Object linked list

Hi am trying to create a linked list out of an object i have called ClassID.
I have a Link class (that creates a node correct?):
import java.io.*;
public class Link
     public ClassID id;
    public Link next;
     public Link(ClassID inID)
          this(inID, null);
    public Link(ClassID inID, Link next)
        id = inID;
        next = next;;
     public void displayLink() // display ourself
} // end class LinkIf it does create node then I have a class called LinkList with the following insert method:
private Link first; // ref to first link on list
// insert at start of list
     public void insertFirst(Link id)
     { // make new link
          Link newLink = new Link(id);
          newLink.next = first; // newLink --> old first
          first = newLink; // first --> newLinkBut it doesnt seem to be working, could someone help me.
Edited by: The_One on Sep 13, 2008 1:49 AM

I dont think its doing it properly. Iv tried goign through it but cant find the problem. Might be a problem with displaylist
Let me paste all my classes:
import java.io.*;
public class Link
     public ClassID id;
    public Link next;
     public Link(ClassID inID)
          this(inID, null);
    public Link(ClassID inID, Link next)
        id = inID;
        next = next;;
     public void displayLink() // display ourself
} // end class LinkLINKLIST METHOD:
class LinkList
     private Link first; // ref to first link on list
     public LinkList() // constructor
          first = new Link(null); // no items on list yet
     public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty
          return (first==null);
     // insert at start of list
     public void insertFirst(ClassID id)
     { // make new link
          Link newLink = new Link(id);
          newLink.next = first; // newLink --> old first
          first = newLink; // first --> newLink
public void displayList()
          System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");
          Link current = first; // start at beginning of list
          while(current != null) // until end of list,
               current.displayLink(); // print data
               current = current.next; // move to next link
................. SOME MORE METHODS..........MAIN METHOD:
import java.io.*;
public class SortListApp
    public static void main(String[] args)
     BufferedReader inputStream = null;
     LinkList list = new LinkList();
          inputStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data.txt"));
           String inName;
          int inIDNum;
          int inACNum;
          long inTime;
          int inTransmode;
          //while ((inName = (inputStream.readLine()) ) != null)
               inName = inputStream.readLine();
               inIDNum = Integer.parseInt(inputStream.readLine());
               inACNum = Integer.parseInt(inputStream.readLine());
               inTime = Long.parseLong(inputStream.readLine());
               inTransmode = Integer.parseInt(inputStream.readLine());
               list.insertFirst(new ClassID(inName, inIDNum, inACNum, inTime, inTransmode));                    
          //System.out.println("Printed to file");
     catch (IOException error)
          System.out.println("Error in file");
}Edited by: The_One on Sep 13, 2008 2:41 AM

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    I stored a series of objects of certain class inside a linked list. When I get one of them out of the list, I want to use the instance method associated with this object. However, the complier only allow me to treat this object as general object, ( of Object Class), as a result I can't use instance methods which are associated with this object. Can someone tell me how to use the methods associated with the objects which are stored inside a linked list?
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    public class QueueW
         LinkedList qList;
         public QueueW(Collection s) //Constructor of QuequW Class
              qList = new LinkedList(s); //Declare an object linked list
         public void addWaiting(WaitingList w)
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    String cusmName;
    int cid;
    private static int id_count = 0;
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         cusmName = cN;
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    Use casting. In other words, cat the object taken from the collection to the correct type and call your method.
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  • Changing data in a linked list object.

