OAS 10g Java Edition licensing

What does "user license" for Application Server mean? What is a "user" for a web-application?

In what context did you find this term? Are you referring to 'Named User Plus' licenses?
Check out the docu Oracle Application Server Licensing Information. Also check the OLSA page http://www.oracle.com/corporate/contracts/olsa_main.html and http://store.oracle.com.
When it comes to licensing, make sure you go through every detail carefully with your Oracle rep.

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    Also, does anyone know whether I will be able to cluster my application servers using this edition? Will having the Enterprise Manager be sufficient to setup active-active clustering?
    Message was edited by:

    Perfect, thanks!
    I suspected it'd be possible from what I read, though I would probably need some external load balancer too, no? I plan to install the OAS on two separate machines and cluster them. These in turn should connect to a clustered database... But in front of the OAS cluster I reckon I need some sort of external load balancer...
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    Sorry in advance for the long post:
    We have a piece of legacy software (Uniface.exe) that contains a good chunk of business rules for an existing system. Uniface client connects to an Oracle 10g database but requires Oracle 9i client libraries. Therefore the default Oracle home for a local machine running Uniface is set to the Oracle 9i client software location.
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    OAS sets the ORA_NLS33 environment variable to the OAS 10g home location (F:\Oracle\\OracleAS_1\ocommon\nls\admin\dat). Setting it to my Oracle 9i client location (C:\Oracle\product\9i\ocommon\nls\ADMIN\DATA) appears to have solved the problem.

  • OAS 10g Standard Edition installer fails. windows 2000 sp4

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    When I double-click Disk1\setup.exe ... the mouse pointer changes momentarily to an hourglass, but then nothing. The installer quits immediately. No new process running in windows task manager so the installer doesn't appear to have ever run. I can't seem to find any error log, the installer just quits.
    Running Disk1\setup.exe from the command line also quits immediately.
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    Any help with this appreciated.
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    Thanks again! I should be on my way.

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    I'm sure Oracle would have no objection to you using a less expensive version, but you may want to run that question by your Oracle sales rep to see if there is a notification requirement.
    Whether there would be an opportunity to get some level of refund, though, would be a question for your Oracle sales rep. I would tend to doubt it but you never know.

  • How to add a java option in oas 10g 9.0.4?

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    [b]-Xbootclasspath/p: C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\ojdbc14.jar;C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\orai18n.jar
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    <process-type id="ADF_050615" module-id="OC4J">
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="java-options" value="-server -Xrs -Djava.security.policy=C:\oracle\infra\j2ee\ADF_050615\config\java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true
                             -Xbootclasspath/p: C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\ojdbc14.jar;C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\orai18n.jar"
    <data id="oc4j-options" value="-properties"/>
    <category id="stop-parameters">
    <data id="java-options" value="-Djava.security.policy=C:\oracle\infra\j2ee\ADF_050615\config\java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true"/>
    Help me please

    Rigoberto, there should be no space between "-Xbootclasspath/p:" and the path "C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\ojdbc14.jar;C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\orai18n.jar"
    By the way, one can always take a look at the logs at
    especially those files whose names start with OC4J~ if there is some wrong with oc4j processes. Those files are the default oc4j stout and sterr. If oc4j can not init, there should be some kind of error message in them.
    By the way, the following line may be deleted since no property file is specified.
      <data id="oc4j-options" value="-properties"/>
    Hope this helps.

