NWDI against CVS

a Sap netweaver customer of mine if thinking to develop a custom application (an internet application) using JSF, websphere, CVS, eclicpse and Tomcat.
I'm not a java Developer and I would like to know your opinions.
Could be better to use Java WebDypro, JDI, NWDS and the Sap J2EE as he's already a Sap netweaver customer ?
What's the main  difference between CVS and JDI ?
And from Tomcat and the Sap J2EE ?
ANy opinion is wellcome.

Hi Mauro
Good suggestion ,
Well it would actually depend on if the customer is adding functionality to an existing app running on websphere. For a new application it makes sense to use SAP infrastructure but its difficult to make a decision without enough background.
CVS is a source control system , but JDI provides the full suite of software lifecycle managment tools. You could say CVS is like (and only) the DTR.
Well Tomcat is a JSP/Servlet container I dont know if they support app server capabilities , websphere(WAS) is more analogous to SAP J2EE engine.
If they are looking at a more open standards based solution like JSF then it would get difficult to get them to steer to Java WebDynpro . But good news is that there is a planned support for JSF although I am not sure about timelines.
How JSF would work in the context of JDI interms of build is somthing else that needs to be investigated

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    Hi Rama, thanks for you help. I'm trying to use the CVS under the NWDS but I can't use the SYNCRONIZE. I receive the message like:
    <b>Unable to Syncronize
    An error has occurred processing file
    Error fetching file revisions</b>
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    - Thanks

    This makes me believe that you haven't understood CVS
    correctly. I have just understood the central idea.Thats it. Now i am in the process of learning getting access, Checkingout,updating etc; Hence the initial post.
    In Netbeans, it is CVS >
    Checkout.Oh,Well I forgot to mention that i had got to that point and had entered
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    I tried looking up for modules in cvs but havent really undestood much, yet. I am also looking for the information i need parallely and will update it on this post if i learn something new.
    But thankyou for all the information.

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  • Unable to Connect to 2 Tracks which are in 2 different NWDI Servers

    Hi All,
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    Appreciate your help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Sekar,
    My suggested work around (my personal preference) would be to install the NWDS versions on separate machines to avoid all the troubles and confusion with the default .DTR/.DTC/.metadata folders as mentioned by Pascal in this thread
    Multiple NWDS Versions on one Workstation?
    IMHO, a different machine also allows you to experiment more freely with another version of browser/client platforms (e.g. IE8/Windows 7/etc.).
    In our case, we installed the newer version on developers' machines (oftenly used going forward) and install the older version on another shared machine (used for maintenance only until the cutoff).
    Maybe other gurus (who often have to work on several different versions for different customers) can provide us with some tips here.
    Hope it helps.
    Edited by: Dao Ha on Jul 13, 2010 3:20 PM

  • How do I code PL/SQL using files instead of directly against the database

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    Thanks in advance.

    Your latest EA fixed this, at least for subversion and cvs, hooray! and I'm quite happy with it.
    But I think our posters need a quick how-to for subversion:
    * the latest EA has subversion and cvs installed
    * open VIEW menu->Versioning Navigator
    * create your SVN repository in Versioning Navigator, that will establish all of the authentication stuff for your later work
    * use VIEW menu->Files and navigate to your subversion working checkout directory.
    The File navigator will become your main work zone, if you're anything like me.
    for unconventional file suffixes:
    * open TOOLS menu->Preferences
    * click the File Types topic
    * click "Add.." to add the file name extension
    * it won't let you specify content type in the little "add" dialog; just click OK
    * when you return to the main Preferences screen for file types, your new type will be selected, and below there is a content type drop-down under "Details for type .blahblah"
    * choose SQL Script as the type for your new file type, and click OK to commit the changes
    * I find "SQL Script" much easier to work with than PlSqlNode, which seems to suppress the file handling and versioning features
    Good luck!
    -- Andrew Wolfe

  • JDeveloper and CVS and TeamWork

    we have a small team with 4 members and are developing in JDeveloper 10.1.2 with CVS plug-in (struts, toplink, jsp).
    We are beginners and are frustrated now: every commit/update causes problems.
    Always are problems with
    - project.jpr files (synchronization among developers)
    - sessions.xml (we cannot really add this file to cvs)
    - state of offline tables (and digrams) are sometimes wrong show: restart of JDeveloper is necessary
    - many JDevelopers files are unvisible, but must be added to cvs
    - and more and more
    Please - are somebody using JDeveloper & CVS in team with satisfaction? Are our problems beginner-problems or is this way wrong?
    Thanks for your experience.