    i'm still pretty new to java, so bear with me if i am making stupid mistakes, heh.
    i'm having trouble with changing data in an object stored in a singly-linked list. i've created a class that will store polynomials in sorted order (descending) in a singly-linked list. each linked list is one polynomial, and each node references to a polynomial object that stores two ints: the coefficient and the exponent of that term.
    i'm having trouble when it comes to 'collecting like terms,' though. here's a rough skeleton of my code:
    public class Polynomial
    private LinkedList polynoList;
    private LinkedListItr Itr;
    private int coeff;
    private int exponent;
    public Polynomial()
    } // this constructor sets up an empty linked list
    public Polynomial( int c, int e )
    coeff = c;
    exponent = e;
    } // this creates a Polynomial object storing the two ints
    public void zeroPolynomial()
    polynoList = new LinkedList();
    theItr = polynoList.zeroth();
    } // this method creates the empty linked list and sets the
    //iterator on the zeroth node.
    //various other methods are here, not relevant to my post
    //this next method is the one i am having trouble with.
    //it takes two ints as parameters, the coefficient
    //and the exponent.
    public void insertTerm( int c, int e )
    //...i have a few if/then statements here
    //so that the terms can be inserted in descending order.
    LinkedListItr tester = polynoList.first();
    //the 'tester' iterator is set on the first node
    //this following if statement retrieves the exponent
    //in the current node by casting the information
    //retrieved from the LinkedList retrieve() method
    //into Polynomial, then compares it to the current
    //exponent. if they are equal, i want to add the
    if( e == ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() )
    this.coeff = ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() + c;
    //a main method goes here wherein the user can insert
    //terms, print the polynomial, etc.
    }//end Polynomial class
    can anyone help me out? the code i'm using compiles correctly, but it does not change the value of the current coeff variable as i'd like to think it should. any input would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks!

    thanks for the reply...
    i am sure that ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() will return an int equal to 'e.' i tried this:
    if( e == ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() ){
    this.coeff = ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() + c;
    System.out.println( "this.coeff = " + this.coeff );
    with that, the output showed that e and the getExp() output were the same. it also showed (as output) that this.coeff did change in value, but when i tried this:
    System.out.println( ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() )
    to check if the value changed within the object, it didn't. this.coeff changed, but the actual coeff variable in the object didn't.
    any ideas?

  • Putting a class of objects in a Linked List?

