Object is undefined : why?

Hi all.
I'm working on a script to facilitate the creation and editing of books in InDesign. I'm not a programmer, and besides a few lines of code written by me, the script consists of code found and adapted to the purpose.
I have a problem related to two objects (left_box and right_box) : they appear to be undefined, therefore I can not operate on the elements that populate the listboxes that are contained in the objects themselves.
I have reviewed the code many times but I do not understand where I'm wrong.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This is the complete code :
#target indesign
#targetengine Main
// ============================== V A R I A B L E S =================================//
var theName, theFolder;
var right_arr = [];
var left_arr = [];
// ============================== M A I N ===========================================//
// -------------------- Creation of main window -------------------------------------//
function main_win() {
var dialog_win = new Window ("palette", "Book creator / Book modificator");
    dialog_win.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
    var group_width =  450;
    var group_length = 100;
    var char_length = 45;
    var pm_width = 200; // placemark
    var pm_length = 300 // placemark
    var group_group_1 = dialog_win.add("group");
        group_group_1.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
        var step_group_1 = group_group_1.add("panel");
            step_group_1.preferredSize = [Math.round(group_width / 2), group_length];
            step_group_1.alignChildren = "fill";
            var info_text_1 = step_group_1.add("statictext", undefined, "STEP 1\rSelect the option you are interested in, in order to activate its controls.\rWith no choice, only QUIT button is working.\r\r", {multiline: true});
                info_text_1.alignment = "fill";
                info_text_1.characters = Math.round(group_width / 20);
            var radio_group = step_group_1.add("group");
                radio_group.orientation = "column";
                radio_group.alignChildren = "fill";
                var radio1 = radio_group.add("radiobutton", undefined, " Create a new book");
                var radio2 = radio_group.add("radiobutton", undefined, " Open a book to edit");
        var step_group_2 = group_group_1.add("panel");
            step_group_2.alignChildren = "left";
            var info_text_2 = step_group_2.add("statictext", undefined, "STEP 2\r• Create a new book : first of all choose the destination folder, then type the desired name (max " + (char_length - 10) + " characters) without extension.\r• Open a book to edit : I think you don't need special instructions, right?.\r\r", {multiline: true});
                info_text_2.alignment = "fill";
                info_text_2.characters = Math.round(group_width / 8);
            var button_group = step_group_2.add("group");
                button_group.alignment = "center";
                button_group.alignChildren = "fill";
                var new_button = button_group.add("button", undefined, "Destination folder...");
                var old_button = button_group.add("button", undefined, "Open a book...");
                    new_button.enabled = false;
                    old_button.enabled = false;
            var dir_group = step_group_2.add("group");
                dir_group.add('statictext {text: "Book folder :", justify: "right"}');
                dir_group.alignChildren = "right";
                var book_dir = dir_group.add("statictext", undefined, theFolder);
                    book_dir.characters = char_length;
            var name_group = step_group_2.add("group");
                name_group.add('statictext {text: "Book name :", justify: "right"}');
                dir_group.alignChildren = "right";
                var book_name = name_group.add("edittext", undefined, theName);
                    book_name.characters = char_length - 10;
                    book_name.enabled = false;
    var group_group_2 = dialog_win.add("group");
        group_group_2.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
        var step_group_3 = group_group_2.add("panel");
            step_group_3.preferredSize = [group_width, group_length * 4];
            var group_a = step_group_3.add("group");
                group_a.orientation = "row";
                var info_text_3 = group_a.add("statictext", undefined, "STEP 3\r• The left side shows the contents of the book to which you can add or remove documents, and / or order them as you like.\r• The right side shows the documents that are available in the selected folder (if checkbox is selected, the search is also done in the subfolders). Any documents already in the book are not listed. This list is sorted alphabetically by default.\r\r", {multiline: true});
                    info_text_3.alignment = ["left", "top"];
                    info_text_3.characters = Math.round(group_width / 7);
                var sub_group_a = group_a.add("group");
                    sub_group_a.orientation = "column";
                    sub_group_a.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
                    var list_button = sub_group_a.add("button", undefined, "Files to add...");
                        list_button.enabled = false;
