Object Oriented Modelling and Code Generator

i have a final yr project on java--any help plzz
In software development we make extensive use of models to capture details about objects in a domain, the attributes of the objects and the relationships between the objects. Once complete, these models also contain constraints on the objects and their attributes.
The aim of this project will be to develop a GUI to draw an appropriate software model and to automatically generate a set of Java classes consistent with the model that can be used to rapidly implement the software.
This research will aim at analysing the different modelling techniques and the mapping of these models to java codes.
note: any good advice..

Hello there..
I Together Control is one of the best tool that can serve ur purpose
this is pretty good Tool.
Specially auto code generation is cool.
Look in to borland site..( They now took overtogether ) for free eval version ..

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    Many thanks Leelavati for your response.
    chariflakchiri , I think you interpreted in a different way.Can you visit
    Then you will come to know what is required for you to say that you know OOAD. See what percentage of the tutorial you really need to get SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD.

  • Working with Object Relational model and Eclipse

    I have mad some types and typed tables in a schema on oracle 10g.
    My database respects the Object Relational model, in which I work with VARRAY, TYPES, NESTED TABLES, PL/SQL,...
    I have already install Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, and also have the Weblogic server, And I can generate tables. But the problem is that it gives to me this tables with wrong types, until they contains in fact other tables as Objet column, and also the types are not supported.
    Please need a help !
    Thank's in advance :)

    nhauge wrote:
    I want to make sure I understand the problem but will try to give you some information as well. So you have an Oracle 10g database in which you are using the object-relational database model with VARRAY's, etc. You say you are also trying to generate tables, but the generation is not working correctly. Are you using the "Generate tables from entities..." functionality? What is the source of the generated tables? I assume you generating from some type of JPA entity? Could you give a small example of the source you are generating from?
    In order to generate proper tables of this type, you would need to be using special TopLink/EclipseLink annotations such as @Array so the persistence provider would know that they are "special" and not just regular entities that would create standard relational tables.
    Thank you for your replay,
    well I'm generating that with "Generate tables from entities" of eclipse link.
    this is an example of what I have in the database:
    and this is what is generated(eclipselink-orm.xml):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entity-mappings version="1.2" xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/xsds/persistence/orm" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/xsds/persistence/orm http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/xsds/eclipselink_orm_1_2.xsd">
         <entity class="model.Chefterritoire" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idChef" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CHEF"/>
                   <basic name="lesterritoires" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomChef" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CHEF"/>
                   <basic name="tel" attribute-type="java.math.BigDecimal">
         <entity class="model.Client" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idClient" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="adresseClient" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="ADRESSE_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="dateP" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_P"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomClient" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CLIENT"/>
                   <basic name="profession" attribute-type="String">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="telClient" attribute-type="java.math.BigDecimal">
                        <column name="TEL_CLIENT"/>
         <entity class="model.Commande" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idCommande" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_COMMANDE"/>
                   <basic name="dateCommande" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_COMMANDE"/>
                   <basic name="dateLivraison" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_LIVRAISON"/>
                   <basic name="refreleve" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refvehicule" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="reprise" attribute-type="String">
         <entity class="model.Constructeur" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idConstructeur" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="adresseConstructeur" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="ADRESSE_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="lesreleves" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomConstructeur" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_CONSTRUCTEUR"/>
                   <basic name="refvehucule" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.LesccommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LescommandessN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCOMMANDESS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LescommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesoptionsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESOPTIONS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesrepresentantsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESREPRESENTANTS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LessclientsN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESSCLIENTS_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesscommandesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESSCOMMANDES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesterritoiresN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESTERRITOIRES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.LesvehiculesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="LESVEHICULES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.Modele" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idModele" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_MODELE"/>
                   <basic name="couleurExterieure" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="COULEUR_EXTERIEURE"/>
                   <basic name="couleurInterieure" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="COULEUR_INTERIEURE"/>
                   <basic name="lesoptions" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="lesvehicules" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="prix" attribute-type="double">
         <entity class="model.Option" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="OPTIONS"/>
                   <id name="idOption" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_OPTION"/>
                   <basic name="nomOption" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_OPTION"/>
                   <basic name="refmodele" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Rapportvisite" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRapport" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_RAPPORT"/>
                   <basic name="dateVisite" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_VISITE"/>
                   <basic name="frais" attribute-type="double">
                   <basic name="refclient" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="resultat" attribute-type="String">
         <entity class="model.Releve" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idReleve" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_RELEVE"/>
                   <basic name="dateDebut" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_DEBUT"/>
                   <basic name="dateFin" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_FIN"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refconst" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.RelevesN" access="VIRTUAL">
              <table name="RELEVES_N"/>
         <entity class="model.Remise" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRemise" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_REMISE"/>
                   <basic name="remise" attribute-type="double">
         <entity class="model.Representant" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idRepresentant" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_REPRESENTANT"/>
                   <basic name="lesclients" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomRepresentant" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_REPRESENTANT"/>
                   <basic name="refterritoire" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="typeRep" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="TYPE_REP"/>
         <entity class="model.Territoire" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idTerritoire" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_TERRITOIRE"/>
                   <basic name="lesrepresentants" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomTerritoire" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_TERRITOIRE"/>
                   <basic name="refchef" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Vehicule" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idVehicule" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_VEHICULE"/>
                   <basic name="lescommandes" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="nomVehicule" attribute-type="String">
                        <column name="NOM_VEHICULE"/>
                   <basic name="refavoir" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refmodele" attribute-type="Object">
         <entity class="model.Visiteav" access="VIRTUAL">
                   <id name="idVisiteav" attribute-type="long">
                        <column name="ID_VISITEAV"/>
                   <basic name="dateDebut" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_DEBUT"/>
                   <basic name="dateFin" attribute-type="java.util.Date">
                        <column name="DATE_FIN"/>
                   <basic name="refclient" attribute-type="Object">
                   <basic name="refrepresentant" attribute-type="Object">

