OC4J10g, Linux and JMS

I'v got 10g Enterprise running on Linux (Redhat Advance Server 2.1) and installed Enterprise Manager, Webcache and the Container.
All is well except I get the following error when starting up each Container I have created. I had the same problem with no user defined containers (ie Just home running)
This is the output of the oc4j err file that I have re-directed:
04/01/14 10:25:56 Error starting ORMI-Server. Unable to bind socket: Address already in use
04/01/14 10:25:59 java.lang.NullPointerException
04/01/14 10:25:59      at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.run(RMIServer.java:470)
04/01/14 10:25:59      at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:186)
04/01/14 10:25:59      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
04/01/14 10:28:15 Error starting ORMI-Server. Unable to bind socket: Address already in use
I have tried to change the port number ranges via EM to limit each container to its own range, but still no success.
I have also verified that the opmn.xml file has got the new port numbers ranges correctly defined. 100%.
I'm not able to get any messages to JMS via either Queue or Topic.
HAs anybody experienced this before and any possible solutions pls?

I'm using => emctl start iasconsole <== to start my server.
This is what I get from the status
Processes in Instance: ajk1.sdt10645
process-type | ports
Isis | jms:3702,rmi:3202,ajp:3302
wizard | jms:3710,rmi:3210,ajp:3310
home | jms:3701,rmi:3201,ajp:3301
WebCacheAdmin | N/A
WebCache | statistics:4002,invalidation:4001,http:7777
HTTP_Server | http2:7200,http1:7778,http:7200
dcm-daemon | N/A
logloaderd | N/A
I have checked netstat and it show the above ports in use by the correct programs.
If I use the => opmnctl startall <= it still give the same error.
Start only instance wizard via opmnctl give same error.
With the system rebooted netstat show no ports in use above 2000.
This is what is in use above 2000 with only Linux running
[root@sdt10645 root]# netstat -p 1 15000
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6100 sdt10645:32798 ESTABLISHED 1455/opmn
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32798 sdt10645:6100 ESTABLISHED 1473/java
tcp 0 0 fld10649.mtn.co.za:2677 ESTABLISHED 1146/in.telnetd: fl
tcp 0 146 fld10649.mtn.co.za:2715 ESTABLISHED 1501/in.telnetd: fl
Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
After starting just wizard I have this active from netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6003 sdt10645:32839 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6100 sdt10645:32836 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32840 sdt10645:6100 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32844 sdt10645:6100 ESTABLISHED 1767/java
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6003 sdt10645:32847 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6100 sdt10645:32844 ESTABLISHED 1725/opmn
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:6100 sdt10645:32841 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 fld10649.mtn.co.za:2677 ESTABLISHED 1146/in.telnetd: fl
tcp 0 146 fld10649.mtn.co.za:2715 ESTABLISHED 1501/in.telnetd: fl
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32833 sdt10645:32832 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32838 sdt10645:32837 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32843 sdt10645:32842 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 sdt10645:32846 sdt10645:32845 TIME_WAIT -
Still same problem
Any help appreciated.

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  • Rmi and jms

    It is the fouth thread for the jms and rmi. Is there anyone that can answer me?
    I can run rmi and jms sample in the oc4j standalone. but if I run in the application server, there are always some errrors. I have searched all the forum and the documents about application. I found nothing helping to me.
    Is there a tutoral for run rmi and jms in the application server step by step?
    Was there anyone help me, I will lose my job soon.
    God save me.