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    import java.io.*;
    class IO
         static BufferedReader keyboard = new
              BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
         static PrintWriter screen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    class studentRecord
         private String name;
         private int IDNumber;
    class LinkedList
         class Node
              protected Object datum;
              protected Node link;
              public Node() {}
              public Node(Object item, Node pointer)
                   datum = item;
                   link = pointer;
         private Node head;
         private Node tail;
         private Node temporary;
         private int nodeCount = 0;
         public LinkedList()
              head = null;
              tail = null;
              temporary = null;
         //method to insert an object into the linked list
         public void insert(Object datum)
              if (head == null) // list empty
                   head = new Node(datum, head);
                   tail = head;
                   temporary = new Node(datum, temporary);
                   tail.link = temporary;
                   tail = temporary;
                   temporary = null;
    Full program can be found: http://dil3mma.tripod.com/LinkedList.txt
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi jverd,
    Thanks for replying. I've tried to change the program liked you said but there is 1 error I can't seem to fix(Im sure there are more tho). The error is "cannot resolve symbol" I typed in caps the line it happens on so it's easy to see. Any idea what it could be? Is it cause I'm comparing a String with Object?
    import java.io.*;
    class IO
         static BufferedReader keyboard = new
              BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
         static PrintWriter screen = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    class sRecord
         private String name;
         private int IDNumber;
    class LinkedList
         class Node
              protected sRecord datum;
              protected Node link;
              public Node() {}
              public Node(sRecord item, Node pointer)
                   datum = item;
                   link = pointer;
         private Node head;
         private Node tail;
         private Node temporary;
         private int nodeCount = 0;
         public LinkedList()
              head = null;
              tail = null;
              temporary = null;
         //method to insert an object into the linked list
         public void insert(sRecord datum)
              if (head == null) // list empty
                   head = new Node(datum, head);
                   tail = head;
                   temporary = new Node(datum, temporary);
                   tail.link = temporary;
                   tail = temporary;
                   temporary = null;
         //method to delete an object from the linked list
         public boolean delete(Object scrap)
              Node previous = head;
              //for every node in the linked list
              for (Node current = head; current != null; current = current.link)
                   //node to be deleted is at the head of the list
                   if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && previous == current)
                        head = current.link;
                        if (head == null) tail = null;
                        return true;
                   //node to be deleted is after the first node and before the last
                   else if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && (current.link != null))
                        previous.link = current.link;
                        return true;
                   //node to be deleted is at the ned of list
                   else if (current.datum.equals(scrap) && (current.link == null))
                        tail = previous;
                        previous.link = null;
                        return true;
                   previous = current;
              return false;
         //method to display the contents of a linked list
         public void displayList()
              Node temporary = head;
              if (head == null)
                   IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
              while (temporary != null)
                   temporary = temporary.link;
         //method to return true if the linked list is empty
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return (nodeCount == 0);
         //method to return the number of nodes in the linked list
         public int nodes()
              return nodeCount;
         //method to display a menu to insert data into the linked list
         static private char menu()
              char response = '\u0000';
              IO.screen.println("Do you want to ");
              IO.screen.print("nsert, [D]elete, [L]ist, [E]xit? ");
              boolean done=false;
                        String data = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                        response = Character.toUpperCase(data.charAt(0));
                        done = true;
                   catch (Exception e)
                        IO.screen.println("Please input a single character I, D, L or E");
              } while (! done);
              return response;
         static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
              String datum;
              char choice;
              //get information from menu
              choice = menu();
              for (;;)
                   switch (choice)
                        case 'I' :
                             IO.screen.println("type quit to finish input");
                             IO.screen.print("Enter a word ");
                             datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                             while (! datum.equals("quit"))
    THE ERROR HAPPENS HERE ON THIS LINE          list.insert(datum.name);
                                  IO.screen.print("Enter another word");
                                  datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                   case 'D' :
                        //if list is empty deletion not possible
                        if (list.isEmpty())
                             IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
                        IO.screen.println("type quit to finish input");
                        IO.screen.print("Delete? ");
                        datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                        while (! datum.equals("quit"))
                             if (list.delete(datum))
                                  IO.screen.println(datum+" was scrapped!");
                             //if list is empty deletion is not possible
                             if (list.isEmpty())
                                  IO.screen.println("linked list is empty");
                             IO.screen.print("Delete? ");
                             datum = IO.keyboard.readLine();
                   case 'L' :
                        IO.screen.println("number of nodes " + list.nodes());
                   case 'E' : System.exit(0);
              //get information from menu
              choice = menu();

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    Problem: Write a program that concatenates two linked list objects of characters. The program should include method concatenate, which takes references to both list objects as arguments and concatenates the second list to the first list.
    Thanking u,

    This assumes that your class is 'ListConcatenate' and that you have set up your two link-lists.
         public void concatenate( ListConcatenate l1, ListConcatenate l2)
              if ( l1.isEmpty1() || l2.isEmpty2() )
                   System.out.printf( "Empty %s or Empty %s\n", name1,name2 );
              System.out.printf( "%s concatenated with %s is: ", name1,name2 );
              NodeOne current1 = l1.firstNode1;
              NodeTwo current2 = l2.firstNode2;
              while (current1 != null )
                   System.out.printf( "%s ", current1.data1.toString() + current2.data2.toString() );
                   current1 = current1.nextNode1;
                   current2 = current2.nextNode2;

  • Not appearing task list in object links tab of document type

    Hi guys,
    I had an small issue in document type, which is in doucment type object links tab I am unable to find task list data. Nothing is coming up here when i click this task list.  Could any one can help me to get that data.

    Hi munny
    Whats is ur issue ? explain it clearly
    . pithan

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 18926: bug fix BLZ-570 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error  : StackOverflowError

    Revision: 18926
    Revision: 18926
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-12-01 14:07:19 -0800 (Wed, 01 Dec 2010)
    Log Message:
    bug fix BLZ-570 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error : StackOverflowError
    We put hard limit to the max object nest level to prevent StackOverFlowError. the default max object nest level is 1024 and it can be configured in the endpoint/serialziation section in service-config.xml.
    This needs documentation.
    Checkintests pass
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • [svn:bz-4.0.0_fixes] 20451: backporting bug fix BLZ-570/ BLZ-620 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error  : StackOverflowError  We put hard limit to the max object nest level to prevent StackOverFlowError .

