NVidia driver for my vid card.

I tried to install the newest nVidia driver.... the Forceware Driver 52.16.  I got it installed, and when I rebooted my comp, it got no further than the Windows start-up screen.  Thus causing me to revert to my default driver settings.  Supposedly this driver is supported by my card, a GeForce3 ti 200 64mg card.  What's the scoop?  Am I doing something wrong?.... Is there a different driver for this card?  Also... where or how do I get openGL 1.4?  Thanks a bunch!

Make sure you turn off Anti-virus software before installing new drivers. useing driver cleaner is helpfull in keeping windows from installing the drivers you just uninstalled (cab cleaner it takes some time to complete) and if you want to try a new driver that works well (this one I use)
This 53.03 is the latest from eVGA and will work with any nVidia card
after the driver is installed there will be a folder in the program files named eVGADrv. this folder can be wiped after the next driver update.
OpenGL is part of the driver package no need for a seprate download

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    Has anyone have had any luck installing the nvidia (proprietary) driver for laptop with nvidia card like the Y series?
    I can't boot the laptop after installing the Nvidia driver. After installing the driver, I get an error saying "device not found" and drops to a shell mode.
    Go to Solution.

    Yes, I did make this thread, but a month ago. Since then I have it resolved, and I even have it tagged as resolved. Back then, I had a lot of problem making it work. But that was a month ago.
    And yes, I admit now that there are still issues with the driver. But as I've said at least twice already, the issues exist because native support NVIDIA provides is still relatively new. And yes, people are still experiencing problems because, I'll say it again for the third time, native support is still relatively new and therefore can be buggy.
    I think it's totally off pace to make factual statements based on one's experience. You're not paying attention to what you're reading and you're very quick to jump  to conclusions. NVIDIA most certainly doesn't say that it doesn't support Optimus on linux based OSes. There are minimum required kernel and xrandr versions, and that's pretty much it. They even tell you how to install it on their website:
    There can be/are issues after you install it, and as I mentioned before, I summarized in another thread as to how I got around a lot of the issues I had. Click my username and view it.
    Finally, every other person and their grandmother is using Ubuntu these days, so there is a lot of support out there for it.  I'd imagine that for the latest version of Ubuntu, someone out there has posted a step-by-step guide as to how to install the nvidia driver on an optimus card. The major issue is with older kernels or I'd imagine BSD, etc.

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    uhm hey guys,
    idk where else to get help so ima try here,
    i got windows 8 installed with bootcamp on my macbook pro late 2010 (5, 5) and theres no sound coming out of it, so i installed an nvidia audio driver (idk, it could be the incorrect one) but i have nvidia GeForce 320 on my macbook.
    do you know what i should install ?
    but when i go onto my osx the sound is fine, so i figured im missing something on windows 8
    Orrrr could i just go out and get parallels and hope it doesn't get the same problems?

  • Need to compile nvidia driver for a custom kernel [SOLVED]

