Applet.xxx() is not a valid function"
    Loading the same applet in a standard page (no frames) works fine. Also the framed applet works fine on the windows platform.
    I'm guessing this is more of a Mozilla/NS problem that a Java problem, but I have foudn little information elsewhere and this forum seems to be filled with lots of great info.
    I have submited this as a Mozilla bug:
    The URL has case code examples.
    Thanks, Jesse

    If your applet requires a Java plugin, you have to realize that Netscape's LiveConnect has not been fully ported to JRE1.4 rc1 and neither Mozilla nor NN6.2.1 has its own JVM. Altho I have NN6.2, I seldom use it because it's still very buggy and extremely slow.

  • SetCookie Javascript call from applet pops up the launcher browser window

    With Jre 1.5 we started seeing a strange problem.
    From our applet code at the end of loading the applet we call a setcookie on our parent browser window (Browser window used to access our html/applet page).
    Once we make this call the browser window comes on top of our applet window.
    This was working fine earlier, with jre 1.5 we started seeing this issue. Any thoughts?
    A workaround is to call the toFront() function on the applet window's mainframe and set it in the front again. I was wondering if any one have seen similar problem.
    It happens only with IE on windows, no issue on netscape/mozilla.

    this is now resolved. My call to the transaction was slightly incorrect. This is now the working code:
    CONCATENATE 'http'
    '://' host ':' port
    '/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/?~transaction=*MIR4 RBKP-BELNR=5105600751' ';DYNP_OKCODE=SHOW'
    into url.

  • Applet function call from javascript

    I'm haveing a problem with accesing applet's functions from Javascript in Mozilla. IE works fine but in Mozilla I get the following error:
    Error: document.applets[0] has no properties
    The code used is: document.applets[0].test();
    The applet has the following 2 tags defined, I don't know if they are necessary here but I'm doing the reverse too (applet functions call javascript).
    <PARAM name="MAYSCRIPT" value="Y">
    <PARAM name="SCRIPTABLE" value="Y">
    If you have any ideea please help.

    in javascript try document.getElementById("idOfTheApplet")
    use object tag instead of applet tag:
         <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
                  height="300" width="450" >
            <param name="code" value="appTest.class" />
            <!--[if !IE]> Mozilla/Netscape and its brethren -->
            <object classid="java:appTest.class"
                    height="300" width="450"
              <param name="mayscript" value=Y" />
            <!-- <![endif]-->
          </object>or check out HtmlConverter.exe in the jdk bin dir.

  • How do you call a JavaScript function from a Java applet

    I have an Applet that needs to run on the following platforms: Internet Explorer (Windows-NT, Windows -2000), Netscape (Windows-NT, Windows-2000, Sun(Solaris), RedHat(Linux), HP(11.0), IBM(AIX)).
    The Applet needs to call a JavaScript function that is included on the HTML page that contains the applet. In JRE-1.3.1 I used the AppletContext.showDocument(url,"_self" ) where the url is "javascript:MyScript('param1')". This works just fine. I tried using showDocument without the second parameter and all the other choices for the second parameter and none of them worked (nothing happened).
    I tried the same code with JRE version 1.4-beta. It seems that version 1.4-beta no longer supports a URL that starts with "javascript" in the AppletContext.showDocument(url,"_self" ) method. The error is:
    netscape.javascript.JSException: call does not support self.open
    at sun.plugin.javascript.navig.Window.call(Unknown Source)
    at sun.plugin.ActivatorAppletContext.showDocument(Unknown Source)
    I tried to catch the JSException but I cannot seem to.
    I then tried a completely different approach. I then grabbed the JSObject for the page and tried to call my javascript function (MyScript) directly:
    JSObject theObj = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    Object paramArray[] = new Object[1];
    paramArray[0] = Param1;
    theObj.call("MyScript", paramArray);
    This worked fine on Netscape[Windows-NT, Windows-2000]. HP throws a JSException on getWindow() and Solaris just hangs. I did not even try IE.
    What is the recommended approach here?

    you can try this, it worked for me:
    JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    I have other ways also, so if this doesn't work, let me know.