  • TOP-OF-PAGE using Object Oriented model

    Hi all,
    (1)  I hve a doubt reg the top-of-page using Object oriented concept . While iam creating the top-of-page iam using a class called ' cl_dd_document' , wht is the purpose of that class ?
    (2) I have displayed a text in the top-of-page container . I want to display another text in a new line in the same container below the first text . How can i do it . plz send me a sample code for it .
    Vighnesh ,

    1. this class cl_dd_document is used to define the properties of the text used in top of page...to change the fonts of texts , to add space between texts, to add a new line and so on..
    2.  to add new line , use this
    CALL METHOD document->new_line.

  • Object Oriented Patterns and Visio

    Visio question:
    Does anyone know if there are established shapes for each (or any) of the object oriented patterns? If not, is anyone working on that or interested in that?
    Since they all have names (Momento, Proxy, Iterator, Mediator, Observer, etc.) it seems like they ought to each have their own shape. Since Object Oriented is all about communication of intent, each pattern having its own recognizable shape would go a long way toward a more meaningful communication through diagram. Also, if they each had their own shape, then the super-patterns (based on commonly grouped patterns and interactions) could also be easily represented.

    I'm kind of making an assumption here and if it's in error then feel free to disregard the rest of this post.
    Assumption that you're thinking terms of shapes for representing in UML the various patterns. Everything you need is right there in front of you already regardless of whether you use Visio, Rational, Poseidon or some other UML tool.
    Patterns are not individual constructs. One does not make a Mediator class. One makes a Java class that is an implementation of the Mediator pattern. As such you would see in the static class diagram the same grouping of classes for an X Mediator as you would for Y Mediator. That is the image you're looking for. It's not a single widget that you drag onto the screen, it's in the pattern itself.
    If, however, you're talking about something like a graphical representation to give to managers that says "Here be Momento patterns", then I would postulate that you're trying to communicate information that they don't need nor should they concern themselves with. Patterns are an implementation issue. They deal with, "How" we will solve a problem, not what problem will we solve. Mangaers, IMNSHO, need only concern themselves with what problems we will solve, not how they will be solved.
    Just my 2 krupplenicks on the subject, your milage may of course vary.