  • Java Connection Pooling issue with Oracle 10g Express Edition

    I have a Java based web application that uses the Oracle 10g Express Edition database. I am using a connection pool to get connections to the database.
    I use the NetBeans IDE and run my web application on the bundled Tomcat server(5.5.7) that comes with the IDE. Though when I initially run the application from the IDE, the connection pool is set up fine, when I recompile my java code and try to run the application again, I get the following error each time:
    Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler with the
    matching protocol stack.
    The logs before the error shows up, indicate that the connection pool object is fine and gives me the number of available connections and the number of active connections and so on, which I have printed from the constructor of the Connection Pool class:
    For e.g.:
    Cache size = 17
    Available Connections = 17
    Cache Limit = 1000
    Active size = 0
    However, if I kill my Tomcat server process and run the application again, it works fine with no error.
    I looked around for possible causes and solutions and all I could find
    was increasing the processes parameter value in the init.ora file. I have increased the parameter value to from 100 to 20000 now, in increments of 500/1000 each time but it hasnt worked so far.
    Someone else suggested that I increase the size of my connection pool; I initially had it set to a minimum limit of 5, an initial limit of 10 and a maximum limit of 1000. However if I set the Initial Limit to anything above 17 connections, I see the following log on the Bundled Tomcat log and my application doesn't run at all:
    Log: Loading JDBC Driver : class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ...
    Log: Loaded JDBC Driver
    Log: Connection with URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe as username/password
    Error code not handled : 0
    Exception Message :java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12519, TNS: no appropriate service handler found
    The Connection descriptor used by the client was:
    // End of log
    And the Bundled Tomcat server automatically shuts down.
    Again the System.out statements from the Connection Pool class constructor show that the cache has been initialized and that currently there are free connections available in the pool.
    Cache size = 18
    Available Connections = 18
    Cache Limit = 1000
    Active size = 0
    Has anyone faced anything similar? Could someone please suggest what I'm doing wrong here and what I should do to set right this problem?

    hello, please pardon me, my english is basic. i do of my best. i had the same problem until reading the pdf documentation 2 days for java devvelloper.it is simple, follow this way.
    try {OracleDataSource ds;
         Connection conn;
      ds = new OracleDataSource();
      conn = ds.getConnection("userid","password");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
    don't forget to Dowload the user client of oracle Express Edition. do the rest of your program and it will work. take a look to the documentation pdf for java develloper. all it is explained.  good look                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Connection of java and oracle 10g express edition

    I'm new to databases as well as JDBC. I want to know how to connect to oracle 10g express edition with java to create a desktop application.
    Let me know step by step procedure if possible.....
    Also tell me which softwares or drivers other than oracle 10g and jdk1.6 will be required......
    Do i need to keep all the required softwares and drivers in the same folder???
    please give any other information which is required for the connection
    thank you!!!

    I'm new to databases as well as JDBC. I want to know how to connect to oracle 10g express edition with java to create a desktop application.
    Let me know step by step procedure if possible.....
    Also tell me which softwares or drivers other than oracle 10g and jdk1.6 will be required......
    Do i need to keep all the required softwares and drivers in the same folder???
    please give any other information which is required for the connection
    thank you!!!

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    Hi guys,
    I have downloaded Eclipse Java EE and also downloaded Oracle 10g express edition. Please some one guide me how do I plugin the database in Eclipse and use DTP in Eclipse. I am new to Oracle and Java, Please help me.

    I have installed OEPE through Eclipse Update Manager for Eclipse Galileo 3.5. I have already installed oracle10g express edition and Appache tomcat 6.0 for web development.
    Now I have unlocked the hr user and following instruction from white paper to use OEPE
    Now you can configure the database connection in Eclipse. Click Window > Show View > Other..., select Data Management > Data Source Explorer, and click OK. Right click Database Connections, click New, select Oracle Database Connection, enter the hr name for the connection, and click Next.
    Select Oracle Database 10g Driver Default, change the server name in the jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe URL if necessary, enter the hr user name and its password, click Test Connection to verify that everything is correct, and click Finish
    But here when I tried to connect to the database, it give me error - Creating connection to New oracle database connection has encountered a problem
    Couldn't connect to New Oracle Database Connection.
    Error creating SQL Model Connection connection to New Oracle Database Connection.(Error: IO exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)
    Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    Error creating SQL Model Connection connection to New Oracle Database Connection.(Error: IO exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)
    Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    I know i am wrong some where, Please tell me where I am going wrong? Do I need to download and configure weblogic 10g first? Is this don't work with Apache tomcat server instead?
    Edited by: Jay Virk on 02-Oct-2009 04:36

  • Ora-03113 with Java Procedure On 10g Enterprise Edition Release

    Hi All,
    I am getting Ora-03113 (End-of-Communication) while executing Java Stored procedure. Java Stored Procedure executes Sqlldr on server. Server OS is Linux 86x.
    Database is -- Oracle with Infrastructure.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Same java procedure was working properly when database was Any suggestion

    Check in Ur programs -Application Tool bar, Whether your have two oracle or not.
    You can unintall the OLD version from your PC using the Oracle Unistaller

  • OAS 10.1.2 Java Edition

    Does anyone know where I can download the OAS "Java Edition" in a single download? I cannot find it on the download page of the OAS. Only the full "Enterprise Edition" is available there in 4 cd's...

