OCI 11g linking issue

I have an application that uses OCI for RDB data access. It works fine with 10.2 Now I am trying to compile it (in visual studio 8) with OCI version 11.
I made sure all the paths and libraries are properly included. The libraries compile but the executable is not linked.
The following error shows up.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol OCIStmtPrepare. (the same line appears with most of the oci calls I made).
Just to cheat the compiler I copied the oci.lib from the 10.2 version and relinked the executable, the linker error is gone. The executable is created (this only proves that the paths and libraries are prperly set). But when I run it the application does not crashes with system error (as expected). Can someone please shed some light on what could be wrong and a possible solution for this probelm.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Hi Venkata,
it was not my intention to confuse you. I have a filter that gives me all forum entries when the word "RDB" is used. To find hidden questions about Oracle Rdb which is not Oracle RDBMS. And there was a possibility that you are really using Oracle Rdb because there exists an interface to run native OCI applications against Oracle Rdb.
Oracle Rdb is the DBMS that has been acquired by Oracle from Digital back in 1994. See here if you are interested: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/rdb/overview/index.html
So if you say "I am using ORACLE RDB ... and the database I am trying to connect to is version 10.2" then you meant that you are using Oracle RDBMS 10.2. Oracle Rdb highest version is 7.2.
Sorry to have stepped in here, but as it is clear now that your database is a 10g database, I can't contribute to your problem.

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    qwe16235 wrote:
    Our source is Oracle data base, where S_date is defined as DATE. Why did you say STRING , when it defined as DATE data type?I doubt you source is an Oracle database. You may have it stored in an Oracle database, but it cam form somewhere else, and was very likely inserted into the table as a string, wherever it came from. Given a string that resembles a date, Oracle will try to convert it to a date using the nls_date_format parameter for the session (which can either be set in the session or inherited form the database). Perhaps this will help explain:
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    Table created.
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-rr';
    Session altered.
    SQL> insert into t values ('Implicit', '01-jun-31');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values ('Explicit', to_date('01-jun-1931', 'dd-mon-yyyy'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select conv_type, to_char(dt, 'dd-mon-yyyy') dt
      2  from t;
    Implicit   01-jun-2031
    Explicit   01-jun-1931So, unless you are really inserting dates, not strings that look like dates, you are going to have problems.

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    Hi Alex
    Hmmm, before investigating too deeply, I'm seeing some
    familiarity here. For starters, the first link is to a .PDF. It's
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    Staff_Conduct ).
    Other wierdness I've seen when linking to .PDF content:
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    to open.
    * I think this one is IE specific, but I've also seen it
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    link fails. With the totally correct address showing in the address
    bar. I simply refresh the page and bingo, the PDF shows! Go figure.
    I really don't believe that this one is related to Captivate and
    the way it calls the links. My gut tells me it's an IE thing. But I
    have nothing to back me up on this.
    I'm not sure what to say or suggest for the second link. I
    tested it myself and it doesn't work, which tells me that either
    the link is simply incorrect, or possibly it's located on an
    intranet site.
    Sincerely... Rick

