OBIEE Add in deployment options

Is there a way to deploy the OBIEE Add in for office so that users can be sent Office files with OBIEE content in it but all they can do is request a refresh and respond to prompts - they cannot access the catalog.

login with web catalog manager, go to shared folder (or you can choose all the folders to hide catalog) and click on properties and check mark hidden and apply recursively. Now in Answers, goto settings>Administration>Manage Privileges> Catalog >See Hidden Items and remove everyone from it and give this privilege to Administrator. Make a backup of your catalog first.

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    Currently there are 2 options for a new project in my BCC.
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    When a project is approved for deployment in the workflow, then its deployment can be manually scheduled through Admin Console in BCC or you can configure the RecurringDeploymentService to schedule approved projects for automatic deployment in batches.
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    Rigoberto, there should be no space between "-Xbootclasspath/p:" and the path "C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\ojdbc14.jar;C:\oracle\infra\jdbc-\orai18n.jar"
    By the way, one can always take a look at the logs at
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      <data id="oc4j-options" value="-properties"/>
    Hope this helps.

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    All servers in the environment are Server 2012
    So, I also began to think, "Well maybe SCCM doesn't like installing Applications from a TS and only handles packages...since applications are new to 2012."So I created a very simple TS that only installed an OS and still the same error. I added
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    >The problem, that is the only deployment option I can select. 
    The 'Run from DP' option is a Task Sequence-wide option in general, meaning that all the content would have to be duplicated to the package share in order to use it.  Unless all the content is on the package share, this option is not available.  The
    only exception is the Apply OS step has its own setting.
    If you have a step that uses content, but there is no formatted partition for the TS to download content to, you will receive an error.  So, your first steps need to partition/format the drive if there is no usable partition before you try to download
    content (like the files required for your HTA).
    I usually steal the logic from the default MDT 2013 task sequence when integrated with ConfigMgr 2012 R2, even though I don't use MDT with ConfigMgr.  The first real step is a format with this condition on it so it only runs if there isn't already a
    local disk available:
    If None of the Conditions are true:
    select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3 and DeviceID != 'X:'
    I hope that helps,
    Nash Pherson, Senior Systems Consultant
    Now Micro -
    My Blog Posts
    If you found a bug or want the product to work differently,
    share your feedback.
    <-- If this post was helpful, please click the up arrow or propose as answer.

  • MDG-F data distribution in case of add on deployment

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    Hello Sanjay
    MDG-F is a Flex model. You have to configure replication model in any case.
    There are 2 ways to replicate data from MDG.
    1. Auto Replication - Here you have to mark  immediately distribute change request while creating edition. With this tick mark, data will get replicated automatically. No need to release any edition.
    2. Manual replication - When you want to replicate the data manually, do not tick the auto distribution option. The data will get stored in the edition. You can release the edition any time. Only thing you need to make sure that there is no open change request in the edition. Once you release the edition, you can view the edition in manual replication option.

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    1. You are paying an annual fee, there shouldn't be additional costs unless you increase licensing. The accounts are all deployed on AWS, I believe.
    2. Yes, it will cost money to migrate the data, but it can be done.
    3. [Updated] This is probably possible if you throw enough money at it.
    4. The account can scale as needed. This is more of an issue around licensing though. Maybe I'm interpreting the question wrong.
    5. The setup of Edge Servers and Clustering is on Adobe. You purchase the account and licensing, they get their hands dirty to configure setup. I know there is clustering for fail over scenarios.
    6. Yes, the account is like having a licensed deployment, only you can call Adobe and yell at them when it doesn't work. SSO, SSL, additional licenses can all be added when needed.
    7. There is a minimum cost, so I guess licensing could be tied to that, but it would vary based on the account needs.
    8. Probably, that is best answered by the ACMS team.
    9. Yes, just purchase the licensing.
    10. AWS, I believe, is the only platform offered by ACMS.
    11. You should have full access to the logs (or at least be able to request them at any point, or set up a recurring delivery of the logs/information). Think of this as a licensed deployment, you will have all the info you get by running your own server. I don't know a web UI that will deliver this info, but there may be something that Adobe can put in place. You should have a dedicated number of a person or team to reach out to for your ACMS deployment. You shouldn't need to start at 800-42-ADOBE.

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  • Add-On Deployment Error 'System.NotSupportedException'

    Created setup files to install the Add-ons.
    I used the Professional Installer method using .Net2.0.
    I could successfully create the installer and created the ard file.
    Registered successfully in SAP B1.
    During the installation i am getting the following error
    "An unhandled exception('System.NotSupportedException') occured in
    immediately Visual studio Just-In-time Debugger appears
    <a href="">Please click here to view the error i am getting</a>
    Any solution available?