    I compiled a custom kernel following this wiki page: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ker … rom_Source
    I can boot into it just fine.  I now want to compile an nvidia driver for use with it and followed the steps on this wiki page: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVI … tom_kernel
    I run into a problem when makepkg trys to compile it.  Here is the output:
    $ cd ~/devel/abs/nvidia/
    $ makepkg -c
    ==> Making package: nvidia-my 190.42-1 x86_64 (Thu Nov 5 17:42:29 EST 2009)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
    -> Found NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.42-pkg0.run in build dir
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.42-pkg0.run ... Passed
    ==> Extracting Sources...
    ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
    ==> Starting build()...
    Creating directory NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.42-pkg0
    Verifying archive integrity... OK
    Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 190.42..................................................................................................................................................
    If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sure
    you either have configured kernel sources matching your
    kernel or the correct set of kernel headers installed
    on your system.
    If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure
    you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel
    installed on your system. If you specified a separate
    output directory using either the "KBUILD_OUTPUT" or
    the "O" KBUILD parameter, make sure to specify this
    directory with the SYSOUT environment variable or with
    the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
    Depending on where and how the kernel sources (or the
    kernel headers) were installed, you may need to specify
    their location with the SYSSRC environment variable or
    the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
    *** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***
    make: *** [select_makefile] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    The step it's choking on is (from the PKGBUILD), "make SYSSRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build module || return 1"
    What am I doing wrong?
    pkgdesc="NVIDIA drivers for kernel26."
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && ARCH=x86
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && ARCH=x86_64
    depends=('kernel26>=2.6.31' 'kernel26<2.6.32' "nvidia-utils=${pkgver}")
    conflicts=('nvidia-96xx' 'nvidia-173xx')
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=('ae431ff849ec01446e6724f9fcfe3bb4')
    build() {
    cd $srcdir
    sh NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg0.run --extract-only
    cd NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg0
    cd usr/src/nv/
    ln -s Makefile.kbuild Makefile
    make SYSSRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build module || return 1
    mkdir -p $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    install -m644 nvidia.ko $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION='.*'/KERNEL_VERSION='${_kernver}'/" $startdir/nvidia.install
    My nvidia.install
    post_install() {
    depmod $KERNEL_VERSION
    post_upgrade() {
    rmmod nvidia || echo 'In order to use the new nvidia module, exit Xserver and unload it manually.'
    post_remove() {
    depmod $KERNEL_VERSION
    Last edited by graysky (2009-11-07 10:54:33)

    I'm kind of a noob and am trying to get follow the directions from the Nvidia wiki on installing on a custom kernel.  I'm trying to use the abs method to install on kernel26rt version 2.6.33rt.  I followed directions exactly and am getting an error that I didn't find on any other posts.  Can you please take a look?  Here is my terminal:
    [jsadural@jlinux nvidia]$ makepkg -ci
    ==> Making package: nvidia-2633rt 270.30-3 (Wed Mar 30 08:53:08 PDT 2011)
    ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
    ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
      -> Downloading NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run...
    --2011-03-30 08:53:08--  ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux … mpat32.run
               => “NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run.part”
    Resolving download.nvidia.com...
    Connecting to download.nvidia.com||:21... connected.
    Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
    ==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
    ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD (1) /XFree86/Linux-x86_64/270.30 ... done.
    ==> SIZE NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run ... 30037601
    ==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run ... done.
    Length: 30037601 (29M) (unauthoritative)
    100%[======================================>] 30,037,601   696K/s   in 42s     
    2011-03-30 08:53:50 (696 KB/s) - “NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run.part” saved [30037601]
    ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
        NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32.run ... Passed
    ==> Extracting Sources...
    ==> Starting build()...
    Creating directory NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32
    Verifying archive integrity... OK
    Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 270.30........................................................................................................................
    NVIDIA: calling KBUILD...
    test -e include/generated/autoconf.h -a -e include/config/auto.conf || (    \
        echo;                                \
        echo "  ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.";        \
        echo "         include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.";\
        echo "         Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.";    \
        echo;                                \
    mkdir -p /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/.tmp_versions ; rm -f /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/.tmp_versions/*
    make -f scripts/Makefile.build obj=/home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel
      cc -Wp,-MD,/home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/.nv.o.d  -nostdinc -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.5.2/include -I/usr/src/linux-2.6.33-rt/arch/x86/include -Iinclude  -include include/generated/autoconf.h -D__KERNEL__ -Wall -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-format-security -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -O2 -m64 -mtune=generic -mno-red-zone -mcmodel=kernel -funit-at-a-time -maccumulate-outgoing-args -fstack-protector -DCONFIG_AS_CFI=1 -DCONFIG_AS_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAME=1 -pipe -Wno-sign-compare -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -mno-sse -mno-mmx -mno-sse2 -mno-3dnow -Wframe-larger-than=2048 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wno-pointer-sign -fno-strict-overflow -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm -fconserve-stack -I/home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel -Wall -MD -Wsign-compare -Wno-cast-qual -Wno-error -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -DNVRM -DNV_VERSION_STRING=\"270.30\" -Wno-unused-function -mcmodel=kernel -mno-red-zone -UDEBUG -U_DEBUG -DNDEBUG  -DMODULE -D"KBUILD_STR(s)=#s" -D"KBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR(nv)"  -D"KBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR(nvidia)"  -c -o /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.o /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c
    In file included from /usr/src/linux-2.6.33-rt/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess.h:573:0,
                     from include/linux/poll.h:13,
                     from /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv-linux.h:84,
                     from /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:13:
    /usr/src/linux-2.6.33-rt/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess_64.h: In function ‘copy_from_user’:
    /usr/src/linux-2.6.33-rt/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess_64.h:35:6: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
    In file included from /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:13:0:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv-linux.h: At top level:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv-linux.h:251:35: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘nv_spinlock_t’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv-linux.h:1436:5: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘nv_spinlock_t’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_alloc_file_private’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:1993:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘semaphore_init’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:1994:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘waitqueue’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:1995:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘atomic_spin_lock_init’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:1995:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_kern_poll’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:2790:30: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘waitqueue’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:2793:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘atomic_spin_lock_irqsave’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:2793:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:2804:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘atomic_spin_unlock_irqrestore’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:2804:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_kern_close_registry’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:3595:18: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘off’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:3611:22: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘off’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_kern_write_registry’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:3703:51: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘off’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:3710:45: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘off’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:3720:9: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘off’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_post_event’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4330:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4347:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘waitqueue’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4348:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c: In function ‘nv_get_event’:
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4362:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4365:9: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    /home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.c:4390:5: error: ‘nv_file_private_t’ has no member named ‘fp_lock’
    make[3]: *** [/home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel/nv.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [_module_/home/jsadural/devel/abs/nvidia/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-270.30-no-compat32/kernel] Error 2
    NVIDIA: left KBUILD.
    nvidia.ko failed to build!
    make[1]: *** [module] Error 1
    make: *** [module] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