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    We are implementing SRM 5 .0 EBP .From the home screen when link "SHOP" is clicked , we can see the links for OCI catalogs .Say there are 5 OCI links --> link1 , link2 , link3 , linkn4 and link5 .
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Why not just remove the links that are not allowed? That's a lot more user friendly and quite an elegant solution. In the rest of this post I'll describe the steps necessary to achieve this. This depends on the WAS version though!
    1. Go to SE80
    2. Function Group: BBP_SC_UI_ITS
    3. Open Include LBBP_SC_UI_ITSF73
    4. Press Shift+F4 (Enhancement)
    5. In the menu: Edit->Enhancement Operations->Show Implicit Enhancement Options
    6. Right click on the first enhancement option (just below the FORM - line 13 in my system) and select Enhancement Implementation->Create
    7. Select "Code" in the popup screen
    8. in the following popup give it a name (Z_HIDE_OCI_LINKS) and description (Hide OCI links), leave the last input field empty and continue
    9. Select a package (as with normal developments)
    10. Enter the wanted code between the 2 enhancement tags:
      DATA: ls_item TYPE t_scr_itmovr_i.
      CLEAR ls_item.
    * check if the item table is not initial
      IF gt_scr_itmovr_i IS NOT INITIAL.
    *   select the first item
    *   delete all the catalogs that are not the same as from the 1st item
        DELETE gt_catalogs_sorted WHERE service_id NE ls_item-catalogid.
    11. Save and activate the enhancement.
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    Link flags:
    LDFLAGS = -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib32 \
    -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/lib32 \
    -locci -locci9 -lclntsh \
    `cat /u01/home/oracle/product/920/lib32/sysliblist`
    Linker errors:
    /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
    typeinfo for oracle::occi::SQLException(first referenced in occidesc.o) (data)
    oracle::occi::SQLException::SQLException[in-charge](oracle::occi::SQLException const&)(first referenced in occidesc.o) (code)
    oracle::occi::Environment::createEnvironment(oracle::occi::Environment::Mode, void*, void* (*)(void*, unsigned long), void* (*)(void*, void*, unsigned long), void (*)(void*, void*))(first referenced in occidesc.o) (code)
    oracle::occi::MetaData::getBoolean(oracle::occi::MetaData::AttrId) const(first referenced in occidesc.o) (code)
    oracle::occi::MetaData::operator=(oracle::occi::MetaData const&)(first referenced in occidesc.o) (code)
    oracle::occi::MetaData::getUInt(oracle::occi::MetaData::AttrId) const(first referenced in occidesc.o) (code)

    I can't find any documentation referencing supported compiler for OCCI. Do you know of any from Oracle that support my environment?
    Oracle 9.2
    HPUX B.11.00 A

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    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
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    We are sitting on 11gR2 . I have one issue , where one of the db link refuse to work because of the wrong password. on 11g , we can find the password for db links.well, is there any workaround of these situation , as we can not recreate the db links , as this db links is being used by many schames.
    SQL> select * from [email protected] ;
    select * from [email protected]
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    ORA-02063: preceding line from RDSAP
    -------db link ddl-------
    create database link
    connect to PDM9 identified by  using 'rdsap'

    Hi All,
    We are sitting on 11gR2 . I have one issue , where one of the db link refuse to work because of the wrong password. on 11g , we can find the password for db links.well, is there any workaround of these situation , as we can not recreate the db links , as this db links is being used by many schames.
    SQL> select * from [email protected] ;
    select * from [email protected]
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    ORA-02063: preceding line from RDSAP
    -------db link ddl-------
    create database link
    connect to PDM9 identified by  using 'rdsap'
    ;See, the error is very much straight forward. Username/Password that you have specified in DB link is not correct.
    Drop the exsiting DBlink and recreate it with correct Username and Password.
    Also just a small thing that you can take care is of the "CASE" of your password since 11g is case sensitive for passwords...

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    You need to repost this in the OBI-EE forum.

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    When we execute the script manually everything works fine. But while executing the same script using the LINUX - crontab the script failed to execute the DB link and throws the below error message
    Error Message:
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Error loading the files
    Anyone come accross this error before? please help
    Thanks in advance

    user4883361 wrote:
    Hi sb92075:
    How about Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver?
    does this driver will permit me to create a DB link between 11g and 8i?
    Since it is not possible to prove a negative, you are left with the challenge to prove me wrong.
    If you can make it work, then I was incorrect.
    Please post your conclusion here, after you determine the answer to your question.

  • Command Link Issue

    I am using Jdevloper 11g.
    I am facing issue with the following code.
    In brief - I am taking Value from session and want to display those values as Command link on jspx, in af:forEach.
    When I bind that Command Link with Managed Bean that time it displays Last Element only (Code given below).
    When I removed Binding ( binding="#{ManagedBean.schemeName}") at that time it displays all the values on page as Command Link.
    Binding is required for my app to find Link text. Is there any alternative?
      <af:forEach var="item"    items="#{sessionScope.SchemeList}">
    <af:commandLink text="#{item.schemeName}"
                                                    id="cb14" immediate="true"  partialSubmit="true"
                                                     inlineStyle="#{item.eligibilStatus eq 'Y' ? 'color:black' : 'color:Red'}"
    </af:forEach>Thank You,