    I installed the oracle9ias9.02 on linux 7.1. and the installation is ok. I can deploy application.
    I deploy the ear file and the jsp and servlet are running ok.
    In the application, there is a applet which will call the method through rmi.
    and the bean which provide the rmi method will recieve jms messages in the server side.
    here is the applet:
    package transfer;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.longshine.transfer.TransferDataList; //interface file
    * Title: CAO5M3H]TV187]O5M3--J5J1<`?XJ}>]4+Jd
    * Description: @{SCRMI5wSC7~NqFw6K5DTransferDataList3LPr#,2ISCJMS4SJ}>]7"KM6K;q5C4+JdJ}>]!#
    * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
    * Company: longshine
    * @author MuCt
    * @version 1.0
    public class TransferMonitor extends Applet {
    boolean isStandalone = false;
    TextArea textArea1 = new TextArea();
    Button refresh = new Button();
    Button stop = new Button();
    Label data_stat=new Label(); //M3<FJ}>]OTJ>
    TransferDataList DataList=null; //6(ReR;8vT63L6TOs5D=S?Z!#
    /**Get a parameter value from applet param list*/
    public String getParameter(String key, String def) {
    return isStandalone ? System.getProperty(key, def) :
    (getParameter(key) != null ? getParameter(key) : def);
    /**Construct the applet*/
    public TransferMonitor() {
    /**Initialize the applet*/
    public void init() {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    /**Component initialization*/
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    refresh.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    stop.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    this.add(textArea1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    this.add(refresh, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    this.add(stop, BorderLayout.EAST);
    /**Start the applet
    * ?*J<@{SCRMI:MT67=7~NqFw3LPrTransferDataListServer=(A"A*O5#,5wSC7=7(getPersonList,
    * 5C5=ND1>8qJ=5DJ}>]#,?IRTV1=SOTJ>5=FAD;IO!#
    public void start() {
    String url="rmi://"+getCodeBase().getHost()+"/person_list"; //T63L6TOs5D5XV7<0remote objectC{3F!#
    // System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());//applet2;PhR*2ISCsecurityManager9\@m
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Lookup RMI Server Error:"+e);
    /**Stop the applet*/
    public void stop() {
    /**Destroy the applet*/
    public void destroy() {
    /**Get Applet information*/
    public String getAppletInfo() {
    return "Audit Data Monitor Applet";
    /**Get parameter info*/
    public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
    return null;
    /**Main method*/
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    TransferMonitor applet = new TransferMonitor();
    applet.isStandalone = true;
    Frame frame;
    frame = new Frame() {
    protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
    if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {
    public synchronized void setTitle(String title) {
    frame.setTitle("Applet Frame");
    frame.add(applet, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    frame.setLocation((d.width - frame.getSize().width) / 2, (d.height - frame.getSize().height) / 2);
    * Ge?U51G0GxSr5D@zJ7OTJ>J}>]#,VXPB?*J<OTJ>PB5DO{O"!#
    void refresh_mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    System.out.println("clear current text area!!!");
    * reserved
    void stop_mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    System.out.println("click stop button!!!");
    public String get_gb(String s_name) {
    String s_unicode="" ;
    s_name = s_name.trim ();
    byte[] bytes = s_name.getBytes("8859-1");
    s_unicode = new String(bytes,"GB2312");
    }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){
    return s_unicode;
    public String get_iso8859_1(String s_name) {
    String s_unicode="" ;
    s_name = s_name.trim ();
    byte[] bytes = s_name.getBytes("GB2312");
    s_unicode = new String(bytes,"8859-1");
    }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){
    return s_unicode;
    here is the rmi bean:
    package com.longshine.transfer;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import com.longshine.pub_func.*;
    * Title: CAO5M3H]TV187]O5M3#-#-RMI Server3LPr#,4&@mRMIT63LGkGs!#
    * Description: 2ISCJMS7=J=4SG06KO5M3;q5CO{O"J}>]!#
    * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
    * Company: longshine
    * @author MuCt
    * @version 1.0
    public class TransferDataListServer {
    public TransferDataListServer() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Read run option:start/stop from command line
    if (args.length != 1) {
    System.out.println("Usage: java " +"TransferDataListServer <option>");
    // System.out.println("Queue name is " + queueName);
    TransferDataListServer ts1 = new TransferDataListServer();
    try {
    String host_name=GetSysparam.getParam("web_server");
    String url="rmi://";
    System.out.println("Construction server implementations...");
    TransferDataListImpl p1=new TransferDataListImpl();
    System.out.println("binding server implementation to registry...");
    System.out.println("Waiting for invocations from clients...");
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Start RMI Server Error:"+e);
    here is the impl bean:
    package com.longshine.transfer;
    import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
    import java.rmi.server.*;
    import java.rmi.*;
    import com.longshine.pub_func.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.jms.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    * Title: CAO5M3H]TV187]O5M3--J5OV=S?Z5D7~NqFw@`
    * Description:
    * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
    * Company: longshine
    * @author MuCt
    * @version 1.0
    public class TransferDataListImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
    implements TransferDataList
    int TotalMessage=0; //M3<FO{O"W\LuJ}!#
    public TransferDataListImpl() throws RemoteException {
    * 2bJTSC@}#:T63L5wSC5D7=7(#,;q5CIm7]Is:KJ}>]5DAP1m
    public String getPersonList() throws RemoteException {
    String sql_stmt="select * from doc_user";
    int limit=0;
    String user_id,name,str="";
    DbOperate db1=new DbOperate();
    ResultSet rs=db1.getExecQuery();
    try {
    while (rs.next() && limit<30) {
    str+="user_id:"+user_id+"; name:"+name+"\n";
    catch (SQLException e) {
    return "error!!!";
    return str;
    * get queue name from config.properties file.
    public String getQueueName() {
    String queue_name="";
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Get system param error:"+e);
    return queue_name;
    * @{SCJMS5C5=7"KM5DIs:KJ}>]PEO"!#V.:s9)?M;'6KappletJ9SCrmi7=J=5wSC;q5C!#
    public String getMessageList() throws RemoteException {
    String queueName = null;
    Context jndiContext = null;
    QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = null;
    QueueConnection queueConnection = null;
    QueueSession queueSession = null;
    Queue queue = null;
    QueueReceiver queueReceiver = null;
    TextMessage message = null;
    String message_str=""; //save all message to a string .
    queueName = this.getQueueName();
    System.out.println("Queue name is " + queueName);
    * Create a JNDI API InitialContext object if none exists
    * yet.
    try {
    // java.util.Hashtable env=new java.util.Hashtable();
    // env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory");
    // env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"rmi://");
    jndiContext = new InitialContext();
    catch (NamingException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not create JNDI API " +
    "context: " + e.toString());
    * Look up connection factory and queue. If either does
    * not exist, exit.
    try {
    queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
    queue = (Queue) jndiContext.lookup(queueName);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
    System.out.println("JNDI API lookup failed: " +
    * Create connection.
    * Create session from connection; false means session is
    * not transacted.
    * Create receiver, then start message delivery.
    * Receive all text messages from queue until
    * a non-text message is received indicating end of
    * message stream.
    * Close connection.
    try {
    queueConnection =
    queueSession =
    queueReceiver = queueSession.createReceiver(queue);
    while (true) {
    Message m = queueReceiver.receive(1);
    if (m != null) {
    if (m instanceof TextMessage) {
    message = (TextMessage) m;
    System.out.println("Reading message: " +
    } else {
    } catch (JMSException e) {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred: " +
    } finally {
    if (queueConnection != null) {
    try {
    } catch (JMSException e) { System.out.println("jms expetion: "+e);}
    return message_str;
    all these bean will run ok in the sun j2ee envrionment, but can not work in the application server.
    in the sun j2ee, I will run rmiregister and the run the rmi server, the applet then can invoke the rmi method.
    in the oracle9ias application server, how i can run the rmi server