    My biggests issues with JDeveloper and CVS are as follows:
    1. Oracle puts out an article that talks about Version controllable XML and the biggest culprits of violators of this rule are the Oracle project files: StrutsPAgeFlow.oxd_struts, ViewController.jpr, and Model.jpr. Not nice when you can no longer open your Struts-config.xml file due to all the <==== lines in the file! In almost all instances, since we've built most of the files and aren't adding/removing much from the project as a whole, we can easily correct these problems then commit again, or just issue a clean update on them, and disregard (especially when it appears to be an ordering issue)
    2. Also, we've seen model.jpr files switch contents (areas look like they are swapped around) in between versions. Why? The files are identical except the position of the nodes.
    3. I really want to know my OUT-OF-SYNC files BEFORE I do an update. Kind of like the Uncommitted files window, I'd like: Hey, how out of sync am I?
    4. The COMPARE utility is very nice, however, once CVS takes over and does the automatic MERGE, you're really left with a mess (at times). Any time we get a "failure to update" message, we issue a compare against the current reposistory version verses version on disk and see what the differences are. Then we search for whether our stuff was merged properly.
    5. The only docs I've seen on Jdeveloper and CVS are "introductory" type documentation. Don't put out a document that talks about issues that are "out-of-scope" when these are the very issues that people need to deal with every day, and are looking for answers. The "oracle jdeveloper 10g" handbook is no better, offering about 4 pages of an "overview of CVS".
    6. People have asked before about CVS, even on Metalink and an answer from Oracle is to look at an OTN post. I'm sorry, but that really doesn't cut it, especially when your support bill is over $500K/year.
    enough rambling...
    CVS and Jdeveloper 10.1.2 are working at our shop with 3-4 developers on the project, but it can be paintful during the "conflicts during merge" times.

  • Problems with CVS and improvements required

    Developing with JDeveloper 9.0.3 preview we have found some bugs and some improvements that would be very useful.
    1)     Overlay icons on versioned files dont show the real state of the file as described in the Using Concurrent Versions System (CVS) With JDeveloper section of the Using Support for Team Based Development help manual (this issue was solved with a patch for the 9.0.2 release but it cant be applied for the 9.0.3 preview).
    2)     When CVS finds revision conflicts on the project file (.jpr) or on the descriptors of BC4J objects and packages, it overwrites (properly) the source file with the <<<<<< and >>>>>> comments to denote the conflict, and the warning for the conflict is signaled in the CVS log; but it would be nice (because it is annoying to check everytime the CVS log especially for a critical message like a conflict) having a message box reporting these critical messages.
    3)     During the import module function to import the project files into the CVS server, the image files (such as .GIF and .JPG) ought to be automatically added as binary files, or better still, it would be useful a configuration fuction to enumerate the extensions to be added as binary files.
    4)     After some types of CVS commands the CVS editors and CVS watchers windows becomes suddenly closed.
    Required Improvements
    1)     It would be useful a function showing all the files to be added to source control in a list and in a more general case, the versioning status of all the project files, without having to expand all the nodes of the project tree.
    2)     Its uncomfortable the current behaviour for the check out/edit on the project file (jpr) that automatically selects all files included within it. It would be useful to explicitly select to operate only on the project file or to include also the files within it; or at least to place the project file at the top of the list.
    3)     The Edit Files command for the CVS source control ought to support the cvs edit option -c (to check that working files are unedited) and an option to execute an update command before the edit one, to have the most recent revision of that file.
    4)     The opportunity to treat every type of BC4J object as a single CVS entity, taking all the files required by the single BC4J object grouped together and then checked-in, checked-out, etc. in a simple one-click operation.

