Odd Portal Entitlement Bug

If you create an entitlement segment with a name that contains numbers, e.g.
"Age30ES", then when you use the admin tool to associate the segment with a
portlet, then the entitlement segments table shows two separate
entitlements, one called "ES", and the other "Age3". Any attempts at
enforcing the entitlement, e.g. by granting 'can see' to both entitlements
in the list, fails - the portal just ignores the entitlement. This only
affects portlets, the entitlement segment can be correctly applied to pages.

Hi Stanley,
I verified this problem on Portal 4.0 and created an engineering change
request to get it fixed (CR088805). Is your problem with 4.0 or 7.0? If
you need a patch for this right away then please contact support and give
them this CR number and they will get engineering to work on it now and
support will send a patch to you.
Thanks for pointing this out.
Ture Hoefner
BEA Systems, Inc.
"Stanley Beamish" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]..
If you create an entitlement segment with a name that contains numbers,e.g.
"Age30ES", then when you use the admin tool to associate the segment witha
portlet, then the entitlement segments table shows two separate
entitlements, one called "ES", and the other "Age3". Any attempts at
enforcing the entitlement, e.g. by granting 'can see' to both entitlements
in the list, fails - the portal just ignores the entitlement. This only
affects portlets, the entitlement segment can be correctly applied topages.

Similar Messages

  • Portal entitlement SecurityException

    Hi all,
    I get an error while evaluating the portal entitlement. We modified de Subject by adding a new principal whith de next code:
    UserImpl principal = new UserImpl(userName);
    And this is de error.
    java.lang.SecurityException: [Security:090398]Invalid Subject: 46035
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityServiceManager.seal(SecurityServiceManager.java:697)
    at weblogic.security.service.RoleManager.getRoles(RoleManager.java:279)
    at com.bea.p13n.entitlements.Authorization.getRoles(Authorization.java:209)
    at com.bea.p13n.entitlements.Authorization.isAccessAllowed(Authorization.java:786)
    at com.bea.p13n.entitlements.Authorization.isAccessAllowed(Authorization.java:270)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.EntitledUIControl.isCapable(EntitledUIControl.java:166)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.WindowList.getEntitledWindows(WindowList.java:315)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.page.Page.notifyChildPortletsOfActivation(Page.java:510)
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    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.PortalServlet.doPost(PortalServlet.java:772)
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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
    at com.bea.p13n.servlets.PortalServletFilter.doFilter(PortalServletFilter.java:293)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:6987)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:3892)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2766)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:224)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:183)
    Please, anyone can help us?

    Thanks for replying.
    *We get the subject into a EJB:
    "Subject subject = Security.getCurrentSubject();"
    *We try to modify the Subject from the same EJB, and the Principal is created in the same EJB.
    *Yes, we use roles, defined using Portal's administration, to define entitlements.
    *The role, which is modifying the Subjest,is executing the EJB. We don't do anything to modify this role.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Is j2sdk-1_4_2_18-windows-amd64.exe rel with a FIX on Portal/SPNEGO Bug

    I am using j2sdk-1_4_2_17-windows-amd64.exe for my EP7.0 SP14.
    My SPNEGO is completed and the authentication is working fine. But the Portal Logon Page is coming when I am using the URL : http://PortalServername.Domain name/irj/portal.
    Found a note : 1057474 which says all JDK version 1.4.2_14 to 1.4.2_17 is having a Kerberos bug.
    My question here is should I install JDK 1.4.2_18 amd 64 ... and give a try or should downgrade back to 13 .... Will this impact my EP 7.0 SP 14 or any other application.
    Points will be awarded for any help.

    Got the Solution for the SPNEGO Bug Fixing :
    For any JDK Version simply add :
    isInitiator = false in your Visual Admin
    -->Security Provider -->com.sun.security.gss.accept -->Krb5LoginModule
    Parameter isInitiator and Value false. Save it and take a bounce of J2EE.

