Number prefix in charts

I have placed a fusion chart in an rtf and i am using that to generate a pdf. I have used a stacked bar chart.
When i download the pdf, I am able to see numberings in x axis.
Is there a way by which I can add a prefix to the numbers in x-axis(such as euro symbol).
Can this be done by altering the 'Alt text' of that image??

For the X axis title just insert the following lines:
<O1Title text="My X Title" visible="true">
<GraphFont name="Calibri" size="9" fontColor="#ff0000"/>
Values are just example
p.s. If this answers your question then please mark my answer as *"Correct"* or *"Helpful"*

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    The only possible way you can have a work around is with help of VB macros.
    The logic would be simple: Have a VB Script to check the varying work centres from the report. Then for each work centre check for demand hrs greater than zero. Then you can go with a for or while loop to create the graphs as per needed.
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    If you use Different Master Pages.
    You can then right click the master page in the pages panel and change the Prefix to whatever you want.
    It appears at the top of the page in the pages panel, not at the bottom in page number.
    I usually prefix my table of contents master pages with TOC, which appears at the top of the page and is a great visual reference to what page I'm clicking on.

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    Hi Srikanth,
    Check whether there were any changes done in Material Number Format.  This can be done in Tcode OMSL.  Check what is maintained in Lexicographical & Leading Zeros.  This will influence how the codes are stored in table.

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    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
            //hierarchical data.
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                { xfield:"World", value:-50000000, children:[
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                { xfield:"Australia", value:23 }
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    willynmolly wrote:
    Hi does anyone know how I can get a prefix beginning 01772
    The Online # "pool" is determined by the telco authority responsible for issuing #s to Skype in any specific area. Thus, the prefix you require may or may not be available at any given time. The decision on which #s are made available is, therefore, not Skype's.
    Moved to "Online #s".
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    Thanks & regards,

    Dear Loi,
    Pl go to configurations(SPRO)
    use split valuation active and
    congigure split valuation .
    The materail types: Borneo,Spring and ABC are the three valuation types for the valuation category"z or y"for mineral water.
    The valuation types are to to assigned with the same acc.assign catergory as that the mineral water material type.
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    subsequently , again create mineral water with valuation types:
    Borne,spring and ABC.
    this way you can split valuate the material Mineral water.
    If you are satisfied pl award marks.

  • Country chart of accounts and alternative account No.

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    we're using country chart of accounts and alternative account No. to fullfill FICO China localization, now I have below questions:
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    2, The alternative account No. in country chart of accounts also needs to be created with compnay code level master?
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    4. Country chart of accounts is used for consolication purpose? Is there some difference with group chart of accounts?

    Hi Nicole,
    1, In manual FI posting in company code of china, eg. by transaction code FB01, which account number is used for this posting? Account number in operational chart of accounts or account number in country chart of accounts?
    > Account No. in Operation Chart of Accounts is always used for FI posting. Alternative Account No. is always for information purpose.
    2, The alternative account No. in country chart of accounts also needs to be created with compnay code level master?
    Or we just need create account in operational chart of accounts with company code level master?
    > You only create Operational Chart of Accounts for posting. Alternative Account No. can be of two types 1):-is a freely definable text and you don't have any chart of Account for that, for example say legacy No. 2) The Account No. from a country Chart of Accounts, in this case you create a GL in Country Chart of Accounts.
    3, If we use account in operational chart of accounts for FI posting by company code of China, after posing, two accounting documents are generated, one with account in operational chart of accounts? Another one with account in country chart of accounts?
    > Not True. Only Operation Chart of Accounts will get posted. In the Alternative Account No., the Alternate Account No. will get populated.
    4. Country chart of accounts is used for consolidation purpose? Is there some difference with group chart of accounts?
    > No. Country Chart of Account is used for External reporting.. Group Chart of Account is used for Consolidation.

  • Chart Top N shows "0" in legend instead of "Others"