  • Is there an Update Driver for my Graphics card, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB , in a 27inch mid 2011 iMac?  thank you!

    Is there an Update Driver for my Graphics card, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB , in a 27inch mid 2011 iMac?  thank you!

    THank you very much, I I have a ton of Adobe programs on my mac and i think a Cuda driver update was installed with it, it just popped up the other day in my system settings and is asking to upgrade my graphics card, but i don't have the same card as this update... so i thought i would double check! thank you again.

  • Unable to find driver for realtek sound card

    hi iam having HP Pavilion Media Center a1320in Desktop PC.. iam unable to install driver for my sound card.i got driver from hp website but while installing a msg gets popup. it says install Microsoft uaa bus driver for hd audio. even in device manager-system devices i cant find MS UAA hd audio. 1 unknown device its shows in device manager. bcoz of that i purshased a new sound card. help me pls.... os - windows xp pro sp3.

    hi paul . i just installed the above two softs. but nothing happend. kb888111 is for xp sp2. so it will not get installed in sp3. bt i made small changes in registry and installed it. even i installed 2nd soft realted audio also, u can find my comp specification over here http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docnam​e=c00590356&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&dlc=en​...〈=en&product=1823355 iam using xp sp3. in my device manager-system devices- i cant find microsoft UAA....... and i think thats the problem. every time i install driver for realtek audio(got from hp website), it ask me to install MS UAA bus driver. what to do now..

  • Latest Nvidia Driver for G560 does not install!

    i've tried to install the latest nvidia driver for my G560. But it seems like the only driver working on this system is the preinstalled driver from Lenovo.
    I always get the message that the driver can't find the required hardware. I've downloaded the correct (Win 7 64 Bit) and latest driver from Nvidias webpage. I've even tried some older drivers from the drivers archive.
    Does anybody have a clue how I can solve my problem?
    Greetings Cpk83
    Go to Solution.