  • Portal Entitlements for user defined objects

    The UUP aggregates the user profile information from different backed data sources.
    One of the properties in the propertyset is a multivalued property. I populate
    this by the following code:
    PropertyMapKey propertyMapKeyM = new PropertyMapKeyImpl(null,"DA_Privilege");
    String str="LAB1_CAPLinks_ViewReports" + "," + "LAB1_CAPLinks_EditReports"; //hardcoded
    for testing
    (This code resides in the MyEntityPropertyManager)
    When I go to the portal administration screen, I do not see the values, it instead
    only gives me the object id of the java String array.
    Could someone please help me with the following questions:
    1. How do I populate the multivalued property ? I see in documentation that there
    is 2 different PropertyCache implementation......confused which one to use and
    2. Is there a way to define user defined objects in UUP and have portlets entitled
    to the state of the object ? (a custom entitlement code)
    3. Any sample code would be helpfull

    Thank You Greg. Now it works.
    Gregory Smith <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm not totally sure, but I would imagine you want to put a List of
    Strings into the propertyCache if the property is supposed to be
    multivalued text, e.g.:
    PropertyMapKey propertyMapKeyM = new PropertyMapKeyImpl(null,
    List strs = new ArrayList(2);
    propertyCache.put(propertyMapKeyM, strs);
    I know that all of the code that calls the UUP and property sets code
    expects a Collection back from a multivalued property (but I'm not sure
    about a UUP implementation).
    Udayraj Nair wrote:
    The UUP aggregates the user profile information from different backeddata sources.
    One of the properties in the propertyset is a multivalued property.I populate
    this by the following code:
    PropertyMapKey propertyMapKeyM = new PropertyMapKeyImpl(null,"DA_Privilege");
    String str="LAB1_CAPLinks_ViewReports" + "," + "LAB1_CAPLinks_EditReports";//hardcoded
    for testing
    (This code resides in the MyEntityPropertyManager)
    When I go to the portal administration screen, I do not see the values,it instead
    only gives me the object id of the java String array.
    Could someone please help me with the following questions:
    1. How do I populate the multivalued property ? I see in documentationthat there
    is 2 different PropertyCache implementation......confused which oneto use and
    2. Is there a way to define user defined objects in UUP and have portletsentitled
    to the state of the object ? (a custom entitlement code)
    3. Any sample code would be helpfull

  • Portal 10g Portal Search - Bug 3526715: doubled Perspektives

    1. I also run into bug 3526715: Perspective in customized Search portlet double, tripple, x-ipple.
    But, I cannot extract any solution from the note coming with bug 3526715 beside upgrading to Version - Is there any patch for
    2. Is Portal version already published?

    Portal9041 is available now for Solaris
    There is as yet no patch for 9040 for this bug

  • Odd desktop/display bug - how to reset user display settings?

    Greetings all,
    I woke up yesterday morning to a puzzling problem with my G5. I logged in and started working - and I needed to use the windows remote desktop client to shell into a machine at work. I noticed that the fonts looked sort of funny (randomly quished) so I logged out and then back in. Then I noticed that the problem was not in the RDC display, but in the display of my mac.
    This is sort of hard to describe w/out actually seeing it, but here goes...
    When I move my mouse across the desktop (or what ever apps I have open) and the mouse pointer moves across and invisible (yet perceptible) line on my screen real estate, my background, icons, parts of displayed apps and fonts "shift". This causes fonts in the affected are to get messed up and causes general display irritation. That's the best way I can describe it, it's sort of a "you have to see it" problem. I will also note that this problem did not arise after an update or a software install or weird crash. Just another day.
    So first I tried messing with my display settings (change resolution, color profiles, setting the background to a solid color, turning off screen saver). Rebooting. Nothing. Still there.
    So next I log into another account (the root account). Ah ha! No display problems! Tried creating another user-level account. No problems there either. Now we're getting somewhere - it's something that is effecting my main user account and not a problem with my monitor, video card or OS. That's good.
    So since then I've tried:
    - Grooming the disc that my home directory lives on with DiskWarrior.
    - Repaired permissions.
    - Deleting the contents of home/Library/Fonts in case it's some funky font rendering issue causing this.
    - Deleted the contents of home/Library/Preferences/MicroSoft to get any of its potential badness out of my life.
    - Scanning with FontDoctor looking for bad fonts.
    - Deleted my desktop and finder plist files.
    - General maintenance and cache cleaning (including the MS font cache) with Onyx.
    - Booting to Safe Mode.
    Nothing. The display problem persists afflicting that one user account. All other accounts (root, and a second user-level account residing on the same disc) are free of these problems even though they are all using the same display settings (monitor, resolution, color profiles, etc). And as already noted, this problem was not "brought on" by anything like an update, installation, preferences modification or fatal seeming crash of an app.
    So, my question to all you good people is: what am I missing, what might be causing this and what else can be scrubbed from that account (cache, plist files, etc etc) that might be harboring and causing this display bug? I would really rather solve this problem than go through the very very arduous task of moving all of my stuff to another account (an option, but a very unattractive one).
    I was not a mac user during the OS 9 days, but I remember my co-workers doing the "rebuilding the desktop" dance. I realize that this is no longer an issue, but I guess I'm looking for something like that. I need to remove any and everything from my user account that has anything to do with display and font rendering since it's obviously some setting lurking in that account causing the issue.
    I googled and searched the forums for this yesterday but could not come up with anything like it and all of the maintenance tasks I tried have not worked.
    Any ideas?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    What kind of G5 do you have? An iMac or a PowerMac?
    A PowerMac.
    If you own a PowerMac, you'd better take a look (o
    try with another one) at the DVI cable connecting the
    I did check my connections, but also, why would a faulty DVI cable only cause problems with a single user account and none of the others?
    If you want to reset the display settings, start in
    Safe Mode, and trash these files:
    If I were at home now, I would try and report back. But I'm not. I'll definitely give it a try as soon as I can. Thanks for the pointer!

