Object, variable, function, listener naming in multiple frames

I am building, block by block a project that will have about 350 frames. There are similarities and differences between frames that would allow copying and pasting large blocks of frames to create new blocks. Navigation would be within blocks. After completing a block, there would be a need to go to the next block.
In the first several frames that I've set up, (a frame 1, frame 2 and 9 additional frames representing a small version of a block, I've noticed that a dynamic text box, button, variables seem to need unique names for each key frame (they're all key frames). If I accidently duplicate a frame, and fail to rename (instance names) items, functions I get debug errors: identifying duplicate items. So it appears that each frame (in what will be 350) will need the script edited and changing names for any of these items.
That's the question: assuming that I will need to stay with my 350 frame design, are there any possble economies of naming that I can use? The discreet blocks are (in number of frames) 16, 16, 70, 70, 70, 70 (plus a landing frame before each block, and a few frames at the end, after the last block for scores, results, discussion.
Any suggestions appreciated.

If you need to repeat code in different frames, then you need to come up with unique names for variables and functions.  How you go about naming tthem is your call, whatever makes sense to your way of thinking.
One thing to consider though... if you think you need to create the same functions in different frames, there is agood possibility that you do not have to.  You can usually work out some way of having the same single set of functions and variables working for you along the entire timeline, only needing to define them once in frame 1.  In your other posting today you saw that extending the variable along the timeline makes it available for that whole extent.  The same applies to functions, and you can often write functions generically so that they can serve the same purpose at different locations along the timeline.
Instance names won't be a problem except if you have the same objects in adjacent frames and try to change the names between them.  Instance names are inherited by same objects in preceding adjacent frames.

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  • Trouble with editing multiple frames

    Hi guys,
    I'm new to CS4 - learnt my flash many years ago on Flash 5. So anyway I'm trying to get used to the new Motion Tween function and having a few problems.
    I've created a simple animation where an object fades in, stays put for a moment and then fades out (one motion tween with 4 keyframes). I now want to resize the movie clip across all of these keyframes cos I got it wrong to start with.
    So I click 'Edit Multiple Frames' (everything disappears but that's for another question), drag the onion thingy across the timeline and select the frames on the layer I want to edit. I then click on the free transform tool and drag the invisible movie clip (you can see the outline!) to make it larger.
    Result? Well it seems to scale the first frame, but the others are all left at the original scale. Hence animation now shows object fading in whilst getting smaller etc. etc.
    There must be an easy way to do this. I've tried the motion editor but you have to do it keyframe by keyframe. Any suggestions?

    Modifying an entire animation with motion tweens is not as easy as it used to be.
    Here's the best answer you are probably going to get.
    from : http://flashthusiast.com/2009/10/06/scaling-and-moving-new-motion-tweens-in-flash-cs4/
    Scaling an entire animation that does have Scale X or Scale Y animated.
    If you have previously scaled anything in the tween, doing this is applied to the first keyframe and the tween would animate to the earlier scaling (the auto-keyframing feature can be a detriment in this situation, especially when it comes to scaling due to the percentages being reset - for this reason Motion Presets also won’t help). In this situation, I recommend scaling using the Motion editor:
    1. Go to the Scale X and Y properties in the Motion Editor.
    2. Press the Alt key while dragging the curve in each graph up and down. This scales the entire scale animation at the same time (same as edit multiple keyframes).
    3. If you need to proportionally scale the motion path for the tween as well, select the path on the Stage and use Free Transform or enter a new value in the Transform panel.
    I have had success with the above method, but from what I can tell you can only do one property at a time on one object at a time. So it is an awful amount of work.
    As for step 2: while dragging the whole curve it seems the property value is very reluctant to snap to whole integers and I often see values like 200.35%.
    Same thing applies for dragging property keyframes up and down in the motion editor. Is there a way to get nice clean numbers? I I want to scale something by 50% I don't want 49.83% I find myself often keying in these values by hand.
    For me even though scale X and scale Y are "linked / locked / contstrained" It seems I get mixed results with this feature. Changing scaleX doesn't always change scaleY

