NY Times Best Seller list in iBooks

Why is the iBooks best seller list different than the actual NY Times list?
Example as of 12/12 #1 NY Times Bestseller list Hard Covered Non Fiction is Decision Points.
It is not listed or available for sale on iBooks, does anyone know why????

It is not listed or available for sale on iBooks, does anyone know why????
I don't know about the list, but lots of things are not available on iBooks because Apple has not yet been able to acquire the rights to sell them.
Try the Kindle or Nook apps instead.

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    oliveste wrote:
    I need to upload my book to iBook and I don't know how to do it.
    Read the FAQ and come back if you have questions after you have signed up

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    Message was edited by: drydruid

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    <nval> = 'E0004'.
    DATA : lv_date TYPE dats.
    DATA : lv_time TYPE tims.
    lv_date = sy-datum.
    lv_time = sy-uzeit.
    DATA : lr_parent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lr_adminh TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lr_root TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lv_process_type TYPE crmt_process_type,
    lv_parent_name TYPE crmt_ext_obj_name,
    lr_current TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_current ?= current.
    lr_parent ?= lr_current->get_parent( ).
    CHECK lr_parent IS BOUND.
    CALL METHOD lr_parent->get_parent
    rv_result = lr_adminh.
    CHECK lr_adminh IS BOUND.
    CALL METHOD lr_adminh->set_property
    iv_attr_name = '/itcit/F0010'
    iv_value = lv_date. "value.
    CATCH cx_sy_conversion_error .
    CALL METHOD lr_adminh->set_property
    iv_attr_name = '/itcit/F0011'
    iv_value = lv_time.
    CATCH cx_sy_conversion_error .

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    where (contentclass = 'STS_Web' or contentclass = 'STS_Site')";
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    sounds like the account can only be used on certain COMPUTERS ("has not been granted the requested logon type
    at this computer")... check active directory.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    Thanks to Niel for this:
    If you are trying to change the short name of an account's home folder, do the following:
    1. Open the NetInfo Manager in the Applications/Utilities/ folder.
    2. Click the padlock and type in your password.
    3. Under the list of accounts, locate your account and change the home property of that account to the desired setting. Don't delete or alter any other accounts. If you want to change that account's name, stop here and perform the second set of instructions.
    4. In the Finder, rename the home folder to the name you provided in the NetInfo Manager.
    5. Log out and back in.
    To change the short name of your user account, do the following:
    1. Open the NetInfo Manager in the Applications/Utilities/ folder.
    2. Click the padlock and type in your password.
    3. Locate the admin group in the list of groups, and add the new name to the list of members of this group. Don't delete or alter any other groups.
    4. In the list of accounts, locate your account and change that account's name property. Don't delete or alter any other accounts.
    5. Close the NetInfo Manager, log out, and then log back in.
    The home and short name properties can be changed independently of each other, but System Preferences won't let you change either, and makes both of them identical when you create an account. If an account isn't a member of the admin group, it won't have administrator access. Some people have left themselves without an administrator account on the machine by not updating the admin group properly.
    The proper way to prepare an iBook for sale or transfer is to use the system discs that came with it to restore it to like-new status. If you call Apple and give them the model number of your computer, they often have the original system discs that came with it available for a $20-$30 processing/shipping fee. Restore the iBook to its original state, and include the system discs in the purchase. That is the best way to go. (Incidentally, I won't buy a used iBook that doesn't include the system discs in the sale. As far as I'm concerned, they are vital.)

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    I transfer Time Data (Infotype 2003) via CAT6.
    When I go to transaction PA61 and click List Entry icon.
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    How can I change data with List Entry Screen?
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    I can't change with record that create via CAT6.
    Best Regards.

    have u tried to change your time entry through CAT2 tcode, ithink if u have created profile for time entry then it should allow you to change and you can use esc otherwise, its generally the standard profile given by SAP. but is 4 one user
    hope this helps

  • Time to sell my mac?

