I am running a query and its taking a long time , when I query for session with following SQL
select sample_time, event, wait_time,BLOCKING_SESSION
from v$active_session_history t
where session_id = 20
and session_serial# = 201;
I could see the first event as "NULL EVENT" , the subsequent rows doesn't show anything in Event column. Seems like my session is hanging, any clues on what might be the problem. I am running oracle on UNIX.

SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ')||sid sess,
id1, id2, lmode, request, type
WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN
(SELECT id1, id2, type FROM V$LOCK WHERE request>0)
ORDER BY id1, request
/What results from query above when your session appears "hung"?
Determine Session ID (SID) of hung session & then repeatedly query
If the session is doing anything then values returned will be increasing.

Similar Messages

  • Can not trigger the null event!

    Page newPage = new Page("ListAffirmSubmit_Java");
    EventResult result = new EventResult(newPage);
    return result;
    This way can not trigger the null event in the 'newPage'.I want to call the null event to init the viewobject in the 'newPage'.
    Can you tell me the reason or another way to init it?

    I have found a way from the help on line:
    Page nextPage = new Page("ListAffirmSubmit_Java");
    Page redirectPage = RedirectUtils.getRedirectPage(context, nextPage);
    return new EventResult(redirectPage);

  • Does the null event work in 9.0.5?

    <event name="null">
    </handlers>I have a null event and am calling a onNull event in the dataAction. The framework doesn't seem to call the onNull event.
    Thanks in advance.

    There is conceptually no 'null' event. The 'null' event handler is a special handler that is called when no events are triggered on a page (ie: no event signal is encoded on the URL of the page). Hence I dont think you can handle this in your dataAction.

  • 'null' event ignored on a train selection

    here is a weird problem that I have encountered.
    I created a 'null' event that does some work before the data is rendered and it works just fine if you click on the tabpage. but if you select it on the train, the 'null' event is ignored.
    I am using UIX web pages and version
    here is my event
    <event name="null">
    <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="SmStudiesBrowseAppModule">
    <bc4j:findViewObject name="SmStudiesBrowse">
    <method class="smart_package.FrmFilters" method="handleRdms"/>
    any thoughts,help or a work around?

    Hi Mike,
    The "yourPackage.YourPageBroker" is an instance of the interface oracle.cabo.servlet.PageBroker.
    By default, we use the "oracle.cabo.servlet.xml.UIXPageBroker" class for this, so you could subclass this page broker and override requestStarted and requestEnded.
    Another solution would be to use the concept of a UIXRequestListener.
    public void eventEnded(UIXRequestEvent event)
    public void eventStarted(UIXRequestEvent event)
    public void renderEnded(UIXRequestEvent event)
    public void renderStarted(UIXRequestEvent event)
    These methods are called on every request.
    Check out the Javadoc for oracle.cabo.servlet.AbstractPageBroker, to find the configuration information to register a UIXRequestListener and look at the oracle.cabo.servlet.event.UIXRequestListener and oracle.cabo.servlet.event.UIXRequestEvent Javadocs for more details the information provided in each request.
    Kind Regards.

  • Hierchical wth null and holes

    I am trying to mine the DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY. The column that interrest me are 'sample_time','session_sid','session_serial#', 'blocking_session' and blocking_Session_serial#'.
    The purpose is to list per sample time the blocking session tree (and related data here out of scope).
    When the blocking last several minutes, all blocked session are sampled and the data is rather relevant
    for troubleshooting, thought not absolute. But the data model is not easy for you may have holes.
    I have reproduced a simplified version of the data pattern as
    it is in DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY and what I want to achieve.
    -- grp stands for time_sample and it is the base grouping
    -- sid  stands for session
    -- bsid stands for blocking session, this is a column of the SID row
    --         but reference the same type of object (session).
    --         bsid itself may be present (or not) as a row.
    -- We don't consider the serial in this simplified model
    create table hist_table ( grp varchar2(1) , sid number, bsid number ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'A', 10, 100 ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'A',  20 , null ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'A', 30,  40  ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'A', 40,  50  ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ('A', 50, null ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'B',  10, 100 ) ;
    insert into hist_table values ( 'B',20 , null ) ;
    SQL> select * from hist_table ;
    G        SID       BSID
    A         10        100
    A         20
    A         30         40
    A         40         50
    A         50
    B         10        100
    B         20
    We want :
    grp  Session
      A    10
      A        100
      A    20
      A    30
      A       40
      A         50
      B   10
      B       100
      B   20
    -- The difficulty is that blocking session 100 has no dedicated row.
    -- Session 20 has no blocking session.
    -- Sessions 30,40,50 are all linked in a hierarchic pattern.

