NSURL - How to test for directory (in 10.5)?

I've used this in 10.6 to test whether the resource pointed to is a directory:
[myURL getResourceValue:&value forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:NULL];
Is there any way to achieve the same test in 10.5 or earlier? I've pored through the
docs but can''t find anything.

Thanks. It works, but I'm getting a warning:
warning: passing argument 1 of 'CFURLHasDirectoryPath' from incompatible pointer type
when I pass in an NSURL instance.
From the docs:
"CFURL is “toll-free bridged” with its Cocoa Foundation counterpart, NSURL. This means that the Core Foundation type is interchangeable in function or method calls with the bridged Foundation object. In other words, in a method where you see an NSURL * parameter, you can pass in a CFURLRef, and in a function where you see a CFURLRef parameter, you can pass in an NSURL instance"
( I'd also been using
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[myURL path] isDirectory: &isFolder ];
but CFURLHasDirectoryPath is easier if it's safe to ignore the warning. )

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    Hi -
    I'm writing scripts to test an XFA form with dynamic subforms.  For example, at the end of Part 4, the user hits a Validate button, and if their data is correct, then the Validate button disappears and a Part 5 subform appears.
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       Set GetButtonPart4Validate = PDFDoc("TestForm").AcroXFAForm("form").AcroXFAForm("form1")
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              ' A: Checkpoint Succeeds: Validation was successful
              ' B: Checkpoint fails: Validation failed
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              ' C: Checkpoint Fails:  Validation was unexpected
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    ' check to see if there is a 'sfPart5'
    Dim MyChildren, i
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    For i=0 to MyChildren.Count - 1
        print i & " name=" & MyChildren(i).GetROProperty("name")
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    The PDF Test Toolkit User Guide doesn't specifically mention that Exist or RefreshObject or ChildObjects are implemented, so I can't say AcroQTP isn't working as designed, but if you're looking for suggestions for improvement, I'll vote for fulfilling these parts to the QTP.  Please confirm my conclusions that these are not properly implemented, or whether I'm missing something.
    In the meantime, do you have any recommendation on how to proceed?  My present workaround is to look for a "validation error" windows dialog that indicates Part 5 won't exist, but this won't work in future test scripts.

    816387 wrote:
    ... QUERY:-  Find all customers who have at most one account at the Perryridge branch.
    SOLUTION *1* :-
    select customer_name
    from depositor,account
    where account.account_number=depositor.account_number and
    group by customer_name
    having count(account.account_number) <=1
    ok running correctly
    That finds customers who have exactly one account at Perryridge.
    The assignment is to find customers who have at most one account at Perryridge. You need to include customers with 0 accounts at Perryridge, as well. You could use an outer join, or MINUS, or a NOT IN subquery, or a NOT EXISTS sub-query (as mentioned above) to do that.
    Can there be customers who have no accounts at all, at any branch? If so, you'll need to use the customer table in this problem, as well as depositor and account.
    SOLUTION *2* :-
    select D1.customer_name
    from depositor D1
    where unique
    (select customer_name
         from depositor D2,account A1
         where D1.customer_name=D2.customer_name
              D2.account_number=A1.account_number and
    gives error:-
    where unique
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    Logic of both solution are correct . But Solution 2 gives error in oracle. I want unique construct to work.Sorry, it doesn't in Oracle. I don't know of anything like that in Oracle.
    Does "WHERE UNIQUE (SELECT ...)" work in some other database system? Which?
    How to do it. Or How can i test for the absence of duplicate tuples ??????
    Your Solution 1 is the best way to find customers with exatly 1 account (rather than 0 or 1 accounts) at Perryridge. Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to use it, if you ever needed to find customers with exactly one account there?

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    Surely there are only 3 conditions to check?
    1. The user exists and has that app
    2. The user exists and doesn't have that app
    3. The user doesn't exist
    You could do this in one sql statement like:
    with mimic_data_table as (select 1 userid, 1 appid from dual union all
                              select 1 userid, 2 appid from dual union all
                              select 2 userid, 1 appid from dual),
    -- end of mimicking your table
             params_table as (select :p_userid userid, :p_appid appid from dual)
    select pt.userid,
           decode(min(case when dt.userid = pt.userid and dt.appid = pt.appid then 1
                           when dt.userid = pt.userid then 2
                           else 3
                      end), 1, 'User and app exist',
                            2, 'User exists but not for this app',
                            3, 'User doesn''t exist') user_app_check
    from   mimic_data_table dt,
           params_table pt
    where  pt.userid = dt.userid (+)
    group by pt.userid, pt.appid;
    :p_userid = 1
    :p_appid = 2
        USERID      APPID USER_APP_CHECK                 
             1          2 User and app exist   
    :p_userid = 1
    :p_appid = 3
        USERID      APPID USER_APP_CHECK                 
             1          3 User exists but not for this app
    :p_userid = 3
    :p_appid = 2
        USERID      APPID USER_APP_CHECK                 
             3          2 User doesn't exist  


    I have a username session variable set up on a localhost testing envirnoment.
    This works fine for one user, but when I open another occurence of the browser (or just another tab) to test for multiple users the system overwrites the session variable with the last username input.
    So the question is:
             Why doesn't dreamweaver hold an instance of the session variable for each browser session? and if not what are your suggestions?