  • Announcement: MDGen, a model-driven code generator

    Hello, folks.
    If you are interested in another code generator, you may like
    to try this one:
    MDGen use XSL/XSLT to generate CMP/BMP entity beans,
    deployment descriptors, Ant build script, Oracle table
    create and drop scripts and Struts code.
    Any feedbacks are welcome. Thanks.

    The error might be due to making the bind variable as required but not using it in the vo query. Edit the bind variable and make it as optional by unchecking the required checkbox.

  • Object Oriented Databases and entity beans?

    Does one of the authors care to comment on the benefits of using OODBMS models versus RDBMS models for entity beans? Any differences between BMP and CMP in this scenario?


  • Rich Domain Model and Local JNDI Lookups

    I'm sure this is a problem a lot of other people have come across but there seems to be very little coherent discussion on the issue, so I'd very much appreciate any views people might have on the matter.
    The problem is whether or not you compromise your object-oriented principles and stick with the field or method level EJB dependency injection annotations, a procedural programming style, and a weak domain-model; or, strive for a richer domain model with a sub-optimal JDNI lookup solution.
    Take adding an item to simple shopping cart as an example.
    public class CartBean implements Cart {
      private ProductManagerLocal productManager;
      private PricingServiceLocal pricingService;
      private Order order;
      public void addItem(final int productId) {
        if (order.containsLineItem(productId) {
          order.addQuantity(productId, 1);
        } else {
          final Product product = productManager.getProduct(productId);
          final Price price = pricingService.getPrice(productId);
          order.createLineItem(product, price);
    }The code above makes Cart dependent on Product and Price, when in reality Cart only cares about Order. The logic in the addItem() method should really be in the Order object on the basis Order is the information expert, but because Order is a POJO you can't inject the necessary EJB references. What's more, because the EJB interfaces are local they don't have a JNDI name assigned in the same way a remote one would.
    To perform a portable lookup of the required EJBs from within an instance of the Order class, the method must be invoked by a component with the required EJB references in its private namespace. See https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#POJOLocalEJB. This makes for a very brittle solution with no compile time checks whatsoever.
    The problem seems to have been addressed in EJB 3.1 as the proposal for portable global JNDI names also applies to session beans exposing local only interfaces. See http://blogs.sun.com/kensaks/entry/portable_global_jndi_names.
    There seems to be very little guidance from Sun on this matter; ALL the examples in the JEE 5 Tutorial follow the anaemic domain model approach with business objects presented as little more than dumb placeholders for persistent data.
    What are people's thoughts on this? When it comes to EJB do we simply have to accept that local service lookups from POJOs aren't that robust and go with a procedural programming style, or should we be implementing a local service locator to facilitate domain objects taking on appropriate responsibilities via access to local stateless session beans / services?