  • Using socket and JMS protocol in the same logic for OSB

    Hi frnds,
    In my organization...the only communication protocol used is "socket" protocol. However, I want to use JMS protocol to process incoming messages. Can somebody help me figuring out how to go about it.
    Using some nice OSB blogs, I am able to create the JMS connection factory and JMS queues in weblogic. And that works fine when I select the communication protocol as JMS while creating the BS and PS.
    What should be my message flow when the communication protocol used is "socket" for both BS and PS.

    Make the BS as JMS and the PS as socket, in the PS's flow do a route for the BS... Then if an external call is made to the PS via socket, it will send a messages to a JMS queue...
    Hope this helps...

  • Help, new to Linux and need help installing 8i

    I am new to Linux and some of this stuff..
    Yet,I have gotten the JDK116_v5 installed and working on my box.
    I have cut a cd for Oracle8i and need help..
    I have also recopiled my kernal as well...
    Does any one know where I can get help...

    Al Pivonka (guest) wrote:
    : I am new to Linux and some of this stuff..
    : Yet,I have gotten the JDK116_v5 installed and working on
    : my box.
    : I have cut a cd for Oracle8i and need help..
    : I have also recopiled my kernal as well...
    : Does any one know where I can get help...
    Try http://www.akadia.com/html/dod-frame.html for Redhat.
    http://www.suse.de/~mha/oracle/ for SuSE
    Also peruse these

  • Problem with EJB and JMS - Failed to obtain/create connection

    hello ejb and jms programmers,
    My problem is my topic MDB keep on retrieving the same message when there is a database connection failure. Maybe somebody could help me how to prevent to retrieve the same data?
    - I purposedly turn off the pointbase database because im testing my error handling.
    - Im using SJSAS 8 as my application server.
    - My message Driven Bean of topic type.
    - Im using CMP for my entity bean
    Here is the scenario of whats happening - step by step:
    1. A separate application publishes a message to JMS queue server
    2. My MDB retrieves this message and do some processing then inserts a record (transaction history) in my database
    3. But my db is turned off or down
    4. My MDB sends a successful processing reply to the JMS queue server
    5. Then i noticed that my server.log keeps on growing so when i opened it, the record was not inserted and printed the stacktrace below "RAR5117 : Failed to obtain/create connection. Reason : javax.transaction.SystemException" (complete stacktrace below)
    6. I understand the cause of the stacktrace is because the DB is turned off. But what i dont understand is that my MDB keeps on reading the same message. Since my MDB is of topic type, isnt a topic MDB supposedly reads a message only once???
    So my questions are:
    1. how do i handle insert database error?
    2. how can i stop my MDB from processing the same message?
    3. any better suggestions?
    Thank you in advance :)
    *** more complete stack trace ***
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.097+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=17;|JTS5041: The resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction
         at com.pointbase.xa.xaException.getXAException(Unknown Source)
         at com.pointbase.xa.xaConnectionResource.start(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.gjc.spi.XAResourceImpl.start(XAResourceImpl.java:162)
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.167+0800|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5027:Unexpected exception in resource pooling
         at com.sun.jts.jta.TransactionImpl.enlistResource(TransactionImpl.java:185)
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransaction.enlistResource(J2EETransaction.java:360)
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransactionManagerImpl.enlistResource(J2EETransactionManagerImpl.java:303)
         at com.sun.enterprise.distributedtx.J2EETransactionManagerOpt.enlistResource(J2EETransactionManagerOpt.java:115)
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.177+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5117 : Failed to obtain/create connection. Reason : javax.transaction.SystemException|#]
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.227+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=17;|RAR5114 : Error allocating connection : [Error in allocating a connection. Cause: javax.transaction.SystemException]|#]
    [#|2005-01-09T15:35:57.237+0800|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=17;|EJB5071: Some remote or transactional roll back exception occurred
    com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.support.JDODataStoreException: JDO77006: SQL exception: state = null, error code = 0.
    NestedException: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: javax.transaction.SystemException
    FailedObjectArray: [[email protected]5ac]
         at com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.TransactionImpl.getConnectionInternal(TransactionImpl.java:1444)
         at com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.TransactionImpl.getConnection(TransactionImpl.java:1339)