    Revision: 20451
    Revision: 20451
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-02-24 08:33:31 -0800 (Thu, 24 Feb 2011)
    Log Message:
    backporting bug fix BLZ-570/BLZ-620 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error : StackOverflowError  We put hard limit to the max object nest level to prevent StackOverFlowError. the default max object nest level is 1024 and it can be configured in the endpoint/serialziation section in service-config.xml. This needs documentation.  Checkintests pass
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
        blazeds/branches/4.0.0_fixes/modules/core/src/flex/messaging/endpoints/AbstractEndpoint.j ava

    Dear Pallavi,
    Very useful post!
    I am looking for similar accelerators for
    Software Inventory Accelerator
    Hardware Inventory Accelerator
    Interfaces Inventory
    Customization Assessment Accelerator
    Sizing Tool
    Which helps us to come up with the relevant Bill of Matetials for every area mentioned above, and the ones which I dont know...
    Request help on such accelerators... Any clues?
    Any reply, help is highly appreciated.
    Manish Madhav

  • [svn:bz-3.x] 20443: back porting bug fix BLZ-570/ BLZ-620 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error  : StackOverflowError  We put hard limit to the max object nest level to prevent StackOverFlowError .

    Revision: 20443
    Revision: 20443
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-02-23 21:19:22 -0800 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011)
    Log Message:
    back porting bug fix BLZ-570/BLZ-620 Double linked list with lot of objects result in BlazeDS Error deserializing error : StackOverflowError  We put hard limit to the max object nest level to prevent StackOverFlowError. the default max object nest level is 1024 and it can be configured in the endpoint/serialziation section in service-config.xml. This needs documentation.  Checkintests pass
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Adding objects to linked list

    Hello everyone. Just working on a little program but have got a little stuck
    So here's one of my classes:
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.ListIterator;
    import java.io.*;
    * A program that demonstrates the LinkedList class
    public class BookList
    LinkedList<String> books = new LinkedList<String>();
    ListIterator<String> iterator = books.listIterator();
        public BookList()
        public void DisplayBooks()
            iterator = books.listIterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
        public void AddBook(String author, String title){
            Book newBook = new Book(author, title);
    }I want to be able to add a new book object to my linked list but it want compile. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

    As books is a list of String it can't accept a Book object !
    LinkedList<Book> books = new LinkedList<Book>();