    Thanks for your feedback.
    I will navigate you step by step.
    1) When I tried to create new VB B1 AddOnInstallerSetup.Net project using .net 2.0, The creation was unsuccessful; it is unable to create an empty Setup project.
    Don’t know why? The error I am getting is <a href="">(pls click here to view)</a>
    But it successfully created <installer Name> and CustomerLibrary project,
    Leaving the Setup project. Like this
    <a href="">(pls click here to view)</a>
    So I manually created the “Setup and Deployment project” and added to the solution.
    <a href="">(pls click here to view)</a>
    Then followed the “TODO.txt” file instruction. Created the setup
    <Installer Name>.exe. Then created the .ard file using “AddOnRegDataGen.exe”.
    Registered in SAP and finally getting the 'System.NotSupportedException' during installation.
    This is how I am doing.
    2)As suggested by you I debug the installer, this is the error I am getting
    System.NotSupportedException was unhandled
      Message="The given path's format is not supported."
           at System.Security.Util.StringExpressionSet.CanonicalizePath(String path, Boolean needFullPath)
           at System.Security.Util.StringExpressionSet.CreateListFromExpressions(String[] str, Boolean needFullPath)
           at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access, AccessControlActions control, String[] pathListOrig, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath, Boolean copyPathList)
           at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission..ctor(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String[] pathList, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath)
           at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path, DirectorySecurity directorySecurity)
           at Installer.SubMain.CopyInstallFilesToAddOnPath(String addOnPath)
           at Installer.SubMain.Main()
    3) Currently I am using “Simple Installer” method for Add-on deployment and manually copying all the necessary files like images and the screens designed using Screen painter. I would like to use the “Professional Installer” to avoid the manual copy files.
    Can you advice to overcome this?

  • Opening or saving photo attachment; add to iphoto option on save

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    I ask because this person I am helping is not very computer savvy and these are the easiest ways for her to get pictures sent to her into her iPhoto library. I've tried searching Apple support and these boards, but haven't come up with an answer. Does it possibly have anything to do with the version of iPhoto you are running, or is it something to do with Mail? Thanks for any help on this.
    Message was edited by: Barbara Batchelder

    Thanks for your response. I took a look at the article you mention and will perhaps try replacing the preferences file mentioned if no other solution comes to light. I won't be able to try this right away as I won't be at the person's house right away. She is the main user of the computer and does have Admin privileges.
    She had called me a week or so ago wanting to know how to get a photo someone sent her into her iPhoto library, and when I was explaining how to do it, the options available to me on my computer were not available on hers. So, when I was there yesterday, after upgrading her system to Leopard, I went into Mail and was going to show her how to get the photo into iPhoto. I thought maybe the difference was I already had Leopard and she was still using Tiger. However, the "Add to iPhoto" option wasn't listed on the Save menu in the mail with the picture nor was the "Open With" list populated. However, when I went to another message in her mail with several pictures attached, the "Add to iPhoto" option was there on the Save menu. That got me curious about why these things would be different. Why would the "Add to iPhoto" option show on a message with multiple pictures and not on the message with just one picture? On my computer, I get the message regardless if there is one picture or several in the message.
    I see that article you referenced mentions the list getting populated based on programs that are used, so maybe I should try opening various programs and seeing if that gets them added.
    Any other thoughts you have would be welcome.

  • How to add new payment Options in WEB SHOP

    Hi all
    We need to add new payment options in the B2C shop, but we don't find any customizing place to do it, we read about the BADI CRM_RISK_MGMT_BADI, but in the documentation said that we can set a Default payment option or exclude, but nothing about to add Customer Options.
    Any info regarding would be very useful.
    Best Regards

    Look at your Payment Process Profile. THere should be a reporting subtab and within that subtab is a Separate Remittance Advice region. I believe that is where you specify the format for the remittance advice document (which is built in XML Publisher). Take a look at that.
    John Dickey

  • How to add a new option to ADF dropdown

    I got a title field (#{bindings.title.inputValue}) which is pulled from AD, and ‘titlesList’ from a database. The problem is that if the title doesn’t exist on the selection, I will get a blank option. When it is saved, it becomes empty.
    <af:selectOneChoice xmlns:af="" id="ssoc2" value="#{bindings.title.inputValue}" simple="true">
    <f:selectItems xmlns:f="" value="#{employeeBean.titlesList}" id="ssi2"/>
    I’ve tried to use javascript to add the new item to the Selection. But when I save it, I got “Attribute value cannot be null”.
    I’m thinking about when I create the titlesList in employeeBean, I can add the new title to the list. As long as I know the user ID inside the bean, I can get the title. But, I don’t know how to pass the user ID to the backend from Selection. In jdeveloper, I am not allowed to do this "#{employeeBean.titlesList(userID)}". So, how can I add a new option to Selection.
    Thank you.
    Edited by: 891549 on Jun 7, 2012 4:02 PM

    how about adding
    <af:selectItem label=" " value="" id="si21"/>to your existing selectonechoice

  • Add one Select-Options : LIKP-LGBZO into Shipment Transaction - VT02N

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    Edited by: Matt on Sep 22, 2010 10:04 AM - edit title - causing problems displaying in Firefox.

    we can not modify  SAP Standard screen with out access key.
    If you want any field validation try this Exit:
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    Hi Daro,
    the path to the billing module is "". But nevertheless
    1.  you need only to enhance in your current modul the metadata.xml file with the link to your own myaccount.xml which you can create.
    2. and then you can define within the new file the menu options you need.
    3. the last step is to update your shop configuration with the new menu options.
    Best regards,

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