    Here is my work derieved on above answers. thanks to all who devoted time and helped me.
    Bernard Polarski
    set lines 190 page 82
    col user_id head 'Usr|id' format 999
    col event head 'Event' format a30
    col usr_sqlid format a35
    col fsid for a14 head 'Sid'
    col sid_sql for a35 head 'Session sql text'
    col bser for 99999 head 'Block|sess|serl#'
    col ser for 99999 head 'Serl#'
    col file# for 999 head 'Fl#'
    col block# for 9999999 head 'block#'
    col obj# for 999999 head 'obj#'
    col sample_time for a8 head 'Time'
    break on instance_number on sample_time on report
    col wait_time for 9990.00 head 'Prev |wait| time(s)' justify c
    prompt  Prev wait : any value > 0 means SQL currently running on CPU, numeric refer to wait(secs) before this run
    with fview as (
               blocking_session as session_id, blocking_SESSION_SERIAL# as SESSION_SERIAL# ,
               -1 as blocking_session, -1 as blocking_SESSION_SERIAL#,
               null sql_id, null event , sample_time, null obj# , null file# ,
               null block# ,  null wait_time, null user_id, null  instance_number
             where  1=1  and snap_id = '5884'   and dbid= '810902110'  and blocking_session is not null
                and not exists (select null
                                       from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
                                  and   session_serial#=a.blocking_session_serial#  and snap_id = '5884'   and dbid= '810902110'
                                  and   snap_id=a.snap_id
                                  and   dbid=a.dbid
             session_id, SESSION_SERIAL#, blocking_session, blocking_session_serial#,
             sql_id, event, sample_time,  CURRENT_OBJ# obj#, CURRENT_FILE# file#,
             CURRENT_BLOCK# block#,  wait_time/100 wait_time, user_id, instance_number
            where 1=1  and snap_id = '5884'   and dbid= '810902110'
           a.instance_number, to_char(a.sample_time,'HH24:MI:SS') sample_time,
           lpad(' ', 2*level)||session_id  fsid,
           SESSION_SERIAL# ser, user_id, a.sql_id,
           decode(a.wait_time,0,' -wait-', to_char(wait_time,'99990.00')) wait_time,
           event  , a.file#, a.obj#, block#, substr(t.sql_text,1,35) sid_sql --,  blocking_session
    from   ( select
                      instance_number, sample_time,
                      session_id, SESSION_SERIAL# , sql_id, event,  obj#, file#, block#,
                      wait_time, user_id, blocking_session, blocking_SESSION_SERIAL#
               from fview a
               start with not exists (select 1
                                         fview b
                                              b.sample_time            = a.sample_time
                                         and  b.blocking_session       = a.session_id
                                         and  blocking_session_serial# = a.SESSION_SERIAL# )
              connect by prior  sample_time              = sample_time
                          and   prior  blocking_session         = session_id
                          and   prior  blocking_SESSION_SERIAL# = SESSION_SERIAL#
              dba_hist_sqltext t
              t.sql_id (+) = a.sql_id
              connect by nocycle
                               prior session_id = blocking_session
                             and   prior session_serial# = blocking_session_serial#
                             and  sample_time= prior sample_time
    In                                  Usr                 wait
    st  Time     Sid             Serl#   id SQL_ID         time(s)  Event                           Fl#    obj#   block# Session sql text
      2 09:00:01   1478          45824   48 fph5dfjrr6spu      2.78                                  58   77692   150780 SELECT  bf.bf_id, bf.status, bs.sho
                   1482          34169   48 6gpfyfz414w80      2.44                                  53   78348   713894 select field1 from ( SELECT field1
      1 09:00:03   1519          12157   93 96swh01bpcv54  -wait-   gc cr multi block request        58   77692    13920 SELECT COUNT (O.BF_ID) FROM IBS6_EB
                   1515          29566    0                -wait-   log switch/archive                0      -1        0
      2 09:00:11   1482          34169   48 4ks1swd743v6h  -wait-   db file sequential read          52   77987   294036 INSERT into SUMMTRANSACTIONLVL(SUMM
      1 09:00:13   1549          25308    0 fjtb8ybf2g817  -wait-   control file sequential read      0      -1        0 select nvl(max(cpmid),0) from x$kcc
                   1600          15870   48 07x2k1s911cs1      2.69                                  52   78010   837991 SELECT  bf.bf_id, bf.status, bs.sho
        09:00:23   1519          12157   93 96swh01bpcv54  -wait-   gc cr multi block request        52   77692   165451 SELECT COUNT (O.BF_ID) FROM IBS6_EB
                   1550          18167   48 69u51auyg39c0      0.01                                  44   77975    14854 select count(1) from r4rrequest r,
      2 09:00:31   1518          30594    0                -wait-   db file sequential read           0      -1        0
      1 09:00:33   1563           7961    0                -wait-   enq: WF - contention              0      -1        0
      2 09:01:11   1478          45824   48 0wva63ycbrqxn      0.02                                   0      -1        0 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updat
      1 09:01:14   1584          55897   48 dj4vc1pdbvy98  -wait-   db file sequential read          49   78106   224094 select unique eb1.bankcustomer_id,
                   1655              1    0                29279.20                                   0      -1        0
      2 09:01:31   1604           3421   48 cdg898bazxj0t      0.01                                  47   77994   154271    SELECT unique ucp.USERCONTRACTPROF
        09:01:42   1508          28278   48 fgacpsh4cctb0  -wait-   gc current block busy            49   78367   258887 INSERT into USERMESSAGE(USERMESSAGE
                   1480          14992   48 25wncxupku5ty      0.01                                   5   78021    28828 SELECT        aubu.ebuser_id  FROM
                     1617        62553   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1615        18792   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1613         6428   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1609        18013   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1579        37687   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1572         4128   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1520        59235   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1501        20868   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1478        45824   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1482        34169   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1507         4886   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1566        39358   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1578        20585   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1597        48687   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1603        48768   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1604         3421   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   enq: TX - row lock contention     5   78021    28828 update usermessagepkiuser set useri

  • Creating custom event listener ?

    Is there anyone that have a link to a tutorial or have some information on what is needed to be able to create a custom event listener on a component ?
    I am creating an interactive JSF chart library (JSFlot) and I would like to have events such as ChartDraggedEvent and ChartClickedEvent. I can create the events fine (and I can even queue them fine throught the standard action and actionListener interfaces), but I would like for the component to have attributes like chartDraggedListener and chartClickedListener, so that I can fire off the appropriate event to the appropriate listener.
    Any help would be very much appreciated!

    Well, that is what I am doing. The Renderer:
    if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("drag")) {
                        String componentValue = request.getParameter("componentValue");
                        //Cut out logic irrelevant for this example
                        FlotChartDraggedEvent dragEvent = new FlotChartDraggedEvent(component, dragValue);
                   } else if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("click")) {
                        //Cut out logic irrelevant for this example                    
                        FlotChartClickedEvent clickEvent = new FlotChartClickedEvent(component, clickedPoint, clickIndexInt, clickSeriesIndexInt, clickSeriesLabel);
                   }The problem though, is that both of these events gets delivered to the actionListener attribute of my component. What I assume is missing is functionality to register a custom listener for each event, and some code in the Tag-class and TLD to supply these listeners, and its these issues that I am unsure how is done. I may be missing something very basic here though :)