    1) Overlay icons [cut] Has the problem returned in 9.0.3 and if so can you give me details of your cvs client version i.e CVSNT etc.. It would be really helpful in tracking this down. The CVS version in use is (from the cvs --version command output): Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)  (Build 57a) (client/server). The JDeveloper version is preview.This is the client version we test against and recommend. We have seen no problems here and can't reproduce this. Could you help us track this down by supplying the answers to the following questions?
    1, What OS and CVS version is the server using?
    2, For a file that is showing the incorrect overlay could you check the timestamp in the CVS\entries file and post that and the timestamp on the actual file system file?
    3, What timezone are you currently working in and is daylight savings time in operation?
    and finally
    4, Is the CVS server in the same timezone?
    Hopefully this will give us a good start on where the problem is.
    We have already configured cvswrappers to properly handle binary files, but the cvs import function seems to ignore these settings, while cvs add uses it. If you try to import a project with some gif files using jdev, having configured cvs as described, these files will be corrupted. After this, if you add another gif file using cvs add function (not add binary) the settings will be used and the file are correctly stored.
    It seems that to make the import command work properly, file types have to be explicitly specified for each binary file (-kb option) on the cvs command line. To verify this we have tried the same operations using wincvs client. Inspecting the log window, we see that the client explicitly force the file types (they use an internal filtering to recognize binary files instead of file extension):
    cvs import -I ! -I CVS -W "*.gif -k 'b'" -m "no message" testmodule avendor areleaseRight, I'll add this information to the bug and make sure it gets evaluated.
    4) After some types of CVS commands the CVS editors and CVS watchers windows becomes suddenly closed. Could yet tell me what these operations are so I can log a bug? We dont know if its effectively a bug, but the window becomes closed when automating layout switching occurs (if its enabled in preferences), for example: Im in the ide without any open editors (current layout Editing), I get the editors list, then I open an uiXML file (the layout switch to Web Editing) and the list disappears. Even if the layout switch back to Editing (automatically or manually) the list is not re-shown (its not saved in the layout).This is an issue with JDevs layout in that the SCM windows are not default in any layout and so they are closed when the switch occurs. This is being looked at for a future release.
    3) The Edit Files command for the CVS source control ought to support the cvs edit option -c (to check that working files are unedited) and an option to execute an update command before the edit one, to have the most recent revision of that file. I'll add enhancement requests for these I especially like the update before edit suggestion. For team based development the reserved edit functionality (the -c option) would be very useful, especially for working with business components.I'll add your use case to the enhancement, as this is a very good reason to have "-c". Hopefully if we can implement 4) and integrate source control and BC4J better in a future release.
    4) The opportunity to treat every type of BC4J object as a single CVS entity, taking all the files required by the single BC4J object grouped together and then checked-in, checked-out, etc. in a simple one-click operation. We would also like to have support for this in source control and it is a feature that is currently under investigation.It would be -very- useful if, while trying to edit a generic component under source control, jdev suggested (in the edit dialog window, for example) which other files are likely to be modified, giving the chance to edit them also (if not already). For example, trying to edit a ViewObject component, it will be probably needed also to edit the .jpx, the project, the business package descriptor, in addition to the component implementation and descriptor.Agreed.
    We also have some doubts on the meaning of the dialog that often appears after a checkout or a folder update, asking New checked out files were detected; how would you like them to be dealt with?. Can you explain whats the behavior of each choice?The three choices breakdown as follows
    1. Open checked out files in the active project
    This adds all files to the project that is active in the IDE, if all files were already in the project no change will appear to occur. If new files have been downloaded they will now appear in the project
    2. Create a New project for the checked out files
    Generate a completely new fresh project from the checked out files, similar to the default behaviour of checkout module in JDev
    3. Do not open a new checked out files.
    Perform no action with the files, lets the user add them if they so wish.
    Thanks for the replies,
    Geoff Waymark
    JDev SCM Team

  • How to use CVS in NWDS for MDK

    Hi All,
    We are working on customizing MAM3.0, we need help on using CVS to manage developments.
    We in the team are 3 members and the development is depending on each other.
    We are using NWDS 7.XX, can somebody help us in using CVS / DTR to resolve conflicts in developments.
    Your help in this regard is well appriceated.
    Merry christmas, n'joy holidays.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sai. K. K

    You can use an open source CVS . However, if you have NWDI, it already provides the DTR for version control. The link you provided is about the option to use a third party CVS if you don't want to use NWDI, it is not a requirement.

  • Using CVS with Webdynpro

    can anyone share some experiences with this scenario? I'm especially interested in how well conflicts in webdynpro-dcs are handled.
    thanks in advance