    Instead of importing "oracle.jdbc.driver.*", I import"oracle.jdbc.*" and works fine.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition Java Error

    Hi I am a student. I have licences copy of Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition. While using dbconsol i have an error that java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null. so what is the solution. Please Help Me.

    Welcome to OTN
    Also notice that when you post new question , Included DB version ( 4 digit ) and OS version .
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  • OAS Java  Edition

    I can't seem to find a place on OTN where i can download a package called OAS Java Edition. So I have downloaded the 10.1.3 Linux cpio file and will use just the HTTP Server and OC4J. Is this the current way to go about building a Java Edition server? Will OC4J not work with the built in Apache 2.0 on RedHat?

    I want to know that for what purpose you want to install OAS ( I hope this is same as SOA release III) . Everything is fine except that this doesn't provide support for Packeged Adapters (as for now).
    /Abhishek G

  • OAS Java Edition Download

    I'm looking for the OAS Java Edition Download. I want to do a fresh install of OHS, OC4J & Toplink on the new release.

    I want to know that for what purpose you want to install OAS ( I hope this is same as SOA release III) . Everything is fine except that this doesn't provide support for Packeged Adapters (as for now).
    /Abhishek G

  • Migration from OAS 10g to Weblogic 10.3

    I migrate large app from OAS 10g to Weblogic 10.3.
    The main part of the job was to prepare descriptors for Weblogic. Unfortunatelly I don't find any tool that could do the job:( There are some problems with descriptors namespaces. This schema and namespaces given in 10.3 docs are not working (not available):
    So I use the one from 10 release in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml:
    weblogic-ejb-jar xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0 http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/10.0/weblogic-ejb-jar.xsd"&gt;
    and form 9 release in weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml:
    &lt;weblogic-rdbms-jar xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90 http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90/weblogic-rdbms20-persistence.xsd"&gt;
    There are also some bugs in docs about ejb relations.
    After fixing some schema compliance exc this step success.
    2. Next the EJBComplianceChecker - its much more restrictive than OAS verification. So updates in ejb interfaces are necessary. It is not a problem with small app but when there ale a lot of code/branches to migrate it's become a problem. I have been looking for some switch that could help with this but with no result/
    EJBComplianceChecker - Spec veryfication level
    3. Now after EJB compliance checker done its job with success I have an exception that I do not understand:
    An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log for details.
    preparing module: EJBModule(corpo_ejb.jar)
    Unable to deploy EJB: corpo_ejb.jar from corpo_ejb.jar:
    There are 1 nested errors:
    java.io.IOException: JDT compilation error! at
    JDT compilation error!
    Could you please give me some point where the problem could be? I don't have any idea where to start looking for..
    What are your experiences with migrations from OAS to Weblogic 10?
    Thanks in advance!
    Edited by: Stoigniew Sztank on Oct 10, 2008 4:00 AM
    Edited by: Stoigniew Sztank on Oct 10, 2008 4:01 AM
    Edited by: Stoigniew Sztank on Oct 10, 2008 4:02 AM
    Edited by: Stoigniew Sztank on Oct 10, 2008 4:04 AM
    Edited by: Stoigniew Sztank on Oct 10, 2008 8:05 AM

    Hi Stoigniew Sztank,
    I am working on migrating Enterpirse application developed using Struts, Ejb2.0, JMS. Its been deployed on OAS 10G and Websphere, but I need to deploy the application on Weblogic 10.3. It seems you have migrated a J2ee application from OAS 10G to Weblogic 10.3. Please can you list me the steps that you followed to migrate the application.
    As per my understanding follwing things needsto be taken care of:-
    1) Weblogic Descriptor files:
    1.1 Weblogic.xml:- we added security roles and ejb-reference-description for the ejbs.
    1.2 Weblogic-ejb-jar.xml for all the ejbs used in the application.
    1.3 Weblogic-application.xml
    1.4 Resource Adapter
    2) JMS queue set up
    3) JDBC set up
    It would be a great help if you can let me know what are the steps to migrate the application.
    Thanks and Regards
    Deepak Dani

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