  • CORBA Event Service problem

    I hope I'm posting on the right section :)
    I'm new to ORBacus with Java and I'm having a problem when trying to use the Event Service.
    I have this pull client:
    Any event=null;
    EventChannel eventChannel=null;
    ConsumerAdmin consumerAdmin=null;
    ProxyPullSupplier pullSupplier=null;
             eventChannel = EventChannelHelper.narrow(obj);
             consumerAdmin = eventChannel.for_consumers();
             pullSupplier = consumerAdmin.obtain_pull_supplier();
                // I need to do this to bind proxy to the Event Stream, correct?
               // The problem is on the parameter it takes, a PullConsumer
             pullSupplier.connect_pull_consumer( new MOTDPullConsumer() );
             event = pullSupplier.pull(); 
    }(...)So i'm actually having problems implementing the PullConsumer interface:
    import org.omg.CORBA.*;
    import org.omg.CosEventChannelAdmin.*;
    import org.omg.CosEventComm.*
    public class MOTDPullConsumer implements PullConsumer{
        public void disconnect_pull_consumer(){
         System.out.println("Pull consumer off!");
    }This causes a compilation error which I can't determine why, the interface only specifies the method implemented above:
    MOTDPullConsumer is not abstract and does not override abstract method createrequest(org.omg.CORBA.Context,java.lang.String,
    in org.omg.CORBA.Object
    Anyone seen this happen before?
    Thanks in advance! :)

    I solved it by passing null to connect_pull_consumer():
         eventChannel = EventChannelHelper.narrow(obj);
         consumerAdmin = eventChannel.for_consumers();
         pullSupplier = consumerAdmin.obtain_pull_supplier();
         pullSupplier.connect_pull_consumer( null );
         event = pullSupplier.pull();
    And did the same to connect_push_supplier() on the server side - it's all working OK now. Here are two fine links on this matter, if anyone ever needs it:

  • Javascript event handling

    The following code is being executed three times in the
    following sequence:
    1) On initialization of my Flex application, initCallback()
    is called
    2) When I broadcast a 'getUserPreferencesFromCookie' event,
    handleGetUserPreferenceCookie() is called.
    3) When I broadcast a 'writeUserPreferencesCookie' event,
    handleWriteUserPreferenceCookie() is called.
    // Callback when flash is initialized
    var initCallback = function()
    // Add all event listeners
    // Listen for flash initialization (i.e. the Main application
    is created)
    FABridge.addInitializationCallback("flash", initCallback);
    // Event handler for Get User Preferences Cookie Events
    var handleGetUserPreferenceCookie = function(readEvent)
    alert("Getting Cookie for user: " +
    if (readEvent.getUsername())
    var theCookie = readCookie(readEvent.getUsername());
    alert("Returned from readCookie: '" + theCookie + "'");
    var preference = FABridge.flash.root().getPreferences();
    if (preference)
    if (preference.setPreferenceCookie)
    // Event handler for Write User Preferences Cookie Events
    var handleWriteUserPreferenceCookie = function(writeEvent)
    alert("Creating Cookie for User");
    if (writeEvent)
    alert("Write event is defined");
    var username = writeEvent.getUsername();
    if (username)
    // Create a cookie given the username and the XML
    alert("Returned from creating cookie");
    alert("Write event is undefined");
    alert("Write cookie method completed");
    Here is the problem:
    handleGetUserPreferences() completes as expected (i.e. the
    cookie string is set into my preferences object). The readEvent is
    a custom event that extends However, when
    writeUserPreferenceCookie is called, the line
    writeEvent.getUsername() fails. writeEvent is the same type of
    event as readEvent. And when I say 'fails' I mean that the method
    goes no further. I never see the 'Write cookie method completed'
    alert. There are no errors in the Javascript Error Console.
    I've checked the writeEvent on the action script side. The
    username has been set into the event the same way that it was set
    into the readEvent. I cannot see why I can get data out of the
    readEvent but not the writeEvent.
    ANY help would be much appreciated.

    Just because the forums are a little slow on a weekend...
    JavaScript functions should be declared in the HEAD of an HTML page. I wasn't aware that a function declared in the BODY writes to a new document, so I've also learned something out of this.
    Take this and work on it to place the output where you want it:<html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!--
      function clickfunction()
        //if (registration.purpose[0].checked==true)
          document.getElementById("stuffHere").innerHTML = "Name of School/ College: <input type=text name=sname><br>Grade / Year:<input type=text name=grade>";
          <td><font size = "" color="purple">Age:</font></td>
          <td><input type = "text" name = "age" size = "10" maxlength = "3"></td>
          <td><font size = "" color = "purple">Select the best reason
            <br>to use the Library:</font></td>
          <td><input type = "radio" name = "purpose" value = "school" onClick = "clickfunction()">
            <font size = "" color = "purple" >School / College</font><br>
              <input type = "radio" name = "purpose" value="work">
                <font size = "" color = "purple">Work</font><br>
              <input type = "radio" name="purpose" value="personal">
                <font size = "" color = "purple">Personal</font>
          <!--// SET AN ID ON THE ELEMENT! //-->
          <td id="stuffHere"></td>
        <input type="Submit" name="register" value="Register" align="MIDDLE">
        <input type="reset" name="clear" value="Clear Form" align="MIDDLE">
    -- next time, no JavaScript questions, please!
    edit What you wanted to do was<div id="div1" style = 'display:none;'>and in the functiondocument.getElementById("div1").style.display = "block";Edited by: Darryl.Burke

  • Uix page event fired everytime

    Is there a way within a uix page definition to cause an event in the handler section to fire everytime the page is accessed, no matter how control gets passed to it?
    Thanks, Steve

    <event name="null>...</event>. This registers a null event handler, which means that the handler will be called only if no events are thrown.