                    var check_sub = sub_group_a.add("checkbox", undefined, "Search in sub-folders");
                        check_sub.enabled = false;
                        check_sub.value = false;
            var group_b = step_group_3.add("group");
                var button_group_LS = group_b.add("group");
                    var move_group_LS = button_group_LS.add("group");
                        move_group_LS.orientation = "column";
                        move_group_LS.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
                        var move_up = move_group_LS.add("button", undefined, "Move up");
                        var move_down = move_group_LS.add("button", undefined, "Move down");
                        button_group_LS.children[0].enabled = false;
                var list_group_LS = group_b.add("group");
                    var left_box = add_left (list_group_LS, left_arr);
                        left_box.preferredSize = [pm_width, pm_length];
                        function add_left (left_case, left_arr) {
                            var left_data = left_case.add("listbox", undefined, left_arr, {multiselect: true, showHeaders: true, columnTitles: [" > BOOK CONTENTS"]});
                            return left_data;
                        list_group_LS.children[0].enabled = false;
                var list_group_RS = group_b.add("group");
                    var right_box = add_right (list_group_RS, right_arr);
                        right_box.preferredSize = [pm_width, pm_length]
                        function add_right (right_case, right_arr) {
                            var right_data = right_case.add("listbox", undefined, right_arr, {multiselect: true, showHeaders: true, columnTitles: [" > AVAILABLE DOCUMENTS "]});
                            return right_data;
                        list_group_RS.children[0].enabled = false;
                var button_group_RS = group_b.add("group");
                    var move_group_RS = button_group_RS.add("group");
                        move_group_RS.orientation = "column";
                        move_group_RS.alignChildren = ["fill", "fill"];
                        var add_doc = move_group_RS.add("button", undefined, "Add to book");
                        var remove_doc = move_group_RS.add("button", undefined, "Remove from book");
                        button_group_RS.children[0].enabled = false;
    var button_dialog = dialog_win.add("group");
        button_dialog.alignment = "right";
        var quit_button = button_dialog.add("button", undefined, "QUIT");
        var doit_button = button_dialog.add("button", undefined, "DO IT");
            doit_button.enabled = false;
// -------------------- Evaluate choices --------------------------------------------//
    // --- STEP 1 ---//
    radio1.onClick = function() {
        new_button.enabled = true;
        old_button.enabled = false;
        new_button.active = true;
    radio2.onClick = function() {
        new_button.enabled = false;
        old_button.enabled = true;
        old_button.active = true;
    // --- STEP 2 ---//
    new_button.onClick = function() {
        book_name.text = "";
        new_book = Folder.selectDialog ("Choose the destination folder for the new book...");
        if (left_box.items.length > 0) {
            left_arr = [];
        if (new_book != null) {
            book_dir.text = path_trim(new_book.fsName);
        book_name.enabled = true;
        book_name.active = true;
        list_button.enabled = true;
        check_sub.enabled = true;
    book_name.onChanging = function() {
        max_char = book_name.text;
        if (max_char.length > book_name.characters) {
            book_name.text = "";
            book_name.textselection = max_char.slice(0, book_name.characters);
    old_button.onClick = function() {
        old_book = File.openDialog ("Select the book file to open...", let_me_see, true);
        if (left_box.items.length > 0) {
            left_arr = [];
        if (old_book != null) {
            book_dir.text = path_trim(old_book);
            book_dir.text = the_folder;
            book_name.text = the_name;
        left_box = add_left (list_group_LS, left_arr);
        left_box.preferredSize = [pm_width, pm_length];
        book_name.enabled = false;
        list_button.enabled = true;
        list_button.active = true;
        check_sub.enabled = true;
    // --- STEP 3 ---//
    list_button.onClick = function() {
        var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder in which to search for documents...");
        if (right_box.items.length > 0) {
            right_arr = [];
        check_folder(myFolder, check_sub.value);
        right_arr.sort();                   // sorting the values of the array
        right_arr = decodeURI(right_arr);   // replacing %20 with space
        right_arr = right_arr.split(',');   // converting into array
        var the_right_arr = right_arr.slice();
            right_arr = [];
        right_box = add_right (list_group_RS, right_arr);
        right_box.preferredSize = [pm_width, pm_length];
        list_group_LS.children[0].enabled = true;
        list_group_RS.children[0].enabled = true;
        button_group_LS.children[0].enabled = true;
        button_group_RS.children[0].enabled = true;
        doit_button.enabled = true;
    move_up.onClick = function () {
        var n = left_box.selection.index;