    Hi annie,
    Wherever you are handling database transactions,
    you'd not be able to create a Connection if database
    is closed (I think you mentioned turning off the
    database) then at this condition, you should
    certainly throw a System level exception and stop all
    processing with some meaningful flow to indicate a
    failure (like display message on UI). Even
    network problems are handled by exceptions... so I
    don't see a reason why you didn't wrap it in the
    first place.
    Anyway, try handling specific exceptions rather than
    the general Exception... this will give you a better
    idea of what to do in case of an exception.Yes i know this. I am practicing this in my non-j2ee server applications. But the j2ee app im making, i just pass the db url in the descriptor and the app server automatically creates the connection for my app. So where would i put exception handling?
    2. how can i stop my MDB from processing the same
    message?Guaranteed delivery is not supposed to stop
    processing. It will continue to process the message
    after certain intervals till the message is
    delivered. You shouldn't deliver it at all, if you
    are able to detect that the database is off
    The problem here is that my MDB automatically retrieves the message from the JMS queue server. Im not the one retrieving the messages manually.
    My assumed behavior of topic MDB is once the a certain MDB retrieves a message it will not retrieve the same message anymore.
    thank you in advance.

  • Tutorial - How to triple boot OSX, Linux and Windows 8.1 with a shared Data Partition without any third party Win / OSX softwares

    This is not a question, but rather a personal guide that has proved to be running successfully.
    I would like to thank numerous sources, including Christopher Murphy's suggestions at:
    Re: Repairing Boot Camp after creating new partition
    Before proceeding, there are certain concepts needs to know:
    Why Boot Camp does NOT allow further partitioning of drives after Windows has installed?
    Answer: Because the way Apple configures the Mac to be recognized as non UEFI capable system on Windows.
    Quote from Christopher Murphy based on the above line:
    However, Windows on Macs right now use CSM-BIOS mode in Mac firmware that presents BIOS to Windows rather than EFI. Windows thinks it's on a BIOS computer, and therefore mandates the use of MBR for boot disks, rather than GPT. So that's why we have this hybrid MBR+GPT approach on Mac with Windows on it. You inherit the limitations of MBR, which is four primary partitions.
    So what does it means?
    It means that OSX + EFI + Recovery HD + Boot Camp partition = 4 primary partitions and thus any attempt to modify the disk will render booting issues of either system.
    For more info on GPT (GUID Partition Table disks VS Master Boot Record or MBR in short, you may visit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn640535%28v=vs.85%29.a spx)
    So, how to overcome it?
    The general guideline is to install ALL GPT ready OS first then create a Data partition, before installing Windows (Which is again, NOT supported GPT due to EFI configuration by Apple where end-users are not able to modify it).
    Interestingly, since Mac Pro 2013 Late supports only Windows 8 and above, thus it is not known if this CSM-BIOS applies to it or not.
    Do take note that GPT disks in Windows can only be booted when the system meets the 2 requirements:
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn640535%28v=vs.85%29.a spx#gpt_faq_win7_boot
    1) Windows x64 version (Which is a must for newer Macs. If you cannot go to Boot Camp 5, then you need Windows 7 x86 or 32bit version)
    2) UEFI system. However, Windows sees all Macs (With the possibility of Mac Pro 2013 Late is an exception. To be determined) as BIOS, or rather NON-UEFI system.
    In short, booting on GPT disks is not possible for Mac in Windows.
    It is tested that a combination of the following will not work:
    - OSX + Windows + Linux
    - Windows + OSX + Linux
    - Windows + Linux + OSX
    Usually it can create the system un-bootable or OSX refused to install due to the system does not recognize such partitions and / or Disk Utility refused to format a free space. An example screen-shot is provided below:
    The error message is shown as
    Title: "Failed to erase volume" Message: "Failed to wipe volume, as an error occurred: MediaKit has reported that the device does not have enough free space to execute the requested operations."
    The second thing is about the preparations we need.
    1) 1X Windows 7 or 8 DVD or USB thumbdrive
    1A) If you uses a DVD to install, you will need another thumbdrive to load the BootCamp drivers for Windows as well as may requires an external DVD drive for newer Macs
    2) 1X Linux DVD of your choice. Personally I choose Fedora 20.
    So ready? Let's go.
    1. Using Disk Utility, shrink the OSX's partition size to what is needed. For me, I give OSX 150GB. Do NOT create any new partition.
    Disk Utility should see something like below whereby only OSX partition is left with desired disk space. The remaining space are to be unused disk space for the moment.
    Note: Click on the top most item that should start with the size of your HDD / SSD. Then clicked on "Partition" and specify the desired OSX size. Hit "Apply" after that.
    2: Download Boot Camp drivers only via Boot Camp Assistant. The USB thumbdrive shall be used later after Linux's installation.
    Boot Camp Assistant should see this:
    I have only selected "Download latest Windows Support Files from Apple"
    3. Insert Linux DVD, reboot Mac into EFI mode (The left most first "EFI mode").
    Note 1: Before rebooting, please plugged in an Ethernet adapter because Wi-Fi drivers is not installed.
    Note 2: For Thunderbolt adapters, it must be plugged in before reboot as hot-swapping is not supported under Linux. More on the tips at the end of this article.
    Note 3: Press and hold "Option" after the screen turns black. Release Option key after you see the image as below:

    For the unfortunate part that did not make it on time to edit the images:
    9. Install the Windows Support software from your CD/USB drive to gain full functionality of your computer. Reboot and go to Windows again.
    Note 1: You may choose to eject disc at this point of time. For Apple SuperDrive users, you will need to wait until the drivers (i.e. Boot Camp support files) is installed and rebooted before ejecting is reasonably possible (As I failed to figured out how to right click without the drivers)
    Note 2: Unlike Windows 7 on KBase article TS4599 Keyboard/trackpad inoperative, black screen, or alert messages when installing Windows 7, USB stick can be plugged in after the Windows installation is done. This is because Windows 7 (And probably Windows 7 with SP1 DVD) does not have a built in USB 3 drivers when it was released back in 2009 where USB3 has not arrived then.
    Note 3: Due to TPM, Bitlocker is not supported without the use of thumbdrives.
    10. Using Disk Management to determine the given drive letter for the DATA partition (DO NOT DELETE and RECREATE partition or else you can goodbye to booting Linux and OSX). Disk Management will not allow you to format it as exFAT / FAT32 in graphical way.
    Note: You may remove or modify some of the disk letters in Disk Management. However, do NOT remove / modfify the drive letter for the partition with 200MB size in HFS. This is because it will disallow booting of Linux and neither could Windows nor OSX can do anything EXCEPT to reinstall Linux only.
    11. Open Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (Important!!), and key in the following command:
    format F: /FS:exFAT
    Give this volume a label after it has successfully formatted before hitting "Enter" again.
    Note: Mine Data partition was assigned as F drive. Please make necessary adjustment to "F:" should your Data partition is assigned to other letters.
    12. After that, Setup your Data partition structure as you like.
    Tip: Minimally create the important folders such as:
    - Music
    - Documents
    - Movie (Videos)
    - Downloads
    - Pictures
    All these folders are commonly used by the 3 OSes. I do NOT recommend changing of /home (OSX and / or Linux) and / or user home directory (Windows) either partially or as a whole.
    This is because of compatibility issue.
    On a side note, iTunes Media Library used in OSX and Windows are NOT able to be use interchangably due to hard-coded path used.
    13. Useful troubleshooting in Fedora / Linux:
    With references to these:
    http://anderson.the-silvas.com/2014/02/14/fedora-20-on-a-macbook-pro-13-late-201 3-retina-display/
    I would like to highlight a few important points:
    1) Wi-Fi driver:
    Note 1: The sound driver should be installed at Out of Box Experience. However, the Wi-Fi is not.
    Note 2: Install both free and non-free repository. By the way, some other software like VLC can only be found after the Free Repository is installed.
    Search for "akmod-wl" in Gnome-Package-Installer in order to install Wi-Fi drivers
    Note 3: For those who do not have Ethernet adapters and their Mac does NOT have a built-in Ethernet port, it is recommended to get one. This is because Fedora 20 does not have a good support for iPhone USB tethering. Unsure for Andriod / Blackberry / Windows Phone users.
    2) Grub Menu:
    It will show several options to boot into OSX, even of the capability to boot into x86 or x64 mode. However, neither of them is bootable except Linux and the rescue.
    Hence, it is recommended to remove the items by hand in this file:
    Command to be used:
    "sudo gedit /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg"
    Parts to be removed:
    - For any extra kernels, delete the target entry by locating the line "menuentry" under "/etc/grub.d/10_linux" sector to one line above the next "menuentry".
    It is recommended to keep one main kernel, and one recovery at the minimal.
    - For other OS, delete all the entry (Since neither it can works) under "/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober" sector without removing the lines starts with ###.
    Auto Mount exFAT partition:
    - After installing extra packages for exFAT support (Since it is not supported by Fedora 20 from a default installation), you may wish to edit "/etc/fstab" in order to mount the exFAT partition during boot time.
    Command to be used:
    "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"
    Add the following line in gedit:
    UUID=702D-912D /run/media/Samuel/DATA                   exfat    defaults        1 2
    Note 1: For DATA partition, OSX & Boot Camp partition, Fedora defaults mounts under: "/run/medua/<Username with case sensitive>/<Partition Label Name>"
    Note 2: UUID is unique ID. You can find out the UUID by:
    Step 1: First determine the DATA partition number:
    "sudo gdisk /dev/sda"
    Step 2: Determine the UUID of this partition number:
    "sudo blkid /dev/sda8"
    Reference 1: http://manpages.courier-mta.org/htmlman5/fstab.5.html
    Reference 2: http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2007/10/15/short-tip-get-uuid-of-hard-disks/
    3) Overheating CPU
    Solution is to issue the following command in Linux terminal: su -c "echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo"
    4) System resumes immediately after suspend
    Solution is to issue the following command in Linux terminal: su -c "echo XHC1 > /proc/acpi/wakeup"
    5) What does not works well out of box:
    - Both GNOME and KDE's fonts are too small to be readable for out of box experience. Additional configuration is a need. (Some of the info can be found on "More Tips" later)
    - Thunderbolt hotplugging is NOT supported under Windows and Linux so far. Neither FaceTime HD camera works as well.
    - The red light in Headphone jack is always on. I do not have luck in switching off the light without losing the sound.
    Note 1: It is determined that the module "snd_hda_intel" is used by both cards (HDMI and normal output)
    Note 2: It is also known that blacklisting it can switch off the redlight at the price of muting the system.
    Note: Based on this article, http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1574
    A Mac (Except Mac Pro) needs servicing when there is a red light while the system fails to detect internal speakers. However, this article does NOT applies to this issue.
    5A) More Tips:
    Install gnome-tweak-tool for more customization
    Search for: "gnome-package" to install:
    Install Gnome Package Installer for advanced package repository
    Install Gnome Package Updater for advanced updates to be install (Whereby Fedora's App Store alike might not show the relevant updates)
    14. Verify if disk is still GPT:
    Use Gdisk to determine if the disk is pure GPT:
    Command: sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda (The entire hard drive)
    You should see the MBR is "Protective" instead of anything else.
    15. Congrats, the system is ready for triple boot. (I forgot to eject my Windows DVD when the photo was taken)
    Note 1: You cannot set the default startup disk in Linux due to the lack of Boot Camp Control Panel in Linux.
    Neither is changing startup disk recommended in Windows due to the inability to display correctly.
    For me, I click "Cancel" whenever I am on this tab (Feel free to make other Boot Camp adjustments in other tabs).
    Only OSX I know that can show the startup disk options correctly.
    Note 2: For some reason, OSX likes to auto mount the EFI partition everytime it boots up. It is not known to have any issue for ejecting other disks or mounting disks via Disk Utility.
    Note 3: It is not determined if any Firmware or System upgrades will cause issues. It is only known that all 3 OS's regular updates should not be an issue.
    System Updates excludes Mac OSX 10.9.3 updates to OSX 10.9.4 type as I had done it on a OSX 10.9.4 Mac or Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1 Update 1 since my Windows DVD comes with Update 1.
    System Upgrades refers to OSX Mavericks to Yosemite, Fedora 20 to Fedora 21, Windows 8.1 Update 1 to Windows 8.2 / Windows 9 for that matter.
    Note 4: Reset SMC and / or PRAM will NOT affect your ability to boot any of the OS (OSX, Recovery HD, Fedora & Windows 8)
    Yup, that is it!