    I'm sure this is a problem a lot of other people have come across but there seems to be very little coherent discussion on the issue, so I'd very much appreciate any views people might have on the matter.
    The problem is whether or not you compromise your object-oriented principles and stick with the field or method level EJB dependency injection annotations, a procedural programming style, and a weak domain-model; or, strive for a richer domain model with a sub-optimal JDNI lookup solution.
    Take adding an item to simple shopping cart as an example.
    public class CartBean implements Cart {
      private ProductManagerLocal productManager;
      private PricingServiceLocal pricingService;
      private Order order;
      public void addItem(final int productId) {
        if (order.containsLineItem(productId) {
          order.addQuantity(productId, 1);
        } else {
          final Product product = productManager.getProduct(productId);
          final Price price = pricingService.getPrice(productId);
          order.createLineItem(product, price);
    }The code above makes Cart dependent on Product and Price, when in reality Cart only cares about Order. The logic in the addItem() method should really be in the Order object on the basis Order is the information expert, but because Order is a POJO you can't inject the necessary EJB references. What's more, because the EJB interfaces are local they don't have a JNDI name assigned in the same way a remote one would.
    To perform a portable lookup of the required EJBs from within an instance of the Order class, the method must be invoked by a component with the required EJB references in its private namespace. See https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#POJOLocalEJB. This makes for a very brittle solution with no compile time checks whatsoever.
    The problem seems to have been addressed in EJB 3.1 as the proposal for portable global JNDI names also applies to session beans exposing local only interfaces. See http://blogs.sun.com/kensaks/entry/portable_global_jndi_names.
    There seems to be very little guidance from Sun on this matter; ALL the examples in the JEE 5 Tutorial follow the anaemic domain model approach with business objects presented as little more than dumb placeholders for persistent data.
    What are people's thoughts on this? When it comes to EJB do we simply have to accept that local service lookups from POJOs aren't that robust and go with a procedural programming style, or should we be implementing a local service locator to facilitate domain objects taking on appropriate responsibilities via access to local stateless session beans / services?

  • Trying to understand object oriented programming

    Hi all,
    I'm new to programming and I'm trying to learn C and Objective-C to eventually write an iPhone/iPad app.
    I want to make sure I'm understanding some fundamental Object Oriented principles and so I'm starting with a very basic program.
    I've produced a class called CartesianPoint which has an x and y variable plus methods to set and return these variables and also a method to calculate the magnitude from the origin.
    What I would like to do now is to extend the program to have a CartesianVector class.
    I'm a little unsure as to whether a Vector is a subclass of a Point or whether a Point is a subclass of a Vector... or neither?
    Secondly, I'm a little unsure of how to implement the vector class to use two point objects. How should the header and implementation files be set up to receive point objects from the main.m program?
    I'd like to also try and extend the program to include other ways of defining a vector (i.e. origin, unity vector and magnitude).... and then use the vectors to build 2D shapes.
    Many thanks,
    Message was edited by: GlynC
    Message was edited by: GlynC

    Hi Glyn -
    I agree with William and would vote for "neither". I see a subclass as a specialization of its superclass, not, for example, something contained by its superclass. A container relationship might apply to a subview and its superview, yet the class of the superview could be a specialization of the subview's class so the subview's class might be the parent of the superview's class. The classic example of cat as a subclass of animal (cat:animal) can be misleading if we see the relationship as member:group. Cat is a subclass of animal because it's a specialization.
    Also ask, "What's accomplished by making a subclass"? Does the subclass want to use all or most of the parent's instance variables and methods? Could the job be done any other way? Are any of those ways simpler or do they lead to more reusable code?
    One of the best examples (from the Cocoa docs?) is about a programmer who needs a specialized array. A newbie might immediately attempt a subclass of NSArray (a rather tricky subclassing job as it happens). In most cases however, the correct solution would be a class which includes an NSArray* type instance variable.
    Hope some of the above is helpful!
    \- Ray

  • Object Oriented? Or Not?

    Perhaps the way I raised this question would be peculiar for you as I'm a newbie!
    I'm willing to use oracle object oriented programing for my applications, and some senior people(work in my organization) told me that Object oriented database concept is failed in the industry. As a reason they say that; even if Object oriented databases solved some problems people had with relational databases, still Object oriented databases are failed to facilitate most of the advantages of relational databases. It's somewhat chaotic for me, as I'm new to PL developments.
    They didn't mention any specific reason; but just told me that relational databases perform well and faster than object oriented databases, and for business logic, object oriented databases has some accuracy issues.
    But I'm not ready to accept that it will be useless to learn 'Oracle Object Oriented Programing' or 'Object Oriented Database Concept' would be failed.
    So I need to know,
    1. Will it be useless to learn & use 'OOP' techniques when learning PL/SQL programing?
    2. Is there any disadvantage of using 'OOP' with oracle? (If there is any, please let me know if you have time for that).
    Especially, (The most pleasing answer I would like to hear from you ;-) )
    3. If Object Oriented Databases concept is better and something that a "PL/SQL" developer must learn; please let me know that.
    Please provide me a link if you can, which would help me to learn why should we use 'OOP' with oracle (if Object oriented database is better than Relational database)