  • Trying to pass and object variable to a method

    I have yet another question. I'm trying to display my output in succession using a next button. The button works and I get what I want using test results, however what I really want to do is pass it a variable instead of using a set number.
    I want to be able to pass the object variables myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, and maxNumber to method actionPerformed so they can be in-turn passed to the displayResults method which is called in the actionPerformed method. Since there is no direct call to actionPerformed because it is called within one of the built in methods, I can't tell it to receive and pass those variables. Is there a way to do it without having to pass them through the built-in methods?
    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    public class Panel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
         protected JTextArea myTextArea;
         protected String newline = "\n";
         static final private String FIRST = "first";
         static final private String PREVIOUS = "previous";
         static final private String NEXT = "next";
         public Panel( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 super(new BorderLayout());
              int counter = 0;
                 //Create the toolbar.
                 JToolBar myToolBar = new JToolBar( "Still draggable" );
                 addButtons( myToolBar );
                 //Create the text area used for output.
                 myTextArea = new JTextArea( 450, 190 );
                 myTextArea.setEditable( false );
                 JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea );
                 //Lay out the main panel.
                 setPreferredSize(new Dimension( 450, 190 ));
                 add( myToolBar, BorderLayout.PAGE_START );
                 add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) );
              setCounter( counter );
         } // End Constructor
         protected void addButtons( JToolBar myToolBar )
                 JButton myButton = null;
                 //first button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( FIRST, "Display first record", "First" );
                 //second button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( PREVIOUS, "Display previous record", "Previous" );
                 //third button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( NEXT, "Display next record", "Next" );
         } //End method addButtons
         protected JButton makeNavigationButton( String actionCommand, String toolTipText, String altText )
                 //Create and initialize the button.
                 JButton myButton = new JButton();
                     myButton.setActionCommand( actionCommand );
                 myButton.setToolTipText( toolTipText );
                 myButton.addActionListener( this );
                   myButton.setText( altText );
                 return myButton;
         } // End makeNavigationButton method
             public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                 String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
                 // Handle each button.
              if (FIRST.equals(cmd))
              { // first button clicked
                          int counter = 0;
                   setCounter( counter );
                 else if (PREVIOUS.equals(cmd))
              { // second button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                      if ( counter == 0 )
                        counter = 5;  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() - 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
              else if (NEXT.equals(cmd))
              { // third button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                   if ( counter == 5 )  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        counter = 0;
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() + 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
                 displayResult( counter );
         } // End method actionPerformed
         private int counter;
         public void setCounter( int number ) // Declare setCounter method
              counter = number; // stores the counter
         } // End setCounter method
         public int getCounter()  // Declares getCounter method
              return counter;
         } // End method getCounter
         protected void displayResult( int counter )
              //Test statement
    //                 myTextArea.setText( String.format( "%d", counter ) );
              // How can I carry the myProduct and myOfficeSupplies variables into this method?
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( product, officeSupplies, counter ) );
             } // End method displayResult
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event dispatch thread.
         public void createAndShowGUI( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 //Create and set up the window.
                 JFrame frame = new JFrame("Products");
                 //Add content to the window.
                 frame.add(new Panel( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, maxNumber ));
                 //Display the window.
                 frame.setVisible( true );
             } // End method createAndShowGUI
         public void displayData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
              JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); // textarea to display output
              JFrame JFrame = new JFrame( "Products" );
              // For loop to display data array in a single Window
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ )  // Loop for displaying each product
                   myTextArea.append( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n\n" );
                   JFrame.add( myTextArea ); // add textarea to JFrame
              } // End For Loop
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea ); //Creates the JScrollPane
              JFrame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 170)); // Sets the pane size
              JFrame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // adds scrollpane to JFrame
              JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); // Sets program to exit on close
              JFrame.setSize( 350, 170 ); // set frame size
              JFrame.setVisible( true ); // display frame
         } // End method displayData
         public String packageData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int counter ) // Method for formatting output
              return String.format( "%s: %d\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f",
              "Product Number", myOfficeSupplies.getProductNumber( counter ),
              "Product Name", myOfficeSupplies.getProductName( counter ),
              "Product Brand",myProduct.getProductBrand( counter ),
              "Number of Units in stock", myOfficeSupplies.getNumberUnits( counter ),
              "Price per Unit", myOfficeSupplies.getUnitPrice( counter ),
              "Total Value of Item in Stock is", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ),
              "Restock charge for this product is", myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ),
              "Total Value of Inventory plus restocking fee", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter )+
                   myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ) );
         } // end method packageData
    } //End Class Panel

    multarnc wrote:
    My instructor has not been very forthcoming with assistance to her students leaving us to figure it out on our own.Aren't they all the same! Makes one wonder why they are called instructors. <sarcasm/>
    Of course it's highly likely that enough information was imparted for any sincere, reasonably intelligent student to actually figure it out, and learn the subject in the process.
    And if everything were spoonfed, how would one grade the performance of the students? Have them recite from memory
    public class HelloWorld left-brace
    indent public static void main left-parenthesis String left-bracket right-bracket args right-parenthesis left-brace
    And everywhere that Mary went
    The lamb was sure to go