    I'm working with SVN and NWDI also on separate projects and it depends... if you are working in small team (less than 10 peoples) and there are no release managers but only one man who decide when the upload to production system can be done than I thin it is better to use svn. NDWI is better for big companies and many programmers, because you do your release when it is ready and release manager decides when to make a deploy on a production system. We have used CVS before, but we migrate it to SVN, it's better with it.
    Storing dc on svn is a little tricky. But if you do it once you will used to it. You must not store any directories that are generated by web dynpro because they usually gets you a lot of conflicts.
    In SVN you must store the main folder of dc's and all subfolders with your projects.
    it will look like this: .\<name>\DCs\<company>\<project path>\_comp
    exmpl: 0\DCs\sap.com\ess\cat\_comp
    One of the problems using svn with development components is that you must download your sources in an exact location (like .dtc in 7.0 and <workspace_name>.jdt in 7.1 ...I'm not sure about jdt extension)
    If you store a web dynpro projects than you must ignore following folders:
    bin, gen*. This folders are auto generated by web dynpro. And if you put them in the repository and commit them every time you will have conflicts all the time when somebody try's to update the project.
    If you store different project(resource, portal application, etc...), folders are not the same, except bin folder (or the folder that you set for class file generation) you must always ignore it, because it is not needed in svn. I'm currently working with 7.0 and these are the folders that I have seen. I don't have 7.1 installed now, but I remember that there were other folder that are auto generated too and must be ignored.
    When download projects from svn for the first time, you must go through all of them and repair structure and class path, then rebuild them. They will generate all the necessery files and you can start working.
    And another thing... if you want to work with svn it is better to understand what is the meta information that sap files contains, because if there is a need of merging some files someone must know what he is doing. It is not so complex, but if you don't merge some files correctly then you can receive an errors in eclipse.

  • CVS highlights config files as Modified when they are not

    I have noticed that CVS tends to highlight the file DataBindings.cpx as being Modified when it technically hasn't changed.
    After updating a page I was commiting the changes to CVS I was that the DataBindings.cpx file had an asterisk against it, I compared the file against it's previous version and saw there were 12 differences in the file.
    On further inspection it seemed that the two files contained exactly the same information except that the continee entries were in a different order, therefore, on a textual basis different.
    I know that this is in no way a show stopper but as it highlights the file as changed it could result in a lot of unnecessary updates in CVS.
    If this could be looked into at some point in the future that would be great, could just be as simple as ordering the continees by id so that they are always in the same order each time the file is written.
    The same issue may exist in other generated config files, has anyone else spotted any?

    Yes, sorry... using JDev 10.1.2 (build
    Have also noticed since that the project is highlighted as changed and the differences are as follows...
    <Value class="oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScope">
    <Value class="oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScope">
    ... is there any reason why the Struts entry has moved or is it just the way that the file is written that sometimes the data can be in a different order?

  • Can CVS be used with Web Dynpro Applications?

    Is it okay to use CVS as the source control system for Web Dynpro apps? Or does the DTR have to be used? How would you use CVS within NetWeaver Developer Studio?

    Hi Dora,
    I hope at this time there should not be any confusion, because JDI can be used for Webdynpro Applications,right from devlopment to production you can maintain the versioning.
    Please go through the following links and explore more on JDI.
    You need to install the JDI separately. Go to http://service.sap.com/patches -> Entry by Application Group -> SAP Net Weaver -> SAP NETWEAVER -> SAP NETWEAVER 04 -> NWDI -> JDI 6.40 -> #OS independent
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/downloaditem.sdn?res=/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/documents/a1-8-4/sap enterprise portal 6.0 sp4 netweaver stack 4 developer sneak preview download.abst
    i will be happy to join with you for any JDI related issues.
    hope this info helped you

  • Problems by sharing Web Dynpro Project in SVN or CVS Repository

    I am trying to share a Web Dynpro Project with an 3rd-Party Repository like SVN or CVS instad of DTR.
    As help to share this project I used the guideline from Wolf Hengevoss
    ("The Fast Way to Component-Based Development with the SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1 u2013 Part III",
    But as soon as I am sharing the project in an repository (equal if I am using SVN or CVS),
    I am getting the following error during deploy process:
    1st popup:
    Internal Error
    Unable to write to read-only file: /DSBBI5vhsgui(2fvhs_callcenterform_wdpdsb.net/WEB-INF/web.xml
      Internal Error
        Plugin name: Web Dynpro Archive Builder
        Internal error: com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder
    Plugin ID:  com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder
    Error Code: 0
    Exception StackTrace:
      java.lang.Exception: Call Stack of internalError call
         at com.sap.ide.tools.services.ui.dialog.DialogService.internalError(DialogService.java:79)
         at com.sap.ide.mmservices.core.eclipse.ui.ServicesUI.internalError(ServicesUI.java:68)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ArchiveBuilderPlugin.internalError(ArchiveBuilderPlugin.java:23)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ArchiveService.createWebInfContent(ArchiveService.java:536)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ArchiveService.createFolderStructure(ArchiveService.java:308)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ArchiveService.createFolderStructure(ArchiveService.java:229)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ActionGenerateArchive$CreateArchiveJob.doGeneration(ActionGenerateArchive.java:283)
         at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.archivebuilder.ActionGenerateArchive$CreateArchiveJob.runInWorkspace(ActionGenerateArchive.java:212)
         at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob.run(InternalWorkspaceJob.java:38)
         at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
    2nd popup:
    Problem Occured
    Getting repository state for resource:
    (Time of error: 27. April 2009 09:16:54 MESZ)
    Runtime exception occured while executing job 'Getting repository state for resource:
    Although it doesn't matter if I check-in the whole Web Dynpro project or just the src-folder and .dcdef-file.
    By the way, the deployment happend successfully...
    Has anybody an idea what could be the reason of this problem?
    Edited by: Jens Geissler on Apr 27, 2009 9:34 AM
    Edited by: Jens Geissler on Apr 27, 2009 9:35 AM