  • Help - can't print linked list object

    Hi all,
    I've written a program that creates an Airplane object. I've added the Airplane object to a linked list. I am trying to test by printing the linked list..but I get the addresses of the airplane object instead of the integer variables that the Airplane object contains. How can I fix this? Here's my output showing what I am talking about:
    Airplane type: 2
    Airplane arrival time: 600
    Airplane cleaning time: 45
    Airplane take-off time: 645
    Airplane type: 3
    Airplane arrival time: 1100
    Airplane cleaning time: 60
    Airplane take-off time: 1160
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8]
    Airplane type: 1
    Airplane arrival time: 900
    Airplane cleaning time: 30
    Airplane take-off time: 930
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70]
    Airplane type: 1
    Airplane arrival time: 1100
    Airplane cleaning time: 30
    Airplane take-off time: 1130
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85]
    Airplane type: 3
    Airplane arrival time: 1000
    Airplane cleaning time: 60
    Airplane take-off time: 1060
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80]
    Airplane type: 2
    Airplane arrival time: 900
    Airplane cleaning time: 45
    Airplane take-off time: 945
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80, Airplane@10d81b]
    Airplane type: 2
    Airplane arrival time: 900
    Airplane cleaning time: 45
    Airplane take-off time: 945
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80, Airplane@10d81b, Airplane@dbe178]
    Airplane type: 3
    Airplane arrival time: 1000
    Airplane cleaning time: 60
    Airplane take-off time: 1060
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80, Airplane@10d81b, Airplane@dbe178, Airplane@af9e22]
    Airplane type: 1
    Airplane arrival time: 900
    Airplane cleaning time: 30
    Airplane take-off time: 930
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80, Airplane@10d81b, Airplane@dbe178, Airplane@af9e22, Airplane@b6ece5]
    Airplane type: 1
    Airplane arrival time: 700
    Airplane cleaning time: 30
    Airplane take-off time: 730
    [Airplane@665753, Airplane@ef22f8, Airplane@e0cf70, Airplane@52fe85, Airplane@c40c80, Airplane@10d81b, Airplane@dbe178, Airplane@af9e22, Airplane@b6ece5, Airplane@7ace8d]
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class AirPortSimulator {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              LinkedList<Airplane> myEventList = new LinkedList();
                   //for loop to test random number generator for airplane type
              for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                   int parOne = myNumber();
                   System.out.println("Airplane type: " + parOne);
                   int parTwo = myTime();
                   System.out.println("Airplane arrival time: " + parTwo);
                   int parThree = 0;
                   case 1: parThree = 30;break;
                   case 2: parThree = 45;break;
                   case 3: parThree = 60;break;
                   System.out.println("Airplane cleaning time: " + parThree);
                   int parFour=0;
                   case 1:     parFour = parTwo + 30;break;
                   case 2: parFour = parTwo + 45;break;
                   case 3: parFour = parTwo + 60;break;
                   System.out.println("Airplane take-off time: " + parFour);
                   Airplane myAirplane = new Airplane(parOne, parTwo, parThree, parFour);
         public static int myTime(){
              Random generator = new Random();
              int number = generator.nextInt(16)+1;
              number = number * 100;
              if (number < 600){
                   number = number + 600;
              return number;
         public static int myNumber(){
              Random generator = new Random();
              return generator.nextInt(3)+1;

    I've written a method before that prints all the
    elements of a linked list..but that method onlyheld
    one integer or string...it was a "while (head !=
    null) loop that traversed the list and printed
    But i'm confused with an object that has 4integers
    inside it...You don't have to write any kind of loop. The
    LinkedList implementation of toString does that for
    you. All you have to do is write a toString for
    Airplane that prints whatever you feel is important
    for a single Airplane object.
    But note that since the list uses commas to separate
    entries, your toString method will be clearer if you
    can write it in such a way that it doesn't use
    commas, or so that you can see where the output
    begins and ends. For example, maybe you can wrap the
    output with curly brackets.Thanks, I just had to understand what the toString method was and then how to override it. This works well:
    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
    public String toString(){
                  return "{" + airplaneType + ", " + arrivalTime + ", " +
                                  waitingTime + ", " + departureTime + "}";
              } // end toString method

  • Object Link to CRM business object in Trex search result list

    Hello Everyone,
    has anybody sucessfully configured the functionality "Object Link Properties" which is described in the Document <a href="http://service.sap.com/~form/sapnet?_SHORTKEY=01100035870000647974&_SCENARIO=01100035870000000112&_OBJECT=011000358700005796662005E">Configuring the Business Package for SAP CRM 5.0 SP01 (EN)</a> on Page 169? I'm not the Knowledge Management specialist and would get some help on this topic. Has anybody detailed steps how to configure this?
    It shounds interresting as the result would be that when the User does a full text search for Attached Documents he will also get a link to the original CRM business object like Activity, Account or Opportunity.

    Hi Gregor,
    Thanks for your reply.
    using windows explorer mechanism i can see the folders that i created in the CRM config.
    Now in Portals KM i did the following steps:
    a) Created an HTTP Data Source : with URL = the URL that the service crm_prt_km_dav generates.
    b)Created a memory cache
    c)Created a WebDAV respository manager with the following details:
    Description :WebDAV
    Prefix : /PRD  (PRD is the BO Hierarchy name that i have set in the CRM config)
    System ID : T86 (Sames as what was set in HTTP Data Source)
    Repository Service : svc_acl
    ACL Manager cache : ca_cm
    Security manager : ACLSecurityManager
    Memory Cache :webDAV(same as what i had set in step b)
    I restarted the portal server. and then tried doing the test by going to
    Content Admin ->KM Content ->root
    But i dont see the /PRD folder out there.
    Any clues on that???