  • How to use TextFormat on multiple frames

    I must be missing something, but how on earth do I make it so
    that I can set TextFormats for the whole movie and not just the
    frame the actionscript is on.
    My movie is basically a video with cuepoints that trigger
    different keyframes that display text appropriate to what the
    person featured in the video is talking about. In other words it's
    like a powerpoint presentation that's run by an FLV file. Almost
    all of the blocks of text I'll be displaying are bulleted lists and
    since, for some odd reason, bulleted lists aren't available using
    the standard Flash GUI text formating tools I need to apply them
    via ActionScript. All the ActionScript is in its own keyframe at
    the beginning of the movie timeline. I've setup my text formating
    code like this:
    var bulletlist:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    bulletlist.bullet = true;
    While I have successfully applied this to a box of text on
    the first frame of the movie, I haven't be able to apply it to text
    on any other keyframe. So from what I can tell, I have to reference
    the above TextFormat actionscript for every frame I need to use it
    on, and since I can't have duplicate TextFormat values, that means
    I'd have to create a new instance with a new name for each frame.
    This seems rather inefficient and frankly ridiculous consider that
    the other ActionScript that I wrote seems to apply to the whole
    movie. And what's the point of using ActionScript to format text if
    you have to redo it for every *******' keyframe? Is there some
    function that I'm missing somewhere to allow me to use one set of
    TextFormat code on multiple frames or is this simply a dysfunction
    of Flash and/or ActionScript 3.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Craig Grummitt - Why so it is. Thanks for pointing that out.
    But my point still remains: You can change the defaultTextFormat
    property before you assign the text property or you can use
    setTextFormat() after you have assigned the text property. That one
    is a property and the other is a method just makes it more likely
    that somebody will over look one or the other!
    fallenturtle - part of the issue is that really great
    typographic stuff is tough and most people can't even use the
    simple tools that we have. For use with CS4 and Flash 10 publishing
    they are coming out with a far more complex Text Layout Framework.
    As best I can tell it is insanely complex and I'm guessing most
    people will never use it....but who knows.
    Additionally you are trying to do one of the more difficult
    things: mix timeline with code. That always gets tricky. If you
    were just using code you could create one textformat instance and
    apply it to all your code-created text fields. But since each
    timeline created clip is a new one you will need to apply the
    formatting by hand.
    Or you could just have one timeline created text field that
    went across all your frames and then change its properties with
    code everytime you needed to change it.

  • Error in the Input scchduled.Object variable or with block varaible not set

    Hai Experts ,
    In the input schdueld , data is not accepting ..
    Its shows error : Object variable or with block varaible not set
    Please help..

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • [JS CS3] Variable Function Name

    Hello everyone,
    Does anyone know if you can put a variable into a function name?
    Bellow is a function that I am working on to avoid using an if statement with 33 possiblilites. It does work but I get a "undefined is not an object error".
    function myFunction(){
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myRootXMLElement = myDoc.xmlElements.item(0);
    var myData = myRootXMLElement.xmlElements.item("xyzTag");
    for (b = 2; b <= 34; b++){
    if(b = myData.contents){
    myNewFunction = "my"+b+"VariableFunction()";
    Because this physically does what I intend it to do I believe this should work but I can't get past this error. Could someone please let me know if there is a way to make this error free?

    Change this line:
    >if (b = myData.contents)
    to this:
    >if (b == myData.contents)
    and it probably works. It is possible to use variables and eval() to call functions. This script works ok:
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       f = 'my' + i + 'Func()'
       eval (f)
    function my0Func ()
       $.writeln ('this')
    function my1Func ()
       $.writeln ('that')
    function my2Func ()
       $.writeln ('and the other')

  • Error: Object variable or With block variable not set.

    when i try to fill the control tables and browse for the target period in HFM (sys 9.3.1) i get the error: Error: Object variable or With block variable not set.
    When browsing for the target value in the location for the value no problem occurs.
    Anybody a clue?