        if(n > 0) {
            swap (left_box.items[n - 1], left_box.items[n]);
            left_box.selection = n - 1;
    move_down.onClick = function () {
        var n = left_box.selection.index;
        if (n < left_box.items.length - 1) {
            swap (left_box.items[n], left_box.items[n + 1]);
            left_box.selection = n + 1;
    add_doc.onClick = function() {
        // something ...
    remove_doc.onClick = function() {
        left_arr.splice(left_box.selection.index, 1);
    // --- LAST STEP ---//
    quit_button.onClick = function() {
    doit_button.onClick = function() {
        if (book_name.text != "") {
            check_book(new_book, book_name);
        else {
            alert("The book name is missing.");
    dialog_win.show ();
// ============================== F U N C T I O N S =================================//
// --- BEGINNIG ---//
    // -------------------- Check for open book files -----------------------------------//
    function check_open() {
        if (app.books.length != 0) {
            var q = confirm("All book files must be closed before proceeding. If you press YES I will close them for you, otherwise press NO and close them manually.");
            if (q == true) {
                for (var x1 = 0; x1 < app.books.length; x1++) {
                    var open = app.books[x1];
                    radio1.checked = false;
                    radio2.checked = false;
            } else {
// --- STEP 2 NEW BOOK / OLD BOOK ---//
    // -------------------- Adapt directory text to max length of the static text ---//
    function path_trim(path) {
        var theFile = new File(path);
        var pathTrim = ".../" + theFile.fsName.split("/").splice(0).join("/");
        if ((pathTrim.length - 50) < 50) {
            pathTrim = ".../" + theFile.fsName.split("/").splice(-3).join("/");
        else if ((pathTrim.length - 50) > 50) {
            pathTrim = ".../" + theFile.fsName.split("/").splice(-2).join("/");
        return pathTrim;
// --- STEP 2 OLD - LEFT SIDE ---//
    // -------------------- Selection of what can be shown in dialog window ---------//
    function let_me_see(bookPath){
        if (bookPath.constructor.name == "Folder") {return true}
        if (bookPath.name.slice(-5) == ".indb") {return true}
            return false;
    // -------------------- Extraction of the book name and its path ----------------//
    function book_split(split_it) {
        var the_path = new File(split_it);
        var book_path = decodeURI(String(the_path));
        //  the_name.text = book_path.pop(); // file name with extension
            the_name = (book_path.split('/').pop().split('.'))[0];
            the_folder = book_path.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");
            while (the_folder.charAt(0)=='/') the_folder = the_folder.substring(1,the_folder.length);
            return [the_name, the_folder];
    // -------------------- Left list update ----------------------------------------//
    function upd_left(left_data) {
        var x2 = 0;
        while (left_data.items.length < left_arr.length) {
    // -------------------- Extract document name from book -------------------------//
    function get_Docs(doc) {
        var book_ref = app.activeBook;
        for (var x3 = 0; x3 < book_ref.bookContents.length; x3++){
            left_arr += book_ref.bookContents[x3].name;
        left_arr = left_arr.split('.indd'); // converting into array
        return doc;
// --- STEP 3 RIGHT SIDE ---//
    // -------------------- Right list update ---------------------------------------//
    function upd_right(right_data) {
        var x5 = 0;
        while (right_data.items.length < right_arr.length) {
    // -------------------- Files search through folders ----------------------------//
    function check_folder(folder, sub_dir) {
        var myFilesList = folder.getFiles();
        for (var x6 = 0; x6 < myFilesList.length; x6++) {
            var myList = myFilesList[x6];
            if (myList instanceof File && myList.name.match(/\.indd$/i)) {
            else if (myList instanceof Folder) {
                if (sub_dir == true) {
        return folder;
    // -------------------- Extract document name from folders list -----------------//
    function getFileName(value) {
        for (var x7 = 0; x7 < value.length; x7++){
            var theFile = (value[x7].split('/').pop().split('.indd'))[0];
        return value;
    // -------------------- Swap for move up and move down --------------------------//
    function swap (x, y) {
        var temp = x.text; x.text = y.text; y.text = temp;
// --- LAST STEP ---//
    // -------------------- Check existance -----------------------------------------//
    function check_book(check_dir, check_name) {
        var check_path = check_dir + "/" + check_name.text + ".indb";
        if (File(check_path).exists == true) {
            alert("A book with the same name already exists, please change the name.");
        } else {
        // something
            alert("ALL DONE");
// ========== UTILIY ==========//
    // -------------------- Remove empty records ------------------------------------//
    function clean(what) {
        for(var i = what.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if(what[i] == "") {
               what.splice(i, 1);
// ========== THE END =========//