  • Linked List, Stacks and Other Data Structures in Objective-C 2.0

    I've checked a little throughout documentation that Apple provides for the different frameworks in order to determine if there were ready-made classes for data structures such as linked lists, stacks and so forth but there don't appear to be any available? Is this correct?

    NSArray and NSDictionary are the multi-purpose built-in aggregate types. If you need something else then you can use STL or roll your own.

  • CProjects -List of ERP PS-transactions for an object link is not displayed

    I have created an object link between a cProject project definition and a standard object type 0PROJECTDEF- Project Definition (PS). In the cProject guides I can see that in the portal Object link tab there should be a column with a link u201Copenu201D, where I could go directly to the related PS transactions. For me the column at the right from the name column is empty. I have maintained services for this object type in IMG node Collaboration Projects - Connection to External Systems - Object Links in SAP Systems - Make Settings for the Linked SAP Objects.
    What should I do to get the u201Copenu201D link?
    Iu2019m using SAP RPM 4.5 (CPR Xrpm 450_700: Support package 0009)
    Any help appreciated

    I do not speak or read Russian but the site you link to appears ok to me with text and pictures of flowers which will scroll across the screen similar to a slideshow.
    # The other question and answes suggested reloaing the web page have you already tried that ? <br />Use keyboard keys Control+ F5
    #I note you have adblock installed is that causing the problem? Try disabling that.
    #Otherwise try Firefox in SafeMode and make sure you clear the Firefox cache and site cookies. See
    #* [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]
    #*[[How to clear the Firefox cache]]
    #*[[Delete cookies to remove the information websites have stored on your computer#w_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site]]_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site

  • After Delete in Linked list...unable to display the linked list

    Hi...i know that there is an implementation of the class Linked Link but i am required to show how the linked list works in this case for my project...please help...
    Yes..I tried to delete some objects in a linked list but after that i am not able to display the objects that were already in the linked list properly and instead it throws an NullPointerException.
    Below shows the relevant coding for deleting and listing the linked list...
    public Node remove(Comparator comparer) throws Exception {
         boolean found = false;
         Node prevnode = head;          //the node before the nextnode
         Node deletedNode = null;     //node deleted...
         //get next node and apply removal criteria
         for(Node nextnode = head.getNextNode(); nextnode != null; nextnode = nextnode.getNextNode()) {
              if(comparer.equals(nextnode)) {
                   found = true;
                   //remove the next node from the list and return it
                   deletedNode = nextnode;
                   count = count - 1;
         if (found) return deletedNode;
         else throw new Exception ("Not found !!!");
    public Object[] list() {
         //code to gather information into object array
         Node node;
         Object[] nodes = new Object[count];
         node = head.getNextNode();
         for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
              nodes[i] = node.getInformation();  // this is the line that cause runtime error after deleting...but before deleting, it works without problem.
              node = node.getNextNode();
         return nodes;
    }Please help me in figuring out what went wrong with that line...so far i really can't see any problem with it but it still throws a NullPointerException

    OK -- I've had a cup and my systems are coming back on line...
    The problem looks to be the way that you are handling the pointer to the previous node in your deletion code. Essentially, that is not getting incremented along with the nextNode -- it is always pointing to head. So when you find the node to delete then the line
       prevnode.setNextNode(nextnode.getNextNode());will set the nextNode for head to be null in certain situations (like if you are removing the tail, for instance).
    Then when you try to print out the list, the first call you make is
    node = head.getNextNode();Which has been set to null, so you get an NPE when you try to access the information.
    Nothing like my favorite alkaloid to help things along on a Monday morning...
    - N

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