    It does look like the correct driver. But I noticed this "Note: The following notebooks are not supported in this release: 1. Notebooks supporting Hybrid Power with Intel chipsets. 2. Fujitsu notebooks – support will be added in a later release. Fujitsu Siemens (FSC) notebooks are supported in this release. 3. Sony VAIO notebooks – support will be added in a later release. Sony VAIO Windows 7 users can click here for driver update support. 4. Any notebook that is launched after the release date of this driver. " Does anyone know if this laptop has Hybrid Power? Also here is a good tip/recommended from ATI. "Advisory: The display driver supplied by the laptop manufacturer is customized for the built-in flat panel display, and the graphics features and functions specific to the laptop. It is strongly recommended to use the supplied drivers. If installing a different operating system other than the one included with the laptop, the laptop may not meet all the requirements, and supported drivers may not be available. The laptop manufacturer is the exclusive provider of driver updates. If the required driver update is not available at the laptop manufacturers’ website, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer directly, to see if an updated driver will be made available in the future."
    IT Specialist and Consultant
    Lenovo Tablet Evangelist
    Current Machines: IdeaCentre A300, ThinkPad Tablet, IdeaPad U410, and Yoga 3 Pro Touch
    Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español
    Lenovo - the latest in DOtabs, DOpads, DOcentre's, DOstations and DOservers!

  • New driver for Broadcom wireless cards

    Finally there's a driver for Broadcom wireless cards, including 4328 which only worked using ndiswrapper.
    There are discussions about it on the Ubuntu forums
    on the Debian forums
    http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php? … 294ad5d3e9
    and on the Gentoo wiki
    http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Apple_M … Generation
    Last edited by cmlr (2008-09-25 14:10:13)

    Actually, this driver already has a Wiki page, http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Broadcom_BCM4312.  The new information is that it doesn't just work with bcm4312 cards, but all modern 43xx cards.  See the forum links in the previous message.
    The driver is already available in AUR,
    Last edited by cmlr (2008-09-25 14:20:50)

  • Satellite M60: can not install the newest driver for my graphic card

    Can not install newest driver for my graphic card
    Satellite M60

    First of all I really dont understand why you start two topics with the same theme. It is much better to have one topic with good content and interesting comments. Am I right? ;)
    Anyway, in your case it is interesting that Toshiba use adapted drivers because of hardware protection. That means that graphic card will not be forced to run at the maximum level. Hardware cooling in notebooks is very problematic and high temperature can result with overheating or hardware damage. All hardware components are placed on small place. Graphic card produce a lot of warmness and it is not so good for all other hardware.
    When you use non-Toshiba driver graphic card will be forced to run faster. Because of that every notebook manufacturers dont support usage of third part drivers. The fact is that hardware protection is priority.
    I didnt make any experiments but according to some reports on this forum there is way how to install non-Toshiba graphic card driver.
    Please check this forum and you will find many comments about that. One interesting topic is http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=18063&messageID=66186

  • Can't find nvidia driver for my HP Pavilion dv6000

    I just upgraded my laptop from Windows Vista to Windows 7 Starter.
    But i can't find a NVIDIA driver for it. 
    My laptop name is Pavilion DV6000 and i have a 32 BIT.
    Please can somebody help me?

    Hi @viniboy007
    I understand that you  are looking for a driver for your notebook, and that you have upgraded to windows 7.
    Please post the full product number for your notebook, so I can post a link to the supported drivers for your notebook.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    If there are not supported drivers for that product from HP, then it means the unit was never sold in that configuration. Then I would refer you to this page: What if I Don't See My Operating System?
    The problem then is more about trying to find drivers that will work, that have not been customized by HP to work with the other components on the notebook.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Compiling nvidia driver for custom kernel

    I have a Toshiba M200 tablet PC running Arch Linux (which I love, btw) and it's running fine, including the tablet.
    There's an irritating bug with suspend-to-ram (suspend-to-disk doesn't work with the nvidia driver) where the tablet pen stops working after resume.
    There's a patch slated to be in some future kernel, but I compiled my own with that patch included. It boots fine and all seems to be well with it.
    However, I need to compile the nvidia driver for it, since the binary does not work. So I copy /var/abs/extra/nvidia and modify the PKGBUILD and nvidia.install files per the instructions on this wiki page, and run makepkg -i -c .
    I get a big error message early on, saying
    If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sure
    you either have configured kernel sources matching your
    kernel or the correct set of kernel headers installed
    on your system.
    If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure
    you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel
    installed on your system. If you specified a separate
    output directory using either the "KBUILD_OUTPUT" or
    the "O" KBUILD parameter, make sure to specify this
    directory with the SYSOUT environment variable or with
    the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
    Depending on where and how the kernel sources (or the
    kernel headers) were installed, you may need to specify
    their location with the SYSSRC environment variable or
    the equivalent nvidia-installer command line option.
    *** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***
    I've checked everything I can think of.
    $ uname -r
    ls -l /usr/src shows linux-2.6.25-tablet, and linux is a symlink to it. /lib/modules/2.6.25-tablet/build is also symlinked to the right kernel source tree.
    So I'm out of ideas for why the nvidia makefile can't seem to find the kernel source.
    Thanks in advance.