You can't really expect anyone to read that much code, without a sample to run the script against and see what happens. But by chance I noticed these lines:
right_arr.sort();                  // sorting the values of the array 
right_arr = decodeURI(right_arr);  // replacing %20 with space 
right_arr = right_arr.split(',');
which are probably the source of the problem. decodeURI() is a string function, not an array function. Unfortunately, instead of throwing an error, it converts an array to a string:
a = ['a%20b'];
$.writeln (a.constructor.name);  // Array
s = decodeURI(a);
$.writeln (s.constructor.name);  // String
You need to change %20 to a space in each individual array element. If this doesn't solve the problem you'll have to find the person who wrote the code and ask them to fix it.

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    Enter your telephone number here, at the top it will say your Exchange, Phone and cabient number. If it doesn't mention cabinet that means you are directly connected to the exchange and not via PCP.
    If you are connected to a cabinet and it doesn't say FTTC is available, ask your neighbor to-do the same test (they have 2 be infinity connected). If they are, then proceed to contact the moderators here. Though it could not be showing because all the ports have been used up in the FTTC Cabinet.
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    dissidently wrote:
    Rick, all other apps that have Null objects use them far more wisely than Adobe does. Mylenium has confirmed my suspicion, that these things weren't thought through, simply created (probably in a panic or out of laziness) as a half way house to what Null objects actually can be.
    I get your point about the anchor point, but that's not what I'm talking about. In ALL other apps with a Null object, the visual representation of that Null object is centred. There's a tonne of reasons to do that, and I'm not contending the placement of the Null objects "anchor", it's in the right spot. It's the visual representation of the Null object that's utterly wrong.
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    If an object is passed by reference,It isn't. Instead, a pointer to the object is passed
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    I m trying to pass parameters into a method so that
    they can be altered and returned, can any one
    suggest a way to do this.I think this is bad OO programing, it results in less readable code and may be hard to debug. Better is to make the method return the result and let the caller assign the new value. (This is my personal oppinion at least)

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    Mr. Bugge:
    Thank you for your response and I apologize for the delay in mine. I couldn't try all of the fixes immediately because I had to complete some job duties before I could tinker with this issue.
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    Things I learned:
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    Abhimanyu L

    Firstly what is the transaction you wish to modify.
    If I were doing it, I would look at how I would modify the standard SAP code compared to the effort in taking a copy. You should also take into consideration the time it may take to resolve any upgrade issues. Personally I would say that changing the standard SAP in most cases would be the quickest to develop. However, your business case may be to complex to amend the standard SAP.
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    i know that java is called as pure object oriented language.
    why it is called so even though it has primitive datatypes and also it doesnot support multiple inheritance completely. it only supports in the case of interfaces but not in the case of classes. then why it is called pure object oriented.

    Its because you cannot write an executable java program without creating an object. Well, you can:
    public class a
      public static void main( String a[] )
    }In contrary to C++, there can be no variables or functions in the wild (outside a class).
    You can not create an executable java program without creating a class (but not forcibly its instance, an object.)
    The "pure object oriented" wording in this sense has not really much importance, it is rather a marketing ploy.

