Old Corel Clip Art

Blast from the past! Years ago I bought CorelDRAW 6 for the Mac (yes, the Mac). Of course, the software is hopelessly obsolete, but it came with a great clip art package. Some of the images are much better than what you'd expect. But they're in some weird format -- can't even see a file extension -- and the only program that I've ever been able to open them in is Illustrator 8. Even AI 9 wouldn't do it.
My old Mac with Classic still on it conked out. Does anyone have any idea how I could get these files to open in OS X?

Opened Inkscape on my Mac using their mickey mouse emulator X11.
When I tried to import the CMX I got this error notice:
Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed.  The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected.
You need to install the UniConvertor software.
For GNU/Linux: install the package python-uniconvertor.
For Windows: download it from http://sk1project.org/modules.php?name=Products&product=uniconvertor and install into your Inkscape's Python location.
Don't know what to do with that.

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    I have a two part question: In the old ClarisWorks, I used to be able to be able to save a graphic as an GIF file. With this I was able to have an invisible background. This would allow me to float an object over another. Is this still possible? I have tried to do this several different ways. The other part of my question is can I use the ClarisWorks Libraries from older versions in the AppleWorks 6?

    AppleWorks 6 does not support GIF. My understanding is that it was a licensing issue, but I've never heard for sure. AppleWorks 6 does support PNG, another format that supports transparency. I have found all versions of ClarisWorks & AppleWorks to be very inconsistent with transparency, even using formats such as .gif or .png saved with transparent backgrounds in another application. However, a few years ago I accidentally discovered that if an object is flipped or rotated in AppleWorks, the background will become transparent. The object doesn't even have to be .gif or .png & have transparency.
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    You can use Libraries from ClarisWorks & AppleWorks 5 in AppleWorks 6. Knowlege Base article 31200 explains how.

  • Clip Art Suggestions?

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    I would like to find a clip art package that has decent, Macintosh-friendly file names to help with searching. With CoverFlow in Leopard, I don't need any previews, thumnails, or catalog programs. Having image metadata searchable via spotlight would be ideal, but I would be happy with file names better than TECHNOLOGY11.JPG, TECHNOLOGY12.JPG, etc.
    I don't really want to use the online services because I like to have things local. I don't mind paying for it. I would buy Art Explosion 750000 if I were happy with my old Art Explosion 500000 (or whatever I have).

    Thank you.  Thats what I am talking about.  Except the collection I had seen at the printer's place, years ago, had a variety of subjects in each catalogue he had there.  At $200 dollars per subject listed here, I think I'd better look up this printer, and find out what the names of the collections they had there.  I hope I can get one of those collections for the two hundred or less. 
    From what I figure, clip art has been around for a century or more, used by newspapers and magazines for articles and advertisements.  Some of the clip art that I had seen in those collections looked like they could have been created by artists back in the 1920s or earlier.

  • CS3 w/Vista and My Clip Art Collection

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    Not only does WMF not support CMYK (no big deal in this day an age)
    there's no apparent support for bezier curves, either.
    So, anything that looks like it has curves really has lots of little
    straight line segments. If you scale it up, you wind up with the same
    problem you have with raster images.
    FWIW, the only program I've found that does a good job of creating WMFs
    is CorelDRAW. Illustrator's capabilities there are awful unless I
    haven't been able to find some settings for smoothing out the curves.
    Circles usually wind up looking like octagons.

  • How can I get clip art on Pages like MS Word has?

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    Pages will use any old graphics, of which there are bucket loads on the internet.
    You just drag, paste or import it or bring it in via the Media Browser:
    Menu > View > Show Media Browser
    If you want WordArt then you will need to create that in another program and bring it in.

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    Is ArtExplosion compatible with Leopard? You should check with the manufacturer.

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    Sort of.  There is an app called art shop that gives you a place to park clip art.   But I don't think you really need it. 
    If you have a collection of clip art you want available, move it to the camera roll on your pad/ phone, then copy paste into your document the clip you want.
    You can get them into the camaera roll by putting them in a single event in your picture library and syncing them over,  or e mail them to your self, and save to the camera roll, or send them to drop box, and bring them down that way.
    The challenge is getting them all in one place to make it easy for you to find, which is why syncing might be the best approach in the long run.
    As near as I can tell there is not a ready made clip art collection in app format laying around.

  • How to make a clip art (diagram )interactive report?