    Thanks for that.
    After scouring the internet I found the only way of running 2 instances of firefox  without them sharing the session variables is to create 2 new firefox profiles in windows + set the MOZ_NO_REMOTE environment variable.
    Internet explorer is much easier as it has a 'new session' option in the file menu, but seems to have more trouble displaying tables correctly.
    Hope this helps anyone with a similar problem.

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    - Chris
    <%@ taglib uri="c.tld" prefix="c"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="fmt.tld" prefix="fmt"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.*"%>
       request.setAttribute("null", null);
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    You need to check the client computers if those are getting correct DC or not for AD sites configuration.
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided & with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    MCP 2003,MCSA 2003, MCSA:M 2003, CCNA, MCTS, Enterprise Admin
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    Hi Eric,
    You can use the Object Explorer to find the xpath of the object you are interested and check for its existence, and then grab some attribute of that object for use elsewhere.
    if (web.element(6,"/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Software and Services - SCL']/web:document[@index='0']/web:span[@text='Services' or @index='14']")
              System.out.println("OBJECT EXISTS");
    // get an attribute of object here ,e.g
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    // use myval elsewhere
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        public static void main(String[] args) {
            for (int i = 2; i <= 100; i++) {
                //Test if a number is a prime, if it is print it
                // The (i + 1) is because I want to divide i by any other number, so I thought i + 1
                if (((i % i) == 0) && ((i % 1) == 0) && ((i % (i + 1)) > 0)) {

    Aardenon wrote:
    I understand your point. But it seems unsafe to assume a number from which the checks are unnecessary. That could lead to an error. I'm sure it is mathematically provable somehow, but I'm not that good in Math. I mean to write a safe (and optimized) version of the code, I would still have to go through all uneven numbers and 2.Nope. In fact, for an optimized version, definitely not; however, I wouldn't worry too much about optimization at the moment.
    One little tip I remember from school, back in the dark ages, is that all prime numbers other than 2 and 3 have the form 6k &plusmn; 1. That is NOT to say that all such numbers are prime, but it does eliminate a lot of the ones you need to check.
    You might also want to check out the [url http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number#Verifying_primality]Wikipedia page on prime numbers; it's very good.

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    package tests.view
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flexunit.framework.Assert;
        import mx.events.FlexEvent;
        import org.flexunit.async.Async;
        import org.fluint.sequence.SequenceEventDispatcher;
        import org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner;
        import org.fluint.sequence.SequenceWaiter;
        import org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator;
        import views.AddComments;
        public class TestAddComments
            private var view:AddComments;
            public function setUp() : void
                view = new AddComments;
                Async.proceedOnEvent( this, view, FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, 600 );
                UIImpersonator.addChild( view );
            public function testButtonClick():void
                var sequence:SequenceRunner = new SequenceRunner( this );
                sequence.addStep( new SequenceEventDispatcher( view.addCommentBtn, new MouseEvent( 'click', true, false ) ) );
                sequence.addStep( new SequenceWaiter( view.addCommentBtn, MouseEvent.CLICK, 100 ) );

    The only way you could test for that type of circumstance... one where something may happen... is to do so with a timeout. In other words, you cannot let the test pass simply because the first event occurred.
    Two ways to handle this... with sequences:
    Instead, you write a test that expects 2 clicks. In the assertion handler (which would only be reached if both clicks occur) you would fail the test:
    fail('i shouldnt be here');
    In the Waiter for the 2nd click, you would specify a timeout handler. That timeout handler will get called in the 2nd click does not occur in the specified time... (finding that time is the hard part). The default timeout handler fails the test, however, in your case, your timeout handler would just happily do any assertions needed and move on. A timeout does not necessarily mean failure... in your case, it is correct
    Second choice:
    You could create a timer. Create an event handler for the button click which increments a counter. Start the timer, do your test. However, have your test pending on the timer's completion rather than something like the click.. In that case, you would then be able to just check the count:
    private var clickCount:int = 0;
    public function testButtonClick():void {
         var timer:Timer = new Timer( 100, 1 );
        Async.handleEvent( this, timer, TimerEvent.COMPLETE, checkClickCount );
         view.addCommentBtn.addEventListener( 'click', function( e:Event ):void { clickCount++ } );
         view.addCommentBtn.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'click;, true, false ) );
    private function checkClickCount( e:Event ):void {
    assertEquals( 1, clickCount );
    However, I can't imagine how the test you are describing could ever yield more than one click event... I am guessing the problem is elsewhere, but this will help you verify