  • Receiving modi Event for Arrays

    Hi, is their a way to receive modificationEvents for arrays?
    i currently get accessEvent on int[], but i need to get modificationEvent on the values of the arrays i.e. (int type) array[0] = 25, array[1] = 30.
    The excludes for the debugger are String[] excludes = {
    When i get a classPrepareEvent, i create a modification and access watchpoint for each field for that class and then use the classExclusionFilter using the excludes above, then enable, the request.
    here's the debuggee code:
    public class Obj
         public int x;
         public int[] array;
    public Obj()
         array = new int[10];
         array[0] = 25;
         array[1] = 30;
    Here's the events i receive:
    EVENT: null
    EVENT: class prepare request (enabled)
    EVENT: method entry request (enabled)
    EVENT: method entry request (enabled)
    EVENT: modification watchpoint request Obj.array (enabled)
    EVENT: access watchpoint request Obj.array (enabled)
    EVENT: access watchpoint request Obj.array (enabled)
    EVENT: method exit request (enabled)
    EVENT: method exit request (enabled)
    EVENT: thread death request (enabled)
    but after the access event on array[0] = 25; i shoudl get a modification event
    The only way i found of recording the changes in the array, is keeping the old value from the accessEvent, then the next event (after the access, which coudl be anything, methodExit/entry, field modi), check to see which value is different then show that value in my trace. But this is totally not a good idea.
    Currently my trace looks like this:
    main Obj
    | <init> Obj(ID=272)
    //| | values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    | | array = instance of int[10] (id=273) UID= 272
    | | Access Field = array Value = instance of int[10] (id=273)
    | | Access Field = array Value = instance of int[10] (id=273)
    ===== main end =====
    i should really have:
    main Obj
    | <init> Obj(ID=272)
    //| | values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    | | array = instance of int[10] (id=273) UID= 272
    | | Access Field = array Value = instance of int[10] (id=273)
    | | array[0] = 25
    | | Access Field = array Value = instance of int[10] (id=273)
    | | array[1] = 30
    ===== main end =====

    Does anyone have any ideas how i can receive ModificationEvents for adding values to arrays?? Really need some help with this. I did try with Vector by including it with the classes to fire events but when the add method was invoked, it called other methods as well and messed the trace up. Add() method also calls ensureCapacityHelp() for Vector as well but i jsut want to see the add() method in my trace.

  • Calling events from scripts in UIX

    I am able to call the ordinary events in the UIX from the script. But I am not able to call the
    <ctrl:event .. >
    from the script.
    Could anyone please tell me how to call them.
    Thank you

    Velpandian -
    Assuming your page contains a form, you can trigger an event on the server from a JavaScript handler by calling submitForm(). The following sample shows how to send an event both by using the ctrl:event attribute as well as from a JavaScript handler:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <page xmlns=""
      <form name="foo" xmlns="">
        <!-- Import the submitForm() function -->
        <importScript names="submitForm()"/>
          <!-- This link sends an event using a ctrl:event attribute -->
          <link text="Send Event" ctrl:event="test"/>
          <!-- This link sends an event using a JavaScript event handler.
               We use submitForm() and specify the event name using
               a parameter.  Note that this means that we need to be
               sure that we also have an "event" hidden field - which
               we add via a formParameter element below -->
          <link text="Send Event from JavaScript"
                onClick="if (confirm('Send event')) submitForm(0, 0, {'event':'test'}); else return false;"
          <!-- Need a form value to contain the event name -->
          <formParameter name="event"/>
      <!-- Use a null event handler to set up a session variable -->
      <event name="test">
        <go name="nextPage"/>
    </page>I couldn't find the documentation for submitForm() online anywhere... Here is a copy of the documentation from our source code:
    * Attempts to submits the form, potentially firing validation and notifying
    * any Cabo onSubmit handlers registered on the form, returning
    * <code>true</code> if the submission actually occurred.
    * <p>
    * If the <code>doValidate</code> parameter is false, no validation will
    * be performed, and the form is guaranteed to be submitted.  Otherwise,
    * the form will be submitted if both the validation succeeds and any
    * registered Cabo onSubmit handlers do not return <code>false</code>.
    * <p>
    * @param form The form to submit.  This can either be the name of the form
    *             in the current <code>document</code>, the index of the form
    *             in the current <code>document</code> or the form itself.
    * @param doValidate boolean value specifying whether validation should
    *   occur before the form is submitted.  (As per a common Javascript
    *   idiom, it is acceptable to pass true/false as well as 0/1).  If
    *   this parameter is ommitted, it defaults to true.
    * @param parameters a single Javascript object that specifies
    *   all the additional key-value pairs to submit.  There must be
    *   pre-existing &lt;input type="hidden"&gt; elements as targets
    *   for each of these parameters.
    function submitForm(