    Hello ABAPers,
                           I want help from you. I have a requirement like ..when i am excuteing a report i should get a clip art and the clipart which i got i have to double click on it there by i should get the details of that clip art. I have succeed till getting the clip art and from here i am not getting the idea how to make the clipart(diagram) active so tht when i am doubleing it i should get the details.
    The code that i am using to get the clip art just copy and execute you will get the output till clipart.
    *& Report  ZCLIPART_IR                                                 *
    START OF DO NOT CHANGE***********************************
    DATA: docking TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
          picture_control_1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture,
          url(256) TYPE c .
    DATA: query_table LIKE w3query OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          html_table LIKE w3html OCCURS 1,
          return_code LIKE  w3param-ret_code,
          content_type LIKE  w3param-cont_type,
          content_length LIKE  w3param-cont_len,
          pic_data LIKE w3mime OCCURS 0,
          pic_size TYPE i.
    END OF DO NOT CHANGE***********************
    DATA : sum(4) , num1(4) , num2(4).
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy(4) DEFAULT '4' .
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy1(4) DEFAULT '5' .
      PERFORM show_pic.
    *& Form show_pic
    FORM show_pic.
       DATA: repid LIKE sy-repid.
             repid = sy-repid.
      CREATE OBJECT picture_control_1 EXPORTING parent = docking.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_3d_border
          border = 5.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_display_mode
          display_mode = cl_gui_picture=>display_mode_stretch.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_position
          height = 50
          left   = 40
          top    = 30
          width  = 190.
    IF url IS INITIAL.
    REFRESH query_table.
        query_table-name  = '_OBJECT_ID'.
        query_table-value = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
        APPEND query_table.
            query_string        = query_table
            html                = html_table
            mime                = pic_data
            return_code         = return_code
            content_type        = content_type
            content_length      = content_length
            object_not_found    = 1
            parameter_not_found = 2
            OTHERS              = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
            type     = 'image'
            subtype  = cndp_sap_tab_unknown
            size     = pic_size
            lifetime = cndp_lifetime_transaction
            data     = pic_data
            url      = url
            OTHERS   = 1.
            CALL METHOD picture_control_1->load_picture_from_url
          url = url.
    Thks and waiting for your replies.

    Hi ataran,
    in case, your version of iMovie is able to import the footage, have a read here:

  • Is there a way to remove the white background from clip art

    Is there a way to remove the white background from clip art?

    And replace it with what? transparency? You'll need to work in a format that supports that like png or psd. So you'll need a good editor too.

  • When saving a document as a PDF for printing, I lose pages, clip art, and my orginal format. Help!

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    In the "Feature Tutorials/Help" linked from the top of the main page of the Forums: Feature Tutorials / Help
    There is a Tutorial on "Creating and distributing fillable PDF Forms": Tutorial: Creating and distributing fillable PDF forms
    The main thing to look at is the "View" setting and for PDF set it to "Page View", the page breaks you define in Page View will be used in the PDF, there are also "implicit" page breaks added automatically based on the page size.
    For the issue with clip art see this FAQ: Image does not show up in PDF 

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Clip Art/Graphics

    I am taking an on-line digital scrapbooking class at my local community college.  We are using Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.  I have been trying to get help so that I am able to see the clip art that my class is using.  Yesterday before I uninstalled and then reinstalled my software, I could see the clip art/graphics but the ones with a blue triangle in the upper right corner would not upload.  My internet is working properly since I was on-line for my class.
    After reinstalling my software, all the clip art/graphics are useable, but I do not have the collection like before.
    Please can someone help me so I can keep up with my class.  Thank you in advance for any help that comes my way.
    Thank you again,

    Barbara, thank you very much. I really miss it. I have tested jalbum. It's great.
    PSE 12 should also offer something like this.

  • Inserting Clip Art In A Pages 09 Document

    How do you insert clip art in to a Pages 09 document? I am new to iWork after using Appleworks for many years. I have many CDs of Nova Art Explosion Clip Art that I want to use in my documents. I can not seem to find any information on how to insert clip art. All help greatly appreciated.