    Intruder wrote:
    So I need to know,
    1. Will it be useless to learn & use 'OOP' techniques when learning PL/SQL programing?No. OOP has very little do with relational database design. The two is not mutually exclusive and can co-exist easily.
    2. Is there any disadvantage of using 'OOP' with oracle? (If there is any, please let me know if you have time for that).That depends on how+ you use it. If OOP was truly horrible and bad, then why does Oracle spend money on the research and development on it for their RDBMS product?
    Especially, (The most pleasing answer I would like to hear from you ;-) )
    3. If Object Oriented Databases concept is better and something that a "PL/SQL" developer must learn; please let me know that.OOP is not Object Orientated Database. These are two very different concepts. OOP competes with procedural programming. Object Orientated Database design competes with Relational Database Design (and others of course).
    There are two primary issues with an Object Orientated Database design. Complexity. Performance.
    Do you for example store the subclasses of the same abstract class in the same physical object table? You can do that in Oracle.. but then the database need to resolve the class type at run-time.. every single time.. for every single object accessed... At what cost ito performance?
    How do you treat collection classes? A collection can be stored as a physical table. It can also be stored as an attribute (column) of an object (table) - in which case the physical implementation for that is a nested table. There are dire performance issues with nested tables when these are used and applied incorrectly.
    There are numerous such issues.
    Compare this with something as mature and robust as Relational Database Design. Easy to understand. Easy to use. And what the Oracle RDBMS product was specifically designed to support.
    Which one is "+better+" (especially in the Oracle RDBMS environment)? It should be obvious.
    I suggest that you read Codd's original paper on "+A Relation Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks+", read "+The Third Manifesto+" from Chris Date, and papers from various other authors for insight.

  • Can I develop a 100% Object Oriented DB with Oracle 11?

    I want to know if I can develop a 100% object oriented data base in Oracle 10g or 11? I have reed the "Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference" chapter 41 "Advanced Object-
    Oriented Concepts" and I still have the doubt if I can implement a database 100% object-oriented. I hope you can help me.

    I want to know if I can develop a 100% object oriented data base in Oracle 10g or 11?
    The short answer is no.
    See this AskTom blog for the long answer.
    It starts off with Tom saying
    First off, in Oracle you would be considering pure relational versus Object RELATIONAL,
    not OO. We have object relational extensions to the relational database. We do not have
    an object oriented database.
    I think you will find a lot of infomation in there from Tom and other respondents about the differences between relational, object relational and object oriented.

  • Object-oriented APEX. Best practices.

    in my company we are developing quite big application in Apex. At the beginning we saw Apex as a very developer friendly application, but now we have problem with it.
    Our application has about 100 pages, most of them are not only reports but are also designed to edit and add new data. We are often using javascript and plsql procedures to handle collections and error processing. There are a lot of elements that are identical on several pages – not only processes, but also buttons, branches etc. – and when something changes, we must do the same operation on every page. Do you know any way to deal with it in better way?
    Are there any “best practices” for APEX to make it more object-oriented? I know I can put e.g. plsql procedures as a function in database, but what about button functions etc.? Maybe I should name most important buttons in the same way and handle them using javascript?
    Przemek Staniszewski

    Hi Przemek,
    I'm not an object oriented expert so I probably can't offer you too much in the way of advice here, I'm old school from relational theory, 3GL etc. But one of the things to remember is that Apex isn't one single language like Java where it is easier to maintain good object oriented practicies and even enforces and encourages. Apex is a collection of technologies such as Relational Design, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML and Javascript which are all held together by a declarative programming interface.
    Although all these technologies have varying degrees of object orientism, they are all quite distinct technologies which work together well but don't really help each other in maintaining or enforcing OO good practices. I think it would be hard to reverse engineer an existing application, but with some thought, kowledge and advice from the right areas you should be able to put together some good design and coding standards which will serve you well going forward.
    There are some documents and threads you should be able to find which will also help you, but also remember you are also dealing with some long established technologies such as Relation Database Design and SQL. Too often developers with skills in more recent languages get lost in the API front end and assume the database isn't really part of the application. You know, DBA stuff. For my money the database is the centre and the most important part of the application.
    My two cents worth anyway.