  • Unable to run Gantt test application on Netweaver CE

    I am unable to run webdynprotest_gantt on Netweaver CE enviornment. I am getting below error.
    Processing HTTP request to servlet [dispatcher] finished with error. The error is: The requested deployable object 'local/_webdynpro_test_gantt' and application 'com' is not deployed on the server. Please check the used URL for typos.
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)
    Caused by: Failed to get deployable object part for application 'com' of deployable object 'local/_webdynpro_test_gantt'.
    ... 43 more
    May I know if I am missing any LIB or sCAs?
    Here is the trace for jnet applet
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_15
    Using JRE version 1.5.0_15 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\ritesh.mehta
    c:   clear console window
    f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
    g:   garbage collect
    h:   display this help message
    l:   dump classloader list
    m:   print memory usage
    o:   trigger logging
    p:   reload proxy configuration
    q:   hide console
    r:   reload policy configuration
    s:   dump system and deployment properties
    t:   dump thread list
    v:   dump thread stack
    x:   clear classloader cache
    0-5: set trace level to <n>
    <<<--- Applet.destroy(): AppWin0/JNET --->>>
    <<<--- EXIT for AppWin0/JNET --->>>
    ACF 7.1000.0.80
    UR L&F version: 7.1000.0.10
    ACF | performance | 13h48m14s859ms | # 3 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | end init, complete acf time: | -2434030589499
    ACF | performance | 13h48m14s968ms | # 3 | Thread-6403 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | end invoke, complete acf time: | 328
    <<<--- Applet.destroy(): AppWin0/JNET --->>>
    <<<--- EXIT for AppWin0/JNET --->>>
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | controlID: "AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | delegateWrapper: ""
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | locale: "en"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | jsPrefix: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | traceLevel: "INFO"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | clientSideMassDataCheck: "false"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | DEBUG_PARAM: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | align: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | alt: "Due to browser or system restrictions, this active component (applet) cannot be installed, executed or displayed"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | archive: "../../../../webdynpro/resources/,../../../../webdynpro/resources/,../../../../webdynpro/resources/,../../../../webdynpro/resources/"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | code: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | codeBase: "./"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | height: "600"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | hspace: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | legacy_lifecycle: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | mayscript: "true"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | name: "AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | scriptable: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | type: "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.1"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | vspace: "null"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | width: "1424"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | ACF impl version = "7.1003.20071010221049.0000"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | ACF initialized, instance: #4
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | classloader:
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | document base: http://odwxpws1:50000/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/_webdynpro_test_gantt/Test1?SAPtestId=21&sap-wd-clienttrace=3
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | code base (call): http://odwxpws1:50000/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/_webdynpro_test_gantt/
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.traceInfos | could not read manifest: AccessControlException caught: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain)
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.init | can not override dom and sax version
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s250ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | AcfApplet.init | createNewDelegate
    ACF 7.1000.0.80
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s312ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | Acf2Delegate.checkSource | AccessControlException caught, can not check source, ACF is probably unsigned: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getProtectionDomain)
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s312ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | GanttDelegateWrapper.getDelegate | calling JGanttApplet constructor, tracelevel: 3
    JNet 1.1034.7286
    Built on:
      Date: 13-Oct-2007 19:14:02
      Host: pwdfm193
      VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.4.2_14-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
      P4 Server:
      Changelist: 459598
      DC Release: 7.10
      Make Release: 710_VAL_REL
    Built with:
      Source Version: 1034
      Changelist: $Change: 459598 $
      Revision: $Revision: #10 $
      From: $DateTime: 2007/08/28 01:12:01 $
    Running on:
      ACF=true = 'Windows XP'
      os.version = '5.1'
      java.vendor = 'Sun Microsystems Inc.' = 'Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM'
      java.vm.version = '1.5.0_15-b04'
      java.vm.vendor = 'Sun Microsystems Inc.'
      path.separator = ';'
      file.separator = '\'
      freeMem : 3959688
      totlMem : 17473536
      Rng Mode: Applet=false, Bean=false, Interactive=false
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s390ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.constructor | no debug object present
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | thread | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: postToAWT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DEBUG_PARAM, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TRACELEVEL, value: "3"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TRACELEVEL, value: "3"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_URL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_HOST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PROTOCOL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PORT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PATH, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_SESSION_ID_METHOD, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_RESERVED1, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_RESERVED2, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: OUTPUT_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_TYPEREPOSITORY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_APPLICATION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_USERINTERFACE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_GRAPH, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOADGUID, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: STOREINITIALDATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FN_TMP, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FN_HTML, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: APPNAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JS_EVENT_HANDLER, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FRAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JS_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JAVA_EVENTS, value: "*"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JAVA_EVENTS, value: "*"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: HTTP_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s406ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IGS_HOST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IGS_PORT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOOK_AND_FEEL, value: "UR_tradeshow"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOOK_AND_FEEL, value: "UR_tradeshow"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_LANGUAGE, value: "en"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_LANGUAGE, value: "en"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_COUNTRY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_VARIANT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: NO_JS, value: "X"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: NO_JS, value: "X"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVLET_MODE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_FORMAT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_FILENAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVLET_DOCBASE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: APP_LOAD_LAST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_NAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_HREF, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_TARGET, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_ALT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: MODEL_DIRTY_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: RAW_DATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: CLIPBOARD_POLICY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: WAIT_FOR_DATA, value: "TRUE"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: WAIT_FOR_DATA, value: "TRUE"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: STRICT_TYPE_RETRIEVAL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: REPLY_MODE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SAVE_POLICY, value: "SEND_EVENT"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SAVE_POLICY, value: "SEND_EVENT"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: XML_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TIMEOUT_WAIT_COMMAND_RESULT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_COMPRESSION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: OUTPUT_COMPRESSION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: RESOURCE_POLICY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_MONITORING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: EVENT_QING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LAYOUTER_THREAD, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TIMEOUT_DOUBLECLICK, value: "500"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TIMEOUT_DOUBLECLICK, value: "500"
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SESSION_ID, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: RENDERING_HINTS, value is null
    With Permissions:
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getCodeBase | base url not set yet, return original code base: http://odwxpws1:50000/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/_webdynpro_test_gantt/
    Using parameters:
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DEBUG_PARAM, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: debug_param, value is null
       0: DEBUG_PARAM = ''
       1:*TRACELEVEL = '3'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_URL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_url, value is null
       2: SERVER_URL = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server, value is null
       3: SERVER = 'cgi-bin/jnet-cgi.exe'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_HOST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_host, value is null
       4: SERVER_HOST = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PROTOCOL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_protocol, value is null
       5: SERVER_PROTOCOL = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PORT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_port, value is null
       6: SERVER_PORT = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_PATH, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_path, value is null
       7: SERVER_PATH = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_encoding, value is null
       8: SERVER_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_SESSION_ID_METHOD, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_session_id_method, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_RESERVED1, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_reserved1, value is null
      10: SERVER_RESERVED1 = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVER_RESERVED2, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: server_reserved2, value is null
      11: SERVER_RESERVED2 = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: input_encoding, value is null
      12: INPUT_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: OUTPUT_ENCODING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: output_encoding, value is null
      13: OUTPUT_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: data, value is null
      14: DATA = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_TYPEREPOSITORY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: data_typerepository, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_APPLICATION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: data_application, value is null
      16: DATA_APPLICATION = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_USERINTERFACE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: data_userinterface, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: DATA_GRAPH, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: data_graph, value is null
      18: DATA_GRAPH = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOADGUID, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: loadguid, value is null
      19: LOADGUID = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: STOREINITIALDATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: storeinitialdata, value is null
      20: STOREINITIALDATA = 'false'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FN_TMP, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: fn_tmp, value is null
      21: FN_TMP = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FN_HTML, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: fn_html, value is null
      22: FN_HTML = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s421ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: APPNAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: appname, value is null
      23: APPNAME = 'JNET'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JS_EVENT_HANDLER, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: js_event_handler, value is null
      24: JS_EVENT_HANDLER = 'jnetEvent'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: FRAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: frame, value is null
      25: FRAME = '800,600'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JS_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: js_events, value is null
      27:*JAVA_EVENTS = '*'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: HTTP_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: http_events, value is null
      28: HTTP_EVENTS = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IGS_HOST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: igs_host, value is null
      29: IGS_HOST = 'localhost'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IGS_PORT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: igs_port, value is null
      30: IGS_PORT = '8030'
      31:*LOOK_AND_FEEL = 'UR_tradeshow'
      32:*LOCALE_LANGUAGE = 'en'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_COUNTRY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: locale_country, value is null
      33: LOCALE_COUNTRY = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: LOCALE_VARIANT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: locale_variant, value is null
      34: LOCALE_VARIANT = ''
      35:*NO_JS = 'X'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVLET_MODE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: servlet_mode, value is null
      36: SERVLET_MODE = 'IMAGE'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_FORMAT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: image_format, value is null
      37: IMAGE_FORMAT = 'PNG'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_FILENAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: image_filename, value is null
      38: IMAGE_FILENAME = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGE_PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: image_properties, value is null
      39: IMAGE_PROPERTIES = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SERVLET_DOCBASE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: servlet_docbase, value is null
      40: SERVLET_DOCBASE = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: APP_LOAD_LAST, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: app_load_last, value is null
      41: APP_LOAD_LAST = 'false'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: properties, value is null
      42: PROPERTIES = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_NAME, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: imagemap_name, value is null
      43: IMAGEMAP_NAME = 'JNetImageMap'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_HREF, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: imagemap_href, value is null
      44: IMAGEMAP_HREF = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_TARGET, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: imagemap_target, value is null
      45: IMAGEMAP_TARGET = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: IMAGEMAP_ALT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: imagemap_alt, value is null
      46: IMAGEMAP_ALT = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: MODEL_DIRTY_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: model_dirty_events, value is null
      47: MODEL_DIRTY_EVENTS = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: RAW_DATA, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: raw_data, value is null
      48: RAW_DATA = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: CLIPBOARD_POLICY, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: clipboard_policy, value is null
      50:*WAIT_FOR_DATA = 'TRUE'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: STRICT_TYPE_RETRIEVAL, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: strict_type_retrieval, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: REPLY_MODE, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: reply_mode, value is null
      52: REPLY_MODE = 'STRING'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: XML_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: xml_output_properties, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: TIMEOUT_WAIT_COMMAND_RESULT, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: timeout_wait_command_result, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_COMPRESSION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: input_compression, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: OUTPUT_COMPRESSION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: output_compression, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_MONITORING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: input_monitoring, value is null
      59: INPUT_MONITORING = '1'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: EVENT_QING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: event_qing, value is null
      60: EVENT_QING = '0'
      62:*TIMEOUT_DOUBLECLICK = '500'
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: SESSION_ID, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: session_id, value is null
      63: SESSION_ID = ''
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: RENDERING_HINTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s437ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: rendering_hints, value is null
      64: RENDERING_HINTS = ''
    UR L&F version: 7.1000.0.10
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s500ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: JS_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s500ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: js_events, value is null
    Event[JavaScript]: JNET_INITIALIZED
    Event[JavaScript]: TRACELEVEL_CHANGED
    Event[JavaScript]: NODE_DOUBLE_CLICKED
    Event[Java]: *
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: HTTP_EVENTS, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: http_events, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: EVENT_QING, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: event_qing, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: INPUT_COMPRESSION, value is null
    ACF | INFO | 13h49m23s515ms | # 4 | AWT-EventQueue-9 | id AEGB.TestAppView.Gantt1 | DelegateAppletStub.getParameter | parameter: input_compression, value is null
    loadRes.2: name=com/sap/jnet/TypeRepository.xml,$2@48f675
    <SAPJNetData version="1.0">
         <TypeRepository id="jnet" version="1.0">
                   <!-- the pre-defined Java colours are also pre-defined in JNet.
                        They can be referenced by their Java names, but with major
                        first letter and minor rest...
                        "Color.BLACK" in Java is "Black" in JNet.
                   <type name="JNetBackground" >
                   <type name="None" >
                   <!-- SAP colours: see SAP Branding.doc / Colour palette -->
                   <type name="SAPBlue" >
                   <type name="SAPGold" >
                   <type name="SAPGray" >
                   <type name="SAP697" >     <!-- dark red -->
                   <type name="SAP364" >     <!-- dark green -->
                   <!--     The UR Semantic Colours:
                             These colour will be overloaded at runtime by the
                             current theme values (if JNet runs under WebDynpro)
                   <type name="URCOLOR.STANDARD" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.ALTERNATING" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.TRANSPARENT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.NEGATIVE" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.POSITIVE" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.TOTAL" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SUBTOTAL" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SUBTOTAL_LIGHT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.BADVALUE_DARK" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.BADVALUE_MEDIUM" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.BADVALUE_LIGHT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CRITICAL" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CRITICALVALUE_DARK" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CRITICALVALUE_MEDIUM" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CRITICALVALUE_LIGHT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GOODVALUE_DARK" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GOODVALUE_MEDIUM" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GOODVALUE_LIGHT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GROUP_HIGHLIGHTED" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GROUP_HIGHLIGHTED_LIGHT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.KEY_MEDIUM" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GROUP_LEVEL1" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GROUP_LEVEL2" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.GROUP_LEVEL3" >
    <type name="URCOLOR.MARKED" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.POPIN" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.DISABLED" >
    <type name="URCOLOR.TODAY" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SELECTED1" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SELECTED2" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SELECTED3" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SELECTED4" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.SELECTED5" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_METAL" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_PEACH" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_BLUE" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_ROSE" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_PURPLE" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_AQUA" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_TEAL" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_YELLOW" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_BROWN" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_DEFAULT" >
                   <type name="URCOLOR.CALENDAR_GREEN" >
                   <!--     Predefined colours for UGSapNode's
                              Don't change these values (must be in sync with
                                         corresponging RGBs in
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Default">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Aqua">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Teal">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Yellow">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Brown">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Green">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Metal">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Peach">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Blue">
                   <type name="SAPColor.UGSapNode.Rose">