    I think that may be the root of the trouble: I compiled the kernel on my desktop (C2D 2.8) rather than my wussy laptop (1.6 Centrino). It installed and ran fine and all that, but I only have the kernel source tree that was included in the package, not the one that really compiled the code. Would simply copying it suffice, or should I rebuild the kernel on my laptop? Also, the PKGBUILD is included below.
    I believe this is a subset of the problem I describe above?
    The PKGBUILD, somewhat customized from the nvidia ABS. I don't think any of the changes are overly shocking.
    I've tried dozens of different modifications of it now. The simplest one is just appending '-tablet' to pkgname and _kernver.
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 1567 2008-05-13 10:11:25Z thomas $
    # Maintainer : Thomas Baechler <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="NVIDIA drivers for kernel26."
    depends=('kernel2625-tablet' 'nvidia-utils')
    conflicts=('nvidia-96xx' 'nvidia-71xx' 'nvidia-legacy')
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=('843a1e8bc1923ba2e4b60f6fab31ad3b'
    # Extract
    cd $startdir/src/
    sh NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg0.run --extract-only
    cd NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg0
    # Any extra patches are applied in here...
    patch -Np0 -i ../NVIDIA_kernel-169.12-2286310.diff || return 1
    cd usr/src/nv/
    ln -s Makefile.kbuild Makefile
    make SYSSRC=/usr/src/linux module || return 1
    # install kernel module
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    install -m644 nvidia.ko $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION='.*'/KERNEL_VERSION='${_kernver}'/" $startdir/*.install

  • Nvidia driver for XP

    I have a MacBook Pro with the GeForce 8600M GT graphics card using driver version I use Windows XP a bit in Boot Camp and would like to get a 30" cinema display. I took my MacBook to the Apple Store and plugged it in to the display to see if it would work with XP and I couldn't get the full 2560x1600 resolution.
    I went to the Nvidia site and used the tool for selecting drivers and it said I needed to go to the Apple site. Can't find any new drivers for this graphics card here. Any suggestions?

    Search "MacBook Pro GeForce 8600M GT graphics driver" on Google and about 5th item
    Not sure about 30" 2560x1600
    MacBook Pro forum might help

  • Solaris 8 driver for 3COM LAN card

    I have installed Solaris 8 on a Pansonic CF-71 toughbook laptop, and need a driver for a 3COM 10 Mbps LAN pcmcia card model 3CCE589EC. Are there any out there!!

    What happens when you type "ifconfig -a" (while logged in as root to your solaris installation)?
    Linux driver won't work.

  • Any new Nvidia driver for Macbook pro?

    Hey, after I upgrade to new OSX 10.6.x, my software Houdini (www.sidefx.com) viewport flickers every frame. It used to work fine on 10.5.x.
    I don't know it's the problem for OSX or Nvidia driver, at least, it worked fine on 10.5.x, so I think it is the new OSX bug.
    I use Macbook pro, I tried both 9400m or 9600m can't work. Please fix this.

    Ah, I see - Asking here is just asking other users - if you expected an answer/status directly from Apple here, that won't happen, sorry. Perhaps some users have heard on other forums in which case I'm sure you've already searched, etc. Good luck in any case.

  • Driver for Creative Sound Card Model no: SB0

    Cud any tell me how cud i acquie the driver for the Creative Sound Card by the model no SB0680. The original CD that came with the packing had lost. Hope cud any help me on this. Thanx

    samram wrote:
    Cud any tell me how cud i acquie the driver for the Creative Sound Card by the model no SB0680. The original CD that came with the packing had lost. Hope cud any help me on this. Thanx
    SB0680 : Creative Sound Blaster 5.
    Maybe you can install these drivers/software.

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