  • Odd PC Firefox bug with video

    I have a strange issue that's only popping up with Firefox on
    a PC. If you click the following link it loads a video player that
    has a tabbed interface on top. As each video finishes playing it's
    supposed to switch to the next tab and then begin loading the next
    It all works just fine in IE, Safari and Firefox on the Mac,
    but on the PC in Firefox it just skips from tab to tab without
    letting the video play. It's like the browser is somehow forcing
    Flash to call the "complete" function early. (I'm using an
    eventListener object)
    Has anybody heard of any bugs or special Firefox behavior
    that would explain what's going on?

    First of all, thank you for the quick response.
    I believed first, that issue had something to do with the HTML-sizing of the output only.
    However, it appeared to me, that there must be an issue with the rendering, because embedded images (e.g. from powerpoint) are more or less correct in their appearance.
    Why I decided to ask is, because the above images are from the SAME video output without rendered NOT as HTML-scaled - but just with a different browser use and of course the same screen resolution, html docs etc.pp.
    Also, the error in Internet Explorer occurs with ALL rendered videos and with screen resolution set to later vid resolution as well...
    It is also likely, that the error affects only VIDEO output and not bitmaps.
    As far as I know, if recording screenvideos and demos, Captivate splits the output intelligently between Video (.mp4) and bitmaps.
    That is, why I point at an rendering error of whether IE or captivate.
    Did anyone have a similiar issue?

  • Entitlement Setting in 4.0 Portal Tools Keeps Blowing Up

    When we try to create an empty WLCS database (empty except for the required data),
    run an EBCC sync (to get all of the configuration files into the database, and
    then try to set page entitlements we get an exception.
    Any help would be appreciated as this has been happening for 2 days and is getting
    quite frustrating.
    The message is as follows:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (WLCS_TEST.FK1_SKIN_POOL)
    violated - parent key not found
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:168)
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(TTIoer.java:208)
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(Oall7.java:543)
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(TTC7Protocol.java:1405)
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(TTC7Protocol.java:822)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(OracleStatement.java:1446)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(OracleStatement.java:1371)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1900)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(OraclePreparedStatement.java:363)
    at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Statement.executeUpdate(Statement.java:503)
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.PreparedStatementImpl.executeUpdate(PreparedStatementImpl.java:66)
    at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(SerialPreparedStatement.java:57)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.persistence.jdbc.JdbcPersonalizationManager.createPortalP13nSkinPoolEntry(JdbcPersonalizationManager.java:383)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.persistence.jdbc.CachingPersonalizationManager.createPortalP13nSkinPoolEntry(CachingPersonalizationManager.java:222)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.persistence.jdbc.KeyCachingPersistenceManager.createPortalPersonalization(KeyCachingPersistenceManager.java:184)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.persistence.AbstractPersistenceManager.addPortalPersonalization(AbstractPersistenceManager.java:157)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.persistence.jdbc.UserCachingPersistenceManager.addPortalPersonalization(UserCachingPersistenceManager.java:340)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.internal.PortalManagerDelegateImpl.setMutablePortalPersonalization(PortalManagerDelegateImpl.java:384)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.ejb.internal.PortalManagerBean.setMutablePortalPersonalization(PortalManagerBean.java:99)
    at com.bea.portal.manager.ejb.internal.PortalManagerBean_w6xny9_EOImpl.setMutablePortalPersonalization(PortalManagerBean_w6xny9_EOImpl.java:37)
    at com.bea.portal.entitlement.util.EntitlementHelper.updatePageEntitledAttribute(EntitlementHelper.java:437)
    at com.bea.portal.entitlement.util.EntitlementHelper.setEntitlement(EntitlementHelper.java:368)
    at com.bea.portal.entitlement.servlets.jsp.taglib.SetDefaultEntitlementTag.doStartTag(SetDefaultEntitlementTag.java:144)
    at jsp_servlet._tools._portal.__set_page_ent_segments._jspService(__set_page_ent_segments.java:684)
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:265)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:200)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(RequestDispatcherImpl.java:241)
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.servlets.internal.WebflowServlet.doGet(WebflowServlet.java:167)
    at com.bea.p13n.appflow.webflow.servlets.internal.WebflowServlet.doPost(WebflowServlet.java:212)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:265)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:200)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:2495)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2204)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)