    No progress yet. it seems everything is fine in code but there could be some issue with browser.
    When i view the source of application in browser, i found below code:
    out of which alt="Due to browser or system restrictions, this active component (applet) cannot be installed, executed or displayed"
    is important.
    Let me know your inputs.
    Best Regards,
    <div style="position: absolute; top: 22px; left: 8px; width: 300px; height: 300px;">
    <span id="DELL.SampleJNETView.Network-r" tabindex="-1">
    <object id="DELL.SampleJNETView.Network" height="100%" width="100%" alt="*Due to browser or system restrictions, this active component (applet) cannot be installed, executed or displayed"* classid="" name="DELL.SampleJNETView.Network" ct="AP" tabindex="-1">
    <param value="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.1" name="type"/>
    <param value="./" name="codebase"/>
    <param value="../../../../webdynpro/resources/,../../../../webdynpro/resources/" name="archive"/>
    <param value="true" name="mayscript"/>
    <param value="DELL.SampleJNETView.Network" name="ControlId"/>
    <param value="0" name="TraceLevel"/>
    <param value="" name="delegateWrapper"/>
    <param value="en" name="locale"/>
    <param value="true" name="disableHook"/>
    <param value="DELL.SampleJNETView.Network" name="AdapterId"/>
    <param value="true" name="manualUnlock"/>
    <param value="false" name="codebase_lookup"/>
    <param value="../../../../webdynpro/resources/;2007.1016.1356.01,../../../../webdynpro/resources/;2007.1016.1356.01" name="cache_archive_ex"/>
    <param value="UR_tradeshow" name="LOOK_AND_FEEL"/>
    <param value="500" name="TIMEOUT_DOUBLECLICK"/>
    <param value="*" name="JAVA_EVENTS"/>
    <param value="SEND_EVENT" name="SAVE_POLICY"/>
    <param value="X" name="NO_JS"/>
    <param value="TRUE" name="WAIT_FOR_DATA"/>
    <param value="true" name="disableHook"/>
    <param value="true" name="disableDelta"/>
    <param value="en" name="LOCALE_LANGUAGE"/>