    Just to let you know Pages does not use .wmf and .pict is mostly history now.
    *The main formats that Pages will use are:*
    .jpeg, jpeg2000, .tif, .png, .gif, .pdf and .ai saved with .pdf preview.
    Of the *Nova Art Explosion Clip Art* the most useful will be the vector .eps files which Pages will convert to .pdf when imported.
    *Best is to open and convert the .eps clipart in Preview*
    Which does several things:
    1. It converts them to .pdf
    2. It converts them to color managed cmyk
    3. It shrinks the image selection to the image's bounding box ie gets rid of all the background and only selects the image.
    4. As long as there is no opaque background drawn as part of the clipart, you will have a transparent background.
    5. It will save the file as a very small .pdf file
    6. The pdf file will be viewable in Finder on the *Icon Preview* or in CoverFlow, also when you view it in your *Open dialog box*.
    *There are 4 ways to import the clipart*
    1. Drag and drop it into Pages from Finder.
    If you drop it into text it will become an inline graphic and act as it it was a character in the text, moving with the text.
    If you drop it on a non-text area it will create its own image box and fill it.
    If you drag it onto an image placeholder box it will either neatly fit into the image box or be cropped, however the box has been set-up.
    2. You can use +Menu > Import > Choose… > browse to image > select > OK+ This will drop the image into the middle of your page view at its original size in its own image box.
    3. You can make a collection of clipart in a named folder then drag that folder into the top pane of the Media Browser:
    +Menu > View > Show Media Browser > Photos+
    When you click on the folder in the Media Browser the contents will be displayed in the preview window underneath from where they can be dragged into the Pages layout or onto image boxes.
    4. Pages has something called Shapes which you can add by going to the Shapes menu on the window Toolbar. These are native Pages drawings. They can be scaled, colored and contain text or images which are cropped by the shape.
    Right at the bottom of the Shapes menu is a pen tool which lets you draw your own shapes, however it is one of the worst drawing tools I have encountered on the Mac.
    Shapes can be imported from .svg files. .svg is an open vector or vector + bitmap file format readable directly in most *Web Browsers*. Unfortunately they are not directly supported in Pages, but they can be imported using svg2key into Keynote as shapes, from where they can be cut and pasted into Pages.
    OmniGraffle has sets of clipart called Stencils, these can be cut and pasted into Keynote and possibly into Pages, but requires you to have a copy of OmniGraffle on your machine.
    A great deal of commercial and free clipart is available on the Net, much of it substantially better than the crude, cheap looking Nova material which was mostly "sourced" from PC clipart nad has that sort of style and color palette.
    ClipArt can be very good and can be very bad, make sure you select the appropriate style and format for your work. You can scour through the Nova collection for the few good examples and make your own selection converted to useful formats such as .pdf and keep them in labelled folders which you can then select from previews using large *Icon View* or CoverFlow in Finder.
    You can also copy and paste clipart from AppleWorks.

  • How do I create a 12" x 48" banner & not have my clip art pixelate?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to this, so thank you for your patients.
    We have a Konica Minolta Bizhub 353 printer that does 48" x 12" indoor banners.
    We have been using Microsoft Powerpoint to create the banners.
    The clip art we use either as a background or as a top graphic looks great on our computer screen in the design stage, but when we print it in the full 48" x 12" size, it pixelates badly.
    I understand most of the art is in raster rather than vector.
    Will pruducing the banners in Adobe Illustrator fix this problem?
    Thanks for any help.

    Will pruducing the banners in Adobe Illustrator fix this problem?
    No. Raster images are raster images and will always be bound by the restrictions of pixels.
    The only way to correct your issue is to use different clip art which is at a higher resolution (PPI) or which is vector. Simply switching to Illustrator and maintaining your current workflow, will not improve anything.

  • Clip art in Photoshop elements 9

    I just purchased Photoshop Elements 9, I was working with the trial for a few weeks and had to have it. I am new to this software but I am learning pretty quickly; I am designing a book cover for my wife using a photo I took and wanted to know if you can insert a clip art image. I am trying to add an image of angel wings to the photo. I have already added a new text layer and want to place the wings underneath the text, Any help with this would be great.
    Thanks again.

    1) Open your main image in the Editor window and add text - you will have two layers in the layers pallet.
    2) Open your angel image (File >Open then browse to image)
    3) With both images in the project bin double click the main image to place it back in the Editor window.
    4) Click the angel image in the project bin and drag it up into the main editor window - this will create a third layer.
    5) Select the hand tool and hold down shift and drag the corner handles of the bounding box to re-size the angel image then move to position by dragging.
    6) Save as a PSD or for jpeg Click layer >Flatten image >Save As.

  • I want to know how to save photos and clip art to my photo libary.

    I want to save different photos and clip art (non-copyrighted) to my desktop photo library. I do not know how to do this. Can someone help me?

    When you see the image you want, right click on it and say '''Save Image As'''. In the box that pops up, navigate to the folder you want to save it as, and click '''Save'''

Maybe you are looking for