  • [SOLVED-partly] Linux and no internet connection

    Well, since mid November I have nothing but problems with my Arch Linux machine. I can't get any internet connection on that machine. I have a network at home with 2 windows machines (XP & Vista), a Windows 2003 server running as an Exchange server and DNS server and Domain controller and ps3, xbox 360 and Wii. The two windows machines run on a static IP, the ps3, xbox 360 and Wii run on dhcp. All machines run on LAN through a switch except the Wii it runs on wireless. Now my Arch Linux machine also runs on static IP set up as described in the installation guide via rc.conf, hosts and resolv.conf. As mentioned earlier since mid November I haven't been able to get any internet connection on that machine. I haven't changed anythnig in my setup on the machine or the network. when i start the machine for the first time during a day I actually do the get internet connection and network connection but if I restart then I lose it. I am not able to ping the gateway or the DNS server. I can get interrnet back again I turn off the machine and turn off the motherboard and let the machine cool off for 20 minutes. Then if I turn it on again I have internet again but if i'll have to restart then the problem reappears.
    After two weeks with this issue I decided to get network card but that didn't help either I still had the problem. Then I simply bought a new machine (DELL Studio) and did a fresh installation of Arch and STILL the problem exists and it is driving me FREAKING CRAZY NOW!!! I tried to my machine on dhcp but still the same issue. internet on first boot, reboot no internet or network, shutdown machine and motherboard (unplug machine) --> internet again after waiting 20 minutes. None of my other machines running windows or the consoles have problems getting internet. I've tried to run distros on the machines (Ubuntu Live CD) but I have the same problem. I am very close to going back to windows and I REALLY don't want to (been using Linux since 2003) but this problem here is a show stopper/EPIC FAIL. I am very very happy with Arch Linux and really don't want to change distro either. I need suggestions now on what I can look for in order to find the problem. I've already changed network cards, bought a new machine and even bought new switch because we thought it might be the switch causing the problems (8 port switch) because turning off the switch would give me my internet back. Again it is only my Linux machine that is having the connection problems none of the other machines have those.
    Kind Regards
    Last edited by fettouhi (2008-12-19 07:27:01)

    Well, I celebrated a bit to fast after 30 minutes or so I lost internet connection but not by restarting. I didn't use the computer for like 30 minutes and when I did tried to open a browser nothing happended. I tried then to ping the gateway and the server but couldn't reach them. So I turned off the computer completely for 20 minutes and then I started again and chenged the DNS address from my server to the DNS addresses I get directly from my ISP. So I'm going around the server now and seems to work for now. This morning I could start the machine and restart it 2 times and every time I had internet. Hope this solves it for now, still don't understand what the problem is though.