  • Need help-SQL with result format suppressing duplicate values

    I am trying to write a SQL which would select data from the below tables(in reality i have many other tables also) but I wanted to know how do i get the data in the format given below.
    The scenario is :-A training_plan can N no. of OBJECTIVES and EACH objective has N no.of activities
    Insert into TEST_TRAINING_PLAN
       ('111', 'test_name', 'test_name_desc', '****')
    Objectives table:-
       ('10', 'objective1', '1862188559')
    Objective and Training Plan relationship table where TPLAN_ID is the foreign key.
    Insert into TEST_TP_OBJECTIVE
       ('1', '111', '10',5)
    Objective and Activity relationship table where T_OBJECTIVE_ID is the foreign key from the TEST_TRAINING_OBJECTIVE table.
       ('1000', '10', 'selfstudy event', SS1, NULL,
        'Event', 0, 0);
       ('1001', '10', 'SQLcourse', 1, NULL,
        'Course', 1, 0);
       ('1002', '10', 'testSQL', 1, NULL,
        'test', 2, 0);
    firstname     emplid     Tplan name     Number of activities/credits completed(for TP)     Objective Name     Number of required activities/Credits (for objective)     Number of activities/credits completed(for objective)     activity  name     activity completion status
    U1     U1     TP1     5                         
                        OBJ1     4     3     C1     PASSED
                                       C2     PASSED
                                       C3     WAIVED
                                       T1     ENROLLED
                                       T2     ENROLLED
                        OBJ2     3     2          
                                       S1     ENROLLED
                                       S2     PASSED
                                       T3     WAIVED
    U1     U1     TP2                         C4     INPROGRESS
                   50     OBJ11     50     30     C11     PASSED
    **The second row where we have another training_plan record and accordingly all objectivesand their objective.**similarly ,i need to display many Training_plan records in such tabular format.Please help with the SQL query to select and display data in the above format
    If you want to suppress duplicate values in some of your results columns
    I am using toad 9.1 using Oracle 10g version 2

    You can use the BREAK command to suppress duplicate values.
    (scroll down for an example)
    It's a 'SQL*Plus-ism', not sure if TOAD's capable to handle it.
    Simple example:
    HR%xe> break on department_name
    HR%xe> select l.department_name
      2  ,        e.last_name
      3  ,        e.first_name
      4  from     departments l
      5  ,        employees e
      6  where    e.department_id = l.department_id;
    DEPARTMENT_NAME                LAST_NAME                 FIRST_NAME
    Executive                      King                      Steven
                                   Kochhar                   Neena
                                   De Haan                   Lex
    IT                             Hunold                    Alexander
                                   Ernst                     Bruce
                                   Austin                    David
                                   Pataballa                 Valli
                                   Lorentz                   Diana
    Finance                        Greenberg                 Nancy
                                   Faviet                    Daniel
                                   Chen                      John
                                   Sciarra                   Ismael
                                   Urman                     Jose Manuel
                                   Popp                      Luis
    Purchasing                     Raphaely                  Den
                                   Khoo                      Alexander
                                   Baida                     Shelli
                                   Tobias                    Sigal
                                   Himuro                    Guy
                                   Colmenares                Karen
    Shipping                       Weiss                     Matthew
                                   Fripp                     Adam
                                   Kaufling                  Payam
                                   Vollman                   Shanta
                                   Mourgos                   Kevin
                                   Nayer                     Julia
                                   Mikkilineni               Irene
                                   Landry                    James
    Public Relations               Baer                      Hermann
    Accounting                     Higgins                   Shelley
                                   Gietz                     William
    106 rijen zijn geselecteerd.