  • How do YOU name classes? (object oriented programming)

    I am in the process of learning advanced object oriented design, and I am trying to use it in my personal programming project. I'm having a hard time implementing all of the classes I want for it because I can't think of what to call them.
    So, my question is, in object oriented design, how do you name the implementations and abstractions that you make?
    In other words, "implementations" can be thought of as "classes", and "abstractions" as "interfaces" in Java or "pure abstract classes" in C++. How do you name the classes and interfaces you make?
    For example, do you use prefixes or suffixes on your names, such as "I" for "interface" or "Impl" for "implementation"? Do you add "-able" to the end of the name of an abstraction, such as "Decoratable"? Can you always think of simple logical names for all of your classes, and it just has never been a problem for you?
    As an example of how the number of classes quickly grows, the Decorator Pattern will use at least five classes. I have no idea what I would name those in a programming project.

    drcouzelis wrote:
    Trent wrote:Theoretically speaking, you'll have multiple implementations of the Window interface, which will have their own unique names suggested by their respective purposes.  If not, then Window and its implementation should probably be merged into a single class.
    Thank you for bringing that up.
    How about this: The name of the implementation class will be HOW its implemented followed by the name of the interface.
    A "Window" interface would have implementations such as "AllegroWindow", "GTKWindow", or "HaikuWindow".
    In a video game, a "Character" interface would have implementations such as "GeneralCharacter", "ControllableCharacter", "PlayableCharacter", or "EnemyCharacter".
    Does that sound like a good idea?
    Indeed, classes are more specific than interfaces, subclasses are more specific as their superclasses... This should be reflected in their names, the name of a class that implements an interface should somehow make clear exactly what it is (e.g. what kind window). If you have a kind of window (for instance) that is really _just_ a window, nothing else, than the interface should become this class and the implementing classes should become subclasses.

  • Exception Handling in Object Oriented Design

    I am developing a huge web based project using Object Oriented design and java,srvlets ,jsp etc ,I am using 3-tier archtecture.I dont understand,how i should handle exceptions in my project.ie.If there is some exception in the base modules how should it be handled.What kind of excpetion Structure should i use,How many exception classes should be made etc,
    Can someone help me in this regard

    A couple things I have found to be good practices for exception handling in an n-tier architecture:
    1. Don't expose all the internal exceptions of a tier to the client of the tier. Create a more useful, descriptive set of exceptions (or use the appropriate predefined exceptions) to throw up to the client.
    For example, on one project, we are doing database access among other things in the "service" tier, which is accessed by the web tier. We catch the SQLExceptions, PersistenceExceptions (a custom exception), and others, and throw a more useful exception that the client will know how to handle such as a NoMeasurementResultsException if the client asks for measurement results when we have none.
    2. Chain your exceptions and/or log the root cause in the tier that re-throws a different exception. There is nothing more aggravating than not knowing why, when you are debugging a problem, you are getting a NoMeasurementResultsException when you know that there ARE results in the database.
    Hope these ideas help in your design.

  • FOR ALL ENTRIES in Object Oriented Context

    Dear all,
                is it possible to use FOR ALL ENTRIES for an internal table with out header line ? I Am using Objected Oriented Programming and I Am not able to create internal table with header line . Please provide your valuable inputs on this issue.
    Thanks In Advance.

    Few questions:
    1. Did you do an F1 on FOR ALL ENTRIES(FAE)? Does it say FAE is allowed only for tables w. header line?
    2. Have you tried using FAE on an internal table w/o header line? Does it give an error?

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