  • How to download and restore test data directory / se37

    Hello comunity,
    ahead of me lies a system refresh. in tc se37 according to several function modules i have recorded several test-data-sets in test directory. After the system refresh they will be gone. i assume there are ddic-tables behind my personally saved test data records.
    now i wonder, does anyone know a functionality (program, fm, etc.) on
    1. how to download "my" test data directory entries ?
    2. how to restore them into the test data directory once after the system refresh ?
    for sure, somebody does. please gimme a hint. answers will be rewarded with credit points.
    Thanx in advance!
    Message was edited by:
            Gunther Stauch

    Maybe this is useful -> table <b>EUFUNC</b>
    Check the FMs from Function group <b>SEUJ</b> ,
    FM <b>RS_TESTDATA_GET</b> looks promising-reading.. and so also <b>RS_RFC_TESTDATA_GROUP_TRANSFER</b>
    Maybe you can write a small program which downloads all the contents of the table and later updates it using one of the above FMs
    Also check with the BASIS team about the options -> There are many options available like maintaining the previous settings... (I know that passwords may not be refreshed similarly this option may also be available..)

  • How to creat Test Data Directory

    Hi Experts,
    I want to create a TEST DATA DIRECTORY for the following function module CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_31. How to create this?
    Actually now i have some process order numbers. Using this how to create the test data directory??
    Plz guide this.
    Point will be sure.

    Hi Mohana,
          Test data directory is similar to variants in reports.
          After executing the function module give some input and click the save button . It will prompt a name . Give the name and click enter. So this test data is saved in the test data directory.
       So that you need not not give the test input again and again. you can simply click the test dat directory and select your test data .

  • Transporting BAPi 's Test Data Directory(like Variants), How?

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    I hv created some Test Data Directory elements for BAPi, in DEV, so, now, I wanna to move them to TEST system!
    Pls. let me know,
    1 - How to get it done? Is there any SAP prog./Transaction/Menu path?
    Thank you,

    In DEV system:
    As usual, I entered some inputs in FM screen, then Saved-Floppy them, the system prompted me, to give some name, I hv given <b><i>my_s_cust_#_1000000</i></b> name. So, its stored in TEST DATA DIRECTORY. I hv been used it from   TEST DATA DIRECTORY for my trials.
    So, now, I wanna to move my_s_cust_#_1000000 to TEST system, How?
    Hope U got it!

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    How to look for KMAT material in Test client,
    Note: I went to mm60 and entered material type: KMAT it did not populate any
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    Hi Saritha:
    When I went to SE16, and entered MTART as KMAT it giving the following
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    Also want to bring to your kind attention I left MATNR field blank as I donot know
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  • How can I check for directory creation?

    I want to check whether I can create a directory at a particular location.
    Let's say at c:\windows, can create a directory called c:\windows\mydir. But I won't be knowing the parent location (i.e., c:\windows here) at compile time.
    And I would also like to check for creating a directory like c:\windows\mydir1\mydir2 (mydir1 may not even exist).
    What I was doing was, I created the file object for my new directory (i.e., mydir here) and used the canWrite() method on the parent directory. But this method worked only when the parent directory existed. But how can check for a directory path like c:\windows\mydir1\mydir2 where I have to create both mydir1 for mydir2.
    Is there any other methods that I can use to perform this kind of a check.
    Thank you

    I finally figured out a workaround, but i don't know whether this is a good way of checking. :)
    import java.io.File;
    public class TryMKDIRs {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              File file = new File("c:\\mydir1\\mydir2\\mydir3");
              boolean canICreateDir = false;
              if(false == (canICreateDir = file.canWrite())) {
                   System.out.println(file.getAbsoluteFile() + " cannot be created.");
                   File fileparent = file.getParentFile();
                   while(fileparent != null && (canICreateDir = fileparent.canWrite()) == false) {
                        System.out.println(fileparent.getAbsoluteFile() + " cannot be created.");
                        fileparent = fileparent.getParentFile();
              if(canICreateDir) {
                   System.out.println("Directory can be created. . .");

Maybe you are looking for