  • SharePoint 2013 - March Public Update Issues

    In our test environment for SharePoint 2013, we installed the March 2013 PU for SharePoint.  The farm is small - a single WFE and one App server (housing Central Administration as well, both running Windows Server 2012).  The install of the patches
    succeeded fine on both servers.  Now, when I try to deploy the solution with the Products Configuration Wizard, it fails with the following logged in the PSCDiagnostics log:
    02/12/2014 14:18:53  8  ERR                Failed to initiate the upgrade sequence.
    An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException was thrown.  Additional exception information: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException' was thrown.
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException' was thrown.
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPManager.BootStrap(Guid sessionId, SPUpgradeOperationFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.UpgradeBootstrapTask.Run()
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()
    I've been digging around online for the error and any related solutions.  One promising solution was that the farm account was locked.  I've dug through all the accounts used in AD for SharePoint and none are locked.
    Here's a section of the logs where the first error occurs:
    Entering function TaskDriver.FireOnTaskDriverEvent
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function UserInterface.TaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Received a TaskDriverEventHandler: TaskDriverEventArgs.EventCriticalityType info, TaskDriverEventArgs.EventType stopping, message Successfully stopped the configuration of SharePoint Products.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function UserInterface.TaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function PsconfigBaseForm.TaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Invoking the UI thread with the task driver event
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Entering function ConfigurationProgressForm.InvokeTaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Received a TaskDriverEventHandler: TaskDriverEventArgs.EventCriticalityType: info, TaskDriverEventArgs.EventMessageType: notapplicable, TaskDriverEventArgs.EventType stopping, message: Successfully stopped the configuration of SharePoint Products.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Received a non null event from the task driver
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF The UI has received a stopping event from the task driver
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Leaving function ConfigurationProgressForm.InvokeTaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF The task driver event indiated that the task driver is stopping, so we will sleep an extra 1 ms so things don't go too fast for the user
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function PsconfigBaseForm.TaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function TaskDriver.FireOnTaskDriverEvent
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function TaskDriver.OnTaskDriverStopping
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function TaskDriver.ExecuteTasks
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 ERR One or more configuration tasks has failed to execute
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function TaskDriver.Stop
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Resource id to be retrieved is PostSetupConfigurationFailedEventLog for language English (United States)
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Resource retrieved id PostSetupConfigurationFailedEventLog is Configuration of SharePoint Products failed. Configuration must be performed in order for this product to operate properly. To diagnose the problem, review the extended error information located at {0}, fix the problem, and run this configuration wizard again.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 ERR Configuration of SharePoint Products failed. Configuration must be performed in order for this product to operate properly. To diagnose the problem, review the extended error information located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\PSCDiagnostics_2_12_2014_14_17_34_955_1885083345.log, fix the problem, and run this configuration wizard again.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Resource id to be retrieved is PostSetupConfigurationFailedUserMessage for language English (United States)
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Resource retrieved id PostSetupConfigurationFailedUserMessage is Configuration of SharePoint Products failed. Configuration must be performed before you use SharePoint Products. For further details, see the diagnostic log located at {0} and the application event log.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 1 INF Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function TaskDriver.OnTaskDriverStop
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Sending a task driver stop event: TaskDriverEventArgs.EventCriticalityType error, TaskDriverEventArgs.EventType.stop, Configuration of SharePoint Products failed. Configuration must be performed before you use SharePoint Products. For further details, see the diagnostic log located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\PSCDiagnostics_2_12_2014_14_17_34_955_1885083345.log and the application event log.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function TaskDriverStateChange.Enter
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Acquiring the writer lock to change the state
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Current state of the task driver is neverrun. You want to change it to stoppedrunning
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Changed state of the task driver to neverrun
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Released the writer lock to change the state
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function TaskDriverStateChange.Enter
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function TaskDriver.FireOnTaskDriverEvent
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Entering function UserInterface.TaskDriverEventHandler
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Received a TaskDriverEventHandler: TaskDriverEventArgs.EventCriticalityType error, TaskDriverEventArgs.EventType stop, message Configuration of SharePoint Products failed. Configuration must be performed before you use SharePoint Products. For further details, see the diagnostic log located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS\PSCDiagnostics_2_12_2014_14_17_34_955_1885083345.log and the application event log.
    02/12/2014 14:18:53 8 INF Leaving function UserInterface.TaskDriverEventHandler
    I've also tried running the command line equivalent with the same results.
    Any suggestions on hunting the problem down? We're fairly new to SharePoint and stuck right now.

    Thanks for the tip.  Still getting used to SharePoint here.
    Looking at the entire psconfigui.exe processes in the log, I see a handful of "Unexpected" events.  This is a group of three in a row that stuck out to me:
    02/12/2014 14:18:08.17 psconfigui (0x1B2C) 0x1C80 SharePoint Foundation Upgrade SPUpgradeSession ajxme ERROR CanUpgrade [SPConfigurationDatabase] failed. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    02/12/2014 14:18:08.17 psconfigui (0x1B2C) 0x1C80 SharePoint Foundation Upgrade SPUpgradeSession ajxme ERROR Exception: Failed to call GetTypes on assembly Microsoft.Office.TranslationServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c.
    Method not found: 'Microsoft.Office.Web.Common.ProcessImageInfo Microsoft.Office.Web.Common.EnvironmentAdapters.IImagingAdapter.ProcessImage(System.IO.Stream, Double, Double)'. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    02/12/2014 14:18:08.17 psconfigui (0x1B2C) 0x1C80 SharePoint Foundation Upgrade SPUpgradeSession ajxme ERROR    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDelegateManager.RegisterAssembly(Dictionary`2 dictInitialType, Assembly asm, UInt32 nOrder)  
      at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDelegateManager.get_InitialTypeDictionary()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDelegateManager.GetDelegateTypes(Type tpObject)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDelegateManager.GetDelegates(Object
    o)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDelegateManager.GetUpgraders(Object o)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeSession.CanUpgrade(Object o) 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Checking the second entry, I found the following thread -
    Going to try a repair and re-grab the update and re-run it.

  • Problem with drag and drop

    Hi! I'm having a problem with getting this code working, basically I want to drag and drop two things onto another the things dissapear then it moves onto a new page, the first item works properly but then the second item wont dissapear and remains stuck to the cursor. Heres the code I'd be greatful of any help.
    import fl.motion.MotionEvent;
    Back6_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack6Click)
    function onBack6Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
        Forward6_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onForward6Click)
    function onForward6Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
        gotoAndPlay('Brother bit');
    var inGran:Number=0;
    Gin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragOn);
    Tonic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragOn);
    function dragOn(event:MouseEvent):void {;
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragOff);
    function dragOff(event:MouseEvent):void {;
        if (!=null&& {
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragOff);
    function checkPage(e:Event):void {
        if (inGran==2) {

    you have some mismatched brackets, change your target properties to currentTarget (and i'm not sure you're dropping onto the correct target) but, try:
    import fl.motion.MotionEvent;
    Back6_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack6Click)
    function onBack6Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
        Forward6_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onForward6Click)
    function onForward6Click(event:MouseEvent):void{
        gotoAndPlay('Brother bit');
    var inGran:Number=0;
    Gin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragOn);
    Tonic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragOn);
    function dragOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragOff);
    function dragOff(event:MouseEvent):void {;
        if (!=null&& {
        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragOff);
    function checkPage(e:Event):void {
        if (inGran==2) {

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