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • BPC 4.2 Optimization error (object variable or with block variable not set)

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error when I try to optimize application from the front end:
    Run-time error '91':
    Object variable or With block variable not set
    From the back end the optimization works just fine. This is the new application I created from the AppShell. As soon as I created this new application set, I tried to run optimization and I am getting this error. Optimization in the AppShell works just fine. I wonder what the problem is since this is a brand new application set. I tried a few things all day yesterday and day before but in vain.
    We are using BPC 4.2 (OutlookSoft CPM). Any help is greatly appreciated, the sooner the better.
    Thanks in advance!

    Depending on your version of 4.2, here are two possible issues and remedys.
    Possible issue #1
    Do you only have 1 application in the appset? - Add another application.
    Possible issue #2
    This problem will occur if you have copied 4.2 SP2 Apshell or copied an existing appset.
    This happens when a table named tblAdminTaskMessage exists and a stored procedure named INPUTMESSAGE does not exist.
    The table and stored procedure are created when you run optimize for the first time and when you make copy of Apshell that has been optimized once, it can copy the table but it cannot copy the stored procedures.
    The workaround is to delete the tblAdmintaskMesssage table in SQL Enterprise Manager within the problem appset.
    Hope this helps.

  • Code 91 - Caused Error: (Object variable or With block variable not set)

    We are using FDM 9.3.1. We have enabled batch processing.
    We are having following process being followed
    - Batch Loader script will pull the data from dwh table for each entity, scenario, year and period
    - Batch processing is set to serial and processlevel set to Up-To-Check
    - We had following five files created for Location - EMAFF100
    i. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_May-2011_RR.txt
    ii. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jun-2011_RR.txt
    iii. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jul-2011_RR.txt
    iv. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Aug-2011_RR.txt
    v. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Sep-2011_RR.txt
    Batch loader process completed the processing for May - 2011, Jul - 2011, Aug-2011, Sep-2011.
    But for Jun 2011 it has given the following error in the 'tbatchinformation' table and failed at import stage.
    40751.6239236111 1_EMAFF100_ACT_JUN-2011_RR.TXT 2 2 91-Object variable or With block variable not set
    When we checked the view error log from tool menu we found following
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-07-27-14:58:29] **
    Code......................................... 91
    Description.................................. File [1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jun-2011_RR.txt] Caused Error: (Object variable or With block variable not set)
    Procedure.................................... clsBatchLoader.mFileCollectionProcess
    Component.................................... upsWBatchLoaderDM
    Version...................................... 931
    Thread....................................... 5600
    User......................................... ncreighton
    Computer Name................................ HYAPSDEV1
    App Name..................................... EMATTEST
    Client App................................... WebClient
    Provider..................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server..................................
    Database Name................................ hydev_serv
    Trusted Connect.............................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location..................................... EMAFF100
    Location ID.................................. 762
    Location Seg................................. 16
    Category..................................... ACT
    Category ID.................................. 13
    Period....................................... Jun - 2011
    Period ID.................................... 30/06/2011
    POV Local.................................... False
    Language..................................... 1033
    User Level................................... 1
    All Partitions............................... False
    Is Auditor................................... False
    We then re submitted data for Jun period and saw batch process got successfully completed and June data got imported successfully and also rest other processes got through.
    Can any one provide exact cause for this error? As we have automated the data load from DWH to FDM And then to HFM. Hence when such error comes it disturbs lot of processing there on. Appreciate your early response.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • Load Hierarchy Error "object variable or with block variable not set"

    Hi gurus
    When I try to load a dimension by package I get this error "object variable or with block variable not set" and I can not select the hierarchy of the dimension
    You know how to fix this issue?