  • Calling Java Script Function from Applet

    How can I call the Java Script method from Applet. This should work both on IE and NN running on both Windows NT and solaris. I know it is possible to call the function in Java script using JSObject. But I don't have JSObject at run time. Please let me know how to call Java Script function from applet without using JSObject.

    For Java <-> JavaScript communication in Netscape / Mozilla see:

  • Getting hang/crash problem when I try to close browser window from applet

    I have a small Apllet that has a button that calls a Javascript function in the opening window, to close the window in which it is loaded.
    The Applet window is a PopUp window from one of my application's window. First time I start my application and load that Applet the button works fine. It calls the Javascript method and the Method closes the window using the self.close() method.
    But now if I open the applet window again and click on the button to close the windows, it hangs. I put in trace statements and saw that it hangs on JSObject.getWindow() window.
    I am using JDK Plugin 1.4.2_07 and 5.0 , if I work out on IE browser, it works fine.But when I use firefox or mozilla it gives problem of hanging/crashing.
    Note that in case of 1.4.2_07 this problem experienced some times but in case of 5.0 it gives always for other than IE browser.
    Please, if somebody could give me some clue about why this would happen, I will really appreciate that. and code related to this is given below
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import netscape.javascript.JSObject;
    public class TestApplet extends JApplet implements ActionListener{
    protected JButton closeButton = null;
    protected JSObject win = null;
    private JFrame frame = null;
    private boolean alreadyClosed = false;
    public void init(){
    this.win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    this.closeButton = new JButton("Close Browser Window");
    frame = new JFrame("Test Frame");
    frame.setSize(300, 400);
    frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    alreadyClosed = true;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
    public void stop() {
    if (!alreadyClosed) {
    alreadyClosed = true;
    private void closeLaunchedBrowser() {
    final TestApplet thisObject = this;
    Runnable r = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    try {
    JSObject win = (JSObject)JSObject.getWindow(thisObject);
    if (win != null && win.toString() != null) {
    //win.call("close", null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Thread t = new Thread(r);

    I am waiting for any reply. I have tried for all these below options still I am getting Problem. I heard this is because of javascript, it wont call methods more times .Thats
    why I need other than JSObject or java script solution.If some one know anything about this or any modifications I have to made for the below options to avoid that problem please let me know.
    // URL durl = new URL(thisObject.getCodeBase(), "test/CloseMe.htm");
    // System.out.println("URL :" + durl.toString());      
    // thisObject.getAppletContext().showDocument(durl);
    //     thisObject.getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL("javascript:window.close();"), "_self");
    //win.call("close", null);
    //Object[] args = { "close", new Integer(50) };
    // win.call("setTimeout", args);
    //win.eval("setTimeout("close", new Integer(50));");
    If it is the problem of JRE I just need it should work on 1.4.2_01 or higher.

  • Calling a JavaScript function from an JApplet...

    Can anyone help? Is it possible to call a JavaScript function from within a JApplet? If so, what is the syntax? I've seen reference to the Netscape package but I've been led to believe it doesn't always work within Internet Explorer 6 which is the target browser.
    If the above is not possible can anyone tell me if and how it is possible to load images from outside the init() method of a JApplet? This would allow me to work around the problem.
    Thanks in advance - Jim.