    You would need to have 64-bit DSN to install BO. during the installation the DSNs are created automatically. This is what you showed us in the images.
    Many client tools use both 32-bit / 64-bit drivers. This helps them to talk to CMS Db in right way. You were using a CMS Db connection to create Universes , crystal reports and webi reports. Please note these client tools retrieve data from Db's other than the CMS Db usually. It is not recommended and suggested to have data made out of CMS Db. You should use the audit Database to know about the activities happening within the server.
    good luck!!

  • BUG ??? BEA-420012 There was an error while running a lifecycle stage

    Currently I am working on BEA Portal 8 on Linux platform, but when I browsing
    my App, the server send me the next Error...
    <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <USER-LOGGED> <>
    <There was an error while running a lifecycle stage :: Lifecycle: UIControl.render
    :: for the control :: null ::.
    For portlet [nameportletPortlet_1],
    could not do page flow lookup for the given action [nameAction] in the given PageFlow:
    I repleace my current values for ...
    Is that a BEA Portal's BUG ???????
    thankX .....
    Francisco Perez

    Subbu ..
    Well, my portlet only call the begin action, all the other action are in the pageflow
    Francisco Perez
    Subbu Allamaraju <[email protected]> wrote:
    Could you also check if the actions specified while creating the portlet
    exist in the pageflow? It seems that the portal is unable to invoke
    the pageflow.
    Francisco Perez said the following on 11/12/2003 08:05 AM:
    Hello Subbu ...
    Yes, it is correct, all my pageflow woks stand-alone ..
    Do You have any idea ?
    thanX ...!!!
    Subbu Allamaraju <[email protected]> wrote:
    Could you check if your pageflow works stand-alone?
    Francisco Perez wrote:
    Currently I am working on BEA Portal 8 on Linux platform, but whenI browsing
    my App, the server send me the next Error...
    <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <USER-LOGGED><>
    <There was an error while running a lifecycle stage :: Lifecycle:
    :: for the control :: null ::.
    For portlet [nameportletPortlet_1],
    could not do page flow lookup for the given action [nameAction] inthe given PageFlow:
    I repleace my current values for ...
    Is that a BEA Portal's BUG ???????
    thankX .....
    Francisco Perez

  • LabVIEW 2010 in-placeness crash bug

    [cross-posted to LAVA]
    I found an odd LabVIEW 2010 bug that will cause a hard crash. The bug appears to be related to how LabVIEW operates on data in-place and some interaction between clusters, arrays, and the Aum Array Elements node. It's hard to describe verbally, so I'll just draw you a picture 
      LabVIEW 2010 CRASH.vi (16.56K) 

    No crash on my system: LV2010, W7 64-bit, Pentium E5200
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

  • PCR in Portal 6

    I have a simple question that is causing to me a big problem.
    Just to follow as an example : I have a STANDARD ISR/PCR Scenario : SPTR(Transfer), now, what are the "steps" to create another PCR based on "SPTR"?
    I tryed to create a copy from SPTR named ZPTR, then I have generated a .par file and uploaded to the PCD. I think that are missing something because when I click on the new PCR on the iView "Selection of Personnel Change Requests" I have the runtime error : "Internal error: null".
    Can anyone help me with thist issue with tips or documents?
    Tank you,
    Daniel Kiel
    ps. MSS 60.1