  • Acrobat scripting object this.hostContainer is undefined when pdf is in Air

    I'm attempting to use the Adobe Acrobat hostContainer object
    to create a simple interface to allow my Adobe Air application to
    move between pages of an embedded pdf doc. However the output I get
    indicates that the hostContainer object is undefined. The script
    works correctly when the pdf is embedded in a stand-alone html
    file, but not in Air.
    I have Adobe Acrobat 9.0 and Adobe Reader 9.0 installed. It
    does not seem to be an issue with on machines with Adobe 8.0.
    My code in the document javascripts of the pdf is as follows:
    this.disclosed = true;
    if(this.external && this.hostContainer){
    onDisclose:function(){return true;},
    var cmd=stringArray[0];
    if(cmd=="nextPage" &&
    this.myDoc.pageNum<this.myDoc.numPages){ this.myDoc.pageNum++;
    }else if(cmd=="previousPage" && this.myDoc.pageNum>0){
    ["error thrown in onMessage:",e.message]);
    this.hostContainer.postMessage(["onError: ",e.message]);
    this.hostContainer.postMessage(["Error thrown in
    app.alert("unable to set up hostContainer:
    +this.hostContainer+" this.external="+this.external);
    The output is that the pdf displays correctly then the alert
    box pops up with [...]this.hostContainer=undefined
    If anyone has seen this issue or has any ideas it would be
    much appreciated.
    I've also posted about this problem in the Acrobat Scripting
    forum with no solution as yet.
    Simon Kelly

    It seems that this issue was registered one month ago into the bug tracking system:
    http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FB-16281?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabp anels:comment-tabpanel
    Any update / workaround / planning so far ?
    The only solution I found is to use version 8.1.3 of the reader.

  • Synchronizing Shared Objects

    // Server side
    application.onAppStart = function()
    // ... code here
    application.users_so = SharedObject.get("users_so", false);
    // ... more code here
    application.onConnect = function(newClient, userID)
    // client object properties being setup, etc
    application.users_so.setProperty(userID, newClient);
    // ... more code
    // Client side
    nc.connect(rtmpURL, userID);
    users_so = SharedObject.getRemote("users_so", nc.uri, false);
    When I call the above on the client side I should receive a
    copy of all users that are stored in the server's shared object
    indexable by users_so.data[userID] correct?
    on the server side I perform the following:
    newClient.call("updateStatus", null, userID);
    on the client side the updateStatus method looks like this:
    nc.syncQuestions = function(userID:String)
    trace("--> "+users_so.data[userID]+" <--");
    }; (is the ';' necessary?!?)
    this prints: --> undefined <--
    WHY?!? :( --> is this because of a race condition between
    the nc.connect() and the users_so.connect() ??
    NOTE: My problem seems to arise when I try to re-connect
    (i.e. connect w/ client, close client, re-open client)

    I have the feeling it's a timing problem because you're not
    waiting for the onStatus event from the netconnection before you
    connect the shared object.
    Try adding an onStatus handler to your netconnection, and
    wait for a code of "NetConnection.Connect.Success". Then connect
    your shared object.

  • Same trace,two results,why?

    programtween_y.onMotionStopped = function(){
    //line1,trace right result,but line2 trace undefined,why???
    "channelbtn[channellistnum+channelshownum]" is a button
    object, "channellistnum" and "channelshownum" are two
    numbers,they've been defined above line1,so line1 trace right
    result,but why line2 trace undefined?what's the different between
    these two function ways below:
    1. function a(){}
    2. a = function(){}
    Thank you for reply.......

    thank Osh_it,now i know where the problem is:
    In AS2.0,function like this way need Delegate!!!!This is very
    important,because the object is undefined in this function way.
    programtween_y.onMotionStopped = function(){
    so,we should use this function like this:
    programtween_y.onMotionStopped = Delegate.create(this,aaa);
    private function aaa(){
    It's ok,now!!!

  • Doc.hostContainer undefined error in xfa

    I want to send message from html to pdf ,so I draw form with liveCycle Designer ES ,
    I add the following codes in docReady event of form :
        var objDoc = event.target;
    then I embed that pdf file into html,like this:
        <object id='dddd' height=500 width=100% data="mypdf.pdf"></object>
    I open this html file .I get the error: "undefined" .why? thanx for ur reply.
    I use the following:
        liveCycle Designer ES 8.2.1
        acrobat reader 9.1/acrobat reader 8.1.3
        internet explorer 6.0.


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