  • Share files between Arch Linux and XP Home

    Hi, I have an Arch Linux desktop and a XP Home Laptop both connected to a Billion 7401 ADSL Router to get to the internet. If I am using any computer sometimes I have a need to use files from the other one, and from an external HDD connected to the XP laptop. I have been googling for the last 3 weeks but could not find a concrete solution to this issue, maybe because I don't understand much about networking or p2p, and samba. Looks like I have to spend more money on either another computer to be setup as a server or on a router or hub or switch? But I thought my Billion Router is already a router? I wonder if you can please help me to solve this problem or point me to a good link? Thanks a lot.

    SSHFS is another more Linux native option for sharing files (and it can be compatible with XP too using special programs).
    As I understand it XP Home uses simple file sharing which can be really insecure depending on your needs.  Once when I ran a computer with Linux and was needing to set up a samba share I discovered massive issues since (at the time) I was connecting regularly over a shared wireless network among untrusted persons.  I ended up looking into using SSH tunneling to overcome the issues associated with XP Home's Simple File sharing and that is when I came across SSHFS.
    Whatever you do make sure to read this about XP Home's "Simple Filesharing"
    http://www.centerlineit.com/index.php?v … q&Itemid=9
    It's important you understand it.
    Last edited by davidm (2010-04-12 04:01:34)

  • [SOLVED]Arch Linux, and Windows 8.1 Dual Boot issue

    Hi guys. I recently bought a new laptop, and decided to run Arch Linux and Windows 8.1. I installed Windows 8.1 first as recommended by the beginners guide, and then installed Arch Linux. I made sure UEFI was enabled in my BIOS, and made sure everything was on a GPT partition. The install itself went fine. My laptop loads grub, and Arch Linux shows up and boots, but there is no option to boot into Windows 8.1. The only way I can boot into Windows 8.1 is by accessing my motherboard, and choosing to launch the windows boot manager instead of the grub launcher. How can I get Windows 8.1 to show up in grub? Thanks in advance guys.
    Last edited by Painguy (2014-08-20 20:19:37)

    Painguy wrote:
    Yeah just ran this after installing os prober
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    and it works now. Sorry for the crazy posts guys. Thanks for the suggestions and help.
    Yeah I'm sure I'm doing something wrong lol. I did not install OS-Prober. I think that's where the issue is. I'm missing the menu entry in grub.cfg right? Do I just run os prober or do I have to manually edit grub.cfg.
    If that's not the case then here is what I did up until now. What I did was start with a blank SSD drive. I used cgdisk to make the disk use a GPT partitioning scheme. I installed windows 8.1 and checked in windows to make sure it boots into UEFI-GPT mode and it does.  I then installed arch linux using the beginners guide. I made sure to use cgdisk to create any extra partitions, and installed GRUB to the efi partition that windows had created ( I did not format this partition ). I then finished the installation and rebooted, and Grub only shows arch linux. I don't think I'm dealing with anything MBR related. I made sure I used the GPT partitioning scheme....i think lol.
    All you need to do is run os-prober then run grub-mkconfig. It should pick up Windows at that point.

  • Compare creation of Datasources and JMS Queues : SAP vs (Weblogic/Websphere

    I am used to creating JDBC Datasources and JMS Queues on Weblogic/Websphere thru their Admin applications.
    Can someone compare/contrast that process to that on SAP's netweaver ( either using NWA or Visual Administrator).

    Hi Parag,
    For the process of creating JDBC datasources and JMS resources @ SAP NetWeaver you can refer to the documents here on SDN and help.sap.com, and compare that process for yourself, thus not being influenced by others' biased or unbiased opinions.
    For NetWeaver 04 and 04s these would be:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/b0/6e62f30cbe9e44977c78dbdc7a6b27/frameset.htm">JDBC Connector Service</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/22/cf4e71c46cdb4da31153be96c5389f/frameset.htm">JMS Connector Service</a>
    For the <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/javaee5">Java EE 5 Edition</a>:
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/7bb9751d-0e01-0010-febd-c3adce2c408c">Working with Database Tables, DataSources and JMS Resources</a>
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/806e75a0-0e01-0010-2587-fc518de8ac1a">Administration Guide</a> -> section "Application Resources Management" (pages 89-104)
    Hope that helps!
    Your feedback/findings are very welcome!