    Call javascript you use the JSObject
    Please note the MAYSCRIPT int the html file.
    html file:
         <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
                  height="0" width="0" >
            <param name="code" value="someApplet.class" />
            <!--[if !IE]> Mozilla/Netscape and its brethren -->
            <object classid="java:someApplet.class"
                    height="0" width="0"
            <!-- <![endif]-->
    <LABEL id="lblOutputText">This text is the HTML text </LABEL>java class:
    // new class for jsObject!!!! compile this: javac -classpath "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0\lib\plugin.jar" someApplet.java
    // since jaws.jar does not exsist anymore
    // in 1.4.0 to compile: javac -classpath "C:\j2sdk1.4.0_03\jre\lib\jaws.jar" someApplet.java
    // for msjvm use the -source 1.3 -target 1.1 option so the command looks like this:
    // javac -source 1.3 -target 1.1 -classpath "C:\j2sdk1.4.0_03\jre\lib\jaws.jar" someApplet.java
    import netscape.javascript.*;
    public class someApplet extends java.applet.Applet {
        JSObject win;
        public void init() {
                 win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    // you need win.eval("window.close();"); // to close the window. if the current window is not a popup
    // opened by a parent with window.open than the user will get a waring, your next question probably will
    // be "can I stop this warning" and the answer is simple: NO
                 JSObject textBoxLabel = (JSObject) win.eval("document.getElementById('lblOutputText')");
                 textBoxLabel.setMember("innerHTML", "<center><h1>Some text</h1></center>");
            }catch(Exception e){

  • How to call a Applet from a servlet and vice versa...?

    Hi all
    Can anyone help me how to call a applet from a servlet and vice versa. When the applet is called it should contact the database (oracle8i) and get the data. When i submit the applet form the data in the applet should be saved in the database.
    Thanks in advance

    Sweep is correct about requestDispatcher being another approach for inter-servlet delegation; the only issue that i recall with this approach is that it defaults the method of the destination servlet to the one it was called from...for example, calling servlet2 from within servlet1.post() resulted in the dispatcher attempting to utilize servlet2.post() - i believe that i searched for a parameterize solution to no avail :( (ended up handling the request by placing a "fake" doPost() in servlet2 that simply called servlet2.doGet())
    however, if your application is functioning correctly on your pc/webserver then the problem may be external to servlet communication (e.g. client webserver's ports not configured or blocked, missing runtime classes, etc.)
    my suggestion would be to set aside the programmatic concerns for the moment - what is the response if you open a browser on a client's machine and access the URL in question (i.e. http://clientserver:port/stefanoServlet)? If it will not respond to access in this manner then it certainly won't when your application calls for it.
    It's possible that there is a coding error but, given the info supplied, i'd start examining the environment, first. Let us know if you have any luck with the test i recommended or not (please provide abundant detail). Or, if you've found the solution then you may want to post back with a quick blub so the next person knows how to escape the trap.

  • How can I have a backing file call a JavaScript function?

    I have a Weblogic portal with a JSP portlet. The portlet has a backing file. How can I get the backing file to call a JavaScript function in my portlet?

    your questions are not correct because you are mixing up server side operations with client side operations.
    First server side code executes then the page is sent to the browser , then any javascript executes on the browser. So asking for javascript to be called from backing file (server side) doesn't make sense or asking for javascript to read a parameter doesnt exactly work either.
    However in your server code suppose you have a variable action in the request that you want javascript to know then in your JSP you would add something like
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var action = '${requestScope.action}';
    alert(action);//or whatever you want to do
    <c:if test="${requestScope.someOthervariable == ''xyz'}"><%-- this check is done on the server --%>
    callSomeJavascript(); <%--this javascript is only executed when the server side value of someOtherVariable is xyz --%>
    i.e. you can output the javascript that has the variables you need or the function calls you want.
    Like I said understand whats server side and whats client side.