    Hello all,
    Two topics here:
    1: How to debug PCRs.
    2: Processing options for MSS PCRs.
    1 - Debugging JSPs:Unfortunately there is no way to debug the JSP form code itself - this is a painful result of JSP architecture in general as one would have to be able to debug the generated doContent() method from the JSP.  If a form is working, then after adding some more content, everything breaks suddenly and an odd portal dump occurs, chances are that the size limitation of the JSP has been reached.  Nothing to do other than cut out comments, get rid of whitespace, replace HTMLB with HTML,  etc.  Anything that reduces the size of the method which will produce the HTML output will help.
        Debugging the BAdI event loop.  Not sure how to do this in EP 6.  In EP 5, this was possible.  I have a mail into a colleague to find out how to do this in EP 6.  If there is a way, I will post it as a followup to this thread.
    2. Approval processing is handled via the jsp forms themselves with special buttons for approval actions.  Processing is handled in R/3 via SAP Business Workplace (SBWP).  If you define an ITS server for SAP_R3_HumanResources, your processor can also run IQS22 from the UWL, even though this is not the preferred option.
    Hope that helps,

  • Preview Management Portal displays subscriber name incorrectly

    The Preview Azure Managememt portal has bug when displaying the account owner name associated with Microsoft Account in the upper right hand corner. If the name contains the letter 'ä' (letter 'a' with two dots on it), the portal displays the said letter
    as three letter sequnce consisting of 1) letter 'i' with two dots on it, 2) upside down question mark and 3) letter '½'.

    Thank you for your valuable feedback over the New Azure Portal. We will update this to concerned team.
    Manu Rekhar

  • How to get entitlement role list

    How can I get the portal entitlement role list by API?
    If I use
    RolePolicyManager.listRolesForResource(String anEntAppName,
    String aWebAppName,
    String aResourceId)
    How can I specified the aResourceId such that the roles of entire portal will
    be retreived?
    Or it is just a wrong approach? Thx a lot!!

    I can get it by calling
    String str[] = RolePolicyManager.listRolesForResource(
    "Ken" <[email protected]> wrote:
    How can I get the portal entitlement role list by API?
    If I use
    RolePolicyManager.listRolesForResource(String anEntAppName,
    String aWebAppName,
    String aResourceId)
    How can I specified the aResourceId such that the roles of entire portal
    be retreived?
    Or it is just a wrong approach? Thx a lot!!

  • Portal Drive API

    Hi All,
    In the SAP Note 1113122 (Portal Drive: Bug fixes and new features with Patch 5) i read something about an Portal Drive API:
    Portal Drive now provides an API library for application developers.
    But how can I find a documentation about this API:
    Thanks in advance

    I recieved some comments through other channels.

  • Are Visitor Entitlement Roles == Scoped Roles

    I'm working on the security implementation for a WebLogic 8.1 Portal application.
    I've been doing some prototyping and am trying to determine where Visitor Entitlement
    roles are stored. Are these implemented as scoped roles from a WL platform viewpoint.
    I created two test roles for my portal and do not see any scoped roles under
    the application or the portal node in the WebLogic console.
    I'm trying to determine if these portal entitlement roles are/can be treated as
    weblogic platform roles and can be used in security annotations for an EJB or
    Java Control, and if they can be used for IsCallerInRole. I can create a security
    policy to protect the portal resource, but I'm looking for a way to apply the
    corresponding security in the business layer.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    The WLP roles are stored in the default role mapper provider. They are
    scoped roles, but only attachable to WLP resources (pages, portlets, etc.)
    and cannot be used to protect J2EE resources. The basic reason for this
    is because WLP roles can include custom predicates (date/time/profile
    attributes) that rely on layered product classes that the base application
    server is unaware of and cannot edit using the WLS console.
    In Service Pack 3, the WLP admin tools will allow the converse - that is,
    you'll be able to reference/use WLS global roles in WLP policies.
    Service Pack2 adds a new tag to the auth taglib which allows you to
    do a isUserInRole check against the WLP (and WLS) roles.
    "Jim Maycott" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I'm working on the security implementation for a WebLogic 8.1 Portalapplication.
    I've been doing some prototyping and am trying to determine where VisitorEntitlement
    roles are stored. Are these implemented as scoped roles from a WLplatform viewpoint.
    I created two test roles for my portal and do not see any scoped rolesunder
    the application or the portal node in the WebLogic console.
    I'm trying to determine if these portal entitlement roles are/can betreated as
    weblogic platform roles and can be used in security annotations for an EJBor
    Java Control, and if they can be used for IsCallerInRole. I can create asecurity
    policy to protect the portal resource, but I'm looking for a way to applythe
    corresponding security in the business layer.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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