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • Batch Processing error: Object variable or With block variable not set - 91

    We are experiencing the following error when trying to execute the FDM Batch Processing of files in our UAT environment. This error is not occuring in our DEV environment. I have seen this error before when the data file had been left open and FDM could not access the file, so it appears this error is usually due to file permissions. However, this time none of the files are open, and as far as we can see, FDM should have full access to the OpenBatch and Inbox folders etc.
    Does anyone please have any suggestions, particularly on what account FDM will carry out the various tasks? Would it use a system account?
    "Object variable or With block variable not set - 91"
    FDM Log:
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2012-07-06 16:07:09] **
    Code............................................. 75
    Description...................................... Path/File access error
    Procedure........................................ clsBatchLoad.fFileCollectionCreate
    Component........................................ upsWBatchLoaderDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 5828
    User............................................. admin
    Computer Name.................................... *******
    App Name......................................... *******
    Client App....................................... WorkBench
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... *******
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... *******
    Location ID...................................... 748
    Location Seg..................................... 2
    Category......................................... *******
    Category ID...................................... 14
    Period........................................... *******
    Period ID........................................ 02/07/2011
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... True
    Is Auditor....................................... False

    I can confirm that there is definitely data present in our data files in this case.
    Please note that this error only occurs when using the Batch Processing functionality of FDM Workbench (which requires files to be placed in the OpenBatch subfolder of the Inbox). I can load individual files fine when using the FDM Web Client.
    As part of the first step of the batch load process, FDM Workbench moves files from the OpenBatch folder to a new folder which it creates in the Inbox\Batches directory. However, it is not even managing to do this, and gives the error below.
    We have tried to share the OpenBatch folder, to allow specific users access to drop files into this folder. Consequently, I believe suggests a security problem on the OpenBatch folder itself (please see original post). I have been told privileges should be sufficient for FDM to make use of this folder too, however I suspect this is not the case at present.
    In the meantime, please let me know if this could be due to other causes.

  • Importing existing worksheet yields "Object variable or With Block variable not set" error

    There is not much more to say.  I try to import the worksheet, but it gives that error.  I do not see anywhere I can enter VAB either.  FYI, I am working with SharePoint 2007 but there was no forum for that.

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • Dynamic populating object variable

    Hi Experts!
    I have object type:create or replace type r_attribs_t is table of varchar2(100);
    create or replace type r_relations_t is table of varchar2(40);
    create or replace type r_spatial_t is table of varchar2(100);
    type recfull_ot is object (
        r_type    char(2),
        r_class   varchar2(10),
        r_atype   varchar2(10),
        r_id      varchar2(30),
        r_idr     varchar2(100),
        r_status  char(2),
        r_dtu     date,
        r_dtw     date,
        attribs       r_attribs_t,
        relations     r_relations_t,
        spatial_data  r_spatial_t,
        map member function newer return date,
        member function get_ID return varchar2,
        member procedure load_record (p_type varchar2, p_id varchar2, p_idr varchar2)
    );and some tables:CREATE TABLE "G5ADR" (
        "G5TAR"  NUMBER(1,0),
        "G5NAZ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5KRJ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5WJD"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5PWJ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5GMN"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5ULC"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5NRA"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5NRL"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5MSC"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5KOD"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5PCZ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5DTW" DATE,
        "G5DTU" DATE,
        "IDR" VARCHAR2(100 BYTE),
        "G5IDM"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5KDK"  NUMBER(2,0),
        "G5DTD" DATE,
        "G5DTP" DATE,
        "G5SYG" VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5NSR" VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5OPD" VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
        "G5DTW" DATE,
        "G5DTU" DATE,
        "IDR" VARCHAR2(100 BYTE),
    -- ... and others ...I need to write member procedure load_record loading data from one of that tables into the object variable. The table to load data from depends on p_type input parameter, howerer. This makes the problem difficult for me, because I realy don't know how to deal with that. The attribs nested table shoud be populated with all the G5% columns from the table.
    Any suggestions?
    Help, please...
    Edited by: JackK on Nov 18, 2010 9:48 AM