    Thank you,
    The solution you had given that is working.
    Now my issue is I have created Programmatically VO.
    I refereed following link to create Programmatically VO
    but My issue is how to set VOs Bind Variable Value.
    Because have to send that value from the bean.
    In above link they took two inputText to set Bind Variable value but in my condition I cannot take InputText.
    I am setting that value in my Managed bean as shown below.
    public void schemeChangeListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
          OperationBinding opBinding =
          opBinding.getParamsMap().put("custID", customerID.getValue().toString());
          opBinding.getParamsMap().put("accountType", (CommonUtil.evaluateEL("#{bindings.ADAccountType.attributeValue}")).toString());
          opBinding.getParamsMap().put("productID", (CommonUtil.evaluateEL("#{bindings.DMAProductId.attributeValue}")).toString());
          opBinding.getParamsMap().put("entityID", homeEntityID);
          opBinding.getParamsMap().put("schemeCode", linkText);
    }and I have taken that VO as Table on jspx page.
    Issue is before going to bean method it goes to View object and show NullPointerException because the values never get set.
    The above code is called when the commandLink is clicked code given below.
    <af:commandLink text="#{item.schemeName}"
                                                  id="sName" immediate="true"  partialSubmit="true"
                                                  inlineStyle="#{item.eligibilStatus eq 'Y' ? 'color:black' : 'color:Red'}"
                                                  actionListener="#{MakBean.schemeChangeListener}"/>is there any solution how can I set the Bind Variable value from bean and get Expected result in table.
    Thank you

  • Crystal Reports 11g Performance Issue

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    Our DEV and TEST environments are on 11g and are very slow to connect to the database and attach to specific tables.  It is unusable.  Our PROD environment is still 10g and works fine.  
    We  have tested with both the lastest version -  Crystal Reports 2008 V1  and  Crystal Reports XI R2 SP6.  We have also tested on several different machines.
    We are using Oracle 10g ODBC drivers.
    Does anyone have any recommendations?

    You could also try our Data direct drivers we have available on our WEB site using this [link|https://smpdl.sap-ag.de/~sapidp/012002523100008666562008E/cr_datadirect53_win32.zip].
    Those drivers are the most recent and do support 11g. It also has a wired driver that doesn't require the client to be installed.
    Also, highly recommended that when you do update the Oracle client to uninstall 10 first. There have been issues with CR and Oracle mixing the Oracle dependencies and causing problems.
    Thank you

  • Database links issue ORA-01017 ORA-02063

    Oracle 11g R1 , RHEL 5 64bit
    HI all,
    I am having this strange issue with my database links. They used to work in the past but now they are not. Here is what I have checked:
    - All the TNSnames.ora file entries are there and are correct...I double checked with tnsping
    - I changed all the passwords to be the same on all environments (DEV/QA/PROD)
    - I have dropped and re-created all the database links
    However, I still get the same error when I test them:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ORA-02063: preceding line from <database_name>
    Here are the links created on DEV:
    SQL> select * from dba_db_links;
    The above links were created using the following syntax:
    SQL> conn sys as sysdba
    Enter password:
    SQL> create public database link FPRCQA.FPRC.OPHTH.WISC.EDU using 'FPRCQA';
    Database link created.
    SQL> create public database link FPRCPROD.FPRC.OPHTH.WISC.EDU using 'FPRCPROD';
    Database link created.
    SQL> conn fprchr
    Enter password:
    Database link created.
    Database link created.
    Now when I do a simple query, I get the error:
    SQL> select count(*) from fprchr.department@FPRCQA;
    select count(*) from fprchr.department@FPRCQA
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    ORA-02063: preceding line from FPRCQA
    I have read some notes on metalink, but they were talking about situations where you have a 10g database connecting to an 11g database and the whole password case-sensitivity issue, but this is not the case here as all the databases are 11g.
    I would appreciate any and all help on this issue.
    Thank you much.

    The documentation has the answer:
    user IDENTIFIED BY passwordSpecify the username and password used to connect to the remote database using a fixed user database link. If you omit this clause, the database link uses the username and password of each user who is connected to the database. This is called a connected user database link.>
    Since you haven't specified user/password in your public database links, then Oracle will try to create a connection on the remote db with the same user/password who is trying to use the database link. If the user doesn't exists or has a different password then you get an error (the same you mentioned in you original post)

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