    Hi Jens,
    I think the other repositories (apart from SAP's own DTR, part of NWDI) are not supported as in base CE 7.1 release & support may be in higher CE release versions.
    I feel if they are supported, then it is a bug and you can get things clarified by raising an OSS message.
    Hope this info helps you.
    Kind Regards,

  • Accessing CVS files and sorting

    I'm working on a small program that will basicly allow me to access a cvs file of statistics and analyse it sorting it into the numbers that appear the most often.
    So far i have been able to create the GUI and the FileDialog function allowing the user to choose their cvs file and then its directory is displated in a text area.
    My question is: how do i get the program to access that particular file which has been selected and then begin sorting. Having looked into this i have the option of either choosing an ArrayList, Vectors or something called a 'StringTokenizer' which im not sure as to what it is.
    i would appreciate any help you can offer, as ive been banging my head against the computer all week trying to figour this out.

    Well, i think i've got that FileChooser thing down. At the click of a button you get a dialog box that opens allowing you to select whatever file you want from your computer.
    As for the array; which do you think would be more appropriate
    double [] lotto = new double [48];or
    double [] lotto = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
                   11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
                   21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
                   31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
                   41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49};The only processing i need to do is find out which of these numbers occurs the most through out that file. Its supposed to be a lottery result analysis program; with the use of a CSV file that contains all the results from previous draws i just need to get the program to select the file (which ive done with the FileChooser) and then searching through it finding the 6 most occuring numbers.
    Its supposed to get me a better understanding of number crunching and number storing.

  • Building apps including CVS files

    Could someone point me to a simple guide for creating Java apps with CVS files.
    I have an excel file that I have converted to .csv just by changing it in the file > save as window to cvs.
    I need to read values from this file and cross-check a particulat column of data (Date/Time of order) against the current day's date/time in order to highlight 24 hour notice ordering for customers.
    First off, what is it I need to do/understand when using a file such as this where I will be reading data from it?
    I have had a look at stuff on the net but most of it seems to become quite complicated quite quickly and I don't really understand what they are trying to achieve.
    What would be good would be to create a simple app first where I just read the data and display it in cmd line for example, then build on that, just to prove to myself that I understand each step.
    Thanks for any pointers.

    1. Check your spelling at all times...CVS is "Concurrent Versioning System", which has absolutely nothing to do with your post.
    CSV is "comma-separated values", which is what you are needing help with.
    2. Look up the StringTokenizer API in the JavaDocs. This class will help you to break your CSV file down into component parts that you can then load into a String array, for example.
    I wrote a function quite a while back (but have no clue where the source code has gone) that did just what you are wanting to do. It read in all of the values from a CSV file to populate the fields of a database table, so that I wouldn't need to manually enter over 1000 records. I used the StringTokenizer API to break my file down into its component record fields. All that I really remember about it was that I had issues with the quotation marks that appeared in the body of a field. For example, the field "description" contained a textual description of the product and included the product's dimensions, which used the double quotation mark as the inch symbol. This caused me problems because each of the field values were surrounded by double quotation marks, so I had set up my StringTokenizer to strip the double quotation marks, which ended up also terminating a field's value after the first inch dimension and dropping the rest of the dimensions. To get around this problem, I performed a global search and replace on my CSV file replacing the double quotation marks with a caret (^) and then modified my StringTokenizer . After that work, everything worked like a charm.
    Having said all of that, let me sum it up by saying take a look at the StringTokenizer API documentation and you will start to see how to do what it is you are trying to do. That documentation is at: [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/StringTokenizer.html|http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/StringTokenizer.html]
    I hope that this information helps. Good luck with your project!
    Sean Carrick
    PekinSOFT Systems

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