    OK, I've been experimenting on an alternative for DBMS_SQL...
    Here's a simplified test case based on the structures you gave.
    It should work on release 10.2 and upwards (I've only tested it on 11.2 though).
    create or replace type r_attribs_obj is object(col varchar2(30), val varchar2(100));
    create or replace type r_attribs_tab is table of r_attribs_obj;
    r_id      varchar2(30),
    r_idr     varchar2(100),
    attribs   r_attribs_tab,
    member procedure load_record (self in out recfull_ot, p_type varchar2, p_id varchar2, p_idr varchar2)
    MEMBER PROCEDURE load_record (self in out recfull_ot, p_type varchar2, p_id varchar2, p_idr varchar2)
    ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
    res xmltype;
    attribs_tab r_attribs_tab;
    ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext('SELECT * FROM '||p_type||' WHERE id = :1 AND idr = :2');
    res := dbms_xmlgen.getXMLType(ctx);
    self.r_id := p_id;
    self.r_idr := p_idr;
    SELECT cast(
         select col, val
         from xmltable(
          'for $i in /ROWSET/ROW/*
           where fn:starts-with(local-name($i),"G5")
           return element r
            attribute col {local-name($i)},
          passing res
          columns col varchar2(30) path '@col',
                  val varchar2(100) path '.'
      as r_attribs_tab
    ) INTO self.attribs
    FROM dual
      "G5NAZ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
      "G5KRJ"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
      "G5WJD"  VARCHAR2(200 BYTE),
      "IDR" VARCHAR2(100 BYTE),
    insert into g5adr (ID, G5NAZ, G5KRJ, G5WJD, IDR) values ('001', 'NAZ001', 'KRJ001', 'WJD001', '1');
    insert into g5adr (ID, G5NAZ, G5KRJ, G5WJD, IDR) values ('002', 'NAZ002', 'KRJ002', 'WJD002', '1');
    insert into g5adr (ID, G5NAZ, G5KRJ, G5WJD, IDR) values ('003', 'NAZ003', 'KRJ003', 'WJD003', '1');Verifying the nested table is correctly loaded...
    SQL> set serveroutput on
      2   obj recfull_ot := recfull_ot(null, null, null);
      3  BEGIN
      4   obj.load_record('G5ADR', '001', 1);
      5   for i in 1..obj.attribs.count loop
      6    dbms_output.put_line(obj.attribs(i).col||' = '||obj.attribs(i).val);
      7   end loop;
      8  END;
      9  /
    G5NAZ = NAZ001
    G5KRJ = KRJ001
    G5WJD = WJD001
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

  • Select multiple frames across multiple pages for photos frames

    Hi people!
    How can i select multiple frames across multiple pages? I want my images to fit the frames by one click. I do not want to go through each page one by one . There must be some way to solve this.. or? Cant find a options that can do that so far?
    Useing Adobe Indesin CS6.

    suppien_ wrote:
    How can i select multiple frames across multiple pages?
    You can't.
    You can do it in Find/Change box. Set desired Frame Fitting Options in Object section and run find/change.

  • Action Listener Method called multiple times

    I have a page (fragment .jsff), containing a simple input text and a button called "search". When I click on "Search" the action listener is triggered multiple times. (The results are displayed in a table inside a panel collection).
    The results are actually coming back ok.
    When I debug the code, I can see the action listener method called twice.
    Do you know why is that?
    What should I be taking care of?
    This is my code :
    *** Fragment ****
    <af:commandButton text="#{identityBundle.search_label}" id="cb1"
    *** Managed bean ***
    public void searchUsersListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer)getBindings();
    DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("userIterator");
    DCDataRow row = (DCDataRow)iter.getCurrentRow();
    User user = (User)row.getDataProvider();
    boolean isSearchCriteriaPresent = false;
    if(user != null){
    String fn = user.getFirstname();
    if(fn != null && !fn.trim().equals("")){
    isSearchCriteriaPresent = true;
    try {
    Map <Object, Object> userMap = PropertyUtils.describe(user);
    for(Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry: userMap.entrySet()){
    if(entry.getKey() != null && entry.getValue() != null && !entry.getKey().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("class")){
    isSearchCriteriaPresent = true;
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    OperationBinding opBinding = (OperationBinding)bindings.getOperationBinding("searchUsers");
    opBinding.getParamsMap().put("user", user);
    AdfFacesContext adfFacesCtx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Map<String, Object> scopePageFlowScopeVar= adfFacesCtx.getPageFlowScope();
    scopePageFlowScopeVar.put("userSearchCriteria", user);
    ADFContext adfCtx = ADFContext.getCurrent();
    Map sessionScope = adfCtx.getSessionScope();
    sessionScope.put("userSearchCriteria", user);
    if(selectedUserID != null){
    RichTable table = getUserResultsTable();
    DCIteratorBinding searchUsersIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bindings.get("searchUsersIterator");
    Row[] rows = searchUsersIterator.getAllRowsInRange();
    if(rows.length > 0){
    RowKeySetImpl rks = new RowKeySetImpl();
    ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList();
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Can you try this?
    1. set partialSubmit=true for the "search" button
    2. set "search" button id as partialTrigger in your result table

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