Odd dynamic behaviour: tree to textarea

I built an apex page with an apex tree and a textarea. The goal is to be able to click on an item in the tree which then will be added (concatenated) to the already existing value of the textarea.
This is working nicely, however everytime I click the item in the tree the value is added twice to the textarea.
This is how I did the setup:
- I created a page region with a hierarchical tree in which the link object (in the tree query) sets the value of an intermediate item P3_ITEMS through 'javascript:setValue("P3_ITEMS","'||ITEM_CODE||'")'
- After clicking the object in the tree, a dynamic action, which is triggered by an 'onChange' event of the P3_ITEM, then fires a pl/sql expression which concatenates the current P3_TEXTAREA value with the intermediate P3_ITEMS value
As noted above: this is working but results in the tree value being added twice.
I can solve this by changing the onChange to onClick in the dynamic action, but then the user will have to click twice to add the value to the textarea: once on the tree, and once on the intermedia P3_ITEMS value....
Anybody got any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi... that explains the local part at least - bit nervous about mucking around with such things - but the http://artperth.com/01-artistsfilter.html is also returning blanks online - at my end at least. I had thought it might be a mac/firefox thing but then thought perhaps the online samples use a different set of files.

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                return super.processKeyBinding(ks, e, condition, pressed);
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                return super.processKeyBinding(ks, e, condition, pressed);
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                return super.processKeyBinding(ks, e, condition, pressed);
              } else if (ks == KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, 0)) {
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              } else {
                return true;
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                if (text.length() > (caretPos - 1) && caretPos != 0) {
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         frm.getContentPane().add(new KeyBoardINputTest());

    I fixed the problem by using my keyListener itself
    myTA.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
           public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
              JTextArea textArea = (JTextArea) e.getSource();     
              if (textArea.getSelectionStart() == textArea.getSelectionEnd()) {
                if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) {
                   int caretPos = textArea.getCaretPosition();
                   String text = textArea.getText();
                   if (text.length() > (caretPos - 1) && caretPos != 0) {
                     if (caretPos - 1 != -1) {
                        if (text.charAt(caretPos - 1) != '"') {
                } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) {
                int caretPos = textArea.getCaretPosition();
                   String text = textArea.getText();
                   if (text.length() > caretPos) {
                     if (text.charAt(caretPos) != '"') {
              } else {

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    N Gallagher,
    I had the problem earluer, but it got far worse with 10.6.5, however, I fixed it by updating my wacom tablet driver.
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    Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer
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    WLBCmpTreeViewAdapter::WLBCmpTreeViewAdapter(IPMUnknown* boss):ListTreeViewAdapter(boss){
    K2Vector<PMString> lists;
    for (int32 i = 0; i< 12; i++){
    PMString name(kWLBCmpItemBaseKey);name.AppendNumber(i+1);name.Translate();lists.push_bac k(name);}
    InterfacePtr<IStringListData> iListData(
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        //load affy file data to the application
        loader = new AffyFileLoader();
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        rawDataNode = treePanel.addObject(null, "Raw Data");
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        pixelNode = treePanel.addObject(rawDataNode, node);
        node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new UserData("Signal", loader.getSignalMatrix()));
        signalNode = treePanel.addObject(rawDataNode, node);
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    thanks in advance!

    You'll have to redesign a bit. You could either have the separate thread add the node when it's finished (using SwingUtilities invokeLater to ensure you're updating the GUI in the Event Dispatch thread), or you could have the separate thread call-back or send an event when it's finished (and your main thread would listen).

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    I new to java as well as JSF. I am very impressed with the jsf and Sun Java Creator IDE. I made a sample project.
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    To dynamically load a Basic Table (ui:table) from a database, see http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/learning/tutorials/2/databoundcomponents.html
    To dynamically load a Basic Table from other sources of data that are loaded into an array or such, see http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/divas?entry=table_component_sample_project
    To dynamically CREATE a Basic Table, see http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/reference/tips/2/createTableDynamically.html and http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/reference/tips/2/add_component_to_table.html
    To dynamically create an HTML table on the fly, see section 7.5 in Chapter 7 of the Field Guide at http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/learning/bookshelf/index.html
    To dynamically create a tree, see Dynamic Tree example at http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/jscreator/reference/index.jsp.
    A tutorial for dynamically creating a tree from a database is work in progress.
    Hope this helps,

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    I have been trying to develop a small, simple filter for an xml-based artist database and whilst I can get it to work without issue in Safari I seem to be having some odd problems with Firefox ... both on a Mac (Safari 4.04 and Firefox 3.6)
    Page - for reference - is here: http://artperth.com/01-artistsfilter.html
    Ideally I'm trying to get it so a click highlights rather than extracts particular artists but my head has been pulled away by these problems.
    Essentially in Firefox nothing is displayed in regards to the dynamic elements.
    I had thought it might be a problem with my code but discovered an anamoly with the supplied samples.
    The classic example is both online (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/data_region/DataSetObserver.html) and in the set of files you can download (Spry_1_6_1_022408).
    The online version functions without issue whereas the offline version just returns blanks in Firefox. Both function without issue in Safari.

    Hi... that explains the local part at least - bit nervous about mucking around with such things - but the http://artperth.com/01-artistsfilter.html is also returning blanks online - at my end at least. I had thought it might be a mac/firefox thing but then thought perhaps the online samples use a different set of files.

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    Is this usual ? Or is there a way to setup SecurityManager to behave 'nicely' ?
    Tony Seebregts

    Just spent about an hour playing around with various things and now it seems to have resolved itself. Odd... Marking this topic as answered now.

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    sometimes those that didn't show, will show and vice versa. if you select the grid option then all will show.
    all images are in either sRGB or RGB in the most part 8 bit, and all without layers or alpha channels.
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    any known issues with third party apps etc.
    any advice would be gratefully received
    thanks in advance.

    Just spent about an hour playing around with various things and now it seems to have resolved itself. Odd... Marking this topic as answered now.

  • Odd return behaviour

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    public class Oops {
         public static void main(String args[]){
    1:          String oops;
    2:          return;
    3:          System.out.println(oops);
    }we get compile error at 3 saying unreachable statement .. fair enough.
    now, consider this:
    public class Oops {
         public static void main(String args[]){
    1:          String oops;
    2:          if(true) return;
    3:          System.out.println(oops);
    }we have modified two and now there is no errors whats-so-ever.
    However, the odd behaviour hecomes obvious if we comment out line 2 where we will get "variable oops might not have been initialized." ... so it would seem that it can recognize that if(true) return; will not let the program reach 3 and hence doesn't care if oops is initialized but why don't we get a similiar error as in example one?

    I don't see anything bizarre about this question. What
    are you referring to?Perhaps 'bizarre' was a poor choice of words. It's just that I recall silkm posting a rather similar question before (a question about how the compiler/jvm handles thing rather than what API can one use to make foo.
    No, that's not a possibility. The JLS explains exactly
    why this behavior occurs:
    The reason that the second example compiles is so that
    you can have code that is conditionally compiled such
    as debugging statements. It's not bizarre at all, it's
    entirely pragmatic and practical.Yes, of course, makes sense. (Although the possibility of a compiler optimizing it out is flashed there.)

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