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    The other thing that really bothers me is the lack of a replacement for remote desktop. VNC and other products are an entire generation behind and there really is no comparison. When I log in with VNC the screen is way too big for the remote computer, I then I have to resize it to fit which causes an error and disconnection. I then have to reconnect. When I get home I then need to fix the screen res and move all my icons back into place. In comparison RDP sizes itself to the remote machine's screen and I can even log into with a different username to stop the icons getting messed up. RDP is also *significantly* faster because it uses video acceleration and can be used quite fluidly. VNC in comparison is almost unusable and just something you would use in emergencies.
    Anyway, my question is, before I sell my mac, are there any solutions to these 2 problems?

    No big strike at all.
    To VNC to a Windows platform, do not use rubbish free or cheap software like VNC.  There are a number of options you can buy that provides a similar or outstanding experience better than Apple screen sharing option in Lion and Snow Leopard.  I use Splashtop Remote for the PC and Mac and I use the streamer remote client on my Mac Mini Core i5 with good results.  I control my PC from my Mac and has full color and sounds, providing you have really really fast up/down bandwidth like locally or on the internet.  So far, am happy with it.  The client software is currently on sale at the App store for like $4.99 from $19.99.  The remote server software is free.  I even run the remote server software on my Mac Mini and Macbook Core 2 Duo and bypass screen sharing because it is just so good.  I also access all computers via my iPad as well.  So no problems with networking.
    In terms of file sharing.  The errors you got from copying files is the problem with the limitation of FAT 16 and FAT 32 file format PC needs to deal with and be compatible.  Keep in mind that most PC Windows OS running now on the planet is still 32bit.  Lion has no restrictions.  The errors you are getting usually occur during big file transfers and this is due to the FAT 32 4Gb file size limitation.  Problems occurs if your file size transfer exceeds 4Gb.  Windows to Windows, this is no problem since Windows OS is aware of this limitation, plus most Windows operating system that is included with the PC are not server grade class.  You can do peer to peer file sharing ok, but not at a level of Lion.  Lion OS does not have the same limitations as FAT 32 and most of the time even in applications themselves do not allow saving of files to this format if it is not formatted HFS+.  The problem is not with Lion, but with Windows.  You can address this though by installing server grade enterprise level Windows OS or buy a NAS that can serve both Windows and Mac platform.
    Hope this helps.
    Btw, I control my Quad Core PC from my Core i5 Mac Mini perfectly and share big files (more than 4Gb files in size -- Photoshopped and HD video files) no problem with both my Synology RAID and Netgear ReadyNas RAID.  Both my PC and Mac are running 64bit OS and 64bit applications as they are a heck lot faster than 32bit versions.

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    Thank you for the excellent reference Peddi. I had played with the OAMessageChoiceBean component yesterday, but I was able to tell from your instructions that "Picklist Display Attribute" and "Picklist Value Attribute" really are not for binding to the database EO. That was the key piece of information that had me confused.
    In addition to adding the messageChoice component to the page, I needed to write some code to synchronize the picklist value with the corresponding code value, which I placed in am OAFormValueBean (hidden form field) which I could then bind to my application's database EO in the controller, running in the processFormRequest procedure:
    /** Synchronize the catalog code with the selected catalog name */
    protected void syncCatalogValues(OAPageContext pageContext,
    OAWebBean webBean, MyApplicationAMImpl am) {   
    OAMessageChoiceBean mcb =
    (OAMessageChoiceBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("CatalogName");
    OAFormValueBean cc =
    (OAFormValueBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("CatalogCode");
    String catalogDescription = mcb.getText(pageContext);
    if (catalogDescription != null) {
    String catalogCode = am.getCatalogCode(catalogDescription);
    cc.setValue(pageContext, catalogCode);
    Along with a little code to get the catalogCode value from the LOVVO, that's all it took.
    Thanks again. This was a great help.

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