  • JSPs and calling a DB function/procedure

    I looked at an example written by Oracle and I saw that they put in the <form> tag (in a JSP) an "action" that is really a name of a DB procedure. It was in the form of:
    First: I've tried to do that myself -- just create simple HTML page, have an <input> with the "type" of "text", and in the <form>'s action put the procedure's full 'path' name. Did not work. Am I missing anything? What's the right way to do it?
    What I see in the browser's URL is:
    "http://serverName:portNum/.../pls/portal30/PORTAL30.MYPACKAGE.MYPROCEDURE?" But I see an empty page.
    Second: looking at the actual procedure body of the example, I saw that the procedure's parameters are given the same exact name as the names of the <input>'s in the JSP page. Like:
    <input type="text" name="txtFirstName">
    and in the procedure:
    someProcedureName(txtFirstName integer)
    Is that the way to pass parameters to a DB procedure? (by using the same name)
    Third: Can I call a DB function from a JSP's <form>'s "action" and get the return value somehow? Meaning, I want to know whether the function's operation was successful and no exceptions were thrown. And if there were some exceptions thrown, I want to let the user know somehow.... How?
    A lot of questions, I know, but I still gotta know... :-)

    Sorry for the late answer, hope it's not too late yet.
    1) If you make your DB procudures accessible from a plain browser, you can obviously define that URL as an html form action. Make sure that your procedures are accessible when typing in the URL in your browser. You need to check whether you have privileges to access the procedure, and the DAD settings too.How do I make my DB procedures accessible from a plain browser?
    Is just making a "GRANT" to that procedure to that user enough? And what do I need to do with the DAD?
    Is the "?" question mark in your URL, or has it been added by the forum only? You don't need it as long as you don't want to pass parameters.Question mark was added by the browser..
    3) I'd probably do it through passing the error code to the JSP as a parameter. You find information about reading parameters in the PDK. Yes, but how do I pass it BACK to the browser? I do know how to pass parameters to a "regular" JSP (one that has nothing to do with the portal). But this one involves the DB -- how do I tell my DB function to send an "answer" back to the browser? It would send the function's return value straight to the browser because the browser was the thing that called it in the first place?

  • Call a Javascript function without JSObject

    Hi all,
    With j2 sdk 1.4.2_08 the JSObject doesn't seem to ship anymore. I need to find a solution to either:
    1. call a javascript function from within an applet without the JSObject
    2. or find a different way of executing the http: or mailto: protocols in a new browserwindow.
    Would getAppletContext ().showDocument (new URL (oURLString),"Titlet"); be able to do this trick for me? The thing is that with this applet people can click on an image of a map, and then a new browserwindow opens up which calls an asp which shows certain database information. The mailto: protocol is used to enable users to send an email from the applet with certain informations about the map as well.

    hmmmm. That might do the trick for me as well, but I had hoped I would not have to change the page in which the applet loads ...
    I think I'll give showDocument a couple of tries, and I also think I should download the docs for this version.
    BTW, it could very well be that the JSObject was never part of the JRE/plugin. It's just that this project is a very old solution revisited (I first developed it in 1998 or 1999, then worked again on it in 2001/2003, and now it's come back to haunt me again). It's just that when I do a javac it complains about not being able to find netscape.javascript.*. For now I've commented them out, which means two of my commands don't work anymore, and before I deliver I have to fix that.

  • Call a javascript function (in ASPX) page from a javascript file

    I have a javascript file (viewer.js) situated in Scripts/viewer.js My
    default.aspx has a javascript functions that calls a c# function in the
    default.aspx.cs ( it sends a http webrequest)
    Now I want to call from the viewer.js the function in default.aspx which calls the c# function.
    How can I handle this in my viewer.js?
    I need to do this because I work with 3D objects and the select event is on the viewer.js
    When I select the 3D object it needs to call the function in default.aspx...
    function ClickPickItem(item) {
    /*Call function App() */
    function App() {
    public static string Connect()
    string rsp = DigestAuthFixer.GrabResponse("http://<username>:<password>@nextbus.mxdata.co.uk/nextbuses/1.0/1");
    Sorry if I'm not clear enough
    I don't see another option like this
    What I need to do?

    If my understanding is not wrong, you are trying to call a Javascript function in a separate script block from a linked Javascript page. rite?
    When it comes to Javascript, all scripts will be posted to the client side browser and we can access any method between pages provided those JS files are linked to the page.
    So you can directly call
    function from your
    Please try and let us know your result.

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