  • How to set owner-only access file permissions both on Linux and Windows

    Hi everybody.
    I have the following problem. I need to store some private user information in file system. So I need to set owner-only access permissions for some directory in user home. I did not find API for doing this. As I understand this is platform specific thing. Could anybody tell me how can I do this both on Linux and Windows?
    Thank you in advance.

    More ideas just came back to me (of something I did before)
    Each OS requires a different control.
    For Windows you will need to set the .policy file for each user (a pain if you have more than a dozen of clients) granting access (R or RW) to files/directories.
    Then you have to write some native code (access via JNI) to access/modify your authorization.
    A more professional solution that I used was J-Integra (other similar tool exist).
    Basically it is a bridge between Java and COM. It magically give you access to the COM API from Java (and vice versa).
    In my case it was to read/write/modify Winword documents transfered between PC and server.
    From memory you have to run the com2java.exe to build the bridge (classes in Java language) between the 2 families. Compile those classes and you have a "driver" for the COM (Microsoft Objects).
    Here I must confess my ignorance on Microsoft.
    Those COM objets must give you some easy/integrated access to the API for LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory Service (for centralize control with more complex setup).

  • Installing linux and unix on my macbook pro without using vmware

    I was browsing through the forum and bumped into a topic where the best advice for installing linux application is the following:
    However, I have not tested this out therefore I am pretty reluctant to put this on my laptop which is currently running MAC OS X 10.5.8. (4gb ram). If anyone have done this please let me know.
    1) My question: Is this a reliable method to run linux applications on MAC OS natively using the x11 from Apple?
    Note: I have vmware and I personally don't prefer booting a separate OS on my computer just to use one or two apps. However if that is the only solution I already have ubuntu running on my vmware. Also I wanted to completely wipe off my vmware and the ISO images (ubuntu and win xp) to free up the space in my hard drive. If I have to use ubuntu which may be a "safer solution" than run linux applications on my hard drive then I will stick to the vmware method.
    If someone could give me some insight in this topic then I would greatly appreciated their help.
    p.s. I want to install xilinx web-pack and other useful softwares that are only available in linux, ubuntu and win xp/vista/w7. My goal is to completely transform my laptop from dual booting ubuntu and win xp to just run mac snow leopard (in the near future).
    Thanks in advance,
    Pirakalan S.
    Message was edited by: Pirakalan S.

    Basically I want to run linux and unix applications without running vmware on my mac os x. I heard there is a way to use x11 and FinkCommander (http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/) application. However, I am unable to figure out how to install programs such as xilinx ise (http://www.xilinx.com/ise/logicdesignprod/foundation.htm) on my MacBook Pro using FinkCommander. In addition, xilinx ise runs on linux and windows however not mac.
    In simple words I want to solely use Leapord (not snow leapord) to run applications such xilinx ise (which is only available on windows platform or linux).
    I recently shifted from windows xp platform to mac and I rarely use vmware after making the shift. Therefore, I am trying to find a solution where I don't require vmware at all, my plan is to remove vmware from my hard drive.
    I just restated what I stated in the previous post in a simpler manner, sorry for any miscommunication on the earlier post. I am looking for a step by guide to install linux applications on my mac. I am at a process of learn linux at the moment so I am kind of slow when it comes to linux and mac. Especially when it comes to installing using command line not GUI.
    I just want to know if there is a solution out there for running linux based applications to run on my mac.

  • Differences between Oracle Linux and CentOS

    Dear ALL
    I need differences between Oracle Linux and Cent OS, which is the better OS to install Oracle11gR2.
    Kindly send me the benefits and percentage if anybody can...

    11gR2 is not certified to be installed on CentOS, so from that perspective alone, OEL is the only choice.

  • What is the Difference between AQ adpater and JMS adapter??

    What is the Difference between AQ adpater and JMS adapter in BPEL11g??
    In what scenarios we go for AQ and for what scenarios we go for JMS adapter???

    Go for AQ when using Oracle Advanced Queueing (the database stuff).
    Use JMS when using JMS (in memory of file queues)
    Peter Paul

  • EJB and JMS (newbie)

              I'm looking to deploy what is essentially a message-broking service. A bean that
              will invoke a helper class which will dequeue messages.
              Basically I want to set up our consumer to invoke a handler, which will invoke
              a bean that provides message-broking services as described above.
              The handler that invokes the bean is to be called from the WLSConsumer. The problem
              is that I'm now getting a java.io.NotSerializableException on the WLS consumer.
              This is probably a really obvious question, but how can I get around this?
              My structure is:
              Consumer >> Handler >> Bean >> Helper
              The consumer is to call the handler, which uses the bean's helper class to pull
              a message off the queue, and do some intermediate processing on it.
              We're using an older version of J2EE, on Weblogic 5.1.
              Which classes do I need to implement Serializable?
              Thanks in anticipation.

    Hi Seoh!
    Both stateles and JMS can participate in a single transaction, but because two
    resource managers are being used they must use the 2PC protocol, In oreder to
    use the 2PC u need to get the license from the bea and after that u need to enable
    the 2PC in WLS through admin conbsole. But remember that transactions in stateless
    beans cant span across multiple method incocations

Maybe you are looking for