    We have a report template that was created in Crystal Reports XI R2 that displays two charts in a Report Header.  The first chart is a Top N chart; the second is a Bottom N chart.  Both charts use the setting "Include Others with name "Others"".
    Our application pushes data into the report and displays the results with the Crystal Reports Viewer.  Both charts appear to be correct, except that the last item on each chart displays "0" instead of "Others" in the legend.  There are N+1 items in the legend, as you would expect to see in a chart that displays Top N + "Others".
    If we export the report to an .rpt file with data and open it in Crystal Reports designer we see the "0" initially.  However, we can make the "Others" label appear by opening the Chart Expert window and clicking OK to close it.
    We see this behavior with XI R2 SP5 as the engine, and with 13.0.2 (CR for VS 2010) as the engine.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    To reproduce:
    The chart must perform a Top N On Change of a Number field selected from a database table.
    One of the Top N values must be NULL.
    There must be more than N distinct values.
    Push the data into the report.
    DataTable "Product"
    - Field "ID" Number
    - Field "Code" Number (NULL)
    - Field "Name" String
    - Field "InventoryCount" Number
    Create a chart that displays:
    On Change Of: "Product.Code - A"
      For this group sort
      Top 5 based on Sum of InventoryCount
      Include Others, with the name "Others"
    Show value(s): Sum of InventoryCount
    You will see something like this:
    6 48.9%
    3  5.1%
    7  4.8%
    4  0.8%
    0  4.2%
    Total 100%
    Note that there are 6 groups plus a total rather than the 5 groups we specified. The second line represents the percentage of records that have a NULL Product.Code and the sixth line represents to correct percentage for "Others".
    If the NULL group does not appear in the Top N, then the sixth line displays "Others" correctly.
    One way to work around this problem is to define a Formula Field that returns a string value and use the formula in the "On Change Of" setting:
    IIF(IsNull({Product.Code}), 'NULL', ToText({Product.Code}))

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    Can I get around that somehow? Is there a fixed length defined somehow?
    I thought I could just pad blanks to the legend titles in the 1st columns, but no. I tried in a number of ways doing that via &nbsp, and &#160 and so on - but no effect.
    Anyone? any ideas?
    Best regards,
    Jesper G

    I've the same problem with APEX 2.2, does someone has an issue?

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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thank you Venkat for your answer.
    1- In fact I need the 2 fields in order to sort correctly my x-axis because even if in the repository I say that my month name has to be sorted by my month number, in my chart it doesn't function.... in fact the problem is stranger : if in my request I sort by month number, my chart doesn't follow this order -> on my x-axis I have 7, 8, 10, 1, 2, 4 (= month numbers) so the month name can't be sorted correctly.
    The only solution I have found, is to use a pivot chart, like this I can order by month number and so my month name follow. I could hide the month number in the pivot table but not in the chart table ... my question comes from this problem.
    I can't use the substring in the criteria, because if I hide my month number, the sort won't be done correctly. Is it possible to use this solution directly in the chart options ? (I haven't seen where).
    But I just have seen, that a number can be treated as a month name and this solves my problem.
    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Dynamic charts in Bex WAD

    Hi Experts.
    My requirements are as follows. I want to include max number of 5 charts in a template. At the moment I have 20 different chart queries (this number will grow) to choose between, chart web items are basically the same, only data provider is different.
    A query will tell me what charts (i.e. chart queries) that soul be included, and I only want to build those charts.
    It is not a good solution to include all the 20 +++ charts in the template and just unhide the ones I want to show as this will be too much administration as the number of charts grow.
    Are there no other way, like programming an API somewhere, like we can program the reporting table interface?
    Best regards,

    You can use the parameter ITEM_ID to dynamically assign a chart id to the web item.
    A sample implementation can be seen in the 0ANALYZER template include for charts.

  • Adding prefix to Missed calls

    Please Help me out here . My client wants to redial numbers coming in missed calls and received calls but calls are drooping when redialed.This is because number which shows on cisco phones is either  9XXXXXXXXX(LOCAL CELL PHONES) or 22XXXXXXXX but
    Route Patterns ACTIVE as of now on CUCM:
    0.[2-6]XXXXXXX  -Local PSTN
    I reffered few forums Disscussion and links but they are very confusing . We are using H323 AND MGCP (we want it on Priority) gateway where E1s terminated.
    Please Suggest at earliest ,I Hope to resolve this soon with your  help.

    Option 1: Goto Service Parameters - Select the Server - Select Services Cisco CallManager - Click on Advanced, Now search for Incoming Calling Party National Number Prefix - MGCP and add your access code (9) which you use for dialing outside.
    for H323 gateway:
    voice translation-rule 1
      rule 1 /^/ /90/ type national national
     voice translation-profile incmng
              translate calling 1
    You can apply this translation profile to voice port (E1) or dial peer.

  • Account numbers with unassigned Chart of accounts

    Records for the cube are coming from R/3 via a program into a table. BW loads the data from the table. In the table there are some records for an account number 40200 which is assigned to Chart of Accounts and some records for the same account number 40200 which is not assigned to Chart of Accounts.
    The data was loaded into BW. Now the query shows two records for the same account number.
    I want to assign the Chart of accounts to the unassigned ones, in BW, so that the query shows only one record.
    Is there a way to fix this issue in BW? Do I need to write some transfer routine?

    Thanks for the reply. I already tried this out. In the scheduler selection, for the datasource - 0account_text, text attribute for account, I gave in the account number with no selection in chart of accounts and scheduled the package.
    It is bringing the texts only for the account number which has chart of accounts assigned to it, not for unassigned ones.
    any more suggestions?

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